Review of Pemolux soda gel and cleaning powder: characteristics, pros and cons, cost, customer opinions

When it comes to our health, we are ready to use only the best, but usually we don’t even suspect that we need to spend money not on medicines, but on high-quality household chemicals and other everyday goods. Pemolux cleaning powder on a store shelf

, the composition should be read first. After all, the condition of the skin, and maybe even the health of the whole body, depends on it.

Advantages and disadvantages

Pemolux soda cleaning powder has many advantages:

  • absence of aggressive chemicals in the composition;
  • fresh aroma;
  • versatility of use for cleaning various surfaces not only in the kitchen, but also in the bathroom and other rooms;
  • natural components in the composition;
  • affordable price;
  • elimination of unpleasant odors;
  • soda included;
  • low cost;
  • removal of complex stains, including those caused by tea, berries and coffee;
  • effective against stubborn dirt and grease.

Features include the following:

  1. The product has a pronounced abrasiveness, which must be taken into account when cleaning delicate surfaces.
  2. Weakly effective in removing lime deposits.

Dish gel "Pemolux soda" has the following advantages:

  • does not irritate the skin of the hands;
  • washes out well;
  • has an affordable price;
  • has a thick consistency;
  • forms a stable foam.

The disadvantages include not always good efficiency in complex contaminants.

The effect of chemistry on the body

In fact, household chemicals have already become firmly established in our daily lives. Not a single housewife can imagine how she would cope with all her worries if she were deprived of her treasured powders, gels and other “terrible chemicals” even for one day. All these substances are a product of progress; it would be stupid not to use them, but to continue going to the river and washing clothes there at any time of the year. But with all this, you should carefully monitor the composition of this or that product.


  1. New substances are synthesized regularly.
  2. It takes too much time to complete lengthy checks.
  3. Sometimes it is only decades later that clients learn about the long-term consequences.
  4. They are usually associated with neoplasms or disorders of fetal development.

These are already quite good reasons to spend money on high-quality household chemicals and buy only time-tested products


If the packaging contains any abbreviations or numbers, do not be lazy to look for full explanations on the Internet. Often hidden behind this are not the safest components.


Pemolux soda
cleaning powder contains

  • oxygenated bleach;
  • APAS (up to 5%);
  • soda;
  • natural ground marble;
  • sodium sulfate;
  • flavoring;
  • dye.

The composition of the dish gel of this TM includes:

  • amphoteric surfactants – up to 5%;
  • anionic surfactants – up to 15%
  • preservative;
  • sodium chloride, etc.

Microbiological parameters of the drugs are normal. The products themselves wash out well.

Cleaning liquid

“Citrus” and “Lemon” are suitable for washing surfaces in cold water. A good idea in conditions of summer shutdown of centralized hot water supply. They remove dirt and unpleasant odors from enamel, glass and other surfaces.

To use, a dose of liquid is dissolved in water or applied to a sponge. The liquid consistency will not leave abrasions on the objects being processed.

Rules of application

The use of Pemolux soda depends on the form of release. Cleaning powder shows its effectiveness when treating hard surfaces using a damp cloth or sponge and fairly intense rubbing.

The powder should be poured onto the stain and rubbed. Pemolux can be used to remove carbon deposits from ovens, stove surfaces, sinks, tiles, etc.

The powder has worked well in combating the following problems:

  • soot;
  • rust;
  • limescale.

Thanks to the marble particles in Pemolux Soda, even the most stubborn dirt is washed away.

Dish gel can be used in diluted or concentrated form . To prepare a cleaning solution you will need 5 ml of the drug per 5 liters of water. In undiluted form, the gel is applied to a sponge and used to wash dirty dishes, adding the drug as needed.

Instructions for use

Thanks to soda, Pemolux cleaning powder can be used on almost all surfaces - earthenware, ceramics, enamel - on all stainless steel coatings. The table below describes its cleaning properties on a five-point scale.

hard carbon deposits2,9

Pemolux contains marble particles, which help to better wash away coarse and stubborn dirt. There is no chlorine. To wash dishes, it is better to use a special detergent of this brand, which contains grease-dissolving components.

