How and what to wash a waffle iron, homemade cleaning products

Often, when baking waffles on an electric or cast iron waffle iron, housewives are faced with the problem of carbon deposits appearing on its working surfaces. You can clean this deposit from the waffle iron, which spoils the quality of the waffles, using natural remedies that are both effective and harmless.

You cannot clean the device while it is plugged in; first, the waffle iron must be disconnected from the power supply. Then remove the remaining dough with a paper towel.

Only after this they begin to clean the working surfaces and the body. If the device is old, it is cleaned in the same way as cast iron frying pans.

How to clean a cast iron waffle iron

Many housewives still use very practical cast iron waffle irons, which are very easy to use. This design is extremely simple, and consists of two working surfaces fastened together. Baking is done on the stove, heating the device.

The best way to clean a cast iron waffle iron is to soak it in hot, soapy water for a long time. Under the action of soap, all dirt will soften and can be easily removed with a washcloth.

If the soot is very strong, then simply soaking will not solve the problem. Proven home recipes will help.

Traditional methods of cleaning

For kitchen utensils, including waffle irons, use other environmentally friendly methods for removing carbon deposits. I propose to remember the folk methods that our grandmothers used. Suitable for cleaning dishes from carbon deposits:

  • Soda (baking soda or ash) - perfectly cleans and softens any hardening on dishes.
  • Vinegar and citric acid - whiten stains, eliminate unpleasant odors, and fight grease.
  • Dry mustard – perfectly degreases and cleans the surface of dishes.
  • You can also use natural-based laundry soap and stationery (silicate) glue. They are also often components of cleaning products made according to folk recipes.

The following method of getting rid of carbon deposits is widely practiced: take a container large enough to place a waffle iron or other kitchen items that require cleaning from carbon deposits (frying pans, frying pans, baking dishes, etc.) Fill with water to cover all items fully. Add a generous handful of soda and a bottle or two of silicate glue to the water.

There are also recipes that use laundry soap. All this should simmer over low heat. The boiling time depends on the age of the deposits and the thickness of the carbon layer. It may take several hours. During this procedure, turn on the hood or open a window, since when the solution boils, vapors with a heavy, unpleasant odor will be released. I'm sure many people don't like this method anymore.

But that is not all. If there is a lot of soot, it will not dissolve completely, but will only soften. Even after boiling for a long time, it will take additional effort to completely remove the black layer of smoke from the dishes. Moreover, you can only use steel wool or a knife to clean the outside and sides of the waffle iron.

And its inner surface cannot be scratched. Here you need to work with a not very hard brush. For example, a soft toothbrush works well to clean a tartan or honeycomb countertop. This work is painstaking and time-consuming.

If you don't have the patience for such a job, part with your old, antediluvian waffle iron. Buy yourself a new, modern electric waffle iron.

How to remove carbon deposits from a waffle iron with baking soda

Baking soda can be used to very easily clean the surface of a cast iron waffle iron. You just need to soak the device in water for an hour, and then use a washcloth with soda on it to wipe the surfaces.

If there is very strong, long-standing soot, the waffle iron needs to be soaked in a soda solution for several hours. To do this, dissolve 100 g of baking soda in 1 liter of hot water. After soaking in the same solution, wash the device with a washcloth.


  1. heat the oven to 200°C and turn it off;
  2. Pour 0.5 liters of boiling water into a container and place it on the lower level of the oven;
  3. Place a container with 200 ml of ammonia on the middle level;
  4. leave the dishes in the oven for 10 hours;
  5. Clean the inner surface with a sponge soaked in water.

Aluminum frying pans are easier to maintain, but carbon deposits form on them more often than on Teflon or ceramic ones.

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Cleaning a cast iron waffle iron with vinegar

Vinegar is another effective way to clean a cast iron waffle iron. You need to moisten a sponge in pure vinegar, wipe the surfaces with it, and leave for half an hour.

In case of severe soot, prepare a vinegar solution for soaking. To do this, you need to dissolve 100 ml of vinegar in 1 liter of water. Soaking time 1 hour. Then simply wash the device with a washcloth - all the dirt will come off.

Why does the dough stick to the Hazelnut?

The dough can stick to the cast iron “Nuts” mold for various reasons, for example, the dough was prepared at the wrong consistency: too much or too little flour, sugar, too much margarine or other ingredients.

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How to clean an electric waffle iron

Cleaning off carbon deposits from an electric waffle iron is just as easy as from a metal one. If the plates can be removed, clean them with the same means as cast iron ones.

Fat deposits on the working surfaces of an electric waffle iron are filled with vegetable oil and left for several hours. After this soaking, you can remove all dirt with a paper towel.

You can bake delicious and rosy waffles only on a perfectly clean waffle iron. Therefore, the device must be kept in perfect order.

Lemon acid

  • Firstly, the carbon deposits accumulated in the oven prevent it from heating normally. Because of this, the overall cooking time for different dishes varies. In some cases, it is absolutely impossible to predict when food will be ready.
  • Secondly, if you do not keep the oven clean, a foreign heavy odor will certainly appear. If you neglect the basic rules of care, you simply will not be able to get a dish that fully corresponds to what was declared, and instead of a fragrant vanilla cupcake, you will end up with a dessert on the table with the smell of past food, burnt oil, meat dishes with pepper and garlic.

