How to quickly remove glue from shoes, TOP 20 remedies and home methods

During wear, shoes may need to be glued.
If you repair the defect yourself, if the work was carried out carelessly, the glue may come out on the surface. Homemade and special remedies will help eliminate this repair error. In this case, it is necessary to take into account the type of material from which the shoes are made and the type of glue.

We will tell you in the article how and with what you can remove glue from shoes (suede, leather, etc.).

Features of superglue

While working on the creation of plastics, the American Coover accidentally obtained a substance with high adhesive ability. The cyanoacrylate composition was modified, and in 1958 the world learned about a new glue that dried in a few seconds and tightly held any materials together.

Reference: superglues are various substances based on cyanoacrylate (97-99% of the composition) and additional ingredients - thickeners, plasticizers, stabilizers.

All superglues have the following features:

  • a thin layer holds loads of up to 150-250 kilograms per square centimeter;
  • temperature range – from -60 ° to 80 °;
  • do not react to aggressive environments - water, gasoline, oils, alcohol;
  • low consumption - a drop per circle of 2.5 centimeters;
  • when frozen, the mass is transparent and has medium elasticity.

These properties make Super Glue an ideal option for gluing shoes that are constantly exposed to stress, deformation, and temperature changes.

How to remove glue residue at home


Glue is washed off from metal surfaces with a solvent; if there is no such substance in the house, you should try to wipe off the dirt with an eraser using force.

Melamine sponge

Under industrial conditions, when ammonia is heated to 100 °C, white crystals are formed together with cyanyl chloride, which are poorly soluble in water. The melamine sponge acts like a school eraser, but to remove the glue on the surface, it is moistened with water.


A solvent can be used to remove the sticky residue left after removing the label. The area where the sticker was located is wiped with a sponge or cotton swab soaked in acetone. When the composition is absorbed into the stain, it is cleaned and the surface is washed with water.

Special spray

Construction stores sell products that quickly remove glue. ASTROhim aerosol contains additives that penetrate deeply into sticky dirt, softening compounds and breaking them down into individual substances. The spray copes with old bitumen stains and glue.

Profoam 2000 cleanses any coating from various types of contaminants, removes labels, traces of stickers, markers, and oils. The drug is safe for humans and has no odor.

Formula-X5, Super-Active, and Duty Scotch sprays remove scotch tape residues. The products must be used in accordance with the instructions.

Alcohol, vinegar, antistatic

Effectively copes with traces of Mr. Muscle glue, which contains ammonia. The glass cleaner is sprayed over the surface and the dirt is removed with a sponge. To remove any remaining label or price tag:

  1. A cotton swab is soaked in alcohol.
  2. Wipe off the sticky residue.
  3. Wash with a wet cloth or sponge.

Vinegar dissolves glue particles. The product is applied to the stain, left for a quarter of an hour and the surface is cleaned. An antistatic agent helps get rid of fresh traces of tape.

Bitumen stain cleaner

Spray from the TEXON professional series, produced in Russia, removes oil products, resins, and grease stains from rubber, plastic and metal surfaces.

To remove glue, shake the can of cleaner, spray it onto the contaminated area of ​​the refrigerator, leave for no more than 10 minutes, and wipe with a dry cloth.

Wet wipes

To clean plastic surfaces, it is not recommended to use abrasives or aggressive chemicals. You can remove traces left after removing the paper label by wiping the adhesive with alcohol-soaked wipes.


A paste that is applied to the surface and left for some time effectively copes with sticky stains. To prepare the product you will need:

  • detergent;
  • pure water;
  • baking soda.

To wash off the glue with paste, the procedure is repeated several times. Remains of the substance are removed with a wet sponge.

Liquid for glasses and mirrors

Products made from ammonia or medical alcohol cope not only with dust and dirt, but also with glue. To clean a sticky substance, Clean or Mr. Muscle is applied to the surface and wiped with a cloth.


The glue is softened and removed with an inexpensive solvent, which has an oily structure and is used for refueling diesel engines. Apply kerosene to the stain with a cotton swab and wipe off the remaining sticker.


If you don’t have a solvent, professional spray or glass surface cleaner at home, you can remove traces of the sticker with regular mayonnaise. The product softens the glue and makes it easy to wipe off with a rag.


To dissolve the base of the label, remove the sticky substance, but not scratch the refrigerator or damage the paint, soak the contaminated area with ethyl alcohol or vodka. The product dissolves the components of the glue, and it softens and is wiped off with a sponge.

