How to get rid of the smell of gasoline at home, TOP 20 best remedies

Even if there are no clear stains on the surface, getting rid of the smell of gasoline is much more difficult. It is deeply absorbed and lasts a long time on soft materials, in particular, on clothing and car upholstery. To neutralize the aroma, you need to choose the right and at the same time method. It is important to understand that you will not be able to quickly get rid of the problem; first you need to wash the stains and then air them out.

Do not immediately throw gasoline-soaked items into the washing machine. This will cause the smell to spread throughout the entire device, making it difficult to remove.

How to get rid of the smell of gasoline?

Cars have penetrated into all areas of our lives. We cannot imagine our modern life without them. Cars have truly ceased to be a luxury, having become a source of transportation for us. We often spend more and more time in a vehicle. Therefore, car manufacturers are trying every year to make the interior of a modern car more and more comfortable and cozy, thereby competing with each other on various interior solutions. But no matter how comfortable you are inside your car, when the smell of gasoline starts spreading in your car, it makes your stay in it uncomfortable. Our online publication invites its readers to familiarize themselves and find out how to get rid of the smell of gasoline that has spread throughout the car interior.

The smell of any type of fuel (fuel) in the cabin can be quite unpleasant and can cause great discomfort to the driver and passengers while driving a car. Especially when you have to drive your car for long hours. The unpleasant smell of gasoline may cause headaches, slight dizziness and nausea for you and your passengers. This can occur when there is a high concentration of fuel vapor in the cabin. The most common methods and ways to get rid of foreign odors in the cabin involve using a car air freshener and opening the car windows for ventilation.

Unfortunately, such methods for eliminating unpleasant odors in the car interior are generally only suitable for small and light distribution (contamination) of the car interior.

Shampoo wash

In order to completely eliminate even the average distribution (contamination) of the car interior with gasoline vapors, it is necessary to initially find the source of this smell. Carefully inspect all the interior mats in the car, including the trunk, for any gasoline stains. Most likely, this difficult-to-remove fuel smell is directly related to fuel contamination of the interior or trunk. Having discovered this contaminant stain, you can neutralize it yourself by simply wet cleaning the interior and trunk with car shampoo, or the same wet cleaning at a car wash using soapy cleaning products.

But often such cleaning methods do not completely eliminate fuel odors.

To do this, specific advice from truckers will come to your aid, who often have problems with the vehicle interior being contaminated with fuel vapors or the fuel itself, which spreads the unpleasant smell of gasoline or diesel fuel throughout the interior of the truck.

In order to eliminate the unpleasant smell of fuel, drivers of heavy-duty trucks use ground coffee, which is used to cover the stain that appears from the fuel. Why do they use coffee? And the secret is very simple. Coffee itself contains oils that absorb foreign odors. If there is pollution in your car, from which the smell of gasoline or diesel fuel spreads throughout the cabin, then you can safely sprinkle ground or freeze-dried coffee on the source of pollution, leaving it in this way for a week. It is noteworthy that there is no need to use expensive coffee for this; it is enough to buy the cheapest can of coffee that catches your eye.

Another smart way (tip) to get rid of the smell of gasoline. It is necessary to treat the stain from gasoline or diesel fuel with baking soda. Unlike coffee, treating contamination with soda should not exceed 24 hours. After sprinkling such contamination with soda (any kind), after a day, simply vacuum the area, the smell should disappear. Then you will be able to drive around in your car as comfortably as before.

Dishwashing liquid

Gasoline is a chemical oily product. In order to eliminate a gasoline or diesel stain that you found (noticed) on the trunk upholstery or on the carpets (under the carpets) of the car, you can try using dishwashing detergent to remove it. Any dishwashing liquid has a special chemical formula, which ultimately breaks down fats. In addition, almost any dishwashing detergent contains aromatic fragrances, which will also help you eliminate the source of the untidy odor.

For optimal results, pour a small amount of dishwashing liquid onto the gasoline stain and allow the liquid to soak into the stain. Next, all that remains is to rinse this stain (place) with water. Remember, if the stain is large enough, then such contamination must be cleaned in several approaches.


