How to wash a coconut mattress in a stroller. how to wash a children's mattress at home. using the mattress correctly

Children's mattresses easily absorb foreign odors, especially when the baby wets himself at night.

Dirt accumulates on the surface. After cleaning the cover and airing the product, the unpleasant odor persists, because urine gradually saturates the inner layers of the mattress.

Children's products cannot be dry cleaned, otherwise allergic attacks to the components of chemical reagents will not be avoided. Manufacturers of children's mattresses indicate on the labels that the products cannot be washed. Then how to wash a children's mattress?

There are special detergents for washing mattresses. They are intended for surface care of products with coconut filling.

The removable cover is washed in an automatic machine in the classic way. Fixed covers, for example, in cotton children's mattresses, are treated with specialized detergents for caring for mattresses manually at home.

If a protective cover is placed over the mattress, you can use a carpet cleaner for treatment, and you can use special products from a pet store to remove odors. Baby laundry soap and baby powders are also suitable.

Getting rid of odors from a mattress

A special veterinary product (odor absorber) or vinegar will help get rid of the smell (lemon juice has similar properties, but it cannot be used concentrated, so you need to mix it with water in equal proportions in advance).
They need to saturate the stain on the surface of the mattress, then sprinkle it with a large amount of soda and leave the product in this form for 8 hours. After this time, remove the product and vacuum the mattress itself. Laundry soap will also help eliminate the smell. They need to rub the stain, previously moistened. After this, add 1 tbsp to 1 liter of water. l. vinegar, moisten a cloth in this liquid and wipe the stain with it, rinsing off the soap. Now use a clean damp cloth to wash the mattress again and dry it first with a paper towel and then with an iron through the cloth. This method also shows high effectiveness in the case of old unpleasant odors.

What to do with stains left after a child sleeps, or with blood stains?

  • We use textile stain removers
    to protect the mattress from rotting and damage to the fabric. For example, Vanish, Dr. Beckmann, Amway, “Loc” wet wipes, Unimax Ultra, Antipyatin, etc. The products are universal and narrowly targeted. They also differ in form - in the form of a spray, liquid or, for example, a pencil.
  • Prepare the mixture:
    1 tbsp toothpaste, a quarter cup of hydrogen peroxide, half a cup of corn starch. Apply the substance evenly to the stain, wait for it to dry, scrape and vacuum. If a trace remains, repeat.
  • We slightly moisten the area with the stain
    (we don’t wet it, we moisten it!), add salt on top, and remove it after 2-3 hours with a vacuum cleaner. Next, blot the stain with hydrogen peroxide (on a cotton pad) and, as soon as the foam stops forming, wipe with a dry cloth.
  • Take baking soda, white meat tenderizer and a little water
    . Mix to a thick paste and apply to the stain. After 20 minutes, blot with a clean damp sponge and remove any residue.
  • Dissolve a teaspoon of ammonia in 0.5 liters of water.
    Wet a cotton pad and apply it to the stain. If there is no effect after drying, use a more concentrated solution.
  • Make a thick mixture of water and starch.
    Apply to the desired area and wait for it to dry. Afterwards we remove it with a brush. Excellent for removing blood stains.
  • Heat the glycerin in warm water
    , apply it to a cotton pad, and wipe the desired area. Next, remove the trace using ammonia.
  • Spray glass cleaner onto the stain
    , rub vigorously with a sponge/brush, then use ammonia on a cotton pad (solution).
  • Dissolve aspirin in water
    (approx. - 1 tablet per 1 liter), moisten the cotton pad, wipe the stain.
  • Mix soda with water
    (1/2 to 1), moisten a clean cloth with the solution, and leave on the stain for 2 hours. Next, remove the remaining soda and dry it.
  • We dilute citric and acetic acid in water
    (approx. - in equal proportions), wipe the stain with the solution using a cotton pad, and dry with a hairdryer.

Additional cleaning products

For many purposes, upholstery cleaner will work. It is used for surfaces that come into contact with the skin and therefore does not cause allergies. But first you need to make sure that you do not have hypersensitivity to the cleaner. This product helps remove ticks and their waste products.

Also use cleaners with enzymes that penetrate the fiber, breaking down the stain.

If you have a habit of smoking in the bedroom, wash your bed linen more often or take it to the laundromat along with your mattress pad.

To reduce the smell of smoke, use a couple of cans of special disinfectant spray and spray the mattress on both sides. After this, you need to wait a few days until the product dries completely. After this, you need to put a hypoallergenic cover on the mattress.

How to clean urine from a mattress

Traces of urine have an unpleasant odor and are quite resistant to removal. To protect yourself from such a problem, wear a mattress cover or use an oilcloth. If urine gets on the mattress, you need to act immediately. Prepare a solution of liquid soap and foam it. Then apply to the stain, collecting moisture with an hygroscopic sponge. If you do not immediately dry the mattress after urine gets in, it will be almost impossible to remove the stain at home. You'll have to go to the dry cleaner.

Among the effective ways to remove fresh dirt is a solution of salt and lemon juice. The paste should be applied to the stain and left for a couple of hours. Then the surface is cleaned with a damp sponge.

