How to remove a magnet from clothes, methods of removal at home, demagnetization in a store

An anti-theft magnet on clothing protects goods from thieves. After all, it’s unfair that someone pays for a fashionable item, and someone wears it just like that. If unpaid clothes are brought through the turnstile, the system will notify sellers and security about the incident. This is a reasonable precaution on the part of the store.

But there are times when the legal owner of a fashionable look cannot wear his purchase. Sometimes the seller forgets to remove the anti-theft protection. And, as luck would have it, it is at this moment that the turnstile is silent. Mistakes happen to everyone, but you don’t want to go to the other end of town to remove the protection because of someone else’s mistake. Besides, how to remove a store magnet from clothes if the receipt is missing? After all, seasonal items can lie in the closet for a week, a month, six months. Nobody keeps receipts for that long, and the writing on the receipt tape quickly fades. You won’t ask to look through all the records to establish the fact of the purchase. It’s much more rational to think about how to remove store magnets from clothes at home.

What is a magnetic tag?

Surely, during any fitting of clothes, you paid attention to the large black or white clip. This is a magnetic tag. In addition to the name we are familiar with, it also has several implications: just a magnet, a tag, a beeper, since it gives a signal. Also, a magnetic tag is often called an alarm (from English - alarm), adjacent to a military signal. Popularly this is an anti-theft sensor and “anti-theft”. Hence its purpose - it is attached to an item in order to prevent theft and damage to clothing in a store.

History of anti-theft systems

The products first appeared on the market in 1966. Today, security sensors have become so popular that annual revenue from the sale of devices amounts to billions of dollars.

For the first 20 years of anti-theft devices' existence, radio frequency technology was used. A semiconductor diode was used to relay the high-frequency radio signal from the detection antennas. In most cases, the alarm was triggered, but the capabilities of this technique were still limited. For example, older devices could be defeated by placing goods in a foil bag, which blocked the signal. In addition, due to the widely spaced entrance gates, false alarms occurred.

In the mid-80s of the last century, acoustomagnetic technology was developed. These emergency alert systems work with low-frequency radio waves that cannot be blocked by metal foil. The sensors contain coils of suitably magnetized metal that resonate in response to a signal. Although these types of systems are slightly more expensive than their predecessors, the cost is recouped through reliable operation.

Anti-theft sensors are standard security in most clothing stores. In the past, appliances were large and bulky, as were the pins that could easily damage the fabric, leaving holes in the material. Modern devices are designed in such a way that coupling and detaching are carried out delicately, without causing damage to clothing.

Types of tags

Despite the large number of names and variants of beepers, but paying attention to the principle of operation, they can be divided into several groups.

First group

This includes small devices that are triggered by radar gates that are located at the exit door. In appearance, these are plates that are tuned to the frequency of the touch antenna (8 MHz). And their name is radio tags.

Second group

These are small plastic stickers that work even when cut. Such stickers are attached to small-sized products.

Third group

These include magnetic-acoustic anti-theft sensors. They are a plastic clip with a sharp metal rod. The peculiarity of these tags is that with physical pressure, both sides can close even more tightly. They also have a built-in capsule with neon dye, which can ruin the clothes if stolen.

Fourth group

This includes all electromagnetic sensors.

Radio frequency and acoustomagnetic sensors are most popular and used in the trade sector. They are practical, reliable and provide good protection against theft.

Now we can reveal the secret of why a magnetic tag, as it is often called, is not actually one. Information about how the beeper mechanism itself works will help us find out about this. Let's consider the internal contents of the used tag.

Actions to take when detecting a magnet on clothing

It is better not to throw away the receipt immediately after purchasing the clothes, as you may still need it. If you find a magnet, it is best to return to the store, remembering to take your receipt with you, and ask the cashier to remove the anti-theft magnets for clothing. The seller must make sure that the item was purchased and quickly remove the magnet with a special device.

If you don’t have the receipt or you can’t get to the store in the near future, there’s no need to be upset - you can remove the tag yourself.

REFERENCE! Before removing the store magnet, you need to figure out what type of tag is on a particular item.

Small and inexpensive items usually have tags in the form of stickers that can be peeled off without much effort; they are not even removed in stores.

There may also be a radio tag on the item; it is usually small and can also be easily removed at home. After this, the purchased item will not be damaged in any way.

But if a magnetic-acoustic device is installed on a newly purchased piece of clothing, then difficulties may arise with removal. The magnets are much larger and stronger; you will need foreign objects to remove them.

You need to be careful with such clips, as there may be a capsule with paint that will ruin your clothes.

What does an RF tag look like?

