6 proven ways to remove lipstick stains from any type of fabric

Every woman uses cosmetics to apply makeup; lipstick is one of the main attributes that emphasize beauty. But it often happens that lip products leave marks on clothes. This happens when we take off a dress or blouse in a hurry and without removing the beauty product. The stain can be accidentally placed on public transport and stained by children. Removing lipstick from fabric can be difficult, especially if it contains bright coloring pigments.

You can cope with the problem if you use products that dissolve fat, discolor the color and wash out components from the fibers. Washing powders are not always able to solve this problem. We will tell you in this article how to remove lipstick stains so that there are no marks left on clothes.

Handy tools that are available in every home

The first thing you can use is dishwashing liquid. It is applied directly to the stain and using a small brush, make circular movements, without applying any effort, so that pellets do not appear at the site of contamination if the fabric is synthetic.

Another product that can remove lipstick is toothpaste. It must be rubbed in until the marks disappear. To do this, it is convenient to use a sponge or soft brush. After application, the product is rinsed and then washed.

Housewives have had to cope with a similar problem before. They used borax powder to get rid of stains. It was poured in a thin layer onto the area of ​​contamination, rubbed in thoroughly and left for 20-30 minutes. After this, the item was washed in the usual way. Lipstick stains disappeared without a trace.

The use of folk methods and improvised means

Methods for which you don’t need to run to the store or supermarket. The most commonly used products are available in every housewife's kitchen cabinet.

Hydrogen peroxide

The method is suitable for removing stains on white clothes. Mix hydrogen peroxide and water in equal proportions and moisten a cotton pad with the resulting substance. Lightly rub the mark and blot. Repeat the procedure until the stain completely disappears. Afterwards, wash the item by hand or in the washing machine with bleach powder.

Laundry soap

The alkali contained in laundry soap actively affects the structure of lipstick, breaking it down into simple compounds. As a result, stains are easily removed. First wet the stained area with warm water and then rub with laundry soap. For best effects, leave the substance on the fabric for 15–30 minutes. When the stain is gone, wash the item as usual.

Citric acid

This method is only suitable if the stain is fresh. Prepare a paste of citric acid and water and apply it to the lipstick mark. Don't rub in, just wait about 60 minutes. After this time, wipe off the remaining substance with a napkin and wash the product.

Baking soda

Baking soda perfectly absorbs various substances. To remove marks from clothing:

  1. Rub the stained area with laundry soap.
  2. Cover the stain with baking soda.
  3. When the soda absorbs the color pigment, replace it with a new portion.
  4. Repeat the steps until the mark completely disappears.
  5. Rinse the item in warm water.
  6. When finished, wash the item.


Glycerin is suitable for removing marks on all types of fabrics.


  1. Heat the glycerin in a metal container over low heat.
  2. Apply the substance to the stained area.
  3. Leave the product on for 60 minutes.
  4. If the print is not completely removed, gently scrub the area with a toothbrush.
  5. When the stain disappears, rinse the item in salted water.
  6. Wash in machine or by hand.


To remove lipstick, you will need whitening toothpaste.


  1. Apply the substance from the inside out and rub lightly with an old brush.
  2. To prevent the contaminated area from touching other items of clothing, place the treated area over a jar or glass.
  3. Leave the paste on the fabric for 25 minutes to work.
  4. Wipe the dye off the fabric with a sponge.
  5. Wash the area with soap.
  6. At the last stage, wash the product in the usual way.

Sodium Borate

Sodium borate (borax) is sold at any pharmacy and is very cheap. However, the product effectively removes even old, stubborn stains. For the procedure, you will also need 6% vinegar and yogurt.


  1. Mix 40 g of borax, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of vinegar and 50 ml of yogurt in one container.
  2. Mix the ingredients thoroughly.
  3. Apply the resulting slurry to the contaminated area from the wrong side.
  4. Leave the mixture on the fabric for 30 minutes to act.
  5. Then wipe off the slurry with a paper towel.
  6. Send the product for washing.


Before using this method, test the substance on a small, inconspicuous area of ​​fabric. If nothing happens to the material in 10–15 minutes, feel free to clean it. Soak a cotton swab in gasoline and blot the stain. After 5–7 minutes, remove any remaining product with a napkin. If there are stains on the fabric, blot the area with a swab dipped in vinegar. After all manipulations, wash the product in the usual way.


Salt combined with lemon juice works well to remove fresh marks on white clothes. First, prepare a slurry by mixing a handful of salt with the juice of half a lemon. Apply the mixture to the problem area for 30 minutes. Then rub the mixture in with your fingers and remove any remaining residue with running water. Afterwards, wash the item.

Dishwashing liquid

Since dishwashing liquid works well on greasy marks, it is also effective at removing lipstick marks. Apply the gel to the contaminated area from the wrong side and leave for 15 minutes to act. Remove any remaining substance with a damp sponge. Be sure to wash the product after the procedure.


Alcohol does not destroy the fibers of the material, therefore it is suitable for both natural and synthetic fabrics.

