The most effective ways to remove rust from chrome plumbing and other products

In everyday life, we often encounter the appearance of rust on various types of metal objects. Chrome-plated products, such as bathroom fixtures, are also susceptible to this problem. Although there is an opinion that chrome plating is the most resistant to corrosion, this is far from the case. Under certain circumstances, when chrome is affected by several unfavorable factors at once, products may become covered with red spots. In this article we will tell you how to remove rust from a chrome surface and how to avoid this problem in the future.

Chrome plating and causes of rust

Chrome plating refers to the technique of applying a thin layer of chromium to various metal products. Most often, chromium is deposited using electroplating technology: this element is deposited on the substrate metal under the influence of electrical charges. As a result, the strength of the item increases, it becomes resistant to adverse factors, and also more attractive.

Unfortunately, chrome plating has low resistance to mechanical stress. It is this fact that becomes the main cause of corrosion. Under the influence of impacts and scratches, cracks and chips appear. With the participation of oxygen, the metal under the chromium layer oxidizes and rust forms. To get rid of this unpleasant phenomenon, you can use different means - special and folk.

Chrome plated plastic

Almost all other body parts that have a chrome shine are plastic. Most of them are coated with chromium by vacuum deposition (PVD process). This is one of the cheapest application methods. Although on premium cars and expensive motorcycles you can also find plastic parts coated with galvanic chrome.

The main threats to plastic chrome elements come from road reagents (salts) and aggressive auto chemicals. In addition, shiny parts located on the front side of the car are susceptible to sandblasting and damage from stones falling into them.

It’s clear with reagents: in winter you need to wash your car more often. If you run it, the chrome plastic will become covered with cloudy stains. But, as is the case with muffler trims, haze from reagents is relatively easy to remove with chrome care products. However, for decorative elements it is better to select polishes designed specifically for chrome-plated plastic. Autosol M1 is one of these products that has been proven over the years.

The scheme is the same: apply a little, polish in a circular motion, wipe with a dry cloth. Please note that the instructions for some products suggest spreading them over the element to be cleaned, letting them dry, and then polishing. In this situation, it is highly likely that the polish contains wax. After using it, the chrome will shine almost better than new, but not for long.

Let's return to washing a car with chrome elements and aggressive chemicals. It is low-quality auto chemicals or improper use of high-quality ones that threaten the most serious damage to chrome-coated plastic. Contactless shampoos contain alkali, which allows you to quickly and effectively corrode dirt, but it also corrodes decorative coatings just as effectively. Too much concentration - the chrome turns white, overexposure - the same, if it dries in the sun - the same picture.

Therefore, when using a self-service car wash, where it is impossible to check the quality of the shampoo used, in no case should you keep it on the body for more than two minutes, but it is better to apply it in a circle over the entire car and rinse it off immediately.

If you wash without contact yourself, try to choose a shampoo with a pH of 9-10 or even neutral with a pH of 6-7. Yes, neutral shampoo does not wash away old stains well, but it is as safe as possible for the body. Shampoos with a pH greater than 11 are highly alkaline and should not be used for washing cars. Read the instructions carefully and dilute in the correct concentration, because even the most gentle shampoo becomes not very gentle if you pour it into the foam kit twice as much as needed.

But even when using weakly alkaline chemicals, you cannot keep it on the body for more than two minutes, much less let it dry.

If you wash your car by hand, damage to the chrome plastic is virtually impossible, since hand wash shampoos are neutral. But applying manual shampoo to a hot body and washing the car in the heat in the sun is still not worth it.

When something goes wrong during the washing process and the chrome-plated plastic becomes cloudy, it usually cannot be revived.

But do not confuse chemical damage from shampoo with carelessness when applying protective agents. For example, unpolished dried wax also leads to a whitish coating, but this coating is easily removed.

