House cleaning. How to do this faster? 7 tips from a cleaning company on the Nedvio website

Cleaning a private house is not at all the same as an apartment. There is more space here, and there are larger windows, and higher ceilings, and there are also stairs. It's no wonder that the thought of deep cleaning the cottage terrifies some homeowners.

Luckily, there are tricks and hacks you can use to clean your home faster, more efficiently, and with less time and effort. We present 7 tips for effective cleaning from professionals - cleaning companies that work in absolutely any home.

Tip #1: Put everything in its place

This is a general principle, since scattered things are the main cause of clutter. Things thrown hastily anywhere, scattered cosmetics, books, accessories, children's toys - all this creates a feeling of chaos in the house.

Advice from the cleaning company - think in advance about where to store all your things. If there is not enough furniture in the house, buy shelves, bedside tables, ottomans with a container inside, wicker and cardboard boxes - all these items can be found in any home improvement store. They're inexpensive and come in a variety of colors, patterns, and sizes, so you can find the perfect option for any room.

The most affordable solution is plastic containers or wicker baskets. They do not take up much space, but are very roomy. They can easily be hidden under the bed or in the corner of the room. All you have to do is think about what things you will store in them and arrange them accordingly. Don't forget to label the containers with a marker so you always know where to look for what.

The second piece of advice from the professionals is to talk to your spouse, children and everyone else living in the house. Ask them to always put things back where they got them. After this, keeping your home in order will never be a problem for you again.

How to quickly clean a room?

In this section we will talk not only about how to quickly clean a room, but how to organize the space of the room so that it takes no more than 15 minutes to restore order.

  • Bed or sofa . Ideally, you should make your bed after waking up. But are you doing this? If not, there is an easy way to make up the bed: remove the blanket and pillow, quickly cover it with a blanket, fold the blanket into 4 parts and place it at the head of the bed, with a pillow on top.

Tip #2: Use the 15 Minute Rule

Did you know that you can clean your house in just 15 minutes? At least that's what cleaning companies say.

Absolutely in a quarter of an hour you will be able to:

  1. Collect and wash all the dishes left over from lunch;
  2. Put all clothes and items that are scattered around the house in closets;
  3. Wipe the countertop, furniture, appliances, window sills with a damp cloth.

Not bad, right? Moreover, in these 15 minutes you have already completed a huge amount of house cleaning work! If you make it a rule to do these “15 minutes” every day, then your house will always be clean. Add a vacuum cleaner to this and you will forget about dust in your home forever.

Additional time-saving tricks

  • To save energy, we recommend doing several things at once. For example, while your washing machine is running, you can easily wipe off limescale from the taps or clean up the shelves with bath accessories.
  • Consider how much time you are willing to spend cleaning. You can set a reminder on your phone screen or set an alarm to help you know when to stop. This simple manipulation will help you concentrate. You won’t even notice how you will start doing everything much faster and will be able to spend no more than an hour of your time a week on cleaning.

Tip #3: Clean walls and surfaces from top to bottom

Cleaning experts always adhere to this principle. So it’s worth listening to them.

In a nutshell: the floor is always vacuumed and washed last. Otherwise, you will have to clean it twice, after accidental drops from a damp cloth, falling dust from furniture and a window sill.

The same principle of effective cleaning works well not only with walls, but also with floors and even individual rooms:

  • You need to start cleaning from the top floor, finish with the bottom, basement (if there is one);
  • You should start cleaning with the living rooms and end with the bathrooms (because during the cleaning process you are highly likely to spill something, for example, a cleaning product).

In general, the main advice is to try to do the cleaning so as not to do the work twice.

Let's throw away the unnecessary: ​​balcony, storage room and mezzanine

General cleaning of an apartment or cottage will not be effective without throwing away unnecessary things. Where does junk most often accumulate and take up space in your home? As a rule, on the balcony and mezzanines, as well as in the storage room.

