How to figure out which tray to fill with rinse aid in different models of washing machines

In the modern world, almost every housewife is familiar with such wonderful technology as an automatic washing machine. Its use in everyday life not only helps to keep clothes and linen clean and fresh, but also significantly saves the energy and time of its owner. In order for equipment to last a long time and not break, you need to use it carefully and correctly.

How to figure out where to put the air conditioner in your washing machine

Firstly, it should be understood that rinse aid should only be used for rinsing clothes, and not during washing. Therefore, it is wrong to pour it into the section for washing powder - the product will be washed out during washing and will not give any effect.

There is a separate compartment for the air conditioner in an automatic car, the location of which differs depending on the model of the unit. If you get a machine with a vertical loading type, then the detergent cuvette will be located under the lid. In front-loading models, the tray is retractable and located in the top left (in rare cases, on the right).

How to pour softener

Conditioner added to the washing machine is always used at the final stage of washing clothes. But for convenience, it is poured at the very beginning, along with the addition of detergents. The machine is controlled in such a way that the washing substances are delivered to the laundry gradually. In this case, the softener is added at the very end.

If the housewife does not know exactly how to use the softener and did not add it right away, she can do this at the end. To do this, after completing the process, do not remove the clothes from the drum, but turn on the rinsing mode separately, after adding a softener to the appropriate compartment.

If for some reason it is not possible to use the detergent tray to add antistatic agent, you can add the substance directly to the drum. To do this, wait until the end of the main wash, open the machine door and carefully pour in the product. It is important that the concentrate does not get on things. Therefore, it is more convenient to use a special container with holes, which will distribute the substance inside gradually.

Read the instructions

Each washing machine comes with a manual that contains information about where to add or fill in which product. If the instructions are lost, they can be found on the Internet, where there are manuals for almost all existing models of washing machines. Typically, the relevant information is included in a separate section of the manual, and is very easy to find.

It also happens that the machine is old, and it is impossible to find instructions for it. In this case, you can contact the manufacturer (every company that produces household appliances has a website on the Internet with contact information). But usually this is not required - the desired tray is easy to find on your own.

The video shows how the tray cells are located in one of the washing machine models:

Are there differences by brand?

The location and design of the receiving tray depends on the CMA brand:

  • Bosch, LG, Gorenje equipment has a simple retractable receiver with three cells.
  • Indesit and Zanussi equip some of their machines with a four-section capacity.
  • Samsung makes machines with a tray designed for loose powder only. Before washing, other products are placed in a dispenser and placed directly into the drum.
  • The compartments for air conditioner and bleach in the Siemens machine are closed with special lids.

On the brands “Beko”, “Electrlux”, “Atlant”, “Kandy” the location is standard.

Fabric softener is a product that complements powder or gel and provides better washing results. Determining which compartment of the machine tray you need to pour the rinse aid into is not that difficult . The main thing is to follow the dosage, focusing on the marks inside the section and the recommendations of the manufacturer of the product.

Where is the air conditioner tray located in cars from various manufacturers?

Standard compartment layout

Trays for detergents differ from model to model both in shape and in location relative to each other. The standard case is three compartments, slightly different in width. To prevent the user of the machine from getting confused, symbols are written next to them in the form:

  • Numerals (Arabic or Roman)
  • Latin letters
  • There may be a flower or an asterisk near one of the sections.

The compartment marked A, 1 or I is for detergent that will be used during soaking or pre-washing. If this mode is not selected, then the compartment remains empty.

Next to the widest section you can see the letter B, Roman II or Arabic 2 - this is the compartment where powder for the main wash is poured. It is used more often than others, since detergent is added there when washing on any program.

The compartment for conditioner or antistatic agent can be easily identified by the image of a flower or a star next to it. This compartment may be blue, but often does not differ in shade from other compartments. In addition, in some models the conditioner container can be removed from the tray. The design of this section is designed so that during washing the product does not spill out of the container.

A flower is the most common icon for this compartment; it is used in machines from Samsung, Whirlpool, etc. But some manufacturers, for example LG, mark this compartment with an asterisk.

