Why does a washing machine have three compartments for powder: Which compartment should you put stain remover and bleach, powder and conditioner into?

Bleaching clothes and bedding by hand is a labor-intensive process that takes a lot of time and effort. But this is nonsense if you have an automatic washing machine.

The question may arise: how to use bleach in the washing machine? How safe is it to use various bleaches when washing in a washing machine?

There are many recommendations that will help you cope with bleaching things that have lost their attractive white color.

Some economy class bleaches are more aggressive, so it is quite possible to return yellowed or grayed items to their former freshness. There are many products that contain bleach.

Next, we will figure out how to use whiteness in the washing machine. You will receive practical advice on how to use chlorine products correctly.

Can you bleach things with bleach?

You need to be careful when using bleach or bleach. This substance is very aggressive, so it is not suitable for all types of fabric. It copes best and safest with yellowness and stains on cotton products; It is worth remembering that frequent bleaching spoils the item.

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Using bleach in SMA

Whiteness is a chemical agent. Can I use chlorine bleach in my washing machine? What is the likelihood that the substance will damage the drum or rubber hoses?

Understanding this issue is quite simple: open the instructions for your washing machine. If the use of chlorine products is prohibited, the manufacturer will definitely mention this. If the answer is yes, then the automatic machine model is assembled from plastic pipes, and the drum is made of high-strength metal.

Where to pour bleach

The washing machine has long replaced manual labor. Washing now does not take much time, and having a washing machine at home, you can easily bleach any item, returning it to its original whiteness.

But the question arises: where to put bleach in the washing machine? For this purpose, a special compartment is provided, which is located in the cuvette.

There is a mark on the container that will not allow you to overdo it with the amount of bleach poured.

Do not forget that frequent automatic bleaching may damage parts of the washing machine. It is recommended to use bleach-based substances extremely rarely.

How to achieve results

All SMA owners know where to pour the powder. We suggest you use the instructions for using bleach:

  1. When starting to bleach things, you should first conduct an inspection. If you find metal products on clothing, it is recommended to remove them. If the parts are not removable, then it is better to use a product that does not contain chlorine. From its influence, metal parts darken.
  2. Things need to be wetted with cold water and placed in the washing drum.
  3. If you are doing a small wash, just pour a glass of white into the compartment located in the cuvette. You can add washing powder if necessary.
  4. If you pour bleach into the drum, you should definitely dilute it with a small amount of water. Such measures will prevent tissue damage.
  5. Run a program that allows you to set the temperature to no more than 45 degrees. The rinse mode is also suitable.
  6. Things should be rinsed twice. Why is this necessary? To get rid of the unpleasant smell of bleach. For these purposes, it is ideal to use fabric softener.
  7. If you plan to bleach thin, lightweight fabrics, you need to know that they should be washed in bleach for no more than 15 minutes. The same applies to colored things. To prevent your clothes or linen from getting damaged, do not forget to monitor the washing process.

These simple rules will help you figure out where to pour the bleach so as not to spoil things.

What types of detergents are there and what are they for?

The range of household chemicals stores is wide and varied, and counters with laundry detergents are full of a huge number of bright boxes and bottles. How to figure this out? The main types of washing compositions can be distinguished:

  • powders (intended for main wash);
  • compositions in the form of liquids (washing gel, rinse aid, stain remover and fabric softener);
  • tablets and capsules (contain concentrated compressed laundry detergent or gel).

Whatever product you use, pay attention to the amount of foam formed. If there is too much of it, this indicates that the dose of the substance has been exceeded and needs to be adjusted. Typically, these recommendations can be found on the packaging of the powder or gel.

It is also important to choose products marked “automatic” for machine washing and pour or pour the selected composition only into the appropriate compartment of the tray.

Using stain remover

Most powder manufacturers produce liquid laundry detergents. Whiteness for the washing machine is poured into a special compartment designed for this. But many people don’t know where to put the stain remover.

The product is poured into the same container as the washing powder. The stain remover comes off easily when washing. Using a stain remover is an opportunity to remove stains from any item.


  • copes with all types of pollution;
  • practically does not form foam;
  • the ecological composition does not cause skin irritation;
  • inexpensive;
  • excellent contact with cold water;
  • Suitable for all types of fabric.

