4 reasons not to wash windows in sunny weather – why is it better to postpone cleaning?

The more light enters the room, the better the mood and the happier the soul. However, you should not wash windows in sunny weather. Firstly, this is considered a bad omen and promises wind and rain in the coming days, after which all the work will go down the drain. Secondly, if direct sunlight hits the glass, it is impossible to clean it properly - after cleaning, stains will certainly remain on it.

When to wash windows?

Funny question. As soon as you notice that they are dirty. On the inside, this needs to be done regularly, just like washing the floors and wiping the dust off the furniture. Dust on windows is sometimes not very visible, but it significantly reduces the light output. Glasses are wiped from the outside after rains, dust storms and other weather troubles. But this is in the warm season.

The most important and time-consuming work is the first spring cleaning. The harsh climate with frosty winters does not allow cleaning windows as often as required. These are our realities. This means there will be a lot of work in the spring!

We'll start doing this as soon as it gets warmer. The work is labor-intensive and will take a lot of time, so it is better to choose a free day. Or wash one window every day during daylight hours.

Caring for wooden windows

Wooden Euro-windows should also be washed regularly. It is very important to check the condition of the varnish at least once every six months. This will protect the wood and extend the lifespan and good condition of the windows. To clean this type of window frame, you should use products that do not contain ammonia, because it destroys the varnish.

The wood must not only be washed, but also cured by using paste-like preparations or lotions. In this way, the protected coating makes cleaning the window system easier.

Window cleaners

There are now a lot of window cleaning products on offer, and you can always buy a variety of rags of various compositions to go with them. But traditional grandma’s remedies are also great. For the first spring cleaning, it is advisable to be well “armed” in order to cope with any dirt and avoid “smudges” on the windows.

What you may need:

  • Modern detergents for cleaning windows
  • Water with vinegar
  • Ammonia
  • Rags, dry kitchen towels, microfiber cloths
  • Telescopic wipers
  • Cleaning scrapers with liquid container
  • Rubber gloves to protect hands

Why not?

Our grandmothers knew that windows should not be washed in sunny weather. Now this common truth is slowly beginning to be forgotten, and completely in vain. The consequences of violating an unspoken rule are not exactly terrible, but very unpleasant. This is what awaits the unreasonable housewife:

  • there will be streaks and stains on the glass;
  • Soon (according to signs) it will rain.

Bad sign

Various signs and superstitions one way or another surround us on all sides. You can deny them, you can not believe them, but knowing them is useful for everyone. All of them are based on the observations and experiences of ancestors, who developed certain patterns for themselves. It is impossible to explain them logically. But the fact remains that many of the signs come true.

They say this about washing windows in sunny weather: “Washing windows in clear weather means rain and bad weather.”

Surprisingly, many modern housewives claim that this warning works. Of course, it rains just like that, which does not have the best effect on the cleanliness of the windows. But you really want to admire the transparent, almost invisible glass for as long as possible!

Under the sun, the detergent dries quickly

Direct sunlight promotes rapid evaporation of moisture. Detergents containing alcohol dry out especially quickly in the sun. As a result, they do not have time to work and clean all the contaminants. There are streaks and stains left on the glass, which have to be washed several times, and then the window needs to be rubbed with paper until it shines.

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The sun's rays are blinding

Another reason why it is not recommended to wash windows in sunny weather is that the bright sun blinds and does not allow you to properly see the dirt on the windows. My eyes water every now and then, I have to squint. And if washing occurs at height, it is also dangerous. Squinting from the bright sunlight, it is easy to lose your balance and fall down.

Smears are hard to see

Anyone who has ever washed windows knows that dirt and stains are visible from one angle and completely invisible from another. To clean the glass well, you need to periodically inspect it from all sides.

  • Sun glare contributes to better visibility, but for it to appear, the light must be diffused rather than direct.
  • Also, the dirt on the window is clearly visible against the background of passing clouds and a cloudy sky.

But the blinding sun and blue sky impair visibility and hide the lion's share of dirty spots.

When is the right time to wash windows?

Choosing the right time to clean is just as important as preparing good cleaning products and familiarizing yourself with window cleaning techniques. We have already decided that the weather should not be sunny. But what then should it be?

So, wash windows correctly:

  • in the morning or evening hours;
  • under partly cloudy conditions;
  • after the rain;
  • in the absence of wind.

As a rule, general window cleaning is carried out 2 times a year - in the fall before the onset of frost and in the spring after the last snow melts. The rest of the time, the glass is wiped with a damp microfiber cloth inside and outside once every 3-4 months.

If your home is located near a roadway, it is recommended to wash windows more often, up to once every 2–3 months. Dust and exhaust quickly settle on glass surfaces. They prevent the penetration of sunlight and harm the health of residents.

How to properly wash windows?