The next way to eliminate the unpleasant smell of fuel in the car interior or in the trunk. You can use grandma's old (proven) method. You must use table vinegar. To do this, take vinegar and pour it into a spray bottle. If gasoline contamination is on the floor mats of the car, then you need to take them outside and treat the surface of the stain (contamination) with a prepared vinegar solution from a spray bottle. If the source of contamination is on the elements of the car themselves, which cannot (cannot) be taken out into the street, then after treating such a surface with vinegar you will need a whole day to ensure that the car is well ventilated.

How not to spoil anything

The smell of fuel is eliminated using improvised means. If you don’t get the desired effect from cleaning yourself, there are alternative options that allow you to remove stains without damaging the car’s interior.

Do not use chlorine bleach, which produces toxic fumes when combined with gasoline. When machine washing items that smell of fuel, the drum of the household appliance becomes soaked. Because of this, all loaded clothes acquire an unpleasant odor.

You need to wash the car interior or wash things with warm water. When the liquid is heated, the odor is easily absorbed into the fibers of the fabric, which makes it difficult to eliminate.

Ventilation of the interior

Often, without thinking, we begin to choose how to clean a fuel stain and eliminate the unpleasant odor. But we completely forget that this problem may turn out to be much more complicated than it actually seems. In most cases, there is nothing complicated. To eliminate the unpleasant smell of gasoline or diesel fuel that appears in the car interior, all you need to do is simply ventilate your car for 24 hours (days). Yes, we understand, for many of us this may seem like a difficult and time-consuming task. But for those motorists who own their own garage or dacha, this method of eliminating unpleasant odors in the car interior may turn out to be the most optimal. 90% of all sources of gasoline or diesel fuel odor are eliminated by ventilating the car interior during the day (24 hours).

In order for your car interior to get rid of the smell of gasoline in it, you need to open all the doors, open the hood, trunk, to create a draft of air flows everywhere, which will eliminate this difficult smell of fuel throughout the night and the next day.

How to remove the smell of gasoline in the car interior? This question often arises after the cause has been found and the malfunction that led to the smell of gasoline in the cabin has been eliminated. In fact, this is not so easy to do, since gasoline vapors have a very pungent aroma, which is extremely difficult to remove. However, this must be done in any case, since driving in a car that smells of gasoline is not only unpleasant, but also downright dangerous. There are several methods to get rid of the unpleasant smell of gasoline in the cabin.

How to eliminate the smell of gasoline in the car interior

After eliminating the technical malfunctions of the equipment, it becomes necessary to neutralize the unpleasant fumes inside the machine. To solve this problem, you can use various effective means.


You can eliminate and ventilate the smell in the cabin by opening the doors for 2-3 hours in cool weather. In this case, most of the evaporation evaporates. It is recommended to carry out the procedure at low air humidity in an open area. The smell of fuel is carried away by convective currents.

Fragrances and essential oils

The use of scented air fresheners masks fumes, so it is recommended to thoroughly analyze the situation. This method should be used provided that technical faults are eliminated after thorough ventilation.

Car fragrances are presented in a wide range, differing in configuration, cost, and aroma durability. A common type of impregnated device is made from cardboard. The paper is saturated with a special composition, which, as a result of evaporation, maintains a pleasant atmosphere in the salon.

Gel and liquid flavors are made in the form of a container with holes, inside of which there is a mixture. Such products perfectly combine price and durability. Their use ensures stable air saturation for 3-4 months.

You can get rid of the smell of gasoline in the cabin using a liquid fragrance. It is attached behind the ventilation grille so that air flow regularly circulates next to it. Chalk flavors, which in appearance resemble a metal tin can, are durable and maintain a positive effect for 6 months.

Air fresheners have a neutral scent that helps maintain a pleasant atmosphere. The floral aroma has a relaxing effect, and pine essential oils invigorate the body.

To quickly eliminate odor in the car interior, you can use concentrated formulations and essential oils. They contain volatile oily components that are quickly absorbed into fabrics and saturate the space. For neutralization, use ethereal compositions with extract:

  • lemon;
  • ginger;
  • juniper;
  • grapefruit;
  • jasmine;
  • bergamot.

To clean the air from fuel vapors, you need to moisten cotton wool with an ethereal composition and wipe the floor, instrument panel and interior doors.

