How to wash and dry a mattress at home

Urine stains on a mattress are difficult to remove. It’s not enough to just get rid of stains; you also need to remove the persistent smell.

You won’t be able to solve the problem with water alone, and some products cannot be wetted at all.

Read the article about how to quickly and effectively wash a mattress from urine at home without ruining it.

Foam rubber

Pillows and foam mattresses accumulate dust, body oils and sweat, which eventually become a home for various microorganisms, such as itching, which can cause allergies. Take away their food and these microorganisms will disappear. TECHNIQUE OF EXECUTION. There are different types of foam, some are washable and some are not. Before cleaning the foam for the first time, be sure to read the instructions for use. If your foam product is one of a kind, remove dust, itchiness and runoff using a vacuum cleaner fitted with a special attachment, such as a soft brush. When it comes to washing one piece of foam, you usually need to soak it in cold water first. If the foam is greasy and saturated with sweat, treat it with Biz or a liquid detergent containing enzymes (or a paste of granular detergent and water) before soaking. Look for enzymes in the list of detergent ingredients. Next, fill your sink, bathtub, or basin with hot water and pour in some dishwashing liquid until it forms a rich lather.

Wash out the foam by pressing it, then releasing it and pressing again. Rinse in clean water in the same way. Change the rinse water several times until all the detergent is rinsed out of the foam. To dry the foam, gently squeeze out as much water as possible, pat dry with clean towels, and let dry in the sun or indoors at room temperature. “It can take a long time for foam to dry,” says Rajeev Jain, laboratory director at the Home Restoration Association's National Institute for Disaster Recovery in Annapolis, Maryland. "But foam usually has an extensive network of capillaries, so the water eventually evaporates." If your pillows have a lot of small pieces of foam, never remove them from the cover. Firstly, they are difficult to handle, and secondly, they are easy to spoil. You can wash these pillows in the washing machine. When doing this, use cold water to avoid damaging the synthetic putty. Dry the pillow in the dryer on low heat or by placing it on a lawn chair in the sun. TIPS THAT GO. Use an electric hair dryer to speed up the drying process. ATTENTION! Never treat foam plastics with solvents and never dry them on a hot radiator. This may damage the foam.

When purchasing a sofa, chair or any other product containing foam, you should know the basic recommendations for its use. If the foam gets wet, its physical and mechanical properties change. Therefore, wet foam should not be stressed, crushed or otherwise deformed. First you need to dry it and only then use it. Manufacturers do not recommend washing foam products, as they take quite a long time to dry. Hand or machine washing is possible only in case of heavy soiling that cannot be removed in any other way. But it’s better to try cleaning the foam using another method. An ineffective option for cleaning foam is elimination. In this case, the powder does not leave the foam cells, and the product itself is deformed and destroyed. The most effective way to clean a dusty foam product is to vacuum it up. An alcohol solution can permanently damage the foam. It is strictly forbidden to clean furniture and other items containing foam rubber with alcohol solutions, as this will destroy the foam rubber. This should be kept in mind before treating, for example, a stain on a sofa with an alcohol-based stain remover. The solution applied to the sofa cover will penetrate the foam layer, destroying it in the process. By definition, foam rubber can withstand temperatures from -15 ° C to + 100 ° C.

However, it is not recommended to allow increased thermal effects on foam rubber, since this also has a detrimental effect on it. Do not place foam products near open flames or hot objects.

Method No. Potassium permanganate

  • To effectively eliminate urine odor and stains, ordinary potassium permanganate is used. Prepare the solution so that the liquid has a soft pinkish tint. As a rule, about 2-3 crystals are required.
  • Put on gloves, prepare a piece of terry cloth, soak it in the solution, and squeeze it out a little. Apply to the contaminated area and cover with cling film.
  • Remove the rag after half an hour, rinse with water and dip it again in the manganese solution. Do the same steps 1-2 more times until you achieve the desired effect.
  • After all manipulations, dry the sofa naturally or use household appliances (hair dryer, heating radiators, etc.).
  • When choosing a hair dryer, keep the device at a distance of 20-30 cm, and turn off the device every 7 minutes, otherwise it may burn out.

How does someone dry seats after drowning?