Vegetable oil

You can remove marks left after removing a vinyl or paper sticker using a product that is always present in the house:

  1. Soak a cotton pad in sunflower oil.
  2. Wipe with silicate or office glue.
  3. Rinse the cleaned area with water.

How to remove from leather products

Leather is considered a strong material that is resistant to various environments. But when using solvents or files, there is a high risk of ruining the appearance of leather shoes - coloring, gloss, so glue stains are removed carefully.

Special means

Professional anti-glue products dissolve all types of adhesives used in shoe repair. Rating of the best:

  • “Super Moment Anti-Glue” - produced in a small tube, convenient for use (do not use for leatherette);
  • “Contact” (glue cleaner) – produced in tubes and bottles;
  • “Second” – works on different materials.

The technology for using the products is the same - the drug is applied to dried glue, left for the specified time, and the contamination is removed.


When using a file, you must be careful not to cut off the paint and layer of leather along with the piece of glue. Use fine-grained files. The shoes are put on the hand, and the area where the frozen glue is located is lifted with a finger. Carefully remove the adhesive layer with a file from the edge to the center.

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Shoe polish

The finishing touch after removing the glue is to clean the shoes with a cream that will soften and improve the structure of the leather and tint discolored areas.

Help chemical solutions

Unfortunately, not all superglue stains can be removed with a regular knife or hot iron. Some stains are so “tenacious” that you have to resort to chemical solutions and liquids. How to remove super glue from clothes with chemical solutions and liquids?

1 Acetone against glue. To remove traces of super glue with acetone, you will need the product itself, a cotton pad, and warm water. You should lay the item stained with glue on a flat surface and place a sheet of cardboard or strong paper under it. Two cotton pads must be well soaked in a pure acetone solution and applied tightly to the material from below and above. Leave for 5-7 minutes, then you can try to scrape off the residue from the fabric

Carefully! Colored items may lose color from an acetone solution. 2 White spirit in the fight against superglue stains. How to remove traces of glue with white spirit? To do this, the item can be thoroughly moistened with white spirit in the place where the superglue was spilled and left for several minutes. It is important not to allow the solution to dry on the item, since white spirit evaporates quickly

It is necessary to periodically moisten the stained area with liquid. After this, you can try scraping the glue from the fabric with a convenient object. A more gentle way to remove glue stains is to apply a cloth or cotton pad soaked in white spirit to the stain. For such delicate fabrics as pure silk and cotton, white spirit cannot be used! 4 How to remove traces of super glue with gasoline? To do this, you will need two rags, which must be thoroughly moistened in gasoline. It is necessary to lay out the clothes on a table or any flat surface and apply rags soaked in gasoline on both sides: top and bottom. After 10 minutes, superglue can be removed from clothing with a convenient object. Clothes should be washed well with powder to get rid of the pungent smell of gasoline and possible stains that remain on the surface after superglue and gasoline. 5 Pharmaceutical dimexide solution against superglue stains is an excellent remedy. How to remove super glue stains from clothes with dimexide? To do this, you will need a solution of pharmaceutical dimexide, with which you need to generously moisten cotton pads. The moistened discs should be applied to the stained area on clothing for 10 minutes. After this, you can try to remove any remaining adhesive. If it is difficult to remove, the procedure can be repeated several more times until the glue is completely removed from the clothing. After the procedure, clothes should be washed with powder in warm water.

Superglue residue is very difficult to remove. When choosing a stain removal method, it is necessary to take into account the type of material on which the stain has formed.

For options with coarse fibers such as wool, linen, denim, terry, exposure to low or high temperatures will be enough to remove the adhesive. But thin fibers, colored and synthetic fabrics must be handled very carefully, because liquids such as gasoline, vinegar and solvent can damage the fibers, and the item will be damaged not even from stains, but from improper handling of dangerous compounds. By following the instructions above and following the rules for working with substances, you can easily remove the stain, restore the item to its original appearance and continue to wear it.

Removal from suede products

Suede looks chic, but traces of glue on it look especially untidy, clearly visible on the velvety surface. After removing the glue stains from the suede item, you will have to tinker with it to restore the appearance of the fibers.


Before applying glue-dissolving agents, suede needs cleaning. Use a brush and vacuum cleaner to remove dust from the product and thoroughly clean the seams.

Then it is kept over steam so that the fibers rise, push the glue away from the base, and the stain itself softens.