Even if a urine stain is completely removed, an unpleasant odor may remain. To clean the mattress and reduce the unpleasant odor of urine, the stained areas are treated with a vinegar solution. You can also use specialized odor absorbers.

Another way is to sprinkle the yellow stain with baking soda overnight, and then vacuum up the scattering.

Regardless of the method you choose, it is important to remember the following: never use too much water. If you wet the mattress too much, mold may appear inside and you will have to dry it for a long time.

In addition, there is a possibility of rust on the springs.

Here are the best recipes for removing household stains on a mattress:

  1. From lipstick.
    Wet the cotton pad/disk in alcohol and wipe it off.
  2. From red wine.
    Cover the stain with baking soda (or salt), remove it with a vacuum cleaner after 30 minutes, then wash it with dry foam cleaning agent.
  3. From felt-tip pens, pens.
    We take a special product (for example, Dr. Beckmann), apply it, and remove the stain.
  4. From wax crayons.
    Place loose paper on top of the stain and iron it. We change the paper until the marks are completely gone.
  5. From fat.
    Immediately add salt (you can also use potato starch or talcum powder), after 15 minutes vacuum it and add it again. For better results, you can iron it with a dry cloth.
  6. From coffee.
    Use mild soap or water with salt. Be sure to dry it.
  7. From juices.
    A mixture of vinegar and ammonia, 1 to 1.
  8. From tea or beer.
    Apply the vinegar solution to a cotton pad and wipe the stain.
  9. From fucorcin.
    Mix alcohol and regular tooth powder (half and half), apply to the stain, wait for it to dry, and vacuum. You can use sodium sulfite, but in this case, be sure to wash off the remaining product with a soda solution and dry the area.

Coconut filler

Today it is very fashionable to buy children's mattresses filled with coconut shavings for children. But these are not the chips that we add to confectionery products. This is the upper hairy part of the nut.

Coconut coir:

  • tough,
  • has antiseptic properties,
  • allows air to pass through well.

These properties make the material an excellent mattress filler. Products filled with coconut coir do not accumulate dirt, dust, or unpleasant odors. Therefore, there is no need to wash coconut mattresses purchased at Ikea or another store. This is simply not necessary. Moreover, when answering the question whether it is possible to wash a mattress filled with coconut, knowledgeable people answer that such a product cannot even be wet. Otherwise, it will lose its orthopedic properties.

The only thing you can really do is wash the mattress cover that is filled with coconut shavings. For example, sleep product manufacturer Askon advises removing and cleaning the mattress cover once every six months. For children's products, a more frequent washing cycle is suitable.

Some buyers, preferring cheap goods from Ikea, purchase foam mattresses. This material accumulates dust very well, absorbs odors and moisture. To keep the product clean, it is recommended to periodically wash the Askon children's mattress filled with foam rubber. You can do this manually. After removing the mattress cover, soak the product in warm soapy water. Carefully passing over the surface with a brush, we clean the foam rubber from stains.

The next step is rinsing. Since the filler perfectly absorbs water and soap, you need to rinse the product as thoroughly as possible. It is recommended to rinse a children's mattress in warm water, changing it 5-7 times until the foam completely disappears

Then it is equally important to dry the mattress thoroughly so that no moisture remains inside

Having understood the question of how to wash a mattress, you need to familiarize yourself with the rules for using the products.

  • Orthopedic products with coconut filling should not be placed on a sagging surface.
  • Children should not be allowed to jump on the mattress.
  • You need to put a waterproof mattress cover on your child's mattress.
  • To keep the orthopedic product clean, periodically vacuum the surface.
  • A coconut mattress should be professionally cleaned once every 3-4 years.
  • The removable cover can be washed once every 2-3 months.


When purchasing an Ascon mattress from Ikea, do not forget to ask the seller how to properly care for the product. Not every mattress is washable. Orthopedic products with springs or coconut filling should not be washed or wet at all. To keep such mattresses clean, you need to purchase a waterproof cover that needs to be washed periodically.

Pros and cons of a coconut mattress for a newborn

We learned how to make coconut filling for children's mattresses. Now we need to talk about the advantages and disadvantages of this material. Let's start, as usual, with the advantages - there are many more of them than disadvantages.


The first advantage is the complete naturalness of coconut coir

. Both the fiber itself and the latex used to process it are obtained from plant materials. Therefore, we have at our disposal environmentally friendly mattresses made literally by nature itself - coconut coir is an ideal material for children's crib mattresses. In addition, parents of the baby are recommended to purchase a coconut mattress for newborns in a stroller, since the child spends a lot of time in it.

No rotting

Coconut filling does not rot. Moreover, it is not subject to rotting even when wet - coconut fiber, due to the content of lignin, which is a natural polymer. Even if we wet the coconut fiber with water and keep it in this state for several days, it will do nothing - soon the moisture will evaporate, and we will get a mattress suitable for further use.


Coconut filler has hypoallergenic properties. It does not cause allergies, does not accumulate unpleasant odors, and it does not harbor harmful microorganisms, for example, bed mites. In addition, coconut fiber has good heat transfer properties and is well ventilated.

