TOP 15 best detergents for dishwashers: 2021-2022 rating by price/quality

Updated: 02/16/2021 If you are the proud owner of a dishwasher, then you need to think about the proper operation of this electrical appliance. Since the device directly interacts with water, it must be protected from the negative effects of limescale. If you provide proper care to your au pair, you will avoid frequent breakdowns and your machine will last much longer.

Types of dishwasher detergents:

  • Pills. This is a cleaning product that effectively removes dirt from dishes. The tablets do not take up much space, have a convenient format for use, and most often have a complex composition, to which salt or rinse aid has already been added.
  • Gels. They dissolve perfectly in water, do not damage dishes, and may contain components that soften water.
  • Powders. Bulk formulations necessarily require the additional purchase of salt and rinse aid to soften the water. Their main advantage is their low price.
  • Salt. They are not a detergent; their task is to soften water, remove scale and remove limescale from dishes. Salt can be fine or come in the form of large crystals. The second option involves more economical use.
  • Rinse aids. They have a liquid consistency. Their main purpose is to rid dishes of stains and smudges, give them shine, and speed up the drying process.

When choosing a product for your dishwasher, rely on the following criteria:

  • Compound. Most products have a chemical composition that can cause allergies or irritation.
  • Format. For the dishwasher, it is most profitable to use salt, powder and rinse aid together, but not everyone wants to keep several packages at home, so for many it is easier to purchase a 3 in 1 product, even if it will cost much more.
  • If the composition of the universal product already includes rinse aid or salt, therefore, it makes no sense to purchase them separately.

We present the rating of dishwasher detergents 2022. The best 20 products that were selected by our experts based on user reviews and ratings.

Rating (2021)Prices, ₽A country
The best tablets for dishwashers
1. Finish All in 1 Maxfrom 260₽Poland
2. Somat All in 1from 450₽Germany
3. BioMio Bio-totalfrom 270₽Denmark
4. Fairy Platinum All in 1from 390₽Belgium
The best gels for dishwashers
1.Finish All in 1from 320₽Poland
2. Top House All in 1from 590₽Germany
3. Lion Charmfrom 600₽Japan
4. Clean Homefrom 180₽Russia
The best dishwasher powders
1. Somat Standardfrom 600₽Austria
2. Paclan Brileofrom 130₽Belgium, Russia
3. Finish Classicfrom 260₽Poland
4. Yplonfrom 560₽Belgium
The Best Salts for Dishwashers
1.Finishfrom 150₽Poland
2.Somatfrom 130₽Russia
3. BioMio Bio-Saltfrom 160₽Russia
4. Paclanfrom 95₽Germany
The best rinse aids for dishwashers
1.Finishfrom 190₽Poland
2. Froschfrom 300₽Germany
3.Paclanfrom 130₽Germany
4.Somatfrom 170₽Finland

Rating of the TOP 15 best products for dishwashers for 2021-2022

The best dishwasher products by price/quality for 2021-2022
1Somat Classic tablets, 120 pcs.Find out the price9.9 / 10
2Lotta 6 in 1 powderFind out the price9.8 / 10
3Finish All in 1 Max tablets originalFind out the price9.6 / 10
The best tablets for dishwashers
1Somat All in 1 tabletsFind out the price9.8 / 10
2Synergetic tabletsFind out the price9.5 / 10
3BioMio Bio-total tablets, 100 pcs.Find out the price9.4 / 10
The best powders for dishwashers
1Finish Classic powderFind out the price9.9 / 10
2Somat Classic powderFind out the price9.7 / 10
3Clean & Fresh 5 in 1Find out the price9.6 / 10
The best liquid detergents for dishwashers
1Grass DishwasherFind out the price9.8 / 10
2PROSEPT Splash HardFind out the price9.7 / 10
3Synergetic universal detergentFind out the price9.2 / 10
The best rinse aids for dishwashers
1Finish rinse aidFind out the price9.7 / 10
2Synergetic rinse aidFind out the price9.6 / 10
3Paclan mouthwashFind out the price9.4 / 10

Should I listen to customer reviews?

Dishwasher users are different. Some people like the powder, while others prefer the 3-in-1 tablets. Choose according to your preferences and financial capabilities, and reviews will help you choose a better product.