Use of solvent

Suede is not considered too complex a material; it can be cleaned with different glue solvents.

Nail polish remover

To remove glue from suede products, it is better to use a liquid without fragrances or dyes.


The high activity of ammonia helps remove glue marks from suede, although this product is best used on fresh stains.


In order not to spoil the suede, it is better to find highly purified gasoline.


Acetone, together with glue, can also corrode paint; its effect must be tested on an inconspicuous corner of a suede product.

Suede restorer

To care for suede products, they use a large arsenal of products that should be used after removing the glue:

  • spray paint;
  • water repellent spray;
  • universal colorless spray.

If there is no obvious damage to the product after removing the glue, it is not necessary to tint the item.


A steam bath for suede items is a way to hide cleaning with solvents, remove creases, abrasions, and lift lint. Shoes are kept over boiling water or a steam generator or steamer is used. Then dry thoroughly.

Expert opinion

Zakharova Irina Yurievna

Cleaning professional with 15 years of experience. Our best expert.

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Tip: when cleaning suede shoes, it is better to carry out all procedures, except for using glue solvent, for both shoes (even if one is dirty) so that they do not look different.


Superglue is not only our reliable assistant in solving difficult problems, but also the cause of their occurrence. You can easily cope with its negative influence by listening to a few simple but very useful tips:

  • Special chemicals are quite aggressive, so when working with them you need to be careful, use gloves and a respirator, and all cleaning procedures must be carried out outside or in a ventilated room.
  • Before you start cleaning shoes from superglue, you need to test the selected product by using it on an inconspicuous and small area of ​​the affected shoes. If after the test the shoes are not damaged, and their structure and color are preserved, then you can begin to remove superglue stains.
  • If superglue gets on your shoes, clothes or other item, it is best to remove it immediately. The fresher the stain, the higher the chances of it being eliminated without a trace.

Methods for cleaning fabric

You can clean fabric and textile shoes using professional and folk methods. It is better to first test the product on an inconspicuous area so as not to spoil the color of the fabric.

Alcohol-containing liquid or acetone

The swab is moistened with the solution and applied to the glue stain for 2-3 minutes. If the glue does not come off, repeat the procedure. Clean carefully - whitish stains may appear on dark shoes, and the pattern may blur.

Pasta “Minutka”

Budget stain remover is sold in any supermarket. Apply to the hardened glue for 5-7 minutes, then remove the stain along with the dried paste. Does not leave streaks and does not damage the fabric.

Cleaner "Contact"

The product is sold in small bottles or tubes, which is convenient for removing glue stains. Apply the composition pointwise with a brush or from the neck of the tube onto the hardened glue, in accordance with the instructions. Then remove it along with the glue.

Classic laundry stain remover

Stain removers are used by simply rubbing into the adhesive stain or washing the product in an automatic machine. This method is good for light-colored fabrics that can be bleached. Stains may appear on dark or colored items.

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Clothes on which the stain must be removed from the body. Before doing this, saturate the glue with a napkin so that it does not spread across the fabric, making the stain even larger. Place the item on a hard surface, preferably level. Place cardboard or something similar under the stained fabric.

You must work with this product extremely carefully and be sure to test its effect on the fabric on a small, inconspicuous area of ​​clothing. You should also wear gloves on your hands. After all conditions have been met, carefully apply the product directly to the glue, being careful not to touch anything unnecessary. Then you need to wait about 5 minutes and remove the product with residual glue with a damp cloth or piece of cloth

Clothes must be washed after removal.

If the shoes are varnished

Products for patent leather shoes are chosen with care so as not to scratch and maintain shine.

Medical alcohol wipes and salt

Fine salt is tightly sprinkled onto the contaminated areas and pressed with a napkin containing an alcohol solution. Leave for several hours, then remove with a damp sponge.

Using mineral oil

Soak the fabric in oil and press firmly onto the glue stain for 10-20 minutes. Then carefully peel off the softened composition with a blunt knife or plastic card. Shoes are washed with soapy water.

Traditional methods

Many available products can be no less effective than expensive shoe cosmetics, but they are significantly lower in cost and are the most versatile and safe:

  • Freshly squeezed lemon juice or half a lemon helps a lot, rub it on the contaminated area and leave for 5-10 minutes; citric acid easily dissolves such contaminants, after which it is enough to wipe the sole with a damp cloth
  • An ordinary stationery eraser can easily handle some adhesive stains; it is especially effective for rubber glue.
  • Also, traces of glue from the sole can be easily removed using a nail file or sandpaper.

