How to get rid of the smell of human urine at home: folk methods, special means, removal by drying

I want my house to always smell fresh and clean. Sometimes animals add a bit of unpleasant “aroma,” but they are already used to dealing with this, but when a person creates the problem, few people know how to do it correctly. Therefore, it will not hurt each of us to become familiar with how to get rid of the smell of human urine, how to remove it, what effective methods and means exist.

What is urine and why does it smell?

Urine is a human waste product that has a rather complex composition. It mainly consists of uric acid, salts and other substances that the body no longer needs. Urine is excreted after processing by the kidneys. They filter the blood, clearing it of proteins, salts, toxins, and waste. Urine does not dissolve in water.

This is why washing the surface is not enough. You just need to get rid of the particles that cause the unpleasant aroma, and not try to kill it.

If we are talking about the toilet, then cleaning agents and neutralizers are constantly used here. But what if the problem is in the living rooms, if urine gets on the bed linen, sofa, clothes or carpets? Here you will have to work hard. Although, knowing proven methods, this will not be difficult to do.

The issue is most acute in premises where elderly people or patients suffering from enuresis live.

Many people wonder why there is no unpleasant ombre in children's urine, but it is so difficult to remove it from adults. This is due to the fact that there is still no “garbage” in the small body, no residues from taking medications and other components.


The smell of urine in the apartment does not appear immediately after the “trouble.” And after some time, when the water contained in it evaporates, and only decay products remain.

Strong dog spirit in the apartment, how to get rid of it

Pet dogs can sometimes go to the toilet not on the street, but in the apartment. Usually this only happens in cases where the animal is sick (it has developed incontinence), or it was still a puppy not accustomed to the street.

Dog urine is the easiest way to get rid of it. It is not as caustic as that of rats and cats.

In the place where the dog went down a little, rub it with a brush with powder and detergents, then wash off the foam and repeat the procedure 3-4 times. The washed area is wiped dry.

When you immediately wash up traces of urine left by a dog on the floor, there is no smell left at all.

How to withdraw

Many people try to remove the smell of urine using air freshener, perfume or other fragrances. It ends up getting worse. The chemical components of the selected product react with the liquid on the surface. The aroma not only becomes more intense. Getting him out after this will be even more difficult.

Special means

Have you decided to go to the household chemicals store? The right solution, especially if the problem is not a one-time problem, but other methods cannot remove the smell of urine. There are many options for combating unpleasant odors. But when choosing, you should consider that:

  • Alkaline based products are prohibited. When using them, the size of the spot will only increase, and the nasty ombre will be eliminated only for a short period of time;
  • conventional means, even if they contain o, are not suitable;
  • Some substances can cause an acute allergic reaction in the body. If there are small children, allergy sufferers or pets in the house, you need to be very responsible about your choice.

If you are making a purchase for the first time, you cannot just look at the cost and blindly believe the information on the packaging. Get advice from the store manager, read reviews on the Internet left by people who have also encountered a similar problem.


Good results can be achieved by using silver-based household chemicals, as well as some animal urine products.

Folk remedies

Many available tools can cope with the problem, you just need to know how to use them correctly:

  1. Vinegar. Perhaps this is the most popular remedy. It perfectly kills microbes that cause unpleasant odor in urine, and also destroys uric acid molecules. To treat, you need to mix it in a ratio of 1:5 with water, wet a clean cotton cloth, and wipe the stain well. Then ventilate the room so that the vinegar aroma comes out. Usually works the first time.
  2. Soda. Excellent absorbent. It can eliminate odor, even if it is old. If the stain is fresh, sprinkle it well with baking soda, leave it until dry, and vacuum it. If it is already dry, the surface should be slightly wetted by sprinkling with water from a spray bottle, and then do the same manipulations. There is no need to rub in soda.
  3. Hydrogen peroxide. Another way to get rid of an old stain. The surface must be moistened, sprinkled with baking soda, and then sprinkled with a mixture of peroxide and water (1:1 proportions). A chemical reaction will begin, as a result of which all the “fragrant” microbes will be drawn to the surface. After drying, you also need to vacuum it well.
  4. Iodine. This is a product for removing baby urine stains. It will not be able to cope with more serious contaminants. You need to dissolve 20 drops of iodine in a bucket of water and wash the stained surface.


