How to remove grease stains from jeans: 18 effective ways

Jeans are popular clothes that can be worn to a friendly meeting with friends, school, work, an informal event or on a visit. Due to frequent use, such pants get dirty very quickly, and individual stains are difficult to remove. Traces of oil, mayonnaise, meat, fish, and sour cream are especially difficult to remove from thick cotton fabric. What to do and how to remove a greasy stain from jeans if one of these products does end up on your pants? Or is it not worth trying, but is it easier to throw the thing in the trash? Let's consider the methods and features of removing greasy, fresh and old marks, allowing you to save your favorite wardrobe item.

Urgent measures

The success of dealing with grease stains depends on how quickly you react to the problem. If you apply simple measures right away, there is a high probability that your jeans will regain their original appearance.

It is not necessary to use store-bought medications. Home remedies that you have on hand will help just as much as expensive stain removers.

Paper towel

Before washing off grease stains on jeans, it is recommended to blot the grease with a paper kitchen towel. It is advisable to do this immediately after it appears on the fabric - thin paper will almost completely absorb the oil stain.

It is not recommended to rub - simply lay a towel on the contaminated fabric. You will have to repeat the process several times until the paper stops absorbing fat. Wash your jeans as soon as possible.


Against fresh stains, it is recommended to use “heavy artillery”, which is ordinary turpentine. Apply the product to the stain and leave for a few minutes until completely absorbed. It is advisable to wash it immediately.

If fat quickly penetrates into the fibers of the fabric, it is better to use a mixture - combine ammonia and turpentine in equal parts. Add a little grated laundry soap. Mix well, apply a thin layer to jeans, wait 5-10 minutes, remove with a towel.

Baby powder or talcum powder

Dust oily stains thickly with talcum powder or powder. When the powder is saturated with fat, carefully shake off and repeat the process.

After using talcum powder or powder, it is advisable to wash your favorite item. Make sure that the stain has completely disappeared, if necessary, use other traditional methods.

Operational measures

Use baby powder, sold at your local store, or talcum powder, which you can probably find in your purse. Next we follow the algorithm:

  • Sprinkle talcum powder onto the stain to absorb the grease.
  • After 20-30 minutes, wipe the contaminated area.

This way you will reduce the area of ​​contamination or completely eliminate it, since an oil stain on jeans is difficult to remove only after it is completely absorbed. If you are at home or visiting, and there is no powder or talcum powder, use starch.

Attention! It is important to act on the stain before it settles in the structure of the fabric, so timely treatment with bulk ingredients can completely remove the stain or simplify subsequent washing.

Dry ingredients are often used to remove greasy drips from curtains and wallpaper in the kitchen.

Salt and other folk remedies against greasy spots

The simplest and most affordable option for removing sebaceous stains among folk remedies is called salt. This is not a panacea, but the spice will definitely remove most of the fat. Step by step application:

  1. Sprinkle a thick layer of salt over the stain.
  2. After 3-5 minutes, remove the spice soaked in fat.
  3. Pour a new layer, wait a little again.
  4. Repeat until the salt remains completely clean and dry.


Lay the jeans out on a flat surface and carefully pour baking soda over the greasy blob. Cover the top with a paper towel (you can use another fabric that absorbs grease well). Heat the iron and iron the dirt several times. After the “hot procedure”, place a heavy press on the stain and leave until the morning. The last step in dealing with stains is washing with washing powder.

Laundry soap

Using laundry soap (preferably a simple dark bar) will help remove grease stains on jeans. The only drawback of the method is the duration; it will take almost a day to fight the blot.

Jeans cleaning sequence:

  • Prepare a soap solution (rub a piece of the bar, beat it into a fluffy foam in hot water).
  • Thoroughly lather any stains on the jeans.
  • Place the jeans in the prepared solution and leave for a day.
  • Wash after soaking as usual - the blot will completely disappear.

Dishwashing gel

For old greasy stains, it is recommended to use a gel that housewives use to wash grease off dishes. The process is simple - apply a thick layer of thick liquid to the stain and leave for 3-5 hours.

The final stage of cleaning a grease stain is washing. If jeans are washed by hand, it is recommended to also add a little gel to the water.


