General cleaning using the cleaning services method: 8-step instructions with tricks

Even fairies of purity and princesses of order do this once a month. General cleaning should be carried out in any home, since in everyday life we ​​do not have time to monitor dust in hard-to-reach corners - it is smarter and easier to do this once every one or two months.

General cleaning helps not only to make the house clean, but also to sort out things. Do you notice how every month we inevitably buy 1-2 things for our home, or even more? Thus, cleaning can be successfully combined with decluttering, which will rid the apartment of unnecessary things.

Let's figure out how to properly carry out general cleaning, what stages and actions it consists of, what tips will help with it, and how to make cleaning easier.

When is it necessary to carry out general cleaning of a house or apartment?

Let's start with the fact that there are several types of general cleaning:

  • seasonal general cleaning of the apartment - its frequency is twice a year: after winter, when the temperature is consistently warm and there are no sudden changes, and after summer, in October - before the onset of cold weather;
  • special general cleaning - we do it immediately after finishing the renovation, after installing new windows or other work in the apartment accompanied by construction dust;
  • periodic general cleaning of the apartment is a standard scheduled cleaning that we carry out once every two months or once a quarter, depending on the needs of the family.

Tools and tools

Cleaning, like any other job, requires a set of certain tools. The higher quality they are, the faster and easier the process of cleaning the house will be. For easy general cleaning you will need the following equipment and tools:

  • household gloves. This is a mandatory attribute, since the vast majority of modern household chemicals have an extremely negative effect on the skin. Good, comfortable household gloves will help protect your palms from the aggressive effects of cleaning products;
  • a set of new microfiber cloths. Today, microfiber is the best choice for household rags. This material does not leave streaks, dries the surface quite quickly, gives a beautiful shine and is universal in use. Its only drawback is that it wears out quite quickly, so microfiber cloths should be renewed at least once every six months;
  • bucket and mop for cleaning the floor. The simplest mop is a rag mop; its use greatly complicates the cleaning process, since it is extremely inconvenient. Nowadays you can find microfiber mops, sponge mops, or flat flounder mops in hardware stores. The cost of such tools starts from 150 rubles;
  • liquid for cleaning plumbing fixtures. This can be either a universal product that is suitable for an acrylic bathtub, toilet, and kitchen sink, or specialized substances for each individual item. Among the universal products, it is worth noting Sanox - this is a relatively inexpensive (50-100 rubles per bottle) gel that is quite effective in cleaning the entire bathroom;
  • stove cleaner. It must be selected individually depending on the type of hob. For a new glass-ceramic stove, for example, a product with abrasive substances is not suitable, but an old enameled stove is best cleaned with powders, for example, PemoLux;
  • glass and mirror cleaner. To achieve perfect cleanliness of mirror surfaces, a microfiber cloth and water are not enough: you will need a special liquid. It is usually sold in the form of a spray, so it is recommended to clean mirrors in a well-ventilated area or use a mask to protect the respiratory tract;
  • floor cleaning liquid. A good floor cleaner should have a pleasant aroma, not leave streaks and not foam too much. Pay attention to the disinfecting properties of the liquid;
  • dishwashing liquid and a set of sponges and brushes. Your arsenal must include aggressive metal sponges, as well as a large brush for washing hard-to-reach places, narrow glasses, decanters with small necks;
  • cleaning product for upholstered furniture. It should have disinfectant properties and have a light and inoffensive aroma.

Photo gallery: necessary means and tools

PemoLux is one of the most popular universal cleaning products in Russia

Sanox is available in liquid gel form.

Glorix offers a line of floor products with different scents

A set of microfiber rags or cloths can be found in any hardware store or hypermarket

Cleaner for carpets and upholstered furniture Shine perfectly removes even old stains

A high-quality mop not only lasts a long time, but also greatly facilitates the cleaning process.

Bugs Cleaner is a good and inexpensive product that does not leave streaks on glass

The Frosch brand is environmentally friendly and safe for all family members

When choosing household chemicals, do not forget about their safety. Ecological products are, of course, less effective than aggressive chemicals and will require some effort to clean surfaces. But their use will not harm you, your children, pets, or the environment. Now there are quite a lot of cleaning products on the market that do not contain dangerous components, have a light and pleasant aroma and are not tested on animals.