Non-standard arrangement of compartments

There are several models of washing machines with a non-standard location or unusual appearance of the air conditioner section:

  1. Samsung eco bubble wf 602 . In this model, the chemical tray is divided into three compartments, of which the right one closest to the user is intended for the air conditioner. The product must be poured into a small square hole.
  2. ELECTROLUX EWW51486HW . The air conditioner is poured into the right compartment. It looks unusual because it has a transparent lid into the hole of which the conditioner must be poured.
  3. Siemens - in models from this manufacturer, the desired compartment is equipped with a lid on which is printed an image of a flower.
  4. Zanussi ZWY is a vertical loading unit that boasts as many as four sections for household chemicals due to a separate compartment for bleach. The rinse aid compartment in this model is on the far right.
  5. In the Indesit wiun 105 (CIS) , the air conditioner tray is located on the right. There is a small hole in the middle where you need to pour the product.
  6. Bosch WOT24455O – there are three compartments for chemicals on the lid of the machine. The middle compartment is intended for the air conditioner, which is quite rare.

Benefits of washing with conditioner

In modern automatic washing units, in addition to the main and preliminary modes, rinsing is provided. At this stage, it is possible to treat clothing with a special fabric softening agent called conditioner. This liquid preparation is added to the washing machine before washing. It has a pleasant aroma, makes the fibers softer, and reduces the manifestation of static electricity. Many housewives claim that after treating with conditioner, things get less dirty, since this substance repels dirt.

Nowadays there is a wide selection of different air conditioners on the shelves of construction departments. Therefore, a specific product is selected according to the type of fabric. There are preparations for wool and silk fibers “Laska”, which preserve the structure of the fabric and reduce the manifestations of static electricity. Products for children's clothes "Eared Nannies" do not contain substances that cause allergies. Lenor softener is used for different types of fabric. It can be used for white or colored items.

Important! Concentrated conditioners are available for sale. The costs of such substances, compared to conventional ones, are 2-3 times less.

Rules for caring for the tray

  1. Sometimes the water does not wash all the air conditioner out of the compartment, and as a result, a hard coating forms on its walls. If a lot of it accumulates, then water stops passing through the container normally.
  2. You can remove plaque in a simple way: take out the tray and wash it with a brush in a bowl with water. Another method involves the use of citric acid. The machine should be started with an empty drum, after pouring acid into all sections of the tray.
  3. Regular baking soda also helps to cope with plaque. Pour vinegar into the tray, then add baking soda and wait 10 - 20 minutes. After this, clean thoroughly with a brush. This treatment will help not only get rid of plaque, but also make the tray white if it has turned yellow under the influence of detergents.

You can find step-by-step video instructions for cleaning the tray in the video below. You need to remove it first, if you don’t know how to do this, watch this video on YouTube. Using conditioner is not a requirement for machine washing. But if a decision has been made in favor of a mouthwash, then these simple tips will help you use it correctly.

Water appears when the unit is operating

If the water in the drum of the machine does not drain completely or does not drain at all, the problem lies in the breakdown of parts of the SMA drain system.

The drain filter is clogged

Situation: . To fix the problem, you first need to check the drain and its filter.

, which is located near the floor under a closed lid. The most common cause of such stagnation of water is clogging. Follow the instructions:

  1. Manually drain the water from the hose - otherwise there is a risk of spilling all the water onto the floor.
  2. Unscrew the filter and rinse with running water.
  3. Examine the pump, which is located behind the filter: you need to turn on the “drain” mode and see if the pump blades are spinning.
  4. If the pump is also clogged with dirt and the movement of the blades is difficult, clean it.
  5. Reinstall the filter and restart the drain program. If everything worked, then the reason was that the drain was dirty.

Broken pump

If no dirt is found when disassembling the filter and inspecting the pump, the breakdown may be more serious. If the washing machine still tries to get rid of the liquid, and at the same time makes unnecessary noise, then it’s probably time to overhaul the pump. How to check if the pump is working? If the drain pump blades (impeller) do not move during the drain mode, this clearly indicates its malfunction.

It is impossible to repair the pump yourself; you must call a specialist. In 90% of cases, the problem is solved by replacing the broken part with a new one. You can buy a new pump either independently or rely on the service center specialists. They will tell you where to buy a pump that is suitable for your SMA model.


