We reveal the secrets of experienced housewives on how to wash washed terry towels at home

Housewives are aware of all the problematic materials that can change during washing; for them, they usually use more gentle cleaning modes and add special detergents. Terry towels can also be classified as such; they are cleaned normally, but what to do with the stiffness and poorer absorbency after washing? Why does a terry towel become so rough after washing and drying? What influenced its structure so much and is it possible to return the product to its original characteristics?

Why are towels hard after washing?

Studying the structure of the product will help answer this question; by examining it under a magnifying glass, everyone will be able to see many elongated loops that form the terry. Thanks to this structure, bath towels have excellent absorbent characteristics, while contact with the skin is almost imperceptible. Softness is imparted to the products by correctly arranged loops; when they are not tangled or pressed against the base of the fabric, we practically do not feel touch. Hardness appears after the towel has been incorrectly washed and dried several times in direct sunlight.

It is possible to return the towel to its former softness, but this will require some effort. But it’s easier to avoid such mistakes, then the question of how to return softness to bath towels will not arise.

The main reasons for the loss of softness and fluffiness of products are:

  • incorrectly selected detergent,
  • an incorrectly selected washing machine mode can also have the following consequences:
  • refusal of rinses and conditioners,
  • drying in direct sunlight,
  • drying in a washing machine,
  • poorly rinsed items will have the same characteristics.

The reasons are not complicated, each of them can be eliminated very simply, without much effort on the part of the housewife. How to wash terry towels to make them soft? What detergents should I use?

Basic washing rules

Cleaning a terry towel can be done manually or using a washing machine. Both methods are effective and will retain all the original characteristics provided that certain rules are strictly observed. How to wash washed terry towels at home so that they remain soft and absorb moisture well? Is it always possible to clean it in an automatic machine, or is it better to use hand washing?

A bath towel is most often washed by machine; don’t be afraid to use it, it will help save time and effort. When machine washing, the main thing is to choose the right mode and choose a high-quality detergent. It is advisable to first study the labels from the manufacturer; everything is written there in an accessible and clear manner. If there is no such storage medium, then we will use general recommendations on how to wash towels in a washing machine:

  • Before loading the drum, it is necessary to sort the products by color; under no circumstances should white get into the colored ones. In addition, it is advisable to separate them by color; towels tend to fade and turn into different colors.
  • The temperature regime will also be important; at what temperature should you wash terry products so that they do not become hard? Manufacturers recommend setting no more than 60 degrees, even with heavy dirt.
  • What mode should I use to wash terry towels? The ideal mode would be the standard mode with an additional rinse setting. The water will completely wash away the detergent, the pile will straighten out, and the product will become fluffier and softer.
  • The boiling mode should not be used; hot water contributes to the hardening of the tissue and significantly reduces absorbency.
  • Chlorine-containing bleaches cannot be used; they will permanently damage the products. It is better to use traditional methods of bleaching terry towels.
  • The use of stain removers is justified when old, difficult to remove stains are found on products. How to wash washed towels? Only with preliminary soaking in a soap solution.
  • Additionally, to soften, use a weak solution of vinegar or rinse them in salt water.

First, turn off the drying function in the machine; after this process, the products will become rough, creases and wrinkles will appear, which will be very difficult to get rid of.

Advice! Do not wash towels and other terry cloth items in the machine on economical cycles; insufficient water will negatively affect their appearance and characteristics.

Hand washing includes necessarily soaking the items in a soapy solution, after which washing is carried out, which is characterized by light creasing. The final step is to rinse in several waters, adding vinegar to the latter to make it softer.

Products of this type can lose their softness in various ways; following certain rules will help to avoid such a fate.

Traditional methods

Time-tested folk recipes also help remove stains from towels. Before preparing solutions, wear protective gloves to avoid irritation of the skin of your hands.

Ammonia against coffee stains

At the pharmacy you can buy a universal solution for removing difficult stains - ammonia. It needs to be mixed with water in equal proportions, then applied to the dirt and left for an hour and a half. Next, the towel is soaked with the powder for 30 minutes and washed in the usual way.

Anti-fruit stain hair shampoo

First, hot water is filled into a basin and the towels are soaked in it. After this, the products are wrung out, and shampoo is foamed on the stains. After half an hour they are washed in a machine or by hand.

Soap for odor

Laundry soap is a universal product suitable for washing clothes, home textiles and towels. It helps to renew the appearance and remove the unpleasant odor that appears on towels due to mold and various contaminants.

First you need to prepare a solution of soapy water and potassium permanganate. The towels are washed and left overnight in a basin. In the morning you should rinse the products well.

Attention! There is no need to pour in a lot of potassium permanganate - the solution should turn out light pink. Otherwise, the towels may become stained, and it is difficult to remove the color of potassium permanganate.

Hydrogen peroxide

First, dirty towels should be washed with powder or gel.
Next, prepare a solution from the following ingredients: We recommend:

How to remove putty from clothes

  • hot water (approximately 70°C) – 6 l;
  • peroxide – 50 ml;
  • ammonia – 25 g.

The products should be soaked in a basin for half an hour, squeezed out and rinsed to remove the product from the fibers.

Soap and silicate glue

For cooking you will need 1 tbsp. l. silicate office glue, a piece of laundry soap and 10 liters of water. Boil towels in the solution and then rinse them.

