Fly lady system. House cleaning, daily tasks, magazine, book

A lot of women became fans of the system, which freed them from domestic slavery. Now they flutter around their home, maintaining beauty and cleanliness.

There are no more weekly general cleanings, which for some reason do not help and force a more thorough inspection of the territory every month. By the way, corners with junk and closets filled with strange things are a thing of the past.

Principles of the fly lady system “let’s take off together”

Housewives who adhere to this daily routine have their own commandments, they allow them not to go astray. It is noted that you won’t have to work hard to implement them:

  • the sink in the house should not be dirty;
  • all housekeeping tasks are carried out in accordance with the control log;
  • We must not forget that every morning the housewife wears only comfortable clothes and shoes;
  • You should control yourself and not devote much time to the computer or TV;
  • after an item has been removed from somewhere, it should be put back in place;

  • there is no need to get excited, it is better to complete one task than to leave several unfinished ones;
  • every day should include an act done for oneself;
  • the sooner the task is completed, the sooner the period of pleasant things will begin;
  • you need to smile every day, even if you don’t really want to;
  • You need to love and pamper yourself.


Oh, how I love Friday night! After all, the weekend is ahead! I'm sure you will support me.

  1. After work, my husband and I buy groceries, chemicals and hygiene products. What I planned on Thursday!
  2. When we arrive home, we feed the cat.
  3. We sit down at the table ourselves. Sometimes ready-made food supplies run out on Friday, so you can afford something quick. I always have a pack of dumplings in my refrigerator! Although I am not a supporter of factory-made products, I prefer to cook myself. But sometimes you have to be a little lazy.
  4. Test evening, you can walk around the house and wipe off the dust.
  5. Evening with the family! Let's get ready for the weekend and make plans together!

And tomorrow is Saturday!

Fly lady in Russian style, features

According to flying housewives, weekends should be devoted only to relaxation. No work or rework, just a good time. Otherwise, the routine will swallow the woman headlong, and it will be impossible to get out of this swamp.

You can do without general cleaning; that’s why the fly-lady system exists. The cleanliness of the house will be maintained through the time allotted daily for regular tidying. Every day 15 minutes for one of the zones.

It is worth cleaning not only during the period of contamination, the surface is constantly treated. Therefore, regardless of the appearance of the equipment, furniture or floor, they should be put in order. By the way, things that are taken for use must be back in place after manipulation with them is completed.

There is no point in accumulating unnecessary things in your apartment; it is better to give it to someone as a gift or simply throw away what is not used . Keeping items on shelves that aren't in use is the first step to decluttering your space.

There is no need to buy for future use or something new without throwing away the old one. A few extra kilos of rice or new towels when you still have old ones are unnecessary! If kitchen accessories were purchased, then the existing items go into the trash bin.

Note! The fly-lady system helps a woman use her time wisely so as not to fall off her feet after cleaning her home. At the same time, for faithful completion of tasks, she is rewarded with a clean and well-kept apartment.


Marla Seelly herself did not highlight the principles; these are most likely the first steps with which acquaintance with the FlyLady system begins.

Principle 1: Clean Kitchen Sink

Since you have to start somewhere, the author of the system invites everyone to go and clean their work sink in the kitchen until it shines. You can even find a special author’s recipe on the Internet. After this, the sink must be kept clean all the time, that is, pay attention to it every day.

Principle 2. Starting the day every day: getting yourself in order

After waking up and performing hygiene procedures, you need to dress yourself up nicely and put on lace-up shoes. In this form, it will be more difficult for you to return to a warm bed. Climb! Great things await us!

Principle 3. Introduce rituals (morning, afternoon, evening)

You probably still have your own morning and evening rituals; in this mode they are called “routines”? Write them down, think them over, add them. For example, now add to your nightly routine the washing of the kitchen sink, which should now always shine. And we add a beautiful outfit and lace-up shoes to our morning routine.

Principle 4. Throw away unnecessary things

Throw away unnecessary things every day. Marla Cilley advises throwing out 27 things a day, which only create clutter at home and interfere with the organization of your home space. Ideally, de-littering should not take more than 15 minutes.