For a novice user, the range of opinions is confusing. Don't rely solely on reviews, advertisements, or online ratings. The powder suited me because I rinse dishes and wash them on a short program - it’s faster. You may not like it... Listen to everything, try to choose a remedy according to the proposed algorithm - YOURS will definitely be found.

How to choose dishwasher detergent?

The first thing to consider when choosing a dishwasher product is its purpose. This could be salt to protect equipment from scale, detergent to clean dishes, or rinse aid to eliminate stains and unpleasant odors.

Be sure to read reviews from customers, preferably experienced ones. Because the quality of washing is affected not only by the product used, but also by the correct placement of the dishes in the chamber.

In addition, pay attention to the following parameters:

  • Health safety . Study the composition and make sure that the product does not contain substances harmful to the body. For allergy sufferers, it is better to choose options with o.
  • Ease of use . Have you chosen the pills? It’s good if they have a soluble shell and the ability to completely dissolve in cold water. It is better to buy the powder in plastic containers, so there is no risk of it becoming damp. It is important for the concentrate to have a convenient dispenser.
  • Smell . It is better to choose a product with natural flavors, for example, based on essential oil. A sign of a good product is the absence of harshness in the aroma.
  • Instructions . This is an important nuance that simplifies the use of the product and helps to find suitable partners for them, enhancing the effect. It is necessary to adhere to the recommended dosage and conditions of use, then the active components are fully revealed.

Why do tablets often not dissolve?

Why tablets do not dissolve
This is the most common problem among PMM owners. But the quality of the tablets is not always to blame. Most often the reasons lie in the following:

  • ignoring operating rules;
  • blocking the compartment with dishes;
  • discrepancy between the temperature conditions of the machine and those shown in the instructions for using the tablets;
  • incorrect installation of the briquette;
  • expired detergent;
  • damp tablets;
  • insoluble shell, which was forgotten to be removed before installation in the compartment;
  • compartment clogging;
  • insufficient water pressure.

The best dishwasher products by price/quality for 2021-2022

Somat Classic tablets, 120 pcs.

Expert rating:9.9 / 10
Owner review
This is the second time I order, I really liked it. They do their job well, they wash even dried buckwheat well) there is a pleasant smell. There is no plaque on the glass (however, this greatly depends on the hardness of the water). Convenient - put it in a container and turn on the machine. I will continue to buy them, I don’t see any point in looking for analogues

A universal base product designed for dishwasher, free of phosphates and enhanced with citric acid. The tablet removes all stains and dirt from dishes, including plaque on the walls of cups and glasses that remains from drinks.

The product dissolves quickly and completely even in cold water, leaving no streaks or unpleasant odor. The components of the composition cope even with dried fat, soften water and eliminate the appearance of limescale, which increases the life of the dishwasher.

The tablet is enclosed in a water-soluble shell; the components are activated in water at a temperature of 40 degrees. The product protects glass from corrosion and can be used during a short cycle. To do this, simply place the tablet on the bottom of the inner chamber.

Main characteristics:

  • Release form: tablets.
  • The composition includes enzymes and active oxygen.
  • Does not contain chlorine or compounds based on it.
  • What it can be used for - for washing dishes, including in cold water, for cleaning glass.
  • Shelf life - one year.
  • Features - increases the service life of equipment.


  • the effect is enhanced by citric acid;
  • dissolves quickly, leaves no traces;
  • copes with burnt fat;
  • large packaging;
  • prevents glass corrosion.


  • must be removed from the individual package before use.

Lotta 6 in 1 powder

Expert rating:9.8 / 10
Owner review
It’s not expensive, I put 1 tablespoon per sink, +1 level of rinse aid, I don’t use salt - there’s a little of it there anyway. My water is soft, maybe a little under your water and additional salt is needed. It washes off completely, cleans everything, dissolves beautifully, and doesn’t stink. Suitable for everything - pots, glass, carbon deposits and more. Not a single leak

A truly universal powder that can easily cope with even the most difficult stains.

The product contains a water softener, a rinse aid, a component that makes dishes shine, and a substance that protects glass from corrosion. The manufacturer uses salt as enzymes. The granular form of release eliminates overconsumption and powder spraying.

