How to properly care for the matte white facade of a kitchen unit

Mustard powder

Mustard powder will help clean furniture and kitchen appliances from grease deposits:

  1. Wipe contaminated areas with a soft, damp cloth.
  2. Sprinkle mustard powder generously over the oily areas and leave for a couple of minutes.
  3. Wipe the surfaces with a clean napkin, removing mustard, grease, soot and soot.

Using mustard powder you can clean the refrigerator, electric stove, and cabinet fronts. However, this method is not suitable for wooden surfaces.

Removing grease stains and dirt with vinegar solution

A solution of warm water and vinegar in equal proportions is suitable for any surface except natural wood. Warm vinegar water can be applied to the contaminated surface with a sponge or spray bottle. After cleaning the surface from dirt, wipe it with a dampened, then dry soft cloth. You should not clean kitchen furniture more often than once a quarter.

How to clean grease from kitchen utensils at home

Keeping the kitchen clean is one of the main tasks of housewives, so the question of how to clean grease from kitchen furniture at home is always relevant. Home and professional remedies will help clean surfaces and restore their freshness. However, in order not to damage the headset, it is important to know what material it is made of and take into account the features of caring for it.

The article contains useful tips and effective methods that will help remove grease from glossy, plastic and wooden furniture in the kitchen.

How to care for a matte surface

To keep your kitchen looking fresh and attractive longer, you need to keep it clean. The rules for caring for matte surfaces directly depend on the base material. There are also several general recommendations, following which you can extend the life of your kitchen set. The list of the most important tips for caring for matte facades is as follows:

  • Do not use abrasive or alcohol-containing detergents. The former contribute to the appearance of visible defects; thanks to the latter, the color of surfaces noticeably fades;
  • Do not use sponges and brushes. These tools are too rough for matte panels. Furniture should be washed with soft cloths or microfiber products. Some housewives successfully use paper towels and napkins;
  • if we are talking about a matte set made of natural wood, you can use a steam generator to care for it;
  • Despite the practicality of muted tones, you should not make the room too busy. Some base materials have a porous structure and are well saturated with fat and food coloring. It will be very difficult to remove such stains without damaging the furniture;
  • After cleaning, all washed surfaces should be wiped dry. This simple action will extend the life of the base material of the matte headset.

How to remove grease stains

If you cook on the stove, then oil splashes will inevitably fall on the countertop, wall panels and facades. A water solution of liquid detergent helps to clean matte kitchen facades from greasy stains.

  • Add a few drops of shampoo or gel to a container of water and stir thoroughly;
  • Apply the composition and see how the stains behave;
  • Make sure surfaces are clean and dry with a soft cloth.

It's not just grease stains that remain on kitchen furniture. Stains left by:

  • splashes of water;
  • tea and coffee;
  • red wine;
  • turmeric;
  • beet and tomato juice;
  • juices from berries;
  • tobacco smoke.

Traces are especially noticeable on light-colored facades and countertops; if quickly detected, they can be easily washed off with water. Over time, they eat into the surface, and to remove them requires special means and time. In such cases, it is better and safer to use an alcohol solution.

How to care for MDF furniture in the kitchen

To preserve the beauty of the kitchen, proper care of MDF furniture plays an important role. It usually comes down to preventing the formation of persistent contaminants.

It will be easier to maintain cleanliness if you follow these rules:

  • Keep paper towels handy and immediately clean up spills and spills.
  • Use separate sponges and rags for dishes and furniture.
  • Carry out general cleaning once a month so that the grease does not turn into stubborn plaque that is difficult to remove.

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Regular use of these recommendations for caring for your kitchen set will help keep it in the best condition, and will also save time, money and effort on cleaning complex stains.

Benefits of a matte kitchen

Let's look at the advantages of matte facades, which allow them to be leaders in the kitchen furniture segment:

  • elegant and noble appearance, the ability to choose furniture to suit any interior style;
  • ease of maintenance - dirt and fingerprints are less noticeable on matte surfaces than on glossy ones. The matte façade is easier to clean;
  • scratches are less noticeable (compared to glossy kitchens);
  • wide selection of manufacturing materials;
  • absence of glare typical of glossy surfaces.

However, matte facades also have some disadvantages. This is a less narrow palette of colors than glossy surfaces. In addition, matte surfaces do not fit into all modern interiors.

