How to quickly clean your house in 1 hour: 12 tips for express cleaning

There are housewives who have enough time for everything - they work, indulge in their favorite hobbies, and their home is in perfect order.

Maybe they know special secrets on how to quickly and effectively clean a room? Or do they just know how to manage time and clean according to the rules?

Now no one makes a secret of this; on the contrary, they share their life hacks. Find out about them too, so that cleaning is always fast, effective and enjoyable.

Clean according to the rules

The main rule of cleaning: we move from top to bottom .
You must always follow it. No matter how carefully you collect crumbs on the table, they will still end up on the floor. Even wet cleaning of various surfaces should be carried out before you start washing the floor. Another important aspect is developing the most efficient route . Try to follow it every time so as not to miss anything and not return to missed sections again.

Define Intervals

Many people clean their entire apartment at once on the same day of the week. But this is not the most effective way. In fact, different areas become polluted at different rates . Try creating a cleaning calendar by zone, with intervals of varying lengths for each. Use reminder apps like DGT GTD or others.

DGT GTD & To-do List [Alpha]


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Adjust the intervals depending on the time of year and in special cases (for example, if relatives come to stay with you).

Wash the dishes right away

Think again about buying a dishwasher. If this option does not suit you, then simplify the washing process in the sink as much as possible.

Develop the habit of washing dishes immediately after eating, rather than waiting until the sink is full.

The advice is simple, but many people neglect it, although it’s the sink overflowing with dried, dirty dishes that scares you so much. Immediately after a meal, washing several plates and glasses will take just a few minutes.

If you are used to a long multi-course dinner accompanied by a leisurely conversation, then there is an additional life hack for you: before dinner, fill the sink with warm water with a small amount of detergent and put the used dishes right there so that they do not have time to dry out.

Where to begin?

To remove as much dirt as possible from the house, you need to prepare a vacuum cleaner and the space that will be cleaned, and the main thing is to take your time and do everything correctly.

Prepare the vacuum cleaner

Dirt and debris can reduce the suction power of the device. This is why it is so important to regularly clean the device itself after use.

At a minimum, the garbage bin is emptied before starting work . Then the roller brush is cleaned, also called a turbo nozzle, so that it rotates freely.

It is important to remove all threads, hair, and other objects wrapped around the brush. There are one or two filters inside the vacuum cleaner that protect the electric motor from dust. These filters reduce suction when they are dirty, so they should be changed or cleaned regularly.

Preparing the room

It will be easier to work if you don't have to constantly stop to move or lift something. Before you start, you need to collect all the scattered things on the floor . The fewer toys, chairs or other items left there, the better.

If the apartment is located in a very dusty area or there are pets in the apartment, moving nightstands or plant stands will be necessary. Alternating weeks where small furniture is moved will ensure cleanliness and make work easier.

Perform wet cleaning

Removing dust from objects is done before the vacuum cleaner starts working . The idea is to push the dirt down and then out of the room. The easiest way to do this is to wipe off the dust before vacuuming. Start with the highest surfaces, such as the TV and light fixtures. Then the lower shelves are wiped.

If there is space on the floor free from carpet, it is better to remove dust from it after cleaning with a vacuum cleaner.

How to choose the right nozzles?

Many vacuum cleaners are equipped with a turbo nozzle with a rotating brush (turbo brush), which is designed to loosen fibers. This function is useful for short pile textiles, but may damage some types of coverings.

Carpets with loops, such as shaggy or frize, should not be brushed with a fluffing brush , as this can weaken the fibers and fray the loops. Additionally, if a strand of fiber were to escape from a loop, it could wrap around the rotating parts with such force that it would unravel an entire row in the weave.

What other attachments are there and what are they intended for:

  1. Universal for rugs and floors . Usually equipped with several rows of bristles for different pile heights. The bristles also protect the hard floor from scratches.

  2. For upholstered furniture . Strips of fleecy fabric are glued to the edge of the nozzle, designed to collect hair, wool, and other fibrous debris from upholstered furniture.
  3. Slotted . Cleans hard-to-reach places in sofas and armchairs well. It usually comes with an additional cap with a brush to make it easy to sweep dust out of tight places, such as under the back of a car seat or between keyboard keys.
  4. For cabinet furniture . All components with long bristles can be used for hard furniture surfaces. The softer the pile, the fewer scratches there will be on the furniture.
  5. For wet cleaning . Included with the washing vacuum cleaner. They come with a sprayer that dispenses soap and wipes attached with Velcro.
  6. Special . Designed to simplify cleaning, they will help clean the radiator in hard-to-reach places, remove coarse debris after repairs, and even break through a blockage in the sink.

