How to wash glossy stretch ceilings without streaks: important tips and recommendations

Previously, they removed cobwebs from ceilings and walked over them with brushes, brooms and damp rags. Today, many people have glossy stretch ceilings, which require special care and compliance with the established washing algorithm. It is not necessary to invite a team of washers to your home; the online magazine will tell you how and with what to wash stretch ceilings (glossy) without streaks.

Dust flies in from the street through open windows and doors, and smoke from cigarettes and soot from the kitchen can also get onto the ceiling.

When to wash a suspended ceiling

Local cleaning should be done immediately when stains occur, before they dry out and become embedded in the coating . Dust can be wiped with a soft, dry cloth as it accumulates (no more than once every 3 months). Planned general cleaning of the ceiling is done every 6-12 months.

In a kitchen where, in addition to dust, there are grease particles in the air, which rise up along with steam and settle on all surfaces, the suspended ceiling will have to be washed quite often (about every three months). The same applies to the bathroom, where another problem is relevant - high humidity and calcium and magnesium salts dissolved in the air. In this room you will have to deal with limescale and, possibly, mold.

But in the bedroom, nursery, hallway and other rooms there are no constant sources of pollution. Therefore, the ceiling here can be washed 1-2 times a year. Or you can get by with dry cleaning altogether.

In rooms where there is a lot of smoking, a serious problem arises - a persistent nicotine residue and the smell of smoke. There are special tools to remove them, which we will discuss below.

As you can see, suspended ceilings are cleaned differently in different rooms. The degree of contamination is one of the main criteria for choosing dry or wet methods. You also need to pay attention to the tensile density of the coating and the material from which it is made.

Cleaning contaminants in various rooms

Take care in advance about the tools and equipment that are required in each specific case. Their type, variety and quantity, as well as the complexity of the work are determined by the type of room in which the ceilings are washed.

  • If this is a living room, children's room or bedroom, it is enough to wipe the surface with a dry soft sponge every six months or vacuum the ceiling once every 2-3 months.
  • In the kitchen, ceilings usually get dirty the fastest. At the same time, the most persistent contaminants appear on the surface. You will have to wash the canvas as it becomes dirty at least once every 1–2 months; extreme attention will need to be paid to the area above the stove. To make cleaning easier, cover pots with lids when cooking and do not allow grease to get onto the ceiling. Carry out the treatment with special products that can quickly remove greasy marks.
  • The suspended ceiling in the bathroom is constantly exposed to steam and condensation accumulation. To prevent this, ventilate the room and sometimes check the plumbing. If the canvas gets splashed or condensation collects, remove the moisture with a dry cloth. Carry out a thorough cleaning once every 2 months using a glass cleaner.
  • On the loggia, surfaces quickly become covered with dust or insect excrement. Cleaning ceilings, especially in the summer, is required quite often. Wash the canvas with soapy water, rinse and dry with a dry cloth. After the procedure, wipe the surface with an alcohol solution.

Dry cleaning

Some types of suspended ceilings do not tolerate contact with water. For example, polyester fabric can only be cleaned dry.

In any case, dry cleaning precedes wet cleaning, and sometimes completely replaces it. The idea is to remove dust from the surface without allowing it to penetrate deeper into the fabric under the influence of water and friction. But correctly removing dust from a stretch ceiling is not as easy as it seems at first glance . There are a number of nuances when choosing tools and the wiping technique itself.

Vacuum cleaner

So, the first (but rather risky) way to clean a stretch ceiling is a vacuum cleaner.

What coatings are they used for?

A vacuum cleaner is used to clean fabric (and only fabric) suspended ceilings. Turn on the device in gentle mode, keep the nozzle at a distance of 3-5 cm from the canvas. First make sure that the ceiling is tightly fixed. Avoid connections to the frame and fastening of lighting fixtures.

What does it clean?

A vacuum cleaner helps get rid of settled dust and surface deposits. It also removes cobwebs easily.

For some types of suspended ceilings, a washing vacuum cleaner is suitable. It can only be used in cases where there are no stains on the ceiling. Set the power to minimum.

You can find videos online where suspended ceilings are cleaned using a steam cleaner , after placing a soft cloth on the nozzle. This is a very risky option , which is absolutely not suitable for PVC films. The steam temperature is high and can simply deform the beautiful coating. If you dare to work with a steam cleaner, try not to stay on one section of the ceiling for more than a few seconds so that the steam does not have time to damage the coating.

Another caveat: steam cleaners are usually quite heavy and bulky, so it’s not so easy to clean the ceiling with them accurately .