Attention! The product must be washed thoroughly so that the glue is completely removed from the fabric fibers.

Chemicals for washing dishes

Such products are especially effective for washing kitchen towels, since a lot of grease accumulates on them. Simply drip a little gel onto the stains and leave overnight. After this, you need to wash it off and wash the towel.

Advice. Dishwashing detergents foam well, so you should rinse the product thoroughly under running water.


How to wash washed terry towels? In this case, you cannot do without soaking; this is the only way to return the products to their previous appearance. The process itself is not complicated, but in order not to spoil the terry, you should know these tricks:

  • Soaking is carried out in warm water; hot water is not suitable for this. At high temperatures, contaminants become more deeply embedded in the fibers of the fabric and will be more difficult to remove.
  • To achieve maximum effect, a sufficient amount of detergent is first diluted in water. It is not necessary to use powder or liquid; ordinary laundry soap will help remove almost any stain.
  • Soaking in acidified or salted water will make terry products softer and fluffier after washing.

Here's how to wash towels so they stay soft and easily shed dirt.

With boiling

White bath towels that have become dull and unattractive can be bleached by scrubbing away the dirt.

Although it is not recommended to use boiling when caring for fluffy fabric, in some cases it is the only option to restore freshness and whiteness to the laundry.

There are folk recipes that can be used as a last resort. How to bleach white terry towels by boiling:

  • Pour water (10 l) into a suitable container.
  • Add grated laundry soap (bar). You can add half a kilogram of soda ash.
  • The whitening effect occurs when boiled. Load white things into the container and place them on the stove. Boil for no more than twenty minutes.
  • After cooling, the laundry is rinsed.
  • Dry towels outside.

Choosing the right laundry detergent

Not every product is suitable for cleaning terry products; some types will promote tangling of the pile, which will lead to roughness. The best option would be a modern liquid detergent; it has excellent stain removal properties, dissolves well in water and is washed out of products when rinsed.

Powdered ones do not always completely dissolve even in hot water; the granules settle on the fibers and are practically not washed out when rinsing. During operation, such a thing will poorly absorb moisture and will become hard due to the undissolved granules.

A home remedy made from laundry soap has proven itself well; it can be used not only for terry clothes. Cleaning abilities can rid many types of clothing of a wide variety of contaminants, including stains.

Features of terry towels

Terry is a fabric with a surface made of loops of warp threads. The loops on the base are loosely stretched, making the fabric light, soft, breathable and pleasant to the touch.

Terry towels are divided into cotton, linen and bamboo based on the material they are made of. Cotton - as soft and delicate as possible, environmentally friendly, without the addition of chemical compounds. Linen is durable and lasts a long time, and when used, provides a massage effect. Bamboo has a soft texture and has antibacterial properties.

The type of towel affects its care. Thus, completely natural cotton products require the most careful and delicate care. If washed incorrectly, the loops will no longer hold their shape and will become tangled; the towel will become hard and unsightly in appearance.

Be sure to read the information on the terry towel label. It indicates the manufacturer, the density of the product and its composition. If the composition contains viscose, then the towel is soft, but does not absorb moisture well. If the product is made of natural fibers, then it is moisture permeable and has high hygienic properties.

Using rinse aids

Many housewives refuse to use rinse aids and conditioners when washing. This is only partially true; rinse aid can make products hard, but conditioners do not always.

It is best to use products with silicone; they will fluff up terry products and make them softer. Such products do not affect the moisture-absorbing characteristics.

Should I use conditioner?

Using conditioner too often will cause the terry fabric to lose its hygroscopic properties.

It is better to use conditioner with silicone for towels. Its functions:

  1. softening of terry fabric: the towel becomes fluffy and water-absorbing;
  2. preventing pilling;
  3. creation of a dirt- and water-repellent film;
  4. giving towels a pleasant aroma.

Silicone is present in baby fabric softeners - for example, “Eared Nanny” with lavender or aloe vera. This product is also added for washing adult clothes, especially delicate ones. The conditioner improves the hygroscopicity of a terry towel, ensures its softness, and removes static electricity.

You can use fabric softener - it perfectly softens terry fabric. Unlike conditioner, rinse aid is used at the last stage of washing, and not during it.

How to dry properly

Washing was successful, followed by drying. Do not neglect this process; an improperly dried towel can become like sandpaper.

Dry products in the fresh air in a shaded place; direct sunlight will negatively affect the fibers, they will lose color and become stiff.

Natural drying in the wind will help straighten the pile and fill the fabric with freshness and softness.

It will be difficult to restore a towel after improper drying.

These tips will help you wash and dry terry products correctly, while maintaining softness and fluffiness without fail.

Warming up in the microwave

A stain remover, a bag, a microwave - a simple set that, as it is written on the Internet, should remove all stains. I liked the idea. All you need to do is wet a towel, soak it in stain remover, put it in a bag and microwave it for a few minutes. This is an alternative to traditional boiling. But the result was disappointment. It is clear that the stain remover worked and removed some of the dirt. True, he would have washed it just as successfully without any unnecessary movements: in the form of boiling it in the microwave. But the experience was not in vain. And now I implemented the next method with an eye on it. I have never considered a bag as a container for washing before. Photo by the author

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