16 simple recipes for cleaning a mattress at home

The mattress and bedding must meet sanitary and hygienic standards. Therefore, maintaining their cleanliness and freshness is the key to a comfortable and healthy sleep for a person.

You can clean your mattress either at a dry cleaner or at home. Only for this you need to know how to do it and with what, depending on the type and degree of contamination.

For more information on how to wash a mattress at home, read the article.

General cleaning rules

Preventive care of any product requires compliance with certain rules. To maintain the good condition of the mattress, it is recommended to regularly perform the following activities:

  1. Clean the entire surface of the mattress with a vacuum cleaner once every 2 weeks. At the same time, clean the bed frame using a damp piece of cloth.
  2. Turn the mattress over to the other side once every 2-3 months. This reduces the risk of pressing through the upholstery, which means it increases the service life of the product.
  3. Change bed linen regularly.
  4. Periodically take the mattress out into the fresh air for ventilation. This procedure will prevent the development of fungal microorganisms. It must be remembered that some types of filler are strictly contraindicated from being in direct sunlight, for example, latex.
  5. If there are small children at home, the best option would be to use waterproof covers that provide the mattress with protection from moisture.
  6. To remove mold, stains and black spots, you must choose a method that is suitable for the type of filler and the nature of the contamination.
  7. Periodically carry out preventive treatment of mattresses, pillows, blankets and carpets against dust mites. This event is especially important for people suffering from allergic reactions and asthma.

Dust mites are found in almost every home. The size of these arachnids does not exceed ½ mm, so it is impossible to see them with the naked eye. Typically, dust mites live in upholstered furniture, pillows, carpeting, mattresses, books and stuffed toys. Arachnids feed on dead particles of human skin and natural wool.

Important! Waste products left behind by dust mites often cause allergic reactions, asthma, itchy skin and breathing problems.

Have you ever cleaned a mattress?
Not really

Features of care - what you need to know?

  • Use a mattress pad!
    With its help, you will solve half of the problems and significantly extend the life of the product. Still, washing a mattress cover is much easier than cleaning the mattress itself, much less changing the filling.
  • Ventilate regularly!
    That is, once a month, take off your underwear, open the windows wide open and place the mattress so that it is ventilated on both sides.
  • Once every 2-3 months, turn it over in a figure of eight pattern
    - changing the bottom and top, legs and head.
  • Vacuum once a week.
    At high power and with a furniture attachment. Even if the bed is always made and covered with a blanket. Dust particles, hair, and small debris still end up on the mattress.
  • Try to remove stains from the mattress IMMEDIATELY when they appear.
    This will make your work much easier.
  • Do not try to soak stains with soapy water or any other solution.
    Getting the filler wet leads to damage to the product, and the spring blocks rust.
  • Periodically dry clean the product
    - knock out dust, use a vacuum cleaner with attachments.

Features of cleaning mattresses depending on the type

There is no universal way to clean mattresses. To get rid of this or that type of contamination the first time, you need to know its origin and the type of mattress filler.

Cleaning a cotton mattress

Mattresses filled with cotton wool are very difficult to clean.
The best option would be high-quality treatment with a vacuum cleaner or dust blower, followed by ventilation in the fresh air under the sun's rays. It is recommended to perform this procedure at least once a week. If large stains or mold appear on a cotton product, it is best to replace it with a new one. Cotton filler perfectly absorbs foreign odors and moisture, and is also very difficult to dry. This makes it an ideal habitat for pathogens.

You can get rid of small stains on a cotton mattress yourself as follows:

  1. Prepare a brush and clean dry wipes, soap solution and water.
  2. Carefully knock out the mattress and then place it on a horizontal surface.
  3. Apply soapy water to the stains and brush them until they disappear completely.
  4. Blot the remaining working solution with a dry cloth.
  5. Wipe the problem area with a cloth soaked in clean water.
  6. Dry the treated area of ​​the mattress thoroughly.

Important! Chlorine-containing products will help remove stubborn stains from the surface of a cotton mattress.

Features of cleaning a foam mattress

The procedure for cleaning a mattress with foam filling consists of several manipulations:

  1. Treat the product on all sides with a vacuum cleaner or dust blower.
  2. Place on a horizontal surface.
  3. Prepare a working solution. To do this, dissolve soap shavings in water or mix baking soda and water in a 1:1 ratio. In this case, the temperature of the liquid should not exceed 40 °C.
  4. Pour the solution into a spray bottle and spray onto contaminated areas.
  5. Leave for 30 minutes so that the composition can be absorbed.
  6. After the allotted time has passed, rub the stain with a dry cloth or brush.
  7. Rinse off any remaining cleaning product with water.
  8. Blot the surface thoroughly to remove moisture.
  9. Dry by ensuring good air circulation in the room, or using household appliances: hair dryer, iron, fan.

You can use baking soda to remove unpleasant odors and remove moisture. You need to cover the treated area of ​​the mattress with it and leave it for about 6-7 hours. Then remove with a vacuum cleaner or brush.

Important! After cleaning, the foam mattress requires careful drying, otherwise the humid environment can provoke the appearance of fungi and mold.

Cleaning spring mattresses

Spring mattresses made of steel wire cannot be cleaned using large amounts of water, as the formation of rust will cause the product to become unusable.

Self-cleaning of such mattresses should be carried out according to the following algorithm:

  1. Apply an even layer of baking soda to the dirty area.
  2. Leave for 10-12 hours.
  3. Remove soda powder using a vacuum cleaner or brush.

If this technique does not bring the desired result, it is recommended to use one of the following methods:

  1. Treat the stain with a special pencil or spray using a minimal amount of water. Blot the moisture with a dry towel and then dry the surface with a hairdryer.
  2. Mix 1 tsp in ½ liter of water. ammonia. Pour the solution into a spray bottle and treat the problem area with it. Dry well.
  3. Mix starch with water until the consistency of thick sour cream. Treat the contaminated area of ​​the mattress with the mixture. After complete drying, vacuum. This method is recommended for removing traces of blood.
  4. Use table salt to remove grease stains. Apply a thick layer of it to the contaminated surface and leave for several hours. After time has passed, remove it in any way possible.

Features of caring for a mattress with coconut filling

Mattresses made from coconut fillers are quite popular. Due to its fragility, this material cannot be folded in half and treated with a dust beater.

