How to wash white laces at home - 10 ways

White sneakers, boots, sneakers and converse are popular footwear today. It is comfortable, practical and functional. It looks stylish and impressive. And the laces allow you to securely fix the sneaker on your foot and adjust the sneakers to size. By the way, white laces are typical not only for sports shoes. They are found on boots and shoes.

The big disadvantage of such lacing is that it quickly gets dirty, turns yellow or gray. However, it is quite difficult to clean such products. In this article we will look at how to wash white laces at home.


Another versatile bleach that you can use. A couple of tablespoons of solution is enough to immerse the laces in it. To enhance the whitening effect, you can add hydrogen peroxide to the ammonia in a 1:1 ratio. Be careful - ammonia has a pungent odor, so try not to breathe in it too much and immediately ventilate the room. You need to soak for half an hour - no more, otherwise you can chemically burn the fibers of the laces.

Reasons for losing the snow-white color of shoes

It is very difficult to protect white shoes from getting dirty. An aggressive environment awaits her literally everywhere. Before you try to get rid of stains, you need to find out the cause of their occurrence:

  • Leather dress shoes suffer from the ingress of water, dust and dirt; they often bear marks from the black soles of someone else’s or even your own shoes; they can be scratched by stones or knocked off by curbs;
  • sports shoes - sneakers, sneakers made of leather and leatherette - are susceptible to the appearance of creases into which dust and dirt become clogged;
  • rag shoes, sneakers, sandals can darken after the first exit into the city, where there is a lot of smoke from cars and just street dust;
  • The white stitching threads and edging of any shoe darken not only from dirt, but also from care products.

White shoes look very beautiful, but require special care

There are various ways to restore white shoes to their original appearance. You can entrust your item to professionals or do it yourself.

Baking soda, vinegar and hydrogen peroxide

Any of these products are also bleach and can be used to remove blackness:

  • Make a solution of vinegar with water in a 1:1 ratio and immerse the laces in it;
  • soda is diluted with water to a paste, which is then applied on top;
  • Hydrogen peroxide can be used just like that and either soak the laundry item in it, or pour it on top so that the peroxide is absorbed into the fabric.

They also use the property of vinegar and soda to enter into a chemical reaction. Soda slurry is applied on top of the laces, and then immersed in vinegar, or poured on top. As a result of this operation, a lot of foam appears - this is the release of carbon dioxide. Water remains in the container, but while the foam is bubbling, it helps all contaminants to come out from the depths of the fibers.

How to bleach light hair?

To remove white strings, using only powder may not be enough . To cope with pollution, you can adopt folk recipes or use household chemicals.

Folk recipes

Homemade recipes are based on products that can be found on the farm. Using what you have at hand, you can bleach laces, and, for example, textile sneakers and some other things.


For whitening you need to prepare:

  • gasoline (refined);
  • cotton pads;
  • sponge;
  • water.

Work order:

  1. The sponge is soaked in gasoline.
  2. Treat, paying attention to soiled areas.
  3. The sponge is dipped in water and lightly squeezed.
  4. Wash off both gasoline and dirt with a sponge.

After cleaning with gasoline, the laces can be additionally treated with stain remover, and then washed as usual.

Vinegar and peroxide

To prepare the cleaning composition you need to prepare:

  • washing powder;
  • hydrogen peroxide;
  • vinegar.

Work order:

  1. Measure out 2 tbsp. each of the components.
  2. Mix.
  3. Using a toothbrush, apply the mixture to the laces.
  4. Leave to act for 20-30 minutes.
  5. Rub.
  6. Rinse with water.

If bleaching does not work at once, cleaning can be repeated.


Toothpaste with a whitening effect can help clean gray or yellowed laces. Toothpaste for this treatment should be white, without colored inclusions.

Before starting treatment, laces should be rinsed to remove dust and dirt. After this you need:

  1. Using an old toothbrush, brush.
  2. Leave them for 30 minutes.
  3. Rub again.
  4. Rinse well under water. Particular attention should be paid to rinsing, making sure that even the smallest particles of the cleaning composition do not remain on the material.