Orthopedic properties

It is impossible not to note the orthopedic properties of this coconut fiber. Children's coconut mattresses are recommended for use by all children - such mattresses provide good back support and create conditions for the proper development of the spine. A rigid base makes sleep healthier and more sound. In addition, such mattresses are recommended for children and adults with spinal diseases - you should consult with specialists about this.


Now let's talk about the disadvantages - there are not many of them, which once again confirms the excellent properties of this material. In fact, the only disadvantage of latexed coconut coir is its high cost.

. And this is quite understandable, given the labor intensity of its production - soaking alone takes up to several months. As for cheap coconut mattresses, they are made either from pressed (needle-punched) coir or from immature coconut fibers - they have a light shade.

Do not buy cheap coconut mattresses, as they do not have good characteristics and quickly deteriorate. Pay attention to products from famous manufacturers.

How to clean a mattress at a dry cleaner

The most popular option for professional mattress dry cleaning is considered to be aqua cleaning, which is gaining a large number of positive reviews. Using this method, even old, persistent marks are removed from the surface of the product without the risk of deformation. Such cleaning not only removes visible dirt, but also deeply breaks down stains in the fibers and removes all accumulated dirt along with water.

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Thanks to special professional equipment, mattress dry cleaning will remove any kind of dirt, as well as unpleasant odors. At the client's request, the mattress can also be treated with special balms and fragrances.

Subtleties of cleaning different types of mattresses

Cleaning a mattress yourself is not an easy task. At a minimum, you need to carefully study the instructions supplied with the product and become familiar with the features of its design and the properties of the filler. Manufacturers, as a rule, always indicate (using symbols or text) the acceptable cleaning agents and treatments that can be used if necessary. Features of cleaning the product depend on the model:

  • A classic budget option: filling – natural cotton (wadding), upholstery – synthetic (polyester, polycotton) or natural (teak, calico) fabric. Cotton wool is a very hygroscopic material and even absorbs water vapor well. Therefore, when cleaning, you should use the minimum recommended amount of liquid. When wet, such products take a long time to dry; sometimes a hairdryer or compressor (fan) is needed to dry them.
  • Product filled with coconut coir. These mattresses with natural filling are often bought by parents for newborns and small children. The products almost do not absorb liquid and odors, since coconut fibers have very low hygroscopicity. And excellent water permeability ensures quick drying after any type of cleaning.
  • Filling made of non-woven holofiber (sintepon). These homogeneous synthetic materials repel moisture and dry quickly. These mattresses lend themselves well to home cleaning. And their ability to restore the original volume after mechanical pressure allows you to wash (at low temperatures) and twist the product in a machine using regular washing powder.
  • Orthopedic mattresses are best dry cleaned or only the surface layer of the product is moistened with liquid. Since their design in most cases contains spring (metal) blocks, creating an elastic and rigid surface. With regular contact with moisture, these parts rust, shortening the service life of the entire product.

Both old and proven, and modern...

  • We buy an odor absorber in the store
    , pour it onto the odorous area for 3-5 hours, sweep it away with a brush, vacuum the residue and wipe it with a damp cloth. You can also purchase a product that destroys organic odors - it acts quickly and the results are good. Ideal if there is a smell of vomit/urine on the mattress.
  • Regular salt.
    Dilute with water 3 to 1, apply the mixture to the desired area, rub in, then wipe with a clean cloth, dry with a hairdryer.
  • Soda.
    You can simply pour it onto the mattress and vacuum it up after 12-20 hours. Helps with tobacco smell. If the result is bad, repeat.
  • Vinegar.
    We saturate the stain with the product, then generously sprinkle it with soda, and vacuum it in the morning.
  • Children's washing powder.
    Don’t dilute it - just pour it onto the stain and rub it in with a dry sponge or brush. Leave it for a couple of hours, then vacuum it.
  • Iodine.
    A product that quickly eliminates urine odor. However, it is not recommended to use it on light-colored fabrics. For 1 liter of water - 20 drops. Apply the solution to a cotton pad and then wipe the area.
  • Laundry soap.
    Option for old urine odor. We moisten the area, rub it well with soap, wait 20 minutes. Next, wet the cloth in a vinegar solution (approx. 1 tbsp per 1 liter of water), rinse off the soap, wipe with a clean damp cloth, dry with napkins and iron through the cloth.
  • Ammonia.
    An excellent tool. We wet the stain, wait half an hour, then remove it with soda.
  • As for mold odor
    , it is usually eliminated with a bleach solution.


Don't wait until the stains become old - wash them right away! And, of course, don’t wait until the product becomes completely unusable: if you can’t handle it on your own, immediately take it to the dry cleaner (note - or call specialists at home).

How do you clean mattresses at home, what products do you use? Share your experience in the comments below!

Parental care for a newborn baby comes down to creating ideal conditions for the child to rest, sleep and play. Trying to give our baby only the best, we often make some mistakes. For example, some parents believe that a child should sleep on a soft mattress to make him more comfortable. In fact, this is one of the common mistakes. And the most suitable mattress for a child is a coconut mattress.