Iodine, even in such a minimal amount, can leave stains, so it is better not to use the solution on light-colored materials.

  1. Potassium permanganate. This remedy acts like iodine. You need to add a few grains to the water to make a light pink solution and treat the surface with it. It also cannot be used on light-colored surfaces, and it cannot be used to remove strong old stains.
  2. Ammonia with vodka. The mixture copes well with ammonia, which can smell like the urine of an old or seriously ill person. You need to mix 2 tbsp. ammonia and 200 ml of vodka (or diluted alcohol), wipe the contaminated areas with a napkin or cloth.
  3. Lemon acid. To get rid of an unpleasant odor, you need to take a spoonful of citric acid, dissolving it with a small amount of water, or squeeze the juice from one lemon. Use a spray bottle to treat the stain. Leave for half an hour, spray again. Wipe several times with a cloth dampened in clean water.
  4. Laundry soap. To treat the surface of human urine, you can use laundry soap. It is quite effective, but it can also leave stains on the surface; rinsing the sofa or mattress will not work. Therefore, it can only be used on multi-colored or dark surfaces. It is enough to lather the sponge with soap, and then treat the stain with it several times. Then blot with a clean cloth and dry.
  5. Bleaching. This remedy used to be one of the most popular. But given how aggressive it is, it is recommended to avoid it. It should be borne in mind that the fumes from bleach very strongly corrode the mucous membrane, so if you use it, then in a minimal amount and only for crumpling surfaces that it will not “corrode.”

Remove by drying

This method is simple, but it only helps neutralize the smell of children, and only if the stain was noticed in time. You need to blot the stain with a paper napkin, then cover it with white paper or gauze folded several times and iron it until completely dry.

You can dry the surface with a hair dryer. You need to direct the air flow to the stain from different sides, blowing for 10-12 minutes from each position. In this case, the windows must be open. This way, the smell will go away faster.

Features of removing the smell of cat urine from bedding

The main rules that apply when removing cat urine stains from bed linen:

You should start removing stains as soon as possible, immediately after they are discovered; if the stain is fresh, then it is important to remove all moisture from it using a paper towel or napkin; You cannot rub the area with the stain, as this will only lead to an increase in its size; washing bedding that has been damaged by an animal should be done separately from other things, otherwise the “aroma” may transfer to other household items; In some cases the wash may need to be repeated.

How to remove cat urine from a blanket

Whereas in a bedding situation, one or at most two wash cycles would be enough to remove the stench of cat urine, in the case of a blanket marked by an animal, additional control methods will have to be resorted to.

The simplest option that will help effectively remove the smell of cat urine from a blanket:

  • treat the contaminated area with a solution of acetic acid (to do this, mix vinegar and water in a ratio of 1:3 and pour the mixture into a spray bottle);
  • the next step is to cover the stain with baking soda and wait until it absorbs the moisture;
  • wash the problem area using laundry soap.

In addition to this option, there are others that may not be so obvious and convenient, but no less effective in practice:

  • if the color of the blanket allows it, it should be soaked for several hours in a solution of potassium permanganate;
  • An option for those who like to experiment: put the marked blanket in the refrigerator for several weeks (under the influence of low temperatures the unpleasant aroma will disappear), and then wash the blanket in the usual way.

How to remove cat urine smell from a mattress

If feces gets on the mattress, then in order to remove the smell of cat urine from the mattress, you need to proceed as follows:

  • dilute vinegar in water in a ratio of 1:3 and treat the surface with a cotton pad;
  • then pour a thin layer of soda onto the stain and wait until it dries completely;
  • in a spray bottle mix 100 ml of peroxide, 100 ml of boiled water and 1 tbsp. l. dishwashing detergents;
  • Spray the prepared solution onto the problem area;
  • Leave the mattress in this state for 2 hours;
  • Remove any remaining product from the mattress using a vacuum cleaner with a special attachment.