Pollution prevention

To avoid having to make excessive efforts to clean the kitchen and remove old grease, follow these simple recommendations:

  1. Use a hood when cooking.
  2. Wipe surfaces daily with a damp sponge soaked in a detergent solution.
  3. Do not use hard sponges, metal brushes or other abrasive materials and substances to wash facades.
  4. Polish glossy and wooden surfaces well several times a week. Also, remember that some cleaners leave unsightly marks on polished surfaces, so be careful when choosing them.

We suggest you familiarize yourself with How to clean grease from a stove

Home methods and professional products will help you remove fat deposits from kitchen surfaces. Before cleaning, make sure that the chosen method will not damage the material of the headset.

Safe products and tools

A melamine eraser sponge works well to remove greasy deposits from furniture.
When trying to clean an MDF kitchen set, even from old deposits, you should not use abrasive or aggressive substances. They will damage the delicate surface. The following tools are prohibited for cleaning:

  • hard brushes;
  • metal scourers;
  • sponges made of hard material;
  • hard scrapers;
  • rough rags.

Compliance with this rule will help prevent the appearance of scratches and roughness, which will irrevocably spoil the appearance of glossy facades.

It is better to use an old rag or soft washcloth. Positively proven in gentle cleaning:

  • microfiber products;
  • silicone scrapers;
  • melamine sponge;
  • paper towels;
  • cotton swabs and disks.

A careful approach to choosing tools for washing and removing dirt will eliminate unpleasant consequences and preserve the beauty and newness of the cabinets.

Safe chemicals for washing MDF furniture

Among household chemicals, Mr Muscle is best suited for kitchen furniture.
To begin with, you can try to remove dirt with products that you already have in your household: dishwashing gel or glass cleaning compound. Impregnated wet wipes or liquid and laundry soap are also suitable. If this does not help, move on to using stronger household chemicals.

To understand the assortment presented on store shelves, you need to carefully read the composition on the labels. It is strictly forbidden to use the following for cleaning MDF surfaces:

  • concentrated solvents;
  • alcohol-containing liquids;
  • cleaning abrasive powders;
  • solutions with a high content of acids and alkalis.

The most effective and safe for people are: Mr. Muscle, Cillit Bang, Shumanit, etc. All of them are tested during production, so they have minimal impact on health.

A liquid or creamy detergent structure is preferable as it does not contain hard, scratchy particles.

Folk remedies for removing grease in the kitchen

Soda, vinegar and citric acid are the most common remedies for greasy deposits
. In order to avoid allergies to chemicals, you can try to wash MDF kitchen facades using environmentally friendly methods. Traditional cleansing recipes are economical and time-tested, so it’s worth trying to use them in everyday cleaning.

The most effective formulations:

  • mustard powder with water until a creamy slurry forms. Cover the problem area for 10-15 minutes. Then remove with a paper towel and rinse with warm water. Mustard will dissolve fat well. Use with caution on varnish and glossy surfaces.
  • ammonia with water in a ratio of 1 to 100. Pour the resulting solution into a spray bottle and spray all contaminated areas. Do not rinse, wipe dry with a soft cloth. Universal cleaning liquid, ideal for almost all surfaces.
  • vinegar and lemon juice with vodka in equal proportions, add grated zest to enhance the aroma. This option is suitable for removing medium dirt from glossy white coatings. Helps get rid of mild lime deposits from hard water. Refreshes the air in the room, also eliminating unpleasant odors.
  • Grate the laundry soap Place the resulting slurry on the greasy stain, gently rub with a sponge, and leave to dissolve for 20 minutes. After this, rinse thoroughly with warm water. This method has proven itself positively on matte facades.
  • baking soda and hydrogen peroxide to the consistency of thick sour cream. Apply to the treated area and allow to dry completely. Then remove with a soft brush, then wipe with a damp cloth. Has an antibacterial effect. Fights mold.

Do not intensively rub kitchen surfaces or use sharp objects when removing plaque, so as not to cause mechanical damage to glossy and varnished coatings.

Furniture care: how to wash a kitchen made of MDF, plastic and chipboard

Improper care and use will quickly ruin even furniture made from high-quality materials using excellent fittings.

But, if you adhere to the rules of care and operation set out in this article, then you can be sure that your custom-made kitchen or custom-made wardrobe will serve you for many, many years.

There is a whole list of products that are strictly prohibited for use in the care of any furniture materials, both MDF and natural wood.

List of products prohibited for use in furniture care.