If you don’t have time to thoroughly rinse your toothpaste, then it’s best not to use this method for cleaning.

Citric acid and peroxide

A very simple recipe can be used to whiten and remove grass stains. In a prepared container, mix 2 tbsp. l. the following components:

  • lemon acid;
  • hydrogen peroxide;
  • vinegar.

Rub the laces thoroughly with this product using a brush. Leave for 10 minutes, rinse and wash. To enhance the effect, you can add 1-2 tbsp. l. washing powder.

Soda and citric acid

For cleaning, you can prepare a product by taking equal volumes of soda and citric acid . Add enough water so that the mixture turns out like a paste.

The laces are rubbed and left to sit for 20-30 minutes. After this, they are rinsed and washed in any way.

Household chemicals

Departments with household chemicals offer a large list of products. Among them there are those that will help whiten laces.

Whiteness: can it be used?

Plain whiteness is a controversial remedy . Its frequent use leads to rapid wear of the washed items.

But for one-time use it is quite suitable. The product is diluted in warm water and the laces are soaked.

For an hour or even more until the effect is achieved . After that, take it out, rinse and wash.

Laundry soap

White laundry soap is an affordable way to tidy up your shoelaces. Instead of regular laundry soap, you can use Antipyatin soap. The laces are moistened with water and soaped well. After this, wash and rinse.

Oxygen bleaches and stain removers

Oxygen bleaches are effective products. It is useful to have them in the household in case of washing white clothes. For laces, it is best to soak them in an oxygen bleach solution.

The most popular means include:

  • "Vanish"
  • "BOS plus" and others.

Regular use of washing powders with a bleaching effect will help keep things white.

Laundry soap

Almost every home has this product and is universal. It is suitable not only for white laces, but also for colored ones. You can lather a bar of soap with your hands and wash the laces by hand, or lather them in a thick layer and put them in the washing machine. If the blackness is significant and is unlikely to be washed off the first time, then you can prepare a soap solution.

To do this, grate the laundry soap and add water to it. This way you won’t have to lather the piece with your hands for a long time, but just shake the water – small shavings will dissolve in it faster. You can also prepare a thick paste from the shavings, which will be no less effective.

By the way, there is an analogue of bar soap - a liquid product with the same composition.

Washing in a washing machine

Using a washing machine for washing is the simplest and most trouble-free option. If the laces are very dirty, with clods of dirt stuck to them, then they should first be washed and soaked.

Items of similar colors can be sent in the same load with laces. You can also send insoles from sports shoes in the same load, if their color is appropriate.

You cannot combine faded items and contrasting shades, as it is very easy to ruin things.

For soaking and subsequent washing:

  1. The selected detergent is diluted in hot water.

  2. Dip prepared items.
  3. Leave for 30 minutes.
  4. They squeeze it out.
  5. Place in a laundry bag.
  6. Sent to the drum of the washing machine.
  7. Set the “quick wash” mode.
  8. It is better to spin at 600-700 rpm.
  9. The washing temperature should be between +30ºС and +40ºС.
  10. There is no need to turn on the dryer.
  11. Moving on to washing.

Using a laundry bag will help protect the fabric from snags that other items (with hooks, zippers, Velcro) can leave.


Everything is simple here - apply toothpaste over the fabric. You can do this with your finger or with a brush - this option will be more effective, since the paste will better penetrate deep into the fibers. After this, just wait 15-20 minutes and wash off the residue.

In addition to the laces, it quickly whitens the shoes themselves. Her noses are cleaned from sneakers or sneakers. If you often wear white shoes, then get any inexpensive paste and a brush to clean them with. Toothpaste is easily washed off from surfaces, and the cleaning process itself takes no more than 5-10 minutes.

Manual processing

You can wash it by hand very quickly. Even if the shoes they are inserted into are sports shoes, they are usually washed less often than they are.

The easiest way to hand wash:

  1. Pull the laces out of the shoes.
  2. Rinse off the main dirt under running water. If stains cannot be removed so easily, you can use an old toothbrush to clean.
  3. Lather with laundry soap.
  4. Rub each other thoroughly.
  5. Rinse.