Before you wash a greasy stain on jeans using toothpaste, it is recommended to carefully study the composition - there should be no whitening components. Cleaning is not much different from using other folk remedies:

  • Squeeze some paste onto the blot.
  • Using a paper napkin, spread over the entire stain (rubbing is not recommended).
  • Leave for half an hour.
  • To completely get rid of the greasy stain, all you have to do is wash your jeans thoroughly.

Grated potatoes

Thanks to their high starch content, potatoes are also great for removing grease from jeans. To clean the vegetable, peel and grate.

To prevent the potato mixture from spreading, it is better to squeeze it out a little and wrap it in cheesecloth. Treat the stain with a knot without applying force, wait half an hour (the starch will dry out a little), and wash the product thoroughly.

Mustard powder

If the blot is not too old, it is recommended to use mustard powder. Before removing a greasy stain from jeans, you need to prepare a solution - pour a little spice into a container, pour in warm water in small portions, mixing the mixture thoroughly. The mixture should resemble a thick paste.

Apply the prepared product to the fabric for half an hour (do not rub). Remove the mustard mass and wash the product.


For an old greasy blot, it is recommended to use ammonia:

  • Soak a paper napkin with ammonia (if the product is made of dark fabric, it is better to dilute the alcohol in equal parts with water).
  • Wring out the napkin a little and place it on the blot.
  • Leave for half an hour - the greasy stain will soften and be partially absorbed into the napkin.
  • Carry out washing; if the product is washed by hand, add a little dishwashing liquid to the water.


Prepare a soaking solution. Combine warm water and vinegar in equal parts and mix.

Leave the product to soak for a quarter of an hour, rinse in clean water. Next - regular washing in a washing machine.


Pharmaceutical glycerin will help break down the greasy stain and make it easier to remove when washing.

Soak a thick paper napkin with the preparation and treat the stain.

After cleaning, leave the product for 1-2 hours (make sure that the blot does not start to dry out, if necessary, re-moisten it with glycerin). Wash as usual.


Using gasoline is another effective way to deal with oil stains. Step-by-step cleaning:

  1. Soak a soft, dense cloth with gasoline (squeeze out the liquid a little).
  2. Using light energetic movements we remove the blot.
  3. Leave for 15-20 minutes.
  4. We wash jeans by hand or in a washing machine.

Note! When washing, it is recommended to use a fragrant fabric softener, which will help remove the smell of gasoline.

Shampoo for oily hair

It is also recommended to use shampoo as an emergency remedy (mandatory for oily hair). Pour a thick layer of the product onto the oily blot and gently rub into the stain.

Start washing after 1-2 hours - this is enough for the product to break down the stain. You should not count on a miracle - if the blot is too old, you will have to use more effective methods.


A section of tissue damaged by fat can be returned to its former condition using purified gasoline. It is this solvent that is considered the safest for dyed fabrics, since it does not corrode the fibers or lighten their tone. You should treat your pants with gasoline from the wrong side, placing a piece of light and soft cloth under the contaminated area.

After the gasoline treatment, laundry soap is used, which will wash away the remaining gasoline and show the result. Upon completion of all manipulations, the item should be washed in the machine. The re-rinse function will help you get rid of the persistent smell of gasoline.

Advice! If gasoline is unavailable, it can be replaced with another solvent - kerosene. At the same time, the technology for getting rid of stains on jeans remains unchanged.

The main component of denim is cotton, with polyester added for elasticity and strength. Natural fabrics tolerate contact with solvents well, so jeans can be treated with them without harming the appearance of the product. Gasoline in combination with acetone will remove fresh and old fat-based stains.

The components are mixed in equal parts, and then distributed over the area of ​​contamination using a cotton pad or swab. Let the solvents absorb thoroughly and begin to work; to do this, leave the dirty clothes alone for 1-2 hours. Machine washing in intensive mode with high-quality washing powder will improve and consolidate the achieved result.

What stain removers to use for greasy stains

If folk remedies cannot remove the oily blot, it is better to turn to the help of special preparations. There are several types of funds:

  • Soap. There is a special Antipyatin soap that is recommended for pre-soaking and subsequent washing.
  • Oxygen pencil (Meine Libe, Faberlic). Before removing the stain, moisten the stain with warm water and apply it with a pencil. Rinse the product after a quarter of an hour.
  • Stain removers (Sarma, Vanish). Add the manufacturer's recommended dosage to the soaking liquid, then to the washing machine tray.