Operating procedure:

  1. Place polyethylene or cling film under the problem area of ​​the fabric to prevent contamination from spreading to other parts of the product.
  2. Soak a cotton pad with alcohol.
  3. Rub the stain gently.
  4. When the pigment is absorbed into the sponge, replace it with a new one.
  5. Repeat the manipulations until the result satisfies you.
  6. Be sure to wash the product.


Don't worry that turpentine will make your clothes smell bad. After the procedure, just wash the item with gel or powder, and the unpleasant smell will go away. To remove a stain, soak a cotton swab generously in turpentine and wipe the print from the edges to the center. When the lipstick disappears, blot the mark with a clean swab soaked in the substance. To remove greasy marks, iron the product, covering the problem area with paper on both the front and back sides.

Makeup removers

Long-lasting makeup removers are suitable for removing lipstick marks. The main thing is to choose a substance that does not contain oils. A bad option would be milk, foam or cream, a good option would be micellar water. Soak a cotton pad in the product and gently blot the contaminated area. Repeat the steps until the mark completely disappears, and then put the item in the wash.


Ammonia is suitable for removing stains from white clothes. For quick and high-quality cleaning, soak 2 cotton pads in ammonia and rub the lipstick mark on both sides at the same time: both the front and the back. When the stain disappears, wash the product by hand or in a washing machine.

Hair fixation spray

Regular hairspray will help remove lipstick marks on clothes. Spray the solution onto the stain until it is completely saturated and leave for 10 minutes. Then rinse the product with running water. Repeat the procedure until you achieve the desired result.

Shaving cream

Suitable for cleaning rough fabrics such as denim or stretch. If the stain is fresh, apply foam to the material and immediately scrub with an old toothbrush until the pigment is absorbed into the substance. If the print was made a long time ago, for better impact, leave the shaving foam on the fabric for 10–15 minutes, and only then remove the dirt with a brush. After all manipulations, be sure to wash the product.

How to remove lipstick marks using store-bought stain removers

If you don't trust traditional methods, use chemical products designed to remove stains from various fabrics.

Ace Oxy Magic

Please note that the product is not suitable for all types of fabric. Exceptions are silk and wool. The substance perfectly removes lipstick marks from other materials, even in cold water. Works great on stains on white clothes. Proceed according to the instructions on the package, leaving the substance on the fabric for the required time.


Stain removers of this brand have proven themselves on the positive side for quite a long time. Choose a substance depending on the color and type of product. The active components of Vanish penetrate the fabric structure, cleaning the fibers. For one application, take as much substance as required depending on the degree of contamination.


It occupies a leading position among stain removers in pencil form. Practical and easy to use. Copes with the most difficult and old stains.


The substance is suitable for removing stains from light-colored fabrics. Apply the stain remover to the lipstick mark and wait the specific time indicated in the instructions. After just a few minutes, you will notice that the stain begins to disappear.

Eared nanny

The “Eared Nanny” stain remover is good because it does not contain allergens or harmful substances, therefore it is suitable for use on children's things or clothes of allergy and asthma sufferers.


Domestos contains active chlorine components that have bleaching properties. The product is used only for treating light-colored clothing. If your clothes have colored prints or designs, they may come out along with the stain. Apply a small amount of product to the dirt and rub with a sponge. Be sure to rinse off the remaining substance with running water, and then wash the product in an automatic washing machine.

The old fashioned way - laundry soap

This detergent contains lye. It is able to break down the chemical components of lipstick into simple substances. After which they can be easily removed from the fabric. Previously, laundry soap was used to remove various types of stains. Today it is undeservedly forgotten; housewives rarely use it for washing.

But this detergent has a unique and at the same time simple, absolutely harmless, non-allergenic composition. Simply lather the stain, leave it for a few minutes, and then rinse thoroughly or wash using another SMS. The unpleasant odor from laundry soap can be easily neutralized with various rinses.

Methods for removing stains from clothes of different types of fabrics

To avoid completely ruining the item, be sure to examine the label on the reverse side. You may not be aware that the item is made from delicate fabrics that do not withstand the effects of certain substances.


There are many cleaning options available for cotton. You can use both store-bought stain removers and improvised products. Hydrogen peroxide, salt with lemon juice or ammonia work best.

Wool and silk

Since silk and wool are very vulnerable to certain components, you can only remove lipstick stains from clothing using non-aggressive products. Alcohol, glycerin or dishwashing liquid are suitable for processing the product.


You can remove stains on denim using gasoline or turpentine. In addition, hairspray, shaving foam or dishwashing detergent are suitable for such materials.

Delicate fabrics

Soda will not harm even delicate fabrics if you use it in its pure form without additional components. Prepare a paste of baking soda and water and apply it to the lipstick mark.


Laundry soap works well to remove stains on such material. Try removing difficult-to-remove stains from the fabric with purified gasoline, leaving it to act on the surface for 5–7 minutes.

How to remove lipstick from white clothes

In this matter, the main criterion is the period during which the lipstick was on the fabric. If the trace is fresh, try removing it with citric acid, starch or lemon juice mixed with salt. Ammonia, vinegar and soda or hydrogen peroxide, as well as store-bought stain removers, can best deal with old stains.