Principle 5. We don’t hoard things.

To make “decluttering” your apartment easier, try not to accumulate a lot of unnecessary, but, in your opinion, very necessary things, such as glass jars, plastic boxes, grocery bags. Try to get rid of one old item by buying the same new one.

Principle 5. Work in the zone 15 minutes a day

Divide the space of your home into zones, for example, hallway, kitchen, bathroom, toilet, room. Dedicate a week to cleaning the area. This week, on set days, clean the area for no more than 15 minutes a day, set a timer so you don’t overwork!

Principle 6. Hot spots

Hot spots are places in your home where clutter is most likely to accumulate. For example, a bedside table in the hallway, a coffee table in the living room or bedroom. Find the hot spots in your home, sort them out, and keep them tidy every day. Engage in “hot spots” daily for no longer than 5 minutes.

Principle 7. Blessing the home - 1 hour per week.

Blessing the home is our routine cleaning without crawling under sofas or moving cabinets. You can go through dusty shelves and dirty floors in one hour a week, provided that you devote some time to order every day. Set aside one day a week to bless your home, but not the weekend!

Principle 8. Start small and a little at a time

Don't start by cleaning the entire apartment at once. We start just a little bit at a time so as not to scare ourselves away.

Principle 9: Don't be a perfectionist

Don't try to do everything perfectly, it's too easy to give up. We do it to the best of our ability.

Principle 10: Audit Trail

Every “flying lady” needs an accounting and control journal. Your daily and weekly routine is written down there. All routines, division into zones, menu for the week, important phone numbers and encouraging phrases. With it, your life will become more organized and streamlined.

Principle 11: Weekends for rest

On the weekend, relax with your family, loved ones and friends. Gain strength and energy.

Based on the principles of the system, you can calculate how much time per day should be spent on cleaning.

Morning, afternoon, evening routine - 20+20+20=60 minutes;

Work in the zone - 15 minutes;

Debris removal – 15 minutes;

Extinguishing "hot spots" - 5 minutes.

It turns out that the maximum time devoted to FlyLady for the entire day is 1 hour 35 minutes. Many people include decluttering and hot spots in their routines, which results in a minimum of 1 hour and 15 minutes.

On the day dedicated to the “Blessing of the Home,” a maximum of 2 hours and 20 minutes is spent on tasks according to the system.

Fly lady system: where to start

Getting into the right daily routine always starts with 31 steps from the fly lady system. The hostess will be able to gradually immerse herself in the schedule and understand the basics of this manual. A sudden change in your usual life will not lead to anything good.

Often, the beginning of the system is a mailing with letters of recommendation; the lady will receive one “envelope” each month. This is not convenient for everyone, so below there is a detailed description of the manipulations. It is noted that the system steps may vary, so do not be surprised if differences are found.

Some women, as soon as they get used to it, allow themselves to adjust the points of the plan. This has a beneficial effect on the result, because they adjust this schedule to themselves.

Fly lady system - house cleaning

Fly lady littering

Every day, flying housewives spend 15 minutes cleaning their home. Due to this, their home is transformed, free space appears, and less effort is wasted when disassembling the apartment. To consolidate the effect, you need to get rid of the junk. To do this, de-littering is introduced, and 15 minutes are also allocated for it.

In the allotted time, a woman needs to sort things out in different places in the house. Not globally, on shelves, in parts, while unnecessary things need to be thrown away. They mercilessly say goodbye to items that have not been used for the last year.

Cleaning a house (apartment) using the fly lady system

  • execution of the routine in the morning and evening;
  • consolidation of a monthly habit;
  • making stickers with reminders;
  • neutralization of bad thoughts;
  • maintaining an audit trail;
  • using a timer;
  • daily execution of a task from Kelly;
  • getting rid of junk, regular;
  • maintaining a family calendar;
  • drawing up a weekly plan;
  • dividing the room into 5 zones.

Monthly cleaning plan

Now you are ready to create your monthly cleaning plan. In fact, this is a list of tasks, scheduled by day of the week, in addition, of course, to the daily cleaning of a specific area. You make yourself 4 lists of tasks for each week and thus you get a monthly house cleaning plan.