Note that despite the Russian roots of the brand, its main production is located in Italy. The product is recognized as safe and hypoallergenic, since the main formula is based on mineral and plant components.

Oxygen bleach will return whiteness to dishes and remove stains from tea, coffee or other drinks from the walls of glasses and cups. About 20 g of powder is used for one cycle, so economical consumption is guaranteed. Suitable for washing children's dishes, rinses off completely and leaves no residue.

Main characteristics:

  • Release form: powder.
  • The composition includes enzymes and active oxygen.
  • Does not contain chlorine or compounds based on it.
  • What it can be used for - for washing dishes, including in cold water, adds shine, protects against scale.
  • Shelf life: 2 years.
  • Features: it has a fragrance and is a biodegradable product.


  • effectively washes away contaminants;
  • dissolves well even in cold water;
  • with soft water you don’t need to use salt;
  • pleasant, not harsh aroma.


  • Because of the cardboard box it may get wet, it is better to pour it out.

Finish All in 1 Max tablets original

Expert rating:9.6 / 10
Owner review
Cleans well, eats up grease, and the machine remains clean after use. They don't leave streaks. It’s a hackneyed idea, but: I’ve tried at least five products, and I still come back to Finish. Looks like the best product on the market. By the way, I stopped buying it in bulk form - in recent years they were no longer satisfied with the quality of washing. And the tablets wash well.

A popular tool that has received good user reviews. Various packs are available, from 4 to 300 tablets. In the latter case, a set of three packages of 100 tablets is offered. Each has a soluble coating that leaves no residue and is suitable for use even in cold water.

The tablets do not contain chlorine, and there are no compounds based on it. Active oxygen whitens dishes and removes stains from tea and coffee.

It is recommended to take the tablet with dry hands and, without unrolling it, transfer it to the same dry compartment for detergent. If you plan to run a short cycle, then in this case it is enough to place the tablet on the bottom of the chamber, in close proximity to the filter. The product contains components that soften water and prevent the appearance of scale.

Main characteristics:

  • Release form: tablets with a soluble coating.
  • The composition includes enzymes and active oxygen.
  • Does not contain chlorine or compounds based on it.
  • What it can be used for - for washing dishes, including in cold water, for cleaning glass, giving it shine, protecting it from scale.
  • Shelf life: two years.
  • Features: flavored.


  • no need to remove from film;
  • dissolves well;
  • eliminates the appearance of scale;
  • profitable proposition.


  • Users complain of a strong smell.

Selecting a brand

Having decided which is better for PMM, tablets or powder, whether they are IVF or regular, all that remains is to choose a brand.

If you order online, the assortment increases significantly. There are many options in different price ranges - choose a brand and look at user reviews.

Those who do not want to overpay for delivery have only one option - to the store. And this is not bad: usually a large hypermarket has 7-15 brands of dishwashing detergent in its assortment. 80-90% of the shelf space is occupied by Finish, Somat, Fairy, BioMio, and there are few other brands. The choice is narrow, but it’s enough and you can buy promotional items with a discount of up to 50%. The most delicious and regular sales are in Okey.

The best tablets for dishwashers

Somat All in 1 tablets

Expert rating:9.8 / 10
Owner review
I tried a lot of tablets and settled on these - the price is delicious and they wash perfectly, there is no unpleasant odor. Good tablets for daily dishwashing. For severe contamination (greasy trays from a smokehouse, etc.), it is better to use stronger tablets. And for pots, plates, cups it’s very decent. Launders, washes off. I buy these during sales for a long time.

Due to their universal multi-component composition, these tablets are considered the best dishwasher product in this manufacturer’s line. The advanced cleaner effectively removes stains and greasy stains, and also acts as a rinse aid, due to which the product gives the dishes a shine and maintains their original appearance.

The formula of the tablets includes such components as acid bleach, soda, surfactants and phosphonates, as well as carboxylates. In addition, salt is added to the composition, which eliminates the formation of limescale, which can lead to damage to the dishwasher.

Another feature worth noting is the presence of a special “Power Booster” formula, which allows you to rid dishes even of particles of dried food. The user can choose a package with a different number of tablets, from 26 to 100 units, while the affordable price will pleasantly please everyone. The tablets dissolve well even with the shell and can be used with cold water.