According to manufacturers, coconut filler does not attract dust mites and other harmful organisms, and does not retain moisture.

For preventive purposes, it is recommended to regularly remove the product to fresh air and clean it with a vacuum cleaner. If stains appear on its surface, you must resort to one of the following methods:

  1. Lightly moisten the contaminated area with water and cover it with salt. After 2 hours, remove the salt and treat the surface with a cloth soaked in hydrogen peroxide. After foam stops forming, blot away the moisture with a dry towel.
  2. Dissolve 20 drops of iodine in 1 liter of water and treat the problem area. This product will help remove urine stains and eliminate unpleasant odors. Before starting the procedure, it is recommended to test the resulting composition, since there is a high probability of staining the fabric.
  3. Spray window cleaner onto the dirty surface of the mattress. Wipe thoroughly with a clean cloth, and then treat with a cotton pad soaked in ammonia. Upon completion of the procedure, remove the product to fresh air to dry.


The method of cleaning an orthopedic mattress is chosen taking into account the characteristics of its filler. They can be metal springs or coconut coir.

Attention! Orthopedic mattresses must not be bent over the crossbar or treated with a dust blower.

To care for them, it is best to use a steam generator and a vacuum cleaner. The recommended frequency of the procedure is at least once a week. A washing vacuum cleaner in combination with one of the household chemicals will help get rid of stains on the surface of an orthopedic mattress.

When choosing an orthopedic product, you should give preference to models with a removable cover, since it can be washed without restrictions.


Without a special cover, an air mattress often gets dirty and becomes covered with dust and dirt over time. Several effective ways can help eliminate contaminants accumulated during operation:

  1. Treatment with a soap solution prepared from laundry soap dissolved in warm water.
  2. Using detergent powder. The product is diluted in water, whipped until foam is obtained and applied to the contaminated surface using a sponge.
  3. Cleaning with a mixture of lemon juice and table salt. This composition copes well with old, ingrained stains.
  4. Use of hydrogen peroxide. This method allows you to quickly get rid of traces of blood.

After each treatment, the inflatable product must be thoroughly dried. You can use a hair dryer for this purpose.

Important! Cleaning air mattresses using abrasive substances and aggressive chemicals is strictly unacceptable.


Before cleaning a wool product, you should carefully study the label with recommendations. If there is no sign prohibiting washing, you can wet clean it at home without going to the dry cleaner.

Hand washing a wool mattress involves the following sequence:

  1. Fill a large container with water at a temperature not exceeding 30 °C.
  2. Add 1 tbsp. l. borax and 1 tbsp. liquid soap.
  3. Immerse the product in the working solution and leave for 6-7 hours.
  4. After this time, carefully wash the contaminated areas.
  5. Rinse three times: twice in cold water, once in warm water.
  6. Do not squeeze.
  7. Take it outside to dry and air.

Important! To clean a woolen product with a very dirty surface, it is recommended to use a soap solution with two tablespoons of turpentine.


A holofiber mattress withstands intensive washing at high temperatures. Small items can be placed in the washing machine. Large items are washed by hand by immersing them in the bathtub.

Washing conditions:

  • water temperature – up to 60 °C;
  • additional rinsing – no more than 2 cycles;
  • rpm speed – 600-800;
  • Products used: gel capsules, liquid washing powder.

Important! Before washing, it is recommended to treat a holofiber mattress with hydrogen peroxide.

Getting rid of stains

During sleep, various undesirable incidents can occur, as a result of which menstrual stains, traces of vomit, saliva, urine (the child often describes the bed), sperm appear on the product... Contamination from cat urine is also often found.

Expert opinion

Evgenia Taran

When these stains appear, you need to wash the mattress as soon as possible, that is, before they have time to dry. Dealing with dried stains is more difficult; sometimes it is not possible to remove them completely, especially from a white product.

Fresh spots

You can wash fresh stains with baking soda mixed with water (borax or salt will also work). Mix water and baking soda to form a paste. Apply the paste to the stain and leave for several hours. Remove the partially dried paste and vacuum the mattress. This method is suitable for a waterproof product.

Cleaning the mattress from dust

Cleaning the product from dust includes several stages:

  1. Remove bedding from the mattress.
  2. Carefully clean the surface of all sides of the product with a vacuum cleaner with a special attachment for fabric upholstery.
  3. Ventilate in fresh air.
  4. Wipe the bed frame with a damp piece of cloth.

Important! Products with latex filling should not be left in direct sunlight.

You can use a steam cleaner when cleaning the mattress.

What is a coconut mattress and what is it eaten with?

Many parents, when buying a mattress, have a very vague idea about this product. They don’t know what it consists of and how to wash a children’s coconut mattress. So let's first figure out what a mattress with coconut filling is. First of all, we want to say that for the “filling” of the mattress, it is not the white flesh of the coconut that is used, but its outer shell - coconut coir. Due to its fibrous structure, air easily penetrates through it. Therefore, unpleasant odors will also not linger in the mattress. This material is extremely durable and moisture resistant. Coconut coir is bactericidal and does not rot or mold. In this regard, you can be sure that ticks and other organisms that require cleaning the mattress will not grow in your child’s crib.

Since this filler is quite specific, the question arises - how to wash a children's coconut mattress? And does it even need to be washed? The clear answer is no! The coconut mattress does not require any washing. Even if you really want to do this, it is unlikely that you will succeed, especially at home. Coconut coir is quite hard; it cannot be bent or wet, so as not to lose its orthopedic properties.

The only thing that needs to be washed is the cover, which can be easily removed from the mattress. If you notice stains on it, unzip the mattress cover and wash it.

This cover can be washed either by hand or by machine. Choose the type of washing and detergent according to the type of fabric and the nature of the dirt.

If you do not use diapers and your child wakes up wet, then it would be reasonable to buy a waterproof cover made of special fabric. It can be placed on top of a coconut mattress. This coating will protect the coconut coir from frequent getting wet, and you from frequent washing.

Rules for using a coconut mattress

To keep your mattress looking like new for many years, you must follow the following care rules:

  • maintain optimal temperature conditions (18-28 degrees);
  • purchase a waterproof mattress cover;
  • do not place the mattress on sagging surfaces;
  • periodically ventilate the product;
  • Clean coconut coir only with a vacuum cleaner;
  • The removable cover should be washed using special products;
  • Once every 3-5 years you need to use professional dry cleaning at home.