Clear out old clutter and get rid of unnecessary things. How much rubbish is stored in apartments “just in case”, but this case never comes! Act on the principle: if an item has not been useful to me within a year, I don’t need it! Think about it, what is the use of a broken flower pot, a children's tricycle (when your children are already finishing school), or a broken table lamp that no one will ever fix? Free up space and you will see that there is much more usable space in your apartment or cottage.

If cleaning is carried out after renovation or construction, scraps of wallpaper, empty containers of polyurethane foam or cans of paint should be disposed of first.

When the space is cleared of debris and unnecessary things, thoroughly wash the balcony, storage room, remove dust from the mezzanines, and proceed to the next stage of cleaning.

Tip #4: Create a cleaning plan

A good plan is half the battle. Thanks to a pre-made plan, you will not miss anything and will clean your house in the right order and with the least effort.

As a rule, cleaning companies develop not one, but three different plans for cleaning apartments and houses:

Daily plan

This includes the duties that need to be performed every day to keep the house in order. These include:

  • washing dishes;
  • wiping surfaces from dust;
  • cleaning up scattered things;
  • cleaning the hob.

Weekly plan

This includes duties that are performed on specific days of the week. For example:

  • on Monday - washing clothes, bed linen and ironing them;
  • on Tuesday - dry cleaning of the floor with a vacuum cleaner and wet cleaning with a rag;
  • on Wednesday - disposal of old food from the refrigerator and garbage removal;
  • on Thursday - cleaning kitchen cabinets, chests of drawers and dressing rooms;
  • on Friday - cleaning the bathroom.

Of course, the plan doesn't have to be exactly that. You can tailor it individually to suit your needs and the features of your home. You can also repeat certain actions several times a week (for example, vacuuming if you have pets in your home).

Monthly plan

This includes complex and time-consuming house cleaning tasks. Fortunately, doing them once a month is enough. Among them:

  • window cleaning;
  • cleaning the oven, multicooker, deep fryer;
  • cleaning the refrigerator;
  • washing carpets, etc.

A schematic plan for cleaning a house might look like this:


Cleaning in the kitchen is carried out according to the same principle as in the rooms.

  • Dust the ceiling and wash the chandelier or overhead light.
  • Wash windows and radiators.
  • Clean the hood and ventilation grilles.
  • General kitchen cleaning begins with washing the kitchen cabinets. Here, too, you will have to carefully sort through everything that has accumulated in them. Check the expiration date of products, throw away jars or boxes that are stored for unknown reasons, in a word, everything that has become unusable and is taking up space. After this, wash the cabinets inside and out.
  • Defrost, wash and organize the refrigerator.
  • Clean and organize lower cabinets.
  • Wash and clean the dishes and put them in their places.
  • Clean - wash the kitchen furniture: tables, chairs, upholstered furniture.
  • Wash the floor.

Think about what you will do and in what order, and follow this plan strictly. As you work, you will have to make some adjustments, but in any case, your work will not be spontaneous and chaotic, which means you will cope with it quickly and efficiently.

General cleaning can take from one day to a week, depending on its scale and area of ​​residence. Break your tasks into days and then you will complete it much faster.

Tip #5: Involve other family members in cleaning

Cleaning a private home is an activity that requires a lot of time. And if you also have work, cooking, and childcare on your shoulders, it is very difficult to cope with such a task alone. That's why it's worth delegating cleaning responsibilities and sharing them with everyone who lives in the house. After all, if the house is clean and well-groomed, everyone will benefit, right?

To distribute tasks, it is best to create a table in which you should indicate who takes on what responsibilities, and hang it in a visible place - for example, on the refrigerator. This way you will always know whose turn it is to take out the trash or wash the dishes.


The final stage of cleaning an apartment or cottage is putting the hallway in order.

  • Here you need to remove scattered umbrellas and keys, place shoes on a special shelf or in a nightstand. It’s better to put away your sandals if it’s already January, remembering to wash them first.
  • Tidy up the mirror.
  • Wash the front door outside and inside; there is likely to be a lot of dirt and hand marks accumulated on the surface.
  • Clean the door mat and mop the floors.

