How and with what to clean fuel oil from jeans: a review of effective methods

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Svetlana Pavlikhina

Reading time: 4 minutes


When black greasy marks are found on clothes, the question arises of how to wash fuel oil from jeans, because this is not at all easy to do. Men can get dirty at work related to transport or technology, a child on a carousel, anyone on a bus.

If you start cleaning immediately, it is possible to remove the fuel oil using special means and folk recipes.


You will need:

  • petrol;
  • a cotton pad, a piece of clean cloth or cotton wool.

Process technology:

  1. Apply a little flammable product to cotton wool or a cotton pad. And use this disc to carefully walk over the fuel oil stain. When interacting, gasoline dissolves thicker fuel oil, which is partially absorbed into the cotton wool.
  2. If necessary, change the disc as many times as necessary until the mark becomes barely noticeable.
  3. If the contamination is severe and extensive, it would be a good idea to soak the entire pair of jeans in gasoline for two hours.
  4. After cleaning the jeans, hang them in the fresh air to air for several hours.
  5. To consolidate the result, wash the stain first with laundry soap, then run it in the washing machine with several rinses.

Note! For this method, regular fuel from a gas station will be ineffective. Therefore, you need to stock up on special gasoline - purified. You can buy it at a hardware store.

Advice! Instead of gasoline, you can use other flammable substances: diesel fuel or kerosene. The process technology is the same.

Precautionary measures

If you notice a fuel oil stain on your clothes, you want to quickly wipe it off. This is correct, because fresh stains come off better. But many people do this with improvised means (napkins, hands, etc.), thereby smearing the dirt even more and rubbing it into their favorite T-shirt or pants. You cannot clean clothes this way, otherwise there is a risk of irreversibly damaging the item.

To prevent this from happening, the following methods will tell you how to remove fuel oil:

  1. If you place an item on a surface and begin to rub it, the dirt will be imprinted on the other side of the fabric. To prevent this from happening, you need to put a towel or any other thick piece of fabric on the back side (which you won’t mind later).
  2. It is more convenient to apply the product from the wrong side of the item, placing an unnecessary flap on the front side. This way you won’t rub dirt into the fibers, but on the contrary, you’ll get rid of it faster.
  3. Since fuel oil has an oily base, rubbing such a stain with a cleaning agent may spread it over a large surface. Oil contours are difficult to get rid of, so it is advisable to treat the fabric around the stain with a solvent in advance. Attention! The method is not suitable for all types of fabrics.
  4. When using aggressive agents (ammonium, gasoline, acetone, etc.), follow safety precautions. The label of each specific product indicates what precautions are needed. In some places it is enough to just use gloves, but in others you need a mask and goggles. In any case, the room should be ventilated, and there should be no sources of fire or things nearby that could be damaged if solutions get on them.
  5. Other oil stains are often sprinkled with salt to remove them. This will not work with heating oil, it will only dry out the contamination and make it harder to clean.


You will need:

  • toluene or a cleaning agent based on it;
  • a cotton pad, a piece of clean cloth or cotton wool.

Process technology:

  1. Soak a cotton pad in a toluene-based product and apply to the stained jeans for 2-3 minutes. The fuel oil will begin to dissolve in toluene.
  2. Change the cotton wool to clean one and repeat the procedure several times until the fuel oil stain is completely removed.
  3. Wash with laundry soap.

Advice ! It is unlikely that toluene can be found in its pure form; it is used only in laboratory conditions. But toluene is included in a number of cleaning products or solvents for varnishes and paints. Cleaning of fuel oil contaminants with these means must be carried out in accordance with the instructions.

Important ! Don't forget about safety rules. Toluene is very toxic and also has harmful effects on the skin. Therefore, when working with it, you must wear a mask and gloves. The room in which cleaning is carried out must be well ventilated.

How to clean jeans from fuel oil

It is recommended to clean fuel oil at home immediately after drops get on your clothes. In such cases, you should run a heated iron several times over the paper laid on top of the dirt. At the end of the procedure, the problem area should be treated with fir oil. If the liquid has managed to soak into the jeans, more aggressive methods of exposure are used.