Conclusion: do not use a vacuum cleaner to clean PVC films (modern satin ceilings also include them) and poorly fixed suspended ceilings. In order not to overdo it with power, use a low-power handheld vacuum cleaner and always have a soft nozzle. It’s better to remove dust and cobwebs the “grandmother’s” way - using a soft, lint-free cloth.

Flannel napkins and rags

PVC films (including satin films, which are also made from PVC) cannot be vacuumed - this can lead to sagging. Use a slightly damp or dry flannel cloth and then buff until shiny with another clean cloth or rag. But do not overdo it with friction so as not to deform the surface.

What ceilings should I use it for?

Fabric and PVC ceilings can be cleaned with any clean and soft dry lint-free cloth (flannel, microfiber, suede, cotton, silk). Fabric ceilings should only be wiped with a dry cloth, while PVC ceilings should be wiped with a damp, well-wrung out cloth. For convenience, it can be pulled over a mop. Then wipe the ceiling from dust with smooth movements, starting from the corner and moving from one wall to another.

Thus, using a soft, lint-free cloth (sponge, napkin) you can clean all types of ceilings from dust. A dry rag is preferred for fabrics (especially polyester) and vinyl.

for matte ceilings .

Textile ceilings can also be cleaned with a soft bristle brush.

What are they cleaning?

Using dry or slightly damp lint-free rags, napkins and soft brushes it is convenient to remove dust, cobwebs, surface dirt, and various microparticles of debris .

A few words need to be said about the direction of movement :

  • When cleaning the fabric, do not use circular movements. Move your hand back and forth, trying not to stay in one place for too long.
  • To clean all other types of ceilings, on the contrary, it is effective to use circular movements.


Using an eraser, you can remove newly formed stains that require no effort to remove. Just take a soft, perfectly clean rubber band. Wipe off the eraser pellets with a damp cloth.

If dry cleaning seems ineffective, move on to the next step.

What tools can you use?

The cleanliness and proper appearance of a glossy stretch ceiling depend on how to properly wash the surface. This should be done with rags or sponges made of soft fabrics. Napkins are also suitable for these purposes. Do not use hard brushes, sponges with a rough surface or shedding rags.

Don't rub too hard. If you follow the recommendations, removing the stain will not be difficult. It will be enough to soak the dirt and remove the dirt using circular movements.

Tip: before you start cleaning, remove all jewelry from your hands: rings and bracelets. They can accidentally scratch a delicate surface. It is best to handle suspended ceilings while wearing rubber gloves.

Wet cleaning

Perform wet cleaning only using gentle cleaning compounds ( no abrasives ) and soft sponges, paper napkins, microfiber, flannel or cotton rags. Fabric and matte PVC ceilings are less demanding, but glossy ones will immediately show scratches.

Wash the ceiling with warm, not hot water . The optimal temperature is 30-40°C. Wring out the rag well and do not apply much force when rubbing. Movements should be light and smooth. After washing with detergent, be sure to wipe the ceiling with a damp cloth and then with a dry cloth.

Most cleaning specialists advise using special compositions for cleaning suspended ceilings (there is a separate product for each type) or a regular soap solution. We will consider purchased products for cleaning ceilings in a separate section, but now we will turn to safe means at hand for wet cleaning.

Soap solution

You can dilute liquid soap in water or dip a piece of bar soap into hot water and hold until dissolved. It is allowed with great caution , since it is quite aggressive and can leave marks, especially on light fabric ceilings. Give preference to natural varieties of soap, for example, baby and light laundry soap. Strong soap suds are used to clean the ceiling.

What ceilings is it suitable for?

Any types of PVC films. Fabric ceilings - only locally, in places where stains are present.

What washes?

The soap solution cleans surfaces well from nicotine deposits, dust, soot, construction dirt and grease. It is also used if you need to wash off fat on joints and seams. If somehow traces of a water-based marker appear on the ceiling, remove them with a soapy sponge (for an alcohol-based marker, add alcohol to the soap solution).

Note! Use only the soft side of the sponge.

This method in general is not the most effective for stubborn stains, but it is gentle and always at hand .

  • For ease of application of liquid soap, use a spray bottle . The following proportion is suitable for it: 4-5 drops (not to be confused with portions from the dispenser) of liquid soap per glass of water.
  • If you need to wash a more difficult stain , apply a soapy solution on it and leave for 5 minutes. Then wipe with a damp cloth without soap or a sponge.
  • Soot is more difficult to wash off: soapy water is applied for 20 minutes, and then removed with a clean, damp sponge, but try not to rub, but to perform scraping movements.
  • A soap solution with aromatic components helps get rid of nicotine stains and odors.


