Glycerin and more: homemade window cleaners to make them shine

Glycerin is a well-known substance that is often found in household chemicals and cosmetics. But this is not all of its potential! With the onset of cold weather, plastic windows begin to “cry” and become covered with condensation and ice, and experienced housewives use glycerin to defog windows. It is used in pure form or in combination with alcohol, ammonia, liquid soap and other chemicals. Industrial and folk remedies with the addition of trihydric alcohol will help cope with the problem and return the glass to purity and transparency.


Add dishwashing detergent, grated laundry soap or powder to warm water. Wipe the glass and frames with this composition, then wash the windows with clean water.

After this, you need to wipe everything well with newspaper, which will remove excess water and prevent the formation of streaks. Instead of newspaper, you can take nylon tights, which, according to the principle of their action, can be compared to microfiber.

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Why do windows sweat?

There are a number of reasons for the formation of condensation on plastic windows. Moreover, this problem does not always appear immediately after installing a new double-glazed window. It happens that the renovation was completed long ago, the window structure held the heat well for two or three years, and suddenly the glass began to become covered with moisture. What is the reason for such trouble?

  • Poor air circulation in an apartment is the most common cause of condensation on glass. If forced ventilation is not installed in the kitchen, and the area of ​​​​the room is small and something is constantly being cooked and fried on the stove, fogging of the windows in the house cannot be avoided. The situation will be aggravated by laundry hanging out to dry and a lot of indoor plants, which increase the already high humidity in the room. Streams of warm air collide with cold glass and leave wet marks.
  • It's cold inside. Often, residents experience window fogging in the wet, cold autumn, when the heating in the apartment is not yet turned on, and there is slush and bad weather outside the window. Also, a similar problem can arise due to insufficient heating or improper installation of window sills. If the window sill prevents the passage of warm air from the radiator to the double-glazed window or the window is covered with thick curtains, then wet drops will certainly appear on the glass, and ice will appear on the profile.
  • Incorrect glass unit selected. Double-glazed windows with more than two chambers are suitable for glazing residential premises. Inexpensive two-chamber packages are not able to properly retain heat in the apartment.
  • Poor quality fittings. Plastic windows can sweat due to loose fitting of the sashes to the frame and lack of necessary insulation.
  • Defects made by workers during installation of the structure. If a plastic window is installed poorly, cracks and gaps may remain between the wall of the window opening and the frame, where cold air from the street will enter. This will lead to fogging of the glass, and the problem will appear in the first winter after installing the window.
  • Unadjusted fittings and worn rubber seals can also cause condensation to form on the windows. Frosty air from the street will penetrate into the cracks and holes of the seal, resulting in the formation of ice and condensation on the window.

To prevent the plastic window from sweating and the glass to remain clean and transparent, it is necessary to carry out timely maintenance of the PVC structure: lubricate and tighten the fittings, take care of the seal, and remove moisture accumulated between the chambers.


This product helps remove dirt and disinfect the surface. However, the smell of this product is not very pleasant, which is why after washing the windows you need to ventilate the room. It is best to use ammonia while wearing a mask.

To prepare the product you need to mix 2 tbsp. l. ammonia and 2 glasses of water. Apply to glass and wipe everything well.

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Is it possible to wash glass with it?

Glycerin is an indispensable product for quick and high-quality cleaning. It copes well with any contaminants, and in combination with ethyl alcohol it prevents glass from fogging and freezing (one part of glycerin is mixed with ten parts of alcohol).

Pros and cons of the method

The popularity of using glycerin for cleaning windows is explained by the following:

  • the product is affordable (sold in any pharmacy and costs a penny);
  • glycerin is absolutely harmless to human health and the environment;
  • in combination with various components (alcohol, water) helps to achieve the desired cleanliness result without much effort.

Among the disadvantages, note the fact that glycerin cannot be used in its pure form. Undiluted glycerin coats the glass with a greasy layer, which not only prevents the free penetration of sunlight, but also collects the smallest particles of dust and debris.

Glycerin for preserving flowers

Glycerin is an excellent product that is used in the food industry to give the necessary consistency to confectionery and flour products. On the packaging you can find the inscription - E422 stabilizer. In addition, it acts as a preservative, extending the shelf life of products. It is often added to alcoholic beverages.

Glycerin for preserving flowers:

  • The product is used not only for washing glass and removing stains from the surface of the body, but also for preserving bouquets. To extend the life of flowers, you need to add a few drops of glycerin to a vase of water. In this case, there is no need to add sugar.
  • This is ideal for roses and lilies. Glycerin has been successfully used to preserve the plant. It is necessary to mix the product with water in a 1:1 ratio and pour it into a jar.
  • Place the flower you want to preserve in the solution. Be sure to remove the lower leaves. It is necessary to make a cut on the stem and split it so that the solution penetrates better inside. This way the flowers last for several weeks.