These tips will help maintain not only cleanliness, but also the orthopedic properties of the coconut mattress. We have told you almost everything about this product and now you know how to clean a coconut mattress and what you need to do to protect it from unnecessary dirt.

Sleep is of great importance to a person. That’s why comfort, cleanliness, and the convenience of the bed and mattress are so important. Every housewife sooner or later faces the question: how to clean a mattress at home. No matter how high-quality the fabric for the mattress is, this is not a guarantee that sooner or later you will not have to deal with stains on the mattress. In this matter, the best option is a mattress pad. If the mattress gets dirty, you can remove the mattress cover and throw it in the washing machine. There are, however, cases when a mattress cover does not help. Then, read our advice and begin to act.

Modern mattresses come in two types: spring and springless. They have such fillers as:

  1. Latex
    . It is produced on the basis of rubber (hevea juice). The big advantage of this filler is its elasticity and wrinkle resistance.
  2. Artificial latex
    . It is much tougher than natural. The big advantage of the filler is its affordable price.
  3. Polyurethane foam
    . Hypoallergenic filler, durable and elastic.
  4. Coconut coir
    . In domestically produced mattresses, latex is added, the ratio is 70%/30%. Natural filler has such advantages as: good ventilation, good heat transfer, long service life, hypoallergenic, does not absorb odors. The disadvantages include the high price of this filler.
  5. Cotton wool
    . Hygroscopic, natural filler. Cotton mattresses with such contents have a low price.
  6. Cotton fiber
    . Natural material made from compressed white cotton. Comfortable, well ventilated, fluffy and elastic.
  7. Synthetic down (holofiber)
    . Modern artificial filler. Hypoallergenic, good ventilation due to the tubular structure of the fibers, fluffy and inexpensive.

Methods for dealing with stubborn stains

The choice of cleaning method for a mattress is made taking into account the origin of contaminants on its surface. Because each substance that left a stain has its own characteristics.

How to remove traces of blood?

Ammonia will help get rid of blood stains. Cleaning includes several manipulations:

  1. Ensure free access of fresh air into the room, since ammonia has a pungent odor.
  2. Dilute ammonia with water in a ratio of 1:4.
  3. Pour the mixture into a spray bottle and spray over the contaminated surface.
  4. Leave for 30 minutes.
  5. Rub the stain with a cotton pad soaked in the same mixture.
  6. Wipe the mattress with a dry towel.
  7. Dry thoroughly.

You will find 20 simple ways to clean blood from a mattress at home in this article.

Cleaning urine stains

You can remove stains and unpleasant odors left by urine as follows:

  1. Sprinkle a thick layer of baking soda on the problem area.
  2. Dissolve laundry soap shavings in water.
  3. In a separate container, dilute vinegar (9%) with water in a 1:1 ratio and pour into a spray bottle.
  4. Spray over the contaminated area. Wait until the resulting foam settles.
  5. Dampen a napkin in the soapy solution and treat the surface of the mattress with it.
  6. Remove any remaining product with a dry towel.
  7. Dry the mattress in the fresh air for at least 3 days.

Find out 13 effective ways to remove cat urine odor from a mattress at home.

How to remove cosmetics?

Laundry soap works well for stains from cosmetics. Algorithm of actions:

  1. Grate the soap.
  2. Dissolve the shavings in warm water.
  3. Apply the resulting paste to the problem area and beat with a toothbrush.
  4. Leave for 20 minutes.
  5. Remove any remaining product with a damp cloth.
  6. Dry the mattress thoroughly.

How to remove ink?

Fresh ink stains should be sprinkled with talcum powder or starch, a paper napkin should be placed on top, pressed down with a press and left for 12 hours. After the required time, remove the residue with a brush or vacuum cleaner.

Ethyl alcohol will help get rid of stubborn stains. Sequencing:

  1. Soak a cotton pad in alcohol/vodka.
  2. Treat the stain.
  3. Leave for 20 minutes.
  4. Blot moisture with a dry cloth.

Important! There is no need to rinse off the remaining alcohol from the surface of the mattress - the substance evaporates on its own within a few hours.

How to remove nail polish?

Solvents will help get rid of traces of nail polish: acetone, White Spirit, nail polish remover. Cleaning sequence:

  1. Soak a clean white piece of cloth in solvent.
  2. Rub the stain.

If necessary, repeat the manipulations, replacing the fabric with a new one.

How to remove stuck gum?

Ice will help remove fresh chewing gum from textiles. To do this, you need to put an ice cube on the chewing gum, wait for it to harden and carefully separate it with a stiff brush, needle or the blunt side of a knife.

What to do with stains left after a child sleeps, or with blood stains?

  • We use textile stain removers
    to protect the mattress from rotting and damage to the fabric. For example, Vanish, Dr. Beckmann, Amway, “Loc” wet wipes, Unimax Ultra, Antipyatin, etc. The products are universal and narrowly targeted. They also differ in form - in the form of a spray, liquid or, for example, a pencil.
  • Prepare the mixture:
    1 tbsp toothpaste, a quarter cup of hydrogen peroxide, half a cup of corn starch. Apply the substance evenly to the stain, wait for it to dry, scrape and vacuum. If a trace remains, repeat.
  • We slightly moisten the area with the stain
    (we don’t wet it, we moisten it!), add salt on top, and remove it after 2-3 hours with a vacuum cleaner. Next, blot the stain with hydrogen peroxide (on a cotton pad) and, as soon as the foam stops forming, wipe with a dry cloth.
  • Take baking soda, white meat tenderizer and a little water
    . Mix to a thick paste and apply to the stain. After 20 minutes, blot with a clean damp sponge and remove any residue.
  • Dissolve a teaspoon of ammonia in 0.5 liters of water.
    Wet a cotton pad and apply it to the stain. If there is no effect after drying, use a more concentrated solution.
  • Make a thick mixture of water and starch.
    Apply to the desired area and wait for it to dry. Afterwards we remove it with a brush. Excellent for removing blood stains.
  • Heat the glycerin in warm water
    , apply it to a cotton pad, and wipe the desired area. Next, remove the trace using ammonia.
  • Spray glass cleaner onto the stain
    , rub vigorously with a sponge/brush, then use ammonia on a cotton pad (solution).
  • Dissolve aspirin in water
    (approx. - 1 tablet per 1 liter), moisten the cotton pad, wipe the stain.
  • Mix soda with water
    (1/2 to 1), moisten a clean cloth with the solution, and leave on the stain for 2 hours. Next, remove the remaining soda and dry it.
  • We dilute citric and acetic acid in water
    (approx. - in equal proportions), wipe the stain with the solution using a cotton pad, and dry with a hairdryer.

