Several effective ways to iron a leather skirt at home

Today we will look at how to iron a leather skirt at home - learn tips, instructions and life hacks. You will understand that caring for such a product is not at all difficult. The most important thing is to follow the rules and not do anything that is strictly prohibited.

Leather clothes are always in trend. Leather skirts look stylish, sexy and expensive. And also, they are practical: waterproof, windproof, warm. Moreover, it is not necessary to buy an expensive item made of real leather - today many brands use high-quality leatherette, which in appearance and physical properties is practically no different from the original.

However, artificial leather has some limitations, we will definitely mention them. We will also tell you how to distinguish genuine leather from artificial leather at home.

Is it possible to do this?

iron a skirt made of genuine leather , but you should adhere to a number of rules and observe the temperature regime . You can also smooth out cracks and creases using other alternative methods.

Leather is a natural material that has a number of properties: strength, wear resistance, water resistance.

When in contact with water, characteristic stains remain on the material. Small pores are visible on the front and back sides.

Features of ironing leather

To iron clothes most effectively, you need to determine what material they are made of. There are three types of leather:

  • natural;
  • leatherette;
  • eco leather.

To determine the type of leather, you need to look at its underside. Faux leather and eco-leather have a woven base, natural velvety and soft to the touch. The methods for ironing products are the same, but differ in some nuances. It is more effective to iron natural leather through cotton fabric or paper; for a skirt made of leatherette, the material may not be used.

The quality of the product directly affects the efficiency of its smoothing. Thinner natural material can be ironed better than hard artificial material. If a skirt has become deformed under the influence of temperature or moisture, it is impossible to restore its original shape, but an item that has been compacted in a closet or stretched out can be straightened out quite well.

Traditional methods

You can smooth your favorite leather skirt using a heavy press or buy a regular spray moisturizer for natural fabric (material). Let's look at each of them.


To smooth it out, you will need a heavy and large load (a bulky metal object or several volumes of a Soviet encyclopedia).


  • the skirt is placed on a flat surface, the kinks are straightened out;
  • cover the top with a thin cloth and “lay” the load evenly;
  • leave for 12 hours or more, depending on the result.

Spray humidifier

If you need clothes today, and you can’t wait that long, it’s worth buying a special moisturizer for leather products.

As a rule, it is sold in the form of a spray, which allows you to easily apply it to your favorite item.

After the skirt has taken the desired shape, it is necessary to remove the remaining spray with a damp cloth , otherwise stains and stains will remain on the product.

Methods for smoothing a leatherette skirt using an iron

Leatherette is a type of artificial material. It is used to replace genuine leather. By appearance, these two materials are almost impossible to distinguish. The main qualities of leatherette are its attractive appearance, inexpensive price, and practicality.

Before starting the procedure, you need to read the recommendations indicated on the skirt label. It should indicate whether the item can be ironed or steamed. Based on this, choose the appropriate method for removing creases. If the use of an iron is permitted, then you must adhere to the following instructions:

  • set the device to the minimum temperature, no more than 30 degrees;
  • disable the steam function;
  • turn things inside out;
  • put a thick layer of gauze on top;
  • iron for 5 minutes.

Attention! Steam contact with artificial leather is unacceptable. Such an impact can deform it.

If the label is missing, you need to conduct a test.
Run the iron along the edge of the item; if the iron does not stick to the fabric and the skirt is not deformed, then you can continue ironing. Leatherette also includes leatherette. It is extremely difficult to smooth it out. For this type of fabric, it is necessary to increase the temperature and ironing time.

Product made of leatherette and eco-leather

Eco-leather and natural material are similar in appearance, but the process of ironing and operation is somewhat different. Faux leather looks the same as leather.

The main feature is that steam destroys artificial material, so the hot air flow should not come into contact with the product at close range. In this case, it is better to use a steamer.


