Is Belizna suitable for disinfection and in what proportions should it be diluted?

In many cases, "Whiteness" for disinfection is the best option. This drug contains 8% active chlorine, therefore it is a powerful antiseptic and successfully fights most microorganisms. The basis of “Whiteness” is sodium hypochlorite. If you use it without exceeding the recommended proportion, then it cannot cause harm to a person.

It can be used for linen and dishes, floors and enamel baths. “Whiteness” is used to clean aquariums, water filters and wells. It is also indispensable in farmsteads - for disinfecting animal cages and their bedding.

Rules for using “Whiteness” in an apartment

Many housewives use this product to bleach fabrics and know the dosage. However, for disinfection, a solution of a different concentration is used: 60-100 ml of “Whiteness” per 1 liter of water. They can be used to wash dishes after an infectious patient, floors, washbasins and toilets.

A different method is used to disinfect sewer drains. At night, pour 1 liter of undiluted “White” into the toilet bowl or washbasin neck and close it with a stopper or lid. In the morning, wash off with plenty of water. This method allows you to get rid of both germs and unpleasant odors.


When working with “Whiteness”, do not forget about safety precautions - wear gloves. For prolonged contact or when using a concentrated solution, a respirator and safety glasses are required.

Security measures

Careless handling of “Belizna” poses a danger to humans. Its fumes are also very harmful to health.

Given these properties, the following rules must be observed:

  • store the product out of the reach of children;
  • if liquid gets on the mucous membranes or in the eyes, immediately rinse them with plenty of cool water and consult a doctor;
  • When washing, cleaning and disinfecting, protect your hands with gloves;
  • When washing plumbing fixtures, wear a protective mask to avoid breathing chlorine vapors;
  • It is prohibited to store white near food and medicines.

If there are animals in the house

Sodium hypochlorite is an inexpensive, effective and easy-to-use product for cleaning and disinfecting pet litter boxes.

  • You need to add 100 ml of “White” per liter of water.
  • Rinse the tray with the resulting solution.
  • After this, rinse it thoroughly.

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It is enough to carry out this treatment once a week. The rest of the time, the “pot” is cleaned with ordinary detergent. If there are a lot of animals in the apartment and they leave marks, then “Whiteness” can perform the functions of both disinfection and deodorization. In this case, you need to treat the floor and walls (where animals mark them) with a weak solution (no more than 50 ml of “Whiteness” per liter of water). This type of cleaning should be done as often as possible.

Release forms

One of the main properties of sodium hypochlorite is its good solubility in water. This makes it possible to produce “Whiteness” in liquid form, as well as in the form of gel and tablets. The liquid has been known to everyone since childhood as the main bleaching and disinfectant of our grandmothers. Gel and tablets appeared relatively recently as more convenient for application and dosage.

"Whiteness" gel

The product in gel form is sold in plastic bottles. This consistency helps the active substance stay on the surface being treated longer and not drip off. Accordingly, the gel provides the best results when cleaning plumbing fixtures. The composition of “Belizna-gel” is complex, it includes additional components:

  • surface active detergents;
  • thickeners;
  • rust solvents;
  • caustic soda;
  • perfume fragrances.

The approximate shelf life of the gel is about a year, and the container must always be firmly closed, otherwise the gel will begin to lose its basic properties. In case of freezing, after defrosting the product retains its properties, you just need to shake it.

"Whiteness" in tablets

The product is also available in the form of large white tablets that must be dissolved in water.

The proportions depend on the purpose of use. For washing and disinfecting the floor, 1 tablet per 10 liters of water will be enough, and for bleaching laundry – 1-3 tablets per 1 liter.

In order for them to show their properties to the maximum, it is necessary to monitor the expiration date.

Cleaning the water filter

Disinfection of filters in the “Reverse Osmosis” cleaning system with “White” is carried out when replacing cartridges.

Instructions for use

  • After removing the cartridges and reverse osmosis membrane, you need to screw in the second and third flasks in the direction of water flow.
  • The tube from the purified water tap is connected to the tee (instead of the carbon filter).
  • 10 ml of “Belizna” is poured into the first flask and water is added, after which the flask is twisted.
  • After 15-20 minutes, you need to open the water supply tap and the purified water tap.
  • When the smell of chlorine is clearly audible from the purified water tap, close the taps and wait several hours.
  • After this, the taps are opened again and water flows until the chlorine is completely washed out.

After this treatment, the filter is completely disinfected, you can insert the membrane and a new carbon filter.

Chemical properties

“Whiteness” qualitatively removes stains of organic origin, grease, and harmful bacteria, therefore it is successfully used to disinfect floors and tiles in the apartment.

Liquid contains:

  • active chlorine;
  • sodium hydrochloride;
  • alkali.

Undiluted product corrodes the skin, causing painful wounds. The components are toxic and have a pungent odor. Vapors can cause burns to the mucous membrane.

