How to wash windows in winter: choice of products and methods

Repair and maintenance

Unfortunately, windows become dirty regardless of the time of year. Therefore, to maintain cleanliness in the room and better access to light in winter, you should regularly wash your windows. But negative temperatures and frosts exclude standard cleaning methods that are relevant in the summer.

Antifreeze liquid

Window cleaning

Typically, windows are washed from late spring to early autumn, so they don’t think much about cleaning equipment - it’s already quite warm outside.

Most often, owners of apartments on the first and second floors resort to this procedure, since a lot of dirt and dust flies onto the windows from the road, and constantly.

If you need to wash glass and frames in winter, you should make sure that the products used do not form a crust of ice on the surface.

In this case, simple detergents are not enough, since the almost instant hardening of the liquid prevents even partial cleaning.

You can make special compositions for cleaning windows in winter yourself, or purchase a ready-made mixture. To make it yourself, you will need a non-freezing liquid, which is poured into car windshield wipers - moisture will not begin to crystallize until -30 degrees.

What are the benefits of clean windows?

The cleanliness of window openings performs not only an aesthetic function, but also a number of the following:

  • allow the sun's rays to easily penetrate the glass and illuminate the room;
  • has a positive effect on physical and mental health;
  • allows you to reduce power consumption;
  • adds freshness to any room.

If you wash all the windows clean in mid-autumn, then most likely you won’t need to wash the windows outside in the winter when it’s frosty, but circumstances such as renovations or moving will force you to take care of the windows even in sub-zero temperatures.

Many may think that windows have a lesser impact on their health. But when ventilating the room, it is through the windows that fresh air passes. And if the windows and screens themselves are covered in dirt and dust, then the air coming in is not the freshest.

General tips and nuances

First, wash off the frozen dirt using a clean sponge with an abrasive side.

Hands should be protected from the aggressive effects of chemicals with rubber household gloves. In addition to dryness, peeling and cracking at the folds of the phalanges may occur, leading to bleeding.

Heavy stains on white plastic can be easily removed with a melamine sponge, which just needs to be moistened with water to start cleaning.

Melamine sponge

There are special mops with a sponge attachment for cleaning glass. This is a convenient tool for streak-free washing. It is better if a rubber spatula is immediately attached to the back side, which removes the applied moisture as carefully as possible. Otherwise, you should purchase a scraper for the glass surface.

Joints and corner areas are quite problematic to wash. It is more convenient and faster to remove dirt by using a brush with soft bristles.

A microfiber cloth removes dirt well without leaving traces of lint behind.

When the applied solution dries, even with a very careful approach, traces of smudges remain. Previously, they were rubbed over with crumpled paper, for example, a piece of newspaper, but this method scratches the surface. Waffle or terry towels cope with the task delicately, but no less effectively. The main thing is that they are dry.

At what temperature can you wash windows?

Traditionally, windows - both plastic and ordinary ones with a wooden frame - are washed in spring and autumn. This is explained not only by the need to get rid of dirt and dust that has settled over a long time. When washing windows, water is mainly used, which freezes at temperatures close to 0 °C. The resulting ice can easily leave scratches on the glass that cannot be removed. Therefore, it is recommended to wash windows at positive temperatures from 10 to 20 degrees.

However, it happens that it is not possible to abandon the window cleaning procedure even in sub-zero weather. Since most chemical detergents are not effective (simply useless) at low temperatures, you need to use frost-resistant compounds or car anti-freeze. With the help of such compositions it will be possible to thoroughly wash windows from the outside in severe frost, up to 30–40 degrees. It is undesirable to use them from the inside because of the pungent, toxic odor.

It is better to wash windows outside on a cloudy day: direct rays of the sun cause the detergent to dry out quickly even in winter, leaving streaks. The same problem occurs in windy weather.

Available DIY washing methods

An excellent at-home cleaning method is to use a saline solution. To prepare, you will need 10 tablespoons of salt per 1 liter of water.

Window fittings must be properly lubricated with technical oil, and the drainage areas must be completely dried.

The washing process is improved by adding bleach, otherwise called bleach.

Wash the glass with either hot or cold water, but never together, otherwise the glass will crack due to temperature changes.

Crack in glass due to temperature change

It is recommended to prepare two rags for wiping, since one will get very wet, and only a dry one will wipe clean.

It is possible to simplify this procedure if you use technical devices, for example, Karcher. The unit is a small manual analogue of a vacuum cleaner that quickly cleans the surface without leaving traces of its presence. That is, after it there is no need to wipe down the glass surface or wipe the rest of the window - everything is already clean, dry, ready for immediate use. However, remember that such a tool is more expensive than simple hand tools.

What tools to use

How to wash windows perfectly clean outside in winter when it’s frosty? To do this, you can use a simple set of tools. For example, a scraper can successfully drive away water, speeding up the drying process of surfaces.

You can wipe glass and frames with a microfiber cloth or bamboo fibers. Use bleach or chlorine solution to remove dirt and kill germs. To wash the fittings, you can use your usual detergent or regular soap solution - at your own discretion.


It is better to wash windows with water at room temperature; hot or cold water can lead to the formation of microcracks. And cleaning powders can leave scratches. Therefore, the ideal option would be water or antifreeze liquid and rags.

Cotton and flannel rags should be kept away, as they are highly absorbent and tend to leave fabric particles on the glass. Therefore, cleaning windows takes much more time because of this.

Microfiber rags, in turn, do not require a large amount of liquid, easily clean the surface and contribute to further instant drying of the window. Ideally, it is better to use two microfiber cloths at once. You can apply liquid to one and rub the surface, and the other can be dry and wipe away any remaining moisture.


