How to remove pen ink from gins: a review of effective methods

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Svetlana Pavlikhina

Reading time: 4 minutes


Anyone can detect pen marks on their favorite denim clothes. But you won’t be able to get rid of an ink stain without effort.

Experienced housewives have long proven the effectiveness of various means, including medications, chemicals, cosmetics and even food. You can easily remove ink stains at home.

How to remove an ink stain

The most reliable option is to use dry cleaning services, which is not always convenient or affordable.

If you decide to get rid of stains yourself, then you need to adhere to the technique of performing the specific method chosen.


The processing of denim fabric follows one algorithm:

  1. As soon as ink is found on the fabric, start removing it . Immediately apply a soft cloth or napkin to the fresh stain to immediately absorb the maximum amount of paste. Do not scrub the area as this will increase the size of the stain. You can change the clean cloth to remove some more paste.
  2. The cleaning method that is most effective for the nature of the contamination and the material is selected.

  3. When the method of treating the fabric has been determined, you need to start preparing the product and test it on an inconspicuous area. This guarantees that the method is chosen correctly and you will not damage the product.

  4. Follow the instructions strictly. This may be an application for a while or a soaking process.
  5. At the end of the procedure, rinse and wash in the jeans mode.

Article information

wikiHow works like a wiki, which means that many of our articles are written by multiple authors. During the creation of this article, 12 people, including anonymously, worked to edit and improve it.

Category: Housekeeping tips

In other languages:

English: Remove a Stain from a Pair of Jeans, Español: quitar una mancha de un par de pantalones, Deutsch: Einen Fleck aus einer Jeans entfernen, Português: Remover Manchas de Calças Jeans, Italiano: Rimuovere una Macchia da un Paio di Jeans, Français: faire disparaitre une tache sur une paire de jeans, Bahasa Indonesia: Membersihkan Noda dari Celana Jin, Nederlands: Een vlek uit een spijkerbroek verwijderen, العربية: إزالة البقع من بنطال جينز, Tiếng Việt: Tẩy vết ố trên quần jeans, 中文:去除牛仔裤上的污渍

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Removing stains using improvised means

Effective methods help get rid of pollution using products that are available in almost every home.

When choosing a method, follow the proportions of active ingredients and cleaning recommendations.

A mixture of acetone and ethyl alcohol

The recipe is for removing paste from denim. Gloves should be worn before handling to prevent burns . Acetone and alcohol are taken in equal proportions and mixed.

The resulting mixture is applied to the dirt and rubbed in with a stiff brush. Next, the item needs to be washed. To enhance the effect, you can iron the problem area, for example, in the case of a long-standing stain.

Cleaners Vanish and Amway

These formulations are specifically designed to remove stubborn stains. The product must be used according to the instructions on the label.

The application follows a similar algorithm. Liquid cleaner should be applied to the pen stain. The powder is diluted to a paste. The product is left on the problem area for 10-15 minutes, after which the item is soaked in cold water and washed in a suitable mode.

It is important that the jeans are not left in the stain remover for more than 1 hour, as soaking may change the color.

Alcohol and salt

The method is used when there are no special means for removing ball paste at hand.

First you need to wipe the stained area with alcohol, then sprinkle it generously with salt and let it soak in for a while. Take a brush and rub over the surface. After this, wash the product as usual.

Ammonia is a reliable remedy

This medicine cabinet product is a worthy replacement for an expensive stain remover. It is widely used to remove various types of contaminants, including ballpoint pens.

The effect of ammonia has been tested by more than one housewife, so there are many recipes with the addition of other components that enhance the effect of cleaning the paste from jeans.

Pure alcohol works great with red paste. To do this, apply the product to a cotton pad and apply it to the problem area. Do not rub the product with force, but just hold it for 1-2 minutes. Then repeat the procedure by wetting a new cotton pad. When the stain lightens, you can proceed to regular washing.

With turpentine

This gentle method will remove ballpoint pen marks from denim. It can also be used on colored materials.

To prepare the mixture you will need turpentine, glycerin and ammonia in a ratio of 5:2:1. The solution is applied pointwise, the mixture is kept for 30 minutes. Afterwards, wash the item using the appropriate mode.