You can read about how to draw up such a plan (with visual examples) in our specially prepared article: “Fly lady tasks: making a plan for every day, week and month.” Nothing complicated, really!

By the way, the list must include the ECHU (weekly cleaning hour, or house blessing hour), which you perform once a week on a day you have previously marked. Then it won’t even occur to you to spend a lot of time on general cleaning of the fly lady at the end of the month. Professional “flying housewives” spend at most an hour on general cleaning. But this is subject to compliance with the system, of course.

Although, to be honest, we cannot guarantee to talk about such figures if you have a huge three-story cottage with six rooms on each floor, with an attic, a garage, a garden... In this case, you either definitely must be an Indian Shiva with six pairs of hands, at least , or have such a Shiva at your disposal

Fly Lady - Home Economics

Fly Lady: Accounting for Financial Costs

Flying housewives highlight several rules for controlling their profits and expenses. A woman begins to monitor her budget for various reasons. To ensure that money does not evaporate without reason, tasks must be completed.

  • All receipts, invoices and other payment documents are stored in one place.
  • Blessing of financial condition, at a certain hour women have a conversation with higher powers.
  • It would be a good idea to get a bank card; it’s convenient to keep track of your expenses.
  • Why not try on the role of a banker and record your expenses and income in audit trails.
  • Keep track of how much money you spend on food.

  • Wasted income should be kept to a minimum; we are talking about spoiled products.
  • Before you go shopping, make a list.

Interesting fact! Even those women who liked to spend money without accounting, like the financial tracking system. They appreciated its benefits and were able to make impressive savings without losing their quality of life.


Honestly, sometimes you just want to stay at home and lie down on the couch for at least a few minutes with a good book. Why not do this?

  1. Watch a good movie.
  2. Read your favorite book.
  3. Let's include self-care in the form of masks, manicures and other pleasures.
  4. Of course, play with the child!
  5. Perhaps go shopping for your own pleasure.

Of course, adjustments will have to be made. Not once at first. You need to get used to this scheme. But those who live by this principle are truly happy. Creating schedules like this helps you manage your own time! Otherwise, you can stand at the sink for hours, washing dishes, I think that life is just a routine!

Tell us, how do you plan your time? Have you tried a similar system? Perhaps you want to try it? Leave comments and subscribe to blog updates! All the best. See you again!

PS Don't forget to download the free weekly calendar plan for 12 months 2022. This is what it looks like:

Fly lady: menu

Before replenishing food supplies, you should make a meal plan for a certain period of time. To do this, you need to go through several steps to achieve a quality result.

First, the housewife inspects her supplies, notes which items should be used first due to the limited shelf life. Then fill out the item about the family’s favorite dishes.

Of course, the first time you will have to devote a lot of time to these manipulations. However, the next time the woman will be already prepared and will cope faster.

Now, a menu is being drawn up for 3 days, for the first time this will be enough. And on a separate piece of paper they write down the products that need to be purchased. The main thing is not to deviate from the list in the store and follow only it. Promotions, discount packages and other enticing factors should not interest the fly lady.

Common mistakes

Having studied the lion's share of reviews on the Internet, I chose the most typical mistakes that women make. They are the ones who prevent flylady from infiltrating their lives. There are even girls who were able to adapt to living in a new way only on the third attempt. Agree, it’s convenient to keep up with everything!

So, here's a list of errors:

  • Laziness. This is the basics. You can make a schedule, but not stick to it. So, first tune in and decide for yourself that you really need this.
  • The lists are too big. So you meticulously determined what was wrong in your apartment and wanted to do everything right away. Don't plan too much! There is always the possibility of not being on time. Then you will carry over the unfinished tasks to the next day. And there they have their own events planned. And so, unfulfilled actions will turn into a snowball. Then everything will get mixed up and the lady will simply abandon the lists, returning to her previous way of life.
  • Strict execution. Imagine that force majeure has occurred: an urgent report at work or someone is sick. You should not stick to the planned system at all costs. Nobody demands sacrifices from you. This scheme was invented for the convenience of women. When you cope with unforeseen circumstances, return to fly business!
  • The opinions of loved ones, and sometimes ridicule. Not all relatives understand that a woman does household chores on paper. Try not to pay attention to this. Soon you will get used to this way of life and will act automatically.
  • Try not to get distracted. Nobody demands strict compliance from you; of course, adjustments can be made. But how easy it is to get distracted from annoying procedures, for example, by looking through your feed on social networks or simply wandering the Internet! Don't give yourself any slack!
  • Treating flylady like a chore. Remember, the system is intended to help you. And besides, who’s stopping you from including self-care for your loved one on your list? Or what do you like? This is that nice bonus. In addition to the fact that you will have time to clean up, cook dinner, play with the kids, you will also have time for yourself.