You should also not iron foam rubber or products made from it. However, some applications simply require foam that will be exposed to high temperatures. In this case, heat-resistant polyurethane foam is used, which contains special components that give it the necessary properties. This foam can be used, for example, in ironing boards for processing fabrics on which embroidery, rhinestones, buttons and other embossed decorations are applied. One of the main factors in the deterioration of foam quality is transport. During transportation, foam rubber is often compressed, reducing its volume by 4-6 times. When unpacking the foam, its quality characteristics are irreversibly reduced, in particular, its rigidity is significantly reduced. And the lower the quality of the foam rubber was initially, the more its subsequent condition will deteriorate after transportation. Depending on the quality characteristics of foam rubber, its service life varies significantly. The main criterion in this case is the density of the foam rubber. However, the maximum permissible shelf life of foam plastics is 15 years. Harmful and aggressive environmental influences can reduce operating time. In particular, high humidity, temperature changes and high air temperatures have a particularly strong effect on the service life of foam rubber.

Other mattress problems

Blood stains

A fresh stain is removed with a terry towel soaked in ice water.

Carefully! Hot water cannot be used, as it promotes deeper penetration of blood into the tissue fibers.

It is difficult to remove an old stain, but it is possible with the help of:

  1. Ammonia. Moisten the stained area with the solution, and after 10–15 minutes wipe with a dry, thick cloth.
  2. Saline solution. Dissolve 50–60 g of table salt in 250 ml of warm water, place the mixture in the refrigerator for an hour, then spray the contaminated area.

Stains from coffee, tea, red wine

  1. Dilute citric acid with water.
  2. Treat the stain with the resulting solution.
  3. After 10 minutes, wipe with a damp cloth.

Cigarette smell

To remove the corrosive irritating smell of cigarettes from a mattress, generously sprinkle it with baking soda and vacuum it after a day.


In cases of significant mold damage, traditional methods are powerless, and chemical methods rarely work. Therefore, it is better not to risk your health, but to buy a new mattress.

You can try to remove small stains with ammonia diluted in water (1:1) or a solution of chlorine bleach (cap per 1 liter of water).


You can deal with parasites in one of 4 ways:

  1. Expose the mattress to severe frost.
  2. Treat with boiling water.
  3. Contact a service that specializes in pest control.
  4. Choose a strong chemical.

Chewing gum

When frozen, chewing gum is easier to remove from any fabric. All methods are based on this.

  • In winter, take the mattress out into the cold.
  • Cover the gum with a plastic bag and place a few ice cubes on top.
  • Use a special cooling aerosol (Gumex, Sapfire, Rapido, etc.).

Lipstick marks

Since most lipsticks contain acids and fats, stains from them are considered difficult to remove.

  • If the mattress is light in color and the stain is fresh. Apply a thick layer of toothpaste to the stain, leave for half an hour and rinse. For maximum effect, 3-4 treatments may be needed.
  • To remove old dirt, make a thick mixture of the juice of one lemon and a handful of soda. Leave it on the lipstick stain until it dries completely. Remove excess with a soft toothbrush.

Is it possible to wash foam rubber well?

Having set such a task, each of us will definitely be faced with the question of how to properly wash foam rubber. And here the Internet community, as always, will be generous with specific advice and recommendations, the most popular of which sound like this:

  • “Pour water into the bath, pour three powders into glasses and, placing the sofa cushions, jump on them”;
  • “Use the inflatable pool as a container to wash your mattress.”

However, let's move on to official information, namely: GOST standards.

How to quickly dry foam rubber?

The very first lines of the documents say that the service life of furniture products directly depends on the condition and accuracy of its operation. Yes, it's no secret: everyone knows that respect for everything prolongs life. The officially recommended temperature regime for the comfortable use of sofas, beds, armchairs and mattresses is limited in the corridor to + 10-25 ° C, and the relative humidity of the environment should not exceed 70%. Also, upholstered furniture should not be placed near heating system radiators. Thus, it becomes clear that excessive moisture can damage both the frame material and the upholstery, as well as the filler, which is often made of polyurethane foam.

What do experts recommend as methods for cleaning and caring for upholstered furniture and its fillings?

