Economical housekeeping tips. How to run a household: use time wisely

The constant rise in prices for food in stores, household appliances and everyday goods forces people to save money. Reasonable and rational housekeeping will ensure savings of the family budget without deteriorating the standard of living to which each family member is accustomed. Having learned correctly, you can have everything you need for a normal life, but at the same time spend much less money.

How to farm economically?

There are many effective methods aimed at economical housekeeping:

  1. Making a list of necessary purchases in advance for the coming week. It is best to make purchases in hypermarkets that offer discounts, as well as lower prices for bulk purchases.
  2. Try to buy quality items and household appliances. As practice shows, they last much longer than their Chinese counterparts.
  3. Before you buy things, think about whether they are really necessary. Or is it still possible to do without them? Such an analysis will allow you to avoid wasting money on useless goods.
  4. Also, economical housekeeping involves taking into account all expenses. By compiling a detailed list, you may find that many unnecessary purchases take up a significant portion of your budget.

How else can you run your household economically?

Many products sold through are about 20% cheaper than in regular stores. This is why online shopping is gaining more and more popularity every year.

It is advisable to purchase clothes and shoes at the end of the season. It is during this period that there are good promotions and discounts on these products. You can also save on entertainment. Of course, you shouldn’t give up on them completely, because without interesting leisure time, life can become mundane and boring.

In order to improve your standard of living, you should look for additional sources of income. If there is an opportunity to earn extra money, do not refuse.

Life, which is becoming more and more expensive, forces us to find more and more new options for how to run a household economically. It should be borne in mind that saving does not mean completely depriving yourself of tasty and healthy products, high-quality clothing, or pieces of furniture and equipment that create comfort and make life easier. Smart savings is the ability to have what you want while spending less money.

Most of us simply don't know how to save. This often happens because we make purchases spontaneously - we went into the store, loaded the basket with what our eye caught, and then we think for a long time about why we bought it. There are several rules that will help you save a certain amount per month, which you can spend on entertainment, gifts or the fulfillment of your personal desire. Or you can put it off and start collecting your financial cushion. In just a year, there will be an amount that will allow you to open your own business or go on a tourist trip that you have been dreaming about for so long.

Before you read the Rules for Smart Savings that I am about to give you, make a list of all the expenses you need per month. This includes everything: utilities, payment for mobile communications and the Internet, refueling a car, fees for kindergarten or school, payment for sports clubs, etc. Also add here plus a small reserve amount, in case someone suddenly gets sick, or you urgently have to pay a fine that came from nowhere. Entertainment is not included here! Only expenses that you MUST make every month.

Made up? Now you have an idea of ​​how much money you need to cover your expenses. What is your income? How much financial resources remain for living expenses? If the figure you got is a little low, then you need to find additional income. Even if you are on maternity leave, this is not an obstacle to improving your financial situation - about this in our article “”.

And now, in fact, let’s move on to the Rules of Reasonable Savings.

Rule two

Find like-minded people - neighbors, friends, work colleagues who also want to save on food or hygiene items, and make bulk purchases with them. Once a week or once every six months, you can go to a wholesale store and buy everything you need there. The larger the purchase amount, the greater the discount will be. On average, in this case you will save at least 20%, and if you take into account the time and travel to stores during this period, then the entire 25%. By the way, this movement is now gaining popularity. You can find on the forums in your city those who want to make joint purchases. And European citizens have been practicing this method for a very long time.

Rule five

Buy only good, high-quality items. If you gave your son a gift and bought him a Chinese phone, then get ready for the fact that in six months you will have to buy a new one. Therefore, it is better to purchase such things from trusted manufacturers. And it will work for a long time, and there is a warranty period.

The same can be said about things. The winter “Alaska” that you buy for your child from a well-known brand will last for several years, but a Chinese fake is good if it lasts one season. Remember, “the miser pays twice.” And indeed it is.

Rule six

Choose the right wardrobe for yourself (and your family members). There is no need to clutter your closet with the tenth T-shirt or the twentieth blouse. There are certain rules, or how to properly create a wardrobe. Take advantage of them. Then you won’t have to constantly think about the fact that you supposedly have nothing to wear. Before you buy a new thing, think about whether you really need it? What will you wear it with? What things to combine with? If possible, put off the purchase until the next day; it often happens that it was just a spontaneous desire and upon reflection you will understand that you did not need this purchase at all.

