How to remove rust stains from white and colored clothes

Timely treatment of rust stains on white items allows you to return them to their original purity and freshness.

For this, a wide arsenal of stain removers, household chemicals and folk remedies is used.

However, before using them, it is advisable to familiarize yourself with the most effective and safe methods to not only remove stains, but also not damage clothing.

In this article we will tell you how to wash rust from white clothes at home.

Tips for housewives

  1. Signs of rust on clothing should be removed as quickly as possible. Gradually, interaction occurs with the fabric fibers and the oxidized iron penetrates deeper.
  2. There is no need to soak the product. Contact with water causes the stain to spread.
  3. Treat the area of ​​contamination from the edges to the center so that there are no streaks left on the fabric.
  4. After removing rust, colored items should be rinsed with a vinegar solution.
  5. For safety, it is better to test any product in an inconspicuous area.
  6. Apply stain-removing compounds from the reverse side.
  7. Rinse traces of rust after removal only with cold water. Hot water should not be used.
  8. After using any of the methods, the items must be washed with a detergent.

A few recommendations

To get rid of rust on clothes at home, you need to remember the rules:

  1. The stain is removed immediately. Oxidized iron will become more strongly embedded in the material over time.
  2. Do not soak or try to remove rust stains. Under the influence of water they will spread apart, so first remove them.
  3. Dirt on clothes is removed from the edges to the middle. This will prevent the stain from spreading.
  4. When using aggressive substances, acids, be sure to wear gloves to avoid burns. Open the window to avoid poisoning your lungs.


If an expensive item made of elite material has spoiled, it is better to take it to the dry cleaner. The masters will do everything according to the rules with minimal damage. At home, you can quickly ruin a delicate product.


To avoid the question of how to remove rust from clothes, you need to properly care for them:

  • Before washing, remove removable metal parts from the fabric. Cover non-removable elements with clear nail polish.
  • Do not dry things on the radiator, so as not to damage them and the heating element itself.
  • After drying, check whether any moisture remains on the metal parts. There are small gaps between snaps, rivets, buttons and fabric where moisture can get in.
  • Rust will not appear on things if you use a hairdryer after drying to rid areas of the item of water.
  • While walking, carefully inspect benches and swings for rust.

Methods for removing fresh stains

  • The contaminated area must be soaked in a solution of equal measures of lemon juice and cold water. The fabric with the stain is immersed in the liquid composition for 30 minutes. If this was not enough, leave for another 15 minutes. To remove marks, dip the area in liquid detergent without diluting it with water.
  • A slice of lemon successfully removes signs of corrosion on a white T-shirt. Citrus acid eats away rust through interaction. You just need to check that the fabric composition is acid resistant. Rub the stain with a slice of lemon and sprinkle with salt. Place the product in the sun to dry.
  • This recommendation also uses lemon. Wrap the slice in gauze and apply the pulp to the stain. Iron with a hot iron through the fabric. After treatment, wipe the marks with a cloth moistened with hydrogen peroxide.
  • An effective remedy for saving white linen is toothpaste. It is thickly applied to the red print. Leave for an hour and wash. You can dilute the paste a little with water.
  • Lemon and hydrogen peroxide are reliable allies against traces of metal corrosion on fabric. After treating the stained jacket with lemon juice, you need to wipe it with peroxide and wash it in cool water.
  • Fresh traces of rusty metal on colored and white fabrics can be removed with a mixture of glycerin and liquid soap in a 1:1 ratio. Add a few drops of water and treat the stain.

Other situations

How to wash clothes from rusty water:

  • Next time, carefully monitor what kind of water is in the tap;
  • wash white items using bleach;
  • for colored clothes, add stain remover, use more powder and conditioner than usual;
  • Before washing, soak in a solution of oxalic or acetic acid; delicate, colored fabrics - in a solution of citric acid.

What to do if the washing machine leaves rusty stains on clothes:

  • install the filter on cold water;
  • disassemble the car, see if there are bra wires, pins, bolts, nuts inside - all this gets inside, rusts from humidity, dirty the water that goes into the drum;
  • Before each wash, open the cold water tap and carefully check its color.