It turns out that washing foam rubber and upholstery fabric is not only undesirable, but also prohibited. When wet, the foam loses its elastic properties and so-called reverse density. Any wet deformation is bad for the foam, not to mention stress. The porous structure allows you to quickly lose excess moisture, but still the complete drying process of foam rubber takes a lot of time and can only be natural. It is forbidden to heat the material with electrical appliances (fans, hair dryers, stoves).

To remove accumulated dirt and dust from polyurethane foam products, you need to use a vacuum cleaner, and most importantly, dry cleaning. Light stains can be removed with a soap solution and a brush, but do not overdo it with water.

Summarizing the above, we understand that the best way to wash foam products is to be careful and dry clean as necessary. For small children's toys, washing in a washing machine with a very strong spin cycle is also suitable. If you're wondering whether you can wash a sofa that's running out of supplies, you should consider replacing the old filling with new ones. It is very inexpensive and will cause much less hassle than washing foam. Most of this stuff is enjoyable at best.

Everything, even little used, will still become dirty over time. Therefore, sooner or later, every housewife has a question about washing it. However, each of us knows that not all products can be washed.

... If an item is filled, you need to know its properties in order to be sure that the item will not deteriorate upon contact with water. Is it possible to wash foam rubber and how to do it correctly? Let’s look at the main points.

Useful tips

A few additional tips will help remove liquids and stains from the surface of the sofa.

  • To provide a piece of furniture with additional protection, you should use covers . Most modern manufacturers include such products in a set with a sofa and armchairs. If there are none, you can purchase them at any furniture store.
  • When purchasing professional care products, special attention must be paid to the composition. The presence of strong chemicals can cause a strong odor and trigger an allergic attack .
  • If the stain is caused by liquid spilled from a watercolor cup, you can remove it with table salt . A tablespoon is dissolved in a liter of water, and the resulting mixture is applied to the stain. Leave for an hour, then rinse.
  • sprayed from a spray bottle directly onto the trim will help remove the pungent odor Residues must be removed with cold water.

A sofa is a necessary piece of furniture in any home. It helps you pass your free time comfortably. A situation where any liquid is accidentally spilled on furniture will be a real disappointment for every owner. A few simple steps and following the necessary recommendations will help you easily get rid of stains and return your favorite furniture to an attractive appearance.

Is it possible to wash things on foam rubber?

Experts do not recommend washing foam products. This belief is confirmed by the properties of foam rubber, the main one of which is its feature: a porous structure, thanks to which the volume and softness of the product is achieved. However, this same property makes the material very fragile.

Note. Foam is a soft polyurethane foam that is 90% air.

Water, entering the cavity of the foam rubber, absorbs all its qualities: the foam rubber is deformed and elasticity is lost. Therefore, in order to clean a foam item and at the same time preserve all the characteristics of the material, it is better, of course, to send the product to dry cleaning, where the stains will be carefully removed without any damage. But not everyone can deliver, for example, a huge mattress to the place where such cleaning is carried out. Therefore, if it is really necessary (after all, you need to somehow get rid of dirt), the foam rubber can be washed at home, but you need to act very carefully.

Fact: It is very easy to clean foam from dust and grease by hand. However, foam rubber is a fragile material and therefore requires careful handling.

Removing unpleasant odors

You removed the stains, but the smells (urine, glue) are in no hurry to go away. But it's easy to get rid of them.


Baking soda perfectly removes even the most persistent cigarette odors. True, the whole procedure will take several days, but it’s worth it:

  1. Spray the mattress generously with baking soda. Process only the top and sides.
  2. Leave it like this until the morning.
  3. The next day I vacuumed.
  4. Turn the mattress over and spray the underside with baking soda. Don't touch it again until the morning.
  5. Then it was vacuumed again.

All! The smell of cigarettes is gone. It's time to go get a new pack...


Vinegar not only perfectly removes soil stains, it also does a great job of eliminating almost any odors. And at the same time it does not leave any traces behind! Do this:

  1. First, the mattress was vacuumed.
  2. Now treat its surface with vinegar (use a spray bottle). Don't worry about your mattress - vinegar evaporates easily and quickly, and mold won't grow because of it.
  3. After a few minutes, thoroughly wipe the vinegar-covered areas.
  4. Let the mattress dry. If possible, dry it outdoors.