If the dirt is small, rub the stains with lemon juice, leave for 20-30 minutes and wipe the oven with a damp cloth.


To successfully clean the fryer from old oil and not damage the non-removable bowl, you need to remember several rules:

  1. Do not use metal sponges, scrapers or hard brushes for cleaning. They will damage the non-stick coating, and as a result, grease will accumulate in the cracks after each use of the device.
  2. The deep fryer can only be cleaned with gel products or liquid solutions. Powders cannot be used; they also scratch the coating of a fixed or removable bowl.

It is strictly forbidden to try to wash the unit with technical solvents, gasoline, acids and other toxic substances. The old fat will disappear without a trace, but the device will be unsuitable for food use.

Features of processing different facades

  1. Wet the sponge generously in water.
  2. Squeeze a little Fairy onto a sponge and lather thoroughly.
  3. Place the sponge in the chamber and set the stove to minimum power, setting the timer for half a minute. Care must be taken to ensure that the sponge does not melt.
  4. Open the stove and wash off the softened fat.

Old fat can accumulate not only in a non-removable container, but also on the surface of the heating element. It is impossible to wash the heating element with brushes and hard sponges, but it is necessary to monitor its cleanliness. After the heating element has completely cooled, it should be thoroughly wiped with a paper towel to remove fresh and old oil. If the element can be removed from the device, then it is additionally soaked separately in the sink with dish soap, like other parts.

Ammonia and borax for cleaning cast iron surfaces

  1. Wet the dirty dishes with water and place them on the stove, making them as hot as possible.
  2. Scald the contaminated container with boiling water and then sprinkle with mustard.
  3. Repeat the procedure periodically for 3 hours: pour boiling water over it and sprinkle with a new portion of powder.
  4. After the specified time, the burnt fat can be easily removed using a soft abrasive cloth.
  5. After removing carbon deposits, the pan or other container should be rinsed with water.

Solutions with peroxide are used for heat-resistant utensils made of glass, polymers, and metals.

Household chemicals

  • A large basin is being prepared. You can use an enamel pan;
  • You need to fill it with half a pack of soda ash (soda ash) plus laundry soap grated with shavings;
  • The container is placed on fire. Heats to a boil;
  • The flame is reduced and the liquid is gradually cooked for about fifteen minutes;
  • After this, the fire must be turned off and the dishes should be left in the container until they cool down;
  • Having then taken out the pan, you just need to wipe it.

Pay attention to the following products that will help you easily wash away old fat:

Removing carbon deposits from a frying pan using household chemicals

It is advisable to choose a dish cleaning product that does not contain abrasive substances. It is better to use household chemicals to clean the outside of the frying pan. To clean the inside of the dishes, it is safer to use folk remedies.

  • Schumannite is one of the most powerful grease cleaners. Contains alkali. Copes with even the most stubborn stains on cast iron, enameled and metal products.
  • "DazhBo" is a washing liquid suitable for cleaning any surface.
  • "Easywork" - copes well with any dirt.
  • "Unicum" is a universal cream for cleaning dishes. It has a pungent odor, but is capable of cleaning even the most multi-layered deposits in 2 minutes.
  • Frosch is a plant-based cleaner. Has a convenient sprayer. It is in great demand among housewives.

The use of any chemical means compliance with safety measures. Therefore, before you start cleaning dishes with a chemical composition, you must wear rubber gloves. If the procedure is carried out at home, you should open a window or vent in the kitchen.

Tips and tricks on how to clean your oven

To prevent the situation from getting worse and to reduce the frequency of cleaning to a minimum, it is recommended to use a special plastic cap. This device will protect the chamber from splashes of heated food. The function of the cap can be performed by transparent glassware or cling film.

Expert opinion

Alexandra Poryadkina, cleanliness expert

Please contact me with any questions!

Hard devices are absolutely not suitable, especially when it comes to knives and other sharp objects. The method is inconvenient because it will not be possible to remove all the fat at once and the pan will have to be heated on the stove several times. Mustard powder For advice, contact me, I will definitely answer!

How to clean an oven with vinegar and soda

Fresh dirt inside an electric oven can be easily washed off with baking soda and vinegar. These are the most affordable means, they are in every home. The effectiveness of such cleaning is explained by the fact that these two substances enter into a violent chemical reaction, releasing carbon dioxide. It destroys the fat deposits inside the thermal chamber.

  1. Make a paste with 2 tbsp. soda and 50 ml of water.
  2. Apply it in a thick layer on the doors, walls, ceiling and bottom.
  3. . Wait 1-2 hours.
  4. Without removing the baking soda, spray the inside with vinegar using a spray bottle.
  5. Wait for the reaction to subside, usually 15 minutes is enough.
  6. Rub with a brush and, if necessary, scrape off dirt with a spatula.
  7. Rinse the surface with clean water.

Please note: this is the most effective way to clean carbon deposits from the inside of glass.

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