Naturally, all protective coatings on the body, from wax to “ceramics”, also protect chrome plastic to one degree or another. At the same time, specialized protective equipment specifically for chromium is practically not found on sale. As a rule, these are “2 in 1” type products: polish with film-forming substances, usually with the same wax. Such coatings will provide some protection; they are especially relevant in winter, as they can reduce the impact of reagents. The main thing is to apply it correctly so that you don’t have to remove cloudy stains later.

Specialized compounds

When purchasing any composition, it is important to carefully study the label. It should be harmless, easy to apply and truly effective.


This product in spray form is widely used even in car workshops. It quickly removes stains of rust, grease, soot and bitumen, various adhesives, without leaving sticky residue. After application, WD-40 forms a reliable waterproof layer, protecting the product from rusting in the future. The composition is based on mineral oils, carbon dioxide, solvent and special additives. It is applied with a sponge, then wiped with a cloth.

Doctor Wax

This brand of polishing paste is suitable for chrome-plated products, as well as steel, gold, silver, aluminum, and bronze. It does not contain abrasives, but polishes objects due to the presence of vegetable waxes. The paste erases scratches and removes rust, forming a durable matte coating.

Metal Polish

Polish from Autosol (Germany) in the form of a cream can be used to clean car bodies, dishes, plumbing fixtures, and equipment. The product is suitable for most metals and alloys. It is enough to apply it to the area affected by corrosion, polish and remove the residue with a rag.

Restoration of the destroyed layer

To give a smooth shape to the part and eliminate irregularities caused by corrosion, special ceramic-based pastes are used. This material serves as a substitute for a chrome surface and goes well with natural materials. The material is easy to apply and restores the appearance of the part throughout the day. The soil properties of ceramic paste make it possible to fill large areas of destruction several millimeters thick. It can be purchased at any automobile store.

When the original quality of a chrome plated part is restored, good protection is required. To use a cheap temporary remedy, varnish products will serve, which will protect the coating from reagents and temperature changes for a month, and also restore the shine of the part. Over time, you will need to choose a reliable rust protection product, which is described below.

Cleaning chromium with folk remedies

Every home has simple products and household remedies that can also be used to combat rust on chrome-plated items.


Usually, to clean products, they use already diluted table vinegar (6-9%) or other types of vinegar - apple, rice, wine. Acetic essence must be diluted to a suitable concentration. The composition is poured into the container and the product is immersed there for 3-8 hours (depending on the layer of rust). If the object is large, then wipe it with a rag soaked in vinegar. After removing the composition, the surface is washed and wiped, removing any remaining rust.

Lemon juice (citric acid)

Lemon juice is used in a mixture with salt in a 1:1 ratio. It is applied to the base, rubbed well, left for an hour, then washed. Citric acid also helps remove corrosion damage to chrome parts because it works similar to vinegar.

The substance converts metal hydroxides into salts, which effectively dissolves rust. Citric acid powder is mixed with water to form a paste, applied to the item, left for 2-3 hours, then washed.

Soda and soda

Baking soda is an abrasive that can leave small scratches on the chrome surface, so you need to work with it with extreme caution. Usually, soda is mixed with water to form a paste and the rust is thoroughly scrubbed off. A product based on soda instead of water is considered even more effective. You shouldn’t leave baking soda on chrome for a long time—it’s better to wash it off quickly.

Fish fat

This product is usually used to prevent rust, but can also remove small stains. You need to buy regular fat without additives, apply it to the affected area and leave it for several days without washing it off. Once stained, you can carefully clean it.

"Coca Cola"

The popular drink contains phosphoric acid, which means it is also suitable for cleaning chrome parts. In addition to Coca-Cola, you can use similar drinks, for example, Pepsi. Small items can simply be immersed in liquid and left for several hours.

If the elements are non-removable or large in size, they are treated with a drink using a rag or a bag filled with Coca-Cola is tied to them. To remove small stains, 2-3 hours are usually enough; to dissolve a thick layer of rust, it will take up to 8 hours.

Aluminium foil

The foil is quite soft, it is gentle on the chrome. The material does not scratch the base, but effectively removes rust. Cut small strips of foil and moisten the product with water in advance. A ball is made from the strip, and then the object is polished with it so that it does not shine again. If necessary, take a new ball and repeat the procedure until all the rust is removed.