The hardware departments of supermarkets are replete with an assortment of cleaning products, among which you can find what is most suitable for a particular case.

There are several options for going greener.

Adding 9% vinegar in the amount of 2 tablespoons per 1 liter of liquid. The resulting mixture is convenient to distribute using a spray bottle.

Spray detergent

Add 1 tbsp starch. spoon, but it is possible to increase the cleaning properties of the solution if you add a little alcohol, vinegar, and then add water to 4 liters.

The most ancient method of peeling is considered to be rubbing with a cut of a potato.

A common component of ready-made solutions is ammonia. The substance copes well with the nicotine residue formed when smoking through a window. A glass of ammonia is dissolved in 10 liters of water.

Keeps glass clean for a long time by forming a protective film, glycerin. For application, prepare a small amount of emulsion: 50 g of water, 100 g of glycerin, a couple of drops of ammonia.

Never mix ammonia with bleach or baking soda, as the components will react with each other chemically, and strong stains will remain after cleaning.

Some housewives add grated laundry soap.

It happens that over time the glass somehow turns yellow. It is possible to return them to their former state if they are washed with blue dissolved water.

More detailed options for preparing home remedies are shown in the following video:

Is it necessary to wash at all in winter?

Every housewife decides for herself whether or not to wash window openings in winter. If possible, it is better to abandon such an idea until spring. This is due to the fact that the window opening will be covered with a crust of ice, rags will stick during operation, and it is also not easy to find cleaning compounds that do not crystallize in the cold.

Among other things, the risk of getting sick or falling out of a window increases: in order not to catch a cold, you need to dress warmly, but jackets or other bulky items severely restrict motor ability and interfere with normal coordination of movements.

When is the best time to call in the professionals?

It is not always possible to wash the outside of the windows yourself. In such cases, you should contact a cleaning company or a hired specialist. A professional climber will do the job faster and safer, guaranteeing quality workmanship.

It is recommended to contact a specialist in winter. It's cold outside, cleaning clothes is inconvenient, and without them there is a risk of frostbite. The master usually has a special form in his arsenal. You should not wash panoramic windows yourself. It will not be possible to do this well without special equipment, and in this case it is easier to fall than with ordinary openings. The most obvious option in which you need to give up cleaning yourself is a high floor. It’s better not to take risks and entrust window care in winter to professionals.

Key Ways to Overcome Seasonal Problems

If winter cleaning cannot be avoided, then you should prepare for it. It is better to put on simple winter gloves made of woven material on your hands first, and rubber ones on top so that your fingers do not freeze.

Wear insulated pants, a jacket or sweater, and a hat.

The ice crust can be effectively removed mechanically, that is, using a scraper or the abrasive side of a sponge.

Using an anti-freeze solution eliminates the problem of water crystallization, which causes you to rush and then remove the ice.

However, upon completion of cleaning, you must wipe the window completely dry.

You should not carry out this event on a sunny day, as the sun's rays speed up the drying process many times over, leaving more streaks than might otherwise be the case.

Step-by-step cleaning algorithm

First, the window frames are cleaned of dirt accumulation using a special nozzle and a vacuum cleaner. This is a great way to clean the space between two frames, but you must be careful that the tool does not damage the glass panels.

When the windows are new, it is necessary to remove the protective film, but in winter it is not so easy to simply remove it with your hands, but you can use a steam generator.

The next step is to wash the top and sides of the plastic slopes that are located on the street. Next, wash the frame and clean the corners of black accumulations.

Now wash the outside. If there is little contamination, then you can immediately spray the washing liquid, but if there is an accumulation of dust or a thick layer of dirt, you must first wash the inserts with a special mop with plenty of water and wipe off excess moisture.

Glass grouting

Then they distribute a product purchased or made at home, for which they take a special spray nozzle. The rubber scraper is pressed tightly to the surface and, without letting go, is drawn straight down or to the side. After each approach, remove any remaining substance with a sponge or rag to reduce the number of streaks.

It is better to wait a few minutes before rubbing the stripes, or first wipe in a circular motion with another clean cloth, which will absorb all the moisture.

All that remains is to wipe away the scraper marks with a waffle towel. This method is considered more effective than using crumpled newspaper.

For interior work, the procedure is repeated, but you can already get by with more familiar cleaning compounds, since the influence of negative temperatures will not be exerted.

Individual cases

Plastic is washed without acid-containing products, solvent or acetone, and they should not be rubbed with abrasives.

It is not recommended to use brushes with too stiff bristles, and also to immediately clean the drainage currents, otherwise the double-glazed window will freeze. All rubber and metal parts are first wiped with a damp cloth and then wiped dry.

Clean similar structures from the outside on a glazed balcony with special care so as not to fall down. Telescopic mops are used to treat hard-to-reach or remote areas, and it is better to refresh windows with a magnetic double-sided brush.

Wooden structures require more delicate care. Do not wash them with hot water. The use of aggressive compounds is not allowed, and as a finishing touch, the frames are coated with special emulsions for wood care.

Cleaning windows in winter is not an easy task. In general, the undertaking is quite dangerous, fraught with injuries or colds. If flushing the opening cannot be postponed until spring, it is important to follow all safety rules in order to protect your health as much as possible. It is important to use folk remedies with caution, since the absence of chemicals does not in any way negate the fact that you can be poisoned by the vapors of vinegar or ammonia.

An example of window cleaning in winter is shown in the following video:

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