What should you do if your cat marks your clothes? Is it possible to save them from the unpleasant smell?

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No matter how much joy pets are in the home, having them in the same room as a person can cause problems. This is especially true for young cats - the most urgent need of the animal will be the toilet. If the owner does not train the pet to relieve itself in the tray in time, then the suffocating, pungent smell of urine that hovers throughout the apartment cannot be avoided.

Even a kitten who knows how to use a litter box can get the job done. When the owner is not at home, the stain dries out, and the properties of cat urine to emit an unpleasant odor are such that going to the toilet will be problematic. When a cat goes to the toilet in the wrong place, there is a high probability of relapse - you not only need to train your pet, but also know how to get rid of the smell of cat urine .

Causes of cat urine odor

Cat urine consists of components responsible for color, consistency and odor:

  • sticky urea, highly soluble in water;
  • urochrome, which gives color;
  • uric acid crystals.

The persistence of cat urine is due to the presence of colorless, odorless crystals, insoluble in water and alcohol. Unlike other components, which can be easily washed off with water, urinary crystals remain as a mine with a foul odor. Activation of an unpleasant aroma occurs due to contact with water, sweat, urine and when the air temperature in the room increases.

If your pet starts leaving puddles, you shouldn’t always blame shortcomings in upbringing; there are several reasons for such chaos.

There are many reasons why a cat began to leave smelly puddles:

  • the tray is too high for the pet. It is important to choose the right latrine for your cat. An inconvenient toilet will be ignored by the beast;
  • lack of trays with several pets. Also, the cat may not like the close proximity to someone else's litter box;
  • the desire to mark territory is usually characteristic of young, uncastrated cats;
  • inability to go to the toilet due to noise or excessive attention. Many cats are afraid of children or strangers in the house. Because of this, they seek solitude in other places;
  • a dirty litter box is rejected by all cats;
  • the age of the pet or its nervous condition. Older cats may no longer be able to get to the toilet or have problems urinating.

What not to use

Do not use products not intended for this purpose to remove odor. So you will harm yourself and your things. Do not use bleach or chlorine-containing products on dark clothes, furniture, or upholstery, as this can damage the item, for example, ruin the color.

You should also not use perfume to eliminate odor. This will help for a short period of time, but then the smell will become even more unbearable, as the substances will mix with each other.

Do not use solvents; they may damage varnished surfaces, leather and fabric.

Watch your pets and try to make sure that they go to the toilet in the right place, then there will be no need to solve problems.

Tips for removing cat urine odor

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//data-ad-slot=”2475549904″ $ads_google = empty($ads_google) ? false : true; ?> if ($ads_google == false) {?> $ads_google = true; ?> } ?> When you discover the source of the odor, the first thing to do is to blot the puddle with a paper napkin. Do not allow urine to dry out. If urea and urochrome are highly soluble in water, then uric acid crystals can only be removed with alkali, glycerin or sulfuric acid.

Remove odors using bleach, if the surface allows. You should not use ammonia for this purpose because of the ammonia content - the same component is found in the urine of cats, which can provoke the pet to repeat the experience.

In order to remove the smell of cat urine , chemicals and folk methods that have been proven effective are used. Don't despair, we'll eliminate the smell!

How to train a kitten to use a litter box

In the final part of the article, we will look at how to train a kitten to use a litter tray. The solution to the problem depends on a number of factors, the main one of which is considered to be the correct and competent training of the kitten to use the litter box. The main thing is not to go too far, otherwise your pet will start defecating anywhere.

If you decide to pair your pet with a litter box, follow the rules, which will make it easier to achieve your goal. Cats are freedom-loving and independent animals, but it is possible to convince them otherwise.

  • If your pet leaves a wet and foul-smelling mark, remove it quickly, otherwise the spot will become fixed in your pet's brain as a point of evacuation.
  • If your pet still uses the space behind the door or the rug for needs, rub the area with garlic, the smell of which cats hate.
  • Keep an eye on the kitten at all times. As soon as it starts paving in the wrong place, move it to a tray.
  • A tray with a double base or a product with filler is suitable for the role of a cat potty so that the animal masks the discharge.
  • When potty training your pet, be patient, calm and consistent. If you poke your face into a puddle of urine, your pet will be offended, and in the future, out of spite, it will urinate in the most visible place.

Over time, you will wait until the moment when your pet becomes obedient and begins to use the tray. This will be a reason to open a bottle of wine and take a biscuit out of the refrigerator. But, even after celebrating the event, do not let your guard down. The pet may change his mind and set up a toilet behind the closet.

If this happens, have a conversation with him and shame him. Feeling guilty, the kitten will turn its face away and run away. If you punish an animal undeservedly, apologize. The cat will distinguish the intonation of the voice and forgive.

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Try the advice in practice and you will find a devoted friend, if not a full-fledged member of a large family. Good luck!

Modern remedies for the smell of cat urine

The smell of cat urine can be removed using imported or domestic special products. Effective ones necessarily contain enzymes that can easily cope with the neutralization of uric acid crystals.

You can choose a product that is suitable for a specific damaged surface. The label always contains detailed instructions for use, which are important to follow strictly. Otherwise, the effect will be far from expected.

The cost of such funds justifies the result.

How do people remove the smell of cat urine?

Popular experts have tried a thousand and one remedies. All tips are based on strong-smelling essential and natural aromas. There is no need to experiment; above there is an explanation of the reasons for the pungent, long-lasting smell of cats’ urine: no amount of coffee, parsley, mint, or aromatic oils can cleanse the fouled area of ​​the pungent odor. But it’s easy to attract the cat’s attention and push him to a new “feat”.