1. Products with alcohol: methyl, propyl and others. Ethyl alcohol concentrate is also prohibited; only a weak solution is allowed and only for plastic facades. 2. Abrasive materials: scrapers, knives, spatulas, brushes, soda, etc. 3. Steam cleaner (suitable only for kitchens made of natural wood). 4. Chlorine, sodium, alkali and acid-containing cleaning products. 5. Toothpaste, vinegar, vegetable oil, soda, and other folk remedies.

It is also not recommended to use products like “Mr. Muscle”, etc., to clean surfaces. Facades may change color or acquire an unpleasant odor.

Caring for natural wood furniture.

Cleaning surfaces made of natural materials is carried out in several stages:

1. To clean the facades from grease and water droplets, use a sponge with a weak soap solution made from ordinary soap. If the kitchen surface made of natural solid wood is heavily soiled, it is permissible to use a steam generator.

IMPORTANT: The steam generator is strictly prohibited for cleaning any surfaces other than natural wood!

2. After applying the soap solution, the surface must be wiped with a damp soft sponge to remove soap stains.

3. The next step is wiping the surfaces with a dry microfiber cloth.

4. If desired, you can apply a special wax polish to add shine and additional protection.

Caring for a kitchen made of chipboard or TSS Cleaf

Chipboard, like TSS, is a board that is resistant to external influences; however, it also requires special handling during maintenance.

1. Use a damp soft sponge with a mild soap solution (ordinary soap) to remove dirt from the surface

Do not use steam cleaners or alcohol-containing products to clean chipboard and TSS surfaces.

2. Remove soap stains from the surface using a soft, damp sponge

3. Wipe the chipboard and TSS surface dry with a dry microfiber cloth.

We invite you to familiarize yourself with DIY liquid dish soap

Caring for a kitchen made of film MDF.

Care for products made from film MDF is carried out as follows:

1. Use a damp soft sponge with a weak soap solution (ordinary soap) to wipe the surface of the facade from greasy spots and stains

Never use a steam cleaner to clean the surfaces of MDF facades. Additionally, you can use cleaning products containing a weak solution of ethyl alcohol. We recommend applying the solution to the inner surface first. If there is no negative reaction, you can use it to clean facades.

2. Using a soft damp sponge, remove soap stains from the surface.

3. Wipe the surface dry with a dry microfiber cloth.

4. Apply a time-tested furniture wax polish to protect the surface.

Caring for a matte MDF kitchen.

Furniture made from matte MDF is washed in the same way as kitchens made from regular film MDF. But in this case it is not recommended to use polish.

Caring for kitchen and furniture made of glossy MDF

Gloss furniture must shine! To maintain the impeccable appearance of the glossy facade, you must adhere to the following rules:

1. You can only care for a glossy surface using a mild soap solution. Any detergents or cleaning products are strictly prohibited.

2. Be sure to remove soap stains after washing. Use a dry soft sponge or microfiber cloth for this.

3. Give your furniture a shine with Pronto furniture polish.

Caring for plastic products

Caring for kitchens made of plastic is similar to caring for products made from film MDF. The only thing you can use is weak detergents like “Mr. Muscle” based on alcohol and folk remedies made from natural citric acid. We draw your attention to the fact that even plastic that is insensitive to external influences cannot be wiped with products containing chlorine, sodium or acid-containing products.

Caring for painted MDF products

In the case of such a fragile material as painted MDF, any detergents other than warm soapy water are strictly prohibited for cleaning. The surface can only be washed with a soft sponge or microfiber cloth.

With proper care, you can maintain the flawless appearance of the facades of your new custom-made furniture for a long time.

Method 3. Universal recipe for deep and thorough cleaning (6% vinegar + isopropyl alcohol)

PURPOSE: For general cleaning of old grease and other complex stains of painted and unpainted wooden kitchens, laminated, varnished, plastic glossy facades made of MDF and chipboard, all types of countertops and aprons.

CLEANING FREQUENCY: 1-2 times a year.


Step 1. Mix 6% vinegar with rubbing alcohol (isopropyl) alcohol in a 7:1 ratio and add a few drops of liquid soap to the solution.

Rubbing isopropyl alcohol can be purchased at outlets that sell printer supplies, companies that sell fiber optics, and specialty online stores. You should not experiment with other types of alcohol.

Step 2: Wipe the cabinets with the mixture using a microfiber cloth.

Step 3: Now wipe the kitchen clean with a cloth soaked in warm water.

Step 4. Finally, rub a special wood furniture oil that contains beeswax into all surfaces. This action will “seal” the pores and protect your kitchen from stains, dirt, moisture and grease for a long time.

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