The zipper on the outerwear has oxidized, how to clean it:

  • take a toothbrush or a hard cloth and soak it in Coca-Cola;
  • clean the zipper open and closed on all sides to remove rust everywhere;
  • rinse in clean water.

We recommend

You can get rid of a rusty stain on a carpet using a concentrated solution of laundry soap and a soft dish sponge.

In order not to wonder whether rust can be washed off, you need to carefully monitor things. This is not an easy task, sometimes almost impossible. It is better to prevent stains from appearing.

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How to clean white clothes

Traces of rust on white clothes are the most noticeable and you want to get rid of them as quickly as possible. Light-colored fabric has the advantage that the products used will not cause a change in the base color.

  • At home, salt and vinegar will do. Vinegar promotes oxidation, and salt pushes dirt out of the fibers. Mix the components in equal parts and apply to the dirty area. Leave for 30 minutes and rinse off with cold water.
  • Ammonia is a proven saver of white clothes from stains. Using a cotton swab or napkin, apply ammonia to the stains. Leave for 10 minutes and thoroughly wash the product.
  • An iron and lemon juice or citric acid are used against rust. Squeeze out the required amount of juice or dilute a concentrated acid solution. Moisten a cotton pad and treat the stain. Turn the item inside out and line both sides with clean cotton cloth. Iron with steam. Under the influence of high temperature, the dye must transfer to the substrate. After cleaning, wash with laundry soap.
  • Wine vinegar and salt will help remove rust from white clothes. You need to take 2 tablespoons of the ingredients and mix well. Apply to traces of rusty metal. Straighten the fabric and place it in the sun. Under the influence of sunlight and a chemical reaction, whiteness should be restored. Rinse the remaining reagent with water.

How to get rid of traces with special preparations?

Old rust stains are difficult to remove . In this case, there is a need to use special household chemicals.

TOP 3 best stain removers

Industrial products for removing traces of oxidized iron are characterized by exceptional effectiveness. It should be noted that there is a wide selection of chemicals available for use on different types of fabric.

Among the most popular and effective are:

  1. Dr. Beckmann Expert .
    High efficiency in removing stains of various etiologies is the main characteristic of the product. Suitable for different types of fabric. The universal stain remover is applied to rust and remains on the product for an hour. A small amount of gel should be added periodically to prevent the fabric from drying out. Costs 190 – 200 rubles.

  2. Feed Back Oxy Color . Oxygen stain remover for removing old stains dissolves rust without leaving blurry outlines. At a low price (from 160 rubles for 500 ml.), the drug is intended for all types of fabric. Does not provoke the appearance of yellowness on white things.
  3. Sarma Active . Recommended for removing rust from white clothes made from materials other than wool and silk. The product is applied to the stain and rubbed until foam appears. After 10 minutes, the treated area is washed with running water, followed by washing. Price range – from 100 to 150 rubles.

When using special household chemicals, it is recommended to test the fabric for resistance to its effects.

Particular care should be taken when treating products with preparations containing chlorine. Its presence can have a detrimental effect on the white shades of clothing, giving them a gray and yellowish appearance.

Removing old stains

When the contamination has long dried out, oxalic and acetic acid will come to the rescue. Take 5 ml of each and dilute in a glass of water. Heat the solution to 60° and soak the red areas in it overnight. In the morning, rinse the product with ammonia, adding 5 tbsp to the basin. l per 10 liters of water. Ammonia neutralizes the effect of acid. Then rinse with clean water and wash with powder.

Washing clothes with rust in a washing machine

Using an automatic machine will make the process of removing rust from things much easier for the housewife and will seriously improve the results.

First you need to remove excess dirt from the fabric with a soft-bristled brush, then rinse under cold water. Afterwards, you can put the item to soak or turn on a mode that already provides such a function (for example, with pre-wash). Then wash the product with powder or stain remover. Usually the result is pleasing: the clothes return to their original appearance.

It is better to try not to get rust stains so that the item serves faithfully without much hassle and effort.

