How to wash windows without streaks: recommendations, choice of products and tools for cleaning windows

How to wash windows without streaks is a question that interests all housewives. Dusty, dirty glass can ruin the impression of any room interior. Street and home dust, snow and rain leave untidy streaks and stains, which can be dealt with in several ways.

Clean windows are not so difficult to do, the main thing is to know how to do it right

Window cleaning tool

How to wash plastic or wooden windows is up to each housewife to decide for herself. It is advisable to carry out the work by first preparing the necessary tools.

It is recommended to wear rubber gloves for cleaning, including washing windows.

Rag, napkin, shaving and more

You can wash windows with rags, napkins or a special tool. The main requirement is a lint-free surface. The following materials are suitable:

  • linen;
  • microfiber;
  • cotton;
  • spandex, etc.

You can also use sponges. Convenient are those that have 2 sides made of different materials: soft on one side and hard on the other.

A squeegee is a convenient device, especially for washing inconvenient places. A special mop with a long handle will help remove excess moisture from the windows. This device is especially convenient when washing large windows. You need to work with this tool carefully, moving it mainly horizontally, starting from the top of the glass. For severe dirt, you may need a scraper with a rubber attachment.

The telescopic handle will help you wash even large window openings

It is recommended to wash those areas of glass that cannot be reached by hand using brushes with a telescopic handle. This allows you to wash even the doors that do not open.

The following can be used for polishing glass:

  • napkins;
  • paper towels;
  • newspapers.

Advice! To remove stickers on glass, factory film and paint stains from the outside, it is convenient to use a special scraper with a blade.

Magnetic brushes

One of the innovative solutions is the use of magnetic brushes. They allow you to clean much faster, since 2 planes are processed simultaneously.

Externally, it is a fairly simple design, which consists of 2 brushes that are held under the influence of a built-in magnet. This device also has a drawback - the corners are not washed well enough; they will have to be washed separately.

Magnetic brushes

Advice! When purchasing such a device, it is important to make sure that the magnet power declared by the manufacturer is really enough to wash a window with three or two panes of glass in a double-glazed unit.

Windshield wiper Karcher

Windshield wiper designs may vary depending on the specific model. The device includes a comfortable handle, nozzles, and a water tank. Working with a glass cleaner, you can clean the window efficiently and quickly. The disadvantage of this method is the fairly high price of the device.

Why do streaks remain on glass?

Stains, stains and deposits remain on the glass after cleaning for many reasons. Even with perfect cleaning, unpleasant marks may remain. And the reasons for this phenomenon lie in the following factors:

  1. Cleaning in hot weather. Under the influence of direct sunlight, moisture quickly evaporates, which leads to the appearance of stains. It is for this reason that it is not recommended to clean windows in such weather.
  2. Incorrectly selected chemicals for washing. Some low-quality compounds may leave cloudy marks on the glass. In addition, abrasive particles can scratch windows and leave streaks.
  3. Incorrect cleaning method. Stains and stains may remain if all dust has not been removed from the windows first. Window cleaning is carried out in several stages, which are accompanied by the preparation of glass and the use of chemicals.

To wash a window without streaks and deposits, it is important to choose the right technology and cleaning products.

Household chemicals for cleaning windows

Manufacturers of household chemicals offer a wide range of special preparations. They are conveniently packaged, equipped with sprayers and give a good effect.

The most popular means include:

  • Mister Muscle;
  • Clin:
  • Cif;
  • Sanita;
  • Help and others.

Household chemicals for cleaning glass are easy to use and give good results.
These preparations are intended directly for washing glass. They are well distributed over a vertical surface and do not leave drips or streaks when wiped with a napkin.

See also: Catalog of companies that specialize in installing windows and doors.

Folk window cleaning products

Popular home recipes that answer the question of how to clean windows are based on the use of readily available products. Requirements for folk remedies: high-quality cleansing without the use of excessive effort.

Ammonia: the most universal remedy

This product is a universal cleaning product. It can be used not only for washing glass, but also for caring for frames and window sills. It is not recommended to combine alcohol with warm water, as this may reduce the effectiveness of the product used.

Procedure for preparing window cleaner:

  1. Pour 2 liters of clean water into a container.
  2. Add 2 tablespoons of ammonia to the water.
  3. Stir thoroughly.

For your information! Ammonia is a component that is included in many purchased household chemicals.

If the prepared solution is poured into a container with a spray bottle, it will be more convenient to work

Chalk: for shine and shine

To give the surface shine and shine, ordinary construction chalk in powder form can be used. Before use, it is diluted according to the following proportion: 1 part chalk to 3 parts water. The resulting mixture is applied using a napkin. When the composition has dried on the surface to be cleaned, pass over it with a dry cloth to remove the white chalky coating.

Vinegar: as a single product and in combination with other components

Vinegar has a good ability to effectively remove stains. There are several options for using it:

  1. Dilute a few tablespoons of vinegar in water.
  2. Use with other ingredients – chalk, honey.

Advice! Particularly stubborn stains can be removed even with pure, undiluted table vinegar.

After washing, the window must be wiped dry.