When choosing a mattress for a child, we must pay special attention to the materials.

All children's accessories must be safe and hypoallergenic. By purchasing a cheap mattress filled with polyurethane foam (foam rubber), we expose the baby to serious danger. In this review, we will look at all the features of coconut mattresses and study their advantages and disadvantages.

Coconut mattresses received this name because of their filler, which is natural coconut fiber. It is indeed made from ordinary coconuts. The manufacturing technology is quite simple - ripe nuts are collected, soaked in sea water and sent for processing. Their insides are used for confectionery purposes, and the outer fibers are combed out and dried.

Coconut coir is made from coconut fibers - this is a thread from which pillows, mattresses and other products are subsequently made. But only thin and short fibers are suitable for this. After this, the coir is sent for further processing, since it is rarely used in its pure form. Now the manufacturer faces two tasks:

  • Give the coir the desired shape;
  • Give it durability and elasticity.

Initially, coir is small balls of tangled short threads. In production, they are straightened, processed with natural latex and formed into slabs and blocks.

Since we're talking about latex, it should be noted that there are two types of coir


  • Latexed coir;
  • Needle-punched coir.

And both types are quite actively used in the production of children's mattresses.

Properties of latex coir

Latexed coir is made by impregnating the original fibers with natural latex. Coconut fiber itself has antibacterial and hypoallergenic properties. Being treated with latex, coir becomes more resilient and elastic. At the same time, it gains resistance to stress. As a final result, manufacturers receive safe and durable coconut slabs

, which are sent for the manufacture of mattresses and other products.

Latexed coir has excellent antibacterial properties and is highly breathable. In addition, coconut fiber does not absorb moisture - it quickly evaporates and does not linger in the fabrics. And this is very good, since in a humid environment bacteria receive all the conditions for rapid reproduction.

Do not be alarmed by the strange rubbery smell emanating from a mattress with latex coir - this is what natural latex smells like, and the smell itself will disappear within a few days after opening the package with the mattress.

Properties of needle-punched coir

Needle-punched coir is not a full-fledged coconut fiber. During its production, short coconut fibers are nailed to the fabric base. The material turns out to be quite hard and dense, but not resistant to stress - soon dented places appear on mattresses made of such material, and the coir begins to crumble. After a few years, it completely collapses, causing mattresses to become uncomfortable and even hazardous to health.


Tips for keeping your mattress clean

To summarize, we can say that in order to keep the product clean as effectively as possible, it is necessary:

  • use a mattress pad (preferably two replacement ones) and wash it regularly;
  • regularly rotate and turn over the mattress;
  • vacuum the surface on both sides every two weeks;
  • during general cleaning, along with cleaning carpets and upholstered furniture, give the mattress a home dry cleaning;
  • ventilate the product every time you change bed linen and 1-2 times a year - in the fresh air;
  • observe the rules of hygiene - keep the body clean, do not eat food on the bed, do not smoke in the room;
  • remove stains promptly.

Follow the recommendations for keeping the mattress clean to preserve the quality of the product and the health of the owners.

How to remove different types of contaminants?

The choice of the optimal cleaning product depends on what exactly the mattress was stained with. For example, hydrogen peroxide helps get rid of blood or urine stains, and you can remove cosmetics using laundry soap.


Urine not only leaves behind stains, but also an odor that ingrains itself into the fabric and is difficult to remove. To deal with the problem, proceed as follows:

  1. Cover the surface of the stain with baking soda.
  2. In a separate container, dilute vinegar with 9% water, mixing the liquids in equal proportions.
  3. Pour the solution into a spray bottle and irrigate the contaminated area. This treatment will lead to the formation of foam; you need to wait until the reaction is completed.
  4. Soak a rag in the soapy solution and pass it over the surface of the mattress, then wipe it with a clean damp cloth to remove any remaining product.

After processing, the product is sent to dry in fresh air for at least 3 days. This article will tell you in more detail.


You can remove a blood stain from a mattress using ammonia. Algorithm of actions:

  • open the windows to allow fresh air into the room, as ammonia has a pungent odor;
  • dissolve ammonia with water in a ratio of 1:4;
  • spray the composition using a spray bottle on the contaminated surface;
  • leave for half an hour;
  • soak a cotton pad in the solution, gradually removing the stain;
  • Wipe the mattress with a dry cloth and leave to dry.

Ammonia should not be used by people suffering from bronchial asthma or respiratory failure. You can find out more here.


Makeup stains can be easily removed with laundry soap. Mode of application:

  • grate the soap into shavings, dissolve in warm water until a thick paste is obtained;
  • apply it to the stain, whisk with an old toothbrush;
  • leave for 15 minutes;
  • Remove with a damp cloth and wait for the mattress to dry.

If necessary, the procedure can be repeated by adding a small amount of dishwashing detergent to the soap.


If the ink is fresh, you need to sprinkle it with starch or talcum powder, cover it with a paper napkin and press it with a press. After 12 hours, the powder is collected with a vacuum cleaner or swept away with a brush.

Old stains are treated with ethyl alcohol.