You need to take 1 part of 10% ammonia and 9 parts of warm water.

What ceilings are they used for?

Glossy and satin stretch ceiling.

What does it launder?

The product effectively removes stubborn stains, greasy and nicotine deposits, soot, splashes, and food stains. Ammonia returns the former shine to dull glossy surfaces.

You can also wipe the glossy ceiling with a solution of ammonia at the final stage of cleaning to avoid streaks. Use a lint-free cloth for this. Then be sure to wipe the surface dry. Matte ceilings are simply wiped with a dry cloth (without ammonia).

Ammonia + soap

What ceilings should I use it for?

This product is ideal for cleaning vinyl ceilings .

What washes?

Utility leaks, rust stains, signs of flooding.

The problem of flooding is well known to everyone who lives in multi-storey buildings. In this case, you can try to clean the vinyl ceiling from yellow stains using a mixture of soap solution and ammonia in a 1 to 1 ratio.

Instead of soap, use dishwashing detergent in the same proportion.

Vodka, alcohol

What ceilings is it suitable for?

Glossy PVC films, fabric ceilings.

What does it launder?

Vodka and water in a ratio of 1 to 10 (10 parts water) is sometimes used to restore shine to glossy ceilings. But before using this product, read the instructions from the stretch ceiling manufacturer.

What to do if there is dirt on the suspended ceilings that a dust cloth cannot remove?

Alcohol-based compositions are used to combat old stains on fabric stretch ceilings.

Windscreen wipers

Try to use colorless (dye-free) glass cleaners based on ammonia. For example, "Mr. Muscle". This is a detergent for suspended ceilings from a domestic manufacturer (Russian Federation). 500 ml costs 250 rubles.

Advantages: leaves no streaks. Non-toxic, non-aggressive.

“Help” and “Cinderella” are also suitable.

What ceilings should I use it for?

Windshield wipers are good for glossy PVC films. For matte and fabric ceilings, their use is undesirable - stains may remain or the color will fade.

Windshield wipers containing dyes are not recommended for use on colored or patterned stretch ceilings.

What does it launder?

Greasy deposits in the kitchen, soot, local pollution.

Dishwashing liquid

What ceilings is it suitable for?

The product is gentle and therefore suitable for all types of ceilings.

What does it launder?

Everyone has some kind of dishwashing liquid in their kitchen. It is convenient to use for removing food splashes and greasy stains “without delay”.

It removes grease from the ceiling well . It needs to be diluted in water to reduce foam.

It copes well (better than liquid soap) with greasy film on suspended ceilings, so it is used in the kitchen. Removes stains of organic origin (to remove dried stains, apply the product with a spray bottle for several minutes).

Hydrogen peroxide

What ceilings should I use it for?

Fabric ceilings. The peroxide foams and pushes dirt out of the fabric fibers.

What does it clean?

Suitable for removing some types of stains from fabric. For example, traces of tomatoes (ketchup, tomato paste) are removed by applying peroxide to the canvas. No need to rub in - just apply. After 5 minutes, remove the product with a cotton pad. If the stain does not disappear, repeat the procedure. Peroxide is also great for removing dark mold stains.

Washing powder

What ceilings should I use it for?

PVC films are washed with washing powder completely dissolved in water.

A controversial method, like vodka. Some experts recommend using laundry detergent, while others strictly prohibit it, since many powders contain harsh chemicals, pigments, and even particulates.

The powder is diluted in water, as for washing clothes (1 tsp per liter of water).

For fabric and colored PVC ceilings, you cannot use powders with bleaches (except for natural bleaches, which are used in children's powders).

What does it launder?

The product is quite effective (and aggressive), but you need to wait for the abrasive particles to completely dissolve. Suitable powders for washing children's clothes: “Ushasty Nyan”, “Umka”, “Dosenka”.


The action of an aqueous solution of shampoo resembles liquid soap, so it can be used for all types of PVC films and to remove individual stains on fabric ceilings.

How to wash light stains

Light stains on the surface can be wiped off with plain water. For this you will need a basin. The temperature of the liquid should be slightly warm. Wet a rag or sponge thoroughly and wipe away the dirt, thereby moistening it. Next time, squeeze the rag harder. Use circular movements to clean the area of ​​contamination until it is completely clean. Then wipe dry with a terry towel.

