How to remove the smell of cigarettes from your hands: the most effective ways

  • Posted by Irina Vasilyeva
  • Date: September 13, 2017

Everyone knows about the dangers of smoking: lung diseases, the risk of developing cancer, premature aging and much more. This bad habit causes many problems in everyday life. One of them is the unpleasant smell after smoking. There are effective ways to help remove it from your hair, hands or mouth.

  • 2 Remedies for cigarette odor
    2.1 How to get fresh breath back

    2.1.1 Video: how to get rid of cigarette smell from your mouth

  • 2.2 Removing odor from hair
  • 2.3 Gentle hands tobacco aroma
  • 3 What mistakes can be avoided
  • Removing cigarette aroma from hair

    Cigarette smell in hair is an unpleasant phenomenon, especially for women. Hair scales perfectly absorb foreign odors and retain them for a long time. To eliminate tobacco spirit, wash your hair more often and use the following remedies.

    • Veil. To prevent the smell of tobacco from appearing on your hair, purchase a cosmetic veil. There is no alcohol in the perfume, but there are substances that are beneficial for hair. Apply the veil in the morning to clean and damp hair.
    • Dry shampoo. Dry shampoo will help quickly refresh your hair, which should be used if you don’t have time to wash your hair. The pleasant aroma of dry shampoo will eliminate the cigarette smell of your hair.

    Spray veil for hair will get rid of unpleasant odor

    How to freshen your breath?

    How to eliminate the smell of cigarettes from your mouth? The following methods will help with this:

    • Chew an orange or lemon peel, or simply eat a citrus fruit with the peel on.
    • You can try to knock out the wedge with a wedge and use garlic. This product will not help make your breath fresh, but it will definitely kill the smell of tobacco. Just chew a clove or even eat it (this, by the way, is good for the immune system).
    • Spicy herbs will help, which are usually added to first and hot dishes for taste and aroma. So, you can use cloves, anise, fennel, basil, cilantro. Simply chew the pea or bunch for a minute or two and then spit it out.
    • You can try drinking a little milk, it also helps get rid of some bad breath. In addition, such a product neutralizes acids, including nicotinic acid, so this product is not only effective, but also useful.
    • Instead of milk, you can use ice cream or any dairy dessert.
    • Chew a few fresh mint leaves. The longer you chew them, the fresher your breath will become.
    • If you prefer folk remedies, then try coffee, it copes well with odors. Moreover, it is advisable not to drink the drink, but to chew natural coffee beans, which contain essential oils. If you don’t have natural coffee, try using instant coffee, but it is less effective.
    • Just brush your teeth, and thoroughly, brushing not only the tooth enamel, but also the gums, tongue, cheeks and palate. Then you can rinse your mouth with mouthwash.
    • Chewing gum will help.
    • Eat a few pieces of chocolate.

    Removing tobacco odor from the skin of your hands

    You can tell a smoker from a non-smoker by the sight and smell of his hands. Here are a few options to quickly remove unpleasant odors from your hands.

    • Wet wipes. To quickly remove the smell of tobacco from your hands, use wet wipes and the stronger the aroma emanating from them, the better. It is recommended to use napkins immediately after smoking.
    • Lemon. Lemon juice helps eliminate cigarette odor and improve the condition of the skin on your hands. Take a slice of lemon and rub your hands. If you don't have lemon, use orange peel. Orange zest will help get rid of tobacco smell and leave a pleasant aroma on your hands.
    • Antiseptic gel. Thanks to the use of antiseptic gel, not only the hands are disinfected, but also the unpleasant odor is removed.
    • Coffee. The aroma of coffee tends to quickly and for a long time be absorbed into the skin of the hands. Prepare coffee grounds and thoroughly clean your hands. Wait a couple of minutes and wash with soap. The skin on your hands will acquire a light coffee aroma.
    • Toothpaste. To remove cigarette smell from your hands, take toothpaste and rub it into the skin. Next, simply rinse your hands in cool water.
    • Bay leaf. Bay leaf can quickly kill the cigarette smell. To eliminate the stench from your hands, pour 3-5 laurel leaves with a small amount of hot water. After the infusion has cooled a little, wipe the skin of your hands with it. At the end of the procedure, simply rinse your hands under running cool water.

