Washing feather pillows - secrets from experienced housewives

03/12/2017 Washing

How to wash feather pillows in a washing machine - this problem worries those who still use such bedding and do not want to change them to modern ones filled with silicone or holofiber. Which pillows are best to sleep on is a controversial issue. On the one hand, feather pillows are softer and more voluminous; everyone remembers how wonderfully they slept on them when they were children visiting their grandmother.

On the other hand, a feather can cause allergies; it quickly absorbs dirt, dust, sweat and sebum. This is a tempting place for bed mites and other parasitic insects to settle. Therefore, a feather pillow needs more frequent and thorough cleaning than synthetic pillows.

If you just can’t say goodbye to such rare things, then you need to at least find out exactly how to wash a feather pillow correctly, quickly and efficiently.

Do I need to wash pillows?

Over the course of a year, these warm, soft and fluffy things became saturated with dust and then became wrinkled, became home to billions of microorganisms, and acquired an unpleasant odor. Of particular concern is the condition of the pillows. After all, we spend almost half of our entire lives in contact with the pillow. Inhaling dust and waste products of linen mites, people begin to suffer from allergic reactions or persistent runny nose and do not understand that the reason is in pillows that have not been washed for a long time.

Proper drying

An equally important step in cleaning this bedding is drying. A mistake made at this stage can devalue all the efforts made.

The basic rule is no rush; complete drying of the feather filler takes about three days.

In order not to spoil the result, you must follow the recommendations:

  • spread the feathers and fluff on a dry cloth or paper, stirring during the drying process;

  • cover the top with gauze so that the fluff does not fly away;
  • it is allowed to dry down near the battery, but not on it;
  • when drying the filler in bags, they should be hung in the air, out of sunlight, and periodically beat them with your hands;
  • using a hairdryer is possible provided that the distance to the filler is at least twenty centimeters and the continuous exposure time is no more than ten minutes.

After drying, the filler is transferred to a clean bedsheet and sewn up . To distribute the filler evenly, shake the pillow or lightly beat both sides of the product with a clapper. To prevent the diaper from getting dirty, you can put an additional cover on it.

Washing pillows with different fillings

The filling of down and feather pillows is the most contaminated, because this is the most favorable and natural environment for the reproduction and existence of many living creatures, which are visible only under a microscope. People have also liked down and feathers for a long time. Down and feather pillows are moderately soft and moderately elastic. It is not too hot to sleep on them in summer and not too cold in winter. Many people who have tried sleeping on pillows with various modern fillings have returned to down and feather pillows, considering them the most comfortable.

If feather pillows are given enough attention, washed or cleaned, and regularly dried in the sun and wind after washing and between washes, pillows with natural fillings will last a long time without causing problems.

Still, washing a pillow filled with down and feathers is an exclusive task. Few people decide to wash a feather filled pillow more than 1-2 times a year. For adherents of maximum sterility and cleanliness in the house, pillows with synthetic fillings - padding polyester or holofiber - are more suitable. Pillows with synthetic filling are easier to wash and dry. Ticks do not live in such an unnatural environment, and microbes will settle in if the pillow is rarely washed. Sleeping on these pillows is not so pleasant: they are less breathable. This is especially noticeable in the heat. However, the ability to frequently wash pillows with synthetic fills often outweighs the inconvenience.

How to dry a feather at home?

How to clean a pen at home?

  1. Open the product, beware of drafts and perform the operation indoors.
  2. Find a container, or better yet, pour warm water into the bath and add a soap solution.
  3. Soak the fluff for 2 hours.
  4. Drain the contaminated water and wring out the feathers. Repeat if necessary.

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What's inside the pillow?

If you are not satisfied with either a feather pillow or a pillow with any synthetic filler, you can consider other options:

  • a pillow filled with buckwheat husks - hypoallergenic and well-ventilated;
  • bamboo - hygroscopic, does not cause allergies, does not promote the growth of bacteria;
  • pillows with sheep or camel hair are very warm, more suitable for winter, they are believed to have healing properties, however, sometimes camel hair can cause allergies.