How to clean a kettle

To easily descale a kettle, you will need acetic acid (70%) and Pemolux.

Pour half a bottle of acid and plain water into the kettle and boil. After this, rinse with cleaning agent.

How to remove hardened fat

Mix Pemolux and vegetable oil. Clean the surface with a hard sponge, then rinse thoroughly with water.

How to update your white sneakers

Apply the product to the sole (if using powder, moisten it slightly with water) and leave for 30 minutes. Then rinse off.

How to clean the oven

Mix a packet of citric acid with 1 tsp. powder "Pemolux" and 1 tbsp. l. dishwashing detergent of the same brand. Apply to stains and leave for 15 minutes, then rinse with water.

Alternative options

Cleaning products from various manufacturers in the form of powders are abrasive fine-grained substances. Popular products include the following manufacturers: Sarma, Comet, Biolan.

Sarma Soda effect

Sarma antibacterial cleaning powder efficiently cleans metal, ceramic, and enameled surfaces. Available in plastic packages with perforations on top.

Advantages of the powder:

  • good cleansing;
  • safe composition;
  • low price;
  • antibacterial treatment.


  • there is no tightness of the lid, which is why moisture can get inside, and the contents of the package are easy to spill;
  • there is a smell.

Price: from 55 rubles. Read reviews here, here and here.


Comet is a universal cleaning powder based on a deep cleansing formula. The product contains granules that delicately polish the surface and add shine.


  • effectiveness in combating complex pollution;
  • whitening;
  • disinfection;
  • adding shine.


  • chlorine in the composition;
  • acrid smell.

Price: from 50 rubles. Read reviews here, here and here.

Biolan anti-fat

The product in powder form allows you to scrub off various stains. Among the advantages:

  • elimination of odors;
  • efficiency;
  • versatility;
  • economical consumption;
  • soda included;
  • nice smell;
  • copes with limescale and grease;
  • Various scents available
  • low cost;
  • easy to purchase at various points of sale.


  • not very convenient packaging;
  • the packaging is not very stable - it easily tips over and the contents crumble;
  • The packaging itself may leave marks on the plastic.

Price – up to 50 rubles. Read reviews here, here and here.

Powder in a package of 400 grams

Cleaning powder with the addition of soda is used in the kitchen to remove grease from dishes and burnt stains from the stove, and dirt in the bathroom and toilet. The substance is used without fear of leaving defects on the surface of enamel, ceramic and earthenware surfaces.

Product names – “Apple”, “Lilac”, “Lemon”. This already gives a feeling of freshness.

“Sea Breeze” and “Deseffect” remove fat and disinfect due to the presence of chlorine in the composition of the “Pemolux” powder. This effect is especially important for the bathroom and toilet rooms.


Buyers note the effectiveness of Pemolux soda and the possibility of using a cleaning agent to eliminate various types of contaminants. Most users repeat their purchase because they are satisfied with the price-quality ratio of the product . Read reviews of the product in the form of Pemolux soda powder here, here and here.

The Pemolux Soda dishwashing detergent suits customers as an inexpensive but quite effective product that successfully copes with grease even in cold water. Among the shortcomings, the dispenser is not very convenient. But the product does not always cope with dried stains quickly. Reviews can be found here, here and here.

How did people manage without washing powders?

For most of human history, no one knew about household chemicals. But you shouldn’t call this period the “golden time”:

  • There were also tasks of cleaning dishes, clothes and all surfaces in the house at that time.
  • Women were forced to do all this manually, using available rags and brushes.
  • Washing turned into a painful task, especially in the winter season.
  • Medieval washerwomen could rival many modern athletes in terms of muscular strength and endurance.
  • And this is not from a good life.

Cold water and high physical activity undermined health much faster than modern cleaning products. And over the past few decades, the value system has changed

the lack of toxicity and the minimum level of exposure to the body
are most valued .