  1. Moisten a cotton pad with vodka.
  2. Use it to treat the problem area.
  3. Leave to act for 15 minutes.
  4. Collect remaining liquid with a dry cloth.

There is no need to rinse off the alcohol; it will evaporate on its own in a few hours.

Coffee and wine

Wine and coffee stains can be removed with citric acid.

Mode of application:

  1. Dissolve 1 tablespoon of citric acid in a glass of warm water.
  2. Apply it to the stain in any convenient way.
  3. Leave for half an hour.
  4. Use a cotton pad or a clean white rag soaked in lemon juice solution to wipe the contaminated area until the stain completely disappears.
  5. Treat the mattress with a clean, damp cloth.
  6. Leave to dry.

Yellow stains

Yellow stains can be removed with toothpaste. For processing, a composition without dyes and solid inclusions is used.

Mode of application:

  • the paste is diluted with a small amount of warm water;
  • distribute the composition over the stain and leave for 30 minutes;
  • if the paste has frozen, moisten it with a damp sponge;
  • Remove the cleaning agent with a damp cloth.

When the mattress dries, the streaks will disappear.

Orthopedic product

When purchasing a product for sleeping, the first thing you need to do is remove the original packaging and ventilate the mattress in the room with the window open. This will help get rid of the specific factory smell. If airing does not help to completely remove the smell, it is recommended to remove the top cover and wash it in a washing machine. When choosing mattresses, pay attention to the cover of the product.

They come in two types:

  • Removable.
  • Not removable.

For example, at Ikea, almost all bedding is equipped with removable covers. This is convenient and practical, especially in the case of children's mattresses. If necessary, the cover is removed and washed following the manufacturer's recommendations.

Is it possible to wash a mattress cover if it is not removable? In this case, the product will have to be cleaned manually. If a stain has formed, it is better not to wait until it is completely absorbed into the fabric. To clean the surface, use a warm soap solution, which is washed off with clean cold water until the foam is completely removed. If the area of ​​contamination of the orthopedic product is extensive, cleaning should be done gradually, without soaping the entire surface at once.

Mattress label

Hand wash baby stroller

Today's popular stroller models are made of eco-leather, which is cleaned with leather care products or delicate fabrics. You can also use 50% ammonia. Leather covers should be wiped with a damp sponge dipped in a light soap solution. This can be baby gel powder or laundry soap.

Once the stroller has been cleared of most of the dirt, it is washed clean again to remove any remaining soap. As a rule, only the upper parts are sewn from leather substitute; there are usually no problems with cleaning them.

When the upholstery is cleaned and dried, you need to coat it with a water-repellent agent that will protect it from drying out, cracks and moldy spots.

The covers of winter stroller models are often decorated with reflective inserts, which are washed exclusively by hand at medium temperatures (30-45°C) using liquid baby powders. It is not recommended to use conditioners and rinses; they can leave streaks on the material. Also, do not use products containing chlorine or dry cleaning substances, they will ruin the color and scratch the reflectors.

Fixed parts need to be immersed in a bathtub or large basin, diluted with baby powder and thoroughly cleaned with a brush. The presence of a stain removal spray makes cleaning easy. Spray the liquid, wait a while, wipe dry with a cloth.

Another quick method of manual cleaning is a domestic car foam cleaner. You need to spray the contents onto the outer surface of the stroller, let the foam absorb dirt, and wipe with a cloth. Finally, be sure to rinse with clean water. After this, you can dry and assemble the stroller.

Main types of strollers

Baby strollers can be classified according to the age group for which they are intended. There are divisions based on the number of wheels and upholstery material. As a rule, parents focus on functionality and maneuverability.

Based on this, several main directions can be identified.

Classic models

They are designed to transport children from birth to six months. They are a prototype of a cradle, with a flat and hard bottom. Classic strollers have a folding bottom and large wheels with good shock absorption. They are available in many well-known brands, in a wide variety of colors and finishes. A typical classic model is the Inglesina Sofia.

Walking models

Stroller These are suitable for children who have learned to sit. Manufacturers indicate the age group from six months to three years. The stroller is a block with a large hood and a removable foot cover. Due to the adjustable backrest, it can be reclined to a lying position. One of the well-known brands that produce walks is yoyo.

Three-wheeled models

They are distinguished by their relatively light weight and maneuverability. These strollers are easy to transport and store, as when folded they take up very little space. The package can include both a cradle for newborns and a sitting unit.


Disassembling the stroller before washing Transformable strollerThe most economical option for children's transport. The walking block transforms into a cradle by inserting a mattress or envelope into the walking block. Suitable for children from birth to three years.

Universal models

The main difference between such strollers will be the presence of two or three blocks in the set. A big advantage would be a monolithic block for newborns, as it is the warmest and most not blown, unlike other models.

The 3 in 1 options come with a car seat with adapters that can be used to mount it on the wheel unit. The wheelbase itself can be swivel or classic, depending on the model. Prominent representatives of universal strollers will be the Adamex Barletta and Tuttis Zippy.