In addition to the device of the tag, you can talk about the so-called “bottle sensor”. Among RF beepers, it is widely used in retail industry. Its demand is explained by its adequate cost, ease of use, and it can be purchased without problems. The bottle tag is distinguished by its stylish appearance: two clips, one of which has a bulge that resembles a bottle. In addition, it has a different type of fastening - an adjustable cable that connects the sensor and the product.

Having understood the types and operation of tag mechanisms, you can move on to the part of the article that talks about how to remove a magnet from clothes in a store and at home yourself.

Why do we need magnets for clothes?

If the buyer has not paid for the goods, then when leaving the store with it, the installed turnstile will begin to emit loud signals. The reason for this is a magnet on clothing, which can be unnoticeably attached. However, there are cases when the seller simply forgets to remove it and the access system does not identify the item.

It is quite difficult to get rid of a magnet at home if you do not know the solution methods. Before we look at options for removing magnets from clothing, it is strongly recommended that you check the product before leaving the boutique for foreign objects.

How to remove a tag in a store?

To remove tags in stores, there are special removers called deactivators. They are automatic, mechanical and magnetic. It is the latter that are more in demand, as they are suitable for deactivating acoustomagnetic and radio frequency tags.

Magnetic pullers are very compact, easy to use, and can be easily changed location. Another plus is that they are invisible to both the buyer and the seller.

However, there are situations when a buyer, bringing a new item home, noticed that the cashier forgot to remove the magnetic tag, or there were several of them. What to do in such cases and how to remove the tag from clothes at home - you will find out below.


How to remove a magnet from an item after purchase

If you can’t get to the store, you need to try the following:

  1. Remove the magnetic tag from the item using a knife and a strong magnetic device. The knife must be inserted under the upper clip, and a magnetic device must be placed on top. Although such a device is very strong, the tag will be removed very quickly in this way. In this case, the upper part can easily be demagnetized, and the lower part can be removed without difficulty.
  2. You can remove a magnet from clothes yourself using frost. You need to put the purchased item in the freezer for an hour. When the magnet freezes, you need to pull the elastic band under the top clip. Now you need to turn the clip in different directions until the elastic rests completely. Now you can easily split the magnet with a hammer or other object.
  3. Using a wire cutter, you can disassemble the top clip and remove all the insides. This method is quite difficult and requires care and caution. It is easier to do this with someone together, one should disassemble the clip, and the other should hold the clips so that they cannot connect again.
  4. You may need a file to remove the magnet from clothing. You need to cut the tag rod into 2 parts. This method is quite dangerous because some tags contain paint that is quite difficult to wash off.

REFERENCE! The described methods work quite well, but are not very safe for the item itself, since the fabric can be accidentally wiped or cut in this way. Such magnets are attached quite tightly, so the girl may not succeed.

Removing a magnet from clothing without damaging it

There are several more options for this:

  1. The best way to remove a magnet is to buy a magnet to remove clips from things. A magnet for removing anti-theft clips can be bought in an online store for about two thousand rubles. In this case, you need to be careful, because not all types of tags are demagnetized with one device.
  2. If you cannot go to the store where you bought the item, you can go to any nearest one and ask to remove the magnet there, because everywhere there are such removal devices. The store employee has the right to refuse you. If someone you know works in a clothing store, you can ask him to remove your tag.

REFERENCE! If this is possible in their store, then your friend will easily do it.

  1. There is an option to demagnetize the tag using a door intercom. Often the keys on intercoms are quite powerful and can cope with the problem. One side of the clip must be brought to the key on the intercom. The tag will be removed if it is quite strong.
  2. The protection can be removed using rubber bands. You need to push the elastic under the top clip until it stops. After this, you need to turn the clips in different directions. This will take quite a lot of effort and time, but the clips will move away from each other and they can be removed.

How to remove a magnet from clothing using a lighter or screwdriver

  1. You can melt the clip with a lighter. After this, it will be possible to remove the spring from inside the magnet. Now the lighter is no longer needed. You need to disassemble the magnet, first remove the spring that creates pressure, then remove the paint container, if any. Now you can pick up the magnet with any narrow object and pull it out, you can also do this with a screwdriver.
  2. For this method, you also need a screwdriver; you need to pry the magnet from below, and then press hard on the handle and try to lift the magnet up. The other side of the tag should be held from below. Here it takes a lot of effort to lift one side of the magnet. You need to do this sharply and quickly.

REFERENCE! If there is protection on the shoes, I remove them using the same methods. The easiest way is to use a magnet, in which case the purchase will definitely remain intact.

Expert opinion

Soloviev Pavel Viktorovich

Designer with many years of experience and experience.