Getting rid of unpleasant odor from a mattress

During use, the mattress often acquires an unpleasant odor. There are several ways to solve this problem. The choice of the most suitable one should be made taking into account the cause of the odor.

You will find 11 simple recipes for cleaning your mattress from stains and odors at home in this article.


You can get rid of the smell of dampness as follows:

  1. Dry the mattress in the fresh air.
  2. Treat its surface with a solution prepared from 5 drops of tea tree and 1 liter of water.
  3. Cover with baking soda for 8 hours.
  4. Place branches of pine trees or bags of fragrant herbs between the mattress and the base of the bed.
  5. At the end of the procedure, vacuum the mattress and wipe with a dry towel.

Tobacco smoke

Dry cleaning the surface of the product with soda or talcum powder will help eliminate the smell of cigarette smoke. To do this, pour a thin layer of powder onto the mattress and leave for 7-8 hours. After this, clean with a vacuum cleaner.

Advice! At the end of cleaning, it is necessary to replace bedding that has absorbed the smell of tobacco smoke.

Other smells

You can eliminate the smell using a special veterinary product (odor absorber), vinegar or lemon juice mixed with water in equal parts. Cleaning involves several manipulations:

  1. Moisten the stain (source of odor) on the mattress generously with the chosen product.
  2. Apply a thick layer of baking soda.
  3. Leave for approximately 8 hours.
  4. Remove the remaining soda with a vacuum cleaner.

Laundry soap is also good for getting rid of unpleasant odors.

Sequence of procedure:

  1. Moisten the problem area and rub with soap.
  2. Dissolve 1 tbsp. l. vinegar in 1 liter of water.
  3. Soak a piece of clean cloth in the vinegar solution and wipe the soapy fragment with it.
  4. Remove any remaining product with a damp cloth.
  5. Blot the treated area with a paper towel.
  6. Iron the mattress through gauze or fabric.

In the absence of the opportunity to establish the origin of the unpleasant odor, it is recommended to resort to the following method:

  1. Dissolve a few drops of dishwashing gel and ¼ cup of baking soda in ½ liter of water.
  2. Pour the resulting composition into a spray bottle and spray over the entire surface of the mattress.
  3. Sprinkle an additional layer of soda on top (about 1 mm).
  4. Wait 12 hours.
  5. Remove the product with a brush.
  6. Turn the mattress over and repeat all manipulations.

Should I go to dry cleaning?

Anyone who intends to clean a mattress is faced with a choice: take it to a dry cleaner or do it on their own at home.

The first option is preferable if there are strongly ingrained stains and a persistent unpleasant odor that cannot be dealt with using improvised means.

It is not recommended to try to remove particularly persistent traces with chemicals , which include urine, rust and other stains of biological origin.

This can lead to large stains on the fabric and increased odor. It is better to immediately contact the services of professionals, then there is a better chance of returning the mattress to its original cleanliness.

When the area of ​​contamination is too large, and the lifespan of the mattress exceeds 5-6 years, then it is wiser to replace it with a new one.
In such a situation, even professional help may not help; it will only waste time and money. Orthopedic products are also difficult to clean, since they consist of several layers (in the middle there are springs or a latex plate, on the sides there is padding polyester, coconut, holofiber, foam rubber or a combination of different materials, on top there is a fabric cover).
This multi-layering causes the proliferation of pathogenic microorganisms inside. Dry cleaning will deal with this problem more efficiently.

Mold has appeared

To get rid of fungal microorganisms, use 9% vinegar diluted with water in equal parts. Processing is carried out in stages:

  1. Pour the prepared mixture into a spray bottle.
  2. Spray onto mold affected areas.
  3. Leave for 1 hour.
  4. Clean problem areas with a medium-hard brush.
  5. Take the mattress out into the fresh air for several days to dry and ventilate.

Rules of care

Each mattress has its own proven rules of care. Let's start with the most common one - a cotton mattress.

Cotton mattress

Cotton mattresses are bought more often because of the natural filler and low price.

  • Do not allow the cotton filling to bunch up; try to roll rather than bend the mattress.
  • Ventilate in the air once a month.
  • Turn over periodically to avoid dents.
  • Vacuum at least once a week.
  • Clean the mattress as it gets dirty, using shampoo for upholstered furniture, or just soap suds.

Coconut mattress

A practical and firm coconut fiber mattress is well suited for small children, especially newborns. This mattress is good for children's spine, the fiber is hypoallergenic.

  • Dry cleaning with a vacuum cleaner is recommended.
  • This mattress requires a removable cover, which makes it easier to care for.
  • Requires frequent ventilation and repositioning.
  • Do not let children jump on such a mattress, otherwise holes and dents will appear.
  • You can’t dry it leaning against a heater; it’s better to use a hairdryer or iron.

Everyone knows that the best and most beneficial mattresses for the spine are orthopedic ones. With the condition that it is correctly selected according to the degree of rigidity. For example, it is better to buy a hard mattress for a child, because the child’s spine has not yet formed. For an elderly person, a soft mattress is more suitable.

  • Do not bend it under any circumstances! This is especially true for spring mattresses, or models with coconut coir filling. The springs may lose their shape and the coconut filling may burst.
  • You can't knock it out. How to clean an orthopedic mattress? Only dry cleaning with a vacuum cleaner and removing stains - this is discussed below.
  • Do not allow children to jump on this mattress if you want the product to serve you longer. Use a mattress cover to protect against dirt and dust.

Industrial products

You can clean mattresses yourself using special preparations designed for caring for upholstered furniture. All of them are divided into several types:

  • sprays;
  • powders;
  • foaming shampoos.

Stain & Odor Remover

The spray does an excellent job of removing stains and odors from urine, as well as other contaminants. The product effectively removes pet hair from the surface of the mattress. The product can be used in the presence of children and people suffering from allergic reactions.