Adjusting the height of the brush attachment is a very important condition. Different carpet models may require different wattages to maintain proper airflow and best suction.

If the brush is too high, it will not allow you to remove debris from the depths of the pile . When it is too low, it leaves deep marks on the carpet and risks damaging it.

It is important to set the brush height in accordance with the equipment manufacturer's recommendations for a specific type of carpet.

Clean the stove last

In the kitchen, the dirtiest surface is usually the stove. When cleaning your kitchen, apply the cleaner to the stove and let it sit for a few minutes. At this time, start wiping the surface to the right of the stove and move clockwise around the kitchen. You can move in the opposite direction - this is not a strict rule. The main thing is that this way you can avoid unnecessary trips to the sink to rinse the rag.

When you finally get to the stove again, removing even heavy dirt will not require much effort. Especially if you do not neglect special products for cleaning stoves: they are more aggressive than regular detergent and remove dirt better. At the same time, due to the absence of abrasive particles, the slab cleaner does not damage the surface, unlike cleaning products that contain soda. Be sure to wear rubber gloves to protect your skin from exposure to concentrated ingredients.



Cleaning work should not be chaotic. Always and in everything you need a system, a plan, a clear sequence of actions.

Think about what and how you will clean, but first:

  1. Wear comfortable (preferably sports) clothes. Robes and pajamas are not suitable; they encourage rest on the sofa, as a result of which the cleaning process will drag on for a long time.

  2. Do not start cleaning in a dark and unventilated room.
    Turn on bright lights, open a window or window. Fresh air filling the space will lift your spirits and become the best motivator for cleaning.
  3. To avoid having to go back and forth for rags, napkins, cleaners and polishes, use a plastic box. Immediately before you start cleaning, put all the necessary tools and equipment into it.

You can clean until late in the evening if you don’t say goodbye to your mobile phone for a while. Hide it out of sight so as not to be distracted by watching news and social networks, correspondence, conversations.

Keep your plumbing clean

Metal surfaces in the bathroom become dirty extremely quickly, becoming covered in drops and splashes. This can be quite depressing, considering that you have to scrub off plaque and rust quite carefully. Therefore, try to prevent your plumbing from getting dirty between cleanings. When taking a bath or washing children or pets, wipe down the taps once again. Remove toothpaste splashes immediately while they are still easily washed off with water. Rinse the bathtub or shower stall with hot water after washing.

Carpet care

No more than 2 times a year, the carpet can be cleaned with a soft hair brush moistened with water and ammonia (2 tablespoons of alcohol per 1 liter of water). After cleaning, wipe the carpet dry with a rag.

Removing stains from carpets:

  • remove beer, wine, liquor, vodka with warm water and washing powder. Wet a rag with this solution and wipe the stain, and then rinse the solution with warm water and vinegar (1 teaspoon per liter of water);
  • from coffee, cocoa, tea - cold water with glycerin (1 tablespoon per liter of water);
  • from red wine and fruit juices - cold water with a few drops of ammonia;
  • from perfume and cologne (very difficult to remove) - with warm water with the addition of “News”, and then with clean warm water;
  • from fats - gasoline.

Do not forget

: after the stain has been removed, the entire carpet should be wiped with a clothes brush soaked in a detergent solution, and then with a simple wet brush or sponge.

They don't like carpets

: very hard brushes, dampness, hot water, spilled tea, coffee, milk.
To prevent bald spots from furniture legs from appearing on the carpet, it is recommended to place a piece of rubber under the legs. [/td]

Get rid of extra bottles in the bathroom

Take a critical look at your bathroom shelves. Do you really need that much money? Shower gels, bath foams, scrubs, shampoos, balms, conditioners, masks, lotions, tonics... When cleaning the bathroom, you have to rinse each of them and wipe the surface underneath them. Keep only those that you really use regularly. Buy products that combine several functions at once.

, for example, shower gel + scrub or mask + conditioner. It is better to put away those products that you use less than once a week in locked cabinets, where less dust gets in.

Living room

Approximate cleaning time is 15 minutes.