How to clean colored clothes

  • First, you should try to remove the rust with dishwashing detergent. Glycerin will help enhance the effect. The method is suitable for fresh and old stains. Mix dish gel and glycerin in a 1:1 ratio and treat the stain with the mixture. Leave for interaction for a day. Rinse under running water and wash the item with powder.
  • The second recipe recommends removing stains with glycerin and chalk. Mix both components with cool water in equal quantities. Apply the paste to the stains and leave until completely dry. Finally, rinse and wash as usual.
  • Vinegar can successfully remove traces of corrosion on a colored shirt. At the same time it will fix the color. The method is also used for denim. The solution is prepared at the rate of 5 tbsp. l vinegar essence 70% per 6 l water. Immerse the product completely in the mixture and leave overnight. Wash in the solution by hand, rinse with clean water and put in the washing machine.
  • For bright fabrics, prepare a solution of citric acid. It is diluted with warm water and the stain is treated. All you have to do is leave it on for 15-20 minutes and rinse.

Removing rust by type and color of fabric

Depending on the type of fabric (natural, artificial, thin, dense), methods for getting rid of stains may vary.

Removal from jeans

It is difficult to remove rust stains from denim, because iron oxide penetrates deep into the fibers. Old stains are especially difficult to remove. To begin with, you can wash the item in the machine with high-quality powder for colored items, or even better - with washing gel. For light-colored trousers, you can use white powder. It is even permissible to apply the product to the stain, leave it for an hour, then rub it with a brush.

If your jeans are not washed, you can try traditional methods. Chalk with glycerin is suitable, and the recipe is especially indicated if the fabric is thin (summer). You can heat a little glycerin, apply it hot to the stain, and after a couple of hours wash it off with dish soap. Traces of scale on black jeans can be easily removed with toothpaste and salt, taken in equal proportions. This mixture is left for an hour, then rubbed with a brush.

Removal from white items

The task of cleaning white items seems easier than washing colored items, but this is not always the case. Substances that are too aggressive can leave the fabric yellow, grey, thin and damaged.

You can use folk remedies - for example, citric acid in the form of a solution. Of the special products, you can only buy those that are intended for white linen, but do not contain chlorine.

Cleaning colored fabrics

An excellent option would be to use oxygen bleaches for colored items, but the products do not always cope well with such difficult stains. You can use vinegar mixed with salt (equal parts), glycerin and chalk, wine vinegar, and onion juice. Some people use dishwasher detergent for washing. Before starting cleaning, it is better to try the type of effect of the substance on an inconspicuous area of ​​the product, so as not to spoil it entirely.

Artificial fabrics

The least aggressive way for such fabrics will be to remove stains with natural lemon juice. This product will most likely not leave marks on things, and to more effectively remove rust, it must be heated with an iron (apply a cotton pad soaked in juice, iron through wet gauze).

There is an original cleaning option: hold the cloth over boiling water, then wet it with juice and immediately wash the stain by hand.

Ammonia is a good way to remove scale from artificial fabric (wash in a solution - add a spoonful of ammonia per liter of water).

Thick fabrics

Natural fibers (cotton, linen) can form very strong, dense fabrics in which rust is fixed for a long time and is difficult to remove. But such materials withstand the effects of various household chemicals well, they are difficult to spoil, except that the dyes may fade.

To remove stains, it is recommended to choose acids that decompose scale into iron citrate and acetate, which can be washed off even with plain water. In order not to harm the product, you can use citric acid in the form of a boiling solution. Vinegar and oxalic acid are suitable, but they must be used with caution, observing safety precautions.

Silk and wool

Light and thin silk and natural wool are representatives of the so-called delicate fabrics that can be damaged not only by aggressive influence, but even by strong spinning.

Acids are not tested on jumpers and blouses; it is better to use glycerin mixed with chalk or a special bleach for a specific category of fabrics. The products are in the form of a gel and act in a gentle manner; they are left for an hour to remove the stain, and then the item is washed in a machine on the appropriate setting.


Gasoline will quickly remove stains from leather items. They gently wipe the damaged area with it, then wash it with a clean cloth soaked in water.

White skin can be cleaned well by a mixture of gasoline and talc in equal proportions. The mixture is applied to the stain, left for an hour, then brushed off.

