Lard in brine - 12 most delicious recipes to make it soft and melt in your mouth

Lard is a thick layer of fat found under the skin. Over many years, it can accumulate biologically active elements, fat-soluble vitamins and antioxidants. Lard also contains vitamins A, D and E, acids that help strengthen the immune system and protect against colds.

Many people buy a healthy product on the market, and connoisseurs salt lard in brine themselves at home. Only a personally salted delicacy will definitely melt in your mouth, as it is marinated with garlic slices, black pepper, dill and love.

Lard in brine in a jar for long-term storage - the most delicious recipe

If a person decides to bring to life the most delicious recipe for lard in brine, he must purchase a strip cut from the back of a pig. This is the most tender and soft part of the carcass, and meat lovers should pay attention to the pieces with layers of meat.

List of ingredients:

  • Lard – 1 kg;
  • water – 1,000 ml;
  • salt – 300 gr.;
  • bay leaf – 6 sheets;
  • allspice peas – 22-25 pieces;
  • coriander – 1 tbsp. l.;
  • dill - 1 umbrella with stem and herbs;
  • garlic minced or pressed - 2 tsp;
  • hot pepper - 2 pods, chopped.

Cooking method:

Take fresh lard, but if it was in the freezer, then defrost it at room temperature. Cut into pieces that can easily fit into the neck of the jar.

Sterilize the jars and lids while preparing the marinade. For this, add salt, prepared spices and herbs into hot (but not yet boiling) water.

When the marinade boils, garlic mass is added to it. Everything is thoroughly mixed and boiled for another 5 minutes. After this, the brine cools to a temperature of 50 degrees.

Place lard pieces tightly into prepared jars. Fill the containers with warm marinade so that it completely covers the meat product.

Close the jars with screw caps and place them underground for long-term storage. You can open it after 2 days and serve it, or store it for up to six months.

Salting lard in brine is a tasty dish that slowly melts in your mouth, so it’s worth preparing a lot of it at once. If the household can’t handle a few pieces, then they are perfectly stored in the freezer until the time when you want to eat them.

Storage without refrigeration

You can store fresh lard without refrigeration for a very short time. After just 6 hours it will start to deteriorate. But if the bacon is in paper, it can be kept warm for up to two days.

If the product is smoked, its shelf life in warm parchment paper will be 7 - 10 days. And suspended in a ventilated attic - 2 - 3 months, subject to temperature conditions.

How to cold salt lard in 1 liter of water

The recipe for salting lard in brine per liter of water is successful if you choose the right raw materials for it. An excellent snack is easily identified by its shade and consistency; it must be snow-white or soft pink. The product is distinguished by its uniformity, absence of loose areas, and sweet smell. If the ideal piece has been selected, then the lard will be tasty even when cooked.

To prepare you need to prepare:

  • lard from the back of a pig - 1,200 g;
  • water – 1 liter;
  • garlic – 3 cloves;
  • table salt – 4 tbsp. l. (with a slide);
  • bay leaf – 3-4;
  • dill seeds – 1-2 tbsp. l.;
  • black pepper – 7-8 peas;
  • allspice – 10-15 peas.

Cooking process:

  1. Pour water into an enamel pan and add salt. Add the spices and seasonings measured in advance and let the water boil.
  2. After the liquid has boiled for 3 minutes, it is left to cool completely. The garlic is cut into thin pieces, and a block of lard is cut into 4 parts.
  3. In each piece of lard, deep cuts are made with a sharp knife into which the garlic is stuck. The preparations are placed in a pan, sprinkled with the remaining garlic.
  4. The prepared product is poured with cold brine so that all the pieces are completely covered. Under a closed lid, pickle in the refrigerator for 3-4 days.

When the required time has passed, you need to remove the salted lard from the brine and dry it thoroughly with paper towels. You should put the pieces into bags and put them in the freezer for long-term storage.

General recommendations

Here are some rules that need to be followed:

  1. The maximum temperature should not exceed 5-7 C.
  2. The location must be hidden from ultraviolet radiation (direct sunlight).
  3. When storing lard in the cellar, ensure good air circulation and avoid high humidity.
  4. Long-term storage of bacon is possible only after its pre-processing (salting, smoking, rendering fat). You can keep it fresh for some time at a low temperature (refrigerator, freezer).
  5. You should not leave foods with a strong aroma nearby, as lard will absorb it. This will change its taste and smell.
  6. Before putting the bacon into the refrigerator, the piece must be thoroughly dried.

