How to wash a rug at home: a review of products and methods

Palace as a type of flooring is very convenient. It can have any shape and color and is also easy to care for. But even an unpretentious coating can be damaged - fatally, for example, by burning a hole in the carpet - or simply stained with something. If in case of serious damage nothing can be done, then you can save the stained rug: to do this, you need to remove the dirt as quickly as possible so that the stains do not remain forever.

Types of dirt on the carpet

The reasons for dirt in your home can vary greatly. Floor coverings lose their cleanliness especially quickly, since most of the marks on them appear after walking along the street. But in addition to street dirt, there are several other types of pollution that most people encounter sooner or later.


It appears as if out of nowhere, spreads out in an even layer on all surfaces and it is impossible to get rid of it forever, no matter how pretentious it may sound. Dust is harmful because it is home to dust mites, which can cause asthma or allergies. Wet cleaning helps get rid of dust temporarily.


Unlike dust, which settles on surfaces no matter what a person does, the main source of dirt in the home is the actions of people. Typically, dirt is brought into the house on shoes or objects that have been in close contact with the outside world - soil, rainwater, dust or sand. Dirt is very easy to identify - it spreads and stains everything around it.


Stains are marks that remain on an object after someone’s actions. Unlike dust and dirt, which can appear without human intervention, stains appear only after some action, often as a result of carelessness. Another feature of spots is a limited area of ​​occurrence. The stain will not spread on its own further than its original boundaries, whereas dirt is easily spread throughout the available space.


The peculiarity of the occurrence of unpleasant odors is that it is a consequence, not the cause of pollution. An unpleasant odor can come from either a living creature or an object. The appearance of an unpleasant odor is a sure sign that something nearby has gone bad.


When it comes to pollution, animals are like dust: uncontrollable and ubiquitous. Having a pet in the house is a guarantee that cleaning will have to be done regularly. In addition, animals also serve as distributors of dirt and causes stains.

Basic rules for caring and cleaning carpets

Regardless of how dirty the carpet is, when cleaning it is worth remembering a few simple rules that can significantly save you time. Following these recommendations does not automatically guarantee impeccable cleanliness, but it will take much less effort to put your house in order.

Let's list the basic rules.

Using stiff bristle brushes

When cleaning the carpet, you can safely use a stiff brush. It is recommended to use it to get rid of stains: treat the dirty area with detergent and scrub it with a brush. However, it is important not to overdo it - too much or frequent use of this method is more likely to harm than help - the material will fade or deteriorate.

Mandatory drying after cleaning procedures

After wet cleaning, washing or removing stains, the carpet must be dried. This cannot be avoided for several reasons. Firstly, if the carpet remains wet for a long time, there is a risk of mold. Secondly, a damp surface is great for turning dust into slush, which is more difficult to get rid of.

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You can dry the carpet in different ways, for example, by hanging it outside or warming it with a hairdryer.

Removing fresh stains more effectively

It is much easier to remove a fresh stain than an old one. Some stains cannot be removed once they dry.

Test the use of any store-bought products on a small invisible piece

Store-bought cleaning products can give unpredictable results - discolor the design, ruin the structure of the rug. To prevent this from happening, it is better to test them on that part of the coating that is not visible to outsiders, or even better - on a separate piece of the same material.

Before wet cleaning, always do dry cleaning.

If you do not remove the layer of dry dirt - dust, soil, debris - then after contact with moisture you end up with wet dirt, which is much more difficult to remove.

Brush selection

Almost every recipe uses a brush to clean the floor. How to choose it? The simplest option is a clothes brush. You can also purchase a device with a long handle. Mechanical brushes for cleaning rugs have become especially popular. They are somewhat reminiscent of a vacuum cleaner, but at the same time they clean the floors without blowing in dust.

For delicate processing of the carpet, you can use a brush made of natural bristles. If the pile is thick, it is better to use a brush with long hairs.

Cleaning artificial carpets can also be done using ordinary brushes, preferably without a handle. Then you can avoid calluses.