Sunlight also eliminates odors, and very quickly too. Keep the mattress in the sun for one day and the job will be done. And be calm about the colors - in such a short time the fabric will not have time to fade even in the most intense heat.

A comfortable and clean mattress is very important for sleep. But you can’t do without good bed linen either. Read how to choose material for it.

Basic requirements when washing foam rubber:

  • observe the temperature regime: washing water should not exceed 40 degrees Celsius;
  • crush, squeeze, fold material;
  • to get rid of excess moisture from the product, you need to lightly press the object with your palms or let the water drain on its own;
  • follow washing instructions on label.

The optimal foam cleaner should be easy to rinse, low foaming, and effective. Suitable for these purposes:

  • baby detergent;
  • liquid soap;
  • laundry soap;
  • dish gel.


Soap is one of the most effective cleaning agents for this synthetic material. The product must be applied to well-impregnated material. It is not necessary to rub the surface heavily with soap - it is enough to apply the foam composition with your hands and light massage movements. After application, the soap concentrate is left for 10-15 minutes so that it saturates the item well, after which it is washed with water.

Washing powder

If you are using powder, it is better to make the foam in a separate container rather than sprinkle the foam with powder. This cleanser is very foamy and makes it difficult to rinse off. Therefore, first dissolve the powder in water and rub all contaminated areas with foam. Then rinse thoroughly in the shower.

Tip: Be sure to dry the product well after washing so that pathogenic microflora do not multiply inside the foam.

Dishwashing gel

Any dishwashing detergent should be diluted with water and gently wiped with a sponge or brush over contaminated areas. After removing dirt, the areas are thoroughly washed with water.

What to do if the stain has already dried

It happens that the contamination has time to dry. In this case, it is more difficult to deal with the smell, but there is still a way out.

  1. Initially, you should moisten the stain. Under no circumstances should large quantities of water be used. You just need to slightly reduce the concentration of urine and moisten the dried contamination.
  2. To eliminate unpleasant odors, it is recommended to use table vinegar. It helps neutralize uric acid. In order not to apply excess moisture, it is better to use a spray bottle. After applying the vinegar solution (diluted with water in a ratio of 1:3), place paper napkins on the damp area. Change wipes as they become wet. If the treatment was carried out using a sponge, baking soda will help remove excess moisture. It neutralizes the smell of vinegar solution. Sprinkle baking soda on the stain and leave for 15-20 minutes. Remove the remains with a vacuum cleaner.
  3. Another way to eliminate stains and unpleasant odors is hydrogen peroxide. The dirt is slightly moistened with water, baking soda is applied and treated with a peroxide solution with a sponge or spray bottle.
  4. To prepare the solution, 100 g of peroxide is dissolved in 200 ml of water. Soda with peroxide will give a chemical reaction, as a result of which abundant foam appears. When baking soda and peroxide interact, oxygen is released abundantly, which discolors stains. And peroxide destroys bacteria contained in urine. Leave the foam on the problem area for at least 2 hours. Remains of soda are removed with a vacuum cleaner.
  5. Borax cleanses dirt from urine perfectly. To cleanse, you need to mix borax with water and bring it to a creamy state. Apply the prepared mixture to the contaminated area, rubbing lightly. Leave for at least 10 minutes. Remains of the product are removed with a napkin or vacuum cleaner. This product works well in the fight against unpleasant odors.
  6. If the methods described above do not help, then you can use an ammonia solution. Mix 0.5 cups of hydrogen peroxide, 0.5 cups of ammonia and 2 cups of warm water in a container.
  7. Use a sponge soaked in the solution to treat the area of ​​contamination. After treatment, the area should be thoroughly rinsed with clean water and blotted with napkins or a dry cloth. This procedure must be carried out with rubber gloves. If none of the above methods remove stains or urine odor, professional dry cleaning is your last option.

Thanks to specialized products and equipment, cleaning components penetrate the inner layers of the mattress and destroy dirt. Most often, dry cleaning is carried out at home, and you can use the mattress after 5-10 hours. As a rule, if a professional works, he will treat the entire mattress, and not just the stained area, so that there will be no color differences on the upholstery in the future.

What is the best way to wash foam rubber: by hand or in a machine?