Ground coffee

Before restoring the balance of the atmosphere in the cabin, the stagnant air should be forced out under pressure. The best option is a draft that occurs when the doors are open. You can deodorize the air and remove gasoline from the casing using black ground coffee.

To do this, grind 2-3 tbsp. l. grains, the resulting powder is generously sprinkled on the stain, and after 5-6 hours the product is removed with a vacuum cleaner. Coffee contains oils that absorb and neutralize fuel fumes. To remove oily marks, use a soap solution.


This method allows you to eliminate unpleasant odors. To obtain the desired effect, you should use fresh bread, cut into slices and placed in the salon. After 24 hours, you need to remove the bread and clean the interior with a vacuum cleaner. If the seat upholstery is saturated with fuel, the aroma can be neutralized using liquid compositions with fragrances.

Baking soda

Sodium bicarbonate, which is used in cooking, has adsorbing properties. To remove fuel stains from the seat trim, you need to cover them with baking soda and leave for 10 hours. After this, the remaining powder is removed with a brush, vacuum cleaner or napkin. The remaining stain is washed with laundry soap.


Before getting rid of the smell of gasoline using an acid composition, the proportions must be observed. To clean the interior, use vinegar with a concentration of 4.5%. The solution must be poured into a container with a spray bottle and applied to the stain. The remaining mixture is removed with a napkin after 15 minutes. After the procedure, it is recommended to ventilate the salon.


The peel of citrus fruit contains essential oils that neutralize minor odors. To remove odors from petroleum products in the car interior, you need to grind ½ lemon with zest using a meat grinder. Squeeze the juice through cheesecloth and add 1 glass (200 ml) of boiled water to it. The resulting composition is poured into a bottle and sprayed onto seats and rugs.

Activated carbon

There are many reasons why a flammable mixture gets into the interior of a car, and you can only get rid of fumes using separate methods. Gasoline is difficult to wash off and hide with air flavorings. Activated carbon absorbs volatile substances and fuel molecules from the air.

To get rid of the smell, you need to remove 30-50 tablets from the blister and place them on the dashboard and seats for 24-48 hours. To eliminate gasoline stains on fabric upholstery, it is better to use a silicate agent. A hydrophilic sorbent is a dried gel formed from supersaturated solutions of silicic acids.


To completely eliminate fuel vapors in the cabin, you need to find the source of pollution. It is recommended to carefully inspect the mats and trunk. Gasoline stains in the car interior can be removed with shampoo. Liquid detergents contain surfactants that eliminate dirt and unpleasant odors.

To do this, you need to moisten gauze or a rag with the liquid, apply it to the stain and wipe with a clean rag. Gasoline is an oily product, so dishwashing detergent is used to neutralize it.

To achieve optimal cleaning effect, you can pour a little liquid onto the stain and leave it to soak in for a while. After this, the area of ​​contamination should be washed with water using a sponge or cloth.

Other funds

If you cannot clear the air and restore normal conditions in the cabin, it is recommended to use additional methods. You can neutralize gasoline residues by washing the covers using scented conditioners. It is important to maintain the temperature of the detergent composition from +65ºC.

Ozone cleaning helps eliminate minor odors. The treatment uses an ozone blower, whose molecules neutralize sources of air pollution. In addition, pathogenic fungi and bacteria are destroyed under the influence of gas.

If there is a persistent smell or long-standing gasoline stains in the car interior, it is recommended to use professional services. Car interior washing with dry cleaning is carried out using products that contain a high concentration of surfactants. These products quickly neutralize odors and remove oily traces. If the contamination is large, then the cleaning activity is carried out in several stages.


The simplest, but not always effective, method is simple ventilation. To do this, you need to leave the car in a closed, guarded area overnight (or for a day) with the interior doors, hood and trunk lid open (or only part of the above, depending on where the gasoline leak occurred). With good ventilation and light pollution, simple ventilation can help. However, before doing this, it is necessary to eliminate the problem. If possible, you can come up with some method with forced ventilation, for example, using a fan.


They are also air fresheners. Their selection is currently extremely large on store shelves. They are a small object (of various shapes) that is hung under the rearview mirror or mounted on the dashboard. Inside it is a sponge with aromatic substances of various scents (their choice is also huge). However, the problem is that flavorings in this case are ineffective. They can only be used at the final stage, when there is very little odor left and there is a desire to simply freshen the air.