Folk ways to clean carpet

If you don’t have special detergents on hand, you can use old, proven products.

  1. Soda and salt. The most popular cleaning methods involve using one of these products. To get rid of stains, you need to sprinkle the rug with salt or soda (optional), rub it with a damp brush, and after a couple of hours rinse with warm water.
  2. Laundry soap. To get rid of stains, dilute a small amount of laundry soap in warm water and treat the stain with the resulting solution. The solution is washed off with clean water. If necessary, repeat the procedure, but not immediately, so as not to spoil the material.
  3. Sauerkraut. Using sauerkraut brine can help remove grass stains. After applying the brine to the stain, the rug must be washed. Cabbage can also be used as an absorbent - just rinse it and scatter it over the carpet to allow the dirt to be absorbed. Then the cabbage is collected, and if necessary, washed and the procedure is repeated.
  4. Ammonia. You can remove grease stains and traces of blood using an ammonia solution. To do this, you need to mix a spoonful of ammonia and a liter of water. You need to treat the stain with the resulting solution, and then wash the rug. If it doesn’t fit into the washing machine, you can soak it in a basin and scrub the dirty area by hand.
  5. Beer can also help get rid of stains, but you need to be careful with it - if used incorrectly, the result will be the formation of an unpleasant odor and new marks. Stains are removed using a beer solution. The beer needs to be heated (a bottle will be enough), add a tablespoon of soda and salt, mix and treat the stains with the resulting solution. Then the solution must be washed off with water.
  6. Vinegar. A vinegar solution allows you to return bright colors to the material, and a solution of a tablespoon of soda, 4 tablespoons of vinegar and half a glass of water will help remove stubborn dirt.
  7. Tea leaves are used to clean the rug and restore its brightness. To do this, sprinkle fresh tea leaves onto the stains, let it dry and sweep it away. At the same time, you need to be careful, because this tea leaves will not get rid of stains, but will add new ones.
  8. Lemon juice removes stains well. To do this, just treat the stained areas with juice and wait a while, then remove the juice with a sponge.
  9. Sawdust is used to clean the carpet from dust and small debris. It is necessary to allow the wet sawdust to “absorb” the dirt, and then simply sweep it away with a broom.
  10. Bran and semolina are used in cleaning in the same way as salt. The difference is that after the dirt is absorbed, they will need to be collected with a regular broom or vacuum cleaner, without using water.
  11. Snow cleaning. The method does not guarantee the disappearance of stains, but the carpet looks much better after this. To clean a rug with snow, you need to take it outside, cover it with snow, and then beat it off properly. Then turn it over to the other side and repeat.
  12. Kerosene and washing powder. To clean a carpet using this method, you need to mix a solution of washing powder and kerosene, and wipe the stains with the resulting substance. The effectiveness of this method is only diminished by the strong smell of kerosene, so the method is not suitable for everyone.

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Household chemicals

Manufacturers of household chemicals have provided a wide range of various products for cleaning carpets. They are easy to use and work well against stains and foreign odors.

Carpet shampoo 5+

Perhaps the best product from the budget segment. It does not cause allergies, since the composition does not contain fragrances or chlorine. The advantages of shampoo include:

  • antistatic effect;
  • color restoration;
  • elimination of unpleasant odor;
  • removal of old and stubborn dirt.

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The liquid is suitable for washing vacuum cleaners and manual cleaning. Can be used pure or diluted.

Drop of VOX

Inexpensive, domestically produced chemicals that fight dirt, stains, and eliminate odors. Clear advantages include:

  • low price, the cost of a 500 ml container does not exceed 100 rubles;
  • after use the pile becomes softer;
  • removes the most difficult stains, including blood, wine, berry juice;
  • There is no unpleasant odor, so there is no need to ventilate the room after cleaning.

Another plus is its ease of use; the liquid needs to be diluted with water, applied to dirty areas, and lightly rubbed to form foam. After the carpet has dried, you need to vacuum it.


