How to quickly remove a grease stain from a sofa yourself at home

Old stains on the upholstery of the sofa are a problem for every modern housewife. Oil that gets on the upholstery must be removed immediately , otherwise it will penetrate into the structure of the fabric, which will lead to the appearance of a sloppy greasy mark. If you missed the moment and did not eliminate the contamination, then we bring to your attention instructions in which we will tell you how to remove a greasy stain from the sofa yourself at home, using improvised means!

How to properly remove grease from a sofa?

When talking about how to remove a greasy stain from a sofa upholstery, you need to remember talc and corn starch, which are excellent at removing fresh stains . They absorb the type of contaminants in question better than regular baking soda or salt. They are used like this:

  • if the stain is fresh, use paper towels to absorb the oil;
  • Apply cornstarch or talcum powder to the stain;
  • After 10-15 minutes, remove the organic powder using a dry cloth.

If you need to clean your sofa from old greasy stains, then use the “heavy artillery” - dishwashing detergent . Be sure to first cover the trace with an absorbent (starch, talc, salt, baby powder, etc.), leaving it for a quarter of an hour. After that, proceed like this:

  • Apply a drop of detergent to the stain, gently rubbing it from the edges of the stain to the center ;
  • rub the area with a sponge or cloth soaked in warm water;
  • wait 25 minutes. Rinse off the product with a damp sponge;
  • Dry the cleaned area and repeat the procedure if necessary.

This method will be a good assistant in the question of how to remove an oil stain from a sofa, but after using water and detergent, stains may remain on the upholstery. If you need to remove a greasy stain from a sofa without streaks, then it is advisable to use a household stain remover in the form of a spray or shampoo .

Remove, remove at home from upholstered furniture

If a stain appears on the upholstery, it is better not to delay cleaning.
The faster the causes of pollution are removed, the less will be the consequences of this nuisance. To blot the stain, you need to arm yourself with paper napkins or towels, changing them until there are no traces left on the paper. Important! Under no circumstances should you rub the stains, otherwise the dirt will penetrate deeper. Before using the product, you should test its effect on an inconspicuous area to avoid possible deformation or discoloration of the upholstery.

Wipe off fat from oil

If an oil stain appears on the sofa, you can remove it using household products:

  1. Salt. Apply a thick layer to the greasy mark and leave for several hours to allow the dirt to soak into the salt. Residues are removed with a brush and vacuum cleaner. Salt can be replaced with any adsorbent (starch, chalk, baking soda, etc.);
  2. Dishwashing liquid. A thick layer of product applied to an oil or grease stain should be gently rubbed with a sponge. After 15 minutes, the upholstery should be washed and dried;
  3. Universal lubricant WD-40. Apply to old and dried oil stains and after a couple of minutes, gently blot with a clean cloth. Then fill this place with any powdered adsorbent (salt, soda, chalk, etc.) and leave for several hours. After this, all that remains is to vacuum and dry the upholstered furniture. Lighter fluid can replace WD-40. After use, the upholstery should be rinsed thoroughly with water;
  4. Shaving cream (foam). Apply to the stained area and rub in with an old toothbrush. Then use a dry cloth to remove the cream, and wipe the treated area with a damp cloth;
  5. Turpentine. It must be preheated in a container with hot water, lowering the bottle there for 5 minutes, and then apply thickly to the upholstery of upholstered furniture. After two hours, cover the treated area with soda and clean thoroughly with a brush. After this, you need to carefully rinse the upholstery with water and dry;
  6. A mixture of lemon juice and vinegar. Contaminated areas of upholstery that are generously moistened with the mixture (1 part each of juice and vinegar) should be rubbed with a brush, and the remaining cleaner should be removed with soap and water.

Information. These tips are universal and suitable for most types of upholstered furniture. However, for delicate upholstery it is better to use special recipes:

  1. Velvet is cleaned of greasy stains with white bread crumbs, which must be rolled over the contaminated area;
  2. You can remove greasy marks from suede using salt and alcohol by covering the stain with salt for a few minutes. After removing the residue with a vacuum cleaner, you need to wipe the contaminated area with a cotton pad soaked in alcohol;
  3. For upholstery made of genuine leather, laundry soap based on bile or a beaten egg is suitable;
  4. Shaving foam will save velor from greasy marks. Having smeared the stains with the product, you need to rub them in a circular motion, gradually moving from the edges to the center. After a few minutes, the remaining product is washed off with warm water;
  5. It is unacceptable to use preparations with bleaching components for dark fabric upholstery. A suitable remedy with a gentle effect is ordinary dry mustard, from which you need to prepare a paste and lubricate fresh greasy marks. When the mustard dries, all that remains is to wash it off with water and dry the upholstery.