The foam can be successfully washed both in a washing machine and by hand. How to choose the right method? It's simple: whatever you put in the washing machine, wash it. Hand wash bulky items, washing only soiled areas.

Tip: The main criterion for the machine is that the foam rubber does not wrinkle too much, as this can lead to deformation of the product during washing. Children's toys, pillows, and decorative elements filled with foam rubber are suitable for the car. But mattresses and sofa covers are best washed by hand.

Hand washing rules:

  • foam rubber is laid out on a horizontal surface;
  • the product is well wetted with water and begins to “cheat” with your hands, as if kneading dough;

Tip: before washing, mix the product well: a large amount of powder will come out, which will not have to be washed again.

  • After the foam is sufficiently wet, a cleaner is applied to the surface and wiped with a sponge or brush. It is better to use soap or gel - they wash off faster. You can also use dishwashing detergent or regular laundry soap;

  • when the foam covers the entire surface of the foam, leave it for half an hour for the product to start working;
  • After thorough rinsing, gently wring out the item without twisting it;

Note: Never twist a piece of foam. This deforms and tears it apart. Only a slight rotation is suitable for foam.

  • After washing, let the water drain completely.

Machine washable:

  • foam rubber is inserted into the machine;
  • instead of powder, use liquid soap or gel;
  • washing is carried out in delicate mode at a temperature of 30-40 degrees;
  • rotation is set to 600 or 800 rpm;
  • rinse the foam several times;
  • It is impossible to dry the foam in the machine.

How to dry foam rubber after washing

The main problem when washing foam rubber is the final part of washing this material. Since foam rubber does not curl, it is better to leave it on a flat surface so that the water itself is glassy and the item dries gradually. In this case, it is necessary to dry the completely straightened foam rubber, since after drying its shape will remain the same as when drying.

To allow most of the water to drain out of the foam's pores more quickly, leave the item in the bathtub or sink after rinsing. When its mass noticeably brightens, the foam can be spread out in a warm, well-ventilated place. During drying, it is necessary to regularly turn the product over from different sides so that over time all parts are freed from moisture.

Important! Never allow foam to dry near a battery or in direct sunlight.

Multiple cavities inside the foam allow water to be quickly removed. However, the drying process takes a long time.

To summarize, it must be said that with each new wash, the foam will lose its properties. In any case, no matter how gentle the wash, the item will lose its previous shape and will no longer be as elastic. Therefore, it is best to vacuum or dry polyurethane foam products. Remove minor stains with a soap solution, which is applied only to the stain, and do not soak the item completely. This way the foam will look presentable for as long as possible.

Method No. Hydrogen peroxide

  • The technique is designed for cleaning sofas whose upholstery is beige or white. Purchase a solution of chlorhexidine or peroxide at a concentration of about 3-6% at the pharmacy.
  • Dilute 100 ml. means in 2.7 l. purified water, stir. If the urine stain is fresh, blot it with dry towels or napkins.
  • Soak a soft cloth or foam sponge in the solution and treat the stained area. Cover with cling film and leave for 5 minutes.
  • After this period, rinse off the peroxide with water and vacuum the upholstery. Open all the windows in the room to help the sofa dry out faster. You can use a hair dryer or install a heater near the furniture.
  • If necessary, cleansing with peroxide is repeated several times. An alternative is a solution consisting of vinegar essence (65%) and water mixed in a ratio of 1:10. After the procedure, dry the furniture thoroughly to prevent the formation of mold.

How to wash bra foam

Even washing such a delicate item as a bra requires some knowledge. The main function of the bodice is to support the breasts. The overall appearance of a woman depends on the shape of her bust. And it will be a pity if after washing it loses its shape and becomes unusable. To prevent this from happening, a bra with foam inserts (which give the breasts a spectacular look) should be washed at a temperature no higher than 40 degrees in a gentle cycle.

Do not fill the washing machine with other items - the weight of too much clothing may cause your bra to lose its shape.

Help: 30-40 degrees - this temperature is the most beneficial from an environmental point of view.

Among detergents, it is better to give preference to liquid powder or liquid soap. Such products dissolve better in water and are washed out of laundry. In addition, gels wash away dirt much better than powders.