Most household chemicals take time to work. Soak dirty dishes in advance, pour gel onto the surface of the toilet bowl, and apply household chemicals to the stove.

Chlorine antiseptics for plumbing fixtures, alkaline and acidic cleaners, as well as window cleaning liquids with ammonia emit vapors into the air that are both unpleasant and harmful to health to breathe. Therefore, they must be used in a well-ventilated area.

Store and carry all the cleaning supplies you might need in one plastic bucket. Most of the time during cleaning is spent running around the rooms in search of one or another product or tool. One plastic case will solve this problem.

It’s convenient to carry everything you need for cleaning with you from room to room, using plastic baskets or a bucket

Features of general cleaning

Seasonal spring cleaning is always associated with the change of seasons. In the spring, you definitely need to wash the windows, hang mosquito nets, and organize the storage of summer sports equipment.

Cleaning after renovation may require special modern tools - a steam cleaner, a vacuum cleaner, as well as a large number of garbage bags.

Periodic spring cleaning usually involves working in three dimensions: walls, floor, ceiling. Wash the chandelier, tint the parquet if there is damage to the varnished coating somewhere, wipe off stains, glue up wallpaper, etc. - all this is just general cleaning.

Dealing with unpleasant odors

7. An air freshener will help get rid of the unpleasant smell in the apartment, which does not have to be purchased at household chemical stores. Add citrus peels or aromatic herbs to a bottle of white vinegar and wipe down furniture with the solution or spray as a spray. A pleasant smell in the rooms is guaranteed for a long time. 8. Regular baking soda will help deal with unpleasant odors in cabinets - place an open box of baking soda in the linen closet. 9. You can make your own sachets from herbs, but you should remember that they do not retain the smell for very long - the sachets need to be replaced with new ones every six months. 10. And the most important tip is that cleaning is much faster and more fun if you involve the whole family in it. Thus, we not only get a clean house in a short period of time, but also spend quality time with our loved ones.

Spring cleaning tips

We offer a detailed checklist for carrying out the perfect spring cleaning, after which Mister Muscle and Freken Bock will nervously smoke on the sidelines.

1. What should be the frequency of general cleaning?

Regular general cleaning should be carried out once every two months or once a month - if you do it less often, then the layers of dust on the cabinets will already be quite dense and it will be more difficult to clean.

2. You need to start with a plan.

Be sure to draw up an action plan, in what order you will do everything, who in the household is doing what, and how long it will take for each stage of cleaning.

3. What will you need for cleaning?

Prepare in advance useful modern equipment and cleaning supplies for general cleaning:

  • bucket with water;
  • mop;
  • mop with telescopic handle;
  • cleaning rags: for floors and for dust;
  • vacuum cleaner;
  • garbage bags;
  • boxes for temporarily unnecessary items;
  • cleaning products for bathrooms and plumbing fixtures, as well as kitchen stoves;
  • disinfectants that are used if insect control is needed;
  • cleaner for windows and mirrors.

4. Prepare the rooms by removing all unnecessary items.

Decluttering is a familiar word, right? It will make your cleaning 2 times easier and perhaps 1.5 times faster. Just throw away things that you definitely won’t need anymore (everything that is old and unnecessary, excessively worn, and anything that cannot be repaired).

5. Follow the procedure for general cleaning:

  • clean the living rooms first;
  • then comes cleaning the kitchen;
  • after that, take care of the hallway;
  • at the very end, clean the toilet and bathroom.

6. Useful lifehacks for spring cleaning - how to do everything quickly and not get tired:

  • start in the morning - you will have more energy and time;
  • draw up a general cleaning plan and distribute responsibilities between household members - even children can help (sort garbage, sweep floors, wash mirrors);
  • do several things at the same time (while the machine is washing, you can clean the bathtub, and while the pots and dishes are soaking in the sink, you can wash the windows in the kitchen);
  • buy all the products - washing powders and rags - in advance, so as not to run to the store already in the process;
  • put on music - by the way, there is a special playlist for cleaning on our Instagram!

How to motivate yourself to clean

Most housewives spend a lot of time mentally preparing for spring cleaning. This is not surprising: the human brain is designed in such a way that it is easier for it to come up with a hundred excuses not to do such a major task or at least to postpone it. This phenomenon is called procrastination, and many people suffer from it in the modern world. Fortunately, there are several ways to help you gather your strength.