If the stains have not disappeared, you can use a solution of laundry soap or detergent. For effectiveness, it is recommended to apply foam rather than liquid. Soak the stains with it. Also, use gentle circular movements to treat the surface. Wipe dry.

Household chemicals for cleaning suspended ceilings

Industrial cleaners are designed specifically for various types of suspended ceilings. They cope with stubborn stains better than other products. The only drawback is the high cost.

On the label you will find information about what types of ceilings the cleaner is intended for and what types of contaminants it removes. We have prepared the top best branded products for cleaning various types of suspended ceilings. The main criterion for compiling the top is positive user reviews. As well as the safety of branded products, their effectiveness and cost.

Top 10 ready-made products for washing suspended ceilings

For PVC ceilings

EdelWeiss is an effective detergent for suspended ceilings, leading in the number of recommendations from users. There are no alkalis, acids, or abrasive particles in the composition.

The reviews contain the following information about the benefits of Edelweiss:

  • speed, efficiency;
  • has antibacterial properties;
  • absence of toxic components (no need to use gloves or masks during use);
  • does not leave streaks (if you use a lint-free cloth and do not use water);
  • packaging, convenient for use;
  • ability to control consumption (the most economical mode is foam).

Directions for use : shake, rotate the sprayer (there are two positions: foam spraying and splashing), apply to a dry, dirty surface and leave for 20 seconds. Then remove the product with a dry, soft, lint-free cloth.

Price - about 200 rubles.

Disadvantages: if the bottle is held horizontally, leaks are possible.

Scope of application : all types of PVC ceilings. According to user reviews, EdelWeiss does an excellent job of removing stains on matte and glossy ceilings . Can be used to clean ceilings with pictures (but first test the product on an inconspicuous area), satin coverings.

Nouvel is an excellent product in aerosol form. There are no acids or alkalis in the composition. Users recommend it based on the following parameters:

  • Efficiency.
  • Economical consumption.
  • Ease of use (spray).
  • No toxic components (no need to use personal protective equipment during cleaning).
  • Does not leave streaks.
  • Low cost - about 150 rubles.

The bottle of Nouvel is comfortable to hold in your hand, which is important when you are standing on a stepladder and holding a sponge in your other hand.

This detergent perfectly removes traces of insects in the summer, dark deposits around the hood, dust mixed with greasy vapors. It also effectively eliminates unpleasant odors.

Directions for use : spray the product onto the contaminated area and leave for 20 seconds. Then carefully remove with a soft dry cloth. If necessary, repeat the procedure.

Scope of application : all types of film ceilings (PVC).

LOC from Amway is an all-in-one cleaning product made in America. Ideal for glossy finishes. High-intensity detergent - a few drops per bucket of water are enough. Well washes away yellowness on white ceilings.


  • Highly concentrated, economical product;
  • Does not leave streaks and does not require rinsing;
  • There are no toxic components, phosphates, alkalis, acids, chlorine bleaches.
  • Hypoallergenic, dermatologically tested (can even be used for hand washing).
  • Natural composition, contains biodegradable components (does not pollute nature).

Price : 1 liter costs from 497 to 585 rubles.

LOC Multi-Purpose Cleaner contains lemon juice and coconut oil. The components of the product penetrate deep into the structure of the coating, making it clean, sparkling and streak-free.

Directions for use : dilute a few drops of the product in a bucket of warm water (optimal temperature - 35°C). Wipe the ceiling with a soft, lint-free cloth. Effectively removes old stains, soot, soot, grease in the kitchen and bathroom. The manufacturer claims that Loc removes stains ranging from lipstick to oil paint from smooth, non-porous surfaces. No need to rinse off.

Disadvantages : no dispenser/spray; a large bottle that is awkward to hold in your hand.

Scope of application : non-porous smooth coatings (PVC ceilings).

Kare Noir

This company is a well-known French manufacturer of ceilings, so the product was created taking into account all the subtleties of caring for tension coverings. Effectively removes greasy and limescale stains from PVC film ceilings. Does not contain acids or alkalis and is based on an aqueous-alcohol solution. In addition to cleaning, it has disinfecting and flavoring effects.

Directions for use: Apply with a spray bottle and wipe off with a dry soft cloth after 10-15 seconds. The surface becomes perfectly clean, all kinds of glare are eliminated.

For which ceilings to use : PVC. This product is suitable for cleaning suspended ceilings in the bathroom (removes limescale).