First you need to wash the window frames, which become so dirty during the winter that they look as if they have never been washed. If you have modern plastic double-glazed windows, choose liquid detergents, and for wooden frames you can add a little washing powder to the water. Lacquered surfaces must be cleaned very carefully, using products suitable for varnished surfaces. Rinse the cloth thoroughly and change the water frequently if necessary.

Next is glass. Be sure to change the water after washing the frames. It is useful to add a special glass cleaner according to the instructions. Be careful when using household chemicals; sometimes such products cause allergic skin rashes and peeling.

If you live in a high-rise building, be careful and do not forget about basic safety rules. Some windows have “blind” corners where you can’t reach them with your hand. Therefore, there is no need to experiment with walking along the ledge; it is better to choose a telescopic windshield wiper that can easily cope with the task. First, you need to make vertical movements with the windshield wiper to drive the dirt down, and then horizontal movements to avoid streaks.

Windows and the urban environment

In modern realities, especially in large industrial cities, window glass becomes contaminated very quickly.
City dust, smoke from industrial enterprises, all kinds of toxic substances from public transport, etc. settle on them. Such dirt can form microdamages on glass. And if you do not regularly pay attention to maintaining the cleanliness of plastic windows, dirt is absorbed through such microdamages and becomes difficult to remove.

Therefore, experts recommend regularly cleaning windows, without waiting for the right moment, thereby extending the life of both windows and plastic frames. When installing wooden euro windows, regular maintenance and cleanliness is also of great importance. In addition, the varnish coating of wooden frames requires special attention.

How to wipe glass without leaving streaks

Once the glass and frames are clean, a final step is required. It determines whether streaks will remain on the glass. 2-3 minutes after washing, wipe the glass dry with a clean, dry soft cotton or microfiber cloth. Old cotton fabric may leave lint, which is bad, but it absorbs moisture well. You can choose the same “grandmother’s” method - crumple up a newspaper and walk over the surface of the glass. It will sparkle and shine! Paper towels are more convenient for this purpose. You just need to choose thick ones, otherwise lumps of wet paper will remain on the glass instead of light streaks of detergent.

If stains still remain in some places, the easiest way is to spray clean water from a spray bottle in this place and wipe again with a dry cloth.

In hot and windy weather, moisture dries quickly, so you should wipe the glass dry immediately after washing, otherwise streaks cannot be avoided.

Basics of cleaning PVC windows

Plastic windows need to be washed more often than their counterparts made from other materials. PVC frames have electrostatic properties and therefore attract dust more easily.

To care for these windows, it is best to use a mild detergent (optionally, dishwashing liquid) that does not contain harsh chemicals. Thanks to this, it will be possible to avoid tarnishing of the frame, damage to the plastic or reinforcing profiles.

It may sound fantastic, but regular window cleaning with the right products is enough to keep your uPVC frames in very good condition for many years.

We recommend reading: To make PVC windows look like new for many years

Practical recommendations from experienced cleaners

Eyes are the mirror of the human soul, and windows are an important part of the appearance of any building. In practice, it has been proven that the cleanliness of windows can influence well-being and mood, changing it in one direction or another. For example, the “eyes of a building” overgrown with dust significantly reduce the level of natural illumination in the room, which can provoke a depressed state and depression. At the same time, shining windows improve aesthetic perception, improve mood and performance, which means it is always important to keep windows clean.

Which side to start washing windows from: signs

Easter is a Christian holiday, but there are a lot of folk superstitions regarding window cleaning, which many try to adhere to.

Which side should you start washing windows from? Signs:

  • At the initial stage, the windows inside the room were cleaned, because first of all it is necessary to put the inner world in order, fill the house, cleanse its aura, and only then begin to clean the outside.
  • The curtains were removed, washed, and then the frames inside the room, as well as the inside of the glass, were washed with a damp cloth. Only after this the window was opened and the outside was cleaned.

Window cleaning

The mother-in-law told why windows should not be washed in sunny weather and gave tips on proper cleaning

A sunny day may seem ideal for cleaning your windows. And hardly anyone wants to wash them in the rain or on a cold morning. However, a mother-in-law with rich life experience noted that if you wash windows in direct sunlight, they will look much worse. The cleaning expert also said that such weather conditions will only hinder the achievement of a good result.

Warm weather

So, although a warm day may seem ideal for cleaning windows, it is actually not ideal for this task. You won't have time to wash the entire window before the wet surface dries and becomes streaky. Warm weather is a sign that you won't get the job done right. So choose a day when the sun's rays do not fall on the glass. If the day is chosen correctly, then you will have to wash your windows no more than 2 times a year. Therefore, pay attention to the weather if you are planning a spring cleaning.

Fighting difficult pollution

To get rid of stubborn stains from tape, glue, self-adhesive film and other “heavy” marks, you need to do the following.

  1. Apply a detergent designed for cleaning glass to the stain.
  2. Lather with a washcloth according to the size of the mark.
  3. Wait about 5-10 minutes.
  4. Scrub the marks with a thick sponge.
  5. Wipe with newspaper or a linen cloth.
  6. If the effect is not achieved, repeat everything from the beginning.