Simple plan

Do the words “spring cleaning” evoke horror and a desire to quickly come up with urgent and important things to do? From which side to approach it is not clear. To avoid this feeling of imaginary impossibility, it is enough to break one large task into many small ones - simply, make a plan.

An example of a general cleaning plan - you can use it as a template, adapting it to the features of your home

This method works not only with general cleaning, but also with any other large tasks. Just break the project into its components, and it will be easier to tackle it.

How to create a step-by-step spring cleaning plan

No one knows the features of your apartment or house better than you yourself, so the most effective plan will be one drawn up with your own hands:

  1. Divide the house into rooms. The standard division into zones includes a living room, bedroom, wardrobe (hallway), bathroom, kitchen and storage room (loggia, balcony or any other “storage” room). If there are several similar bedrooms in the house, then you can write a general plan for them.

    By dividing your apartment or house into zones, it’s much easier to start cleaning

  2. For each zone, write down the necessary actions (for example, dusting kitchen wall cabinets, washing the washing machine). Take your time and remember everything carefully. It’s best to carry a small notebook with you around the apartment for a week and, if you notice a problem area, write down how to clean it in the corresponding area.

    By writing down the necessary actions in a notebook, you will save a lot of time during the cleaning itself.

  3. Arrange the actions in order. In general cleaning, it is important to follow from top to bottom: start with cleaning the ceiling, then the mezzanine and upper shelves. The floor is cleaned last. If there are actions that can be performed in parallel with the main cleaning (for example, washing), highlight them in a separate list.

    Distribute activities from top to bottom

The drawn up plan can and should be used in subsequent general cleanings.

Motivation by a beautiful interior

If you are the type of impressionable person who can quickly complete hard work on a impulse of inspiration, the method of motivation with a beautiful interior is perfect for you. Just dream, fantasize about how wonderful your home will look when the spring cleaning is finished. The plumbing will sparkle, there will be nothing superfluous or unnecessary in the cabinets, all things on the shelves will have their place. The house will become much lighter, more spacious, and fresher. Visualize a clean and beautiful home until you gain the strength to do a full spring cleaning.

Photo gallery: beautifully decorated rooms

A clean, fresh bedroom is the key to a healthy and sound sleep

A neatly tidied hallway is the pride of the hostess receiving guests

A tidy children's room teaches a child discipline and harmony from an early age.

A clean bathroom makes everyone in the household want to take daily hygiene seriously.

Household help

Sometimes it happens that you really don’t have the energy to clean. Most housewives, in addition to running their lives, go to work and raise children, so lack of time and energy is a common problem. In this case, it is worth delegating some of the responsibilities to your household. Children can be entrusted with cleaning their rooms (this will not only relieve you, but will also instill in the child responsibility for their territory), and adults can be assigned technically simple but routine tasks such as washing dishes and ironing.

General cleaning with the whole family can turn from a difficult routine into a pleasant pastime.

Do not forget to accurately and in as much detail as possible to instruct all participants in the cleaning process. What seems obvious to an experienced housewife may not be clear to her children or husband.


Most modern women have almost no time to go to the gym. However, we forget that cleaning is also a physical activity, and quite effective in terms of fat burning.

To improve the effect of such a workout, you can additionally turn on music and add dance elements to the cleaning. Such a pastime will not only burn a lot of calories, but also improve your mood.

Household chores can be no less effective training than a gym program


If you're crazy about pleasant scents, use this to motivate you to clean. Buy several aroma lamps, diffusers with light aromas, and household air fresheners. It is best to install such interior items in a perfectly clean, fresh, tidy room, so the purchase will provide an additional incentive to bring cleanliness and order to the house.

Modern diffusers with pleasant scents can be found in most home improvement stores.


Have you long wanted to change something in the interior, but never got around to it? Spring cleaning is the perfect time to completely rearrange your furniture. You will not only change the appearance of the room and optimize the arrangement of furniture, but also clean out all the dirt that may have accumulated for years in hard-to-reach places.

Rearranging your furniture will help freshen up your home and is also a great addition to spring cleaning.

