How to save clothes from lipstick, foundation and mascara stains?

Mascara is a popular cosmetic product that makes the look expressive and a woman charming. Mascara often leaves stubborn stains on your favorite items that are difficult to remove without ruining the fabric.

There are many methods for removing mascara marks; for this they use improvised means that can be found in any home. However, when choosing a reagent, you need to take into account the color and type of material.

Universal cleaners

A soiled item with dried black, brown or colored marks is difficult to clean. If a stain appears on your favorite blouse, do not rush to put it in the washing machine, as it will be even more difficult to remove it after washing. First of all, you should try to remove the contamination using available means.

All-purpose cleaners will help remove mascara stains from colored fabrics:

  • Laundry soap. The stained area is soaked in warm water and then soaped. Then the item is left for 15 minutes, after which it is washed by hand. If necessary, the manipulation is repeated until the trace of mascara disappears. Then machine wash follows, and the product must be washed separately.
  • Finely ground salt. This product is used to clean leather or faux leather items. Salt is mixed with warm water until a thick, concentrated mass is formed. The mixture is applied to the stain and left for 24 hours, then the remaining salt is removed with a brush. The treated area is wiped with a cloth soaked in turpentine oil (gum turpentine).
  • Sodium borate (borax). Before using this chemical, you need to familiarize yourself with the composition of the cosmetic product. If the ink contains an aqueous solution of shellac and soot, then borax can be used. Let the stain dry while you go to the pharmacy. Dilute 2 g of borax in 30 ml of purified water, apply the mixture to the mascara mark. After 30 minutes, rinse the contaminated area with warm water and wash the item.
  • Stain remover in the form of a solution or spray. The product is used according to the instructions on the packaging. Then the item is washed as usual.
  • Distilled kerosene. Organic liquid is used to clean woolen fabrics (even thin ones). Apply the product to the contaminated area and leave for 10 minutes. Then the item is washed in the usual way and dried in the fresh air.

These methods can be used several times until the stain disappears.

Rules for using detergents

Fresh stains from cosmetics can be removed with active detergents and stain remover. In this case, you need to carefully study the label on the clothing and the instructions for using the product.

Stain remover

Whiteners and stain removers are produced in the following forms:

  • powder for difficult stains;
  • gel, solution;
  • pencil, soap;
  • cleansing wipes;
  • machine washable gel capsules;
  • active foam;
  • spray.

Stain remover for white laundry cannot be used on colored items. This may cause color distortion on textiles.

If a trace of mascara is left on dark clothes, you can place them in the washing machine and wash them on the selected cycle. In order for the detergent to do its job better, you need to avoid loading the drum completely. Delicate items and linen are washed on a gentle cycle or placed in a special bag.

Imprints from long-lasting decorative cosmetics on delicate or light-colored fabrics must be removed very carefully. Things that require a more careful approach are easily deformed under the influence of substances with an aggressive component.

Washing in a washing machine

To remove the stain and not spoil the item, it is better to follow the general recommendations for removing stains:

  • fresh stripes and splashes are carefully blotted with a napkin or piece of cloth that will absorb the excess;
  • remove the dried mark with a plastic stick or spoon, and then apply a cleaning solution to the stain;
  • before using stain remover on clothes, apply it to an inconspicuous part of the item, a fold, to make sure that the color remains unchanged;
  • Contamination must be removed from the reverse side of the product;
  • during the first wash, the cleaning composition is used in diluted form, and then the concentration can be increased;
  • After treating the area where the mascara got in, wash the entire thing.

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If bed linen is stained with mascara, it is treated locally and then soaked in water with added detergent for 1 hour. To remove heavy old stains after soaking, load the items into the washing machine. Any fabric stain remover is additionally added to the powder compartment.

Laundry soap

Unusual methods for removing mascara stains

You can remove mascara marks from clothes using the following products:

  • Mustard powder is used to clean even silk items. The powder is diluted with distilled water to a creamy consistency, the mixture is applied to the contaminated area and left. After 24 hours, the dried crust is removed, and the product is rinsed in cool water. Then the item is machine washed.
  • Glycerin removes mascara stains from leather products. Treat the stain with the product and wipe it with a soft cloth. Excess glycerin is wiped off with a sponge dipped in water. Using glycerin increases the likelihood of a discolored spot appearing where the liquid comes into contact with the skin. In this case, the product is tinted with a special product.
  • Makeup remover. Apply a couple of drops of the product to the stain and leave it for 10 seconds. Then the item is rinsed in cool water. Then the product is washed in a machine or by hand, as greasy stains may remain.
  • Dishwashing liquid. A couple of drops of liquid are applied to a damp sponge and the stain is blotted until it disappears. Then the item is left for 10 minutes and put in the washing machine.
  • An eraser or sandpaper with a very fine dusting is used to remove stains from dense material. The mascara is left until it dries, then the stain is wiped off with an eraser or sandpaper. The greasy stain is removed with dishwashing liquid.