Glossy stretch ceilings can be washed with a special product from Altezza . It not only removes dust from the surface, but also restores its original shine. Another specialized detergent from the manufacturer of suspended ceilings is “Glance Style”.

Other good products for suspended ceilings: “Aron”, “Premier”, “Sky”, “Hart”, “New Life”, “D'Efre”. They perfectly wash away dust, grease and tobacco residue.

Detergents for fabric ceilings

Since fabric ceilings are washed only in extreme cases, the list of branded products for them will be short.

CeruttiST is a professional product for fabric ceilings from the company of the same name, as well as textile and PVC products from other manufacturers. Does not contain acids or alkalis.

Its advantages:

  • high-quality cleaning of fabric stretch ceilings;
  • ease of use, ergonomic packaging (spray);
  • absence of toxic components;
  • ability to control product consumption (spray and foam mode).

Mode of application:

Shake the contents of the bottle, turn the tip of the sprayer to the desired mode, and apply the product for 20 seconds. Then remove with a soft, lint-free cloth.

The disadvantage of Cerutti is its high cost - about 620 rubles. per pack 500 ml. Although this is by no means a price limit.

For example, another spray for fabric ceilings - Sofitto - costs 900 rubles. per bottle.

Specialized and universal purchased products

To remove stains, it is better to use professional store-bought products. They take into account the characteristics of the material from which the tension structure is made, so they treat them with the utmost care.

The following products are on sale:

  • EdelWeiss - does not contain caustic acids or alkalis that could damage the coating, and does not harm the skin of the hands. Despite its delicate composition, the product copes well with various stains. The liquid is packaged in a bottle with a sprayer.
  • Nouvel - also available in aerosol form. The product is effective against smudges in the bathroom, grease, soot, insect waste products, and dusty stains.
  • Mister Muscle is a cleaning liquid in the budget price category. Copes with any stains in the kitchen, does not form streaks.
  • LOC from Amway is a universal remedy with a delicate but effective formula. It not only removes dirty marks, but also gives shine and freshness to the surface being cleaned.
  • Kare Noir is a popular preparation for suspended ceilings. It copes with a variety of contaminants, which explains its popularity.

Extreme ways

It happens that during repairs paint splashes fall on the ceiling. They need to be wiped off immediately. Dried paint must be removed with a solvent, but so that it only gets on the paint and not on the ceiling. It is extremely difficult to do this accurately. Try applying the solvent to a cotton swab and spot-treating the stains.

Some types of fabric ceilings can be washed using foam for cleaning car dealerships, as well as a solution of 5% soda ash. Just don't use dry soda. It needs to be completely dissolved in warm water, and if the stain is very complex and cannot be removed by anything else, add a little salt or greasy clay to the solution. The composition is applied to the stain using a sponge and left until completely dry. Then remove with a damp sponge. Baking soda helps get rid of fungus on the ceiling and the smell of mold.

But remember that soda, in general, is prohibited from using for washing suspended ceilings (especially PVC).

Let's summarize the recommendations for washing and cleaning ceilings in two tables:

Type of stretch ceilingWhat to wash with
GlossyAmmonia solution, glass cleaners, Edelweiss, Nouvel, LOC from Amway, shampoo, liquid soap.
MatteWashing powder, soap solution, shampoo, liquid soap, Altezza, Nouvel.
FabricDry cleaning (vacuum cleaner, dry soft lint-free rags and napkins), for severe contamination - soap solution, liquid soap, ammonia with water, “CeruttiST”, “Sofitto”, improvised means without chlorine.

And now a table with a list of means for removing various types of contaminants:

Type of pollutionWhat to wash with
Yellowness, nicotine coating, nicotine smellSoap solution with the addition of essential oils and fragrances. A solution of ammonia. Car interior cleaner
Ketchup, tomatoesDishwashing detergent, generous application of hydrogen peroxide. Then wipe with a dry cloth Ceiling replacement/painting
Dirt with traces of greaseAmmonia solution (ammonia solution), soap foamSoap solution locally
Stains from utility leaks, rustSoap solution or dishwashing detergent + ammonia in a ratio of 1:1Ceiling replacement/painting
Mold, fungusThe canvas is removed and the ceiling is treated. To do this, use special anti-mold and mildew agents, bleach, antiseptics, potassium permanganate with quicklime, copper sulfate, and undiluted vinegar. If there is mold on the material, its base is also washed from the inside. Just not with aggressive, but gentle means: a solution of dishwashing detergent, baby powder, hydrogen peroxide, a solution of vinegar. An effective but expensive remedy is grapefruit seed extract, tea tree oil (10 drops per glass of water). Before re-installing the stretch ceiling, all surfaces must be thoroughly dried for at least two days.
FatSoap solution and ammonia solutionAmmonia solution
Dust, cobwebs, surface depositsSoap solutionDry cleaning
Insect tracksAny gentle product (soap solution, dishwashing detergent, etc.)Dry cleaning
Old dirtAqueous solution of ammonia, vodka / alcohol + waterVodka / alcohol + water, ammonia solution
Limescale"Care Noir", a mixture of vinegar and soda (dissolved in water).
Soot, sootApplying a soap solution for a long time (20 minutes). Then rinse and reapply. A solution of ammonia. Ammonia solution
Food contaminationAmmonia solutionAmmonia solution
SpraySoap solution and ammonia solutionDry cleaning
Loss of shine, stainsAmmonia solution (only for glossy ceilings). Vodka with water Stains are removed using special products for fabric ceilings.
Unpleasant odorsA weak vinegar solution, a soap solution with fragrances.The same means.
Minor dirtEraser, dry/slightly damp lint-free cloth, damp clothDry cleaning, slightly damp cloth, soft brush
Traces of construction glue, liquid nails, resin, putty, tape, other construction dirtGel-type dishwashing detergents, glass cleaner, hydrogen peroxide, warm soapy water, spot removal of stains using white spirit, solvent (but so that the product does not get on the canvas). Softened putty and paint can be removed with a soft rubber spatula. Dried liquid nails cannot be removed. You can try the same remedies, but only if the stains are fresh. Otherwise, you will have to paint or replace the ceiling.
Stains of oil, water-based, acrylic paintOil paint: spot removal with solvent on a cotton swab. Then a soap solution and removing the residue with a dry cloth. Water-based emulsion: warm water, a solution of soft washing powder. Acrylic paint: special gel for removing acrylic paint, dishwashing detergent, hydrogen peroxide. Just don't use circular movements! Paint is removed using back and forth movements.
Marker, felt-tip penSoap/weak alcohol solution

How to remove stains from a fabric ceiling

This type of coating is more difficult to maintain because it gets dirty faster and is difficult to clean compared to PVC films. Therefore, it is better to remove stains while they are fresh and dirt has not penetrated between the fibers.

Clean the fabric trim using a mild soap solution. To do this, use a damp, well-wrung out microfiber cloth. If you wet the coating too much, it will take a long time to dry.

Severe contamination is eliminated with soda ash with a small amount of table salt or fatty clay. The components are mixed, diluted with water to a mushy state, applied, and allowed to dry. Then wash off the cleaner.

It is better not to experiment with window cleaner. The color of the fabric may change where it is processed.

Difficult stains that cannot be removed are not a death sentence. Fabric ceilings are allowed to be repainted. Therefore, unsightly stains and other similar defects are simply hidden under a layer of paint.

Read more: How to paint a suspended ceiling

Tips for keeping things clean

Stretch ceilings are usually made from materials that have antistatic properties. But even if the house is kept perfectly clean, after a couple of years the suspended ceiling inevitably becomes dirty, since the factory impregnation with antistatic agent tends to erode and dust microparticles still penetrate into the canvas.

  • To wash suspended ceilings less often, do wet cleaning in the house more often, remove all dust.
  • Install a powerful hood in the kitchen to prevent a greasy film from forming on the ceiling.
  • You try to remove contaminants immediately, “hot on your heels,” before they dry out and become ingrained.
  • In the bathroom, use a curtain to prevent water from splashing onto various surfaces.

Useful video

Let's watch a useful video on how to wash a suspended ceiling from grease and dirt:

There are a huge number of methods for cleaning suspended ceilings in the kitchen. Depending on them, owners can use detergents, ordinary dry wipes, and special materials. In any case, it is important not to forget that prevention and routine cleaning are much more effective than the subsequent elimination of problems and old stains. A stretch ceiling requires daily care and, if the conditions are met, for many years it gives the owners a warm, cozy atmosphere at home.

