How and how to clean a shower stall: a detailed review of the best detergents

Connoisseurs of practicality and convenience are increasingly installing modern compact shower stalls in their bathrooms instead of bulky old-style bathtubs. Agree that any plumbing fixtures need careful care, and a shower stall with transparent walls requires especially careful treatment.

But how to wash a shower stall and what nuances to consider when choosing products for treating plumbing? It is these questions that we will consider in the article. Let's look at the intricacies of daily care and the features of general cleaning.

We will also provide a list of the best purchased products and homemade solutions that can be made from materials available in the kitchen. For clarity, we will provide the article with visual photos and useful video recommendations for caring for shower stalls.

What causes soap stains and limescale deposits?

Even if tap water meets the standards, it contains mineral salts. After a shower, water droplets remain on the glass surface. If they are not wiped off immediately, they dry out: the moisture evaporates, but the sodium and calcium remain in place, forming unsightly white marks.

Prevention of limescale deposits on shower glass

It will not be possible to completely prevent contamination, but you can save yourself from frequent cleaning with the help of simple means.

  1. After taking a shower, wait until all the water has drained and wipe off any remaining drops with a dry cloth. The cabin will remain clean and there will be no deposits.
  2. Ventilate the shower: ideally, it should be left open until completely dry. This simple method will also prevent mold from occurring.
  3. If forced ventilation is installed in the bathroom, cleaning will have to be done less often.
  4. Treat glass joints and contact areas with plastic, ceramics, and metal with protective compounds. They have a hydrophobic coating, which results in much less sediment.
  5. When rinsing the shower after yourself, do not use water that is too hot. After it, the adhesion of calcium, iron and sodium to the glass surface becomes stronger, and it is more difficult to wash off whitish traces than after a cold rinse.

Cleaning the lime off the walls of the cabin

Very often, lime deposits form on the walls of a bathroom or shower stall, which can be easily removed using the folk method of using citric acid, which every good housewife has. In order to effectively clean limescale formations on the surface of the walls of the shower stall, you should:

  1. Dissolve one sachet of citric acid weighing 100 grams or 4 x 25 grams in 500 milliliters of hot water.
  2. Pour the resulting solution into a spray bottle, apply spray waves to the affected areas and leave for a few minutes.
  3. Then wipe the treated areas with a dry, clean cloth.

Using this solution will not cause any harm to health, and it is quite simple to use in practice.

But there are times when hard-to-remove limescale stains appear on the walls of the shower stall, which cannot be removed without the use of more aggressive cleaning agents, the aromas of which many people experience allergic reactions to. To prevent the occurrence of allergies, if the financial side of the family’s well-being allows it, it is recommended to acquire a steam generator, with the help of which you can get rid of contaminants of any complexity in a fairly short period of time without any problems.

If it is not possible to purchase such a device, then you can use other home methods of folk recipes that effectively help fight limescale:

Anti-scale agent added to a small amount of hot water will help to instantly remove limescale deposits on the walls of a shower stall or bathroom. With the resulting product, while it is still warm, you need to wash all contaminated areas. Then wipe everything with a clean cloth or sponge.

It is important to avoid getting this solution on rubberized parts. Toothpaste or silver polish will quickly and effectively help remove stubborn stains on the surface of the walls in the shower stall. A warm solution of citric acid or table vinegar will help remove scale.

How to remove limescale from glass

Many modern shower stalls have glass doors, which are not easy to clean, but also pleasant. You can wash glass doors or walls with almost any glass cleaning agent: a universal aerosol or traditional methods. Among the specialized means, the most effective are:

  • Cif;
  • Sanelit;
  • Mister Muscle and others.

If there is no specialized cleaning product in the house, you can resort to using your grandmother’s method. To do this, it is recommended to prepare a glass of a solution of water and citric acid in a 1:1 ratio. Instead of lemon juice, you can also use vinegar. Apply the resulting product to the walls and glass doors of the booth and leave for 12-15 minutes. After this, the treated surfaces should be washed with plenty of clean water, wiped with a dry towel and polished with a soft cloth.

Prevention of soap stains

Preventing the appearance of soap marks is as easy as shelling pears - switch to using shower gel or cream.
Choose beauty products that are quickly washed off the body. They have a special composition with high sliding properties. It will help avoid soap stains - caps of foam will remain on the door and walls, which are completely washed off when rinsing. If you don’t want to change your usual products to new ones, after each shower, do a quick cleaning of the surfaces with a rubber scraper. This takes 1-2 minutes and prevents the appearance of a white residue.