Main characteristics:

  • Release form: tablets with a soluble coating.
  • The composition includes enzymes and active oxygen.
  • Does not contain chlorine or compounds based on it.
  • What it can be used for - for washing dishes, including in cold water, for shine and protection against scale, eliminating unpleasant odors.
  • Shelf life: three years.
  • Features: fragrance.


  • effective impact, even on dried contaminants;
  • no strong smell;
  • the shell dissolves;
  • does not leave streaks on the walls;
  • often sold on promotion;
  • removes fat.


  • no significant ones were found.

Synergetic tablets

Expert rating:9.5 / 10
Owner review
I use the product at my dacha where there is a septic tank - it does not kill bacteria. With central sewerage, it is better to take normal capsules. Doesn't wash dishes well, doesn't even wash plates well. There is nothing to say about pots and pans at all. Moreover, it leaves a white residue on the dishes, which can only be washed off with a stiff brush.

If your home has a septic system with special microflora, then these tablets will be an excellent option. Sold in 25 and 55 pieces, designed for use in any type of dishwasher.

The composition of the tablets is selected in such a way that it easily copes with complex dirt, grease and various deposits. The product renews the appearance of the dishes and gives them shine, does not leave streaks, limescale or unpleasant odors.

Among the components you will not find synthetic fragrances or chlorine. Special enzymes do not scratch dishes or harm the machine; by softening the water, scale formation is eliminated. When using tablets, you do not need to add salt or rinse aid, provided that the water supply in your area is soft.

Main characteristics:

  • Release form: tablets.
  • The composition includes enzymes and active oxygen.
  • Does not contain chlorine and chlorine-based compounds, phosphates.
  • What it can be used for - for washing dishes, including in cold water, for shine and protection against scale.
  • Shelf life: two years from the date of opening.
  • Features - refers to biodegradable preparations.


  • do not leave any odor;
  • good composition;
  • can be used if there is an allergy sufferer in the family;
  • They remove heavy dirt well.


  • the shell does not dissolve;
  • stains remain on the dishes.

BioMio Bio-total tablets, 100 pcs.

Expert rating:9.4 / 10
Owner review
They wash even 2-day-old dishes perfectly. They smell nice. Cardboard packaging without plastic or excess waste. Composition harmless to people and nature. They are completely rinsed from the dishes, thus not entering our body with food. Even half a tablet is enough. That's how I use it. The tablet is in a film that does not need to be removed before putting it in the dishwasher. It dissolves, which is very convenient. Simply the perfect remedy.

Another popular dishwasher tablet option with a completely biodegradable composition and eco-friendly packaging.

88 percent of the tablets consist of natural hypoallergenic components; the composition is suitable for removing frozen fat and dried particles. At the same time, the water becomes softer, and natural essential oil will provide a pleasant aroma and add shine to the dishes.

The tablet can be used with a large number of dishes or, if necessary, divided into several parts. This is a good option for glass or metal appliances, but only when used with cold water.

The tablets are popular among families with small children and allergy sufferers. Despite the gentle phosphate-free composition, the tablets guarantee an effective fight against stains and are completely washed off in one cycle, leaving no streaks or a sharp, unpleasant odor. However, keep in mind that you will have to overpay for hypoallergenicity.

Main characteristics:

  • Release form: tablets with a soluble coating.
  • The composition includes enzymes and active oxygen.
  • Does not contain chlorine and chlorine-based compounds, phosphates.
  • What it can be used for - for washing dishes, including in cold water, for cleaning glass, adding shine, eliminating unpleasant odors, steel utensils (stainless), protecting against scale.
  • Shelf life: two years.
  • Features: fragrance based on natural essential oil.


  • nice smell;
  • not tested on animals;
  • health safety;
  • soluble shell and complete biodegradability of the product.


  • the cost is higher than other options.

Safety precautions

The dishwasher is a fairly safe unit. But compliance with several conditions will help you avoid possible unpleasant consequences.

  1. Let's repeat: wait until the cookware has cooled down before removing it from the machine.
  2. When installing the PMM, remember that the device must be grounded.
  3. In case of a malfunction, read the explanation of the error code that is shown on the device display. If you cannot fix the breakdown yourself, disconnect the machine from the power supply, turn off the tap and call a technician from the service center.
  4. Do not install the dishwasher near a stove or radiators.