Removing large stains

Gasoline helps to cope with complex, large and old stains.

To remove fuel oil from jeans, you will need:

  1. Soak a cotton pad in gasoline and treat the dirty area.
  2. Periodically change cotton pads as they become dirty. Fuel oil liquefies when it comes into contact with gasoline.
  3. If the oil stain turns out to be large, soak the jeans in gasoline for 2 hours.
  4. Hang the pants in the fresh air and leave for at least 12 hours.
  5. Wash the stain first with laundry soap, and then in a washing machine with powder.

Refined gasoline, which is sold in hardware stores, can successfully remove fuel oil stains from dense materials.

A similar result can be achieved using kerosene or diesel fuel.

Delicate cleaning

To clean thin jeans, it is recommended to use butter. The latter disrupts the structure of the resin, which is part of the petroleum products, thereby diluting the stain and simplifying the removal of contaminants. You can clean your jeans from fuel oil as follows:

  1. Rub a hard piece of butter onto the dirty area.
  2. Pour in detergent and leave for 5 minutes.
  3. Rub in with a soft bristle brush.

The described method helps to cope with fresh stains.

At the end of the procedure, it is recommended to additionally wash the jeans in the machine.

Removing old stains

A mixture of the following components helps remove old fuel oil from jeans:

  • starch (1 tsp);
  • white clay (1 tsp);
  • ammonia (6 drops);
  • turpentine (1 tsp).

This mixture can be used for cleaning dense materials. This product will corrode thin fabrics.

A mixture of the above components should be applied to the dirty area and left for several hours. After the slurry has hardened, the composition must be brushed off, and then the jeans must be washed by hand or in a machine.

An effective method for removing various stains

If it is not known when the fuel oil stain appeared, toluene should be used.

To clean up dirt you need:

  1. Soak a cotton pad in toluene and apply to the dirty area for 2-3 minutes.
  2. Cotton pads need to be changed as they become dirty.
  3. Wash the problem area with laundry soap and then in a washing machine.

Toluene is difficult to find in its pure form. But this substance is part of many cleaning products and solvents for varnish or paint.

Toluene is toxic. Therefore, when cleaning jeans using the methods described, you must wear gloves and a mask. The procedure should be carried out in a well-ventilated area.

Cleaning white jeans

You can clean white materials from petroleum products using the following algorithm:

  1. Wet the material with water and apply laundry soap.
  2. Wipe without pressing with a soft bristle brush.
  3. Rinse in water and repeat the steps described.
  4. Wash by machine or by hand.

If after 2-3 procedures the dirty area does not become lighter, the clothes should be dry cleaned.

Instead of laundry soap, you can use a water solution of soda.

Professional chemistry

There are no universal stain removers that can cope with fuel oil on jeans. Therefore, car shampoos are used to clean such contaminants. Prices for such products vary widely (from 70 rubles and above).

To clean clothes, you should buy car shampoos that do not contain wax or other additives.

To remove fuel oil, you need to dilute this product in water and soak your jeans in the solution for several hours. After this, the clothes must be washed in the washing machine.

Watch the video on how to get rid of fuel oil from clothes of any type of fabric.

Fuel oil should be removed immediately after contact with jeans. Otherwise, to clean such contaminants, you will have to use aggressive agents that can harm your clothes.

Source of the article:

How to wash fuel oil from jeans: top 5 ways - Happy Home, How to wash fuel oil from jeans.

Supermix for cleaning

You will need:

  • turpentine,
  • ammonia,
  • White clay,
  • starch,
  • brush.

Process technology:

  1. Take the indicated “ingredients” in equal parts and mix thoroughly.
  2. Apply the resulting slurry to the fuel oil stain and leave for a couple of hours until it dries.
  3. Remove the dried mixture with a brush and wash the jeans.