Tip #6: Remove stains and dirt as soon as they appear

This is a very simple and time-saving technique, but for some reason many people forget about it. Yes, sometimes we don’t have time to immediately wash the dishes or clean up a random stain left on the stove or carpet. However, professionals working in cleaning companies strongly advise against doing this.

Why? The fact is that while the stain is fresh, it can be removed in just a few seconds, but when it dries, you will have to spend 20-30 minutes or more removing it. And at the same time, it’s not a fact that you will be able to clean it at all.

This is a very important tip for keeping your home clean. As experience shows: most often walls, floors, countertops, kitchen stoves, and plumbing fixtures are contaminated with stubborn stains. And most of them would not appear at all if cleared immediately.

That's why you should make it a rule: when something spills or falls apart - while eating, cooking or other activities, it is better to immediately wipe it up with a sponge and paper towel.

How to get in the right mood for cleaning, where can you find motivation?

For many, the cleaning process turns into a hated routine . People vacuum their apartment or clean the stove because they have to. But you can get aesthetic pleasure from cleaning.

Firstly, you need to set your mind to the fact that cleaning helps you get rid of negativity, get organized, and renew yourself. A person takes control of a small part of the huge world in the form of his room and structures its space.

Surrounding dirt and clutter paralyzes productivity, and there may be zero productivity throughout the day. And a tidy room stimulates a lot.

Secondly, cute gadgets help you fall in love with cleaning . Don’t use old rags; buy a special multi-colored broom or bright dust cloths.

Good music saves you in any situation. So turn on your favorite tracks and cleaning will go like clockwork.

A pleasant aroma also perfectly motivates you to take action, so drop a little essential oil into a humidifier or light aromatic candles.

Tip #7. If your home is in chaos and cleaning is urgently needed, it is better to entrust the work to a cleaning company

It happens that there is an important event ahead (birthday, New Year, wedding, etc.), but there is absolutely no time to clean the house on your own. It also happens that there is time, but the nature of the contamination is so heavy that it is simply impossible to wash it with your own hands.

Calling a cleaning service to your home will also be the right decision if there is a general cleaning of the house, because only experienced specialists can urgently carry out such a volume of work.

In such situations, it is better to entrust the work to professionals and seek help in cleaning a private house from a cleaning company. This solution will save you time and nerves and you will be able to do more pleasant things (preparing for a holiday, decorating your home, cooking your favorite dishes), instead of spending hours scrubbing the stove, carpet or bathroom tiles until they look neat.

As experience shows, if you need to clean your house urgently and efficiently, cleaning companies are indispensable. Yes, it will cost money, but then you won’t have to spend hours on cleaning, buy a huge number of various household chemicals and equipment, and breathe it all. If you have a large amount of work to do, it is better to entrust this work to professionals - they will efficiently carry out any home cleaning tasks for you, and will cope with even the biggest mess.

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Cleanliness for important details

If you have found the strength to begin general cleaning of your apartment or cottage, no matter after construction, renovation or “current”, do not leave any corner unattended.

  • If you have indoor plants and flower pots in every room? Pay attention to them, cut off yellowed and dried leaves, wipe off dust from flower pots, wash the stands.
  • Do you have pets? Put their bowls in order and wash their bedding, and if your pet lives in a cage, let it be clean there too.
  • Do you collect figurines, or has your child placed a small (only 150 individuals) family of plastic dinosaurs on a shelf in his room? Be patient and wash the collection, there is a lot of dust on it.
  • If there are photographs, paintings or decor hanging on the walls, wipe off the dust, which can be washed or refreshed with glass cleaner.
  • Re-glue any loose wallpaper and baseboards.
  • Organize your wallet and bag.
  • Clean your computer of unnecessary files and junk.

Psychological techniques

If you can't bring yourself to start cleaning, try:

  • turn on your favorite music;
  • if you like to read, download an audiobook. Turn it on while cleaning and enjoy an interesting story;
  • ask your household for help by distributing minor responsibilities among them;
  • light scented candles;
  • Promise to treat yourself to some treat or item when you finish cleaning.