How to wash a fur coat correctly: bleaching, combing, drying, care

How and how to remove yellow stains on a mattress and carpet

If a small child or cat decides to defecate on the carpet, it is recommended to begin removing the stain as quickly as possible so that the smell does not have time to set in. The methods listed above are suitable for this. You can also purchase special cleaning products made specifically for carpets in the store. With their help, contaminants are removed very quickly, the process takes a minimum amount of time and effort.

As for mattresses, the best method of cleaning is using peroxide and soda. The solution prepared according to the recipe neutralizes stains and unpleasant odors not only on the surface, but also on the back of the fabric

In addition, soda and peroxide do not damage the surface of the mattress, this is especially important for orthopedic models

If handled carelessly, the basic properties of the product may be lost.

Universal mattress cleaning products

There are also store-bought cleaners for cleaning mattresses from all types of dirt and stains, including urine.

Universal products will help remove both new and old stains and restore the original appearance of the fabric. At the same time, they do not require the use of rough brushes or effort, which means that excess friction will not damage the upholstery.

They can be purchased at any hardware store. Remember: before, during and after cleaning, the room must be ventilated. When cleaning, wear gloves to prevent contact of chemicals with skin. The mattress must be dried thoroughly after treatment.

To remove the smell of urine from a mattress and urine stains that cannot be removed by traditional methods, it is best to use foam stain removers. Such compositions do not penetrate inside and are removed from the surface without leaving a residue.

Delicate textiles should not be subjected to strong mechanical stress. And before cleaning the entire surface or a large stain, you need to test the product on a small area of ​​​​the fabric.

Machine washable

Modern manufacturers offer models made of fabric adapted for cleaning in the washing machine. This greatly simplifies the process, leaving only the wheelbase and main unit for hand washing.

Washing in a washing machine

It is important to pay attention to the hood; not all of them are suitable for this method of cleansing. If it has permanent metal knitting needles or other parts, it is not machine washable.

You can wash removable elements without harm to them and the machine by following certain recommendations:

  • before throwing the parts into the washing machine, it is necessary to remove all stains from food and drinks;
  • remove everything that can be washed, including stroller covers, and place in a special bag;
  • wash in delicate wash mode, maximum temperature forty degrees;
  • it is possible to use additional rinsing;
  • Spin and machine drying functions are not recommended;

After washing the fabric parts of the stroller, they are dried separately and put back together.

How to prevent the problem

If you bought a new mattress, you can prevent the problem in advance by following these care requirements:

  • use covers (mattress covers);
  • turn the mattress over once a month (not only on the reverse side, but also in the direction);
  • When contamination occurs, treat stains as quickly as possible;
  • vacuum the surface twice a month.

To protect the mattress, it is not recommended to eat in bed, drink tea, coffee and wine. Food crumbs falling on the surface serve as a source of bacteria formation. If the product is made of coconut fiber, latex, padding polyester or cotton wool, then it must be dried periodically.

Features of care - what you need to know?

  • Use a mattress pad!
    With its help, you will solve half of the problems and significantly extend the life of the product. Still, washing a mattress cover is much easier than cleaning the mattress itself, much less changing the filling.
  • Ventilate regularly!
    That is, once a month, take off your underwear, open the windows wide open and place the mattress so that it is ventilated on both sides.
  • Once every 2-3 months, turn it over in a figure of eight pattern
    - changing the bottom and top, legs and head.
  • Vacuum once a week.
    At high power and with a furniture attachment. Even if the bed is always made and covered with a blanket. Dust particles, hair, and small debris still end up on the mattress.
  • Try to remove stains from the mattress IMMEDIATELY when they appear.
    This will make your work much easier.
  • Do not try to soak stains with soapy water or any other solution.
    Getting the filler wet leads to damage to the product, and the spring blocks rust.
  • Periodically dry clean the product
    - knock out dust, use a vacuum cleaner with attachments.

How to wash

The washing method depends on the filler.

Stuffed with bamboo, holofiber, cotton wool

The cotton mattress can be washed in water with gel products. After washing, it must be dried thoroughly in the sun. Bamboo mattresses filled with holofiber are wrapped in a damp cloth, knocked out and dried.

Foam rubber

Foam rubber is washable in water at a temperature of 40 degrees without spinning or twisting. To wash foam products, use gels for delicate fabrics.

Latex, coconut fiber, buckwheat

Coconut shavings absorb moisture, so cleaning is limited to a vacuum cleaner, a damp towel and a beater. A baby stroller with a mattress filled with buckwheat husks and latex products can be washed at forty degrees.

Orthopedic, spring mattresses

Spring mattresses should only be dry cleaned using carpet and upholstery cleaners. Products filled with polyurethane foam do not deform from moisture and do not grow mold. They are washed in a convenient way.

Vacuum cleaner

Orthopedic products are cleaned with a vacuum cleaner with a bag, since mold appears after washing. The method is suitable for combating surface dust.

Steam cleaner

The device removes light dirt and kills mites. Instead of a steam generator, you can use an iron with a steam function.


For cleaning you will need a soft brush and a vacuum cleaner:

  • wet the stain with water;
  • sprinkle with soda;
  • After drying, brush off.

Finally, the mattress needs to be vacuumed.