This is interesting: How peroxide removes stains from clothes

From plasticine from upholstery

Children simply love plasticine. However, parents are not at all happy with the consequences of such creative games if the remains of the modeling material end up on the upholstered furniture. The following tips will help you deal with plasticine stains:

  1. The contaminated area of ​​the upholstery is generously moistened with a solution of laundry soap and water. After half an hour, rub the stain with a brush and rinse with clean water. If after washing it was not possible to get rid of the plasticine, you should pour a little soda on this area and rub it with a brush again. This method is suitable for light-colored fabrics, since whitish stains may remain on colored upholstery after processing;
  2. Using a cotton swab soaked in a solution of 1 glass of water and 10 drops of ammonia, you need to rub the plasticine stain until its remnants are completely removed. After this, the upholstery should be rinsed with water and dried;
  3. Vegetable oil, generously applied to the area of ​​upholstery stained with plasticine, must be thoroughly rubbed over the stain with a clean napkin. After cleaning, the upholstery is treated with any grease remover (for example, dishwashing detergent) and thoroughly washed with clean water;
  4. You can cover the stain with ice cubes or a frozen chicken carcass and leave it for a while. Cooled plasticine becomes harder and is easily removed from the upholstery;
  5. Ironing the stain through a sheet of clean white paper will help remove plasticine marks. The melted plasticine will remain on the paper. You can replace the iron with a hairdryer. The remaining grease stain can be removed using the tips in this article;
  6. If marks on upholstered furniture appeared after using the so-called “smart plasticine”, then they can be removed at home only from upholstery made of natural fabrics (cotton, linen, wool, etc.).
    The wax included in the modeling material is wiped off using cleaning alcohol - 70% isopropyl alcohol. After moistening the stain with it, you need to wait a few minutes until the “smart plasticine” dissolves, and blot the remaining product with a dry cloth and rinse with water.

From the iron

Dropping the iron on the sofa while ironing or clumsiness when removing plasticine residues on the upholstery can lead to the appearance of characteristic stains. Tips from housewives will help you cope with them. It must be remembered that these methods are only relevant for small traces of thermal effects:

  1. Use a cloth soaked in hydrogen peroxide with a few drops of ammonia to rub the stain and then rinse with water. Any composition with an acidic environment, for example, vinegar or whey, will also help;
  2. The iron stain can be rubbed with a fresh cut of the onion. The remains of the onion are washed off with a sponge soaked in clean water;
  3. For white upholstery, a solution based on regular white is suitable;
  4. The lemon, grated on a coarse grater, should be spread on the scorched area of ​​the upholstery and left for 20 minutes. After which the upholstered furniture is wiped with clean water;
  5. Barely noticeable iron marks can be wiped off using a regular office eraser.

Attention! If the iron burns a deep hole or severely scorches the upholstery, it is better to contact a repair shop.

Get rid of coffee, tea

Traces of hot drinks can haunt those who drink a cup of tea or coffee while sitting on a soft sofa while watching the morning news or a long-awaited TV series.

The following tips will help you deal with them (stains, not tea and coffee lovers):

  1. A solution of 1 tbsp. l. glycerin and 1 l. Apply plenty of water to the upholstery using a sponge, which must be used to rub the contaminated area. Then the remaining product should be washed off with clean water and the upholstered furniture should be dried. Repeat the procedure if necessary;
  2. A 10% borax solution will help clean colored upholstery of upholstered furniture. A paste of citric acid, baking soda and water will remove any remaining borax. After this, the upholstery should be rinsed first with cold and then with warm water;
  3. Fresh marks are cleaned with dishwashing detergent or liquid soap;
  4. For old stains, use a white cloth soaked in warm water to moisten the stain, and then apply a solution of equal parts water and vinegar to it. After 10 minutes, the residue is removed with a dry cloth, and the upholstery is washed with warm water;
  5. Leave paper towels soaked in isopropyl or regular alcohol on the stain for a couple of minutes, and then rub the area with them until the stain disappears. Residues of alcohol are removed with plain water.