How to get it off your sneakers

Practical shoes with many inserts and seams are less delicate than shoes, so harsher methods can be used to clean them. Craftsmen suggest using temperature shock against glue stains.


A heated iron or a heated hairdryer operating at maximum power will turn the glue stains into softened pellets. After warming up, remove them with a knife or hands. The iron is pressed through the fabric or paper.


After keeping the sneakers in the freezer for several hours, you can remove the hardened pieces of glue with a piece of plastic.

How to remove machine oil stains from suede shoes?

Coarse salt or river sand is heated in a frying pan. The heated substance is placed on the surface of the fabric, rolling it into a kind of small bag. In this form, it is applied to the surface of the suede where a greasy stain from machine oil has appeared.

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Methods for removing glue from the sole

There are adhesive marks left on the soles from labels and shoe repairs. Dirt collects on them, stones stick, making it difficult to walk. The soles are less vulnerable than the surface of shoes, but dirt must be removed carefully.

Professional products

Ready-made products from well-known brands effectively remove glue from various surfaces, including shoe soles. Their common disadvantage is a large volume of containers and a limited shelf life.

Scotch Remover

The product is in an aerosol package with a volume of 0.42 liters. Spray onto the contaminated surface and wipe with a cloth.

Advantages and disadvantages

copes with the task;

does not drain.

large amount of coverage (waste) - clean areas need to be covered;

strong smell.

The price is impressive - more than 500 rubles.


Russian preparation for removing adhesive traces from surfaces. Aerosol in a metal bottle. On old stains, leave for 2 minutes.

Advantages and disadvantages

dissolves the adhesive layer, even old ones, quickly;

small volume - 180 milliliters.

chemical smell;

It is better to keep the item horizontally.

Price – 180 rubles.


The drug is from the famous Korean brand Kangaroo.

Advantages and disadvantages

Suitable for removing glue from various surfaces;

quickly removes stains of any age.

acrid smell.

Reviews about the drug are mostly positive, except for the smell, users do not find any other drawbacks.

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Home Remedies

If you don’t have sprays at home to remove adhesive marks, you can use folk remedies. It is important to understand the impact they will have on the appearance and quality of the surfaces being cleaned.


An affordable and simple way for those who have children in the house is an eraser.

Advantages and disadvantages




Only a hard eraser will do;

The grooved sole is often difficult to clean.

It removes rubber glue well, but sometimes it doesn't work well with superglue.


Dry cleaning of the sole can be done with sandpaper.

Advantages and disadvantages

no odor;


the sole can be damaged;

some experience and caution is required.

Use fine-grained sandpaper, wash and dry the shoes first.

Vodka, cologne or deodorant

Liquids containing alcohol will not damage the sole; it is better not to use them for the upper of shoes.

Advantages and disadvantages

always at hand;


removes only fresh stains well;

re-processing may be required.

Moisten the swab with the existing product and apply it to the stain for a few minutes until it softens. Carefully remove the glue with a plastic knife.

Vinegar concentrate

The essence is pre-diluted with water to 11-15% concentration. Apply a cloth soaked in the composition to the areas of the sole contaminated with glue.

Advantages and disadvantages



diluting the concentrate to the required proportion;

repeated processing.

After removing the glue, the sole is washed and the shoes are aired.

Lemon pulp

Cut pieces of lemon are applied to the glue stains and wait until the composition softens.

Advantages and disadvantages


availability of funds.

lemon is effective against fresh stains;

will have to be repeated several times.

Instead of fresh citrus, you can use citric acid.


One of the best products for dissolving glue stains. Sold in a pharmacy. Moisten the swab with Dimexide, apply the drug to dirty areas and leave for several minutes.

Advantages and disadvantages

does not spoil materials;

quickly dissolves the adhesive layer.

penetrates the skin of the hands;


Efficiency has been proven by many users.

Specialized means

You can purchase such products at any shoe store. To clean dirt from shoe soles, universal solvents are most often purchased. These compounds are suitable for removing traces of all types of glue from PVA to super glue, and also do an excellent job of removing traces from tape, price tags and stickers.

The most well-known professional products are considered to be: ASTROhim, Scotch Remover and Profoam; the latter product will not only effectively clean the sole, but is also suitable for use on the entire surface of shoes made of many materials.

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