Application sequence:

  1. Wash the stain on the surface with cold water.
  2. Spray the liquid.
  3. Wait 20 minutes
  4. If necessary, increase the exposure time to 1 hour, and also use an abrasive sponge and brush.
  5. After the stain disappears, wipe the problem area with a damp cloth and then vacuum it.

Important! Stain & Odor Remover is gentle on treated surfaces, so its repeated use will not cause premature wear of the mattress.


The drug is made on the basis of plant enzymes and is ideal for eliminating odors from pet hair and urine. Duftapet effectively breaks down chemical compounds that cause unpleasant odors.

Mode of application:

  1. Rinse the surface of the mattress with one of the products designed to urgently prevent stains from spreading.
  2. Apply Duftapet after testing it on an area hidden from view.
  3. Cover the treated area with polyethylene and leave for 2-3 hours.
  4. After this time, wipe the problem area with a damp cloth.

Nordland foam for cleaning carpets and upholstered furniture

Nordland microactive foam penetrates deep into the fibers of the fabric surface of the mattress and effectively cleanses them of contaminants of various origins. The product is easily applied to the surface and is suitable for treating synthetic, natural and mixed coatings.

Important! Due to the absence of aggressive chemical components, Nordland foam gently cleans the surface without leaving marks.

Stain remover Vanish Gold

To clean the mattress, it is recommended to choose Vanish Gold, produced in the form of a spray, and intended for the care of furniture upholstery and carpets. This product effectively removes stains from the surface and does not require rinsing. The drug is applied using a spray bottle and acts within a minute.

Advice! To remove complex stains, it is necessary to increase the holding time.

Dr. Beckmann spray

This universal concentrated product is based on oxygen bleach. Dr. Beckmann effectively deals with any stains on the surface of the mattress. Its main advantage is that it does not require rinsing.

Application algorithm:

  1. Spray the product onto the contaminated area.
  2. Leave for 2-3 minutes.
  3. Vacuum the treated area.

The fight against more complex contaminants requires increasing the exposure time.


Attitude is rightfully considered universal, as it is suitable for eliminating stains of any origin and age. This stain remover can be used to clean both synthetic and natural surfaces. The composition consists only of natural, environmentally friendly ingredients and is available in the form of a spray.

Steam cleaner Karcher

The functional Karcher device allows you to quickly get rid of dust and various contaminants on the mattress. The cleaning procedure consists of the following steps:

  1. Remove dry debris from the surface using a brush or vacuum cleaner.
  2. Fill the steam cleaner with water.
  3. Process the product, holding the nozzle at the farthest possible distance. This approach will prevent steam from penetrating into the deep layers of the mattress, leading to damage to the filling.

In addition to cleaning, the Karcher device has a disinfecting effect.

Advice! It is not recommended to use a steam cleaner for treating mattresses with grass fibers, otherwise the temperature difference will cause destruction of the structure of the plant components.

What can I use to clean it?

Household foaming gels, sprays and dry foam will help effectively rid your mattress of dust and dirt. Stain removers and various concentrated cleaning products for carpets and upholstered furniture also work well on fabric stains.

The most popular household chemicals suitable for cleaning mattresses:

  1. Vanish, Shine, Cinderella, Selena - sprays.
  2. Vanish – active foam, powder.
  3. Nordland - foam.
  4. Antipyatin - soap.
  5. Dr. Beckmann - gel.
  6. Udalix, MienLiebe – stain remover pencil.
  7. Just a minute, Cinderella – cream.

If preference is given to traditional methods of cleansing, then you can use the following available means:

  • laundry soap;
  • 3% hydrogen peroxide;
  • pure alcohol;
  • solvent or acetone;
  • soda;
  • salt;
  • vinegar;
  • borax;
  • glycerol;
  • ammonia.

If you intend to freshen a children's mattress, you need to select an odorless product and thoroughly rinse it with a damp cloth or vacuum cleaner.

Before choosing how to clean a mattress, you should determine the nature of the contamination.

How to restore your mattress to its original freshness?

To maintain the shape of the mattress, you need to turn it over at least once every six months. However, even a good-looking product absorbs numerous foreign odors. To eliminate them and keep them clean, you can use a deodorant prepared yourself at home.

To work you will need the following:

  • container;
  • 1 cup baking soda.

If desired, you can add 10 drops of lavender essential oil to the composition. Sequencing:

  1. Pour baking soda into a container.
  2. Add essential oil.
  3. Mix the ingredients.
  4. Apply a generous layer of the prepared mixture to the surface of the mattress and leave for 30 minutes.
  5. Remove the product using a vacuum cleaner.

Here are the best recipes for removing household stains on a mattress:

  1. From lipstick.
    Wet the cotton pad/disk in alcohol and wipe it off.
  2. From red wine.
    Cover the stain with baking soda (or salt), remove it with a vacuum cleaner after 30 minutes, then wash it with dry foam cleaning agent.
  3. From felt-tip pens, pens.
    We take a special product (for example, Dr. Beckmann), apply it, and remove the stain.
  4. From wax crayons.
    Place loose paper on top of the stain and iron it. We change the paper until the marks are completely gone.
  5. From fat.
    Immediately add salt (you can also use potato starch or talcum powder), after 15 minutes vacuum it and add it again. For better results, you can iron it with a dry cloth.
  6. From coffee.
    Use mild soap or water with salt. Be sure to dry it.
  7. From juices.
    A mixture of vinegar and ammonia, 1 to 1.
  8. From tea or beer.
    Apply the vinegar solution to a cotton pad and wipe the stain.
  9. From fucorcin.
    Mix alcohol and regular tooth powder (half and half), apply to the stain, wait for it to dry, and vacuum. You can use sodium sulfite, but in this case, be sure to wash off the remaining product with a soda solution and dry the area.

How to care?

A few tips will help you keep your mattress in good condition:

  1. Before cleaning, be sure to read the manufacturer's instructions.
  2. When choosing a cleaning product and method, consider the type of mattress and the characteristics of its filling.
  3. Use aggressive chemicals as little as possible.
  4. Do not use large amounts of water, which often leads to the growth of the contaminated area.
  5. Proceed to remove the stain immediately after discovering it.
  6. Periodically vacuum the product and, if possible, remove it to fresh air for ventilation.
  7. Use special covers (mattress covers).