Lifehacks of a cleaning specialist

  • If you are washing the ceiling for the first time or trying out a new product, start with inconspicuous areas , for example, corners. Apply the product, wipe with a damp and dry cloth, and check after 10 minutes. If the washed area has not faded, faded, deformed and there are no streaks left on it, the product is suitable.
  • Move from the walls to the center of the canvas.
  • Clean cracks and seams , not across.
  • Using circular movements makes it easier to clean a glossy ceiling until it shines.
  • Do not use a mop or other improvised means with a long handle - it will be difficult for you to control your efforts, which can lead to damage to the cloth.
  • If you use a mop , then choose one with a movable platform and a flat microfiber head. Make sure there are no nicks or sharp corners. Operate the tool while standing on a stepladder to better regulate the pressure on the ceiling.
  • If the stretch ceiling is located close to the base (at a distance of 3-4 cm), it is washed only by hand from a stepladder, trying to apply minimal pressure.
  • Remember to remove watches, bracelets and rings before cleaning to avoid accidentally damaging the suspended ceiling.
  • After cleaning and drying the matte/glossy ceiling, it can be treated with an antistatic agent to prevent the adhesion of dust particles (this should be done no more than once a year). You will notice that the next time you clean, the ceiling will be much easier to clean.
  • If, despite your efforts the stains on the ceiling do not disappear , there is no need to try to rub harder or use aggressive products. This way you will simply ruin an expensive installation. It is better to contact a cleaning agency or a company that installs suspended ceilings (sometimes they also clean ceilings).

How to wash a stretch glossy ceiling without streaks - tools and equipment

If you don’t know how to clean stretch ceilings, we’ll tell you some tricks. We cross off everything that is scratchy, hard, shedding and fluffy from the list. What remains is soft tissue, fiber and sponges.

You will need warm water, a bucket, detergent and a stepladder. Why not a mop? Because it is very easy to damage your favorite glossy finish with one awkward movement. But, nevertheless, many housewives risk damaging the coating and use a mop, controlling the pressure. Pressure control will prevent damage.

Pressure should not lead to deformation, so do not rub the product either.

A vacuum cleaner is also a dubious companion, even for collecting dust. Therefore, you will have to look for a stepladder if the ceiling is high, or a suitable chair if the room is of low height. The water temperature should not be hot - the material may soften and deform. A normal temperature is considered to be 25-35°C.

What absolutely should not be done

  • Do not use hard brushes or sponges. Mops with burrs and sharp edges are also prohibited.
  • Use hot water for washing (if you dissolved soap in it, wait until it cools down).
  • Acetone is prohibited (it simply dissolves PVC), alkalis, solvents, chlorine, abrasive particles, aggressive washing powders, mustard and other products that were not on our list. Use laundry soap and soda only in exceptional cases. Do not use the product if it contains bleaches and dyes.
  • Matte ceilings cannot be washed with alcohol-based products, including ammonia.
  • Do not vacuum PVC films or touch the coating with the vacuum cleaner nozzle when cleaning fabric ceilings.

The article was written for the site.

Tags:Ceiling, Cleaning

What is not recommended to use

In order not to harm the glossy stretch ceiling, you need to know what cannot be used to clean it. Otherwise, it may become unusable and there will be a question of completely replacing it with a new one. The main thing is to follow these rules:

  • Do not use abrasive products to wash ceilings: powders, soda, hard brushes, hard sponges and rags with large piles. This may negatively affect the appearance of the canvas, scratches or cuts will appear;
  • Under no circumstances should you use liquids containing acetone. It can discolor the fabric surface and make it unattractive;
  • It is strictly forbidden to use alkaline and acidic agents, chlorine, solvents, mustard;
  • Do not wash suspended ceilings with hot water;
  • cleaning suspended ceilings requires the absence of any foreign objects on your hands, which include rings, rings, watches, bracelets, especially if they are decorated with faceted stones;
  • Do not use excessive force to remove contamination. When using a mop to clean the ceiling, you must handle it very carefully. It is advisable to purchase a stepladder and use it to reach all corners of the ceiling covering with your hand.

If you follow these recommendations, your ceiling will not lose its attractiveness for a long period and will delight you with its beauty and cleanliness.

Baking soda

Often, soda is used to remove any stains; it is combined with other substances and the result is a fairly effective product. In this case, this option cannot be used categorically. Soda is small grains, stretch ceiling is a very soft and delicate coating.

Contact with food may cause scratches on the material, i.e. the gloss will be irrevocably damaged. If stains can be easily removed with water, then scratches will not go away, and on a shiny surface it will be very noticeable. In addition, soda can leave not only scratches, but also deformed areas.

Types of stretch fabrics and features of their care

PVC films for ceilings are divided into three groups according to texture:

  1. matte;
  2. satin;
  3. glossy.

When choosing a material, apartment owners are guided by their wishes, budget and practicality of using a particular texture. For example, it is better to use glossy materials for the kitchen. The glossy surface is not so susceptible to contamination with grease and soot. The slippery coating of the glossy ceiling does not allow dirt to be absorbed and eat into the fibers.