Drains under sinks

Tell me honestly, how often do you clean pipes under sinks and behind toilets? But bacteria, including intestinal ones, can live very comfortably on them. Hygienists strongly recommend not only using cleaning products here, but also treating them, for example, with hydrogen peroxide, which can kill most representatives of pathogenic microflora. To do this, add 2-3 tablespoons of peroxide to a bowl of water and treat all drain pipes with the mixture, after cleaning them first, of course.

Useful tricks for keeping windows clean

There are some unusual recommendations that help keep glass clean:

  • in order to prevent dirt from sticking to the glass for as long as possible, after washing, you can wipe it with a solution of water with ammonia and the addition of glycerin;
  • to repel annoying flies that pollute windows, simply wipe them with vinegar;
  • to give the glass a pleasant blue, you can use dry ultramarine, and a greenish tint can be easily achieved using a solution of copper sulfate;
  • if trouble occurs and a small crack forms on the glass, it can be hidden by covering it with a simple colorless varnish.

With enough attention and proper care of a plastic window, it can serve for a long time, preserving all the beauty of its original appearance.

The best way to clean windows: homemade recipes for cleaning solutions

Of course, you can use store-bought glass cleaner. But you should still not discount homemade recipes for cleaning solutions. Firstly, they are often cheaper, secondly, they are less likely to cause allergies, and thirdly, they are more environmentally friendly.

Mix a glass of warm water and 50 ml of vinegar essence. It will be more convenient to pour the solution into a spray bottle. Spray the solution onto the glass and wipe dry. If the windows are too dirty (for example, facing the road), then the concentration of the essence can be increased.

Starch is also very effective in this matter. 1 tbsp. Mix a spoonful of starch with 1 liter of water and apply to the glass. Then wipe with a sponge and leave for a few minutes. After the solution has dried, wipe the windows with a dry cloth, removing any remaining product.

  • If you don’t have starch on hand, you can cut a potato in half and rub the cut side onto the glass.
  • If the windows face the road! To finish washing the window, treat it with an anti-rain product, which is sold at a car dealership. This product forms a protective film that will prevent drops of water from spreading on the glass. The windows will look clean for much longer.

    Clean windows and fresh air for you!


    The need to wash window frames in frosty weather

    At first glance, it seems that there is no need to wash windows in winter. However, in houses located near industrial zones this has to be done more than once during the winter months. After all, frost and chemical impurities, of which there are many in the air, have a bad effect on the condition of window frames.

    This is one of the main reasons why they need to be cleaned even during the coldest time of the year.

    Many winter apartment renovations are done during long free evenings, partly out of habit, and partly to save the family budget, since all materials are sold at large discounts. Upon completion of repairs, the question often arises whether it is possible to wash windows at sub-zero temperatures because you don’t want to wait for warm weather.

    Preparing the tools

    • A sponge with a hard side to remove heavy dirt.
    • Windshield wiper (squeeze or screed). With its help, you may even fall in love with the process.
    • Detergents, the recipes of which we will describe below.
    • A piece of fabric. It can be cotton, suede, linen or any other material that absorbs water well.
    • A bowl of water is useful for both washing and rinsing.

    What mistakes should you avoid when cleaning?

    Most often, owners make the following mistakes in the process:

    • Aggressive cleaning agents. The abrasives contained in the composition can scratch both glass and profiles.
    • Gasoline or acidic solvents cause yellowing of windows.
    • Hard sponges and metal scrapers also leave small scratches on the surface.
    • Do not remove dirt from the windowsill with sharp objects - knives, chisels, screwdrivers.

    Read here how to clean a plastic window sill using home and industrial products.

    Cleaning agents for glass surfaces

    Folk remedies can clean even the most contaminated surfaces. And the effect of the procedure will be no worse than that of household chemicals. Here are the most effective of both types of care.

    • Add ammonia to warm water at the rate of 1 large spoon per liter of water. This composition both washes and gives shine to glass on the balcony and in the house.
    • Potassium permanganate. If you drop potassium permanganate into the basin, the cart will turn slightly pinkish. Cleans and disinfects.
    • Rub the laundry soap into small shavings. Dip it in water, lather it. The product is ready.
    • Salt or vinegar can be combined with water in the proportion of 1 tablespoon of the additive per half liter of water.
    • The chalk solution is prepared as follows: combine 2 tablespoons of crushed chalk with 1 liter of water. Perfectly helps with heavy dirt.

    • The product “Mr. Muscle”, the cost of which is about 100 rubles. Spray the surface and remove any residue with a scraper or cloth.

    Important! When working with the product, it is better to use rubber gloves to avoid skin irritation.

    • Dishwashing detergents. Drop the product onto a sponge, walk over the glass, and remove any residue with a soft, dry cloth.

    Important! Do not use soapy water to wash snow-white plastic frames, as this will gradually yellow the surface.

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