How to remove a grease stain from a sofa? Recommendations for different types of upholstery

Different types of upholstery require individual cleaning methods; let’s look at the most popular ones:

  • To absorb as much oil as possible from velvet and velor, use paper towels or napkins, or bread crumbs. This method is effective only for fresh contaminants;
  • flock, chenille, suede should be generously sprinkled with salt, which is recommended to be left on the upholstery for 20-30 minutes. Remove crystals using a soft, dry brush;
  • matting and jacquard are cleaned of grease stains using starch or talc as described above. If the stain does not disappear, cleaning with a stain remover is recommended.

How to remove a greasy stain from a light-colored sofa? Radical methods

Sometimes strange methods are used to quickly remove old grease stains from a sofa. For example, WD-40, which is recommended to be applied to the stain , left for 15 minutes, and then removed with a napkin. Here are some more ways:

  • shaving foam or laundry soap foam. The composition is treated with a toothbrush. You need to wait until the foam has completely dried, and then remove it with a cloth;
  • a blotter that needs to be placed on the stain and then carefully ironed with a hot iron;
  • lemon juice and vinegar, which are combined in equal quantities, and then applied to the contaminated area. You can wash off the mixture with water or soap solution.

Such methods can be tested on sofas that you don’t feel sorry for at all . Laundry soap, vinegar, and the use of heat treatment will cause fading or deformation of the fabric. In some cases, self-cleaning does not eliminate, but aggravates the problem.

General rules and recommendations

Before you begin to remove such contaminants, you must know and comply with three conditions.

Firstly, it is much easier to immediately remove a newly formed greasy mark than an old one.

Secondly, you need to clean the area strictly from the edges to the center. This procedure prevents an increase in the area of ​​contamination and allows you to avoid stains on the material from which the furniture is made.

Thirdly, with any cleaning method, you should first apply the selected product to an inconspicuous area of ​​the furniture. If this is a book sofa, then you can try in the gap between the seat and the back, having first unfolded it. If upholstered furniture is located close to the wall, then it is better to apply the product to its back side.

Dry cleaning or DIY cleaning?

An old greasy stain does not respond well to any type of cleaning done using non-professional household chemicals or folk remedies. The best solution in this case is to order dry cleaning of the sofa at home, during which professional chemicals based on organic solvents will be used.

You can try to do the job yourself, but remember that household stain removers often cause discoloration of the area of ​​the upholstery to which they were applied. They do not contain organic solvents, which are found in professional products, which reduces the overall effectiveness of their impact on pollution.

Another problem is that after using stain removers, wet cleaning of furniture is recommended . During dry cleaning, residual water and chemicals are removed from fabrics using special equipment that is not available to household consumers. If you do not do this, you may encounter the following troubles:

  • fungus and mold, because damp fabrics are the best environment for their reproduction;
  • the appearance of an unpleasant odor;
  • A large amount of dust will settle on the remains of a detergent that has a sticky base, so a stain will form again in this place. Your family members and pets will have to constantly inhale both dust and chemical components.

The use of different cleaning compounds leads to discoloration and stretching of materials, changes in the structure of the pile, which is why the upholstery looks worn out and unkempt.

Let's sum it up

We looked at recommendations on how to clean a greasy stain from a sofa, as well as their pros and cons. The choice of method is yours, but if you don’t want to accidentally damage the furniture through carelessness, then it’s better to seek help from professionals who specialize in dry cleaning. All work will be completed at your home in a few hours!

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Features of removing grease stains from a sofa

Regardless of what fabric the sofa or other upholstered furniture is made of, if oil gets on it, you need to wash off the fat immediately. It quickly absorbs into the upholstery and spreads over a large area.

If it is not possible to immediately remove a greasy stain from upholstered furniture, you need to resort to emergency measures to avoid oil absorption. To do this, place a paper napkin on the stain and press it. After a while, use another one until greasy marks no longer remain on it.

Warning! You should not rub the oil stain, as this risks not only deeply penetrating the grease into the upholstery of the sofa, but also contaminating even larger surfaces.

How to remove oil from a sofa using specialized products

It is not always possible to remove greasy stains from upholstered furniture using traditional methods. In this case, you will have to resort to special drugs that break down fat. Means for removing oil traces are:

  • hard;
  • powdery;
  • liquid;
  • in the form of a spray;
  • in the form of a pencil.

All industrial stain removers are divided into two groups:

  1. Universal. With their help, you can remove not only greasy stains, but also coffee, wine, blood stains, herbs, and ink.
  2. Directed action. These stain removers remove specific stains as well as grease stains.

Stain remover "Dr. Beckmann"

The stain remover is capable of removing grease from any upholstery without causing harm to it. You can work without gloves, since it does not contain chlorine and does not have an aggressive effect on the skin. It is enough to apply the liquid to the greasy area and wait a quarter of an hour. Then wash off the stain remover with a damp cloth and dry the fabric thoroughly.


