How long should the refrigerator run when first turned on and what is the operating cycle?

When purchasing a new refrigerator, the store offers delivery and installation services. Some owners choose to install it themselves. To do this, it is not enough to place the refrigerator in its designated place and plug it into the outlet. Before the first boot, you need to set the temperature correctly and make sure that the cycle of turning the motor on and off is normal.

Installing correctly

You need to choose the right place for the refrigerator after transportation. Improper installation may result in excessive power consumption during operation or even failure.

When installing, you need to pay attention to how the refrigerator should work correctly:

  1. You need to pay attention to the quality of the floor surface. It should be smooth.
  2. The refrigerator must be placed so that it cannot swing during operation. Its position is adjusted by correctly installing the legs, slightly twisting or unscrewing them as needed. Otherwise, each cycle of operation of the refrigerator will be accompanied by vibration and rattling.
  3. It is installed strictly vertically or with a slight tilt back. In the latter case, closing the door will occur with less effort. If the door is accidentally left ajar, it will close on its own under its own weight.
  4. You should not install the refrigerator in rooms that are not heated. Sudden changes in temperature, exposure to direct sunlight. Precipitation will have a detrimental effect on the condition of the equipment. How often it will break depends on the correct installation.
  5. When the device is placed in its intended place, you need to remove everything unnecessary from it: unnecessary items, remnants of packaging, pieces of paper, and others.
  6. Equipment must be washed before use. It is not recommended to use household chemicals. If traces of them remain, during operation they may get on the products contained inside. If there is a strong foreign odor, it is recommended to rinse with a sponge soaked in a mixture of water and vinegar. After washing, wipe it with a clean dry cloth.

Immediately after delivery, upon unpacking, the equipment is checked for damage inside and outside. Then install the shelves and drawers that will be necessary for work. Determine what his readiness for work is.

First start

Before connecting the equipment to the electrical network, you should set the temperature parameters. The refrigerator is controlled by an electromechanical rotary regulator with a temperature scale. Models of the No Frost series use an electronic corrector with buttons and signal indicators; on some models there is a liquid crystal display that displays the temperature and displays error codes. Modifications with two compressors are equipped with separate temperature indications for the chambers.

By default, the temperature controls are set to the middle position; if the user does not intend to load the chamber with products, then the setting should not be changed. It takes up to 20-24 hours for the equipment to cool down to operating temperature upon first start-up. After connecting the refrigeration unit to the network, the compressor is activated, which begins to pump refrigerant through the refrigeration circuit. If the user disconnects the plug, reconnection to the electrical circuit is allowed after 5-7 minutes.

First connection to the power grid

To know how to turn on the refrigerator, you need to understand the basic principles of operation of the device:

  1. Inside it there is not only space for loading products, but also a motor that ensures their cooling.
  2. The main elements of the cooling system are the motor, compressor and refrigerant. Freon is used as the latter in most cases.
  3. Freon can be inside the system in the form of a liquid or gas. Absorbing heat, it turns into gaseous form.
  4. The compressor compresses the refrigerant. As a result, freon releases heat into the surrounding space every cycle of operation of the refrigerator.
  5. The motor ensures the operation of the compressor, which contains machine oil inside.

If the first launch occurs immediately after installation, then the following happens. When transported in an inclined position or on its side, the oil from the compressor is mixed with freon. This mixture has less compressibility. As a result, the motor will run continuously. Each refrigerator operation cycle will take place with minimal interruption. This will first lead to overload and then to failure. If the refrigerator sits for several hours, the oil and freon will separate and take their place, and the refrigerator will be ready for use. This is why it is not recommended to turn on the refrigerator immediately after purchase.

How your new refrigerator will work depends on the quality and stability of the power supply. A voltage drop in the network or sudden surges cannot be ruled out. They can be avoided if the refrigerator is connected to the network through a stabilizer. In this case, the refrigerator will receive stable power supply even with sudden voltage changes.

Modern refrigerators are low-power. There is no need to buy an expensive stabilizer for them. By installing it after delivery, the owner will protect the equipment from possible breakdowns due to faulty operation of the electrical network. Whether it can be avoided depends on the quality of the electrical network.