Distribution of duties

In modern society, a woman, just like a man, is engaged in socially important matters and brings home a salary. And it's unfair to put all the housework on her. In a family, responsibilities should be distributed evenly. If a woman cooks the best food in the family, then she herself will not yield this responsibility to anyone else. And a man or one of the older children can walk around the apartment with a vacuum cleaner. And any family member can load and unload the washing machine.

PHOTO: sun3-11.userapi.comWoman at home after work

PHOTO: mtdata.ruMan in the household

But justice requires an equal distribution of all household responsibilities.

PHOTO: together in the kitchen

PHOTO: i.pinimg.comMan cleaning an apartment

Now, if a woman does not go to work every day, then she will take on a significant share of household chores herself. And among the many women, you cannot find two similar in their attitude to this activity. Each woman has her own criteria for “right and wrong,” her own methods for solving the same problems, her own experience gained from mothers and grandmothers. Therefore, no two apartments are identical.

Rule seven

Keep track of your expenses. You can do it in a computer program, or you can do it manually - whatever is convenient. You will be amazed at what unnecessary things you spent a lot of money on, and next time you will think twice before making a spontaneous purchase.

That's all the main rules. Try to stay within your budget and don't take out loans or borrow money. It’s better to sit on buckwheat porridge for a couple of days before payday than to get into a hole of debt. And next month you will more accurately calculate your budget, and will not fall into such a trap when the money runs out and there is no salary receipt yet.

As for entertainment - of course, you can’t live without it, then allocate yourself a certain amount for a month. And how to manage it - go out into the city once a week for a cup of coffee or invite friends to visit and “go crazy” all at once - it’s up to you. Just know that you don’t have any more money for entertainment, and you’ll have to endure it until next month.

Saving is an art, and it will take months to learn. But - “patience and work will grind everything down!”, right? So I believe that everything will work out for you, you have learned how to run a household economically, what is needed for this and how much you can save. Start managing your money wisely and soon everyone will be jealous of what a careful owner you are and how successfully you manage to manage your home.

Washing, cleaning, ironing, grocery shopping, and so on every day and all year round. The same worries that make your head spin. How to manage everything and at the same time remember to rest and gain strength before a new working day? It turns out that in order to have enough time for everything you just need to know how to manage your household rationally. This science is not easy, but quite accessible.

Rational housekeeping



  1. The problem of rational farming
  2. Opportunity Costs and Production Possibilities
  3. Calculation of efficiency indicators according to OJSC KPZ “Novlyansky”


List of used literature


Every day we hear the word “economy”. What does it mean? Does this concept relate only to various enterprises and firms, or can the concept of “economy” also be applicable to the life of an individual? Economics is a part of the life of society that is associated with the production and consumption (use) of various goods and services, as well as the distribution of these goods and services among individual members of society. Economic theory is a science that studies the economic life of society and the economic relations that develop between people in the process of economic activity. Knowledge about the economic life of society comes to us in the form of individual facts. They can appear in the form of statistical data, information about events, and the behavior of various organizations and people. To examine these data, economic theory analyzes the necessary information, classifies facts and systematizes them. Explanation and interpretation of the facts of economic reality allows us to predict the future development and consequences of many economic events. The economy is a complex, polygonal system. Obviously, all its levels are interconnected and interdependent. But nevertheless, the principles of functioning of a company, industry, family farms cannot but differ from the laws of economic development as an integral system. Therefore, theoretical economics studies the problems of efficient use of limited resources at the micro and macro levels. Microeconomics ("micro" - small) is a part of economic theory that studies the behavior of small market units (market participants), such as private firms, public enterprises, groups of people or individuals. Microeconomics studies the behavior of individual elements and structures, such as industries and enterprises, commodity and financial markets, banks, various firms, households, etc. It studies how production volumes of individual goods and prices for them are established, how taxes affect savings population, etc. A separate independent section of the study of market economics, from the point of view of microeconomics, is issues of economics and organization of entrepreneurial activity. These are organizational forms and legal foundations of business, issues of financial and economic planning of a company, methods of mobilizing capital for business development, methods for assessing the level of market monopolization, issues of pricing, calculation of production costs and sales of products, procedures for concluding business transactions, etc. Section of economic theory - macroeconomics (“macro” - big) - considers the economy as a single interconnected whole, examines the economic life of society at the level of entire states. Macroeconomics analyzes large-scale economic phenomena such as problems of unemployment, poverty, inflation, economic growth and recessions. Macroeconomics helps formulate the goals of the state's economic policy and determine the ways and means necessary to achieve them. Microeconomics and macroeconomics are closely related, and the boundary between these sections of economic theory is quite arbitrary.