Preventive treatment of glass panels with a mixture of ammonia and water (a spoon per liter) once every 2 weeks will help reduce the interval between general cleanings.


Wooden Pinocchio

Pinocchio is a symbol of Italy, sold in every souvenir stall. It costs a penny (up to 4.5 €, depending on the size), and is very cute. Suitable as a souvenir for friends, acquaintances or colleagues if the budget does not allow more.

Pinocchio is the Italian brother of our Pinocchio.

venecian mask

The Venetian mask is the perfect souvenir for role-playing game lovers (okay, you can just hang it on the wall). Mass-produced plastic masks are quite cheap (under 10 €). There are ceramic ones that are more expensive (from 30 €), and there are also luxury ones that Venetian masters will paint especially for you (prices for such masks start from 100 €). Choose who you are - the devil, the plague doctor or the crazy empress. Well, if you can, check out the carnival; in 2022 it will be held from February 16 to March 5.

The list can be continued endlessly, but we talked about the most important things. What’s nice is that in Italy there are things that will suit both the tightest and almost empty wallets.

What are water-repellent glass coatings and why are they needed?

The most effective prevention, which does not require extra effort to maintain cleanliness, is the application of a hydrophobic coating during the production of the product. It repels lime deposits and detergent residues, prevents the formation of plaque and makes everyday work much easier for the housewife. This is an additional option offered by leading manufacturers, including.

In addition, there are water-repellent products for shower glass for home use. Their composition is reminiscent of those aerosols that are applied to car mirrors for better visibility in bad weather. Fluorine-containing compounds create an “Anti-drop” effect. They do not allow water flows to linger in the form of drops, so until the water repellent is completely washed off, almost no plaque is formed.

General cleaning of plumbing

Scheduled cleaning is performed every 7-10 days. The frequency of the procedure depends on the intensity of use of the device by household members.

In principle, if you adhere to daily care, then soap stains, white chlorine stains and other contaminants on the walls will be present in minimal quantities

Regular ablution without the use of detergents is not able to provide the required result. Therefore, when carrying out a general cleaning, it is mandatory to use detergents for shower cabins.

Key points to consider when carrying out general cleaning:

  1. Removing limescale. Cream and paste products based on fruit acids cope best with this task. They easily dissolve dirt, but at the same time prevent fading or, conversely, darkening of the surface.
  2. Cleaning cabin glass. Caring for transparent glass is not much different from the technology for treating any glass surface. The selected product is applied by spraying onto the walls of the cabin and left for 5-7 minutes, after which it is wiped clean with a dry piece of lint-free cloth.
  3. Cleaning the cabin pan. When processing acrylic pallets, in order not to scratch the smooth walls, use cleaning agents that have a whitening effect. They do not contain abrasive particles. It is recommended to treat stone pallets with a steam cleaner, using a minimum of “chemicals” that can cause darkening of the stone. For enamel trays, cream- and gel-like products such as “Komet” and “Pemolux” are best suited.
  4. Getting rid of mold. You can achieve results when eliminating mold only by using chlorine-based compounds. To do this, black spots are treated with “chemistry” and left for 30-40 minutes so that the product penetrates into the pores and cracks.

In cabins where the walls are tiled, it is better to use concentrated compounds designed to care for tiles to remove dirt.

When processing facing materials, it is necessary to treat the seams between the tiles with special care, since they are often the breeding ground for mold.

Instructions for using the product are indicated on the packaging; usually it is applied to the surface of the shower stall and left for some time so that the frozen dirt is thoroughly softened

When you use chemicals to treat the surface, make sure that there are no small children or pets nearby, and that the room itself is well ventilated.

It is recommended to work with chemical detergents wearing thick household gloves.

It is constantly necessary to monitor the condition of taps, nozzles, shower heads and other metal parts. They may become covered with calcium deposits. Treatment with concentrated compounds designed to eliminate any kind of plaque helps to successfully cope with this task.

Poor quality water can even clog the holes of nozzles and showers.

The easiest way to clear clogged holes in a shower head is mechanical, which involves using a needle or sharpened toothpick.

After mechanical cleaning, the watering can should be additionally soaked in a vinegar solution. To do this, the divider is lowered for 30-60 minutes into a container filled with vinegar solution diluted with water in a 1:1 ratio.

The filters installed at the inlet also require maintenance. In order for filter systems to efficiently perform their functions, it is necessary to clean their elements from time to time, and, if necessary, completely replace them with new ones.

In the future, the use of hydrophobic compounds will help make everyday care easier. They are applied to the plumbing fixtures at the final stage of cleaning, evenly distributed over the dry surface.