Some tips for using mouthwash:

  1. It is necessary to monitor the dose of conditioner. You should not exceed its norm. This may lead to allergies or other side effects. There are special markings in the compartment so that the user knows the maximum permissible level of the product.
  2. After finishing the wash, the detergent compartments should be rinsed thoroughly and dried.

You will find a lot of useful and important information on how to properly use Samsung washing machines in this section.

Appearance of the device

Candy Smart Pro CSO4 106T1/2-07 is a front-loading washing machine in a classic white body with compact overall dimensions.
Most of the front surface is occupied by the hatch, which is a fairly massive round disk. The edging is made of white plastic, the window itself is made of transparent glass, without darkening. Thanks to the fairly large size of the window, the user has the opportunity to view almost the entire drum, which allows him to observe the washing process at any time. To make it easier to open the door, there is a special plastic handle with a fairly tight spring. To close the door, you need to press it quite firmly against the body of the washing machine until you hear a characteristic click, which signals that it is locked. The door is equipped with a very flexible silicone cuff around the perimeter for better sealing.

The inside of the washing machine, its drum, has fairly large overall dimensions, is made of stainless steel, and has a unique Shiatsu coating, which was developed by Candy engineers and is designed to improve the quality of washing items made from various materials. The estimated capacity of the drum is 6 kg of laundry.

In the upper part, on the left, there is a tray for detergents, on which there is brief information about the device, a little to the right there is a device control panel with an LED display and touch control buttons. On the right there is a round rotary shuttle, which is responsible for switching washing modes (program selection). By the way, initially the user has 9 quick programs available, including a unique 49″ washing mode. On the right are the most commonly used standard washing modes. Switching between modes is smooth, very clear and informative. There is a sound accompaniment for switching operating modes. Moreover, each mode has LED support, the display is bright, all icons are visible even in bright light.

For ease of use, the powder tray is equipped with a limiter that prevents it from falling out of the washing machine body when pulled out; it has three compartments for detergent: for pre-wash, for main wash and a compartment for rinse aid.

In the lower left corner there is a plastic hinged flap, behind which a cleaning filter is hidden. It opens with little effort and closes with a click. The filter housing has small overall dimensions; the filter itself is designed to retain large dirt and small items (socks, buttons, coins, etc.) inside the device. It is recommended to clean the filter regularly.

The upper surface of the washing machine is covered with a plastic cover and has a flat, smooth surface. It is great for use as a shelf.

The side ends have small stamped stiffening ribs, but in general they are devoid of any control elements or design.

On the back surface there is traditionally a connector for connecting a water supply hose (160 cm), a network cable (145 cm) with a European plug, and a non-removable drain hose is located here. I'm glad that there are no protruding elements on the back surface, which allows you to install the washing machine almost flush to the wall.

On the bottom surface there are four height-adjustable legs with a lock nut; the legs themselves are equipped with a rubber anti-slip nozzle. The manufacturer recommends installing a polystyrene gasket on the bottom surface. The nozzle should protect the housing from accidental splashes from below.

Overall, the Candy Smart Pro CSO4 106T1/2-07 washing machine looks quite elegant and not bulky. The device is really narrow, there are no strongly protruding elements in it. The white case collects less stains from water, it is not easily soiled, does not collect dust, and moreover, the white color eats up space. Using glass in the hatch is also a practical solution (although it slightly increases the cost of the device), because it is not as susceptible to mechanical stress than plastic. The build quality is at a decent level, all the gaps are even, the parts are in their place, all the edges are well machined and painted.

Is it possible to pour powder directly into the drum?

Disputes on this issue between housewives have not subsided for a long time. Women's opinions were divided. Some argue that putting powder directly into the drum will help save detergent without in any way affecting the quality of cleaning things. In other words, the detergent composition immediately reaches the laundry without passing through the unit, which allows it to be used in smaller quantities.

Others argue that the savings are mythical. Since most of the product is washed out with water, which is poured and drained into the drum several times during the washing cycle, the powder does not have time to foam and remove dirt from the clothes. Therefore, some housewives consider this method of backfilling to be ineffective, allowing its use only in a situation where the tray is broken or cannot be used for other reasons.

Whether it is worth pouring powder into the drum is up to each housewife to decide for herself. But whatever filling method you choose, use only automatic washing powders and follow the recommended dosage of the product.

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