Solid animal fat can be stored in jars, plastic containers or wooden boxes. In the last 2 options, it is recommended to pre-wrap it with cling film or paper.

Marinated lard with garlic in hot brine

The recipe for marinating lard in brine is simple, since its execution requires virtually no effort from the cook. The longest time it will take to prepare the brine, which has to be cooled. You need to pay attention to the boiling marinade, into which you can put any spices, including more garlic.

List of ingredients:

  • 1 000 gr. lard;
  • 1 head of garlic;
  • 500 ml. water;
  • 2 tbsp. l. coarse table salt;
  • 3-4 bay leaves;
  • 10-12 black peppercorns;
  • 7-10 peas of allspice;
  • ½ tsp. coriander seeds.

Step-by-step preparation:

Wash the thin lard, peel the skin with a knife and cut into strips. Place the prepared pieces into a plastic container. Stick chopped garlic deep between the slices of the appetizer.

Place salt, pepper, bay leaf, coriander in cold water. Boil the brine for 3-5 minutes, stirring occasionally. Transfer the spices into a container with lard, and then carefully pour boiling brine over everything. When the water has cooled, the container with the future snack is placed in the refrigerator for ripening for 3 days.

This recipe is ideal for marinating pork belly. This part of the carcass can be sent to a container along with pieces of lard or cooked separately.

Recipe for salting lard in brine in onion skins

The most delicious recipe for lard in brine is different for each housewife, and ideally the end result should be a fragrant, tender, surprisingly tasty product. The highlight of the dish will be the addition of onion peels to the brine, which will add a piquant flavor and an interesting shade. The housewife can vary the amount of husk added to obtain a rich or subtle color.

We will need:

  • 500 gr. lard;
  • 15-20 gr. onion peels;
  • 1 liter of water;
  • 4 cloves of garlic;
  • 6-7 laurel leaves;
  • 2 tbsp. l. salt;
  • a mixture of ground peppers.


Pre-washed and dried husks are poured into boiling water. Add salt and bay leaf to the liquid.

Place lard, cut into thick bars, into boiling brine. Boil after boiling for 30-50 minutes, depending on the thickness of the workpieces.

Each cooled piece is generously sprinkled with a mixture of peppers on all sides. Then crushed garlic puree is rubbed on all sides.

Onion skins can be collected all year round, dried and stored until the day of preparation. Before placing this savory component in water with pieces of lard, you will have to thoroughly rinse it under running water and additionally scald it with boiling water.

The highlight of onion peels is that they give the finished product a smoky note, which can be enhanced by adding liquid smoke or pieces of prunes to the main components.


Regular table salt perfectly extracts excess moisture from meat; in addition, the storage of salted meat is facilitated by the fact that salt is an antibacterial substance. There are two main methods of salting meat - dry and wet salting. By rubbing the meat with salt and allowing it to absorb moisture, you will get a dry product. The process is quite simple - just mix the meat with salt in the right proportions, but various herbs and spices are often used to give the meat a pleasant taste. With wet salting, meat is salted in brine. To make this meat tastier, you can add brown sugar or honey to the brine. Another traditional process called biltong involves marinating meat in vinegar before salting and drying.

As a rule, corned beef sold in stores contains certain additives that improve the taste and appearance of the finished product - but if you make corned beef yourself, you can easily get by by salting the meat with pure salt without any additives. Of course, you can buy a special curing salt that contains about 6 percent sodium nitrite, a chemical that provides some protection against botulism - but if you exceed the recommended dosage, it will not end well for you. The recommended amount of salt for preparing brine is 30 grams per liter of water.

Soft lard in brine with vinegar and onions - just melts in your mouth

The most delicious lard is obtained in brine with the addition of finely chopped onions and vinegar. A delicate and at the same time savory appetizer will not sit on the table for long, and it is easy to prepare. For pickling, use only simple products that are available in every refrigerator.


  • thin lard – 1.2 kg;
  • 2 large onions;
  • paprika;
  • black pepper;
  • 3 tbsp. l. seasonings for meat;
  • 4 tbsp. l. vinegar.


Cut the lard into thin strips, about a centimeter wide.

Chop the onion into thick half rings or quarters.

Mix lard with onions, sprinkle with meat seasoning. Add the rest of the spices and plain or apple cider vinegar.

Mix everything thoroughly and transfer it to a jar, compacting the mass well. Cover with a lid and place in the refrigerator for several hours.