If several electrical appliances are powered from the outlet, it is better to use a surge protector for connection, which will protect the refrigerator from overload. The refrigerator must be connected to an outlet that has a ground connection.

When connecting for the first time, it is not recommended to place food inside immediately. The refrigerator gets cold during several hours of idling. During this time he must rest. Depending on the model and the initial settings used, this will take from 5 hours to a day. Each cycle of operation of the refrigerator will take place virtually without additional load.

It is better to load the refrigerator with products gradually. If you immediately load it completely, sudden changes can negatively affect the electronics that control operation. In this case, the refrigerator’s operating cycle will be subject to increased load.

When turning on the refrigerator for the first time, it is recommended to use the minimum temperature setting. Activating fast freezing at this time is not recommended. After a few hours, when the operating mode is established, food gradually begins to be loaded into the refrigerator. At first, it is important that the device operates without overload, gradually entering the operating mode, and the cyclicity must be correct. Do not place heated food inside. Before placing it inside, you need to wait for it to cool to at least room temperature.

After the refrigerator has just been brought into the house, you cannot turn on the refrigerator for the first time right away. The empty refrigerator should stand for 2-3 hours. This is due to the following circumstance. Before starting to work, the oil inside the system must drain and the refrigerant must be evenly distributed throughout the refrigeration system. If transportation was carried out in frosty weather, then you need to wait some more time. The refrigerator must be turned on frequently in cases where it cannot provide sufficient cooling.

During delivery, equipment may be in a horizontal position and subject to shaking. Installation in the normal position allows the refrigerator to return to the normal state necessary for high-quality and reliable operation. In cold weather, the break before turning on should be several hours longer than in the warm season.

Typically, the time during which it is not recommended to turn it on for the first time is indicated in the operating instructions in the section that describes the operating mode of the refrigerator.

If immediately after delivery you load the refrigerator with a large amount of meat, especially warm meat, it will often turn on. This leads not only to increased energy consumption, but also to increased wear.


There is no need to rush to connect the refrigerator to the network immediately after purchasing it. To begin with, you should let it stand for 3-4 hours so that all parts of the device can take on the ambient temperature. During this time, you can install and clean the device, and after that you can connect it to the outlet. Be sure to take into account the connection features specified in the instructions for a particular model. Failure to comply with them may cause serious damage during the warranty period, but the case will not be considered as an indication for free repair.

Video: Unpacking, installing and turning on the refrigerator for the first time

Unpacking, installation and first use of the refrigerator

Watch this video on YouTube

Video: How to CORRECTLY install a refrigerator and washing machine

How to CORRECTLY install a refrigerator and washing machine

Watch this video on YouTube

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Purchase and transportation

IMPORTANT! Taking care of your refrigerator should begin not from the moment the equipment is delivered to your home, but even in the store. It is necessary to examine the refrigerator for damage. To do this, you need to carefully examine it inside and out. The package must include everything necessary for its proper operation.

You need to check the presence of the necessary shelves, the mechanism for opening and closing the refrigerator door. During transportation, it is advisable to ensure a vertical position. The deviation can be no more than 40 degrees. When transporting in the cold season, they try to minimize the presence of the refrigerator outside.

Useful tips

Upon delivery, representatives of some organizations may ask you to turn on the equipment to check for consistency. Refuse, citing the fact that the serviceability of the equipment was confirmed upon purchase. You can take note of the experience of specialists in installing and repairing refrigerators: the front legs are adjusted in height a little more than the rear ones. This allows the door to adhere more tightly and effortlessly to the seal. Be sure to close all containers with liquids inside the chamber with lids: this will prevent the formation of an ice coat on the back wall.

First connection after defrosting

During operation, it is necessary to defrost the refrigerator. This must be done in order to remove ice that has accumulated inside, normalize the operation of the device, and extend its service life.

When determining how long the refrigerator should run when first turned on, you need to take into account that it must cool completely.

ATTENTION! First you need to turn off the refrigerator. Before carrying out the procedure, all products are removed. A container is placed inside into which water from melting ice will flow. A rag is spread on the floor to collect spilled water.

It is prohibited to place containers with hot or warm water inside to speed up the thawing of ice. Do not attempt to remove ice using mechanical force. If this is done, damage to the walls may occur. We must wait until the ice begins to melt on its own. After defrosting, wipe the refrigerator with a dry cloth.

