How to get rid of mattress odor: cleaning at home

A correctly selected product is a guarantee of quality, safety, healthy and long sleep. However, sometimes mattresses smell bad: immediately after unpacking or after short or, conversely, long-term use.

I would like to have odorless mattresses in my home, but is this possible? How to keep mattresses in perfect condition so that they do not have unpleasant odors, both after unpacking and after long-term use. Let's look at this issue in more detail.

The main causes of odor from a new mattress

It often happens that the purchased mattress does not smell too good. After the film packaging is removed from the product, a disgusting acrid aroma literally spreads throughout the room, which you want to get rid of as quickly as possible. But is this possible? How to get rid of the smell from a mattress as quickly as possible, without leaving a trace of it? What does it smell like and is it dangerous?


Buyers should be aware that modern mattresses use multiple layers of materials.
Some of them are literally glued together with a special acetone-based glue. The smell is unpleasant, but not harmful to human health. And how to get rid of the smell from the mattress in this case? Experts recommend placing the mattress on the balcony for 2 days so that the smell disappears. No trace of unpleasant odors remains. And you no longer need to think and worry about how to get rid of the smell of a new mattress, because ventilation is enough to solve this problem once and for all.

If after airing the smell does not disappear, then you can suspect that the manufacturer used toxic glue.

Most likely, such a mattress was made in artisanal conditions, in underground workshops. Here you will need either longer ventilation, or the product will have to be returned to the manufacturer as unfit for use. After all, the pungent chemical smell of low-quality glue is a serious health hazard. Typically, such mattresses need to be aired longer and the smell still goes away.

Mattress upholstery fabric

Also, an unpleasant odor can come from the padding of an orthopedic product.
And how to get rid of the smell of the mattress in this case? Here, too, everything is banal, the base for sleeping needs to be taken out to the balcony and left there for about 3-4 days. Why does the fabric smell? The fact is that it is possible that the material absorbed unpleasant odors during the production stage. Sometimes such material is treated with special antimicrobial and anti-mite impregnations. Sometimes they use a fire-fighting solution, which is also not very pleasant for the human olfactory organs. Here, as in the previous case, banal ventilation is enough to solve the problem.

Caring for a foam bed

The foam mattress is very comfortable, and caring for it is not difficult at all. Just be careful when using water, as foam rubber easily absorbs it. It is better to clean it with a vacuum cleaner using a cloth attachment.

If the sleeping area is too wet, mold will grow in it. And mold is very difficult to get rid of.

Mold removal recipes:

  • Pour a solution of 9% vinegar and water into a container with a spray bottle, spray, and leave for 1 hour. Then clean the fabric with a stiff brush and take the mattress outside to dry.
  • Sprinkle baking soda over the surface, leave for 4 hours, then vacuum. Blackness can be treated with soda solution.
  • Crushed chalk effectively removes mold. Cover black spots with chalk, cover with white paper, iron, then vacuum.
  • Ammonia is also good against fungus and mold smell: mix ammonia with water 1:1. Using a sponge, work on the blackness until it disappears.
  • Apply chlorine bleach to the black area, brush it, and dry thoroughly.
  • Tea tree oil will also help get rid of fungus and odor: pour 1 tsp into a cup of warm water. ether, treat all places where there is mold.
  • If the mattress is not free of mold, get rid of it immediately. Health is more valuable.

Foreign odor depending on the type of filler

As mentioned above, simple airing is often enough for the aromas to evaporate and not a trace of them remains.
Orthopedic products are multilayer structures. They contain natural coconut coir, polyvinyl chloride, memory foam material and many other fillers. High-quality materials do not have unpleasant odors. They are safe for human health. Components produced in China using a handicraft method can emit unpleasant odors containing caustic chemical volatiles that are dangerous to the human respiratory system. This chemical smell can cause:

  • attacks of suffocation;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • chronic bronchitis;
  • many other diseases.


Latex ones made from natural latex do not smell, have high performance characteristics, but they are very expensive.
Therefore, buyers have to make compromises. And for the most part they purchase products made on the basis of artificial latex. High-quality material also does not smell at all, but low-quality material has a rather persistent chemical smell. If it does not disappear within two weeks, it should also be returned to the manufacturer or seller. If you refuse to accept the goods back, you will have to go to court. But first, you need to perform a pre-trial independent examination.

Attention! A mattress whose odor has not dissipated within a week cannot be used.

Coconut coir

Mattresses filled with coconut coir are very often used for children. Such products are rigid, it is comfortable to sleep on them, and after sleep there is no unpleasant sensation in the back. A new product may have a tart aroma that goes away on its own, without special ventilation on the balcony. Of course, if this smell is annoying, you can buy a special powder (odor absorber) in the store and sprinkle it on the base of your sleep: first on one side, and then on the other side. The powder must be removed, after which the unpleasant aroma will disappear.