  1. We eliminate the mess . Quickly look around the room, noticing scattered things. Put all the little things in their place, such as distances, DVDs, etc. Place the magazines neatly on the coffee table.
  2. Dust . Follow all the tips that were given for the bedroom.
  3. Glass surfaces . To clean glass surfaces, use a microfiber cloth and an all-purpose glass cleaning spray. Wipe surfaces using wide, circular motions from one corner to the other.
  4. Vacuum cleaner . Start vacuuming from the farthest corner of the room and follow all the tips that were given for the bedroom.

We hope these 20 simple tricks will help you clean your apartment quickly if you need to, and won't let you be caught off guard.

Women's Planet

Put things in order

An excess of things requires additional attention: they all become covered with dust, and you have to spend time cleaning each one. Therefore, if there are dozens of cute little things on the shelves in your apartment, you should definitely reconsider which of them are really dear and useful to you.

Keeping things in order is not a one-time event. This “elephant” needs to be eaten piece by piece.

Plan a closet cleaning schedule by clearing out one unit each week. Let only the essentials remain on the shelves, and give the rest away or throw it in the trash without unnecessary regrets. Don’t get attached to things and in the future try not to clutter your home with trinkets.

Question answer

Q: Is it possible to vacuum a cat or dog?

A: The vacuum cleaner is not at all intended for cleaning animals. A large dog may allow itself to be cleaned, but cats and small dogs, for the most part, are afraid even of the sound of equipment. There are special devices on sale for combing pet hair; they are silent and battery-powered.

Q: Can mercury be vacuumed?

A: Collecting mercury or a broken fluorescent lamp with a vacuum cleaner is strictly prohibited. The home helper will turn into a hotbed of poisoning. During operation, small particles of poison, heating up, are sprayed throughout the room.

Q: Can I vacuum up broken glass?

A: If debris gets inside the equipment, it can damage the trash bag and hose. You shouldn’t take risks; it’s better to remove large pieces with your hands and small pieces with plasticine, a wet rag or tape.

Q: Can I vacuum my computer?

A: No, air flow and plastic will easily damage the computer. Dust that has settled on parts is usually cleaned off with a brush. It is also not advisable to use a vacuum cleaner for this in blowing mode; small parts and components can be removed from the site.

Q: Is it possible to vacuum with a newborn baby?

A: You should try not to do this. Noise and smell from a working vacuum cleaner are not as scary for a baby as they can cause allergies or respiratory diseases.

Is it possible to vacuum a computer? This publication will tell you.

Simplify your choice

The closets of many women (and today, increasingly, men) are full of clothes that have not been worn for months. Excessive variety only leads to wasted time when choosing what to wear every morning. To make it easier to make choices and, at the same time, clean up, reorganize your wardrobe. Try the following course of action:

  • Store out-of-season clothing.
  • Choose clothes that you wear regularly and arrange them so that they do not wrinkle and are immediately ready in the desired configuration.
  • Pick a few items that have been waiting in the wings for a long time, and find a reason to wear them in the next fortnight.
  • Put the rest in a box and date it. After a month, return to it and get rid of those things that you never needed.


Emotional mood

It is very important that during household chores there is not just a good, but a cheerful mood, which largely contributes to ensuring that the process proceeds as energetically as possible. In this case, the correct psychological attitude is important: now I will quickly clean everything up and my house will be clean and good, cleaning is such nonsense for me! The installation is wrong: again this endless cleaning, I can’t stand household chores that never finish!

Energetic music is very invigorating and improves your mood during household chores. Put on your favorite disc or cassette and see how things become much more fun.

And one more important point - set aside a certain time for cleaning the apartment, for example, one hour, and set yourself the condition of doing everything planned within this period. This attitude also helps a lot to concentrate.

Wash in gentler conditions

Long-term washing in hot water actually makes sense only in the case of bed linen and towels. Modern washing powders are quite effective and, if you do not wear clothes, they can be washed even in cold water or at 30–40 degrees. Plus, in cold water, paint washes out of fabrics less. And don’t neglect the conditioner: it makes clothes softer, easier to iron and accumulates less static electricity. Just don’t overdo it with the amount so that the smell doesn’t remain too intrusive.

I would advise using the spin cycle less (it would be enough to at least reduce the speed). So for many things there will be no need for ironing at all - it will be enough to simply dry them flat.

How to quickly clean an apartment: step-by-step instructions and 15 life hacks for lazy people

Don't let clutter accumulate

Things you don't use are devourers of space and the air you breathe. Once every two months, arrange a “control sweep.” Act ruthlessly and mercilessly, drive away the thoughts of “what if it comes in handy.” If an empty, beautiful box has been simply collecting dust on the shelf for a long time, pronounce it in the trash!