After completing the procedure, the device is given time to dry, then plugged in. How long after you can turn on the refrigerator depends on the cooling efficiency. 2-3 hours after defrosting, the desired temperature will be established inside and it will be ready to load food. It is recommended to do this gradually: first load a small part of the products, then gradually increase their quantity.

The first turn on after defrosting is faster compared to how the equipment is prepared after purchase. This is because the refrigerator is already in working condition and requires minimal precautions to operate it. How long you should run your refrigerator when you first turn it on depends on when it has completely cooled down.

Review of existing models

The company produces household refrigerators and freezers, varying in volume and technical capabilities. Popular types are two-chamber home refrigerators with a freezer. Let's take a closer look at their characteristics.

Double chamber with freezer below

This series is divided into refrigerators with one and two compressors of various widths. And also refrigerators with an automatic defrosting system FULL NO FROST.

Single compressorWidth 54 cmCompact model for small kitchens, has three freezer compartments
Width 60 cmStandard width models in various designs
Two-compressorWidth 60 cmStandard width models in various designs
Width 70 cmSpacious model with reduced sound power level
FULL NO FROSTWidth 60 cmSingle-compressor refrigerator with multi-flow cold air circulation system
Width 70 cmSpacious single-compressor refrigerator with multi-flow cold air circulation system

All models have energy efficiency class A or A+.

Double chamber with freezer at the top

This series has a significantly smaller assortment, but it also allows you to choose the model you need in appearance. This includes two-chamber single-compressor refrigerators 60 cm wide with energy efficiency class A.

REFERENCE! Two-chamber refrigerators are the most common and purchased models. However, the manufacturer also produces other versions of this household appliance. Small and compact devices for a small kitchen, single-chamber models, built-in refrigerator.


This section presents one model. This is a single-compressor, two-chamber refrigerator. Energy efficiency class A, low noise level. The freezer is located at the bottom and consists of three compartments.

Single chamber

These compact, low-rise models are available in two versions: with and without a freezer. Both types have a high energy efficiency class and a spacious refrigerator compartment. Suitable for a small family and will fit into any space. In terms of technical characteristics, they are not inferior to two-chamber models.


Mini models are only 85 cm high and have a refrigerator volume of 92 liters. There are models with and without a freezer. Energy efficiency class A+. Users will appreciate their compactness and functionality. Suitable for office, cottage, individual use.

What is the cycle of operation of a switched on refrigerator?

During operation, the motor switches on and off cyclically. It turns on when the internal temperature is insufficient. How long after the refrigerator should turn off depends on the rate at which the temperature rises. The ratio of operating time to the entire time period is called the operating time ratio. The higher it is, the greater the energy consumption of the refrigerator. It should turn on and cool every time the temperature needs to be lowered.

To properly configure an empty refrigerator, set the parameters of the on and off cycle, you need to set the required values ​​on the temperature controller.

It must be taken into account that the operation of the motor is controlled by the actual temperature inside the container. If it is loaded with food, it has an additional cooling effect and leads to less frequent engine starts. It will turn off immediately after reaching the desired temperature. How long the refrigerator should work is determined by. How quickly will it reach the desired temperature?

In most cases, the value of the cyclicity coefficient is approximately 0.5. In such cases, the periods of time when the motor is turned on and off are approximately the same in duration. How long the motor will work in a particular case depends on the characteristics of the model. After what time the refrigerator should turn off depends on the correct operating conditions.

Temperature adjustment

Most modern refrigerators are equipped with electric regulators and temperature modes in the Atlant refrigerator are switched using buttons installed on the facade of the refrigerator and an LCD screen. But there are also models on sale that are equipped with a graduated wheel.

Two-chamber refrigerator models operating on one compressor do not have the ability to adjust the temperature in both chambers separately. Only a general decrease or increase in temperature is possible.

In two-compressor refrigerators, the temperature mode is set by an electrical control button. Usually there is a screen installed on the facade that shows the temperature in the chambers. The mode can be changed by pressing the “+” and “-“ buttons.