After hardening, they form an invisible water-repellent film, thanks to which housewives have to return less and less to the problem of having to clean their plumbing fixtures from soap and limescale deposits.

How to apply a water-repellent coating: step-by-step instructions

  1. The surface must be thoroughly washed, especially joints and seams.

  2. Wipe with a dry cloth or wait until it dries naturally.
  3. Degrease with alcohol, ammonia or a special degreaser.
  4. Apply a hydrophobic glass cleaner to a non-woven fiber cloth. Treat the shower stall with it.
  5. Remove the matte “film” that appears by polishing movements using microfiber.
  6. Having done everything according to the rules, you will receive protection for an average of 2-3 months.

Important condition! If the shower room is below +10°C during treatment, the product will not fix.

Tips for choosing

The criteria for choosing a quality anti-rain product will help you quickly decide on a purchase.

  • Release form. Anti-rain in a spray package will be easier to apply and easier to control the consumption of the product.
  • Duration of action. This is a subjective parameter that depends on temperature, weather, the amount of dirt on the roads, and how often the windshield wiper blades are turned on. Typically the effect lasts from 3 to 8 weeks.
  • Effect. Don't forget that different cars have different amounts of drag. It also affects the anti-rain effect. As a rule, it is only possible to determine how effectively a product will work on your car through trial and error.
  • Price. Budget funds do not always show poor results; the main thing here is to rely on the manufacturer. It is also better to avoid expensive and unknown brands, since the quality of such products often leaves much to be desired. Choose products with an average price category and a trusted manufacturer, then the quality will pleasantly surprise you.

How to remove plaque from shower glass

The tips listed above will reduce the need for thorough cleaning of the cabin to once a week.
But you still have to do some general cleaning. The easiest way to remove stains is with a steam generator. Even a small mobile model will do. It will soften the plaque, but will not completely remove it; additional devices and products will be needed. For example, a rubber scraper, which is used for washing windows, will help out.

Rough sponges or metal floats are prohibited - glass will corrode when used. Small scratches form on it, which deprive certain areas of their shine, plus plaque and dirt get deeper into the microcracks.

The best way to clean your shower is:

  • soft non-woven napkins;
  • microfiber cloths;
  • melamine sponge.

Best lists

We will highlight the best products in the following categories:

  • Budget.
  • Dirt-resistant.
  • The most effective.

Consider the list presented in the article below.


The product in question was created in Germany and is used on plastic or glass surfaces. With a small film thickness, it has pronounced repellent properties towards dirt and water. It lasts a maximum of 5 weeks, which is why it needs to be applied more often than analogues.

Price: from 99 to 120 rubles.


Autoprofi - dirt-repellent

The drug in question is capable of giving glasses and mirrors a strong water-repellent property. A specially developed composition is created to clean and protect car windows, headlights and mirrors from water and dirt. The polymer composition forms a thin protective film on the glass, which allows water to easily roll off under air pressure already at a speed of 60 km/h. Regular use of this product makes driving safer and reduces wear on windshield wiper blades.

Price category: from 146 to 200 rubles.

Autoprofi anti-rain for glass

ABRO - the most effective

The product is available in the form of a can. Used only for external glass, the possibility of use in enclosed spaces is excluded. After processing, the film becomes transparent and the driver is not afraid of drops. Buyers note a long service life, however, the drug requires careful preparation of the working surface before use.

Cost: from 300 to 390 rubles.

ABRO anti-rain for glass

How to remove stains from shower glass

Those who prefer traditional folk recipes for cleaning the house can use the same life hacks for the cabin as for cleaning windows and mirrors. The main thing is that the cleaning compositions are in the form of liquids or sprays. A creamy or mushy texture will work, but not a powder.

  • White vinegar 6% (1 tbsp per 1 glass of water). You can pour it into a container with a spray bottle or moisten microfiber with the resulting solution.
  • Citric acid (200 ml sachet of hot water). To remove plaque, apply the mixture and leave for 15 minutes.
  • Ammonia (20 ml per 1 glass of water). This recipe gives the glass a brilliant shine, but has a pungent odor.
  • Pharmacy hydrogen peroxide. Moisten a cloth with it, wipe it and wash it off after 10 minutes.
  • Alcohol / Vodka. They need to be sprayed and wiped with a non-woven cloth.

Using Melamine Sponge

The good thing about a melamine sponge is that when using it, you don’t need to apply and rinse off cleaning solutions. According to the principle of operation, it is similar to an eraser, only it erases not traces of a graphite pencil, but dirt.

Melamine sponge.

Use the sponge as follows:

  • one edge of the sponge is moistened with water;
  • remove dirt using circular movements;
  • The cleaned surface is rinsed with warm water.