  • the product is turned inside out;
  • bring the steamer at a distance of 30–40 cm and hold it for only 5–7 seconds;
  • Leave the clothes to cool for 40 - 60 minutes.

You should not touch the hot substitute - fingerprints (handprints) will remain on the skirt and the item will be damaged.

New items with small kinks can be smoothed out with water.

For this:

  • heat the water to room temperature;
  • pour into a container with a spray bottle;
  • water the lining of the skirt generously;
  • leave overnight.

This manipulation can also be done using vinegar . It is added to a bottle of water in a 1:1 ratio. Don't be afraid that the smell will remain, it will quickly disappear. And after it, the artificial material becomes soft and elastic.

Other methods to help smooth out artificial material (expert tips):

  1. Shoe polish (necessarily colorless) . Apply a small layer and leave for several hours, then remove. The skirt is thoroughly wiped with a damp cloth or a piece of wet cloth.
  2. Walk under the rain . Go outside in rainy weather and take a walk around the neighborhood. The material will take the desired shape within an hour, and folds and kinks will be leveled out.

Another important tip. Before ironing or steaming, you should “test” the skirt by choosing its most inconspicuous part. This will allow you to choose the right method and avoid damage to your favorite clothes.

What not to do

Leather products are very demanding to care for. It’s worth knowing what not to do to avoid damage to your favorite trousers or dress.

What not to doWhat is necessary
Iron clothes right side out.Iron a raincoat or skirt from the wrong side and through the fabric
Store folded or tightly clamp it with things. This can lead to wrinkles and creases. Hang on a hanger.
Do not straighten wrinkled clothing with your hands; strong tension may cause the material to tear.It is best to straighten a leather belt, remove wrinkles from a bag or things by steaming.
Iron a product with stainsBefore smoothing, treat to remove all dirt.
Dry the skirt with hot air or on radiators.The product should dry naturally, lying on a horizontal surface or vertically on a hanger.

Important! The product must be smoothed out upon purchase; if there are folds or creases, ask the seller to steam it or replace it with a better one.

How to store it correctly?

Storage conditions:

  1. Any clothes made of genuine leather are stored only in their original form: the item is not folded, because unsightly folds will certainly appear on it.

  2. For storage, it is better to use special cases made from natural fabrics.
  3. Do not store things in a damp place. Optimal storage conditions for leather products are air temperature 15-25, humidity not less than 50%.
  4. It is forbidden to place heavy objects on the skin, otherwise your favorite item will be damaged and dents will remain on it.


Leather items need to be looked after to keep them in good condition for a long time. New and well-maintained clothes look very beautiful.

Basic Rules:

  1. After purchasing, sprinkle the product with ground coffee to remove the specific smell.
  2. Wipe the leather skirt with a damp cloth or run a vacuum cleaner over it to remove dust. Only after this can the item be treated with impregnation.
  3. Do not clean your skin frequently. It has a thin protective layer.
  4. Before using any leather or leatherette care products, you should first test them on the underside of the garment.
  5. If greasy stains appear that do not disappear on their own, take chalk and sprinkle it on the stain overnight. In the morning, shake off any remaining product and treat the item with impregnation. Wear it with confidence.
  6. If the skirt is light in color, and a stain appears on it and the special product has run out, treat the contaminated area with a cotton swab dipped in cow's milk. It is also recommended to use an onion.
  7. Leather items should be dried away from heating appliances. If you dry near an electric heater or radiator, the clothes may become deformed.
  8. Lemon juice will help remove ink and pen marks on a light leather skirt.
  9. If the leather has become stale and white spots or mold have appeared on it, furniture cleaner and table vinegar will help.
  10. Do not use acetone or other solvents for cleaning.
  11. Tarnished areas are wiped with fresh orange peel.

Leather is a natural product and requires appropriate care. Skirts made of such material should be protected from heavy contamination and mechanical damage.

If you can sew up an ordinary fabric skirt yourself, then you will have to either throw it away or give it to specialists who know how to hide defects.