When choosing hand washing, you should keep in mind that during the procedure the bra should not be twisted, squeezed or wrinkled too much. It is enough to rinse the laundry lightly so that the foam does not deform.

After washing, lay the bodice on a flat surface and wait to dry completely.

Tip: Do not dry your cordless bra, in the washing machine or in direct sunlight.

Method No. Store products

Experts have developed effective commercial products that can easily remove dirt and remove persistent odors.

  • If traces of urine have been bothering you for quite a long time (old pollution), use a product called Dufta Fresh. The main feature of the product is that its composition is completely safe. The product is suitable for coatings of any kind, be it carpet or upholstery of upholstered furniture. In addition, the composition has a pleasant smell that lasts for a long time.
  • To use the drug correctly, carry out a preliminary test on an area inconspicuous to the eye. Wait a quarter of an hour, rinse with water and evaluate the result. If the fabric has not lost color, feel free to use the spray on the contaminated area. Follow the manufacturer's instructions, read the "Important" section. on the back of the bottle.
  • To enhance the effect of the manipulations, cover the bed with a piece of polyethylene. As a rule, the product needs to be left on the fabric for about two hours. Only after the allotted time has passed, it is necessary to wash off the composition and evaluate the result. Always dry your sofa after cleaning.
  • An alternative to “Dufta Fresh” are the drugs “Odor Gon”, “LoC” from Amway, “Eared Nanny”. Make sure that the composition does not contain chlorine or other aggressive substances.


How to wash a foam pillow

A lot of dust accumulates in foam cushions. If you don't get rid of it, it can harm your health. Therefore, be that as it may, foam pillows should be washed. Most often this is done using a machine and powder.

Tip: for washing it is better to use liquid soap, which does not form a lot of foam and is washed off faster.

Like all polyurethane foam products, pillows must be washed at 40 degrees. And although foam rubber is a durable material, if you start washing at a higher temperature, the pillow will most likely immediately lose its shape and elasticity. It will no longer be possible to use such a thing in everyday life.

It is better to set the machine to delicate mode. Since excess foam may not disappear with normal rinsing, you should take extra care to rinse. The number of revolutions during rotation is small. Only 600 or 800, no more. You cannot dry foam rubber in a machine, as it will lose its shape. After washing, place the pillow on a towel on the floor and let it dry completely.

If you have a small pillow, you can wash it by hand. To do this, pour hot water diluted with liquid detergent into a large container. The pillow is washed by wringing it out with your hands until all the dirt is cleared. To avoid damaging its shape, do not crush the pillow or keep it in water for too long. After washing, let the product dry naturally.

Foam-filled products, like everything else, also get dirty over time. Moreover, owners often do not know whether foam rubber can be washed and how to do it. What about bulky items like a mattress that also need to be dried? The problem is really simple. The material can be cleaned without damaging it if you know some nuances and follow the instructions.

Caring for these items at home will cost less than dry cleaning services, and is quite affordable for any housewife. You just need to know how to wash foam rubber correctly, according to the rules. We will tell you all the features and secrets of this process later in our article.

Removing mold

No matter how hard you try, mattresses still gradually gain moisture and slowly begin to mold. But mold is not immortal - it dies in bleach:

  1. Soak the mattress in a bleach solution. Do this in the morning on a nice warm day.
  2. Then you dry it in the sun until evening.

Feel free to use this method - unlike mold, it is not dangerous to the mattress.

Bleach works well against mold, but only in not very advanced cases

Is foam rubber washable?

The special porous structure of this material makes it soft and at the same time very sensitive to mechanical stress. Therefore, many people wonder whether it is possible to wash foam rubber by hand or in a washing machine.

Important: if handled incorrectly, the foam can crack, change its original volume, or become significantly deformed.

To avoid damage to property, when cleaning you must adhere to a number of rules:

  • Washing is allowed at a temperature not exceeding 40 ° C. Hot water has a detrimental effect on the material.
  • Bending, creasing or twisting the product in the usual way is not allowed. This means that only small items are cleaned in the car.
  • You should get rid of objects from the water by lightly squeezing or in a natural way - draining.
  • If there is a manufacturer's care label, stick to it.
  • The detergent should be gentle on delicate fabrics. Gel is more suitable: it washes off quickly.