Ways to prevent droplet formation

To prevent the windows of your home from sweating, you first need to identify the root cause of dampness, and then act. There are many ways to eliminate high humidity. Most of the methods are universal and suitable for frames made of any material. There are also special techniques for plastic and wooden windows.

General events

It is better to start checking from the ventilation channel: attach a piece of paper to the ventilation grille. If there is traction, the paper will stick. Otherwise, the inlet hole will need to be cleaned: the cells of the protective mesh usually become clogged. If this does not help, then you need to call a service company technician to inspect the ventilation shaft. Then consistently take measures to eliminate other possible causes:

  1. If the window sill is too wide, adjust it to normal. Another option is to drill a few holes to allow heat to flow through the board from the radiator to the window glass. Or install convection grilles.
  2. Insulating the exterior wall is good for the window frame. You can add heat with an additional electric heater.
  3. Curtains - replace them with less dense ones or hang blinds or roller blinds. Reduce the number of indoor plants.
  4. The hood in the kitchen should be turned on while preparing dinner.
  5. It is recommended to insulate leaks, joints and cracks around apartment windows and on the balcony with polyurethane foam and sealant tape. Replace faulty fittings with new ones.
  6. It is better to install double-glazed windows if the wooden frames are dismantled.
  7. The apartment should be ventilated daily for half an hour. It is useful to install supply valves in windows.

Air humidity increases even from human breathing. Therefore, proper ventilation is the main way to regulate the water content in the air.

Condensation during operation of plastic windows

Modern double-glazed windows have a “winter mode” function. When plastic windows sweat and leak, the design of the window unit will tell you what to do: you just need to move the lever to the desired position. If the frames are already in use, then pay attention to the following points:

  • errors made during installation;
  • the fit of the sash to the window frame - tightness should be ensured;
  • Window replacement should be focused on energy-saving designs: the better heat is retained, the lower the likelihood of condensation.

Plastic frames retain heat well and are airtight. But you need to take into account that in the absence of a supply ventilation valve, glass may sweat due to insufficient ventilation of the room.

Glycerin for stains on clothes

Glycerin is often used to remove stains. This is a good organic solvent that works like gasoline.

Glycerin for stains on clothes:

  • To prepare a stain remover, you need to mix 10 ml of glycerin, 10 ml of ammonia and 30 ml of water. The product must be poured onto the paint stain and left for 1 hour.
  • After this, wash with laundry soap and hot water. You can load things into the washing machine and wash them at 40 degrees. Do not use the product on silk and wool fabrics.
  • This is ideal for synthetics and cotton. The product should be used with caution on fabrics that contain elastane, as this can cause the elastic fibers to break.
  • Glycerin can remove paint, wine, coffee and grass stains. However, it is worth remembering that this is a greasy substance that leaves greasy stains on the surface. But traces of glycerin are much easier to remove than traces of dyes. Therefore, glycerin can be used to remove stains from brilliant green, fucorcin, ballpoint pens, felt-tip pens, and oil paint.
  • However, success is only possible if you begin to remove the stain immediately. Oil paint dries very quickly, especially if it is enamel. Then it is almost impossible to dissolve the dried pigment. In this case, it is necessary to scrape the surface with a sharp knife to remove the hard layer, only then apply glycerin. It is mixed with ammonia or acetone.

Glycerin for cleaning the house from dust

The product can be used not only for skin care, but also at home. This is an excellent solvent that can deal with a number of stains.

Glycerin for cleaning the house from dust:

  • It is used for cleaning floors, because this is an ideal option for adding shine to parquet or laminate floors. Glycerin is also added to special floor cleaning products. This allows you to acquire surfaces with a beautiful polished look and shine.
  • To do this, you need to dissolve 20 ml of glycerin in 3 liters of water. The water needs to be hot. Rinse the floor cleaning cloth in this solution and wipe the surface. Before doing this, it is advisable to clean with a vacuum cleaner or broom so that no dust or dirt remains on the surface.
  • Glycerin will help deal with stains on wooden furniture. To do this, dissolve 5 ml in 200 ml of warm water. Pour the liquid into a spray bottle and spray onto the surface of the furniture. Using microfiber or soft flannel, thoroughly rub the surface until shiny.


Cleaning windows with a Karcher steam cleaner

These devices are rarely purchased by housewives, since the cost of a steam cleaner is quite high, starting from 6,000 rubles. Many people believe that this is an unnecessary expense for a device that will be used very rarely. In fact, the scope of use of a steam cleaner is not limited to just window cleaning. They can be used to clean various surfaces without direct mechanical action (mirrors, tiles, refrigerator, bathroom, toilet), as well as to remove stains and odors from furniture.