Furniture cleaner

Upholstery stain removers contain surfactants and enzymes that dissolve grease and eliminate odors. They are applied to the fabric and washed off with water.


Dry stain remover Home SA8 from an American manufacturer comes in powder and aerosol.

Advantages and disadvantages

natural ingredients in the composition; pleasant aroma; Suitable for frequent use.

high price; not suitable for silk.

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To quickly remove stains, Tri-Zyme with active enzymes is also used.


Advantages and disadvantages

removes new and old stains; copes with ink and brilliant green.

sometimes re-application is required; It is not convenient to tear off the paper wrapper.

I like1I don't like

Apply the product to a stain moistened with water and wash off after 10 minutes.

Dr. Beckmann

Advantages and disadvantages

convenient application; compact packaging; It is used sparingly.

harms the skin of the hands; a preliminary fabric test is required; Doesn't always work the first time.

Leave the stain remover on the surface for half an hour and remove it with a damp cloth.

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Step-by-step cleaning instructions

To ensure that your child’s vehicle does not become deformed from washing or become covered with cracks, stains, or creases, you should follow the following rules:

  1. To choose a washing method, the composition of the material from which the stroller is made is taken into account. For example, if all the removable parts are made of raincoat fabric, then they can be washed in a machine. If these parts are combined with artificial leather, the stroller can be washed by hand.
  2. Individual parts may require different cleaning methods. For example, a hood is machine washable, while a bedspread decorated with an embroidered monogram can be hand washed. Hard-to-reach corners are easily cleaned with a steam generator.
  3. The bottom of the structure, seat belts, and other non-removable parts are carefully cleaned with a brush.
  4. Chrome parts are polished with a damp cloth.
  5. The wheels are washed under running water.
  6. Hypoallergenic washing and cleaning liquids are used.

Before washing for the first time, you should check the material for resistance to the selected cleaning agent.

In the washing machine

The fabrics from which stroller sets are made contain structured synthetic fibers. They add strength, water resistance, and increase wear resistance to the product.

Machine washability makes caring for these strollers easy. In this case, all that remains for manual work is cleaning the wheels and the main base.

Washing recommendations:

  • all removable elements are placed in a special bag that protects them and the machine from mechanical damage;
  • a delicate mode is established;
  • the temperature is set to 40C°;
  • super rinse function is used;
  • push-ups are performed at low speeds.

Automatic spinning and drying cannot be used for parts with insulation. The water drain mode is suitable for them.

Concentrated gels for children's clothing or sensitive skin are used as laundry detergents. Regular washing powders can leave streaks on the surface of items. Additional treatment with rinses and conditioners does not make sense.


If the product contains a leather substitute, artificial PVC fabric, or a lot of accessories, then it requires wet cleaning or hand washing. Considering the lightness and waterproofness of such materials, this most often applies to strollers.

If there is a removable hood and leg cape, their processing consists of the following steps:

  1. Soak in warm soapy water for 20 minutes.
  2. Carefully hand wash at 50C° with baby powder.
  3. Rinse until completely free of soapy water.
  4. Light squeezing.
  5. Straightening things out.

Products made of PVC, eco-leather, and combined elements require delicate care. They are cleaned with a damp soft sponge. For heavy soiling, add detergent. Remove any remaining water from the surface with a viscose napkin.

Laundry or baby soap and dishwashing detergent are also suitable for hand washing. The criterion for choosing a product is complete rinsing and anti-allergy.

Do not use chlorine-containing cleaning products or subject the stroller to aggressive mechanical cleaning.

Methods for dealing with stubborn stains

Classic mattress washing usually does not cause problems for modern housewives - it is much more difficult to clean stubborn stains that can appear on the mattress with enviable regularity. There is no universal remedy in this case - methods of combating such pollution depend primarily on the nature of the stains themselves.

How to remove traces of blood?

The following tips will help you cope with drops and stains that appear on the mattress from blood:

  1. If the drops have not yet completely dried, you can remove them with soda. Dissolve about half the same glass of soda powder in a glass of warm water, dip a gauze cloth into this solution, and then cover the stained area with it for about half an hour to an hour. During this time, the soda will absorb all the biological components of the blood, and not a trace will remain of the stain. And the remaining powder can be removed with a vacuum cleaner after the upholstery has completely dried.

Important! Under no circumstances use hot water when dealing with traces of blood - high temperatures will cause the proteins to coagulate and it will no longer be possible to clean the mattress.

  1. An aspirin tablet, a well-known antipyretic drug in medicine, which is found in almost every first aid kit, works well for such stains. The active components of the substance thin the blood well, so they are used not only to treat colds, but also for household needs. Grind a few tablets into powder, dilute them in a glass of warm water and apply to bloody stains - and you will see for yourself that such a cleaner is much more effective than store-bought ones.
  2. Fresh stains can be easily removed with saline solution. Dilute 1 tablespoon of coarse salt in half a glass of water, pour the resulting liquid into a spray bottle and spray thoroughly onto the contaminated area of ​​the mattress. You don’t even have to rub the stained area - just gently blot it with a napkin several times, and the stain will come off completely.
  1. You can remove residual blood with hydrogen peroxide. Apply an antiseptic to the stain, wait until it stops foaming, and then carefully wash away the remaining stains with a sponge dipped in soapy water.
  2. A universal product that will help clean the mattress can be prepared from ordinary dishwashing gel. Dilute 1 tablespoon of gel with a glass of warm water, lather, then apply the resulting thick foam to a toothbrush and scrub any stains on the upholstery. After the dirt is washed off, thoroughly dry the wet area with a towel and leave to dry.