Safety precautions when working with Pemolux

The procedure technology is simple - treat the surface with a cleaning agent and rinse with clean water.

The product has undergone laboratory tests and research. Dermatologists have approved the composition of Pemolux powder for everyday use. But since the composition contains an abrasive, manipulations with the powder should be carried out with rubber gloves.

The powder is heavy, but there is still a possibility that it will get into your eyes when sprayed. In this case, you need to immediately rinse the affected organ in running water.

Try to store household chemicals out of the reach of small children. Start working together to educate teenagers about keeping the kitchen and sanitary area clean. After making sure that your child understands the rules for handling chemicals, trust your older assistant to do the cleaning themselves.

What is Pemolux made from?

The three states of the cleaning agent: powder, cream and gel, have similar qualities. What characteristics of the Pemolux composition help to restore cleanliness and order? How harmless is the substance to human health and the environment?

The chemical composition of Pemolux must be indicated on the packaging.

Powder components:

  • N-surfactants - nonionic surfactants help to use the cleaning agent in water of any hardness and temperature. Made from renewable plant materials, biodegradable and compatible with human skin. Surfactants are divided into those that quickly decompose and those that accumulate in the natural environment. Accumulation in the world's oceans leads to a decrease in the surface tension of water and its depletion of oxygen and carbon dioxide. “Sticking” to particles of earth, sand and clay helps release heavy metal salts, which also worsens the quality of life. Therefore, you should use the powder rationally and use a centralized sewer system, where wastewater must be treated before being discharged into the ocean.
  • Natural minerals - crushed marble chips, a natural abrasive, harmless to the human body if not eaten with spoons.
  • Washing soda, or sodium carbonate. It was once produced as a separate product for adding to laundry and for cleaning surfaces.
  • Fragrance – to add a pleasant aroma to detergent components. Synthetic and semi-synthetic substances are used that retain the aroma for a long time. Sodium tripolyphosphate is used as the basis for production. This white powder does not have a hazard class for the human body. But, like all phosphates, it accumulates in the natural environment. Experts are conducting research on replacing phosphates with citric or hydroxycarbanic acid, nitrotriacetate or polyacrylate.
  • Dye is a synthetic organic substance. It does not improve the cleaning properties of the cleaning substance, but it works as a commercial move: “the gray powder works poorly, but the blue substance cleans perfectly.”

A few words about the composition of Pemolux in cream and liquid states:

  • Like the powder, the cream contains a surfactant, crushed marble, fragrance, and dye. But the creamy consistency is created by additional substances: solvents, preservatives, thickeners and water, as well as polycarboxylate, which softens the water and enhances the effect of the surfactant. The water-soluble carbon-based polymer settles in wastewater treatment plant sludge and is broken down by bacteria.
  • Liquid components: surfactants – anionic surfactants; nonionic surfactants; citric acid, dye, preservative, water, fragrance.

If you still have to wash with Pemolux

If for some reason you still need to clean kitchen utensils with Pemolux powder, you should remember and strictly follow the rules that will help you not harm yourself and the utensils:

  1. The most important rule is that after using Pemolux, be sure to wash the dishes thoroughly with soap or other means. And after that, rinse thoroughly with water several times.
  2. Under no circumstances should utensils made of wood, porous plastic or glossy ones be washed with Pemolux.
  3. It is necessary to reduce skin contact with the cleaning powder. Any rubber gloves will do for this.
  4. If you need to clean old grease, burnt dried food and other difficult-to-clean stains from a delicate surface, the dishes should be soaked in warm or moderately hot water, adding Pemolux. Leave for no more than 10 minutes, after which pour out the water and rinse the surface. Under no circumstances should you rub it with powder. And only after that you can start washing with other means.
  5. Simple frying pans, frying pans and pots without special coatings can be cleaned with Pemolux powder if you need to wash something specific or polish them after long use.

The opinion of the resource “Miss Clean” regarding washing dishes with products not intended for these purposes is quite clear: it is not recommended and is permissible only in extreme isolated cases, subject to all the rules described above.

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