How to prepare the solution?

It is very easy to prepare a window cleaning solution with glycerin at home. Simply mix two ingredients in a clean glass container:

  • water (100 ml),
  • glycerin (250 ml).

To enhance the cleaning effect of the prepared product, add 10 drops of ammonia to it. All components are thoroughly mixed and the miracle product for quick window cleaning is ready.

The recipe for window cleaning composition with glycerin is presented in the video:

Features of plastic construction

To understand the reasons why condensation may appear on the glass, it is worth deciding on the design of the system. Its distinctive feature is its modular structure, which means the presence of several block modules. Their number and location are always constant, but the models can be very different. Each structure includes:

  • Frame. This is a frame made of a hollow profile with metal reinforcement. Provides durability. Sashes are inserted into it if an opening system is intended, or continuous glazing.
  • Filling the opening. Most often this is a double-glazed window, but it can be single glass or several separate glass sheets. Sometimes there is an opaque sandwich panel.
  • Accessories. A set of mechanisms that are responsible for the process of opening and closing in various modes.
  • Installation elements. These include special profiles, window sills, drainage, flashings and slopes, if they are made of plastic parts.

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Thanks to its design, the plastic window is completely sealed. If installed correctly, it retains heat well inside the room and does not allow street noise into the room.

Shiny shine and no chemicals, or how to clean windows with glycerin

Keeping windows clean is difficult. Dust from the street, snow and rain instantly leave dirty streaks and stains on the glass.

How to quickly restore the sparkling shine to your windows? Experienced housewives know the secret. They use glycerin for cleaning.

This substance, available to everyone, will help clean glass without streaks in a matter of minutes, prevent dust from settling and the formation of condensation.

We will tell you more about how to wash windows with glycerin in the article.

Special detergents

Any hardware store has a large selection of such detergents - Clin, Cif, Mr.Muscle, Sanita, Secunda, etc. You can also use any lesser-known and cheaper analogues that have the designation “for glass”. As a rule, all detergents are a liquid of variegated colors in a transparent plastic container with a spray bottle. They are perfect for cleaning both glass and the PVC profile that makes up the sash and frame. A distinctive feature of such household chemicals is the active substances that are less aggressive towards PVC and rubber seals.

It is better not to use detergent gels for cleaning the bathroom or toilet. Such cleaning products can give the window a whiter effect, but only temporarily. After a year, your plastic windows may have an uneven tone, and the rubber seals may crack due to the acids and solvents they contain.

Of course, to wash windows you cannot use various powder cleaners with an abrasive effect - such as Pemolux, Pemoxol or Comet powder. By cleaning the surface of glass or plastic in this way, you will simply scratch it.

Window cleaning robot

Following robot vacuum cleaners, window cleaning robots appeared on the market. These are small devices that, held on the vertical surface of the glass unit, clean it thanks to special rollers. Such robotic washers are quite expensive, ranging from 15 to 25 thousand rubles, and are more relevant for washing large windows if you want to keep them relatively clean at all times. At this stage, this is an interesting device with a wow effect, but nothing more. If your home or office has stained glass windows or you have difficulty cleaning the structure yourself, it is most logical to order a window cleaning service.

Traditional methods of combating fogging

To prevent windows from sweating, you can also use folk remedies.

Many people suggest placing a couple of slowly burning decorative candles (necessarily in candlesticks) closer to the glass. Thanks to the heating of the air, convection will improve and the glass will begin to dry out. The advantage of this method is that it creates a positive mood and supplies carbon dioxide to the plants on the windowsill (keep the candles away from the leaves of the plants so as not to scorch them).

Fans will also create excellent air flow. If you point them at a window, it will be dry within 10-15 minutes.

Chemical agents, such as car aerosols, can help prevent fogging. They can also be used to treat glass in the house. But before that, it should be washed and dried, and only then apply the product. But this method is classified as expensive and unsafe, since the product contains many chemical compounds.

If you do not have experience in installing double-glazed windows, then invite specialists. Improper installation can not only create problems with windows and heat loss, but also cause damage to the walls of the house.

Why do windows sweat? Because the dew point in the room has been reached. Dew point is the temperature at which water in the air condenses into droplets on the coldest surface. This process depends on two parameters: temperature and humidity. The normal humidity of a living space at a temperature of +20 °C is 60%, that is, one cubic meter of air contains 60 g of water.

The lower the temperature, the less water vapor the air can hold, and the more it will precipitate. In other words, as the temperature drops, the dew point rises. The best remedy for glass fogging is a well-heated room and adequate ventilation.

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