"Whiteness" for cleaning the well

Chlorination in a well must be carried out in the correct proportions and strictly following the instructions for use.

  • Pump out the water or scoop it out (at shallow depths).
  • Clean the walls with a stiff brush.
  • Prepare a solution: 600 ml of “Whiteness” per 10 liters of water.
  • Treat the walls of the well and the upper superstructure along with the lid. This is best done with a spray bottle.
  • After filling the well with water, the same solution is poured into it at the rate of 1 liter per 1 ring.
  • Stir the water by lowering and raising the bucket.
  • Cover the well head with polyethylene to prevent chlorine evaporation and leave for 6-10 hours.
  • Pump out the water until the smell of chlorine disappears.


During disinfection, well water should not be used for drinking or cooking. After chlorination, it is recommended to boil it for 5-7 days.

Anti-coronavirus remedy for 20 rubles: use “Belizna” to disinfect your home

“Whiteness” for disinfection against coronavirus is one of the means recommended by the World Health Organization. It is suitable for processing residential and non-residential premises - houses, apartments, offices, warehouses, garages, even cars. It is available to all segments of the population, it is easy to buy in both big cities and small villages. And this is only part of its advantages.

Aquarium disinfection

Sodium hypochlorite is often used to clean the aquarium of growths and microorganisms accumulated there. Moreover, the walls (glass) and decor are cleaned with a solution of varying concentrations.

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Instructions for disinfecting aquarium decor

  • 8-10 liters of warm water are poured into the container.
  • Add 1 liter of “Whiteness” there.
  • Immerse the aquarium decor in the solution and leave for several hours.
  • After this, all elements are thoroughly cleaned and washed.


Decorative elements with a porous surface should be washed especially thoroughly, shaking out the remaining water from the pores. If this is not done, sodium hypochlorite will enter the aquarium and may negatively affect its inhabitants.

The aquarium glass is treated with a chlorine solution after cleaning the algae. This can be done in two ways.

  1. Apply the solution (dosage - 50 ml of “Whiteness” per liter of water) with a sprayer, trying to cover the entire surface. After a few hours, rinse the aquarium thoroughly with water.
  2. Pour the “White” solution into the aquarium and let it stand for 6 hours, then rinse thoroughly.

Advantages and disadvantages

“Belizna” is a multifunctional product with a wide range of applications. In addition to whitening clothes, it is used to disinfect washable surfaces, bathroom fixtures, some types of dishes, aquariums and pet cages. Low cost along with good effectiveness are the reasons for the popularity of the product.

The main disadvantages of bleach:

  • High chemical aggressiveness. If it comes into contact with unprotected skin or mucous membranes, it causes irritation, burns, and allergic reactions. Avoid getting the product into your eyes.
  • An unpleasant chlorine odor, which some manufacturers soften with fruity and floral scents.
  • Unpresentable design of the bottle, unreliable thread - costs compensated by the penny price.

Disinfection in animal cages

Disinfection in animal cages must be carried out at least 2 times a year. If an infection gets there and the animals get sick, then additional treatment is carried out.

Instructions for disinfecting rabbit cages

  • Animals are removed from the cages (or go to slaughter).
  • “Whiteness” is sprayed over the entire surface of the cells, especially careful treatment is carried out in the corners and on the floor.
  • After 2-24 hours, the treated surface is washed with a strong stream of water. If you have a steam generator, it is better to use it.
  • After the rabbit enclosures have completely dried, the young can be populated.

To treat bird cages (aviaries), a different solution is used - 200 ml of “Belizna” per 5 liters of water. Five minutes after surface treatment, they are washed with clean water. Processing is carried out in the absence of birds.


Today, one of the most pressing issues is the fight against coronavirus. Bleach, which contains chlorine, copes well with it and can act as a prophylactic agent to reduce the risk of spreading infection.

At the same time, the substance belongs to the category of universal ones; its cost is low, so any housewife can use it.


When the virus is actively spreading around the world, it is very important to carry out preventive disinfection as often as possible. This applies not only to public places, but also to residential apartments, as well as the personal belongings of each person.

Dangerous microorganisms tend to accumulate on surfaces such as door handles, water taps, mobile phones and apartment keys. All objects that we come into contact with during the day should be thoroughly treated with antiseptics. It is especially important to do this after visiting crowded places, traveling on public transport, after shopping in a store, trying on clothes, etc.

Also, don't underestimate the importance of washing your hands regularly with antibacterial soap.

To clean your home, it is not at all necessary to buy expensive products labeled “professional”; a budget product called Belizna is perfect for this.

Professionals remind you that the chlorine present in Whiteness is quite toxic. Therefore, it is necessary to use protective gloves made of dense and sealed rubber, a construction respirator or a medical mask to protect the nose, mouth and eyes.

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