To avoid damaging the item, apply the selected composition to the inside before use. If after 5–10 minutes there is no damage to the tissue, then it can be used.

Main components and methods for removing them from fabric

In Soviet times, when cosmetics, along with many goods, remained in short supply, women used simple and unpretentious means at hand to make their eyelashes black and long, and their eyes more expressive. To do this, matches were burned, and the resulting soot was added to any available cream. The recipe may seem funny, but know that even in the modern cosmetics industry, carbon black is widely used. Instead of cream, more suitable substances are used. So, the composition contains wax, soap and water. Other components are also used - their list depends on the properties that the finished product should have. Many brands boast of the presence of vitamins and nutrients, thanks to which the eyelashes receive additional nutrition and are less affected by environmental influences.

Sometimes regular washing in an automatic machine is enough to save soiled clothes. You can quickly remove black marks by carefully wiping the contaminated area with a damp cloth. Subsequent washing will remove any remaining stain. Another useful recipe is to wash the problem area using laundry soap and leave it to dry without rinsing. A soap film forms on the surface. Scrape it off with a coin, nails or any available means and rinse the product in warm water. Lemon juice is often effective, a couple of drops of which should be left on the fabric for 10 minutes. If the stain is difficult and you don't want to deal with the stain yourself, just take the item to the dry cleaner. Otherwise, use the recipes below.

Processing delicate materials

If you have to remove mascara stains from delicate fabrics, then give preference to the following reagents:

  • Low fat milk. The contaminated area is treated with warm milk, after 20 minutes the item is rinsed with warm water. If necessary, the manipulation is repeated.
  • A solution of hydrogen peroxide and ammonia is used to treat white items. To prepare the composition, add 5 ml of ammonia to 200 ml of purified water. Cotton wool is dipped in the solution and applied to the stain. After 2–5 minutes, the cotton wool is removed and the item is rinsed.

In addition to improvised means, professional ones are used to remove mascara stains. Before using the selected product, you must test it on the reverse side of the product. If the above remedies do not help get rid of traces of mascara, then you should contact a dry cleaner.

Cleaning traces of mascara with soap, milk, peroxide and mustard

Thinking about how to remove mascara? First, try a simple and gentle, but not very effective method. Here you will need to use regular laundry soap or Antipyatin soap. We wet the contaminated cloth with warm water, soap the problem area and wash the item by hand. Sometimes the procedure needs to be repeated. To remove ink and ink stains, soaking in warm milk for a quarter of an hour helps. After soaking, rinse the item of clothing; if black marks remain visible, we repeat everything again.

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To clean white fabric, a mixture whose components are ammonia, peroxide (1 tsp each) and warm water (1 glass) works well. Soak a cotton swab in the solution, apply it to the stain, then rinse. To restore the purity of silk, a paste of mustard powder and water is used, which is applied to the fabric and left overnight. Afterwards, the paste is scraped off the surface, and the clothes are rinsed. Skin from a complex stain can be cleaned in two ways: with a mixture of glycerin and denatured alcohol or with salt, which must be left on the surface for a day.

Useful tips

The means listed above are not the only ones. Some other methods can also help with the problem. For example, salt gives good results. To clean, apply it in a thick layer over traces of cosmetics. This method is especially effective for leather products. After removing the stain, the clothes should be cleaned of any remaining salt.

Silk is a very delicate and demanding material. Mustard powder will help remove mascara from it. This is a gentle method that can remove traces of makeup from the fabric without damaging it. However, mustard powder is powerless against waterproof cosmetics.

Milk can also be used to remove stubborn stains from delicate items. A glass of milk is heated and traces of cosmetics are poured into it. After a quarter of an hour, the product is rinsed in warm water. If necessary, repeat the procedure.

It is best not to allow mascara to get on things, especially fabric: cosmetics become very ingrained and are very difficult to remove.

Mascara is a popular cosmetic product that makes the look expressive and a woman charming. Mascara often leaves stubborn stains on your favorite items that are difficult to remove without ruining the fabric.

There are many methods for removing mascara marks; for this they use improvised means that can be found in any home. However, when choosing a reagent, you need to take into account the color and type of material.