If gasoline smells very persistently, then using flavorings is not recommended. Firstly, they do not eliminate the smell, but only add their own aroma. And secondly, a mixture of two odors will be felt even more unpleasant than one of them.

Shampoo wash

Using an interior cleaner makes sense if the smell appears due to gasoline getting on the seats or other interior elements. In this case, it is enough to use standard factory cleaning products for cleaning the stained area, and the washing will eliminate the unpleasant odor. Most shampoos are used the same way. To do this, apply the product to the surface, let it sit for several minutes, and then rinse off with a sponge or rag. However, in any case, before using any cleaning product, carefully read the instructions for its use.

Remove with professional means

You can also use household chemicals. I found the best ones, tried them - they were effective! They are also praised on the forums:

  1. Flat Odor Eliminator

Eliminator of unpleasant odors Flat
What the manufacturer promises:

  • destroys unpleasant odors;
  • quickly and effectively removes harmful odors.

Volume: 480 ml.

Price: 250 ₽.

How to use:

  • spray the product onto the surface;
  • leave until completely dry.



I bought it out of pure curiosity, as always. Well, also out of respect for the brand. Indeed, after spraying (one or two sprays), odors INSTANTLY disappear, and indeed the exterminator itself does not smell of anything. The animal didn’t react in any way, and I don’t see any allergies in anyone at home. It is used sparingly, I think it will last for a long time.


  1. Smell Off. Quickly removes unpleasant odors from the car interior

SmellOFF is a universal odor remover
. What the manufacturer promises:

  • removes the most persistent odors;
  • contains natural ingredients.

Volume: 500 ml.

Price: 645 ₽.

How to use:

  • spray the product on surfaces that have absorbed an unpleasant odor;
  • leave until completely dry for a day;
  • ventilate the car;
  • repeat if necessary.



My wife bought this product in order to remove the smell of cat urine from the sofa (the cat, while we were at the camp site, shitted on the sofa, apparently out of spite because we didn’t take him with us). I treated the sofa myself. I did everything according to the instructions. I also read various tips on the Internet. The smell decreased a little, but still the sofa continued to stink. In the end, the smell was never removed.


Baking soda

Soda can be used in a case similar to the previous one, that is, if gasoline gets on the interior elements, in particular on the seat. The affected area must be generously sprinkled with baking soda so that it absorbs the unpleasant odor. Please note that baking soda should not remain on the surface for more than 24 hours! After this, it must be removed using a vacuum cleaner. During this time, the smell should disappear. If this does not happen, you can try repeating the operation using soda. If this does not help, use shampoo to clean the interior.


Regular vinegar has a good effect in eliminating unpleasant odors. In addition, it also has disinfectants. If gasoline damaged those interior parts that can be pulled out of the cabin, then it is better to treat their surface with a solution of vinegar and water. To do this, you need to use a spray bottle into which you take a solution of one volume of vinegar and two volumes of water (for example, 100 ml of vinegar and 200 ml of water). Using a sprayer, apply the composition to the area of ​​contamination.

If those interior elements that cannot be dismantled outside have become contaminated, then the contaminated areas can be treated with either pure vinegar or the solution mentioned above. However, after this procedure, you must ventilate the interior by leaving the doors open for several hours (depending on the amount of vinegar used and ventilation in the cabin). The smell of vinegar is also not only unpleasant to the human sense of smell, but also harmful to health. Therefore, it is necessary to ventilate thoroughly.

Dishwashing liquid

Household dishwashing detergent can sometimes rid the interior of the unpleasant aroma of gasoline in it. In particular, this is true if gasoline has spilled onto rubber mats or seats. The fact is that dishwashing detergent not only contains elements that are capable of breaking down fats, but also has flavors that are absorbed into contaminated areas, thereby displacing the gasoline aroma. Use dishwashing detergent in the same way as shampoo for interior cleaning. That is, apply a certain amount of it to the contaminated area, wait a few minutes, and rinse off with a sponge or rag.