The peculiarity of this method of preparing this dish is the addition of vinegar to it, which gives it interesting notes. If the lard is cut into small pieces, you can try it after a couple of hours. It will take about 24 hours to marinate large slices, stirring the mass periodically.

How to prepare salted lard for storage

The first rule is to make sure the quality of the pickling. Good fat with a thin skin without bristles. There are no blood stains on it, and the meat layer is brown.


  • white or white-pink color;
  • thickness not less than 6 cm;
  • when pressed with a finger, a dent remains;
  • the skin is easily separated from the pulp with a fork;
  • the curing mixture is distributed evenly.


  • yellowness, gray spots;
  • rancid smell and taste;
  • loose or dried, dense pulp;
  • there is little or no salt on the surface.

Large layers are divided into bars 5-15 cm wide, sprinkled with salt on the sides. The chopped parts are packed in thick paper, bags, film, packed in jars or filled with brine.

Which lard do you like best?

With layers Without meat

You should not put away for long-term storage weathered slices left on the table for more than 5 hours. They are used to prepare boiled bacon or smoke it with liquid smoke.

The duration of storage depends on the amount of curing mixture. Lard, like salted fish, cannot be over-salted. It will not absorb more preservative than necessary. The mixture is added to the lightly salted product and kept in the refrigerator for 2-3 days.

How to deliciously salt lard in brine so that it is juicy and soft

There are several methods for preparing natural lard to achieve maximum juiciness and softness. The meat product, cut into slices after being kept in brine, can be served on the table after a few hours or days.

List of components:

  • 1 liter of water;
  • coarse rock salt – 1 tbsp. (faceted);
  • brisket – 1500 grams;
  • laurel – 2 leaves;
  • pepper - a few peas.

Cooking process:

Pour water into an enamel container and place salt in it. Place bay leaf and peppercorns into the future brine.

Place the marinade on the fire and boil, stirring occasionally. Place large pieces of thick lard into the liquid. In brine, thick slices are salted for 3 days under pressure in the refrigerator.

For such pickling, it would be ideal to use glass containers and avoid plastic. No one forbids storing the resulting delicacy in plastic containers in the freezer, but only for a short time. After three days, the pieces can be coated with a mixture of garlic, paprika and allspice passed through a press for flavor.

How to choose the right one

Factors you need to pay attention to in order to choose a product that is truly tasty and aromatic:

  1. The best quality product is found in the back of the animal and on the sides. However, despite the fact that belly fat is considered to be of worse quality, many people prefer it because of its meat layers.
  2. The color of a good fresh product is white, light pink or light yellow.
  3. The surface of the skin should be smooth, even and thin. A thick skin is a sign that after cooking, the salted or smoked product will become tough.
  4. The consistency of good lard is elastic and dense.
  5. Lard obtained from a boar smells like urea, while lard from an old pig smells tough. The product from young female animals is preferable.

When purchasing at the market, it is important to make sure that the lard has been checked by sanitary services and has the appropriate stamp and documents permitting sale.

Five-minute lard in brine - the perfect snack for all occasions

Lard prepared according to a similar recipe will turn out piquant, tasty, and tender. This appetizer is ideal if guests are already on the doorstep and you want to surprise them with something new in 5 minutes. You can salt not only lard in this way, but also a piece of meat on the bone, roll it into jars for future use or eat it right away.

For the perfect snack, let's take:

  • brisket – 2 kg;
  • water – 2 l.;
  • rock salt - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • bay leaf – 6 pcs.;
  • ground allspice – 1 tsp;
  • black pepper – 30 peas;
  • curry – 1 tsp;
  • hops-suneli – 1 tsp;
  • garlic – 2 small heads.


Wash the breastbone, scrape it with the blunt side of a knife and cut into small slices. Pour salt into the water, scooping it up a little at a time. Add peppers and bay leaves to the salted liquid.

Put lard into the marinade, cover the pan with a lid and let it boil. Periodically you need to remove the formed foam so that the brine does not become cloudy.

Press down in the pan with an iron plate so that it does not float. Boil for at least 15-20 minutes until slightly soft. Turn off the heat, take out the plate and add chopped garlic and remaining seasonings into the marinade for flavor. Place the finished delicacy in a cold place for at least an hour and a maximum of 12.

The most delicious pickling recipe allows you to prepare an amazing snack in 5 minutes. You can store it in the refrigerator or enjoy the soft skin and tender flesh the same evening. The finished product is sprinkled with red or black pepper and dried dill.