What not to do?

Inexperienced housewives often make mistakes in the cleaning process , as a result of which it becomes more complicated and delayed. Take advantage of important recommendations that will help you get your room in order faster and better.


Furniture cleaning products (polishes) do not need to be applied directly to the surface. In some cases, the cleaning composition should not be allowed to soak in, otherwise the furniture facades may be damaged. It is recommended to spray the product on a special napkin and wipe the surfaces with it.

Wet wipes

Sometimes people use universal wet wipes when cleaning. This is not necessary, since the moisturizer contains components intended for human skin care.

After using such wipes, a cloudy coating and stains remain on the furniture . In addition, they do not cope very well with stubborn dirt and dust.

The hardware departments of stores sell special wet wipes for cleaning. The cleaning composition with which they are impregnated copes with dirt much more effectively.

Kitchen sponges

A serious mistake when cleaning the kitchen is using one sponge to clean all surfaces. It is unacceptable to first wash dishes with cutting boards with a washcloth, and then wipe the table, stove or tiles with it. The sponge accumulates many harmful bacteria. Using it everywhere will only spread harmful microorganisms throughout the kitchen.

Be sure to have a few kitchen cleaning accessories:

  • floor cloth;
  • a separate sponge for cleaning the sink (you can store it in the cabinet under the sink);
  • microfiber cloths for the countertop (in extreme cases, regular paper towels will do);
  • abrasive sponges for slabs and tiles;
  • dish sponge.

Home cleaners

When cleaning, various home remedies are often used. But don’t think that by mixing several components you can enhance or speed up the cleaning efficiency. The reaction can be unpredictable, unpleasant, and even dangerous to health.

Never combine the following substances with each other:

  • alcohol and bleach;
  • ammonia and bleach;
  • vinegar and bleach;
  • vinegar and hydrogen peroxide;
  • vinegar and baking soda.

Latex gloves

Another mistake many housewives make is not to use gloves during cleaning work. They think that they will quickly restore order, and chemical detergents will not have time to harm the skin of their hands.

But even minor contact with chemicals can have a negative effect on the skin, especially if the product contains active ingredients.

To avoid skin irritation, be sure to use gloves (you can even use inexpensive plastic ones, as long as they cover your hands).


Try not to postpone all cleaning to other days or weekends. Debris and dust will only accumulate.

If possible, spend half an hour every day on cleaning work, and then at the end of the week you will spend much less time.

Perhaps the following useful tips will help you speed up the cleaning process and make it more efficient:

  1. When wet cleaning a room, do not wet the cloth with plain water, but add a little laundry conditioner to it (a tablespoon per bucket of water will be enough). The air conditioner will give the water an antistatic effect, less dust will settle on the surfaces of the furniture and they will remain clean longer. In addition, a pleasant light smell will appear in the room.
  2. If the carpets, chairs and sofas are light in color, you can freshen them up with baking soda. It is poured in a thin layer over the surface, and after two hours it is collected with a vacuum cleaner. This life hack will not work for dark furniture and carpets, as baking soda can leave whitish marks.
  3. A clothes roller can be used to clean mosquito nets. You don't even need to take them out of the windows. It is enough to move the roller over the surface of the mesh to collect dust and small midges.
  4. Use your dishwasher for more than just dishes and mugs. It will save your time and thoroughly clean dirty refrigerator shelves, shower heads, glass lamp shades, toothbrush cups and soap dishes.
  5. Don't forget about simple household cleaners such as laundry soap and alcohol. If you combine them, you get an excellent product for removing greasy stains (even old ones). Effective and budget-friendly!
  6. Don’t rush to throw away your old toothbrushes; they can later be used to clean hard-to-reach places. And it is best to sweep away dust in such narrow and inconvenient places with brushes.
  7. Cover the tops of furniture and wall cabinets with parchment paper or newspapers. Dust will settle on them, and during cleaning you just need to replace the paper with new one.

Video instructions for quality cleaning:

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