    General recommendations

    There are many ways to get rid of nasty smells at home. Here are the most effective of them:

    1. Lemon juice. It’s very good, and most importantly, it quickly gets rid of the unpleasant odor and removes especially well the aromatic effects of cleaning fish. It is enough to rinse your palms and fingers with freshly squeezed lemon juice or cut a lemon into slices, rub your skin thoroughly with it, and then rinse under water. This method has a minus. It is not suitable for dry, damaged skin. Lemon dries out, if you use it regularly, there is a chance that cracks and wounds will appear.
    2. Stainless steel. To eliminate the bad odor emanating from the skin of your hands, you can rub them on a saucepan or frying pan made of stainless steel. Why the smell disappears is not known from a scientific point of view. But it really works. So-called “steel” soap is increasingly appearing in hardware stores. This is an excellent neutralizer of any odors.
    3. Coffee beans. This method helps, but does not always help. You need to rub coffee beans or a handful of freshly ground coffee in your hands. But some people, after such a reception, hear from their hands not coffee, but a distorted, even intensified, unpleasant aroma, which they tried to suppress in this way.
    4. Soda. Regular baking soda is an excellent neutralizer. You need to slightly moisten your palms, pour a handful of soda on them, rub the skin thoroughly, and then rinse under warm water. But keep in mind that this method only works when the unpleasant odor is fresh. If you decide to use this method after a couple of hours, it will no longer help.
    5. Toothpaste or powder is another option to kill bad odors. If a paste is used, it is enough to squeeze about a teaspoon into the palm of your hand, and if it is a powder, then the volume should be 2 times larger. Many people are allergic to these products, so skin irritation may occur.
    6. Fresh greens. This method helps get rid of bad breath, but you can try using it to return a pleasant aroma to your hands. To do this, you first need to wash them well with soap, and then take a few sprigs of fresh herbs and rub them well. The downside is the possible staining of the palms and fingers.
    7. Salt. Coarse sea salt absorbs odors well. You just need to take a handful in your palms and rub it well between your palms, and then rinse under the tap. Just keep in mind that even if there are microcracks on the skin, the oven will be incredibly difficult.

    Advice! Before working with products or materials that can give your skin an unpleasant odor, put on rubber protective gloves, and if you don’t have them or it’s uncomfortable to work in them, lubricate your hands with olive or any other vegetable oil. This will create a protective barrier on the skin and prevent the absorption of unpleasant aromas.

    Ridding clothes of tobacco aroma

    Clothes acquire an unpleasant odor not only during smoking, but also after being in a bar or other hot place. Dry cleaning will help remove the unpleasant odor, but you can fight it yourself. Let's look at ways to get rid of the smell of tobacco on clothes.

    • Weathering. A simple option for getting rid of the stench of tobacco is to ventilate things in the fresh air. Before hanging your clothes, shake them well or vacuum them so that no small particles of tobacco remain in the fibers of the fabric. To enhance the effect, it is recommended to hang a wet towel next to your clothes.
    • Coffee beans. To eliminate tobacco aroma, place unpleasant-smelling items in a bag and add a handful of coffee beans to it. The bag of clothes must be tightly tied and waited for 2–3 hours.
    • Spray. In the household chemicals department you can buy a special spray that eliminates tobacco odor. Simply spray onto clothing following the manufacturer's recommendations.
    • Peppermint. Take bagged peppermint, which you can buy at the pharmacy, and place the packets in your sleeves and pockets.

    How to quickly remove an unpleasant odor?

    Read below about methods and means of neutralizing the unpleasant odor from cigarette smoke:

    From the body

    There are several ways to get rid of the smell of tobacco smoke absorbed into the skin:

    1. Wash with scented soap or shower gel .
      Plain water will not help get rid of the unpleasant odor. You need to choose a quality product that will not dry out the skin and will leave behind a pleasant trail.

    2. Use wet wipes .
      This is an express method that will quickly remove tobacco odor from the body. You can resort to it when it is not possible to take a shower or bath. You need to be prepared for the fact that the napkins will temporarily hide the foreign odor, but will not completely neutralize it.
    3. Use aromatic oils .
      A few drops of undiluted eucalyptus, lavender or tea tree essential oil can be applied to the neck, wrists, and hamstrings. These oils do not cause irritation and do not dry out the skin. You can also prepare flower water at the rate of 3-7 drops of oil per glass of clean water. The liquid is poured into a spray bottle, from which the body is irrigated as needed. For dry skin, it is recommended to use jasmine, rosewood or orange oil.
    4. Rub with apple cider vinegar . Apply a small amount of it to a cotton pad or dry cloth and wipe the skin with it. There is no need to rinse off the vinegar; it will evaporate on its own, and the smell of tobacco smoke will go away with it.
    5. Use deodorant . This is the easiest way to deal with the smell of tobacco smoke, but at the same time it is the least effective. It will not be possible to completely eliminate the cigarette trail; it will only be muffled. Therefore, you should use deodorant only when absolutely necessary.