Used materials:

The best powders for dishwashers

Finish Classic powder

Expert rating:9.9 / 10
Owner review
Together with cheap salt and rinse aid from the same manufacturer, it cleans dishes perfectly. No streaks or white spots. No pungent smell. When you take the dishes out of the machine, there is a smell, but not much and it dissipates very quickly. A very economical option, unlike tablets, because... You decide for yourself, depending on the quantity and soiling of the dishes, how much to pour. But, this remark applies to any powder products.

Powder for the dishwasher, which has two output volumes - 1 or 2.5 kg. Due to the enzymes and active oxygen included in the composition, the product effectively rids dishes of heavy dirt, plaque and burnt fat.

The powder cannot be used without rinse aid and salt, since there are no substances that can soften water. But the powder is safe for the environment and human health; it does not contain chlorine or chlorine-based compounds.

A convenient plastic container with a handle will protect the product from moisture and allow you to measure out the required amount. Dosage recommendations should be followed; for very dirty dishes, the amount can be increased.

Main characteristics:

  • Release form: powder.
  • The composition includes enzymes and active oxygen.
  • Does not contain chlorine or compounds based on it.
  • What it can be used for: washing dishes, including in cold water.
  • Shelf life: two years.
  • Features - cannot be used without rinse aid and salt.


  • convenient plastic container;
  • dissolves well even in cold water;
  • does not leave streaks;
  • economical consumption;
  • no pungent odor.


  • cannot be used alone.

Somat Classic powder

Expert rating:9.7 / 10
Owner review
Good dishwasher powder. The large volume allows you not to think about your next purchase for a long time. Quite cheap during the discount period. You can independently change the amount of use of the product, unlike tablets. The dishes are clean and free of stains after washing. Cleans cups after strong tea and coffee, which other more expensive products could not do.

Another option for an effective dishwasher powder that dissolves well in water, including cold water. Does not contain phosphates and chlorine, is sold in volumes of 1.5 and 3 kg, there is a convenient measuring cap for maintaining the recommended dosage. The product has a powerful formula with a soda effect and copes well with old dirt and heavy fat deposits.

The powder removes traces of tea and coffee on the walls of mugs and glasses. Suitable for regular use, eliminates the formation of corrosion on glass, and copes with contamination even during a short operating cycle of the PMM. Once opened, the shelf life is two years, after which it is disposed of as normal food waste.

Main characteristics:

  1. Release form: powder.
  2. The composition includes enzymes and active oxygen.
  3. Does not contain chlorine and chlorine-based compounds, phosphates.
  4. What it can be used for: washing dishes, including in cold water.
  5. Shelf life: two years.
  6. Features: weight 1.5 kg.


  • convenient plastic container;
  • large volume;
  • dissolves and washes off at any water temperature;
  • affordable price.


  • It’s difficult to regulate the dosage; you get more sleep than you need.

Clean & Fresh 5 in 1

Expert rating:9.6 / 10
Owner review
Cleans dishes well. No smell remains. You can adjust the quantity depending on the number of dishes and the degree of contamination. I've been using it for over 3 years. I used to use tablets, but I had to break them because during the fast cycle all the product remained on the dishes. It’s much easier with powder; just pour in the right amount and you’re done.

A universal dishwasher powder that dissolves quickly and evenly even in cold water. Removes stains and old dirt, adds shine to dishes, eliminates stains and softens water, preventing scale formation.

The composition includes a fragrance, thanks to which the dishes retain a pleasant smell, without harshness. The enzymes included in the composition do not scratch dishes and the inner chamber of the machine.

Keep in mind that the powder is sold in cardboard packaging, so to avoid moisture, it is better to pour the product into a plastic household container in advance. It should only be measured with a dry spoon. Once the package is opened, the shelf life is two years.

Main characteristics:

  • Release form: powder.
  • The composition includes enzymes and active oxygen.
  • Does not contain chlorine or compounds based on it.
  • What it can be used for - for washing dishes, including in cold water, for cleaning glass, adding shine, protecting against scale.
  • Shelf life: two years.
  • Features: fragrance.