Thanks to proper care and proper cleaning procedures, the mattress will retain its original appearance for many years.

Also learn how to properly wash a mattress cover in the washing machine and by hand.

How often do you clean your mattress?

Once a year or more Rarely

Both old and proven, and modern...

  • We buy an odor absorber in the store
    , pour it onto the odorous area for 3-5 hours, sweep it away with a brush, vacuum the residue and wipe it with a damp cloth. You can also purchase a product that destroys organic odors - it acts quickly and the results are good. Ideal if there is a smell of vomit/urine on the mattress.
  • Regular salt.
    Dilute with water 3 to 1, apply the mixture to the desired area, rub in, then wipe with a clean cloth, dry with a hairdryer.
  • Soda.
    You can simply pour it onto the mattress and vacuum it up after 12-20 hours. Helps with tobacco smell. If the result is bad, repeat.
  • Vinegar.
    We saturate the stain with the product, then generously sprinkle it with soda, and vacuum it in the morning.
  • Children's washing powder.
    Don’t dilute it - just pour it onto the stain and rub it in with a dry sponge or brush. Leave it for a couple of hours, then vacuum it.
  • Iodine.
    A product that quickly eliminates urine odor. However, it is not recommended to use it on light-colored fabrics. For 1 liter of water - 20 drops. Apply the solution to a cotton pad and then wipe the area.
  • Laundry soap.
    Option for old urine odor. We moisten the area, rub it well with soap, wait 20 minutes. Next, wet the cloth in a vinegar solution (approx. 1 tbsp per 1 liter of water), rinse off the soap, wipe with a clean damp cloth, dry with napkins and iron through the cloth.
  • Ammonia.
    An excellent tool. We wet the stain, wait half an hour, then remove it with soda.
  • As for mold odor
    , it is usually eliminated with a bleach solution.


Don't wait until the stains become old - wash them right away! And, of course, don’t wait until the product becomes completely unusable: if you can’t handle it on your own, immediately take it to the dry cleaner (note - or call specialists at home).

How do you clean mattresses at home, what products do you use? Share your experience in the comments below!

Healthy sleep will be necessary not only for mom and dad, but also for the baby. The child spends most of the first months of his life sleeping. Therefore, it is necessary to choose a mattress for him that will contribute to the correct formation of his posture. Very often, consultants advise choosing a children's mattress with coconut filling. In this regard, parents have a question: how to wash a coconut children's mattress? In this section we will answer this question that worries many and tell you how to care for a coconut mattress.

Cleaning removable elements

The removable elements of the mattress include covers that protect the structure from contamination. They, like bed linen, get dirty from human body fluids and careless use. They are removed, washed or dry cleaned.

There are general rules for caring for mattress covers:

  • regular vacuuming and fresh air ventilation;
  • wash in water not warmer than 40 degrees C;
  • refusal of detergents with aggressive components. Use gels for washing children's clothes.

The care technology depends on the material from which the mattress cover is made. Products made of latex, polyurethane foam, and coconut coir are subject to dry cleaning. Washing parameters depend on the textile from which the cover is made. The main materials are thick cotton, linen, jacquard, membrane fabric.

How to wash a mattress cover

Washing can be:

  • amateur and professional;
  • at the client’s premises or with removal to the workshop;
  • manual and machine;
  • with standard or eco-friendly detergent.

How to wash a waterproof mattress cover

These covers are made from high-tech membrane fabric. Its peculiarity is that it is waterproof, but at the same time it breathes and does not float. It is erased:

  • only by hand, without friction. Machine washing and mechanical stress destroy the porous structure of textiles;
  • without chlorine-containing detergents. The ideal option is a delicate wash gel;
  • without boiling - the water temperature should not exceed 40 degrees;
  • with plenty of rinsing to eliminate detergent residues in the pores.

Excess moisture is removed by gentle hand squeezing without twisting. To dry, you can lay the mattress cover on a cotton cloth away from direct sunlight. No need to dry it on a radiator or with a hairdryer. It is recommended to treat a clean mattress cover with a special impregnation to protect the porous structure. Aerosol packaging of the drug allows you to do this quickly and economically.

How to wash a jacquard mattress cover

A jacquard cover is characterized by a special pattern, woven or stitched. It can be made of natural cotton, linen, synthetics. Manufacturers do not recommend washing them. On all products you will read the labeling - dry cleaning only. Follow manufacturers' directions.

How to wash a child's mattress cover

Since the child does not always control the fulfillment of physiological needs, a protective layer or cover made of membrane material is often used on children's mattresses. It keeps secretions out and protects against stains and odors.

Removable membrane elements should be washed more often to free the pores from dirt. Hand wash, temperature not higher than 40 degrees C, liquid detergent without bleach or conditioner. The cover is allowed to drain without squeezing, and dried on a line - in a vertical position in a straightened state.

How to wash an Ikea mattress cover

The manufacturer writes on the labels - dry cleaning only. But Russians are not used to retreating, so on the Internet there are tips from those who washed the cover and were satisfied with the result. Experts from CLEAN EVERYTHING recommend following the manufacturer's instructions on the mattress label. But, if you are willing to take the risk, we offer an algorithm that, according to its author, gave an acceptable result:

  • the cover was washed in summer in water at 25 degrees C to avoid shrinkage;
  • the main detergent is laundry soap, and hydrogen peroxide was used to remove blood stains from the mattress (this article has a section on removing blood);
  • washed with a soft brush or sponge;
  • washed the mattress in the bathtub. A wet case weighs several kilograms. Washing requires a lot of physical effort and time;
  • drying on a strong rope or crossbar. The floor under the mattress cover should be washed in case a wet item suddenly slips or the rope breaks.

How to wash an Ascona mattress cover

A characteristic feature of Ascona mattresses is the Protect a bed cover, which can withstand two hundred washes. It is recommended to wash it in a machine or by hand. Water temperatures are not higher than 50 degrees C.

How to wash a mattress cover

Look at the product label. Is it possible to wash by hand or by machine? If yes, wash the mattress cover yourself or invite specialists from a specialized company.

Can a mattress cover be washed in a washing machine?

Modern washing machines cope with washing thick double bed covers. Follow the manufacturer's care instructions on the label.