Homemade methods will help you easily cope with the task. If you are afraid to act on your own, use dry cleaning services. Experienced specialists will quickly return the skirt to its original appearance.

Is it possible to iron a leather skirt?

In short, the leather can be ironed. The same applies to skirts. But there are 2 conditions:

  • iron from the wrong side;
  • Set the iron to minimum heat.

And in order not to risk their favorite (and often expensive) skirt, many girls choose other methods of smoothing their skin. In addition to heating, the material is well affected by steam, moisture, fatty substances and even heavy press. These methods are more gentle. And when you are not sure that everything will go well with the iron, it makes sense to prefer something else.

Using the press

Another way to iron a leather skirt? One of the most popular methods used at home is aging under pressure. The latter can be any smooth, heavy objects, such as books or water bottles. However, you should not use weights that are too heavy, otherwise you may end up with unsightly dents. The algorithm of actions is as follows:

  • Place the skirt on a flat, hard surface (table, ironing board) and smooth it out.
  • Straighten the product, but do not stretch it. Otherwise, the item may be deformed.
  • Level the lining, if any.
  • Place the load on problem areas. In this case, you need to carefully smooth out the area on which the load will be lowered in order to prevent new deformations.
  • Leave for 8-10 hours. Then you can evaluate the result.


To begin with, it is recommended to wash the pleated skirt. Perhaps this procedure will be enough and you will be able to do without ironing.

Washing such a product has its own characteristics and must take place in several stages:

  • first you need to sweep the item in two rows - along the hem and closer to the middle;
  • It is advisable to place a sheet of paper in the fold, which will prevent folds from being imprinted on the fabric;
  • then you should put the skirt in a laundry bag or, if you don’t have one at hand, in an old pillowcase;
  • add washing powder and fabric softener;
  • Run the machine wash on a delicate cycle without spinning.

After washing, the item should be dried by placing it in a stocking and leaving it in a well-ventilated area. Sometimes bruises even out after this procedure. If this does not happen, then you should use other smoothing methods.

Aging on a hanger

How to iron a leather skirt? A very popular method is when you just leave the item on a hanger and wait for a while, and the wrinkles will disappear. This is true, but this technique has a number of serious disadvantages:

  1. You will have to wait a long time - from several days to several weeks.
  2. Things stretch under their own weight. Leather skirts are mostly characterized by minimalist sizes and low material thickness for greater elasticity. Consequently, the weight of such products is small, and you will have to wait a long time.
  3. This technique will help get rid of folds, but not creases.


Leather hardens after a while due to improper use or poor quality material. On the Internet, you can often come across articles where it is recommended to use coconut oil to soften the skin.

This is wrong advice. Coconut oil can affect the structure of the skin and change its color. In addition, it has a smell that is absorbed into the material and does not disappear for a long time.

The skirt must be lubricated with special products to moisturize real leather and its substitutes. These conditioning creams can be purchased at hardware stores. Before applying the product, the surface of the product must be cleaned of dust.

The conditioner is applied to the skin and left for 10-15 minutes. Then remove the remaining cream with a clean microfiber cloth. To prevent the skin from hardening, this procedure should be repeated every 6 months.

Such products should be used with caution. Some of them may slightly discolor the skin if applied to areas with chafing.

The material may become lighter in color at the site of damage.

Steaming under hot water

How to iron a leather skirt at home without the help of an iron and steamer? This is possible if you use ordinary boiling water instead of a steam generator instead of using household appliances. The procedure is as follows:

  1. Hang the product on hangers. It’s good if they are a little narrower than needed.
  2. Place the product over a container of boiling water. It is best to do this in the bathroom, as this room is adapted to high humidity.
  3. Do not allow the edges of the material to touch hot water.
  4. Close the bathroom and wait one hour.
  5. Open the room and leave the skirt hanging for another 2-3 hours. Before putting on the product, you need to make sure that it has cooled completely. Otherwise it can be deformed.

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