Another budget but effective liquid designed for cleaning carpets. Excellently fights stains, dirt, and unpleasant odors. The product can be used both for hand washing and for washing vacuum cleaners.


A popular cleaning product from a Polish manufacturer. Used in diluted form, the liquid should be applied to the rug and lightly rubbed until foam forms. It does not need rinsing, just vacuuming is enough.

Note! The use of a new cleaning composition requires testing. You need to treat a corner or other place that is hidden under the furniture with the product. This will help prevent discoloration or staining.

Removing stains

Stains of different origins are removed in different ways, since they do not all react the same to conventional detergents. A number of such methods were mentioned above.

In general, the method for removing stains depends on their origin.

  1. Oil stains. Before removing such stains, it is necessary to remove as much oil as possible from the surface of the carpet, then treat the surface with alcohol and wash with washing powder.
  2. Grease stains are removed in the same way as oil stains.
  3. Ink stains must first be washed, then treated with lemon juice and washing powder and rinsed with water.
  4. Gum. First you need to apply ice, wait until the chewing gum freezes, carefully scrape it off the rug, and then wash the rug.
  5. Chocolate is washed with washing powder. If washing does not help, you can wash the stained area with hydrogen peroxide.
  6. The paint is removed with acetone or a detergent solution. For a better effect, you can pre-treat the surface with glycerin.
  7. Drink stains can be removed with plain water or soapy water. If the fabric is white, use bleach.
  8. Blood stains are removed with ammonia. They should be wiped off with cold water only.
  9. Traces of berries and fruits are removed with vinegar. Vinegar must be removed with cold water.
  10. Traces of a broken egg can only be removed with cold water and a soap solution or washing powder.
  11. Wax and plasticine are removed in the same way. One way is to apply ice to traces of the substance and remove the stain after freezing - cooled wax and cooled plasticine crumble easily. You can also heat the substance and collect it using a paper towel.

Elimination of unpleasant odors

Every smell has a source. To eliminate it, you need to understand what exactly caused it. Most odors disappear once the traces are removed. If the smell persists for a long time, you can wash the carpet with a soap solution, a solution of washing powder or a special cleaning agent.

The most persistent and unpleasant odor is the smell of urine. It's not easy to get rid of it. An effective way is to use three of the most popular folk remedies simultaneously. First you need to wipe the stain with a solution of table vinegar. Then, after a few minutes, the dried trace is sprinkled with soda and treated with a solution of hydrogen peroxide on top. The product is not washed off immediately, but after several hours.

Precautionary measures

Baking soda is a harmless and environmentally friendly material, but after using it, the rug needs to be thoroughly dried so that not a single area remains wet.
Carelessness will lead to the development of microorganisms in the pile. The product will acquire an unpleasant odor, mold will appear on it and can be thrown away. In addition, mold spores, once in the respiratory tract, can cause various diseases. Dry soda is a powder, so it should be used with caution if family members have allergies or asthmatics. In healthy people, getting the powder into the respiratory tract will only provoke a cough, but there is nothing good about this either. As for vinegar, it is better to work with it in rubber gloves, otherwise you can burn your delicate skin. When using sprays, you need to make sure that the drug does not get into your eyes, mouth and nose.

Mold Removal

Before getting rid of mold, you need to eliminate its source - dampness, and only then begin to remove the fungus. The first thing to do is to protect yourself from fungal spores, which can be dangerous - wear gloves, a respirator, goggles; if available, a protective suit. The next step is to dry the rug. Then remove obvious traces of mold - sweep them away with a broom or vacuum cleaner.

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Only after this can you begin processing with special means. Special antifungal agents are sold at a household chemical store. The carpet must be dried after applying the product.

It is advisable to treat not only the floor covering, but also the floor in order to definitely get rid of mold.