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A solution of acids – citric and oxalic, 10 g each per 0.5 tbsp – helps to remove stains from wallpaper. water, remove with a cotton swab. Whitening or bleach is applied with a cotton swab directly to the ink on the wallpaper, then nail polish remover without acetone is used to neutralize.

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How to save clothes from lipstick, foundation and mascara stains?

What to do if you stain your favorite silk blouse with long-lasting liquid lipstick and foundation? What if you put a smear of mascara on your cloak? Stefania Ozarenskaya, an expert on rescuing things, talks about it.

The foundation got on your jeans instead of your cheeks, the swatches of 10 shades of red lipsticks that you did on your hand in the store were imprinted on the lapel of your coat pocket, the mascara turned out to be surprisingly long-lasting and lasts all day, but, alas, not on the eyelashes, but on the collar of a white shirt. Sound familiar? Very much for us.

Yes, it is clear that there are dry cleaners in the world. But it’s also clear that you can’t run into them. We decided to find out how, what cosmetic stains and under what conditions you can deal with yourself.

Before inviting an Airo dry cleaning employee as an expert on this topic, we gave them a couple of champagne-colored silk dresses from Lena, a raincoat from MaltsevaStyle, featured in the video What does Moscow smell like? Perfume walks with Yana Z., Nastya’s favorite leather jacket, and Yana’s fur vest nicknamed White Coat. When the things came back, we realized that you can trust Airo with your most precious possessions :)

Stefania Ozarenskaya, director of development of dry cleaning with delivery Airo, gave us instructions.

Stefania: “Removing stains is like walking through a minefield. Only a specialist knows all the nuances. It is no coincidence that dry cleaners have a special position - stain remover. But sometimes you can cope on your own.

Three factors influence a positive result. First, what kind of fabric did you put the stain on? Wool, synthetics or cotton? Second: how well will you decide than to delete it. And third: how quickly you take action. Sometimes seconds count."

Foundation stains

Ammonia and soda will help. 1. Dip a cotton swab in alcohol. 2. Apply the product to the stain. 3. Leave for 10 minutes. 4. Pour in baking soda and rub with your hands. The stain should disappear. 5. Remove any remaining baking soda.

On wool, jeans, linen, cotton fabric

Don't rub! Wash the stain with dishwashing detergent, then put the entire item in the wash. But it's better to run to the dry cleaner.

Do not touch! Run to the dry cleaner.

Lipstick and lip gloss stains

You will need dishwashing liquid and a toothbrush.

On wool, jeans, linen, cotton fabric

Try the same recipe. But with currency cashmere it is better to run to the dry cleaner.

Take a few deep breaths in and out. And run to the dry cleaner. After dry cleaning, try to put on the same lipstick as quickly as possible so that you associate it not only with troubles.

Stains from dry products - eye shadow, powder, blush

Just wash as normal.

On wool, jeans, linen, cotton fabric

Wash as usual. Everything should be fine. But it is not exactly.

Don't touch anything. Call the sappers. I mean, dry cleaning.

Sweat and deodorant stains

You can remove stains from light-colored clothing using a mixture of 1 teaspoon dish soap, 2 teaspoons baking soda and 4 teaspoons hydrogen peroxide.

This method can also be suitable for removing stains from colored clothing. But first try it on an inconspicuous piece. If the fabric does not lighten, you can safely start staining.

On wool, jeans, linen, cotton fabric

It's better to give the item to specialists.

Have you already learned the phone numbers of all the nearest dry cleaners?

Mascara stains

Wash with soap or dishwashing detergent, then rinse the entire item thoroughly.

On wool, jeans, linen, cotton fabric

You can try to wash out the stain, and then wash the item completely. But first decide how much you care about her.

The dry cleaner is waiting for you.

Stains from sunscreen and other oily creams

You can remove greasy traces of cosmetics using alcohol:

Important: if you stain your clothes with greasy cream, do not rub the stain, otherwise the cream will penetrate deep into the fibers much more strongly.

On wool, jeans, linen, cotton fabric

You can try to cope with alcohol. But it’s better to give the thing to specialists.

Don't touch anything. Run to you-know-where.

5 general rules

What should be in the “First Aid for a Beautyaholic’s Favorite Things” kit:

Homemade lotion that will help remove waterproof mascara

This drug is an excellent alternative to expensive cosmetics. It can be prepared in less than an hour and will last a long time. An additional advantage is that the lotion not only effectively removes waterproof mascara, but also helps care for the delicate skin around the eyes.