Features of washing in an automatic machine

If a person works in an auto repair shop or gas station, his belongings will emit a fairly strong aroma. In this case, you can wash things in a washing machine, but follow a few simple recommendations:

  1. Before putting your clothes in the washing machine, soak them in soapy water for a while. You can add a little glass cleaner to it. It will help eliminate the unpleasant odor.
  2. Wash items with powder or gel in a suitable mode.
  3. Add an extra rinse.
  4. When re-rinsing, use fabric softener.
  5. Dry in the fresh air.

Advice! If there is no conditioner, add table vinegar when rinsing.

Interior dry cleaning

Chemical cleaning of interior elements is the most effective method to get rid of the smell of gasoline in the cabin. The procedure is performed in a specialized center, since this requires the use of not only special equipment, but also additional chemicals. Dry cleaning is guaranteed to get rid of the most persistent odors and heavy dirt on the surfaces of interior elements.

As a rule, such cleaning is carried out in several stages. So, at the beginning, do the usual cleaning with a vacuum cleaner. Next, a special disinfectant is applied to the surface of the interior elements, followed by an active cleaning foam. Then all this is removed, and at the same time the interior is cleaned. At the final stage, drying is carried out, and plastic polishes are used to restore the original appearance of the plastic parts of the interior.

Why does my car smell like gasoline?

The first step is to search for and eliminate the cause of the smell, otherwise all the fight against the smell will be in vain. The problem may arise if you simply spilled gasoline yourself for some reason, then everything becomes much simpler. In addition, car owners often encounter similar inconveniences for the following reasons:

  • gas tank leak;
  • broken fuel tank cap;
  • crack between the tank and the neck;
  • cracked fuel hoses;
  • failure of the fuel pump;
  • carburetor problems;
  • fuel level sensor joints;
  • leaks in the fuel pump;
  • fuel pump;
  • fuel filter;
  • failure of the absorber valves;
  • gas tank separator;
  • loose spark plugs;
  • worn o-rings on the injectors of the injection engine;
  • clogged catalyst;
  • worn rear door seal.

This is not a complete list of reasons, but these are fairly common phenomena. Any breakdown can be repaired at a service station and then follow measures that will get rid of the smell of gasoline in the cabin.

Ozone interior cleaning

Ozone interior cleaning

Ozone cleaning is also carried out in specialized centers. For this purpose, special equipment is used that produces ozone - triatomic oxygen. This element has excellent disinfecting and cleaning properties, so with its help you can not only clean the surface of contaminated interior elements, but also get rid of unpleasant odors. Thus, pathogenic bacteria and mold will be destroyed in the cabin, and any unpleasant odors present will be removed. Instead, the air will have a pleasant aroma for a long time. Among other things, ozone is also beneficial for the human body.


Each of the listed methods for eliminating gasoline odor has its own advantages and disadvantages. However, as practice and numerous reviews from car owners have shown, the most effective and high-quality means of removing unpleasant persistent odors formed in the car interior (not necessarily gasoline, but also other substances) is chemical cleaning of the interior in a car service center using special means and preparations. In some cases, ozone cleaning also helps. Other methods are unlikely to be as effective. They can be used only in cases where the aroma is not very persistent, and it makes no sense to spend money on expensive cleaning, but instead, you can use available folk remedies. Which method to use is up to the car owner to decide.

Any motorist spends most of his life in a car, especially today, when not a single trip to work passes without a long layover in yet another traffic jam. And it’s especially unpleasant when there is a strong smell of gasoline in the car’s interior, which even car air fresheners cannot get rid of. But there are some ways to eliminate even the strongest odor.

How else can you remove the smell of gasoline from the inside of a car?

Perhaps the reason for the smell of gasoline in the car interior was a breakdown, which has already been fixed and all that remains is to remove the small remaining vapor. In this case, you can use silica gel, or you can try to freshen the air with other scents.

Lemon juice

Another remedy for removing stench is lemon juice. The steps are as follows:

  • Grind half a lemon in a meat grinder or blender;
  • strain using cheesecloth or a coffee filter;
  • dilute the resulting liquid with boiled water, approximately 200-250 ml.

The solution can be sprayed onto carpets and seats to act as a fragrance.


This method is suitable as an additional method after airing the car, when the cause of the smell in the cabin has been completely eliminated. Any flavoring agent will do; its task in this situation is to eliminate the slight residual smell of fuel.