Pillows filled with husks cannot be washed. You can shake the filling out of the napkin, wash the napkin, and dry the husk in the sun. You just need to make sure that the wind does not scatter the light filler. It is not yet recommended to wash orthopedic memory foam pillows. All other types of pillows are washable. Let's figure out how best to wash different types of pillows.

How to clean a product with steam at home?

To refresh the filling and pillowcase, and to destroy unwanted inhabitants of the pillow, the method of exposure to hot steam is successfully used.

When cleaning with steam, a steam generator or steamer is used . These devices can be replaced with an iron if it is equipped with a vertical steam function.

The cleaning procedure is quite simple:

  1. Hang the pillow vertically on a rope, securing it.

  2. Steam both sides thoroughly.
  3. Leave the product for fifteen minutes, then expose it to steam again.
  4. Next, remove the pillow and shake it several times.
  5. Leave in a horizontal position to dry, turn over and beat several times during the drying process.

It should be rightly noted that steam cleaning will not replace a full wash , but in just twenty minutes it will get rid of pathogenic microflora and mustiness.

How to wash feather pillows

First, the napkin is ripped open on one side, and the feather filling is laid out in pre-prepared small fabric covers for washing. The cases should be filled with feathers to approximately two-thirds of the volume. Covers should be securely zipped or sewn shut to prevent the pillow filling from clogging the washing machine during washing.

It is advisable to wash no more than three feather covers in one wash cycle.

In this case, the napkins are washed separately. Small feather pillows can be washed entirely. For better results, put laundry balls into the washing machine. They whip up the filler and the feathers don't stick together. For washing feather pillows, special detergents for washing down products are suitable. Pillows filled with feathers should be washed in a delicate cycle or in a special pillow washing mode at a temperature of about 30 degrees.

It is not recommended to use chlorine bleach for washing feather filled pillows./warn]

Feather pillow cleaning, restoration

In addition, by washing the pillow, you can clean and renew it, which will save time on drying the wet filling. It is recommended to carry out cleaning once every six months.

Where can you clean feather pillows?

You can clean them at home, or take them to specialized salons or dry cleaners, where they can be treated with special products and refilled.

How to clean feather pillows in specialized salons

Specialized salons or dry cleaners may use the following cleaning methods:

  1. Chemical. During dry cleaning, the filling is removed from the pillow and treated in a solvent that removes dust mites, dirt, dust and removes odors. After this, the feathers are dried and ventilated from the solution, which can damage the feathers in some cases.
  2. Dry cleaning. With this method, the filler is cleaned using a strong air flow.
  3. Using ultraviolet light. When using UV, all living organisms, as well as waste products, are guaranteed to be destroyed.

After cleaning, the filling is sewn into new pillowcases and the result is a clean and soft pillow.

How much does it cost to clean a feather pillow?

The cost of cleaning feather pillows in specialized salons, on average in Russia, costs from 250 to 400 rubles per unit. The price may vary depending on the type of cleaning, region of residence and the company itself that carries out this procedure.

How to clean feather pillows at home

To clean your feather pillows at home, you can vacuum them. This will help remove dust mite dust from the surface and a little from the filler, but everything inside will remain virtually unchanged. It is advisable to knock out the pillow first, which will help clean it of dust from the inside, but this will not remove it completely. At home, this can only be done by washing in a washing machine or by hand, or professional cleaning in a salon.

How to dry feather pillows after washing

Properly drying the pillows after washing is half the success of the event. There are two dangers when drying feather pillows:

  • feathers may stick together into lumps;
  • Mold will begin to develop in a poorly dried pillow; the smell of mold and dampness is very difficult to remove from the feather filling.

In both cases, the pillow will be damaged.

To prevent this from happening, dry the pillow as follows:

  • scatter the feather filling on a flat surface and lay it out in the open sun, cover the top with gauze so that the feathers do not fly away;
  • Every ten minutes we stir the feathers so that they do not stick together;
  • If the pillow has been washed entirely, dry it in the sun, remembering to frequently fluff it and turn it over.