You can prepare eye makeup remover in the following way:

  1. Buy a package of dried cornflower or chamomile petals, St. John's wort or any other medicinal herb and castor oil at the pharmacy. The cost of these components of the drug is minimal.
  2. Prepare an aqueous infusion of medicinal flower petals. To do this, you need to boil water and pour in a small amount of 1 tbsp. mixtures. The product should sit for half an hour.
  3. Strain the infusion. For this purpose, you can use either a regular fine sieve or gauze folded in several layers.
  4. Mix lotion ingredients. Measure out 90 ml of infusion and 60 ml of oil. You can take any volumes of these components in a ratio of 3 parts infusion and 2 parts castor oil.
  5. Pour the product into a container that has a lid. A thoroughly washed bottle from an already used cosmetic product will do.

You can easily remove waterproof mascara with this product, you just need to shake it first by shaking the bottle a couple of times. Store the lotion in a cool place away from sunlight. It is not recommended to put it in the refrigerator, since chilled oil does not interact well with the waterproof components of the carcass.

Milk made from natural ingredients

A milk that you can make yourself will help remove waterproof mascara and at the same time heal and rejuvenate the skin around the eyes. For this you will need 1 chicken egg yolk (or 2 quail yolks) and 80-150 ml. heavy cream, for example, 35 percent.

Before you start preparing cosmetic milk, cool the yolk in the refrigerator for half an hour. Then beat it with a mixer or whisk, adding cream. The product can be used immediately or over the next 3-4 days. It must be stored in the refrigerator. The method of application is standard - apply the milk to cotton pads or balls, apply to the eyelids for a few minutes, wipe off the mascara. Wipe your skin with dry cotton pads and wash.

Methods that are strictly not recommended for removing waterproof mascara

Makeup specialists shared amazing facts with our journalists. On the Internet you can find completely absurd advice on how to remove waterproof mascara using improvised means. Girls and women are encouraged to use alcohol, shaving foam and other drugs that contain aggressive substances that are dangerous to the skin and mucous membranes.

Here are a few examples of how not to try to remove waterproof mascara:

  1. Water and soap. Water is useless against waterproof mascara, just like soap. Agree, you can’t take silicone, wax and paraffin with soap. Therefore, this method is at least useless. But resorting to it can also harm the delicate skin of the eyelids and the eyelashes themselves. Firstly, the tissues dry out, and secondly, the mucous membrane can be damaged.
  2. Any alcohol solution. Experts assure that you will get less harm if you go to bed without washing off waterproof mascara than using such products. In this case, there is a danger of not only drying out the skin, but also getting a chemical burn to the cornea of ​​the eyes.
  3. Shaving foam. The composition of this product is safe for the skin of the face and body, but the drug is not intended for application to the skin of the eyes and eyelashes. The reaction to contact with mucous membranes is also unknown, and it is better not to try to find out experimentally. Oil and herbal decoctions are found in most preparations that are used to remove waterproof mascara. But the components that make up shaving creams and foams are most likely not included in the list of ingredients of two-phase makeup removers.

Questionable but acceptable ways to remove waterproof mascara

There are ways to remove waterproof mascara that are recommended to be used only in extreme situations. Experts do not recommend resorting to them if there is an alternative. But still, these methods deserved the right to exist, since some girls used them and got the desired result.


Makeup artists do not recommend using Vaseline to remove waterproof mascara. In general, this is a fairly harmless drug, but it contains substances that are not beneficial for eyelashes and skin. After all, the product is a by-product of the production of gasoline and other flammable substances. Vaseline should be used as a last resort; one-time or very rare use is acceptable. The procedure for removing makeup using Vaseline is the same as in the case of cosmetic oil. Only Vaseline does not need to be heated. And you need to keep the cotton pads on your eyelashes for no more than 1-2 minutes. To protect yourself as much as possible from the possibility of an allergic reaction, apply a little product to the inside of your elbow for 5 minutes. If irritation or other warning signs do not appear, Vaseline can be used to remove waterproof mascara.

Shampoo for children's hair

Many girls are interested in whether it is possible to wash off waterproof mascara with baby shampoo? This is an acceptable method of removing makeup if the packaging is marked “No Tears.” In this case, it is enough to apply a couple of drops of shampoo to a clean sponge, add a little water, and foam the product. After this, you need to wash off the mascara on one side with gentle movements towards the outer corner of the eye, rinse with clean water. And only then proceed to processing the second eye.

Most likely, after the procedure there will be a feeling of tightness and dryness of the skin in the area around the eyes. Therefore, prepare a moisturizer to apply immediately after removing makeup.

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