With soda

Small traces of paste can be removed using a combination of ammonia and baking soda. A liquid slurry is made and the contaminated area is treated.

The mixture is left for 20 minutes, then washed off with cool water.

The product must be used carefully, as a whitening effect is possible. Afterwards the clothes are washed.

With hydrogen peroxide

If a stain is found on light denim, it is very important not to leave streaks when removing it. To prepare the composition, you need to mix ammonia and hydrogen peroxide in a 1:1 ratio. Apply until the stain completely fades and rinse the product.

The soaking process has a good effect, which removes ink from denim.

To do this, you need to prepare a solution of 6 parts warm water, 1 part ammonia and the same amount of hydrogen peroxide. Place the item in the liquid for 2 hours. After this, wash the jeans in the washing machine.

Washing products

Any method of washing jeans is a rather complicated undertaking that requires some knowledge and time. This matter has its own peculiarities, knowing which you can significantly simplify and speed up the entire procedure.

Preparing for work

If you wash your jeans correctly in a washing machine or by hand, you can maintain their size and beautiful appearance. To do this, you need to perform a few simple preparatory steps.

  1. The pockets are checked and all items are removed from them.
  2. Read the information on the label and select the appropriate water temperature.
  3. If the trousers have leather inserts, they must be wiped with glycerin. This will protect the fabric from cracks.
  4. The strongest stains are treated with the selected products. To do this, apply a little cleaning agent to the area of ​​contamination and leave for about a quarter of an hour.
  5. Fasten all zippers, snaps or buttons. Thanks to this, the product will not lose its shape during washing.
  6. Jeans are turned inside out. This is done so that their visible part does not lose its color, and the metal parts do not receive any damage.
  7. Jeans that have decorations made of rhinestones, beads and other small elements must be placed in a special bag before washing. This will prevent the machine from breaking if any part comes off.

Manual cleaning

The most difficult way to clean denim is hand washing. It requires not only a lot of time, but also a lot of effort. However, the result justifies all the shortcomings.

Gel marks and old stains

It is quite difficult to wash off the gel paste, since its consistency is waterproof and dries quickly. The methods are used for stubborn, long-standing and difficult to remove stains.

In each case, you need to focus on the degree of contamination.

Glycerin and denatured alcohol with ammonia

You can prepare a powerful solution from ammonia, denatured alcohol and glycerin (1:1:4), it has stain remover properties. Apply the mixture to the stain and leave for 10 minutes. Then wash the jeans as usual.

Denatured alcohol has a special effect - it is a technical alcohol that has removal properties. You need to be extremely careful when working with this composition.

Vinegar essence

A quick way to remove handle from jeans is to use acid.
Vinegar must be diluted with water in equal proportions. If the liquid is heated, the mixture will be more effective (you need to wait until the first bubbles appear on the surface). Soak a piece of cotton wool in the solution and wipe the mark from the handle. In another option, you need to pour a hot solution onto the contamination. In this case, the action happens right before your eyes. Additionally, you can prepare a mixture of soda and water (mush) and rub it into the material. After all procedures, be sure to wash the item in cool water.


To get rid of old pasta, ordinary dairy products are used. It is recommended to add a small amount of washing powder to the process of soaking soiled fabric.

You can take kefir or yogurt and heat them a little until warm. Soak the jeans for 2-3 hours, then wash as usual.

The advantage of this method is complete safety for color and material, so it can be safely used on delicate and colored fabrics.

Lemon juice

Citrus has well-known properties: it quickly acts on dirt, penetrates deeply into the fabric, and therefore allows you to remove gel paste or marks from a ballpoint pen, even those that were placed long ago.

To do this, you need to take a small amount of lemon juice (focus on the size of the stain). Apply the product to the fabric for 15 minutes. Then start washing your jeans.

How to remove ballpoint pen stain from jeans

Large paste stains on jeans are not uncommon. A pen placed incorrectly in your pocket will easily leak out and ruin your favorite outfit. First, soak your clothes in a solution of water and an aqueous solution of ammonium hydroxide. Take 1 l. water and 1 tbsp. ammonia - the solution is ready. Under the influence of this composition, the ink should become lighter. As soon as this happens, take out your clothes and soap them with soap, not toilet soap, but household soap. If you want to get a guaranteed result, then leave the soaped item for 12 hours and then wash it.