You can try to wash dirty boots with hydrogen peroxide, which should then be immediately rinsed off with water.

Some people remove rust with Sanox sanitary ware, but it is better to try the manipulation first on the inside of the leather upholstery.


Shoes, jackets, and other suede products are cleaned with a brush after sprinkling with talcum powder. Coffee grounds work well as a cleaning agent (on brown items only).

Suede is a very delicate and expensive material; to clean it, you should go to a dry cleaner. You can disguise stains using suede paint.

Knitten things

Such products are also considered delicate. It is better to remove rust from them with proven non-aggressive substances - lemon, chlorine-free stain removers. People advise treating contaminated knitted items with hydrogen peroxide, which will certainly remove unsightly stains.


You can clean tulle with oxygen bleaches suitable for synthetics or mixed fabrics. Fresh traces of rust can be removed with lemon and vinegar. Other acids are used only as a last resort, because they can damage the product.


Almost any popular method is suitable for such things: tomato juice, onion, lemon, vinegar, acids. For example, you can lubricate a stain on a towel with lemon juice, put it in the sun to dry, and then wash the item in the machine on the cotton cycle.

Removal from denim items

Antiscale agent Antiscale will help fight unpleasant stains on denim clothes. Treat the stain with a moistened cloth and leave to act for 15 minutes.

In addition to the vinegar solution, use lemon juice. It should thoroughly moisten the stain. Then dry the surface with an iron or hairdryer. Wash with powder.

Wine vinegar can successfully remove rust from jeans. You will need to dilute a teaspoon in a glass of water. Thoroughly moisten the stain with the solution, leave for several minutes and rinse.

How to remove rust from clothes with oxalic acid: folk recipes

By making a solution of oxalic acid and soda, you will get a real chemical bleach.

  • So, take one glass of water to which we add about 40 ml of acid. For those who don’t know where to buy it: flower shops are at your disposal.
  • Add 2 teaspoons of regular soda to this solution.
  • Apply the resulting product to the rust stain and wait 10-20 minutes. Then we wash it.

This option is perfect for high-quality and relatively quick removal of rust stains. When using this method, be careful and wear gloves.

Store-bought rust removers

As a first aid, it is recommended to use a stain remover for this type of fabric. For white items, bleach is suitable. Delicate fabrics will require an oxygen stain remover. A product containing chlorine must first be tested on the underside of the belt or sleeve cuff.

For rust stains, housewives use “Vanish”, “Oxy”, “Antipyatin”, “Ac”, “Universal”. A gel composition that is able to penetrate deeper into the fibers is preferable.

A few drops of the product are applied to the dirt and distributed with a brush. Average exposure time is 10-15 minutes. It needs to be clarified in the instructions. Treat stubborn and old stains several times. Wash the item with detergent by hand.

The last resort for removing rust marks is the use of rust removers for sinks and toilets. Sanox, containing oxalic acid, gives good results. Aggressive agents can damage the fabric and should be used carefully.

Causes of rust stains

Children are curious people who explore the world. Therefore, the appearance of yellow spots on their clothes is common. In addition, metal products on children's playgrounds are not always well painted.

Common reasons:

  1. Metal fittings (buttons, rivets, zippers) are initially covered with a protective layer. But as a result of mechanical abrasion and chemical exposure from washing, it disappears in some places. The metal oxidizes and the red-brown oxide leaves stains on clothing. In this case, you need not only to get rid of the yellow streak, but also, if possible, replace the metal fittings, especially on white ones.
  2. Radiators are a traditional place for drying clothes in winter. But sometimes barely noticeable rust appears on them. It may not be noticed; as a result, rust appears on clothing.
  3. Metal objects left in pockets and caught in the wash can also cause yellow stains to appear.
  4. But of course, there is a high possibility of rust stains appearing on white clothes if a person works in a production facility where there is contact with metal.
  5. On white household items, kitchen towels, tablecloths, yellow stains may appear when they come into contact with metal objects on which the protective layer has been damaged.
  6. Of course, you should try to avoid contact of the material with objects that have a coating of rye, but sometimes this happens unexpectedly.
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