At what temperature should you wash a mattress cover?

We recommend washing mattress covers at temperatures up to 40 degrees C. It is better to add washing gel without bleach and other additives directly to the drum.

Washing mattresses made of different materials

The following types of mattresses are available for sale:

  • cotton wool - heavy and hygroscopic. The upholstery is made of thick cotton or synthetic fabric, the filling is cotton wool;
  • foam rubber – lightweight, with small pores, with a removable cover made of natural or synthetic fabric;
  • latex, with a removable textile cover. Latex has a large-porous structure; it contains natural polymer materials obtained from the juice of the Hevea tree;
  • spring, upholstered in jacquard fabric, the composition of which is indicated on the label. Inside there are steel springs covered with felt, padding polyester or holofiber;
  • orthopedic, with a multilayer structure made of different materials, the basis of which is steel spring blocks. The composition of the covering layers may include: coconut coir, horsehair, wool felt, synthetic fillers.

When wet, a cotton mattress becomes very heavy; it will have to be washed by hand; it takes a long time to dry. While the moisture evaporates, mold may appear inside the mattress.

Cover layers made of natural fibers do not tolerate water; under its influence, metal springs will rust, the product will deform and lose its useful qualities. To prevent dirt from penetrating deeply and mold from appearing from excess moisture, all home methods for cleaning a mattress from stains involve using a minimal amount of water.

Coconut filler

Today it is very fashionable to buy children's mattresses filled with coconut shavings for children. But these are not the chips that we add to confectionery products. This is the upper hairy part of the nut.

Coconut coir:

  • tough,
  • has antiseptic properties,
  • allows air to pass through well.

These properties make the material an excellent mattress filler. Products filled with coconut coir do not accumulate dirt, dust, or unpleasant odors. Therefore, there is no need to wash coconut mattresses purchased at Ikea or another store. This is simply not necessary. Moreover, when answering the question whether it is possible to wash a mattress filled with coconut, knowledgeable people answer that such a product cannot even be wet. Otherwise, it will lose its orthopedic properties.

The only thing you can really do is wash the mattress cover that is filled with coconut shavings. For example, sleep product manufacturer Askon advises removing and cleaning the mattress cover once every six months. For children's products, a more frequent washing cycle is suitable.

Some buyers, preferring cheap goods from Ikea, purchase foam mattresses. This material accumulates dust very well, absorbs odors and moisture. To keep the product clean, it is recommended to periodically wash the Askon children's mattress filled with foam rubber. You can do this manually. After removing the mattress cover, soak the product in warm soapy water. Carefully passing over the surface with a brush, we clean the foam rubber from stains.

The next step is rinsing. Since the filler perfectly absorbs water and soap, you need to rinse the product as thoroughly as possible. It is recommended to rinse a children's mattress in warm water, changing it 5-7 times until the foam completely disappears

Then it is equally important to dry the mattress thoroughly so that no moisture remains inside

Having understood the question of how to wash a mattress, you need to familiarize yourself with the rules for using the products.

  • Orthopedic products with coconut filling should not be placed on a sagging surface.
  • Children should not be allowed to jump on the mattress.
  • You need to put a waterproof mattress cover on your child's mattress.
  • To keep the orthopedic product clean, periodically vacuum the surface.
  • A coconut mattress should be professionally cleaned once every 3-4 years.
  • The removable cover can be washed once every 2-3 months.


When purchasing an Ascon mattress from Ikea, do not forget to ask the seller how to properly care for the product. Not every mattress is washable. Orthopedic products with springs or coconut filling should not be washed or wet at all. To keep such mattresses clean, you need to purchase a waterproof cover that needs to be washed periodically.

Healthy sleep will be necessary not only for mom and dad, but also for the baby. The child spends most of the first months of his life sleeping. Therefore, it is necessary to choose a mattress for him that will contribute to the correct formation of his posture. Very often, consultants advise choosing a children's mattress with coconut filling. In this regard, parents have a question: how to wash a coconut children's mattress? In this section we will answer this question that worries many and tell you how to care for a coconut mattress.

Selection criteria and rules

To make a successful choice, you should think in advance about all its parameters and the degree of hardness that suits you.

The standard sizes of such a product are: 140/70, 120/160, 180/80 cm. Its optimal height usually does not exceed ten centimeters, and too thin will be uncomfortable for a child. The size is selected so that it fits snugly against the walls of the baby’s crib. There should be no gaps that will lead to discomfort.

When purchasing, give preference to a product with a removable cover. It can be either jacquard or cotton. A good case should have excellent moisture permeability and be elastic. It would be nice if it had a membrane coating, but you can limit yourself to ordinary oilcloth.

There are two types of hardness:

  • Rigid and springless will help to form the correct posture for the baby. It is recommended to purchase it for a newborn baby who sleeps all the time.
  • Moderately hard and medium hard surfaces are recommended for children starting from twelve months. During this period, their spine has already formed and too strict requirements for the mattress can be eliminated.

Before purchasing, study the composition of the product. The label should indicate the recommended age and cleaning methods.

As a rule, a coconut mattress for a crib is made with or without springs. Springless ones are the most rigid and are intended to correct the spine. Inside such a product there is a monolithic block of coconut shavings. Sometimes shavings are combined with some other filler.

Products with springs are also hard and orthopedic. They have several layers of coconut coir.

When purchasing, ask the seller to give you access to the filler and feel it. If it has a brown tint and crumbles when touched, then such a mattress should be discarded. Remember that a good product made from ripened fibers will not be cheap.

Can the mattress be washed?

Look for the answer to your question on the mattress label. Most likely, the manufacturer considers only dry cleaning acceptable. Do you want to take a risk? When starting to wet clean a mattress, be prepared to bear responsibility for any violation of care technology.

How to wash a Dormeo mattress

Washing Dormeo mattresses is prohibited. Liquid household detergents and ironing will cause irreparable harm to the materials used in the production of brand products. Home care includes regular cleaning with a regular vacuum cleaner.

How to wash a children's mattress

You can wash a foam mattress or one filled with holofiber (synthetic wool) in a bathtub or washing machine. Use a hypoallergenic liquid detergent for washing children's clothes. Repeated rinsing, gentle spinning, and flat drying are necessary.