You can remove the clips yourself, but this requires care, effort and patience. If you do something wrong, the clothes will be ruined. In this case, only resentment for the money spent will remain.

We are ready to help you with any questions!

  • What is a magnetic tag?
  • Types of tags
  • First group
  • Second group
  • Third group
  • Fourth group
  • How does a magnetic plastic tag work?
  • What does an RF tag look like?
  • How to remove a tag in a store?
  • How to remove anti-theft at home without special tools?
  • Method No. 1
  • Method No. 2
  • Method No. 3
  • Method No. 4
  • Method No. 5
  • Method No. 6
  • Method No. 7

Today it is impossible to imagine a boutique that does not have a cash register, a terminal for cashless payments and video surveillance. Also, any store that respects the value of its goods uses a number of methods to protect it from theft and damage.

But a more popular, practical and convenient means is a magnetic tag, more precisely, a plastic-magnetic one. In this article you will learn about how to remove a magnetic tag from clothes at home, how it works, about its varieties, and who can help you remove a magnet from clothes in a store.

How to remove anti-theft at home without special tools?

There are many ways to solve this problem on the Internet. Let's focus only on proven ones. We will move from simple methods to more sophisticated ones.

Method No. 1

You will need a regular hair tie.

To remove a magnet from clothes, you need to do this:

  1. Take a thin hair elastic.
  2. We place it between the convex part of the sensor and the clothing.
  3. Next, we twist this convex part in different directions so that the elastic fits tightly and secures. When the elastic is at the junction of the two parts of the tag, slowly disconnect these parts from each other until they fall off.

Important! You must act delicately and calmly so as not to tear your clothes.

Method No. 2

In this case, add regular pliers to the elastic band.

The algorithm for removing a magnetic tag from clothing at home is as follows:

  1. When you have placed the elastic, as in method No. 1, we break the convex part of the tag with pliers.
  2. We open the cavity of the object.
  3. Take out the dye capsule.

Important! In the first two methods, an elastic band is needed to prevent damage to the clothes. Also, when it hits the joint between two parts, it loosens faster and the tag is easier to remove.

Method No. 3

In this case, you will need tongs and a candle or lighter.

They are used like this:

  1. We hold the top part of the “anti-theft” over the fire until it begins to melt a little.
  2. Use tongs to carefully open the case.
  3. We take out all the internal parts.

After such manipulations, the clip will open on its own.

Method No. 4

For this method you will need a hammer and a refrigerator.

It works like this:

  1. We freeze clothes with an alarm.
  2. After a while, we take it out and hit the clip with a hammer.
  3. We carefully disassemble the tag.

Important! There is another option - we throw the frozen sensor on a concrete floor. This method requires the use of good physical strength.

Method No. 5

Involves the use of one tool - wire cutters. To remove a tag from clothing:

  1. We take wire cutters.
  2. Open half of the tag.
  3. We remove the protective mechanism.

Method No. 6

Well suited to alarms, which are called “bottle alarms”. Using a suitable tool - a knife or nail file, we cut the sensor.

Important! We saw, or rather, cut, this particular bottle.

Method No. 7

We buy a neodymium device, that is, a magnet with strong power, and attach it to the anti-theft clip.

Important! Some tag removal methods involved freezing the clothing. Indeed, it is not entirely clear how the paint capsule will behave. Therefore, it is best to play it safe and freeze the alarm, regardless of the removal method.

If you, having come home and thought about how to deal with this issue, still do not risk removing the tag yourself, that’s okay. Employees of the store where the item was purchased, if they have a receipt and an explanation of the problem, will easily remove the sensor.

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We remove the clip without damaging the product

Anyone can remove a magnet from clothing at home. Remember: the detector worked or did not work when you left the store. If the signal does not sound, then the detected clip contains paint. This factor significantly complicates the situation.

To remove a magnet at home, choose one of the methods below.

If you suffer for a long time, something will work out

  • You will need a thick, wide elastic band or several thin ones.
  • Place the elastic between the top of the tag and the fabric.
  • Turn the plastic without pulling it to your side so that the elastic is completely under the clip.
  • After this, rotate both parts of the tag and gradually stretch them to the sides.

Blowing from the north

  • After taking out the clothing, thread the elastic between the clip and the fabric.
  • Rotate the top of the clip until the elastic rests against the rod.
  • Tap the top of the clip with pliers.
  • Having broken the plastic, open the mechanism and carefully remove the spring with balls and the rod.

Lighter VS Tag

  • Surround the clip with a towel to avoid damaging your clothing.
  • Use a lighter to melt the body of the anti-theft magnet.
  • Remove its contents, starting with the springs, which will relieve pressure from the rod.