How to remove lipstick from colored clothes

To clean stains on colored clothing, use only non-aggressive products, as their components can remove the dye from the fabric. Glycerin, turpentine, and dishwashing detergent will not affect the structure and color of the material in any way. Try cleaning the product with a mixture of toothpaste and glycerin in equal proportions, or milk and medical alcohol mixed in proportions 1:2.

DIY universal stain remover

None of the above remedies helped? It's not scary, because you can use a homemade stain remover consisting of hydrogen peroxide, baking soda and dishwashing gel. It will definitely help wash away annoying dirt:

  1. In a deep bowl, mix 2 teaspoons of hydrogen peroxide 3%, 1 teaspoon of any dishwashing liquid and half a teaspoon of baking soda.
  2. Mix all ingredients thoroughly until you get a homogeneous mass.
  3. Apply the cleaning solution to the stain and lightly rub it into the fabric.
  4. Leave the item to soak for 20-25 minutes, and then wash it in a machine with any suitable washing powder.

Is it possible to remove lipstick stains from a jacket?

If lipstick has left a mark on your outerwear, act as quickly as possible. If the stain dries, you will have to take the item to the dry cleaner. Professional treatment will also be required if the item is to be dry cleaned only.

You can remove a fresh stain from a down jacket or jacket using gasoline or turpentine by treating the area with a cotton pad soaked in the substance. A product made from soda, water and vinegar does a good job of removing stains on outerwear. Dissolve 2 tbsp. spoons of soda and vinegar essence in two glasses of water and treat the contaminated areas with the substance. After treatment, be sure to wipe the cleaned area with a damp sponge.


  • If you notice that there is a trace of lipstick left on your dress or blouse, do not delay and start washing: the fresher the stain, the easier it will be to get rid of it. An old stain becomes covered with a layer of dust, becomes dull, matte and is difficult to clean off.
  • You must first familiarize yourself with the product care recommendations indicated by the manufacturer on the label. Items that cannot be washed must be taken to dry cleaning.
  • Also remember that if you have already tried to use any chemical substance, the item will most likely not be accepted for cleaning.

How to clean a carpet

lipstick stains the carpet
, buy isopropyl alcohol at the pharmacy. Apply the substance to a clean cloth and treat the contaminated area. Repeat the manipulation until the stain completely disappears.

Additionally, you can use shaving foam or carpet cleaner to remove lipstick marks.

Is it possible to remove lipstick from wallpaper?

It happens that lipstick leaves marks not only on clothes and furniture, but even on walls. If a cosmetic product has left a mark on the wallpaper, do not rush to repair or decorate the wall. To remove stains, arm yourself with cotton swabs and a cleaning product depending on the color of the walls.

For whites - peroxide, for coloreds - a solution of laundry soap. Soak a cotton swab in the substance and gently rub the surface so that it is moistened to a minimum. After cleaning is complete, allow the wallpaper to dry naturally.

Features of removing different types of lipsticks

The process of removing stains also depends on the type of lipstick. To clean, choose a product that can accurately remove traces of a certain type of cosmetic product.

How to remove matte lipstick from clothes

Matte lipstick differs from regular lipstick in its high content of color pigments and wax. It also usually contains polymers and essential oils that help maintain the tint on the lips for a long time. Many women face the problem of removing this cosmetic product from their lips, since it cannot be removed with ordinary water. The same thing happens when lipstick comes into contact with clothing.

If pigment gets on your clothes, try to remove the stain as quickly as possible. Makeup remover, micellar water, store-bought stain remover, ammonia or turpentine are suitable for this. After applying the product and processing the print, for a better effect, flog the problem area with a solution of laundry soap.

How to remove chapstick from clothes

Since chapstick has no color pigment, you only need to remove a trace of oil. You can use turpentine, baking soda, or dishwashing liquid as cleaners. They are suitable for processing various materials and remove grease-containing substances well.

How to remove red lipstick

The process of removing red lipstick marks is no different from cleaning other shades. The main thing is to choose a product that matches the type and color of the fabric.

Household chemicals

Industrial products can also be used. They are sold in hardware and construction stores.

You should only turn to household chemicals if other methods fail. In the store, you can ask the seller what is best; perhaps there is a special fat solvent on the shelf.

Bleach or stain remover will help remove lipstick.

You need to choose a stain remover based on the type of fabric. Various bleaches and stain removers are produced for natural and delicate materials.

Before using household chemicals, you must equip yourself with gloves and a protective mask, if indicated in the instructions.

How to Remove Lipstick Stains from Clothes Without Washing

Almost all cleaning methods at the last stage require washing in a mode suitable for the material. This is especially true for strong-smelling products such as gasoline or turpentine. If you need express cleaning, you can use a stain remover pencil or any other available product that does not leave a smell or soapy streaks. However, wash the product as soon as possible to remove any remaining residue.

It is quite possible to save clothes stained with lipstick. Old traces of lipstick will be more difficult to clean, but both improvised and store-bought products can cope with such stains; the procedure will only require a little more effort and time.

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