This paste is not aggressive towards fabrics, so the likelihood of ruining the item is minimal.

How to remove fuel oil stains from clothes - 16 methods, taking into account the fabric

Fuel oil is a dark brown or black liquid similar in consistency to machine oil. It is obtained as a result of oil refining, so it is extremely difficult to remove from clothing. Many have seen the clothes of workers whose work is related to machines - all their things are stained with similar stains. It is impossible to wash it in a machine, but in this article we will tell you how to wash fuel oil at home. Don’t rush to throw away the soiled item; stains can be removed not only from overalls, but also from everyday clothes!

  1. Precautionary measures
  2. What to do first
  3. Pay attention to the type of clothing
  4. Gentle means
  5. Salt
  6. Iron and napkins
  7. Shaving foam
  8. Baking soda
  9. Butter
  10. Starch
  11. Fir oil
  12. Aggressive approach to difficult stains
  13. Ammonia
  14. Bile soap
  15. Petrol
  16. Solvent
  17. WD-40
  18. Turpentine
  19. Acetone
  20. Household chemicals

General recommendations and rules

And finally, a few more tips for those who decide to remove oil stains at home:

  • After treatment with chemicals, the fabric may lose color. To avoid this problem, apply the selected substance to an invisible area of ​​clothing or a piece of similar fabric, and only then experiment on the jeans themselves.
  • To avoid streaks, you need to clean from the edge of the stain to the center.
  • When using flammable substances, stay away from fire.
  • It is better to wash the stain from the wrong side.

As practice has shown, it is difficult to wash fuel oil from jeans. But still real. And you don’t have to run to the dry cleaner for this. If you know the technology, it is quite possible to get rid of pollution at home.

How to wash fuel oil from jeans: top 5 ways

Why are stains difficult to remove?

Mazut is a petroleum product. It is used to operate mechanisms, so the composition of the substance is stable.

It is difficult to remove fuel oil from denim clothing, as it is a highly viscous product with increased density. These characteristics are necessary for lubrication and sliding. Upon contact with clothing, the substance is deeply absorbed into the fibers. Fuel and lubricants have a black-brown color, so stains that are not removed can ruin the appearance of the item.

What to do first

Of course, before using such serious means, you must first try to remove the contamination using gentle methods. It is common to use dishwashing detergent. Thanks to its composition, it easily dissolves everything that has an oil base.

  1. Take the dirty item and turn it inside out. Place an unnecessary fabric folded in 3-4 layers under the stain. And position it in such a way as to precisely clean the dirt without touching the rest of the matter.
  2. Pour detergent liberally onto the stain. The thicker it is, the more likely it is to dissolve all the oil molecules.
  3. Rub the detergent with your hand so that it foams and penetrates better into the fibers of the fabric. Do not overdo it, otherwise there is a chance of rubbing the stain over a larger area.
  4. Leave the item for a couple of hours, then wash it in a manner suitable for the fabric.
  5. If you didn’t manage to wash the item the first time, then try using other methods the next time you wash it (we’ll talk about them later in the article). There are also special stain removers on sale designed for such stains (for example, Vanish).

Household chemicals

If you don’t want to experiment with household and aggressive products, you can purchase specialized chemicals in the store. A common stain remover is Vanish. It has a good reputation as a product that removes almost all types of stains. But there are also other brands; each product comes with detailed instructions for use.

Source of the article:

Aggressive approach to difficult stains

If the item is not washed using gentle methods, aggressive agents come to the rescue. Overalls can easily withstand such treatment, but for everyday items this is an extreme case, since the means described below are a risk for them.

Please also note that overalls can be made from different materials. Coarse cotton or linen items will survive washing without problems, for example, you can wash a tarpaulin robe without loss. And, for example, you should be more careful with jeans.


You can use both ammonia and ethyl alcohol. A cotton pad is soaked in it, then applied to fuel oil, left for a couple of hours and washed.

Bile soap

Soap made from cow bile. Rare on sale, but if you don't have it, you can use tar. A soap solution is made from it, a brush is dipped into the liquid and clothes are cleaned with it.