Maintaining cleanliness and order after cleaning

After you have done a spring cleaning, the most important thing is to maintain its results for as long as possible. This is necessary not only so that you can live comfortably and pleasantly at home, but also for things - so that they do not gather dust, get dirty and do not deteriorate. After cleaning, observe the following points:

  • always put clothes back in their place immediately after they have been removed or dried;
  • If you find it difficult to constantly fold clothes, hang hooks;
  • follow the storage principle by type: always store dishes in one place, books next to books, gadgets and wires next to each other, for small items - select one special box, etc.;
  • spend 15 minutes a day on mini-cleaning: walk with a damp cloth over the surfaces, and entrust the floors to a robot vacuum cleaner;
  • Have a nice little container for small trash in every room.

Let's start wet cleaning of walls

General cleaning should start with putting things in general order. Temporarily remove everything that hangs on the walls: paintings, certificates, souvenirs, and other items. Wrap the mop in a damp cloth or old towel and gently go over the surface of the walls.

Please note: the wet method is not suitable for processing paper, textile and photo wallpaper. Such materials can be cleaned dry - with a rag or eraser.

For wet cleaning, you can also use a vacuum cleaner with an aqua filter. In this case, choose the most gentle mode.

Cleaning: yes or no?

If your budget allows, you can hire professional cleaners who will clean the entire apartment in one day. They bring modern disinfectants with them for general cleaning, which is very convenient. At the same time, you can entrust them with some part of the work - for example, order only window washing or only cleaning. However, a full range of services will always be more profitable than ordering each type of work separately.

The main thing is to choose experienced professionals with good reviews, so the priority is to focus on the recommendations of friends and the advice of acquaintances. Immediately agree with the cleaners on the points that are fundamentally important to you: what to do with your personal belongings, how you are used to folding clothes, where you store your shoes, how dishes should be folded, etc. Don't forget to specify whether you need your balcony or storage room cleaned.

In general, high-quality cleaning always justifies its price - after all, by spending money, you save your time, which you can spend on communicating with your family, on vacation, or on important work projects.

Last room

4. Last but not least, we clean up the kitchen. We put dirty dishes in the sink, put unnecessary things away in their places on the shelves. Particular attention should be paid to the stove. There are many hob care products available. Here the choice is yours, which you will give preference to. A regular toothbrush can easily handle hard-to-reach places near the burners.

Activated carbon placed on the shelves will help get rid of the unpleasant smell in the refrigerator - practical and economical. 5. Let's start cleaning the windows. To keep your windows looking clean, it is enough to wash them once every three months. If you don’t have special means for treating windows on hand, you can prepare your own solution, which consists of 2 tablespoons of ammonia per 1 liter of water. When caring for plastic windows, you do not need to use abrasive powders or rough cloths to avoid damaging the plastic. The best time-tested material is flannel fabric, which is suitable for both glass and plastic.

IMPORTANT INFORMATION! To keep the glass clean for a longer time, you can add a little glycerin to the ammonia solution, which will create an additional protective layer on the glass.

It is advisable to initially start cleaning windows from the inside and only then from the outside.

6. Now you need to vacuum. Particular attention should be paid to carpeting and upholstered furniture. Don't forget that you first need to wipe the dust off the surfaces and only then use a vacuum cleaner, otherwise it will settle again.

Where to put temporarily unnecessary things

The point of general cleaning is to get rid of not only dust and dirt, but also everything unnecessary and unnecessary. If you have done the cleaning correctly, got into every corner, and decluttered, then somewhere in the hallway you will definitely have an interesting pile of things accumulated. Here are grandfather's old skis, which seem to still remember the 1980 Olympics, here are rolls of wallpaper and ceiling paint - remnants of a recent renovation, and here are children's clothing for growth, which will be useful only in a few months, etc. You need all these things, but not now. Something is waiting in the wings, something is lying idle because it’s not the season - and all these things take up your space. Where should I put them? We offer several options, each of which has both pros and cons, so focus on your capabilities and comfort:

1. Take it to the garage. This is convenient, since things can be stored there indefinitely, but you will have to organize delivery or transport them yourself.

2. Take to the country house or country house. A free way that will allow you to safely store things for as long as you need them. The disadvantages can make themselves felt in winter: if the house is cold, then most likely things will become damp.