Tip: Remove dust and grease stains by hand and with extreme care.

Having studied these rules, it is easy to conclude that products made of foam rubber can be washed in a washing machine, but subject to a number of conditions. First of all, the thing should be small so that you don’t have to fold it. However, more gentle cleaning is preferred for this material.

The need for primary cleaning

First of all, you should understand the need to clean and wash the sides. They can be new or used, inherited from older comrades or presented as a gift. In any of these cases, it is necessary to wash or at least clean the product (disinfect it from germs) before using it at home.

There is no need to use powders during the first treatment. A simple wash in the maximum permissible water, based on the outer fabric and type of filling, is sufficient. All removable elements (strings, Velcro, decorative parts) are processed separately. They are soaked in hot water.

If you don’t want or have the opportunity to wash, you can get by with steam treatment using a steam generator or a high-power iron with this function. Actions are carried out through a layer of fabric or gauze.

After any treatment, the sides should be given time to dry completely. After all, pathogenic bacteria and mold multiply well in a humid environment.

If this is a completely new item, a visual inspection reveals no obvious contamination, no foreign odors, then the mother herself must decide whether to wash it or not. It is permissible to wash the entire structure or, if possible, just refresh the covers. It is possible to simply iron them if they are removable.

It is not advisable to chemically clean a new product. Newborn babies and the sides of the crib have virtually no contact. Even with possible contact, there is no access to the vulnerable navel. Slightly older, actively moving children are no longer so susceptible to products that may remain on the covers.

When purchasing bumpers with a strong chemical smell, you should at least ventilate the product thoroughly and then wash it. It is convenient to do this in an automatic washing machine.

If soft inserts were inherited from friends or relatives, then washing is required. Even if the previous owner took very good care of them and washed them thoroughly before handing them over. It is unknown how long they waited for the opportunity to fall into new hands. Therefore, it is wise not to be lazy and wash them again.

When sewing yourself, there are continuous positive aspects: a unique design of the item is ensured, it is possible to disinfect the filler under a quartz lamp, and you can wash the covers at the maximum permissible temperature.

How to wash by hand

Regardless of the size of the product, it must be wet cleaned, straightening it as thoroughly as possible. Any convenient horizontal plane is suitable for this. If the size of the bathroom allows, the item can be laid out in it. The bottom and sloping sides will not cause significant damage to the fragile material, but will make it possible to complete our floors without problems.

Tip: Before washing a mattress pad or foam mattress, you must throw it out into the fresh air. This will save you from long and repeated rinsing.

Depending on the detergent chosen, the washing process itself changes.

Washing powder

Collect hot water in a bathtub or other suitable container. Dilute the bulk substance until completely dissolved, but do not whip up the foam. Dip the item into the resulting solution and, pressing evenly with your palms, let the liquid absorb the foam, then wipe it off. This method requires thorough and repeated rinsing.

Tip: Laundry detergent can be replaced with gel or dishwashing detergent. The latter is especially true in the presence of greasy stains.


Any bar of soap will do, but a bar of soap is best. It better resists heavy stains and has a slight whitening effect.

The sequence of actions differs from the powder washing process:

  1. Foam rubber is immersed in clean warm water.
  2. Several presses were made to check the condition of the liquid to determine the degree of contamination of the material. If it gets too dirty, you will need to add a new one before the main wash.
  3. Wash your mattress, jacket or other wet item with detergent. But you should not use concentrate, since after it the foam rubber will have to be washed for a long time. You should lather your palms until foam appears and apply it to the object.
  4. Allow the product to dry for 15 minutes. If necessary, the time can be increased no more than twice.
  5. Rinse with water.

This is the best way to wash bras, children's toys or other delicate items. Use a soft brush and soap to clean sofas, armchairs or other furniture containing foam.