How to pickle lard in brine at home, tasty and quick

A very tasty appetizer, which will not be difficult to prepare if you purchase lard with a thick meat slit. It is best to serve it on the table by cutting it into the thinnest slices, adding pickled cucumber and a piece of black bread.


  • thick layer of lard - 1400 g;
  • water – 1 l.;
  • allspice – 6 peas;
  • black pepper – 20 pieces;
  • laurel – 3 leaves;
  • salt – 3 tbsp. l.;
  • garlic – 1-2 heads.


Wash the lard in warm water and carefully remove dirt using a scraper. Add both types of peppers and bay leaves into the water.

Be sure to accurately calculate the amount of salt, pour it into the marinade and stir. Check the saltiness by placing a chicken egg in it, which should float to the surface. Boil for 10 minutes, let the mixture cool to room temperature.

Cut the lard into small slices of any shape. Cut the garlic cloves into 4 parts. Place the meat product in glass jars, into which the spices from the brine have already been transferred, liberally sprinkling the strips with garlic. It is convenient to compact using a rolling pin for rolling out dough. Sprinkle the remaining garlic on top of the product.

Carefully pour the cooled brine into the jar. Stir the entire mixture to expel any air bubbles and cover the container with a plastic lid. The lard is salted in a warm place for 4 days, and then placed in the refrigerator for 6 days.

After the lard is ready, you need to remove it from the brine, wipe it with a napkin and place it in the freezer for storage. It will not be possible to store the product for a long time, since it is surprisingly tasty.

Proper storage of hot smoked bacon

At temperatures up to +5, such lard can be stored for a short time, up to five days.

  • But the housewives managed to extend the life of this type of bacon.
  • If you soak a cotton cloth in a strong solution of salt and water and wrap it around it.
  • Next, you need to wrap the lard in paper and put it in the refrigerator.
  • Thanks to this simple action, the shelf life of lard increases to 21 days.
  • At high sub-zero temperatures in the freezer, the shelf life is up to one year.
  • To store it in the freezer, just wrap it in several layers of cling film.

To prepare such lard, it is smoked with hot smoke for up to one hour at temperatures up to 100 degrees. ·

Salt lard in brine with garlic and spices in a jar

It’s quite easy to prepare lard in brine in a jar yourself, and it flies off the plates in the blink of an eye. The raw material is salted in a jar in about 4 days, but it tastes best after a week. Some chefs strongly advise keeping the lard in brine with garlic for at least 14 days to get the perfect taste.

Products for cooking:

  • fresh;
  • water – 2000 gr.;
  • salt – 260 gr.;
  • freshly ground allspice – 1/2 tsp;
  • bay leaf – 4 pieces;
  • hot red pepper – 1\2 tsp;
  • mixture of peppers – 1\2 tsp;
  • garlic – 7-8 cloves.

Cooking method:

Mix salt with warm water using a tablespoon until the spice is completely dissolved. Add pepper, leaves and garlic pressed through a garlic press to the future marinade.

Add hot red pepper and a mixture of several ground peppers to the mixture. Place pieces of lard into the warm marinade, dipping them into it on all sides. The meat product should lie close to each other so that it does not float.

Cover the container with lard with a plate. Place the pan in a cold place for about a week. You can transfer it to a glass jar and leave it to mature in it.

It is recommended to eat lard immediately or store it in a cool place for no more than 6 months. The product is perfectly stored in hermetically sealed and pre-sterilized jars. To avoid contracting botulism, you should place the snack in the refrigerator immediately after opening the lid on the jar.

Lard in brine for the winter in jars with an iron lid

Lard in brine with garlic in a jar is a great appetizer for any holiday. In order not to fuss on a holiday, you can easily prepare it for future use. For the safety of guests and household members, it is necessary to thoroughly wash the jars, ensuring their sterility.

List of ingredients:

  • 2 liters of water;
  • 300-400 gr. coarse salt;
  • 4 kg. lard;
  • 6 cloves of garlic;
  • 6 bay leaves;
  • 12-15 peppercorns.


More salt is added to the water for summer or less if the weather is cold. Stir until the liquid comes to a boil.

Cut lard with abundant layers of meat into pieces, the height of which is no more than the height of a liter glass jar. Place loosely in containers, adding whole garlic cloves, bay leaves, and pepper.

Fill each jar with boiling brine, and pour in the liquid gradually so that it does not crack. Cover with tin lids and place in a large saucepan filled with water. There should be just enough liquid to cover the jars up to half the height.