3. Hand it over to a box or cell. This option is suitable for those who need personal access to things at any time of the day. However, you will have to pack and deliver things yourself - no additional service.

4. Rent a container. The advantages of containers are that you can store things of any size in them and have personal access to them. The disadvantages are that the containers are not equipped with heating and ventilation - things can become damp and spoiled in the off-season.

How to clean up quickly

If you don’t have much time to do a full-fledged general cleaning, but you urgently need to put your home in order, you can do a simple quick cleaning. This process will take no more than an hour.

For more information on how to quickly clean a room, read our article - One, two - and order.

To bring an external shine to your home and be ready to receive guests, all you need to do is:

  1. To wash the dishes. Nothing ruins a tidy home like a pile of dirty dishes and pans.
  2. Clean up the living room. It is necessary to remove things from the sofa and floor. If you don't have time to lay them out, just hide them in a closet, cabinet or laundry basket. You can start sorting out these things when all the visitors have left.

    Collect all excess items in a bag or laundry basket - you'll deal with them later

  3. Wipe surfaces with dry microfiber or dust broom.
  4. Wipe off any stains on the tables if there are any. These could be unsightly brown circles left by mugs, spilled wine, or greasy stains.
  5. If guests can enter the bedroom, be sure to make the bed. An unmade bed spoils the appearance of even the most beautiful bedroom.
  6. Sweep the floor. If any stains are found on it, do not rush to get a mop and bucket - this will take too long. A separate stain can be wiped off with an old sponge dampened or a damp floor rag.
  7. Wipe away all visible stains in the bathroom. If you have a minute or two to spare, wipe the surfaces with a dry microfiber to remove any puddles of water and add shine: your bathroom will immediately look well-groomed and clean.

    During a quick cleaning, there is no time to completely clean the bathroom, toilet, sink - limit yourself to removing the most noticeable stains

These actions will be enough to make the house much tidier and look well organized.

If there are only a few minutes left before guests arrive, and you have not yet finished with one or more rooms, hide things in them that spoil the appearance of the rest of the interior and close the doors.

The best option for storing temporarily unnecessary items

There are already quite a lot of problems caused by unnecessary things in the house: they gather dust, take up space, and where should they be taken somewhere? Well, I do not. We offer the most comfortable solution to the problem, namely, a service that will take away everything unnecessary and temporarily unnecessary from you. And such a service exists in Moscow - this is the Attic!

The attic stores things you need and value, but you want to empty your home of them while they're not needed—just so you can enjoy a clean space after a spring cleaning. You can deposit clothes, shoes, furniture, household appliances, sports equipment, exercise equipment, books, and personal belongings with us.

How it all happens:

  • you place an order on the website or in the application - literally in one click;
  • Our manager calls you to clarify what time is convenient for you for us to arrive;
  • on the appointed day, we come directly to your home, pack your things and take them to a warm warehouse;
  • you enjoy the space and cleanliness!

You don't have to travel anywhere, you don't have to buy packing materials, you don't have to pack your things. All you need to do is write to us and our friendly movers will do the rest. All your items will be displayed in your personal account, and when you need something, simply order a return.

You have things that need to be stored somewhere, and we have a warm, ventilated warehouse and professionals who will securely pack your things and take them to storage.

Preparatory stage: where to start cleaning?

Before you start cleaning, walk through the house and inspect the “work front”

Determine for yourself what result you want to get.

What do you need: a perfectly clean room or just general neatness and the absence of obvious mess? Make sure that the task is realistic and that you meet the time that you are willing to allocate for cleaning. If you understand that there is not enough time, lower the bar.

Make preliminary preparations

These are simple and quick steps that will then make the cleaning process much easier for you: pour detergent into the plumbing fixtures, plug the sink and soak dirty dishes in it (if you don’t use a dishwasher), start the washing machine.

Prepare the necessary tools and cleaning supplies

It’s much more convenient when everything you need is at hand and you don’t have to run after every little thing. Therefore, before you start cleaning, prepare yourself a basket or basin with everything you need.