Foam rubber

Cheap mattress models are often filled with foam rubber. After purchase, they may emit unpleasant odors, but as a rule, they are not strong or very pungent. Here you don’t need to think about how to get rid of the unpleasant smell, since it evaporates on its own without airing on the balcony. After about 1 week of use, not a trace remains of it. However, if such odors appear after prolonged use, most likely this is a sign that it is time to throw away the product. Foam rubber decomposes, releasing gases that are dangerous to the human respiratory system. This product is not recommended for use and must be disposed of.

Mattress covering material

When purchasing orthopedic products in an online store or in a regular salon that sells mattresses, you need to carefully look at what covering material the product has. It is worth choosing only jacquard or thick natural cotton. Artificial materials may have an unpleasant odor, which can only be removed after dry cleaning or after using special powders. Powders are moisture absorbers. They literally absorb unpleasant odors and help eliminate the smell forever.

Eliminating the smell of a new mattress

Unfortunately, many users who purchased a mattress for their bed, expecting a comfortable sleep, have to deal with this problem. Before using the product for its intended purpose, it must be processed in a special way, despite the fact that it is completely new.

  • New mattresses: can be placed on the balcony for several days to solve the problem of unpleasant odor.
  • You can also blow the product with a hairdryer, that is, simply treat it with hot air or steam. If the composition contains latex cotton, latexed coconut coir, or memory foam material, you should not treat it with a hot iron or steam generator to avoid deformation.
  • You can use an additional thick mattress cover, which partially helps in combating odor.
  • Use technical soda ash to clean the surface of the mattress, ridding the product of an unpleasant odor.

Fighting the smell of an old mattress

Mattresses that can also develop an unpleasant odor over time.
Especially if you have pets. To remove the smell of cat urine, use a special stain remover. It removes not only stains, but also unpleasant odors. You can use dry cleaning services, carrying out professional disinfection and cleaning, after which the unpleasant odor and stains will disappear. Unfortunately, this is a rather expensive method and not always economically profitable. Most mattress cleaning is done independently at home.

To remove musty smells, it is recommended to use:

  • vinegar;
  • lemon juice;
  • hydrogen peroxide;
  • vodka and alcohol;
  • laundry soap;
  • chlorine-containing products.

It is better to purchase chemicals for home dry cleaning of mattresses in specialized stores.
You can also contact a pet supply store that sells special solutions that can be used to remove the unpleasant spirit emanating from cat or dog urine remaining on the mattress.

Removing the smell of cigarette smoke from a mattress

To remove the smell of cigarette smoke, simply vacuum your mattress regularly. Experts recommend ventilating it at least 2 times a year. The ideal option is regular ventilation once a month for several hours.

Damp soiling and unpleasant odor

If liquid gets in, for example, tea, juice, you need to clean the contaminated area as quickly as possible using a stain remover. In this way, it will be possible to remove the contamination itself and prevent the appearance of an unpleasant odor.

Pollution prevention

It is advisable to prevent the appearance of stains on mattresses; acids and urea have a destructive effect on the fabric and filling.

How to prevent stains:

  1. If sick people and children live in the house, in order not to constantly carry out the tedious cleaning procedure, it is better to buy a waterproof mattress cover.
  2. It is better to buy products with a removable cover that can be easily washed in a machine if necessary, and the filling can be dried in the open air.
  3. When pets leave “marks,” you need to take immediate action, otherwise the smell will attract them to mark their territory again.
  4. If you make your bed every morning after getting up with a thick blanket, there will be significantly fewer stains on the mattress.
  5. By devoting more time to your children, animals and sick people, you can completely eliminate the appearance of stains.

Dirt from a mattress can be easily removed with home remedies, so don’t scold your loved ones. The main thing is to identify the reason for their appearance and try to solve it.

How to keep a mattress clean?

Before first use, it is advisable to purchase a thick cover (mattress cover). This additional protection will protect the mattress from:

  • pollution;
  • spots;
  • absorption of foreign odors.

The mattress cover needs to be washed regularly, at least once a month, ideally once every two weeks, or more often.

It is not recommended to take cats and dogs into bed with you. You can't eat or drink in bed. The room where the bed is located must be regularly ventilated, tidied, and kept clean. Also, special air fresheners operating in automatic mode are installed in the room. By following these simple rules, you will be able to keep the mattress clean, in order, and without unpleasant odors.

What are the forecasts?

In the best case, the smell of the mattress will disappear gradually (within a maximum of one month). In some cases, manufacturers warn the consumer that the odor will naturally dissipate within a certain (stated) time. However, what to do if the smell does not disappear after a long time and is also quite “harsh”? This phenomenon should be cause for concern. In this situation, the safety of sleeping with this product is, unfortunately, a big question.

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