    If the strongest odor comes from your hands, you can neutralize it with citrus fruits. To do this, rub your fingers with a slice of lemon or orange.

    From mouth

    The breath smells like cigarettes after a person has smoked . If he suffers from this addiction for a long time, then the smell becomes constant, since nicotine negatively affects the acid-base balance of saliva, worsening its natural protective function.

    To combat the obsessive smell of cigarettes on your breath, you can brush your teeth. This should be done for at least 2 minutes, using a medium-hard brush. However, it is not always possible to perform oral hygiene immediately after smoking a cigarette.

    In this case, you can use the following recommendations:

    1. Chewing gum. They will help temporarily eliminate the smell of nicotine. Preference should be given to gum that does not contain sugar. This will prevent the destruction of tooth enamel.

    2. Anti-policeman. These tablets are designed to relieve fumes after alcohol abuse. However, they can be used to eliminate the smell of tobacco smoke.
    3. Orange or lemon . Eating a slice of citrus fruit can eliminate the smell of cigarettes from your mouth and freshen your breath.
    4. Apple or carrot . These products help clean the mouth and cope with unpleasant odors. They should be consumed immediately after smoking.
    5. Coffee. This tonic drink perfectly eliminates cigarette smell. After a cup of freshly brewed coffee, it will be very difficult to detect the tobacco trail. If you can't prepare a drink, you can put a coffee bean in your mouth and chew it. Strong black tea has a less pronounced effect, but in emergency cases it will also help get rid of the smell of cigarettes.
    6. Seeds. After smoking, you can chew sunflower seeds, which will interrupt the tobacco trail, as they themselves are a fairly aromatic product.

    Tips for eliminating cigarette smell from your breath - in the video:

    From hair

    You can get rid of the smell of cigarette smoke lingering on your hair in the following ways:

    1. Wash your hair . This is the easiest way to get rid of an unpleasant odor. However, you won’t be able to turn to it after every cigarette you smoke.
    2. Use eau de toilette . It is recommended to choose perfumes with a citrus or fruit aroma; they neutralize the smell of tobacco smoke better than others.

    3. Hairdryer _
      It is turned on for cold or warm blowing and the stream is directed onto loose hair. After 10-15 minutes of such airing, the smell will become less intense, although it is problematic to completely “blow it away” from the hair.

    4. Use dry shampoo. They are designed for those cases when you simply don’t have time to wash your hair. The method of application is quite simple: shake the bottle, spray the spray on the hair roots at a distance of 15 cm, distribute the product over the strands with massage movements.
      After 5 minutes, the hair can be combed. The more intense the initial aroma of the spray, the better it will mask the smell of tobacco.

      On sale you can find dry shampoos from different manufacturers, for example:

      • Syoss (235 rubles),
      • Schauma Miss Fresh (180 rubles),

    5. The beauty of Professional Extra Fresh (175 rubles).
    6. Use a perfumed hair veil . Such hazes give them a pleasant aroma and also prevent the absorption of foreign odors. To prevent your hair from smelling of tobacco smoke during the day, the veil should be applied in the morning, or used as an addition to perfume, and then renewed every 3 hours.

    From clothes

    Smoke quickly absorbs into the fabric, but getting it out is problematic. The first thing that comes to mind is to wash foul-smelling things.

    To get rid of cigarette smoke 100%, it is recommended to supplement the washing powder with fabric conditioner. Washing should be done at the highest temperature appropriate for the particular fabric.

    Other ways to combat the smell of tobacco smoke on clothes:

    1. Steam items . For this purpose, you can use a steam generator or an iron with a steam function. If you don’t have such devices at hand, you can boil water, pour it into a wide container for abundant evaporation and hang things over it. The smell will leave them with the steam.

    2. Hang clothes in fresh air for ventilation .
      Place a damp towel nearby. It will act as a spray bottle. If it's frosty outside, cold air is enough to get rid of the cigarette smell.

    3. Vacuum cleaner . If you walk it over the surface of a thing, it will absorb the smell of tobacco, but it will not cope with ingrained aromas.
    4. Citrus zest . You need to remove the zest from a lemon or orange, place it in a sachet bag and put it in your pockets. To enhance the effect, things are wrapped in polyethylene. For preventive purposes, you can place the bags in the closet with smelly clothes.