  • affordable price;
  • large granules and pleasant smell;
  • does not scratch dishes;
  • removes grease and dried dirt well.


  • cardboard packaging.

Composition always matters

When examining the packaging of a new product, pay attention to the active ingredients. Thus, chlorine-containing products are suitable for washing heavily soiled dishes, they whiten perfectly, but can damage delicate cutlery. They cannot be used for products made of porcelain, silver, cupronickel.

Enzymes cope with any type of pollution. They are part of gentle detergents and are effective even at low water temperatures (40-50 degrees), but pronounced whitening is unlikely to be expected.

Eco-products without bleaches, fragrances and phosphates are not always highly effective, but they are safe. When choosing, pH is also taken into account. The best indicators are 4-5

The products may contain active oxygen. Such preparations carefully wash and bleach dishes. This is an excellent alternative to chlorine-containing compounds.

The best liquid detergents for dishwashers

Grass Dishwasher

Expert rating:9.8 / 10
Owner review
Without color, without taste (probably), without smell. It looks like ordinary water, but it still feels soapy to the touch. Doesn't produce foam. The dishes are perfectly clean! My favorite product, I will order more. I use it not only for dishes, but also for washing toys and all kinds of plastic stuff, it even washes off carbon deposits from a gas stove! Excellent product, I recommend it to everyone!

A popular concentrate that can be used in any type of dishwasher. It belongs to alkaline products and is completely safe for various dishes: ceramic and other plates, cutlery, glass, plastic, porcelain, stainless steel. The product completely dissolves even in cold water, rinses off quickly and without leaving traces, and leaves no streaks or whitish residue.

This product is often used not only in everyday life, but also in catering establishments, it is economical in consumption, and is safe for human health. It will not damage professional equipment and works effectively in water of any hardness.

Main characteristics:

  • Release form: concentrate.
  • The composition includes enzymes and active oxygen.
  • Does not contain chlorine or compounds based on it.
  • What it can be used for - for washing dishes, including in cold water, for cleaning glass.
  • Shelf life: three years.
  • Features - in a plastic bottle with a capacity of 1 liter.


  • suitable for soaking;
  • for any type of dishes;
  • long shelf life;
  • convenient container.


  • no significant ones were found.

PROSEPT Splash Hard

Expert rating:9.7 / 10
Owner review
The best product for hard water. Cleans perfectly. No raid. Quite powerful, odorless, the only thing is that you can’t wash aluminum and Teflon-coated dishes. Salt consumption can be set to a minimum - saving. I tried several different ones and settled on this one. I can confidently recommend it - you won’t regret the money spent!

An inexpensive concentrate that will please customers with economical consumption and is sold in canisters of 5 and 10 liters. Does not contain chlorine and phosphates, is able to soften water and protects the internal elements of the dishwasher from scale. It dissolves quickly and without a trace even in cold water, and is washed off without streaks or limescale.

The composition of the concentrate is safe for the environment and human health, will not harm silver or porcelain dishes, and can be used with dishes decorated with paintings. However, the main feature is that the concentrate will be an ideal option for regions with hard water.

Main characteristics:

  • Release form: concentrate.
  • The composition includes enzymes and active oxygen.
  • Does not contain chlorine and chlorine-based compounds, phosphates.
  • What it can be used for - for washing dishes, including in cold water, for cleaning glass and protecting against scale.
  • Shelf life: three years.
  • Features - suitable for silver, porcelain and painted dishes.


  • suitable for hard water;
  • plastic container for five liters;
  • minimizes salt consumption.


  • often requires additional rinsing.

Synergetic universal detergent

Expert rating:9.2 / 10
Owner review
It so happened that this was our first product, and there was nothing to compare with. I don’t know, maybe it was a coincidence, but after less than half of the product was left, white stains began to appear on the dishes, the walls of the dishwasher, and more and more as time went on. A thin layer (like scale), which is very difficult to get rid of. They didn’t immediately realize that the problem was in the product - they thought it was in the dishwasher, so now all the dishes are dirty along with the dishwasher. I bought another one and it turned out that the problem was with the product. Later I learned that it was necessary to use additional salt, but I did not return to this remedy.