Following the rules, there is only one thing left: to organize successfully!

Fly lady system for different women

Fly lady system for working women

When a representative of the fair sex works, it seems that it will be more difficult for her to do everything according to the system. In fact, it is precisely these ladies that the fly lady allows them to get more free time to communicate with their household.

Important points for working women:

  • Each family has its own routine, where household members get up at about 7 o'clock. To follow the fly lady rules, you should get up half an hour or an hour earlier. During this period, while everyone is still sleeping, things for the morning routine are completed.
  • Combining tasks will also allow you not to suffer due to lack of time. Cooking dinner is combined with cleaning the kitchen, and brushing your teeth with tidying up the bathroom.
  • It is cooking that takes up a lot of women’s time; in order to free up the evening, they can cook for future use. Reheated food from the freezer tastes just as good as the food you just cooked.

  • There is a rule for family members that if you don’t litter, you don’t have to clean up. That is, all taken items must be returned to their place.
  • We must not forget about automation, which is aimed at helping the housewife. It is worth dedicating space in the house to a robot vacuum cleaner, washing machine, and multicooker.

Fly lady system for mothers

A woman with a child cannot refuse to do certain things because she has a baby. She needs ironing, washing, or cleaning daily, but these tasks can be done gradually. According to the system of flying women, the routine will take little time, but important things will be done.

In order to follow the system, you need to immediately add one task from your mother to the standard plans. At the same time, you should devote little time to it so as not to completely load your schedule. Depending on what a woman needs more, she puts certain tasks first.

Such women will have more reminders near the mirror, because for her busy schedule it would be a tragedy not to get minced meat on time or not to wash the child’s underwear. Therefore, special attention is paid to notes with advice.

It is important to know! In order not to run out of apartments while pregnant, a woman is asked to draw up a schedule for 30 days. It is following all the points that will allow you to spend your days stress-free and have a clean apartment.

Fly lady system for pregnant women

An interesting situation should not become a reason for refusing to fulfill your usual schedule. On the contrary, many ladies became fans of such a wonderful method after pregnancy.

When carrying a baby, many are prescribed bed rest, allowing them to make efforts only occasionally. Entry into the system is gradual, so it is ideal for such ladies.

To make your day easier, the plan includes pregnancy-specific tasks. For example, you plan to exercise in the morning and visit the doctor in the afternoon. Since this is not a daily task, it will easily fit into the fly lady's schedule.

In some families, the husband takes on part of the worries; for example, he helps his beloved and vacuums on his days off. In a special situation, such interventions and adjustments are quite permissible.

Find out how to improve your health: What vitamins are best for adults to take for immunity?

What is this?

Several years ago, American Marla Seelly introduced the concept of the fly lady. What it is? This is a technique that allows you to relieve a woman’s hands thanks to competent planning of affairs. That is, you don’t need to spend the whole weekend cleaning. It is enough to correctly distribute the load within 5 working days.

But for some reason, not all of our women can adapt to this system (read about the main mistakes of beginners). I know several examples where the technique took root only the third time. Why is this happening? After all, you will agree, how convenient it is to distribute your energy over 5 days, and leave the weekend for yourself.