If the pillow is dried in the drying mode in a washing machine or in a separate dryer, it doesn’t matter; it’s better to then dry it in the sun.

Direct rays of the sun will not only dry the feather filled pillow in the best way, but will also disinfect it, destroying bacteria and mold in the pillow.

Preparatory stage

  • Worry in advance about where you will pour the washed and dried filling - into an old but clean bedsheet, or is it better to sew a new one? Fortunately, now in stores there is a wide selection of teak - dense fabric for making bedsteads.
  • To properly wash and dry your feathers at home, prepare a cover made of loose material. An old pillowcase will also work well. You can sew a bag from a thick tulle curtain. It is not recommended to do this with gauze: the fluff will come out! It’s especially not worth using two layers of gauze, because the feathers will get stuck between the layers, and after washing your gauze will turn into the skin of a strange animal.
  • So, we have decided on the material for the case, and now we still need to choose the right sizes. Make the width of the cover the same as the width of the pillow, and make the length twice as long. This is necessary in order to properly wash and dry the filling. Don’t be lazy to sew two bags, because the smaller the contents, the better it will be cleaned.

You can wash pillows at home using the old-fashioned method, or you can take advantage of the achievements of technological progress.

How to wash pillows with synthetic filling

Pillows with synthetic filling can be washed without removing the filling from the pillowcase. It is recommended to wash with liquid detergents in a delicate wash mode at maximum spin and a temperature of 40 degrees. Wash balls are welcome. It is better to run two rinse cycles.

It is also better to dry pillows with synthetic filling in the sun and outdoors. Just like feather pillows, they need to be fluffed and turned over all the time.

If it is not possible to dry the pillow in the yard or on an open balcony, you should choose a well-ventilated place in the apartment for drying. An already dried pillow can be irradiated with an ultraviolet lamp, which is used for medical procedures and disinfection of housing.

Preliminary preparation for washing

To make washing as effective and safe as possible, you need to prepare the pillow. First, the dust is knocked out of it.

To avoid raising clouds of dust, first wrap the pillow in damp gauze.

Next you need to determine the type of filler. Further care of the product depends on the material.

Determining the filler material

It is not difficult to determine the filling of a pillow, because there are not many of them. The easiest way is to look at the label. If you did not tear it off after purchase, it may contain information about the filler material.

Conscientious manufacturers indicate the composition of the filler on the pillow label

If there is no label or information on it, try to determine by touch or sight if the bedspread is equipped with a zipper:

Is it possible to wash a blanket in a washing machine?

And at this very moment, the question arises: “Is it even possible to wash a blanket in a washing machine?” Of course you can, and there is nothing complicated about it, the main thing is to know what filler you will have to work with and, depending on it, choose the right washing mode. Let's look at popular fillers and recommendations for washing them.

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Features of manual processing

To hand wash a feather pillow, you need:

  • a large amount of warm water;
  • gauze - 5 meters;
  • liquid gel for washing wool products and rinse aid;
  • capacity 30 liters;
  • a set of new nappers.

How to properly wash a feather pillow:

  1. Fold the gauze into 3 layers and sew 4 square bags from it, without sewing up one edge.

  2. Rip the pillow top along the seam, pull out the filling and divide its quantity into 4 equal parts.
  3. Place each part in a separate gauze bag, sew up the open edge or tie it tightly with nylon thread.
  4. Pour warm water into a container, add washing gel to it and mix thoroughly until foam forms.
  5. Place the first bag of fluff in the container and leave for 10 minutes. When the time is up, wash thoroughly for 15 minutes. Then change the composition to a new one and repeat the steps.
  6. After finishing washing the first bag, pour out the soap solution, draw clean water and rinse a couple of times. Do it again and wash it. When the foam becomes much less, fill the container with water for the last time and add 60 ml of fabric softener to it.
  7. Squeeze the bag with the feather thoroughly, hang it over the bathtub, wait 30 minutes for the liquid to drain. Repeat similar steps with the remaining bags.
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