To remove oil from sofa upholstery at home, you can use different stain removers, for example, Vanish. It does not contain chlorine, so it is suitable for upholstery made of any fabrics except wool, velvet, brocade and silk. The solution does not discolor the material; on the contrary, the colors become brighter.

If you need to remove oil from a sofa, you should follow the recommendations on the packaging. Despite the fact that the price is quite high, Vanish is in demand among Russians. The consumption is economical, so the substance from one bottle can wash a large amount of dirt from oil and other products or substances.

Antipyatin soap

Only natural ingredients are used to make soap, so it is harmless to both fabrics and humans. You can wash off greasy marks even with cold water. It is enough to wet the contaminated area, then soap it well. After a quarter of an hour, rinse with warm water and dry using a hairdryer.

Pencil "Unimax Ultra"

With a Russian-made universal pencil you can easily remove oil stains left on the sofa after a meal. The product is economical, it is enough for 500 small traces of fat.

The area contaminated with any oil is moistened with hot water, then rubbed generously with a pencil. After a third of an hour, you need to wash the stain remover with warm water and dry everything well with a hairdryer.

Spray "Bagi"

Using a spray, you can not only wash away greasy marks from your sofa upholstery, but also rid your furniture of the smell of pets. But, despite its effectiveness, you need to work with the stain remover carefully, as it is aggressive. In order not to spoil the furniture, you need to remove dirt with the “Bagi” spray only according to the instructions.


This stain remover is produced in Israel. The release form is different, which is very convenient for consumers: in the form of liquid, granules or gel. The product for removing oil from a sofa contains hypoallergenic substances, so Unicum is safe for humans and animals.

Vanish is a universal remedy

Vanish is a universal stain remover that has many varieties and removes even problematic drinks from sofa upholstery such as wine and coffee.

List of Vanish stain removal products:

  1. Powders . Directions for use: dilute in water, soak a cloth in it and wipe the dirty area of ​​the sofa.

  2. Gels .
    Like powders, gels work well on stains on sofa fabric, but act faster. Even old and stubborn stains are gently destroyed. Directions for use: Apply a small amount of gel to fabric upholstery and wipe thoroughly, first with a dry cloth, then with a damp cloth.
  3. Spray .
    It will help reduce the strength of the molecules of a product or liquid that gets onto the sofa. Vanish spray is practically useless on old stains, so it is immediately applied to the dirty area of ​​upholstery within a few minutes. If a stain appears, apply a spray to it, let it sit for a few minutes, and then wash off with a wet household rag.

Vanish products have gained popularity due to their effectiveness and affordable price: 450 ml of Vanish liquid gel costs about 150 rubles.

Cleaning the sofa upholstery from grease stains

A greasy stain on a sofa upholstery can ruin the most elegant interior.
But if you take timely measures to remove it, it is quite possible to restore the cleanliness of your upholstered furniture without resorting to expensive dry cleaning. The means and techniques used depend on the type of upholstery. Of course, it is good to have a stain remover in your pantry that is suitable for the upholstery fabric of your upholstered furniture. But if you are not so prudent, you can try to make do with folk remedies that can be found in literally every home. Delay in this case is highly undesirable, since fat that gets on the fabric fibers quickly spreads over them, penetrating deep into their structure, after which it is oxidized by atmospheric oxygen, turning into a sparingly soluble natural polymer. So don't waste a minute and immediately blot the stain with a paper napkin or towel to absorb at least some of the grease, then get started.[direct]

Cleaning dermantine, leather, vinyl

Since these materials have a smooth surface, it is quite easy to remove dirt from them. You need to beat the egg white until strong foam, and then place this mass on the problem area. After 5 minutes, the mixture should be wiped off with a soft cloth. The protein will absorb all the fat. If the stain is not removed the first time, you can repeat the procedure. Remember that this method is only suitable for fresh stains.

If the contamination is old, a different technique will be needed. The dirty area should be covered with lemon juice or vinegar diluted in water. When you get rid of traces of grease, the surface of the upholstery should be treated with clean water to remove all traces of acid. We finish the event by wiping the surface dry with a soft cloth.