Usual Precautions

Manufacturers of refrigeration equipment, in the instructions for handling their products, give advice on the operating mode of the device and the rules for placing products in it. But users, neglecting these tips, “ruin” their equipment themselves and create conditions for rapid food spoilage.

When using a refrigerator, you should distinguish between devices with No frost and conventional “drip” cooling - the storage conditions for food in them differ due to different levels of humidity. Therefore, what cannot be stored in an old type of refrigerator will “last” much longer in a modern one with a dry internal environment.


Before releasing the movers and installing the refrigerator, check the package contents, re-read the warranty card and check the functionality. Only after making sure that all components are available, that the warranty is filled out correctly and that the equipment is in good working order, let the store representatives go. If something goes wrong, make a claim on the spot and in fact, otherwise it will be difficult to prove something later.

Installation requirements:

  • The room humidity should be no higher than 80%. If you have nothing to measure humidity with, pay attention to the walls, floor and ceiling of the kitchen - if you notice condensation, the humidity is too high.
  • Provide adequate ventilation. If you find problems, contact the Housing Office to clean the ventilation ducts.
  • Choose the coolest place in the kitchen.

Pay attention to the climate class indicated on the information sticker. Read more about climate classes and the conditions for installing a refrigerator in accordance with them in a separate publication.

Are you planning to install 2 refrigerators at once or place a freezer next to each other? Do not place them close to each other - ensure a distance of at least 2 cm.

Also follow the rules for connecting to the electrical network:

  • Correlate the equipment parameters with the electrical network parameters. If it operates with a voltage of 220 V, connect to a two-phase power supply, 380 V to a three-phase power supply.
  • Connect to a grounded outlet to ensure safe operation. It wouldn’t hurt to install a circuit breaker to protect equipment from power surges.

  • Do not use extension cords, carriers or adapters - connection is only permissible into a fixed outlet in the wall.

How to properly place equipment

Proper installation of a new household refrigerator requires complete isolation from heaters and radiators. Install it in a cool and well-ventilated area. Also do not place near gas stoves or electric stoves. Experts also do not recommend placing them near southern windows, through which direct sunlight will penetrate the body every day. Oddly enough, the best place for installation is with a draft.

If the temperature of the kitchen space increases due to “warm” floors, choose a location in an inactive area. Or take into account in advance when installing such a floor that electrical appliances will be installed on it.

What are the dangers of constantly placing a refrigerator in warm areas? This will cause the compressor to run continuously due to the constant circulation of warm air around the housing. Uninterrupted operation of the motor will significantly reduce the service life of both it and the electrical appliance.

Cleaning the cells

Refrigerators of any brand need care: Atlant, Veko, Nord, Bosch and others. Moreover, you need to take care of both old and newly purchased ones. Internal surfaces can be washed with a weak solution of baking soda or chemical detergents without abrasive particles.

Important! After washing, you need to ventilate the equipment with the door open for at least 24 hours.

Do not neglect external cleaning either, but be careful: the coating should not be rubbed with pipe cleaners and brushes, as well as aggressive detergents. Soak a sponge in a soda solution and treat handles, plastic parts, seals, walls and other areas. Wash stainless steel surfaces especially carefully: it is best to buy a special product for treating stainless steel surfaces so as not to damage them.

Even if you bought a refrigerator with NoFrost technology, this does not mean that you will not have to clean it. Light wet cleaning is recommended to be done monthly. Your diligence will protect the cameras from odors and contamination.

Can I use fragrances and fresheners? See for yourself: if you are satisfied with the chemical smell of food, you can hang “Christmas trees” in the cells. But it is better to pay attention to special absorbents that will eliminate unpleasant “odors” and will not mask them due to chemical components.

Attention! As soon as you notice that the chamber smells unpleasant, sort out the food. If you don't find anything rotten or spoiled, check the drainage hole. If the drain pipe is clogged, it needs cleaning.

Cleaning the back wall is necessary not so much for hygienic reasons, but for reasons of economy. Cleaning the condenser (the metal grill on the back of the cabinet) will prevent excess energy consumption. You can remove dust from the grill with a sponge, a damp cloth or a vacuum cleaner with a fine attachment.

Important! Proceed carefully to avoid damaging parts. Before manipulating the housing, disconnect the electrical appliance from the electricity supply.

DIY Electronics

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