People-proven remedies include lemon juice or powdered citric acid, table vinegar, potassium permanganate, 3% hydrogen peroxide, iodine solution, and vodka.

You can add glycerin and potassium permanganate to the water: after soaking the urine in paper, all that remains is to properly treat the surface area with the mixture. In this case, potassium permanganate deodorizes the area and serves as an oxidizing agent. The product is not used on furniture, carpets or shoes due to the color of the substance.

Hydrogen peroxide should not be used on colored fabrics - the smell will be eliminated and the color will be easy to get rid of.

Stress and anxiety

You have read the article to this point and realized that everything is not about my cat. Remember - one more circumstance makes us, people, similar to our pets: they, just like us, experience different emotions. In particular, now we will talk about anxiety. Situations may vary. Have you just moved? Has there been a new member or a new pet in your family? Have you changed your job and are now at home less often? Try to let your cat know that she is still everyone's favorite! Caress, stroke her, talk to her! Give her a little more care and attention, and it will immediately bring results.

Traditional methods for removing cat urine odor

remove the smell of cat urine using chlorine-containing products: Belizna, Sanita, and Domestos will help fight off the “aroma.” Soak a sponge in the solution and wipe the smelly area. True, such aggressive agents can ruin the fabric or carpet.

Popular advice includes in the list of effective substances hydrogen peroxide 3%, acids (malic, citric, acetic), potassium permanganate, iodine, soda, vodka, laundry soap, tea leaves and even tooth elixir.

The juice from one lemon is diluted in a glass of water. Vinegar is not used in its pure form: the proportions of vinegar and water are 1:3. Iodine is also used diluted - 20 drops are dissolved in 1 liter of water.

A good composition to fight off the stinking odor: 5 ml cap of dishwashing detergent and 100 ml of hydrogen peroxide. First, blot the stain with a rag, treat it with table vinegar and sprinkle with soda.

Apply lemon juice to the stain, cover it with baking soda, and after 5 minutes remove the foaming mixture. Afterwards, laundry soap and hydrogen peroxide will help. The remaining funds are removed with vodka.

The use of a washing vacuum cleaner will be logical only at the very last stage of cleaning: if the scene of the cat’s “crime” is not completely cleaned, and urine crystals remain, then you should not even think about getting rid of the remaining soda with a vacuum cleaner.

Get rid of cat urine smell from shoes

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//data-ad-slot=”2475549904″ $ads_google = empty($ads_google) ? false : true; ?> if ($ads_google == false) {?> $ads_google = true; ?> } ?> If a fresh “surprise” is found in the shoes, then the liquid should be quickly blotted dry with a napkin. Damaged shoes are washed with water and laundry soap. Dish detergent will also work. The substance urochrome is treated with a solution of one part vinegar and 4 parts water. The mixture is applied to the stain.

If the shoes are leather, use lemon juice instead of vinegar to rub the area where the feces got in.

The hardest part is removing the uric acid crystals. Shoes are sprinkled with soda, and after a few minutes they are washed off. Instead of soda, you can take glycerin. Then the substance is removed with a napkin.

After washing the stain for the last time with laundry soap, the shoes are wiped and dried, pushing newspapers inside.

Eliminate odor from carpet

To get rid of cat urine smell from carpet, prepare baking soda, vinegar, hydrogen peroxide, water and dish detergent.

Blot the wet stain with dry wipes or rags. If you wet the area, the stain will dangerously spread, ruining an even larger area. Mix one part vinegar with three parts water, and after thoroughly blotting, moisten the stain with the solution. Further actions begin after the vinegar has completely dried.

The cat's crime scene is sprinkled with baking soda. After a few minutes, 100 ml of water, 100 ml of peroxide and 0.5 tsp are poured into the spray bottle. dishwashing detergents. After shaking the mixture, spray it onto the stain until foam forms. After 2 hours, everything is cleaned with a washing vacuum cleaner or a rag.

Remove odor from furniture

The smell of cat urine is removed from the sofa using potassium permanganate (potassium permanganate), iodine and water, citric acid solution, hydrogen peroxide, vodka, soda, glycerin or laundry soap.

Fresh stains after the cat urinates are removed using soap, vodka and a soda solution. If the sofa is light in color, then do not use potassium permanganate, while iodine will evaporate if you heat the stained surface with a hairdryer.

Stains after bowel movements are wiped with a vinegar solution and wait until dry. Then pour soda onto the damaged area or use a soda solution. If the urine is deep, then the solution is injected inside with a syringe, this will help get rid of the problem.

Remove odor from the floor

The smell of cat urine will linger in the apartment for a long time if it is not removed. There is a method that works effectively: prepare a solution of vinegar and water in a ratio of 1:3 and wash the floor three times. To avoid inhaling vinegar fumes, open windows while working.

You can remove the smell by thickly lathering the area with laundry soap. The soap dries out and is removed with water.

Another well-proven method for parquet: pour a tablespoon of vinegar into one and a half liters of mineral water. The product is sprayed from a spray bottle and after a while the floor area is wiped first with a damp and then with a dry cloth.

Effective recipes include a mixture of Bos washing powder and water and vodka. The floors are washed 2-3 times.

Additional Tips

Let's summarize briefly. Be careful and watch your pet. If you suspect any abnormalities in his health, go straight to the veterinarian. Try to block the places your cat chooses to vent. Family bed? Close access to the bedroom, etc. Carefully clean the places where the animal “goes”: the smell of urine will attract it here again and again. The tray should always be clean; if possible, move it to the least crowded, secluded place in the apartment. Finally, just ask for advice from an experienced professional, preferably a veterinarian - there may be reasons we forgot to mention in this article.

Original publication: My Cat Started Peeing on My Bed & Clothes! Why? Author: Jay Matthews Source and photo:

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