A melamine sponge can be used to remove lime and grease deposits, soap stains, and rust stains on plastic, enameled and chrome surfaces. It is not recommended to use items to clean trays made of glossy artificial stone and acrylic.

Special household products for cleaning shower glass

If you don’t believe in folk recipes or want to save time, use store-bought products. They contain substances that effectively remove all types of contaminants, are adapted to the properties of the glass sheet and do not leave streaks behind. Cillit Bang Power Cleaner, LOCPlus, Clin “Windows and Glass”, Cif “Ultrafast”, Mr. Muscle with ammonia, etc.

Allergy sufferers, families with children and the elderly, as well as anyone who cares about their health are recommended to clean using natural household chemicals without harmful components. Similar options can be found in the brands Levrana, Weleda, Botavikos, Ecover, Organic People, Bio Mio, Wonder Lab, etc.

Rating TOP 10 best anti-rain products for glass

The rating of the best anti-rain products, in our opinion, looks exactly like this:

  • Turtle Wax ClearVue Rain Repellent.
  • Aquapel.
  • Hi-Gear Rain Guard.
  • Liqui Moly Fix-Klar Regen-Abweiser.
  • K2 Vizio Plus.
  • Lavr.
  • Mannol Antiaqua regen-abweiser.
  • Abro Clear View.
  • Runway Rain Guard.
  • "BBF Anti-rain".

Let's take a closer look at the range presented.

Turtle Wax ClearVue Rain Repellent

The product in question is a hydrophobic preparation that disperses water on a car windshield, headlights and lanterns. Turtle Wax ClearVue Rain Repellent repels dirt and snow, providing clear vision and reducing driver fatigue, significantly improving driving safety.

Volume300 ml
Country of OriginBelgium
Typespray, gel
Weight280 g

Price category: from 586 to 620 rubles.

  • protection of the surface from scratches due to the operation of wipers;
  • protection from insects, salts, tar, road tar and many other substances;
  • increasing protective effect during heavy precipitation and increasing speed;
  • saves from the formation of ice on the glass.
  • not detected.

I have been using this product relatively recently, but I already have positive impressions. In our city, the climate is unstable, so there are often torrential rains, while driving is simply impossible, you can’t see anything, and accordingly, the risk of accidents increases. The anti-rain product from this company did an excellent job of its direct responsibilities, even in very heavy rain the road is clearly visible, I regret that I did not buy this product earlier. I thank the manufacturers, I recommend it to drivers, especially beginners.

Turtle Wax ClearVue Rain Repellent


The product is made using innovative technology that is used in aviation. Thanks to this, Aquapel creates a strong bond with glass molecules and gives a water-repellent effect. This is the main difference between the product in question and other similar products that simply create a protective film on the glass. Thanks to the special formula of Aquapel, the drops become rounded, and the area of ​​their contact with the glass surface is minimal.

Volume50 pcs
Country of OriginUSA
Weight45 g

Price: from 390 to 460 rub.

  • increases visibility by approximately 35 percent;
  • the drops take the form of balls and easily roll off the glass surface;
  • Ice, snow, and even dried insect remains can be easily removed;
  • Reduces glare from headlights of oncoming cars.
  • not found.

I read the information about the product and was interested in the fact that it lasts a very long time, longer than other similar products. I bought it and tried it: I’ll say on my own that I had to tinker a little with applying the product to the glass, but the result is worth it. It repels moisture perfectly, at a speed of 80-100 the drops simply fly away. I’ve been driving with Aquapel for three months now, and visibility in bad weather has become much better.

Turtle Wax ClearVue Rain Repellent

Hi-Gear Rain Guard

The presented high-tech polymer composition imparts water-repellent properties and ensures perfect cleanliness to car windows and mirrors. Water and dirt roll off under the pressure of the oncoming air flow (at speeds above 45 km/h), leaving the glass transparent. In emergency mode, it allows you to drive without wipers. For protecting and imparting water-repellent properties to glass and transparent plastic surfaces - car windows, mirrors, headlights, etc.

Volume150 ml
Country of OriginUSA
Weight200 g

Cost: from 165 to 200 rubles.

  • It also copes well with liquid dirt, which can be removed with wipers without streaks;
  • the water does not spread over the entire surface, but moves smoothly and quickly in the form of balls;
  • a hydrophobic coating is created that is safe for the glass itself and does not affect the throughput.
  • not detected.