It is worth noting that if there is a strong smell of gasoline, then this method will not work, since the smells will mix and it will only get worse.

Essential oils

Essential oil can cover up the smell of gasoline, but be careful, as with flavorings, it can only make things worse. You can buy it in pharmacies, stores that sell bath accessories, and auto stores. It's worth paying attention to something bright like grapefruit, bergamot or lemon, but remember that you have to breathe it in later. Method of application:

  • soak cotton wool or a piece of rag;
  • wipe the car interior including doors, dashboard, dashboard, floor mats.

Essential oil may stain decorative items or other materials.


Acetic acid can be used to remove the unpleasant smell of gasoline in the cabin, but you should be careful, as vinegar vapors can have a bad effect on your health. The instructions are simple:

  • dilute vinegar 9% in boiled water in proportions 2 to 1;
  • It is advisable to use a sprayer to apply the solution;
  • remove the remaining solution after 10-15 minutes with a damp cloth;
  • Ventilate the interior until the smell of vinegar evaporates.

Decorative elements, leather, eco-leather, varnish may be exposed to vinegar, so do not overdo it.


Removing gasoline smells with detergent only works on fresh stains that haven’t soaked in too deeply. This method is capable of locally removing stains in the interior and includes three steps:

  • cover a fresh gasoline stain with salt, the salt will absorb the oil particles of the additives;
  • wiping the area with a saline solution with warm water using a sponge;
  • Rub the surface with a sponge or brush with detergent. Dishwashing detergent is suitable as a detergent;
  • Wipe with a damp, clean rag or cloth and dry with a hairdryer.

When drying with a hairdryer, it is worth adjusting the temperature so as not to damage the car interior due to overheating and prevent fire!

Wisdom from the forums

While studying this problem, I saw several practical tips on the forums that helped car enthusiasts remove the smell of gasoline from the car interior. Let me give you a few examples.

This forum member spilled two liters of 80-grade gasoline on the rug, under the rug and on the seat. That's really bad. He solved the problem with the help of tangerines:

Grocery assistants

There are food products that are excellent at fighting gasoline fumes. What is characteristic is that they destroy the odor in a short time, with a minimum of effort required. The most effective products are:

  1. Coffee. As experienced truck drivers advise, you can eliminate the smell of gasoline in the car interior with regular black coffee, and you can use even the lowest quality varieties. In addition, they can easily cope with the aroma from diesel fuel. To fix the problem, you need to sprinkle ground coffee on the stain that is causing the smell and soon the interior will be fresh. The fact is that coffee contains oils that can absorb foreign odors. The coffee is not removed until the gasoline stench completely disappears.
  2. Baking soda. Another product that helps remove the smell of gasoline from the inside of the car. To eliminate it, you need to sprinkle a layer of baking soda on the gasoline stain and let it sit for about a day, then remove it with a damp cloth or car vacuum cleaner. As a rule, the smell of gasoline should be removed from the car, and it can be driven comfortably.
  3. Acetic acid. You can eliminate the unpleasant smell of fuel using acetic acid. To do this, you need to pour the vinegar essence into a spray bottle and treat those places that emit an unpleasant stench. If the stains are on rugs, it is advisable to treat them outdoors. If the smell is emitted by parts that cannot be removed, then after treatment it is necessary to ventilate the car interior for at least 24 hours.
  4. Lemon. Another excellent absorbent that can absorb all unpleasant odors. To do this, you need to sprinkle a few drops of fresh lemon juice on the items that cause gasoline mustiness. After some time, the gasoline smell should disappear. In this case, you don’t have to ventilate the car, but immediately hit the road.
  5. White bread. Pieces of white bread will help remove the smell of gasoline from the car. You just need to spread them around the car and leave them for a day. Within 24 hours the bread will eliminate the stench.

The use of these products copes well with fresh odors. If the gasoline smell has penetrated into the interior of the car for a long time and has thoroughly saturated it, then more serious means, such as dry cleaning, will help correct the situation.