In order not to experiment with traditional methods, many people prefer the usual professional products, which can be bought at any household chemicals store. Typically, such products contain substances that can break down fat from inside the fibers. All funds can be divided into two areas:

The former can be used on any upholstery material, and in some cases even on other interior items: curtains, carpets, bedspreads, blinds, etc. In addition, they will remove not only greasy stains from the sofa, but also traces of berries, fruits, coffee or tea stains, as well as felt-tip pens, ballpoint pens, etc. But the latter are designed exclusively for a specific type of fabric. For example, it can be silk, cotton, jacquard, wool, and they are intended for only one or two types of pollution, no more.

All household chemicals that will help you remove grease stains from the sofa have their own presentation:

As a rule, removing a greasy stain from a sofa is not difficult, especially if the stain is fresh and you noticed the problem in time. If you doubt that you will be able to do this without harming the furniture, it is better to contact a professional dry cleaner.


How to remove grease stains from different fabrics and leather

Each upholstery material requires its own approach. They are different in composition (linen, cotton, synthetics, mixed fabrics), texture (jacquard, flock, matting, tapestry), color (white, light, dark, patterned and plain). How to clean grease from furniture upholstery:

Do you see how many nuances there are in a seemingly fairly simple job? But the beauty and respectability of the furniture depends on how it is made. Contact the company WE CLEAN EVERYTHING. We can carry out master dry cleaning of a sofa, professional dry cleaning of an armchair, and quick dry cleaning of chairs from stains of grease and oil. Also read with this article:

Old stains on the upholstery of the sofa are a problem for every modern housewife. Oil that gets on the upholstery must be removed immediately , otherwise it will penetrate into the structure of the fabric, which will lead to the appearance of a sloppy greasy mark. If you missed the moment and did not eliminate the contamination, then we bring to your attention instructions in which we will tell you how to remove a greasy stain from the sofa yourself at home, using improvised means!

Summing up

Even problematic traces of Coca-Cola, chocolate, red wine, blood or urine can be wiped off using folk remedies:

  • salt,

  • soda,
  • ammonia,
  • hydrogen peroxide,
  • drills,
  • citric acid.

If the desired result is not achieved, you should try household chemicals, such as Vanish, HG or Frosch.

When removing stains from a sofa, all means, both folk and household, are good . If all else fails, you can always sew a beautiful patch on the upholstery or take the sofa to specialists for dry cleaning.

It will cost more, but much cheaper than buying a new sofa.

How to remove oil from a sofa using traditional methods

When creating the interior of an apartment, every housewife hopes that it will remain unchanged for many years. But even a small oily stain left on upholstered furniture can ruin everything in an instant.

In every home you can always find products used by experienced housewives. With their help, you can quickly remove fresh oil stains, and the cost of work will be minimal.

To remove oil stains from a sofa, you can use:

  • table vinegar;
  • table salt;
  • shaving foam;
  • citric acid;
  • blotter and iron;
  • turpentine;
  • special stain removers.

To wash away dirt, you should move from the edges to the center, this way there will be fewer streaks.

How to Remove Oil Stains from a Sofa with Vinegar

Every housewife has 9% table vinegar in her kitchen. This is an excellent tool for removing oil from sofa upholstery:

  1. Mix vinegar and lemon juice in equal proportions.
  2. Moisten the problem area generously.
  3. After five minutes, gently scrub the upholstery with a toothbrush.
  4. Wash off first with soapy water, then with clean water.
  5. Wipe dry.

How to remove a greasy stain from a sofa with salt

Removing vegetable oil from the sofa is not difficult, because salt is always at hand. It is advisable to use a product without iodine:

  1. Sprinkle fine salt over the stain left by the oil and wait 2-3 hours. During this time, all the fat will be absorbed and the salt will change color.
  2. Then take a vacuum cleaner and remove the powder.
  3. Sweep away any remaining salt with a brush.

This method for removing oil from a sofa is great for suede and velor fabrics.

How to remove an oil stain from a sofa with shaving foam

If there is a man in the house, you can quickly wash the grease off the sofa. After all, each of them has shaving foam or cream in their arsenal:

  1. Apply the product liberally to the problem area and wait half an hour.
  2. After this, take a toothbrush and clean the dirty area.
  3. Use a damp sponge to remove any remaining foam.

How to remove an oil stain from a sofa with turpentine

Before washing off oil stains from the casing using turpentine, warm it up well. For this:

  1. The bottle with the product is immersed in hot water for five minutes.
  2. Then apply generously to the problem area of ​​the sofa or other upholstered furniture.
  3. After one hour, sprinkle with salt.
  4. After two hours, wipe the dirty area with a brush and rinse with clean water.
  5. You can dry it with a hairdryer.
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