If for some reason household chemicals are not suitable for removing mold, you can resort to folk remedies:

  1. Tea tree oil and/or grapefruit seed oil help a lot. To remove mold, mix a tablespoon of tea tree oil or 10 drops of grapefruit seed oil with a glass of water and treat with carpet solution.
  2. Baking soda, or more precisely, a soda solution, is also effective in combating mold. After processing and drying, the remaining product is removed.
  3. You can use undiluted vinegar against mold, but it does not work on all types of mold.

Whatever method you choose, it is important to remember that when mold spreads over a large area, it becomes extremely dangerous, and in this case it is best to turn to professionals to remove it.

How to Remove Dirt from a Long Pile Carpet

A carpet with a long pile can be cleaned in the same ways as a regular one: using household chemicals (except for dishwashing detergents and powders), soda, laundry soap, vinegar, lemon. However, you should remember that you cannot wash it against the lint. You should try to remove all dirt and stains in a timely manner while they are fresh.

Since long-pile carpet is more difficult to clean, you should vacuum it, ventilate it and beat it outside more often. After washing, it must be dried very carefully to prevent mold or mildew from forming. At least once a year, take the product to a special dry cleaner to maintain its luxurious appearance and softness.

A carpet is a comfortable and beautiful floor covering, but you need to properly and regularly care for it so that a cozy piece of furniture does not lose its positive qualities and does not deteriorate in appearance. This is not difficult to do if you follow simple recommendations and be careful, carefully studying the instructions for the products. Moreover, now you know how to wash the carpet at home if it does get dirty.

Features of carpet cleaning

In order not to spoil the floor covering when cleaning, you need to choose methods suitable for the material from which the carpet is made. Materials are divided into natural and synthetic. However, any carpet needs regular cleaning, carried out using mechanical means - a vacuum cleaner or a broom.

  1. Coverings made from natural fabrics such as cotton, silk, wool should be cleaned carefully. Such carpets quickly deteriorate from dampness, so wet cleaning can only be done if necessary. It is not recommended to use salt and products containing alkali to remove contamination - the structure of the material suffers from this.
  2. The advantages of carpets made from synthetic materials are price, lightness and ease of care. To clean synthetic coatings, you can use both special cleaning products and traditional methods.

The color of the flooring also matters. The most difficult thing to get rid of dirt is a light carpet made from natural materials - you can only use dry cleaning on it, and you can’t do it without dry cleaning.

  1. Baking soda or sauerkraut are suitable for cleaning light-colored surfaces, but removing dirt with lemon juice or tea leaves is not recommended - stains may remain.
  2. With colored carpets everything is a little different. Since they show less streaks, stains and dirt are much easier to remove. However, due to the use of strong cleaning products, the rug may noticeably fade.

In any case, you must be careful when cleaning carpets at home.

How to dry clean

If there is no opportunity or desire to clean the rug on your own, you can resort to dry cleaning services. Some companies offer a pick-up or home cleaning service, while for some you will have to deliver the rug yourself. Dry cleaning is performed in different ways.

  1. The dry method involves treating the floor covering with a powerful vertical vacuum cleaner and a special dry cleaner. Once cleaning is complete, the rug can be used immediately.
  2. Steam cleaning involves treating the surface with steam, which softens stubborn dirt and makes it possible to remove it mechanically - with a brush or sponge. In the case of adhesive-based carpet, such cleaning cannot be done. When steam cleaning, you must thoroughly vacuum the carpet and then treat it with a steam cleaner. After completing the procedure, you must wait for it to dry completely.
  3. Foam cleaning is the treatment of a product with a special foam solution. After the solution absorbs dirt, it is removed using a washing vacuum cleaner. After foam cleaning, you must wait until it dries completely. According to the technology, this cleaning is similar to the dry cleaning method.
  4. Delicate cleaning is similar to the varieties listed above. It is also performed at home. With this type of cleaning, chemicals are used that are specially designed for delicate fabrics and have neutral acidity.

To summarize, let’s say that when choosing a method for cleaning a carpet, you need to pay attention not only to the type of contamination, but also to the material of the product and even its color. Only by taking all this into account can you decide on a method and achieve success.

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