This technology will remove cat urine from the mattress.

Getting rid of the smell of baby urine

Children's urine also requires quick removal from any surfaces, although at first and even after a couple of days there is practically no smell. It is best to use baking soda and drying agent for this. Baking soda will absorb germs, and drying will help quickly dry out a mattress or sofa. If the stain has already dried on its own, it is better to use a mixture of baking soda and peroxide.

It's good if the mattress is removable. It must be removed, washed with the addition of concentrated gels, and then dried in the fresh air.


The stain can be pre-washed with vinegar, treated with citric acid or laundry soap.

Getting rid of the smell of urine from elderly people and bedridden patients

It is very difficult to remove the smell of urine from the clothes of an old person, and if he is also bedridden, then it is necessary not only to deal with dirt, but also to use interrupting agents. In a room where there is a patient, even the walls become saturated with unpleasant odors.

In addition to washing and treating stains, you must regularly take measures to eliminate the unpleasant odor of urine. To do this, the room must be ventilated every few hours, the floors must be washed at least once a day with the addition of bleach or using special disinfectants. It is better to remove carpets, heavy curtains too.

Change bedding daily and wash separately from other items so that they are not saturated with unpleasant odors.

Of course, you need to wash the patient too. Otherwise, it will be impossible to get rid of the smell.

Recipes and remedies for eliminating odor from the sofa

The method of fight and action plan depends on the age of the spot. The task becomes easier when the problem has arisen recently. There are many ways and means. The products are not universal; they cannot be used to remove dirt on all materials. Consider the material of the sofa from which the stain needs to be washed, and the smell of urine. Do not forget that some products can additionally color or lighten.

Lemon juice or acid

This effective method is preferred by connoisseurs of environmentally friendly products. Often practiced in families with infants. After treatment, you can calmly place the child in a questionable area and not worry if the baby tastes the sofa. To clean your favorite sofa from baby urine, you will need one large lemon. Squeeze the juice out of it, strain it through cheesecloth or a sieve to remove pulp and seeds. Pour the strained juice into a spray bottle and apply evenly to the stain. Instead of freshly squeezed lemon juice, you can use a solution made with citric acid. We repeat the procedure after 15-20 minutes.

For effectiveness, it is recommended to cover upholstered furniture with a diaper or polyethylene. Then wash off the remaining juice with clean water using a sponge. Note to cat lovers - they cannot stand the smell of lemon, it will scare them away from the sofa.

Vinegar, vodka

A vinegar solution does an excellent job of removing unpleasant odors from urine. A significant disadvantage of this method is the need for through ventilation of the home after removing stains using this method. To prepare the solution you will need 6 tablespoons of vinegar and a glass of water. When removing old stains, it is recommended to pour the liquid onto the area and leave it to dry naturally. If the problem occurs before your eyes, just blot it with a napkin or sponge moistened with a solution of acetic acid. Do not leave the prepared solution unattended. Vinegar has no color; a child may mistakenly confuse it with regular drinking water. And this is dangerous due to a chemical burn of the esophagus.

Vodka (alcohol) will help remove the old smell of urine from a mattress or sofa. Soak the stain with vodka for 1-1.5 hours. You can enhance the effect by adding soda. Rinse thoroughly with plenty of water and dry the sofa with a hairdryer, vacuum cleaner or iron.

Laundry soap

Brown varieties and white aromatic types of laundry soap are suitable. Contains glycerin. It perfectly breaks down urea and removes pollution. Lather the foam sponge generously and rub the stain, pressing firmly on the stain. Then leave the foam cap for 15-20 minutes. Remove soap with a sponge, rinsing frequently with water. If after the first attempt there are still urine stains (especially on light-colored furniture), repeat the procedure 2-3 times.

Ammonia, hydrogen peroxide

Hydrogen peroxide is often used by cat and dog lovers. You will need 100 ml of hydrogen peroxide (sold at any pharmacy), 100 ml of plain water and half a teaspoon of any dishwashing detergent. Mix the ingredients thoroughly and pour into a spray container. Spray generously over the damaged surface and leave for 60 minutes. The peroxide solution forms a rich foam. No worries. After an hour, clean the sofa from any remaining solution using wet wipes. There will be no urine smell left.