Toothpaste or tooth powder are effective means of removing rust. They have a mild abrasive effect, and gradually remove the red plaque. Apply the paste to a soft cloth or sponge and polish the area moistened with water. Repeat all steps until traces of corrosion disappear. The remaining product is washed off.

GOI paste and motor oil

GOI paste itself is a chromium-based grinding and polishing agent, so it is well suited for processing chrome-plated products. It is diluted with motor oil in equal parts, then the affected surface is treated with a piece of felt.

Remains of oil and paste are removed with a clean cloth. You must act carefully, since GOI includes an abrasive, and sometimes it is quite large.

Potatoes and laundry soap

Potatoes are cut into 2 halves, one or both parts are thoroughly rubbed with laundry soap. Afterwards, such a “device” is applied directly to the rust stain for a couple of hours, then the remaining dirt is removed with a rag.

Copper sulfate and hydrochloric acid

Combine 50 g of acid and 200 g of copper sulfate and dilute with a liter of water. A rag soaked in this solution is used to treat the chrome base in the area of ​​rust. After a few minutes, wipe everything with a weak solution of soda to quench the reaction. Next, wash the surface and let it dry.


This building material can act as an abrasive to remove rust and also allows you to sand the surface. A little cement powder is applied to the affected area and wiped with a rag. Afterwards it is recommended to treat the product with wax.

How to remove rust from chrome plumbing fixtures

The rust control industry produces many special, highly effective cleaning products:

  • Clin;
  • Help;
  • Rust solvent;
  • “Mr Muscle” and others.

The chrome surface should be wiped with any soft cloth. Baking soda is considered an excellent substitute for industrial detergent. Antistatic wipes are useful for removing soap scum.

To effectively remove rust from a chrome surface, it is enough to use any of the above methods. Home remedies are a great substitute for expensive cleaning products.

Caring for chrome products

As you know, a problem is easier to prevent than to solve. To prevent rust from settling on chrome-plated items, you must carefully follow the rules for caring for them:

  • When washing, use only warm water and mild soap or other gentle products;
  • do not turn on the water under high pressure;
  • immediately after washing, wipe the products dry with a cloth;
  • do not use abrasive compounds so that the base does not become covered with a network of small scratches;
  • avoid sudden temperature changes and high humidity;
  • in winter, use special protective sprays for outdoor products and car bodies.

Effective and high-quality protection, as well as cleaning chrome bases from rust, is quite possible. To do this, you just need to follow simple tips and avoid mistakes in caring for “capricious” products.

Ways to Prevent Corrosion

The occurrence of rust is theoretically impossible to predict; it can only be detected by its presence. Corrosion is a natural problem of any materials, from which it is impossible to escape. The only way to prevent rust is to avoid it.

Two methods are used as protective measures that repeatedly extend the life of the chrome part:

  1. The chrome surface must be covered with a protective vinyl film. In addition to the formation of corrosion, it will protect the part from mechanical damage and scratches, which also contribute to the formation of rust. The glued part must be washed frequently, and the film must be replaced every four months with a new layer.
  2. An alternative is to polish and varnish the chrome surface. These substances more effectively protect the coating from aggressive substances and temperature changes, but are not able to protect against gravel and dust.

Which of the following methods is better is the choice of the car enthusiast. In urban conditions, the quality of roads is higher; gravel is excluded. In this case, the road surface is often treated with reagents; the choice of protecting the surface from corrosion is obvious. In rural areas the situation is reversed and the correct solution would be to apply vinyl film.

It is necessary to take into account the operation and location of the chrome part. For example, the fender liners and bumpers located below are subject to wear and tear more than the door handles and car brand emblem. It is recommended to change protective equipment after a few months. First you will need to remove the old layer and remaining traces of glue and varnish. Thoroughly polish the freed surface and apply a new coating to all chrome parts.

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