    In the apartment

    General cleaning and ventilation of the room will help get rid of the cigarette smell in the apartment. These are the most effective ways to combat foreign odors, but if time is short, you can solve the problem faster:

    1. Wet towels . The method is more suitable for those rooms in which the smoke has not yet penetrated into furniture and other interior items. Three large towels are soaked in cold water, wrung out and hung on different surfaces, for example, on the door and on the radiator. After half an hour, the smell should be eliminated. If necessary, the procedure can be repeated.
    2. Bay leaf T. Several bay leaves should be placed in an ashtray and set on fire. They shouldn't burn too much, just a little smoldering is enough. You need to walk around the entire apartment with an ashtray.
    3. Coffee . This is an excellent air freshener and fighter against foreign odors. Coffee beans need to be placed in different places in the apartment. They are placed on shelves, in vases, in cabinets, etc. After a few days, the smell of cigarettes should completely disappear, giving way to a coffee scent.

    This video will tell you how to remove the smell of cigarettes in an apartment:

    From the car

    The interior of the car is instantly saturated with tobacco smoke. If flavorings do not save you from it, you can resort to other express methods:

    1. Wet paper towels . The denser they are, the better. To eliminate the smell, they need to be crumpled and moistened with plain water. To prevent towels from tearing, they are wetted with a spray bottle. The prepared towels should be spread throughout the car interior and left for 2-3 hours. If possible, keep the windows open. To enhance the effect, you can add lemon juice to the water.
    2. Juniper branches . They need to be placed in different places of the car: on and under the seats, in the glove compartment, under the windshield. In hot weather, close the windows in the car and place it in the sun for 2-3 hours.
    3. Cat litter . It is packaged in fabric bags or boxes without a lid and laid out throughout the car. To achieve the optimal effect, there should be a lot of containers. Their contents need to be changed once a week. After 14 days, even the most smoky car will smell fresh inside.

    This video will show you how to remove the smell of cigarettes from the inside of your car:

    How to get rid of tobacco smell in your car

    Air fresheners and air conditioners in car interiors are unable to completely remove the persistent cigarette smell. Dry cleaning used in a car showroom also does not always get rid of the stench of tobacco. Therefore, before contacting a specialized service, try to eliminate the aroma of cigarettes yourself, or better yet, quit smoking.

    • Activated carbon. To get rid of tobacco spirit, place as many containers filled with activated carbon as possible in the car interior. Keep the charcoal in the car for several nights in a row. This product is effective even if the aroma of tobacco has been absorbed.
    • Coffee. Take coffee beans or instant coffee placed in cloth bags. Place coffee beans or hang coffee bags in the car. After two to three days, the tobacco spirit will evaporate and will not appear again if you quit smoking.
    • White distilled vinegar. Pour distilled vinegar into a bowl and place a waffle towel in it. Leave the dishes with a towel and vinegar in the car for three hours.
    • Baking soda. To remove tobacco smell from the car interior, pour baking soda into several containers and place them around the car interior. It is advisable to sprinkle baking soda on areas where cigarette butts accumulate. Overnight, the soda will absorb extraneous odors from the car.
    • Charcoal. Charcoal can eliminate the smell of tobacco in the car interior. Leave the bag of coal inside the car for three to five days. Charcoal absorbs extraneous odors and freshens the air.
    • Vinegar and cinnamon. Prepare a thick paste of apple cider vinegar and cinnamon powder. Place the resulting mixture in a plastic container. Make holes in the lid and close the container. Place a fragrance in the car's interior.
    • Ammonia. Pour ammonia solution into a small bowl and leave it in the car for a couple of hours. Then ventilate the car by rolling down the windows.

    Long live scented soap!

    After each smoke break, wash your hands thoroughly with soap, and with particular diligence, lather the hand in which you hold the cigarette. For this procedure, use soap with strong perfume fragrances - the aromatic substances contained in such products reliably eliminate the smell of tobacco.

    Please note that you should always wash your hands with cold water. Warm and hot water reduces effort to a minimum.

    Along with your hands, don't forget to wash your face, mouth and chin. If you have a beard or mustache, wash it as well if possible.

    Eliminating cigarette smell in your home

    More often than not, housewives are interested in how to get rid of the smell of tobacco in the apartment. In almost every home there is a person who is accustomed to smoking and leaves behind tobacco-polluted air. The stench in the room can be easily eliminated if you know some tricks on how to get rid of the smell of cigarettes. If the smell has been absorbed for years, and it is not possible to remove it without a specialist, professional disinfection will come to the rescue.