If all else fails

If you cannot remove the smell of gasoline from the interior by any means, it is possible that the problem with a fuel leak has not been resolved. If you are sure that the car is in good condition, then try a few more methods:

  • Washing seat covers. To be sure to neutralize any remaining fuel, wash at a temperature of 65°C or more. Additionally, use scented conditioners.
  • Ozone cleaning. An ozone blower is used to treat the machine. Its molecules quickly eliminate foci of stench, even if they are more than 1-2 months old. A pleasant bonus will be the destruction of pathogenic flora - mold, bacteria.
  • Car wash with dry cleaning. If your car smells like gasoline very strongly, you will have to turn to professionals. To wash car interiors, products with a high content of surfactants are used, which quickly neutralize unpleasant odors and remove oily marks on seats.

The smell of fuel in a car is a solvable problem that can often be dealt with using improvised means. If there is no effect, there are always backup options - chemical and ozone readings.

Household chemicals

To completely get rid of the smell of gasoline from a car, you need to find the source itself, which emits it. At the very beginning, you need to carefully inspect the interior, check the rugs and seats for gasoline stains. Most often, the source of the stench is in the cabin or trunk. Once the stains are found, you need to start cleaning.

It should be added right away that you cannot do this with a dry cloth or just a cloth soaked in water. Since this will not help remove the stain itself, much less remove the petrol odor.

There are several products that effectively eliminate odor:

  • dishwashing liquid;
  • shampoo;
  • fabric conditioner.

You can neutralize gasoline stains and smells with shampoo. Simply apply a little liquid to the stain and rub it with a damp sponge. Then rinse off the product with clean water. You can use the services of a car wash, where the interior will be cleaned using professional cleaners. As a rule, after such a wash, not a trace remains of the gasoline stench.

Since fuel is an oily chemical, you can clean the stain with regular dishwashing detergent. The fact is that all such products contain substances that can break down fats. In addition, the composition contains aromatic substances that will also help eliminate gasoline odor.

It is enough to pour a little liquid on the source of the stench and thoroughly rub it into the gasoline stain. Leave for 10-15 minutes so that the detergent is properly absorbed into it. Then use clean water to rinse the stain. If the contamination is quite large, then cleaning measures will have to be carried out in several approaches.

Reasons for the appearance of unpleasant amber

Before you begin removing the specific aroma of diesel fuel or gasoline from your car, it is important to determine the cause of the problem.

If the appearance of fumes is associated with equipment failure, then it must be eliminated. Otherwise, no measures to remove the odor will help solve the problem completely.

The most common causes of the aroma of gasoline or diesel fuel in the cabin:

  1. Malfunction of the fuel pump or filter.

  2. Worn fuel hoses.
  3. Lack of tightness of the tank lid.
  4. Gas tank leaking.
  5. Carburetor failure.
  6. Wear of the door seals, especially the rear ones.

If the source of the unpleasant odor is eliminated, the smell of diesel fuel can be eliminated in 1-3 days.

Ventilation of the interior

Most often, having smelled the smell of gasoline in the car interior, people begin to intensively get rid of it by washing it and use car fragrances. Although it is enough to simply ventilate the interior by leaving the doors and windows open for a day. In 90 cases out of 100, it is this option that helps get rid of the gasoline odor. Although, without having your own garage or cottage, this is quite problematic.

To eliminate the stench, you need to open all the doors, hood, and trunk of the car and leave them in this position for a day. A draft that will move through the car interior will during this time eliminate any unpleasant and difficult-to-remove odor.

All these methods will definitely help eliminate the gasoline stench. The main thing is not to delay removal, since gasoline vapors and their inhalation can cause serious harm to the health of the motorist.

What not to do

Along with the description of various methods of getting rid of the gasoline aroma in the cabin, it is impossible not to mention what not to do when it appears.

If an unpleasant odor appears in the cabin, the following measures will be useless:

  1. Use of flavorings. Mixed with the smell of gasoline, flavorings will create an even more unpleasant odor.
  2. Wiping the contaminated area with water or a dry cloth. In this way, you will not be able to get rid of either the stain or the smell that spreads from it.
  3. All methods of getting rid of the smell will be useless if it appears due to a malfunction of the fuel system. To get rid of it, you must first eliminate the cause of its appearance.

It should also be noted that if, for some reason, you do not have the time and opportunity to clean the car yourself, you can always use the services of a car wash. Her staff will professionally clean the salon and make it smell nice.

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