Another universal product from the product line of this manufacturer. Sold in plastic bottles of 1 and 5 liters.

The liquid does not contain chlorine, and the use of phosphates is excluded. Removes stains and burnt grease, adds shine to dishes and eliminates deposits from drinks.

Among the features of the product, it should be noted that during production it was not tested on animals, it is completely biodegradable, hypoallergenic, with natural fragrances that have a pleasant smell. The composition contains substances that soften water, but it is not recommended to use this liquid without salt and rinse aid.

Main characteristics:

  • Release form: liquid.
  • The composition includes enzymes and active oxygen.
  • Does not contain chlorine and chlorine-based compounds, phosphates.
  • What it can be used for: washing dishes and adding shine.
  • Shelf life: three years.
  • Features: Not tested on animals.


  • affordable price and economical consumption;
  • pleasant fragrance;
  • suitable for allergy sufferers;
  • not tested on animals.


  • cannot be used in cold water.


As with loading, unloading dishes is also subject to several simple rules. As soon as the machine has completed the process and reported this on its display, do not rush to open the door, give the dishes time to cool for at least 10 minutes.

Roll out and remove dishes from the bottom tray first. The middle tray is unloaded second if there are 3 of them in the machine, and then the top one. This is due to the fact that there may be some moisture left in the trays, which will drain when pulled out and splash the dishes on the lower level.

The best rinse aids for dishwashers

Finish rinse aid

Expert rating:9.7 / 10
Owner review
When purchasing, I was confused by the color and smell of the product, but in practice it turned out that they did not affect the properties in any way. The rinse aid copes with its functions. There are no streaks or foreign odors on the dishes. One minus is inconvenient packaging. It always spills past the tray when the product is still full. If you take this into account and be careful, then the rinse aid is quite good.

A popular mouthwash that is sold in a plastic bottle with a convenient dispenser cap.

The product does not contain chlorine and can be used in any type of dishwasher. Effectively washes away detergent residues, adds shine to dishes, and protects glass from corrosion. There are also components that soften the water; together with a special salt, this rinse aid protects the internal structure of the machine from scale formation.

Users also note that when using this rinse aid, dishes dry much faster, and there is no whitish residue or water marks on their walls. Additionally, the rinse aid helps remove grease film, enhancing the effect of the detergent components.

Main characteristics:

  • Release form: rinse aid.
  • Does not contain chlorine or compounds based on it.
  • What it can be used for - adds shine, cares for glass, protects against scale.
  • Shelf life: two years.
  • Features: Speeds up the drying process.


  • eliminates traces of drops and smudges;
  • pleasant smell, without harshness;
  • eliminates glass corrosion;
  • convenient to use.


  • difficulties with dosage.

Synergetic rinse aid

Expert rating:9.6 / 10
Owner review
Excellent rinse aid, economical to use. Convenient dispenser. Does not leave streaks. The glass really sparkles clean after using this product. The price is reasonable and another very big plus is that it is biodegradable and absolutely safe! In addition, the rinse aid does not cause allergies. I highly recommend this mouthwash!

Another best dishwasher product in our rating is this inexpensive rinse aid with a completely biodegradable composition.

The product effectively enhances the active components of the detergent; it is mandatory for use in regions with hard water to prevent the formation of scale inside the dishwasher.

In addition to strengthening the components, the rinse aid also washes them off without residue, prevents the formation of plaque on dishes, speeds up the drying process, eliminates unpleasant odors, and renews the appearance of cutlery. There is corrosion protection for both the glass and the internal chamber of the device.

Main characteristics:

  • Release form: rinse aid.
  • Does not contain chlorine or compounds based on it.
  • What it can be used for: to eliminate unpleasant odors.
  • Shelf life: two years.
  • Features - refers to biodegradable products.


  • affordable price;
  • safe for human health;
  • does not cause allergic reactions;
  • good consistency.


  • no significant ones were found.

Paclan mouthwash

Expert rating:9.4 / 10
Owner review
After buying a dishwasher, I tried to do without rinse aid. The result was disappointing: white drops on transparent dishes, and I have a lot of them. I don’t have anything to compare the product with yet, but I’m happy with the result of washing after purchasing this product. It doesn’t leave streaks, the dishes are sparkling clean, and there’s no unpleasant smell left behind.