Knowing where to pour stain remover, whiteness and powder is the key to successful and high-quality washing. You will not have problems with grayed things or stains on your linen.

A washing machine and special products will help you quickly, without much effort, get rid of dirt, and maintain the original shine and brightness of white things.

Let's use the Whitening program

Many “advanced” modern washing machines offer the user a special program – “Bleaching”. If there is one, then if you want to wash with chlorine, you should turn on this mode for better results. It's easy to use.

First we erase the main loop. We sort the laundry, group it, and then load it into the drum, add powder to the main cuvette of the tray and activate any suitable mode.

As soon as the cycle is completed, without removing the laundry from the tank, we begin bleaching. Necessary:

  • add bleach to a special cuvette (marked with a triangle icon);
  • turn on the Whitening program.

The machine will do the rest itself: set the temperature and cycle duration. All that remains is to wait for the end of the program, evaluate the result and, if necessary, repeat the procedure.

Precautionary measures

Regardless of the form in which Vanish is used (spray, powder or liquid), it is important to adhere to the following precautions:

Contact of the product on unprotected areas of the skin is fraught with the development of allergic reactions: itching, redness. After finishing work with Vanish, be sure to wash your hands under running water and soap.

  • If Vanish stain remover or bleach gets on your mucous membranes, you should immediately rinse your eyes or mouth with clean water.

Where do you put gel capsules or laundry tablets?

Not so long ago, laundry detergent compositions in the form of capsules or tablets appeared on the household chemicals market. The capsule, as a rule, contains the product in the form of a gel, while the tablet is a compressed powder that gradually, layer by layer, dissolves during the washing process.

To ensure that your washing machine serves you for a long time and also cleans your laundry efficiently, follow the rules of its operation and you will free up a lot of time while your assistant deals with stains and dirt on things.

How do you bleach laundry?

When washing, you can use different types of bleaching agents:

  1. Based on active oxygen.
  2. Chlorine bleaches are cheaper bleaches. They are more aggressive and can cope with the most advanced situations. Housewives use chlorine-containing products to restore the snow-white color even to gray and faded linen.

The most popular bleach is “Whiteness”. This is a potent composition that can act not only on contaminated fabric surfaces, but also on metal and rubber. But chlorine solution is not harmful to plastic, which is why it is sold in plastic containers.

Useful tips

Recommendations for hand washing:

  • To maintain white color. Dilute two tablespoons of “Whiteness” in 10 liters of water. Mix thoroughly. Soak white items for 20 minutes. Rinse and wash.
  • To eliminate gray tints, spots, yellowness. The solution is prepared in the same way as the previous one, but soaking lasts three times longer - a whole hour.
  • For thick fabric. The undiluted composition is applied to problem areas. Wait no more than a minute and soak everything in the same solution for 60 minutes. Then wash by hand.

Recommendations from experienced housewives and experts regarding whitening in SMA:

  • Pour the product not into the compartment, but directly into the drum - then fewer elements of the washing machine will come into contact with the aggressive liquid.
  • Before pouring into the drum, be sure to dilute the chlorine-containing compound. Look at the label - it indicates in what proportions to dilute. Linen is soaked in cold water before washing.
  • Before starting the process, it is advisable not to be lazy and check the drum’s susceptibility to bleach. Wet a rag and rub the drum with it - look at the result. If there are no changes, apply.
  • Do not bleach in too hot water: this will have a bad effect on the machine and laundry.

What does the washing powder tray look like and where is it located?

In different models, the container for powders and liquids is located differently. If your washing machine has a vertical loading of laundry, then this compartment will be located on the inside of the hatch; in front-facing machines it is located on the front or rear panel.

The tray consists of 3 parts of different sizes, each of which is marked with icons (different models may have different markings). When loading detergents, you need to focus on these indicators. So what does the tray look like? When you open it, you will see the following:

  • the widest compartment is marked with B, "2" or II;
  • the medium-sized part of the compartment is designated by the letter "A", the Arabic numeral "1" or the Roman I;
  • the smallest part of the container is indicated by an asterisk or a flower, and may have the inscription Softener.

Once you've found the tray and examined it, it's time to figure out which part is for which products.

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