Important! To prevent blood from leaving unsightly brown stains, it is better to dry the treated area with streams of warm air from a hairdryer

Cleaning Urine Stains

This problem is well known to parents of small children who have not yet learned to use the potty, as well as owners of naughty pets - both of them can regularly leave “fragrant” puddles on the mattress

To properly clean an accessory from urine, it is not enough to pay attention only to removing the stain itself - much more important are ways to combat the unpleasant odor

  1. Salt + lemon juice. To remove urine from a mattress, mix coarse table salt with freshly squeezed lemon juice in a 1:1 ratio. Apply the resulting mixture to the stains, leave for 1 hour, and then gently wipe off with a damp sponge or cloth. The salt particles will absorb residual urine, and the lemon juice will restore freshness to the mattress, giving it a light citrus aroma.
  1. Vinegar + baking soda + washing powder. Mix 1 teaspoon of the above ingredients, wait until a dense foam forms, and apply it to the mattress. Stubborn stains can be additionally cleaned with a brush or the hard side of a sponge - this will remove them faster. After complete cleansing, rinse off the product with a damp towel and blot with a dry cloth to remove excess moisture.
  2. Hydrogen peroxide + laundry soap + soda. Pour a bottle of hydrogen peroxide (100 ml) into a bowl, add 2 tablespoons of soda and the same amount of grated laundry soap. Quickly mix the ingredients and pour the resulting solution into a spray bottle. Spray the product onto the dirt, wait 5-7 minutes, then gently rub with a napkin or towel.

Using the mattress correctly

It belongs to the type of orthopedic mattresses. The filler inside is coconut fibers, which in itself speaks volumes about its strength. However, you should not believe those manufacturers who loudly insist that such mattresses can withstand any mechanical stress, including jumps and impacts if transported incorrectly. As a rule, the seller gives such recommendations if coconut fibers are bonded with synthetic adhesive solutions. It is quite clear that in this situation there can be no talk of any environmental cleanliness.

It’s better to make it a rule to follow some principles for using a mattress filled with coconut. Here they are:

  • compliance with the indoor temperature in the range from ten to forty degrees and a maximum air humidity of eighty-five percent;
  • to protect against various types of liquids, it makes sense to use an external hygienic mattress cover;
  • Such material should not be placed on excessively hard and textured surfaces such as cots, sofas, or floors. It is better to purchase a wooden frame, which will enhance the orthopedic effect;
  • The dimensions of the product must fully fit the size of the child’s crib;
  • From time to time it is worthwhile to ventilate the filler;
  • Don’t forget to vacuum the product to get rid of dust and small dirt.

As stains appear, you should get rid of them immediately, if possible. Find out how to wash a coconut mattress correctly in the following sections.

If possible, it is better to remove blood immediately. This is done with a cloth soaked in cold water. If it has already been partially absorbed, then hydrogen peroxide will come to the rescue. Apply it to the stain and wait until the reaction occurs, accompanied by the release of foam. And then calmly collect the solution with a sponge.

How to wash a coconut mattress using laundry soap? Very simple. It is applied to the stain with a toothbrush and then rinsed with clean water.

You can use soda or salt. Any of these substances must be mixed in water, pour the resulting solution into a spray bottle and spray onto the area of ​​contamination. Then wait twenty minutes until it is absorbed. And remove with a cotton swab or napkin.

Another unpleasant type of pollution is urine stains. How to wash a children's coconut mattress from them, and what products to use?

These types of stains are dangerous not only because they contaminate the product, but also because they cause a characteristic odor. As a precaution, far-sighted housewives use oilcloth when covering the mattress, on which a mattress pad is put, and then a sheet on top. If you have not taken such precautions, then you can only clean fresh urine stains yourself at home. But old stains can only be washed off by dry cleaning.

How to wash a coconut mattress using liquid soap? It needs to be foamed in water, applied to the contaminated area, and then blotted with a regular napkin. As a rule, urine is also removed along with the solution.

The combination of salt and lemon juice is also an excellent cleaner for these types of stains. They are mixed until a thick consistency is formed and left in place for two hours. In this case, a double positive effect is achieved - the salt absorbs all the liquid, and the lemon juice eliminates the unpleasant odor. Then, the area where the solution is applied is wiped with a damp cloth.

A mixture of hydrogen peroxide and baking soda works great for removing urine stains. This mixture is dissolved in water, applied using a spray bottle to the contaminated area, wait for the chemical reaction, and then remove with a cloth.

If the unpleasant odor still remains, it can be removed using ordinary table vinegar.

Find out how to wash a children's mattress with coconut shavings to remove food stains and other types of dirt in the next section.

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