My usual set:

  1. Latex gloves
  2. Paper towels
  3. Rags, microfiber cloths, sponges, napkins, etc.
  4. Baby wipes or antibacterial hand wipes (super remedy for stained doorknobs and light switches!)
  5. Glass cleaner (I often use this also on mirrors, wall clocks, some appliances, glitter figurines, sinks and the like)
  6. Cleaners
  7. Garbage bags

More than just cleaning

In fact, spring cleaning is not only about a clean house, it is also about a clean head. By freeing your space from dust and unnecessary things, you restore order within yourself, become calmer and more collected. Notice that as soon as you have cleaned up, your mood immediately becomes better, you want to do things more actively and make important decisions. And the cleaner the space around, the more space there is for new ideas within you. Everything should be on the shelves! The attic will help you get rid of unnecessary things and tidy up your home so that it is clean and fresh. Leave your comfort and your things in the Attic.

Why you need to clean the house

Most people don't like to clean their apartment and come up with a lot of excuses not to do it. The main reason for such laziness is lack of motivation and lack of understanding of the importance of this process. If you belong to this category, here are a few reasons that will help you overcome laziness:

  1. Dirt and dust in the apartment lead to various diseases. This could be allergies, runny nose and even infectious diseases. Regular cleaning prevents the appearance of bacteria, maintaining a healthy indoor environment.
  2. A clean, well-kept room looks more attractive and comfortable.
  3. Cleaning is a kind of exercise that allows you to keep your body in good shape.
  4. Cleaning the room distracts you from unnecessary thoughts. While cleaning, the brain takes a break from the daily routine.

Circular cleaning - what is it?

Circular cleaning is a new technique that allows you to perfectly clean your living space and at the same time spend a minimum of time and costs on the work. The essence of circular cleaning is that all tasks are done gradually one after another, and then again in a circle.

The secret to rotating cleaning is that tasks that require frequent completion are inserted into the schedule more often. And tasks that require less intensity are included in the plan less frequently. Also, an important role is played by thorough preparation of the area (general cleaning), and only then proceeding to cleaning in a circle.

Cleaning methods

All-round cleaning reviews:

Arina : three small children are a real hurricane in the house. We sent her to my grandmother for the weekend and cleaned the apartment. After this, I’ve been doing circular cleaning for two months now and it’s always clean! Thanks for the idea!

Nikolai : My wife and I didn’t notice how we turned the house and the area around it into a terrible place. We wrote a list and followed it carefully for a year. Now our house is the best on the street! By the way, the dishwasher and lawn mower are real finds of our day.

Who invented circular cleaning?

the FlyLady cleaning system , created by the American Marla Seelly. She had a large house and no maid or any help. At the same time, Marla wanted to live, and not survive in the constant struggle for purity.

But it is worth paying attention to the fact that Marla is still a housewife and it was difficult for us, working women, to fully understand the flylady system and make numerous plans, notes, and boxes. A Russian woman, with her many responsibilities, is ready to give up some idealistic principles in order to simplify her life and make time for rest and sleep.

That is why the idea appeared on the Internet that instead of the flylady program, I would like to receive a detailed and clear at first glance plan, according to which you can clean the house in 15-20 minutes, and thereby relieve the weekend.

Marie Kondo's cleaning method

An important stage of any spring cleaning is throwing away unnecessary things. Chipped dishes, worn out towels, torn bags, mismatched socks, empty tubes of cosmetics - all this “good” belongs in a landfill.

Clothes, shoes and books that are no longer needed or relevant can be donated to a charity collection point.

The KonMari system, developed by the Japanese Marie Kondo, has become a fashionable way to clean up the house. The author of the technique gives mystical symbolism to things, assuring that a person’s bad or good memories arise after visual contact with a particular piece of furniture.

The general cleaning algorithm “Japanese style” is divided into 2 stages:

  1. Getting rid of things that don't bring you joy.
  2. Distribution of other things in the freed space.

Despite its apparent simplicity, the method works and has found many followers in Russia. KonMari cleaning is not divided into individual rooms, but into categories:

  • cloth;
  • Books and magazines;
  • documentation;
  • miscellaneous.

The principle of sorting is simple: if something makes you happy, we keep it; if it doesn’t, we throw it away. When everything unnecessary is sent to the landfill, Marie suggests distributing the remaining items for storage. The method of vertical placement of things may seem unusual to many at first, but then they appreciate the degree of convenience. The magic of cleaning in Japanese brings harmony and more order to family life.

How to clean using Marie Kondo's system - video

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