If the effect after washing is not satisfactory, you can repeat the treatment several times. Moreover, for white ties it is advisable to use soap with a whitening effect. For the rest - regular or with stain-removing properties will do.

If the result of hand washing is not satisfactory, the cleaning process must be repeated immediately without waiting for them to dry.


If you don’t want to select home cleaning methods, then use ready-made store-bought products. For white laces, you can choose any bleaching agent, and for colored and white laces, you can choose stain removers. Vanish is widely used; other items of clothing and shoes are washed with it, as well as carpets, furniture, etc.

But there is no need to resort to store-bought products; the laces can be easily cleaned using what you can find at home. In addition, if you clean your shoes and laces regularly, then they have time to become slightly dirty - in this case, you just need to wash them in the machine along with other things.

Caring for white laces

Dry the laces thoroughly and put them into shoes only after they are completely dry! It is advisable to dry the products in the air or in a well-ventilated area. Do not leave laces in direct ultraviolet light or dry items using radiators, radiators or electrical appliances, otherwise they will turn yellow.

To make the material less dirty, iron the items after drying with a hot iron. After ironing, the structure of the fabric will become smooth and closed, which will protect it from dirt and dust. In addition, the products will be easier and faster to wash.

To preserve the aesthetics, physical properties, whiteness and cleanliness of sneakers and laces for a long time, before the first use, treat the products with a special spray that repels moisture and protects against dirt. And how to clean white sneakers and sneakers, see the link.

When is the best time to buy new ones?

Lost formIf the laces have stretched or “got like an accordion”, no amount of treatment will help them. Their long and thin shape is much more difficult to restore than a sweater and trousers.
Even “Beliz” and “Vanish” do not wash offIt will not be possible to save products from such “ingrained” dirt.
Just too lazy to wash itThe laces are cheap, but they look very similar. If there are unique species, white ones certainly are not one of them. Therefore, if the dust is very ingrained, it is easier to go to the store for a new pair.

Method number 2. To fight stains

Remove the laces from the shoes and visually identify the dirtiest places (usually persistent stains form in the area of ​​the eyelets). Wrap it around your left hand so that the spots fall in the middle of your palm or so. You need to wrap the laces tightly so that they stretch as much as possible and tightly wrap around your hand. Then they take soap, maybe toilet soap, but preferably household soap or Antipyatin, and lather the dirty part. If the stains are stubborn, you can additionally scrub them with a brush.

Then the laces are immersed in water and kept in a basin for at least 7 minutes. During this time, the dirt should go away. Then the products are rinsed under running water and dried.

Why do you need to boil laundry?

By boiling you can not only achieve whiteness, this method allows you to get rid of stains. Boiling water helps to disinfect things and cope with many infections. For example, when boiling they die:

  • influenza viruses - almost instantly;
  • pathogens of hepatitis B and C – in an hour;
  • anthrax bacilli and even spores - in an hour;
  • spore-forming tetanus bacillus and spores – after 3 hours;
  • Staphylococcus aureus, which causes mastitis and severe illness in infants - almost instantly;
  • fungi that cause fungal diseases.

It is useful to treat underwear in this way after a stay in the hospital or maternity hospital. It is recommended to disinfect towels by boiling after visiting a public bath, swimming pool or beach. This method is also good if there is an allergy sufferer in the family who cannot stand the smell of washing powder, because you can boil laundry with soda or laundry soap.

By boiling laundry, you can destroy clothing lice and their larvae - nits. This turns out to be relevant after the child’s stay in the camp where such a problem arose. It will destroy boiling water and dust mites, which thrive in house dust and bedding, causing inflammatory diseases of the skin and eyes.

The disadvantage of boiling is that only products made from natural fibers can be subjected to it. Synthetic fabrics will lose their original structure and become unsuitable for use. Some things made from natural raw materials are also at risk. These include clothing and bedspreads made of wool. An inadvertently boiled sweater can shrink by several sizes or even turn into something like a felt boot.

However, boiling laundry is useful if a child or adult cannot tolerate washing powders. Allergy sufferers are advised to wear items made from natural fabrics, and many of them can be washed well and bleached by boiling.

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