You need to use only purified gasoline, which is sold in hardware stores. The gasoline used to fill cars is not suitable - it will leave greasy stains that are difficult to remove.


Solvents for oil paints work most effectively, but Toluene is a 100% solution. It dissolves oil molecules, but is not suitable for all fabrics.

A lubricant that every man has in his garage. Removes stains but may leave a discolored stain on clothing, so test on an inconspicuous area first.


Possesses similar to oil solvents. Mix it with ammonia in a 1:1 ratio to enhance the effect.


It can also help to get rid of fuel oil from the fibers of the material. Soak a cotton pad in acetone and apply it to the fabric for a while. May discolor fabric!

Pay attention to the type of clothing

Before you begin the procedure for removing oil stains, you need to decide what cleaning agent you will use, whether it is suitable for the fabric and whether it can clean it. It is clear that it is easier to wash jeans from fuel oil than, for example, a cashmere sweater. Even some aggressive methods are used on denim, and delicate materials will not survive such treatment.

Natural fabrics wash better than synthetics, but for delicate fabrics you still need to use gentle products, for example, fir oil or soda. When it is possible to pre-check the reaction of the material to the product, do it! Inconspicuous areas of clothing are suitable for this - seam allowances, hems, etc. Along with some types of products, the kit includes a piece of fabric that is sewn to the collar or side.

Outerwear - down jacket, coat and jacket - must be checked for compatibility with the cleaning product. Try not to use aggressive products, even if it is overalls - outerwear has many layers (filling, lining, outer fabric) that can react differently to cleaning. In addition, many of the products have a difficult-to-remove odor (for example, gasoline or kerosene), which will be absorbed inside. For old clothes from the garage, this may not matter, but if we are talking about everyday clothes, then this will be a serious minus. If a sheepskin coat or fur coat with natural or artificial fur gets dirty, it is better not to even try to remove the fuel oil yourself, but to immediately take the item to dry cleaning.

Soiled rag shoes (for example, sneakers) are treated in the same way as clothing made from the same materials.

Gentle means

Gentle products are the first thing you should use when you see a stained area on your clothing. If you can’t wash it using these methods, you can resort to aggressive means, but you won’t ruin the product made from delicate fabric. Gentle products are safe for many types of fabrics, but you should first check the item in an inconspicuous area. Some of them are used only for fresh stains, while others can clean even dried stains.

Contrary to popular belief that oil stains can be removed by sprinkling them with salt, heating oil does not fall into this category. At best, you will not get any effect, and at worst, you will dry out the stain, and it will go into the category of old stains that can only be removed using aggressive methods.

Iron and napkins

An iron and 3-4 napkins or toilet paper can help remove fuel oil. The absorbent material is placed on both sides of the fuel oil and then ironed. You need to iron from the inside out, so the dirt will be more easily absorbed into the napkin and will not get deeper into the fibers. Under the influence of high temperature, the fuel oil will begin to “melt”, so change the napkins more often.

Shaving foam

Surprisingly, this method also works! Apply foam to the contaminated area, similar to dish soap. When it is absorbed into the fibers, the clothes will need to be washed (it is advisable to do this in a washing machine, but if the type of fabric does not allow it, then try with your hands, but it is better to put it on the delicate wash cycle).

Baking soda

A paste-like slurry is made from soda, which is applied to the greasy stain. And you can also mix baking powder for the dough with soda, then the effect will be faster. This mixture is left for half an hour to an hour, after which it is washed. Thus, fuel oil is removed even from white color.


The influence of butter softens the fuel oil, and it is easier to remove even from dense fabrics. But this method is also used for old stains.


Sprinkle starch onto the stain and then leave it for at least 15 minutes. Next, the item is sent to the wash.

Fir oil

A cotton pad is soaked in aromatic fir oil, after which it is generously applied over the fuel oil. After this treatment, the item will not only become clean, but will also smell pleasant.

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