Glossy ceiling hides dust and dirt

Of the fundamental differences in caring for glossy and matte ceilings, only one can be highlighted: gloss requires additional polishing with alcohol or vinegar after washing to preserve its original shine and is less resistant to scratches. This must be taken into account when choosing rags for ceiling care.

What can be used

Almost all ceiling cleaning experts unanimously say that only warm water is needed to clean a glossy surface. In this they are one hundred percent right, since this is the safest remedy that cannot harm either the structure or the appearance of the ceiling. Using water, it is good to wash away dust and some minor dirt, but it does not cope well with greasy stains, so it is used to tidy up suspended ceilings in bedrooms and living rooms. Using only water can leave your bathroom and kitchen feeling dirty.

The kitchen, balcony, loggia and bath are those rooms in which the ceilings should be washed with an aqueous solution with the addition of effective substances. There are several ways to clean such surfaces. One of them is to use laundry soap. Take laundry soap, grate it, add it to warm water and stir well until completely dissolved. The resulting foam is used to thoroughly wash the ceiling surface. It is also good to use glass and dishwashing detergent. They must contain ammonia to avoid streaks.

If there are no such products in the house, you can dilute non-aggressive washing powder in warm water, but only one that does not contain bleaching agents. A soft sponge is moistened in this solution and all dirty places are wiped with it. After which, using clean water, the soap solution is washed off, and the surface is wiped dry with a soft cloth.

There is another effective method that manufacturers of suspended ceilings recommend using. This is to use a vacuum cleaner . But it can only be used if there is a 100% guarantee that all work on installing the stretch ceiling was carried out professionally and efficiently. Otherwise, the glossy film that does not fit tightly to the ceiling may be torn off the ceiling by a vacuum cleaner, and everything will have to be redone. If the vacuum cleaner does not have special attachments, it is better to throw a microfiber cloth over the standard attachment so that the brushes do not scratch the canvas. If we are talking about contaminants such as cobwebs or dust, it is best to use a soft cloth or broom to remove them.

Stretch ceilings can be carefully cleaned with a vacuum cleaner

If a glossy stretch ceiling loses its bright shine, it is worth restoring it using a dry cloth, a piece of microfiber or suede. If these actions do not bring the desired result, then you can drop a little ammonia, previously diluted in warm water, onto the surface of the soft tissue and repeat the procedure again.

Soap solution for easy cleaning

For quick cleaning of matte and glossy polymer ceilings, a soap solution will be a universal remedy. A solution of powder or laundry soap in warm water easily removes dust and soot from glossy and matte PVC.

Soap solution is the best solution for stretch ceilings

The exception is fabric bases, on which stains form, and such cleaning leads to darkening of the stains. Soap solution does not always successfully remove grease. To remove such plaque, you should add baking soda to the solution.

Several causes of pollution

Although the canvases undergo careful appropriate treatment with antistatic agents and other chemicals, which allow them to maintain the gloss and brightness of the colors for quite a long time, over time the stretch ceiling still fades somewhat.

The main reason for the loss of attractiveness is the slow but constant settling of dust on it. In addition, there are many ways to “forcefully” stain the ceiling.

Regardless of the nature of the contamination, in order for the gloss to delight you with its shine again, it must be washed. However, in order for the washing process not to have undesirable consequences, it is necessary to follow a few simple rules.

Preparing to wash ceilings

Before you start washing the ceilings, you must take the following preliminary steps:

  1. It is worth determining for yourself how hard to press on the suspended ceiling with a mop, sponge or rag in order to clean the ceiling surface from dirt. The efforts should not be too strong, but weak touches may not give the desired result. It is necessary to adapt by training on a separate small section of the ceiling in order to understand how this will happen in the future.
  2. If your home has high ceilings, then you need to use a stepladder. A sponge on an elongated stick or a mop can also be a helper. The stepladder must be handled with care. It should be in good working order, stable, and not loosen under your movements. Its height should be sufficient to make it convenient for you to wash the ceiling.

  3. It is necessary to choose a mop or other cleaning tool in such a way that its weight does not greatly strain the muscles of your hands. Washing tools should be light and not too long.
  4. If you constantly wear wristwatches, bracelets, rings or rings, then before you start cleaning the ceilings from dust and dirt, you will have to part with all the jewelry for a while. They will not only interfere with cleaning, but can also accidentally scratch or tear the tension surface, as well as make a dent in it.
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