Hydrogen peroxide often discolors the upholstery, which will lead to obvious cosmetic defects in your favorite sofa or chair. You can use ammonia in the same way. Apply a solution of ammonia to the problem area, this will help get rid of the strong smell of human urine.

Store products

Ready-made products get rid of stench, including urine, and are leaders in the list of solutions to a common but delicate problem. These substances cleanse the apartment of unpleasant stench by destroying the organic matter that causes the odor. Before use, read the instructions. A necessary condition is strict adherence to the recommended dosages and processing times. Products from domestic and foreign manufacturers are widely represented on the market.

An alternative is Odorgon (USA) in the form of a spray. Consists of natural ingredients and does not contain alcohol. The price of a 500 ml can starts from 800 rubles.

SmellOFF – contains plant extracts, surfactant detergents and enzymes. Available in the form of a concentrate for preparing a solution. To eliminate odors, the recommended consumption is 50-100 ml per 1 square meter.

Russian industry produces the following products: Dezosan, Bio-G, Zoosan.

Getting rid of urine smell in the toilet

It is already quite easy to overcome this problem. For processing you can use:

  • chlorine-containing products (but not pure bleach). They kill bacteria and germs, perfectly clean the surface of the toilet bowl, and give the room a pleasant aroma;
  • products containing acid. Suitable not only for odor removal, but primarily for cleaning heavily soiled surfaces;
  • sticks that are glued directly to the surface of the toilet;
  • special soap or aroma balls that are immersed directly into the tank.


When working, be sure to use protective gloves.

To maintain the result, you can use gel or aerosol fresheners after each visit to the toilet.

What to do with marked shoes

Pet owners know that sometimes they like to cause harm, to “take revenge” by marking their favorite, expensive shoes, clothes, furniture, and corners. The marks leave yellow stains and a sharp, persistent aroma. Knowing some secrets and tricks, you can solve the problem without getting rid of the damaged item.

Sneakers and sneakers that need to be washed should be soaked in a basin with a vodka/vinegar solution. Some people lather generously with laundry soap.

After the manipulations are completed, the shoes are immersed in the drum of the washing machine. If you can’t wash it, then you need to spend much more time, so you can eliminate the odor. Shoes are wiped with foam made from vinegar and laundry soap, and many times.

This applies to boots, shoes, boots. Next, thoroughly dry it with newspapers inside to eliminate all traces of urine.

What to do with marked shoes

What not to use

Before removing contamination, it is worth finding out which products are not advisable to use. Prohibited actions that aggravate the problem:

  1. It is strictly prohibited to use perfumes, eau de toilette, and sprays as a disguise. The intensity will decrease for a short period of time, then the fetid amber will become unbearable.
  2. Ammonia. It is a leader among forbidden drugs, as it significantly harms any tissue.
  3. Chlorine. It is not advisable to use chlorine, since the product is considered toxic, dangerous, and can cause harm to humans and animals. In addition, chlorine does not spare fabrics, although it does an excellent job of removing cat urine.

Thus, to get rid of urine from linen and clothes, it is best to use folk remedies. As practice shows, they cope well with dirt of any complexity, which cannot be said for many household chemical products. Using the suggested recipes, you can restore and preserve damaged linen, shoes and furniture.

Old smell

If measures to remove the smell of urine are not taken in a timely manner, it will simply permeate the entire room. Moreover, people living here will get used to it and will not feel it. It will be unbearable for guests.

To combat old aroma, drastic measures are needed. In some cases, it is necessary to remove the floors and re-cover the walls; sometimes it is enough to change the mattress or bedspread, or buy new carpets. Although sometimes the smell is absorbed very deeply even into the base of the sofa and bed.

You can try washing curtains, tulle, tablecloths, clothes and bedding. And if it doesn’t help, you’ll also have to buy a new one.