Alternative methods

Experienced housewives offer several more ways to get rid of a ballpoint pen. When you need to get your jeans in order, all the available options come in handy.

Stain remover pencils

Special products designed to get rid of stains do an excellent job of removing many ink marks from a pen. To do this, you need to run the cleaning surface over the paste.

It is not recommended to use it immediately, as fresh ink will be smeared onto the fabric.

Laundry soap, vodka

The mixture dissolves ink marks while maintaining the structure of the fabric. To wash a stain, you need to wet it with water, soap it with laundry soap, and pour vodka on top. The ink blot will dissolve within a few hours. Then wash the jeans.

White Spirit

The solvent effectively removes ink stains. Apply a small amount of product to a swab and wipe off the paste mark. Be careful, as the solvent may leave a greasy residue that will need to be treated with additional dishwashing detergent.

Hair fixation spray

The paste can be removed from jeans using a cosmetic product. To do this, you need to spray the surface with varnish, take a small piece of fabric, and soak up excess moisture. Repeat the procedure until the contamination completely disappears. Rinse with cold water and wash the item.


A fresh mark can be easily removed using starch (chalk or talc will do instead). Cover the dirt with powder and blot it with a cloth. Most of the ink should be gone.


A light mark from the pen will disappear after using an inexpensive pharmaceutical product: apply glycerin to the fabric and leave for 15-30 minutes. After this, wash the jeans in the washing machine.

Features of pollution

It is very important to promptly remove fresh leaked ink.
Old and dried stains are much more difficult to clean and often leave behind marks. There are also some differences between a regular ballpoint pen and a gel pen. Modern ballpoint pens are divided depending on quality and cost. Cheaper options are less stable and therefore are withdrawn quite quickly. However, traces from expensive items (fountain pens) are more difficult to remove

, since the ink they contain is of higher quality and more durable.

It quickly saturates the tissue and spreads over the area. Therefore, the first step is to outline its edges to prevent further spread.

It is also more difficult to remove gel paste from delicate and thin fabrics, and old ink is practically impossible to clean.

Useful tips

Use the following tips to remove pen stains from jeans more easily and effectively.

  1. If the method involves wiping, then you need to move from the edge to the center so as not to smear the size of the dirt.

  2. It is better to place thick cardboard or plastic under the surface to be processed so as not to reprint the handle onto the other side of the product.
  3. Consider the characteristics of the fabric and relate it to the chosen cleaning method.
  4. Pre-preparing the item (washing or soaking in cold water) helps get rid of ink much more effectively.

How not to spoil something

If you are afraid to clean your jeans yourself, then you should follow the rules, since the product may leave a trace that will be impossible to remove.

The most reliable way to test a cleaning method is to try it on an inconspicuous area of ​​your jeans. If there are no traces left, then you can start processing.

Do not use hot water as this will set the ink marks.

Follow the recommendations specified in the instructions for the product. If exposed to acid for a long time, the fabric can bleach, and aggressive compounds can burn the material .

What can't you do?

In order not to spoil your favorite wardrobe item, you need to strictly follow these recommendations without violating the dosage of the chosen products. If a mark remains on the product from improvised or professional products, it will be difficult to eliminate the problem.

Also not worth it:

  1. Soak things in hot water. This will allow the paste to be absorbed even more deeply into the fabric structure.

  2. Use several products at once. After each method tried, the stain should be completely dry.
  3. Leave the acid on the stain for longer than 5 minutes. Otherwise, the paint may come off along with the stain.
  4. Pre-wash the product. If a trace of paste was found on jeans, then you should not hope that it will disappear without pre-treatment. Washing with regular powder will only set the stain.
  5. Remove the stain with nail polish remover. It doesn't contain acetone, but it does have oils that will help the paste stick to your jeans.

When using chemicals, you must follow the instructions. There is no need to increase the exposure time of the stain remover.

You will find proven methods and means for removing marks from gel and ballpoint pens in this section.

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