Using vegetables for harvesting

You can solve the question of how to wash windows simply by using potatoes or onions. And clean surfaces that have been infested with flies, perhaps wiping them with a cut of an onion. After washing off the onion juice with water, wipe everything with a dry cloth.

Raw potatoes are another product that is often used in cleaning. For high-quality cleaning, it is enough to cut the tuber in half and treat the contaminated areas with the cut side.

Window cleaning steps

In order to wash windows quickly and efficiently, you must act sequentially:

  1. Wash the frames so that clean glass is not in danger of being stained while cleaning the frames.
  2. The first cleaning, which allows you to remove the main layer of dust and dirt. This can be done using, for example, a soap solution.
  3. Clean wash.
  4. Adding shine, eliminating unwanted stains and marks from washing.

Advice! To prevent windows from freezing, they must be treated with an aqueous salt solution. And to repel flies, treating frames with a weak aqueous solution of vinegar is suitable.

Window glass is washed after the frame

Cheap means useless: a few words in defense of ordinary rags

Let's get this straight - we're not trying to convince you that you should only buy fancy microfiber cloths. Soviet gray rags made from batting can also be useful to you, as well as budget wiping material made from cheap waffle fabric.

From left to right - batting rag and waffle fabric

► Short-lived batting, for example, perfectly absorbs large volumes of water. A cheap cotton rag for 30-50 rubles (rags) is useful for cleaning large volumes of dirty liquid, in which you are unlikely to want to stain an effective absorbent microfiber cloth for 100-1000+ rubles.

► Thin waffle fabric will not “survive” even one wash in a washing machine, but due to the low price of 20-30 rubles per linear meter, this shortcoming can be easily forgiven. As well as the inability to wipe surfaces without streaks and residual wet marks. Because with its help you will remove up to 90% of contaminants dissolved in water using the “wet” method, simplifying the task with a microfiber cloth for 100-1000+ rubles.

Napkins made of batting and waffle fabric are the best option for the initial cleaning of contaminated surfaces. They will not serve you for long, but will help to significantly extend the “life” of much more expensive wipes for final wiping of surfaces.

Watch our video in which we tested cleaning wipes made from 8 different materials:

Features of washing PVC windows

Metal-plastic windows, unlike wooden ones, are more demanding to maintain. The smooth surface of plastic and glass cannot be cleaned with abrasive agents, as this can lead to defects - scratches.

The surface of window sills is very often not smooth, but rough. Uneven texture is more difficult to clean from dirt. To do this, it is recommended to use detergents in powder form or a soap solution.

When choosing what to use for cleaning windows, unless there is an urgent need, you should avoid the following potent drugs:

  • acid;
  • solvent (including acetone);
  • bleach.

PVC windows require careful handling of frames.
In addition to washing frames and glass, attention must also be paid to mosquito nets. They are removed for the winter, and in the warm season, when they become dirty, they are washed in the shower using a cloth. Dusty, dirty blinds can also ruin the effect of a washed window. It is also advisable to clean them in a manner suitable for them, taking into account the properties of the material and the type of construction.

Advice! Window washing can be combined with prevention - lubricating hinges, treating the seal with glycerin.

Little tricks for every housewife

Since there are a lot of people in the world who have washed windows before, of course, there are some rules and tricks that greatly simplify this process. Some may be familiar to almost everyone, and some not everyone can think of. For example, that you need to wash windows in cloudy weather. Why?! Yes, because the sun can interfere, and because of it, the moisture dries out faster, and then what you didn’t have time to wipe off turns into either stains or unpleasant drops. But, of course, you can’t do this even in the rain, so choosing a time is quite difficult.

Or the fact that it is better to stock up on several rags for different stains. If part of the window is very dirty and another part is not very dirty, it is worth dividing the window into these zones to be sure that no streaks will occur. Of course, some products can help with larger stains, but it’s better not to take risks. Also, many people ask why you can’t use dish soap to clean windows. The answer is actually quite simple. The concepts of washing windows and dishes themselves vary greatly, and products are created specifically for them. For dishes you need more foam, and for the window you need to save time in order to get rid of chemicals and stains as quickly as possible.

Selecting a suitable rag is quite easy - either by your own experience or by its properties. Microfiber is quite popular now and works well for this task. But don’t write off cotton rags, suede or flannel. It's better to try and choose according to your needs. It is worth choosing a plan of action in advance - which hard-to-reach places and how to get there, how easier it will be to change the water, which side to start from and other details that will help reduce time and reduce fatigue. It’s also worth thinking about how you can make window cleaning more enjoyable - turn on your favorite music or dress in beautiful things.

How to clean windows after renovation work

In cases where during the repair process construction materials got on the glass, the question arises: how and with what to wash the windows? If renovation work is just being planned, the best way to prepare the windows is to cover them with paper. Otherwise, you will have to wash the surface.

Cleaning glass after repair can be very difficult - and you will need a separate product to remove each type of stain.

Ways to solve the problem depend on what exactly the glass is stained with:

Polyurethane foam on glass"Solvent 646"
Masking tape and its remainsVegetable oil, turpentine, drying oil
CementPhosphoric acid
Acrylic paintWhite alcohol, Gasoline

It is advisable to use solvents with open windows and good ventilation of the room.

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