"Hook" from above

  • This will require long-term freezing of clothes.
  • Having taken out the item, apply maximum effort and strike the clip sharply.
  • To remove the lock with one blow, place the clothing on the floor and hit the tag with a hammer.

Let's start during the cutting

  • Take large metal wire cutters.
  • Open the top of the clip and disassemble the mechanism.
  • While doing this, hold the clip on both sides and proceed carefully.

Cut into pieces

This method requires a file. It is possible to get rid of a lock on clothes if there are no dye capsules in the clip. It is necessary to saw the rod, not the body of the tag.

  • Press the fabric down onto the table to avoid damaging the material.
  • Place the back of the knife between the plastic and the fabric.
  • Try to move the parts of the clip apart to 3 mm.
  • Use a nail file or manicure file to cut the shaft.
  • Be careful, especially with thin fabrics.


  • You will need to buy a magnet to remove protection from clothing in the form of a cube, washer or disk.
  • Bring it to the clip, the springs of which will relieve pressure from the rod and open the mechanism.

Knowing how to remove a magnet from clothes at home, you can easily get rid of the blocker. Removing the tag yourself will save you from having to return to the store.

In modern boutiques, special clips are attached to all products. They provide a guarantee that the goods will not be stolen. However, sometimes sellers simply forget to remove them. If you do not want to return to the store, then use one of the options given in the article.

Production technology of anti-theft devices

Anti-theft devices consist of three main components:

  • a sensor that is connected to an emergency warning system through a certain type of signal;
  • pins or magnet;
  • locking mechanism.

Reusable rigid devices, which are most often used to protect textile products, are made of impact-resistant plastic. The pin for attaching the device to the product is made of nickel-plated steel.

The plastic body is cast by vacuum molding or under pressure. The resonator is a coil of insulated copper wire, the ends of which are connected through a diode. After the resonator is inserted into the plastic housing, the locking mechanism is installed. It usually consists of a coupling that secures a metal pin.

Once the resonator and coupling assemblies are in place, the top and bottom parts of the housing are joined together. They are sealed by heating or welded ultrasonically

Removing a Security Sensor

When selling a product, the hard anti-theft sensor must be removed from the product in order to be reused in the future. This process occurs using a mechanical device or a powerful magnet. The puller releases the locking mechanism and allows you to remove the safety sensor. Install it on the counter in the checkout area.

Flexible security tags are deactivated by a scanner at the time of payment to the buyer. During the deactivation process, the circuit inside the tag is broken. After this, it no longer emits a signal near the antenna and does not set off the alarm. Labels cannot be reused.

Use dish soap

photo: Featurepics stock

Oddly enough, ordinary dishwashing liquid like “Fairy” works well with sticker glue.

The product is applied to the glue and left on the fabric for several hours. If everything worked out, then after a couple of hours you will see that the glue has softened; new clothes can be thrown into the washing machine (or washed by hand) to finally remove the glue from the fabric.

see also

25 life hacks for every day for those who stay at home

Device design

Most often, there are four types of sensors in clothing stores.

Flat "Pencil"

Such safety devices provide puncture-free fastening. The mechanism is equipped with a long lever. The clothing pin snaps into the cap so there is no need to pierce the material. These devices are ideal for preventing theft of swimsuits, scarves and underwear made from delicate materials. “Pencil” is produced with a length of about 48 mm and a diameter of about 10 mm.

Super tag sensor

A special feature of this device is a mechanical lock. The sensor can only be dismantled using a special manual or automatic removable device. It is attached to the product using a special needle with a wide plastic cap. Size 70×30 mm and 55×30 mm.

Square "Mini Squire"

A flat device with a small protruding part. The Mini Squire anti-theft sensor is designed so that this form of the device does not interfere with the buyer trying on clothes. An additional hole allows you to use a steel cord and hang the device from belt loops or other parts. This sensor is only available in RF version. Size 48x42 mm, weight about 6 g. Reliable and inexpensive.

"Shell" (golf)

Designed for more durable materials. The ultra-thin rod easily penetrates the fabric without leaving marks. Another advantage is ease of use. The “shell” fastening pin allows you to easily fix the device with one hand. When using these devices, employee productivity increases noticeably, as time spent on marking is reduced. There are 3 main sizes on the market: 45 mm, 54 mm, and 63 mm in diameter.

Hard sensor - additional advertising

Stores use anti-theft hard detectors for clothing only as property protection. Manufacturers have expanded the scope of application of devices, adding the ability to use the device as an advertising medium. The logo of the clothing brand, discounts and promotional offers, and other advertising messages are applied to the surface of the device.

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