Inexpensive mouthwash from the famous CeDo brand. This is a high quality product, convenient to use and environmentally friendly.

The effective formula is distinguished by the content of non-ionic active-surface substances, preservatives and components with biocidal and antibacterial activity. It is this that ensures the complete destruction of harmful organisms and viruses.

The product is recommended for regular use, which helps protect the dishwasher from scale. Suitable for removing detergent residue, stains, and greasy shine from forks, spoons and knives, adding shine to them and giving them a new appearance.

Please note that due to the content of preservatives and non-ionic surfactants, if family members are prone to allergies, it is better to include an additional rinse cycle, which will completely remove the composition from the surface of the dishes and the inner chamber. Be sure to follow the dosage indicated on the package so that the device does not malfunction.

Main characteristics:

  • Release form: rinse aid.
  • Does not contain chlorine and chlorine-based compounds, phosphates.
  • What it can be used for - to shine and protect equipment from scale.
  • Shelf life: three years.
  • Features: There is a dispensing capsule.


  • convenient to pour;
  • pleasant smell, without harshness;
  • leaves no marks or streaks;
  • affordable price;
  • Conveniently monitor the liquid level in the bottle.


  • no significant ones were found.

Further care

After unloading all the dishes, inspect the baskets, chamber walls, filters and door seals. Clean them of any bits of food if they are left somewhere. Filters must be washed periodically with running water to prevent clogging of the drain.

After completing all actions, it is better to leave the car door open to ventilate any residual moisture and eliminate unpleasant odors.

Check the condition of the rocker arms periodically. They must be clean, free of scale, grease and food residues. They can be removed and washed under hot water under the tap or, alternatively, run the machine on a heavy wash cycle with detergent but no dishes.

When substitution is not acceptable

Do you know what to do if you accidentally added regular rather than special detergent to the dishwasher? Cancel the operation immediately, otherwise problems cannot be avoided.

This will lead to the formation of a large amount of foam, which will probably overfill the tray and come out, ruin the kitchen furniture, and cause corrosion of the machine chassis. Even stainless steel dishwashers have steel and aluminum chassis parts that will rust if they get wet.

Even small amounts of dishwashing liquid residue in hard-to-reach or inaccessible interior parts of the machine will continue to foam.

Loading dishes correctly

Now that we've sorted out the means, let's start loading. Poor washing is in 85% of cases a sign that the dishes were put in incorrectly, and not at all a signal of problems with the dishwasher.

How to load dishes correctly?

  1. We clean the dishes from food residues;
  2. We fold the dishes tightly and compactly, but so that they do not interfere with the rotation of the sprinkler arms, the opening of the dispenser, and the free passage and drainage of water. In many PMMs, sections can be rearranged to accommodate vases and baking trays;

  1. Pour in the powder or add a tablet; if necessary, add rinse aid and salt;
  2. Select the appropriate program and launch it. If you forgot to put something in, you can open the door and add the dishes, the machine will resume operation in a few seconds.
  • Glasses and fragile glassware are placed at the top. It is important that it does not touch the walls. But the dishes with the most contamination are placed downwards, because this is where the strongest water jets are;
  • The correct thing to do is to load the dishwasher completely, and only then turn it on;
  • You can place a small batch of dishes after dinner in the tray and close the lid - this way the utensils will not dry out while waiting for the next batch. Better yet, select the half-load mode;
  • The dirtiest surfaces should face down, so bowls, pans, etc. are turned upside down.

  • And for small utensils such as knives and spoons, there are special trays that need to be used. It is better to alternate forks and spoons, and place the knife with the blades facing up. Only after you have correctly positioned the dishes can you turn on the machine.

Do not forget that the equipment washes dishes with hot water, so it is not allowed to place in it:

  • Appliances with steel elements that may rust;
  • Dishes with inserts of wood, mother-of-pearl, tin or copper elements;
  • Cups with patterns or coatings that are not thermally durable;
  • Glued items;
  • Antique dishes;
  • Plastic elements that do not have the appropriate approval markings;
  • Sponges and kitchen towels;
  • Crystal can be washed, but be careful, as it may become cloudy over time.
( 2 ratings, average 4.5 out of 5 )
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