After the water boils in the pan, the sterilization process takes about 2 hours over low heat. Remove the jars from the boiling water, wipe and roll up. Turn upside down and leave to cool.

Lard in brine, sealed with iron lids, is intended for long-term storage of the product. This simple recipe allows you to enjoy bacon with or without layers of meat at any time of the year.

A private house

In a private home, other storage options are possible. In a cellar, icebox, or attic you can store impressive reserves of salted lard for a whole year. This is done like this:

  1. Take a wooden box with holes in it and line the bottom with parchment or other dark colored paper.
  2. Place a layer of lard, sprinkle it thickly with coarse salt, rye chaff or sawdust.
  3. Lay the next layers, pouring them in the same way.
  4. The last one should be the “loose” layer.
  5. Cover the box with parchment and place the weight on top. All. You can rest easy for a year.

The storage place must be dark and cold. When exposed to light, the product quickly turns yellow and acquires a rancid taste.

If you choose an attic for storage, prepare paper or natural fabric bags in which you need to hang large pieces on special hooks. This method is best for storing cold-smoked lard. It keeps well for a year, but we are sure it won’t sag that long because the product is eaten much earlier. It is better to eat a hot smoked product faster, although it has the same shelf life.

How to salt lard in brine with garlic and dill - it will be soft and juicy

Some people like pieces of lard flavored with spices or aromatic herbs. The fact is that the appetizer with dill acquires piquant notes and emphasizes the natural taste of the appetizer. This meat product helps keep the human body in good shape in chilly, damp and frosty weather. If the snack is intended for a festive or everyday table, it is not necessary to roll it into jars.

Product composition:

  • 1600 gr. lard;
  • 150 gr. non-iodized salt;
  • 1500 ml. clean water;
  • 4 -5 pieces of bay leaf;
  • 10 peppercorns;
  • a pinch of ground allspice;
  • 5-6 cloves of garlic;
  • 1 small bunch of dill.

Cooking method:

Before salting lard in brine, be sure to read the entire recipe, checking the presence of components in the refrigerator. Wash the piece of lard under running water and cut off the bristles with a razor.

Cut the large block into smaller ones. Be sure to place it in a jar and fill it with water to understand exactly how much it will be needed.

Pour salt into the resulting volume of water and dilute it until completely dissolved. Pour the resulting marinade into a jar, close with a plastic lid and place in a cold place for 5 days.

Drain the brine completely from the jar, add fresh brine, adding bay leaf and pepper. Refrigerate for 16 days.

After the lard is ready, it is taken out of the jar. Chop a bunch of dill as finely as possible. Using a garlic press, squeeze a few cloves of hot garlic and ground black pepper into the greens. Mix everything and spread on a piece of appetizer.

Before you pickle lard in brine according to this recipe, you need to understand that it is not too salty. If the consumer prefers unsalted and natural dishes, he will certainly appreciate this snack option.

Save on the go without a refrigerator

It happens that you need to preserve a product without a refrigerator, and even on the road. And someone, bypassing the prohibitions of postal services, sends the delicacy to another city using forwarding. How to preserve the product in such cases?

Here are a few important and not complicated rules:

  • Never send or transport fresh unsalted lard on your own in hot weather. It will spoil as soon as the sun comes up. Fresh lard is a very capricious and delicate product.
  • Salted lard can survive such a journey only if it is not placed in a plastic packaging bag. You should also not wrap the product in cling film to avoid an unpleasant odor. Lard will “suffocate” in such airtight packaging. It is better to wrap each block in special food paper (parchment) in several layers.
  • It's good if you have a cooler bag. These bags can keep the cold at bay for some time. Provided that the product has been refrigerated, or even better, frozen earlier. You will have approximately five hours of safe transportation of the product if you use this bag.
  • Long-term transportation for salted and smoked lard must begin with careful and reliable freezing of the product. After the lard freezes, it must be wrapped in several layers of parchment paper. If such paper is not available, then ordinary newspapers will perfectly perform this function. The thicker the layers of wrapped newspaper, the longer the time during which the lard will not melt and spoil. Newspapers and parchment are excellent at keeping temperatures low. Hence the good preservation.
  • If you have a long trip ahead, then salted and smoked lard can be rolled into a steamed jar. This way the pieces will be well preserved and pathogenic microorganisms will not gain access to them. This method of preserving lard in transit does not affect the quality of the product's taste after uncorking.

Using these simple rules, you can preserve the taste of your favorite product for a long time.

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