Don’t create “black holes” in your wardrobe where everything disappears

Arrange things so that they are within sight. Otherwise, the law of “three NOTs” will work: I don’t see, I don’t remember, I don’t use.

Place things into categories

Then you won’t have to look for “pairs” in all your closets. For example, let light skirts and blouses hang on the right, and warm outfits on the left. Under them you can place boxes with suitable shoes. Over outerwear - hats, scarves, gloves.

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For various little things, get a cute box or vase

In the hallway you can put a box for keys, lip gloss and other necessary things that are always starting a game of hide and seek. It is convenient to store chargers, flash drives, and headphones in an open container.

Be lazy wisely

If you don’t have the strength to wash a mountain of dishes in the evening after work, soak them in water overnight to make them easier to wash later. Don't like ironing? After washing, straighten the items well and dry them so that there are fewer creases.

To combat the ubiquitous dust, use a special technique

To reduce it and accumulate more slowly, when cleaning, use softening cloths to dry clothes in the washing machine. A more budget-friendly option is a cloth moistened with an antistatic agent.

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Remember the “helper” of our grandmothers - the newspaper

Cover the tops of your cabinets with it, change it once a week - and you don’t have to wipe the dust. The paper will also help keep the trash can clean: put it on the bottom, put on the bag, and even if something leaks from it, it will take the “blow” on itself.

And in the refrigerator, you can use non-woven napkins or baking paper for these purposes. With them you won’t have to scrub away dried stains and will be able to avoid excess moisture.

Prevent Mess

Don’t accumulate tasks, because many of them take literally seconds - put the hat on the shelf, wash the cup. Don't put them off - and then you won't have to spend a lot of time cleaning.

Define cleaning intervals

We usually set aside a day off for cleaning and spend several hours putting things in order. Look at it from the other side: pay attention to the fact that different areas in the apartment become polluted at different rates.

Based on this data, you can create a whole calendar of household chores, distributed by zone. For example, on Monday you tidy up only zone one (bedroom), and on Tuesday you tidy up zone two (living room), and so on.

By the way, a similar calendar is available in smartphone applications: it’s even more convenient. The application will remind you to clean and give tips on how to do it quickly and easily.

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Use a microfiber cloth

Have you ever noticed that cleaning goes faster and better if you use the right cloths?

The best in this regard are microfiber cloths. They absorb moisture well, do not leave streaks or fibers behind, and dry quickly.

Don't skimp on the mop

Cleaning floors with a poor quality mop is a real pain. This mop does not collect dust and small debris well, and you will have to bend down and repeat all the actions with your hands every time. Why then such a mop if you have to wash it after it? Therefore, it is better to buy a more expensive, but high-quality mop - with a metal handle and a strong base for a rag made of dense plastic.

As for rope mops with a spin system, in this case too, pay attention to the handle: it should be strong and unbending, and the floor cleaning attachment should be made of microfiber.

Buy a powerful vacuum cleaner

If there are carpets in the house, you cannot do without a vacuum cleaner. Get a powerful model that will remove debris from the floor and carpet the first time, and then you won’t have to waste time scrubbing the same spot with the vacuum cleaner brush several times!

In addition, make sure that the cleaning properties of the vacuum cleaner do not deteriorate over time: clean the dust collector more often, and even better, use models with a so-called aqua filter for cleaning. This vacuum cleaner even captures allergens in the air.

Do not miss

  • Do not miss

    4 principles for choosing a vacuum cleaner so that it becomes “almost a member of the family”

Save time on ironing by washing items at lower speeds

In fact, a long washing cycle makes sense only in the case of bed linen and towels. Everyday clothes can be washed easily even in the quick wash cycle. Modern powders work well even in cold water, and therefore you can safely save on this, which means you don’t waste time and energy in vain.

By the way, you don’t need to iron slightly damp laundry afterwards. It is enough to straighten it, hang it carefully, and then put it in the closet.

Use cling film not only for its intended purpose

To avoid wiping off grease from the kitchen apron, cover it with cling film while frying - it is thin and sticks perfectly to any surface, especially if it is slightly moistened with water. When you're done cooking, just take it off and throw it away.

Use mini urns

Place a small trash container in each room. They are especially necessary in the bedroom near the bed (handkerchiefs, candy wrappers, apple cores, empty medication blisters) and in the bathroom (cotton pads and swabs, old cosmetics, hair from a comb). Mini-bins will prevent garbage from accumulating on surfaces and will save time on cleaning in the long run.