According to the instructions, I rubbed the glass 2 times, after each time letting it dry until a white coating appeared, then I wet the glass with water from a spray bottle and rubbed it with a paper towel until it was “perfect” glossy, and voila, I’m not afraid of either rain or snow. Excellent work by the manufacturers, very helpful in unexpected weather. Thank you.

Hi-Gear Rain Guard

Liqui Moly Fix-Klar Regen-Abweiser

The product in question is a special composition for car care. It protects glass from water and road contaminants. Also ideal for application to motorcycle helmet visors. Water- and dirt-repellent properties are ensured due to the formation of a film. The composition has an effective and long-lasting protective effect.

Volume125 ml
Country of OriginGermany
Typespray, gel, etc.
Weight120 g

Cost: from 769 to 800 rubles.

  • quick cleansing of droplets thanks to the wind;
  • facilitated removal of insects, ice and snow;
  • The wipers operate smoothly and quietly.

Safety rules when cleaning plaque

The shower stall is an enclosed space.
Even if glass panels and screens do not reach the ceiling, bathroom space is limited. Care must be taken not to inhale fumes from aggressive cleaning agents. Remember that even if you are completely healthy now, cumulative allergies may develop over time. To avoid this, do not neglect safety precautions when cleaning surfaces from plaque.

  • Use a household respirator.
  • Wear rubber gloves on your hands.
  • Leave the door to the room open during treatment.
  • If your shower room has windows, open them.
  • Use forced ventilation.
  • Do not use products containing high chlorine content.
  • Do not use hot water: steam combined with chemical fumes will quickly lead to illness or fainting.


Now you know how to clean shower glass, and how to clean much less frequently. A properly selected arsenal of care products will not only help cope with dirt, but also keep glass structures in their original form: transparent, shiny and new.

Types of care

To ensure that your shower area pleases you with its cleanliness, disinfect it more often. Careful use is the key to durability.

Manufacturers usually equip cabins with a large set of elements made from different materials. Caring for them is not difficult.

It is better to prevent the problem right away. Routine care does not take much time.

When all water procedures are completed, rinse off any remaining hygiene products. After the procedure, wipe the doors and sides dry and keep the booth open. Let this become a habit for you. Then harmful fungi and mold will definitely not grow.

Carry out general cleaning at least once every two weeks. Although this depends on the frequency of use. Do not allow the cabin to become difficult to remove lime deposits. It will be quite difficult to get them out.

Many shower manufacturers recommend their specialized products for ongoing care, as well as compounds with a water-repellent effect.

Aerosols are the most popular. They are quite easily applied to surfaces and after a while they are simply washed off with water. If cleaning has to be done while standing in a closed cabin, then it is better not to use sprayers in order to avoid poisoning by vapors. Foams, gels and creams are distributed manually, and in this case they should be used.

Please note that different household chemicals perform different functions, some are only suitable for maintaining cleanliness.

Buy several types of cleaning products for surfaces made of different materials, but never mix them.

Follow dilution recommendations. Do not exceed the specified exposure time. And immediately after cleaning, rinse with plenty of water to completely remove any residue. Again, remember to catch all the water with a rag.

This is interesting: How to clean plaque from bathroom tiles at home

Cleaning glass

Glass shower enclosures lose their shine over time. Premature contamination can be avoided. Therefore, after each shower, use a rubber or polyurethane squeegee to remove water. Such devices fit tightly to the surface and effectively remove dirt. But there may still be soap scum and stains. Special aerosols will help restore transparency to glass parts. They contain alcohol or ammonia and leave virtually no streaks. But they can cause allergies.

Doors made of frosted glass are less dirty. Stains and stains on it will be practically invisible.


The vast majority of shower enclosure models are made of acrylic. These are basically pallets and a wall into which a hydromassage or shower unit is mounted.

Acrylic is a fairly cheap material, and from a sanitation point of view it is almost ideal. It is easy to care for. It washes quite well with a soft sponge and soap. For severe stains, use spray cleaning products. Do not rub too vigorously to avoid scratches.


In the production of shower cabins one cannot do without metal; it is more durable, unlike plastics. This material is used in the manufacture of cabin frames, trays, faucets and hoses. The surface can be either chrome-plated or anodized. Such materials fade over time. The reason for this is water containing various impurities. This is what causes limescale and scale to appear.

Experts advise installing filters based on ionic resins to soften water. This will reduce unwanted “formations”.

Everything can be cleaned easily if done regularly. You can make metal sparkle using special means. To do this, they must be applied and left for a certain time. Then rinse thoroughly and wipe with a soft cloth. Always strictly follow the instructions on packages of household chemicals. Otherwise, the metal will not only not be cleaned, but will also lose its shine forever.

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