Subtleties of urine removal

Urine is a complex type of pollution. In addition to the fact that it leaves a specific smell, there are many other nuances. You need to follow a number of rules so as not to aggravate the situation:

  • Clean up fresh urine immediately. Seconds count. The longer you wait, the deeper it penetrates and the stronger it is absorbed. As a last resort, blot the puddle with a rag (you can always wash it, unlike a sofa).
  • Do not use questionable methods and means to remove urine. It is very easy to seal in fabric. Then even special means may be ineffective.
  • Do not heat contaminated areas. Do not use a steam generator, iron, hair dryer. The heat bonds the uric acid crystals to the material even more. First you need to neutralize them, and only then use the above-mentioned devices, if such a need arises.

If you have to care for an elderly person, you should think about buying a washing vacuum cleaner. With its help, it is much easier to clean and clean the sleeping area from stains and urine smell. Fill the device with a urine destroyer and simply run it over the sofa. The cleaning composition under pressure will penetrate deep into the sofa, destroy the dirt, and then the vacuum cleaner will suck everything back.

What to do for prevention

Removing urine odor is a very difficult task. Therefore, we must try with all our might to prevent it or at least reduce it to a minimum. There are special pads and diapers for those suffering from enuresis. And if a person is embarrassed to use them or does not admit the existence of a problem, you can cover sofas and beds with oilcloth and lay down urological diapers.

Waterproof mattress covers are sold for mattresses. Of course, sheets, bedspreads and blankets will get dirty, but washing them is not difficult. Moreover, there are household chemicals that remove stains and odors on sale.

A persistent smell of urine can appear in anyone's home. There are many reasons. These include small children, animals, and sick relatives. Now you know how to get rid of this problem and try to prevent it. Just remember that you cannot use aggressive products such as bleach. They can cause harm not only to furniture, carpets and other surfaces, but also to your health.

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Home removal products

Most unpleasant odors emitted by furniture can be eliminated using folk remedies. In this case, it is recommended to choose the composition taking into account the causative factor.

Table vinegar

Table vinegar (or acetic acid) is used when there is a need to remove odors from:

  • tobacco smoke;
  • vomit;
  • fish;
  • animal excrement.

To get rid of these defects, you will need to mix a liter of water and 2 tablespoons of acetic acid. You can also add salt to the composition. A napkin is soaked in the resulting solution, which is then laid on the stain and left until completely dry.

Lemon juice

Fill a spray bottle with lemon juice and treat the stain on the sofa. Once the liquid dries, the bad smell will disappear. Lemon juice should not be used if people living in the house are allergic to citrus fruits.

Hydrogen peroxide

Hydrogen peroxide is used as a substitute for table vinegar. This substance must be mixed with water in equal proportions, and then add a little laundry soap to the resulting composition. The solution should be applied to the stain, left for an hour and rinsed with water.

Potassium permangantsovka

A solution of potassium permanganate oxidizes urine, thereby deodorizing the sofa. Use this product to treat the problem area and leave the furniture to dry.

Table or aromatic salt

Table salt is used to combat the consequences caused by spilled beer. This substance should be applied to the problem area, left for 12 hours and rinsed off with clean water. Aromatic salt also helps get rid of beer stains.

Black or green tea

To remove odors from the sofa, you need to spread brewed green or black tea (in the form of leaves or in a bag) on ​​problem areas and leave for a day. If necessary, furniture should be washed with water.

Freshly ground coffee

Freshly ground coffee can refresh a stained sofa by scattering it over the problem area and leaving it for 6 hours. After the allotted period, the furniture must be vacuumed.


To remove unpleasant odors from a sofa made of natural or artificial leather, use a mixture of 15 milliliters of ammonia, a liter of warm water and 25 milliliters of liquid soap. The stains are treated with this composition, after which the furniture is wiped with a dry cloth.

Soap solution

The musty smell is eliminated with a soap solution, to which it is recommended to add a tablespoon of citric acid and table vinegar. You need to treat the sofa so that foam appears.

Laundry soap

To remove old stains, use laundry soap, rub the problem area with it, and then leave the sofa for 20 minutes. At the end of the specified period, the furniture is washed with a mixture of a liter of water and a tablespoon of vinegar essence.

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