How to wash a coconut mattress

Forums for parents describe options for washing a coconut mattress. It is suggested to remove and wash the mattress cover, and air the coconut filling on the balcony in the shade. Quite complicated and time-consuming, right?

What do we have to do:

  • vacuum regularly;
  • use a waterproof mattress cover;
  • at least once every 2 years, take the mattress to the dry cleaner or call specialists from a specialized company to your home.

You can only wash the mattress cover, by hand or in the machine on a delicate cycle.

How to wash a spring mattress

Mattresses with dependent and independent spring blocks do not need to be washed. Vacuum cleaning, wet cleaning, hand or machine washing of the mattress cover - these are three options for amateur care of orthopedic spring mattresses. Be careful not to wet the litter. If the filling becomes moldy (except for the springs, there are several layers of insulation and textiles), then the mattress will be damaged.

How to wash a cotton mattress

You can wash a mattress with synthetic wool. This method is not suitable for cotton wool. Unless, of course, you are going to unstitch the mattress, wash the cover separately, and leave the cotton as is. However, the filler absorbs odors and absorbs all dirt, so washing the cover with dirty filler will not radically improve the situation.

Mattress with cotton wool

We do not recommend washing a mattress with natural cotton wool. Take a piece of cotton wool, wet it and dry it. You will see what happens to it, and you will understand that filling a cotton mattress after washing will never be the same. The cotton wool will form clumps and it will become unsuitable for sleeping.

Foam rubber

It is better to wash a mattress with foam filling by hand in the bathtub. Then you should rinse it thoroughly so that there is no detergent left in the pores of the foam rubber and you do not breathe in fumes from household chemicals. After rinsing, place the mattress upright in the bathtub against the wall to allow water to drain out of it. Dry it on the balcony or in the yard in the shade.

How to wash an orthopedic mattress

The markings on the orthopedic mattress say unequivocally - dry cleaning only. This means that the manufacturer does not recommend using any water-based technologies (solution, foam, steam) to care for the product. Only the replacement cover can be washed by machine or by hand. Use a liquid product without bleach.


It is recommended to dry clean a mattress with a wool filling. Natural wool, in principle, cannot withstand contact with water, this applies to any product. If you nevertheless decide to wash a mattress with wool filling, then:

  • the water temperature should not exceed 30 degrees C;
  • use a mild hypoallergenic liquid detergent for delicate washing;
  • Dry the washed item away from heat sources to avoid shrinkage.


Synthetic wool made from spiral-shaped hollow polyester fibers retains volume due to its structural features, does not wrinkle when washed, and does not bunch up. The mattress can be washed by hand or in a machine (depending on the drum capacity and product size).

Important terms:

  • temperature up to 40 degrees C;
  • wash in shampoo or gel for delicate textiles, which are easier to rinse than powder;
  • push-ups without twisting;
  • delicate ironing when the iron is heated to 100 degrees C.

IMPORTANT: read the label before washing. Perhaps the manufacturer indicated special conditions for caring for the cover fabric

Washing a mattress without stitching

Most mattress manufacturers explicitly state on their labels that they are dry clean only. Wetting the multi-layer structure of a spring mattress means ruining it. Dampness inside the filler is unacceptable. Even a cotton mattress with synthetic filling requires high-quality drying near a radiator or outside in the summer. You can wash it without embroidering it. For this:

  • place the mattress in a bathtub filled with cleaning solution for 20 minutes to soak;
  • drain the dirty solution;
  • pour a new portion of soapy water, remember the mattress well with your hands;
  • rinse repeatedly, changing the water until it becomes clear and clean;
  • figure out how to let the water drain into the bathtub;
  • dry.

Complete washing of a mattress with lining

Washing a mattress with lining is a labor-intensive and ineffective measure.
You need to rip open the seam and take out the filler (cotton wool or holofiber). The cotton wool will form clumps after washing, and holofiber, if not hidden in a tied laundry bag, will clog the machine. Washing it by hand is as hard as fluff from a pillow. In general, the game is clearly not worth the candle. We do not recommend embroidering the mattress. Either take it to the dry cleaner or buy a new one. Mattresses with zippers are easier to wash. Take out the filling, put it in a pillowcase, tie it tightly, put it in the machine, pour in washing gel, and select the delicate mode. You can dry it in the same bag, periodically turning on the hairdryer at medium temperature.

An orthopedic mattress with spring blocks, natural latex, and coconut coir cannot be washed. Wet surface cleaning of the mattress cover is the only option for amateur care. Deep dry cleaning of a mattress with spring blocks is only possible if it is taken to the workshop.

How to machine wash

Mattresses and pillows are machine washable, like any other bulky item, on a delicate cycle with liquid powders.


Use liquids that dissolve quickly and are easily washed out of bulk products. Products suitable for washing mattresses are shown in the table.

Table 1. Liquid powders

NamePhotoManufacturerVolume, lprice, rub.
TideFrance1; 1,82; 2,4350
ArielFrance1; 1,3; 1,95400
SavexBulgaria1.5 and 2.6450
"Weasel"Russia1, 2, 3200
SynergeticRussia1 and 5450
"Eared Nanny"Russia0,75; 1,2200


For mattresses, a delicate wash mode is suitable, which involves heating the water to 40°C and minimal spin. It is better to turn off the spin cycle altogether and dry the mattress in a horizontal position in a ventilated area. To drain excess moisture, leave the product removed from the drum on the bottom of the bathtub in a straightened form.

Complete washing of a mattress with lining

Washing a mattress with lining is a labor-intensive and ineffective measure. You need to rip open the seam and take out the filler (cotton wool or holofiber). The cotton wool will form clumps after washing, and holofiber, if not hidden in a tied laundry bag, will clog the machine. Washing it by hand is as hard as fluff from a pillow. In general, the game is clearly not worth the candle. We do not recommend embroidering the mattress. Either dry clean it or buy a new one.

Mattresses with zippers are easier to wash. Take out the filling, put it in a pillowcase, tie it tightly, put it in the machine, pour in washing gel, and select the delicate mode. You can dry it in the same bag, periodically turning on the hair dryer at medium temperature.

An orthopedic mattress with spring blocks, natural latex, and coconut coir cannot be washed. Wet surface cleaning of the mattress cover is the only option for amateur care. Deep dry cleaning of a mattress with spring blocks is only possible if it is taken to the workshop.

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