Photo: ShutterStock/

Don't be afraid to clean the floor

The floor is perhaps the largest object in your home. It causes despondency only from the realization of the scale. But actually, cleaning the floor is the easy part. The main thing is to provide yourself with the right equipment (more on this below).

Additional lifehack

: To keep the floors in your entire apartment clean longer, try cleaning the areas of greatest contamination more often (the area near the front door, next to the sink and stove in the kitchen, near the cat litter box). For example, once again wipe the floor at the front door, collect sawdust scattered by the cat. This will take a couple of minutes, and the floor in other areas of the apartment will have to be washed less often.


11. Remove excess shoes from under your feet in the hallway. On shelves, in drawers. At least we arrange it carefully. We wipe down interior doors, especially around the handles. Switches (near bathrooms they get the most dirty). We wash the floor in the hallway and put out slippers for guests.

Time consumption: 7 minutes.

Throughout the apartment

12. Use a microfiber cloth and cleaning spray to clean mirrors, including mirror inserts on cabinet doors.

Time consumption: 4 minutes.

13. We send someone to take out the trash and right from the door we take a fresh look at the apartment: what else catches our eye? Perhaps it's time to change your bed linen? Be sure to do this after guests leave. Now it's enough to change the pillowcases.

Total: 100 minutes. You still have 20 minutes to wipe the sweat from your forehead, exhale and dress up.

Buy a good vacuum cleaner

For starters, if you have carpets, consider purchasing a more powerful vacuum cleaner so you don't waste time and effort on useless movements. Remember that a more powerful vacuum cleaner means you save energy, not waste electricity.

A more powerful vacuum cleaner saves you energy, not wastes it.

Empty the dust bin more often as the suction power decreases as it becomes full. And it’s better to use a vacuum cleaner with an aqua filter. Even if you do not have an allergy, you should not provoke its occurrence by regularly inhaling dust.

Don't skimp on the mop

Be sure to buy yourself a good mop. Cheap mops are often made from materials that do not pick up dirt well, leave lint behind, and wear out after just a few uses.

Washing with a cheap mop is a complete pain! You have to walk through one place several times and even pick up dirt from the floor with your hands (ugh!). So don't be greedy at the counter, it's not that much money anyway. The choice of shape depends on the geometry of your rooms and your style.

  • A rope mop with a wringer is more suitable for those who like to clean quickly, deftly getting into every corner.
  • A rectangular microfiber mop is suitable for those who prefer to wash measuredly line by line.

At what hours are you allowed to turn on a household appliance in your apartment?

On average, a vacuum cleaner produces a noise of 70-75 dB; some modern devices have a weaker sound. Sound insulation in an apartment building depends on the thickness of the walls and the size of the rooms.

But, in order to avoid trouble with complaints from neighbors, it is easy to observe the silence regime established by law:

  1. On weekdays from 22 to 7 o'clock.
  2. On weekends and holidays from 22 to 9 o'clock.
  3. During the day from 13:00 to 14:00.

Details are in this article.

Use quality detergents

Think again before you buy regular laundry detergent. Try some of the alternative eco-cleaning products. You will really be surprised at the difference if you have previously washed with one of the popular supermarket detergents. You won't have to wipe it a second time with a clean cloth to keep the floor from being sticky. At the same time, it will be enough to walk through one place only once, and the floor will already shine with cleanliness. In addition, the consumption of mass-market cleaning products is much higher. Not only does this more than make up for their low price, but it's also not very beneficial for your pets or children, who will end up eating some of what's on the floor anyway.



10. We move to the bathroom. Apply cleaning agent to the toilet. Checking the availability of toilet paper.

We clean the acrylic bathtub with a special spray foam (it washes away dirt in 1 - 2 minutes) or rinse it with regular shower gel. A new steel or cast iron bathtub can also be cleaned with regular gel. But if the plumbing is old, the enamel surface becomes porous and easily absorbs dirt. You can't do without vigorous chemistry here. Then we apply it to the bathtub and clean the sink. Don't forget to wipe the mirror - there will probably be some paste splashes there. We rinse everything, dry it with at least a towel. Wash the towel, hang a fresh one. We wash off the cleaning agent from the toilet, wipe the seat, tank, and flush button with a paper towel or wet wipes. We wipe the floor dry. We replace the rugs with clean ones.

Time consumption: 7 - 13 minutes.

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