It is also recommended to use special aerosols against blots. Spray the product onto the blot and leave until washed, which will help completely remove the oily stain.

Other effective ways

Among folk remedies there are a lot of options for using available components. These include:

  • Dish detergent.
  • Nail polish remover.
  • Magnesia with ether.
  • Sugar for diabetics.

The main thing in each of the methods is to correctly fulfill each condition. Mixing in the required proportions, waiting a certain time for the product to work and mandatory washing at the end of the process.

In addition to folk remedies, household chemical stores offer a lot of options for washing oil-based stains. Including greasy stains.

Some more tips

There are several simple tricks and secrets that will increase the effectiveness of even simple folk remedies. Basic useful tips:

  • do not soak the product in water before removing a grease stain from jeans using homemade or store-bought products - the liquid helps spread the grease onto the clean fabric;
  • if gels or powder are used to soak or clean jeans, make sure that the product is recommended for colored items;
  • do not use boiling - even if the blot disappears, the jeans will be hopelessly damaged, the fabric will lose its attractive appearance;
  • before getting rid of oil blots with caustic agents, test on an inconspicuous area of ​​the product;
  • with timely cleaning, it is not necessary to use aggressive compounds - a fresh blot can be easily removed with gentle home remedies.

If the stain was removed using products with a strong unpleasant odor (turpentine, gasoline), after washing, hang the jeans to air.

First aid for a greasy stain

A greasy stain is an unpleasant occurrence, especially if it appears on brand new jeans. The problem can be solved if emergency measures are taken. Speed ​​of response is important. The sooner you start saving your favorite thing, the less effort you will have to report.

The first thing to do is to prevent fat from being absorbed into the fabric. Apply a dry cloth to the stain. If it is completely soaked, use a few more. The paper will absorb most of the grease, which will prevent the stain from penetrating deeply.

Use salt. Sprinkle the area generously and then wait 5 minutes. It is recommended to remove it with alcohol. The procedure is troublesome, salt spills all over your clothes and floor.

If trouble occurs at home, you can use chalk or talcum powder. Sprinkle the dirty area thoroughly and place absorbent paper on top. Heat the problem area with an iron at low temperature. You will be able to remove most of the contamination.

The measures will not allow us to get rid of the problem completely. By carrying out emergency intervention, you can significantly facilitate the washing process, which will have a positive effect on the condition of the jeans fabric.

How to properly wash jeans after cleaning

Proper washing after cleaning jeans from oily stains is a mandatory step, which will completely remove the greasy stain. It is recommended to adhere to the following rules:

  • Before putting jeans in the washing machine, be sure to turn them inside out and check that all buttons and zippers are fastened;
  • recommended temperature - no higher than 30 degrees, higher temperatures will lead to shrinkage of the product;
  • It’s better not to wring it out - after washing, let the water drain and dry in the fresh air;
  • Drying is best done by laying the jeans out on a flat surface.

If your jeans have a lot of decorative decorations (rhinestones, buttons, embroidered elements), it is better to avoid using a machine and wash them by hand.

A greasy stain is not a reason to give up your favorite jeans. The main thing is not to delay cleaning; it is recommended to use folk or purchased products at the first opportunity, this will ensure that the contamination will completely disappear.

General recommendations

It is worth listening to general tips for all cleaning methods to work:

  1. If your jeans are dirty outside of your home and you can’t wash them right away, blot the greasy stain with a paper napkin. Before starting to work with any product, dry the stained area in the same way. This is done to prevent the oil from saturating the material even more.
  2. It is much easier to wash jeans from fresh stains; the grease does not have time to penetrate deep into the layers of the fabric. Therefore, immediately after contamination appears, begin removing it.
  3. Clean your jeans from stubborn greasy marks with a thick brush.
  4. Some formulations are recommended to be applied for a certain amount of time. There is a possibility of damage to the fabric structure due to exceeding the specified validity period. Use methods strictly according to instructions. Test the sample. Apply the cleaning agent to an inconspicuous place; the item should remain the same color.
  5. Rinse your pants thoroughly after working with an aggressive odorous product, such as gasoline. Rinse your jeans first in warm water and then in cool water. To eliminate strong rinsing odors, add fabric softener.

Don't try to wash your jeans with hot water right away! The fabric will absorb the oil even more, and the greasy streaks will be difficult to wash off from the fabric.

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