    Bay leaf has a strong but pleasant aroma

    • Bay leaf. If you want there to be no tobacco spirit in the room, take a bay leaf and set it on fire. Visit a room in an apartment with a smoking bay leaf and the smell of tobacco will be instantly overwhelmed by the fragrance of the bay.
    • Apple vinegar. To get rid of the annoying tobacco smell in the room, prepare the following solution. Pour a glass of apple cider vinegar into half a glass of water. Wipe surfaces that have absorbed the foreign aroma of tobacco with the resulting product. At the end of wet cleaning, be sure to ventilate the rooms so that the vinegar evaporates.
    • Carpet shampoo. Clean a carpet that is thoroughly soaked in tobacco with shampoo, after adding baking soda to it. Then dry the carpet.
    • Air flavorings. Among the huge selection of flavors, the housewife will find an option that suits the price. Modern products can kill the smell of tobacco and freshen the air in a room where people like to smoke.
    • Oil burner. Add citrus or pine essential oil to your aroma device. The product veils the unpleasant odors of cigarettes.
    • Wet towels. Wet enough terry towels to cover rooms that smell of tobacco. Wring out the towels and hang three to four in each room. Wash dry towels.
    • Soap shavings. Grate a pleasant-smelling soap and add three tablespoons of baking soda to it. Place the mixture on small saucers and place them in rooms where you smoke. Baking soda adsorbs foreign odors, and the aroma of soap will refresh the room.
    • Essential oil for furniture upholstery. In a bowl of water, dilute five to six drops of essential oil, preferably with a citrus scent. Place a soft cloth, soaked in the solution and slightly wrung out, on the upholstery. Tap the rag as if you were knocking out a carpet. Rinse and apply the cloth until there are no more dirty marks left on it. Walk over the fabric surface of the furniture. This method will rid the furniture of microparticles of tobacco, and therefore of foreign aroma.

    To get rid of the smell of cigarettes forever, household members need to quit smoking. If the mission is impossible, the tips and tricks discussed above will come to the rescue.


    A mouthpiece can help prevent the smell. It looks, of course, very extravagant. But the effect is good. You will not be bothered by the unpleasant smell of cigarettes on your hands.

    In addition to all of the above methods with aromatic additives, you can use a special device - a mouthpiece. This device is used by experienced smokers, as they use cigarettes with a high nicotine content, and accordingly, they have a specific aroma. The mouthpiece was very popular at a time when unfiltered cigarettes were popular.

    Heavy smokers tried to stand out in their environment; they ordered a device based on an individual design from eminent craftsmen, so as to be different from others. The mouthpiece is a long tube into which a cigarette is inserted, that is, the device acts as a filter. When smoking through a pipe, the level of toxic compounds that enter the human body is significantly reduced, and there is no need to hold the cigarette with your hands.

    In the modern world, the mouthpiece has lost its popularity; it is used only by true tobacco connoisseurs

    The pipe is not a scarce commodity; it can be purchased in many specialized stores

    The cooler is considered an important component of the mouthpiece, otherwise there will be no point in purchasing it. All methods help eliminate the smell of tobacco smoke only for a while, it is worth remembering that the next time you puff, the aroma will return

    Therefore, the best method in the fight against tobacco incense on your hands is considered to be a complete cessation of smoking.

    Coffee is everything to us

    Surely among the readers there are true admirers of this noble drink. Coffee beans can be a strong competitor to tobacco smoke in terms of “corrosiveness”. But few would say that such an aroma is unpleasant. In order to remove the smell of cigarettes from your hands, just rub the grains or coffee grounds in your hands a little. After a few moments, the unpleasant odor will completely disappear. Only the subtle aroma of coffee beans will remain on your hands.

    This measure is perfect for any girl, since coffee not only has the ability to destroy unpleasant odors, but can also become an excellent cosmetic product. Very often, coffee grounds are used as a scrub for the skin.

    The disadvantage of this method is that after using it, the hands acquire a characteristic brown tint. But washing your hands with soap will easily solve this “problem”.

    Flavors of natural origin

    If your hands stink a lot, you can use natural flavorings, but this method is perfect for a home environment if the smoking break is taken in a calm environment and not while on the move. It is in this case that you can use improvised means, for example, the peel of a citrus fruit (orange, lemon, tangerine). In addition to the aroma of tobacco, other unpleasant odors can be removed in this way. Citrus fruits are ideal for this purpose as they contain essential oils that help mask foreign odors.

    Antiseptics: alcohol against tobacco

    Antiseptic hand liquids are another remedy that will come to the rescue in any conditions. Such disinfectants are available in different forms - in the form of gels, lotions and even sprays. This variety is united by an alcohol base with a characteristic pungent odor that quickly overpowers the smell of tobacco.

    Another option is antiseptics designed specifically to eliminate tobacco odor. They are more effective than conventional disinfectant gels, but are more expensive and rarely available for sale.

    Don't get too carried away with using any antiseptics. Antibacterial gels dry the skin even more than soap, so it is recommended to use them only occasionally.

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