Method No. Laundry soap and vinegar solution

  • The technique is designed for fresh spots that appeared relatively recently (about half an hour to an hour). With this method you will remove not only the smell, but also the unsightly mark that will remain if you do not take appropriate measures.
  • First you need to prevent urine from penetrating into the lower layers of upholstered furniture. To do this, use a thick towel, toilet paper, napkins, and clean newspapers. Blot the stained area with them until the urine is completely absorbed into the materials at hand.
  • Next, prepare a foam sponge, wet it and rub it generously with laundry soap. Wash out the stain by treating the upholstery. If necessary, repeat the procedure 3-5 times until you are sure of the effective result.
  • After completing the activities, wash the sponge, remove the foam from the upholstery, and blot with dry wipes or paper towels. Turn on the vacuum cleaner, put moistened gauze on the brush, and treat the upholstered furniture. This move will draw out the liquid, as a result of which you will be able to avoid the development of mold.
  • To prevent the appearance of an unpleasant odor, wet processing is completed by cleaning with a vinegar solution. A composition with a concentration of about 7-9% is suitable. To prepare the mixture, dilute 125 ml. vinegar in 3 liters of filtered water. Stir, add 10 g. citric acid.
  • When the granules dissolve, soak a cotton or linen cloth in the solution and wipe the surface of the bed with it. Rub the vinegar mixture thoroughly into the sheathing to help it penetrate deeper. After completing the final stage, blot the sofa with a dry cloth.
  • Now take dry gauze, fold it in 2 layers, and place it on the stain. Heat the iron and walk over the gauze cloth. The hot air flow will get rid of the smell of urine and remove liquid from the lower layers of the sofa. Do not hold the household appliance in one place for more than 1-2 seconds to avoid burning the upholstery.

How to wash in an automatic machine at home

Small items that fit into the washing machine drum can be rolled into a maximum of one roll. The delicate mode is selected for delicate fabrics. Provides optimal conditions for foam rubber: minimum number of revolutions and water at a temperature of 30 to 40 ° C. If the liquid is hot, such conditions will cause uneven expansion and deformation of the material.

At the end of the cycle, activate the second rinse. If detergent was used, the procedure must be repeated twice. To save time and resources, it is recommended to use gel.

Tip: It is not always possible to load pillows into the washing machine, even if the dimensions allow it. Before doing this, it is best to study the instructions on the label.

How to dry a foam mattress and other things after washing

In fact, this is the first thing you should think about before you start doing laundry at home.

When planning the best method for drying foam, it is recommended to consider the following:

  • Even a small amount of moisture that remains in the foam is an ideal breeding ground for pathogens, which makes it hazardous to health. The appearance of mold is possible.
  • Do not twist, wring out like regular clothes or fold items when drying.
  • It is unacceptable to hang items vertically.

Important: the material is contraindicated from direct sunlight and contact with any heating elements. For example, you should not dry the foam on or near the radiator.

The only acceptable position for drying is horizontal. In a mattress situation, none of its edges should rest against an obstacle. Otherwise, after drying, the material will take the specified shape and will have unnatural swelling.

  1. After rinsing, making sure that there is no detergent left in the material, leave the item in the bathroom to drain all the liquid. The waiting time depends on the size of the product.
  2. To speed up the process, you can lightly press several times with your palms.
  3. Move the product to a warm place with good ventilation.
  4. Lay it out on a horizontal surface and let it dry naturally.
  5. The mattress needs to be turned upside down from time to time so that it dries evenly and as quickly as possible.
  6. If the product is not heavy, you can use a balcony clothes dryer: spread foam rubber on top so that it does not fold. Thus, the material will be ventilated from all sides and quickly get rid of moisture.

This method works for all foam products, regardless of the washing method you choose.

Now you know how to properly wash and dry foam rubber. Using the tips you received, you can save on dry cleaning services and extend the life of your favorite items. By following these simple rules, you can maintain the properties and pleasant appearance of products with soft synthetic filler.

Important Tips

Never use chlorine to remove urine stains . This is a powerful chemical, but it is not suitable for treating a mattress. Sleeping in a bed soaked in bleach is not the best option, especially for children.

Such cleaning is harmful not only to health, but also to the upholstery of the product. At the very least, it will become tough. In the worst case, the fibers will simply dissolve, exposing the filler.

Heavy or rigid products with orthopedic construction cannot be washed in a machine or by hand . They are processed only by dry cleaning. Alternatively, you can call specialists to your home.

Before you start treating your sleeping area with a new detergent, you need to test it on a small area and monitor the reaction of the fabric.

You can learn how to properly wash bedding here.

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