I analyzed a lot on this topic, and came to the conclusion that the main problem is mentality and way of life. Marla created the system using the example of an American housewife. And some principles simply will not take root in our lives. Here are a few of them, for example:

  1. Wear shoes with laces to avoid the temptation to lie down on the sofa. Excuse me, but where have you seen a young lady fluttering around the house in street shoes? Maximum house slippers.
  2. Spend a week cleaning one area. Well, yes, houses are big in America. It's difficult to clean 10 rooms at a time. And we have mostly small-sized ones. And for those who have mansions, it is no longer the mistress who cleans, but the servants.
  3. And also, using Marla’s example, household chores have to be done when she is home alone. Our fair half often works.

What if we remake this system in the Russian way? Take the main idea and go ahead! How do you like it? Let's try? But first, let's understand which family model to adapt the system to.

Fly Lady: tasks for today and every day

When drawing up a plan, you need to take into account many nuances so as not to go beyond the usual system. If you follow a few points, then developing tasks will not cause problems.

  1. No more than 15 minutes are allotted for each task; if it is large, it is better to divide it.
  2. The list of tasks should not exceed 7 items, since one is allocated for each day.
  3. Provided that there are a lot of things to do, but it is impossible to accommodate them, you can transfer some of them to cleaning by zones.
  4. The load should be uniform; if a 15-minute task comes up with an easy task, it is supplemented with another one.

Fly lady system: daily tasks (tables)

Every week the woman prepares a new schedule with tasks for each day. It will indicate all planned activities. You need to devote enough time to this activity so as not to lose sight of anything.

Below is a ready-made table from which you can compile a personal copy.

Hour of blessing at homePlanning thingsExecuting pending tasksProcurement dayOther mattersFamily dayA day for yourself
Working with a vacuum cleaner15 minutes to clean 1 area15 minutes to clean 1 area15 minutes to clean 1 area15 minutes to clean 1 areaVisit to the cinemaShopping
Cleaning floors in the hallway, toilet and bathroomHotspot analysis in 2 minutesHot spot analysisHotspot analysisHotspot analysisGoing to the shopping centerTaking a bath with goodies
Cleaning dust from furniture and windowsCleaning the kitchen floorThrowing away 10 unnecessary thingsDrop 10 itemsThrowing away 10 extra itemsWalking in the park areaEpilation
Cleaning mirrors and doorsWatering plantsCleaning the floor in the living roomPurchase of productsCleaning the bedroom floorGames with the younger generationManicure and pedicure
Change of beddingAnalysis of products, medicinesCleaning the aquariumPurchase of household chemicalsFix broken thingsFamily dinnerWatching a movie
WashMenu planningCleaning cat bowlsBuying gifts for upcoming datesShoe shineReading your favorite work
Analysis of old printed materialsMaking a shopping listMaking an appointment with a doctorPayment of billsOrganizing your purse and car
Taking out the trashWeekend planningTidying up your refrigeratorCleaning your phone from excess junkPleasant evening with your loved one

Important fact! Preparing such a table is mandatory; if it is not possible to do this on electronic media, you can draw it by hand. Such things organize a person very much; they imply support when entering the system.


Considering that I have a main job, I have to do things in the evening. Fortunately, I arrive an hour earlier than my husband and child)) so the schedule is like this:

  1. Feed the cat and clean up the litter box.
  2. Vacuum. Since we live with a pet, this is a daily ritual!
  3. Prepare dinner.
  4. Make time for family.

In general, I try to cook from pre-prepared products. For example, I buy fresh minced meat, make cutlets and freeze it. I recently tried freezing homemade pizza. I put it in the oven straight from the freezer, brushing it with only mayonnaise. It turned out delicious))

Thanks to these secrets, I don’t plan to spend a lot of time cooking on Mondays. And you?

Checklist (diary) fly lady, how to make

Every fly lady should have an audit trail that she follows daily.

In order to provide an additional incentive, the notebook needs to be made bright and unusual. To create a creative magazine you will need:

  1. A notebook or notepad, preferably the sheets should be squared and connected with rings.
  2. A set of pens and bright markers to highlight text or headings.
  3. Stickers, dividers that are glued inside and contain important information.
  4. Clippings from printed materials, business cards, motivators.
  5. Paper clips, beautiful tape, stapler.

Now skillful hands are used, and a bright head will tell them what to do. In 60 minutes you can build a beautiful book to write down your daily tasks.

Fly lady audit trail:

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