  1. The problem of rational farming

Economic decision making is based on modern economic theory – economics. Economics refers to the analytical science of people's use of limited resources (land, labor, capital, entrepreneurial abilities) for the production of various goods and services, their distribution and exchange between members of society for the purpose of consumption.

The multiplicity of economic goals with limited resources confronts the manager with the problem of economic choice - choosing the best of the alternative options for their use, which achieves maximum satisfaction of needs at given costs. Every person, company and society as a whole faces problems of what, how and for whom to produce, that is, how to determine the conditions and directions for the use of limited resources. At the same time, economic science not only tries to fix what exists, but also develops the best options for solving problems that have arisen. In the latter case, the problem of rational economic management arises: the whole society, as it were, participates in a game with strictly defined and pre-known rules.

In neoclassical theory, what is rational is the maximization of an individual's utility within the limits of the resources at his disposal, the knowledge he has, and his expectations of the actions of other partners. It is assumed that rational individuals are not only able to compare the benefits and costs of their actions, but also understand the consequences of their activities. At the same time, generally accepted norms, traditions, customs

play a very modest role in the constructions of neoclassics. Meanwhile, the need to reduce the level of uncertainty forces economic agents to rely on traditions. Where uncertainty prevails, neoclassical premises lose their universal force. Maximization may become meaningless and a rational individual is forced to focus not on it, but on socially acceptable results. Moreover, what was rational yesterday may turn out to be irrational today.

The axiom of rationality does not strive for a comprehensive description of reality. It represents the ideal type of this reality, which helps to formulate the main hypotheses of individual behavior, regardless of the field of activity. The theory of rational choice is universal. It formalizes the logic of an individual’s behavior in various situations. In politics it is called the theory of public choice, in sociology - the theory of social choice, in history - cliometrics, in law - economics and law.

The theory of incomplete rationality overcomes the limitations of neoclassical theory by recognizing that time, transaction costs, and information play an important role in everyday decisions, from which traditional neoclassical theory has abstracted. The theory of bounded rationality formulates rationality not only in a strict form (as the principle of maximization), but also in a less strict form, taking into account its time limitation, when people do not achieve the maximum, but strive to ensure a certain level of satisfaction of their needs. It takes into account the latest achievements made by R. Coase (transaction costs), G. Simon (bounded rationality), J. Stigler (who included incomplete information in neoclassical analysis), G. Becker (who extended the uncertainty principle to family relationships), etc.

  1. Opportunity Costs and Production Possibilities

The multiplicity of economic goals with limited resources poses the problem of economic choice - choosing the best of the alternative options for their use, which achieves maximum satisfaction of needs at given costs.

Every person, company and society as a whole faces problems of what, how and for whom to produce, that is, how to determine the conditions and directions for the use of limited resources. At the same time, economic science not only tries to fix what exists, but also develops the best options for solving problems that have arisen. The problem of rational farming arises.

In reality, people always face opportunity costs. Producing one product means giving up another. A rational person must calculate not only future costs but also opportunity costs to make optimal economic choices. The costs of one good expressed in another good that had to be neglected (sacrificed) are called opportunity costs (opportunity costs), opportunity costs or opportunity costs.

In addition, it is necessary to distinguish between opportunity cost and opportunity cost.

Opportunity cost is the best lost opportunity.

Opportunity cost is the amount of one product that must be given up in order to obtain an additional amount of another product. In order to obtain an additional unit of the required product, each time you have to give up more of another product (Law of Opportunity Cost).

Opportunity costs are the explicit costs associated with production plus opportunity cost (lost opportunity cost).

Let's look at a hypothetical example. Traveling from St. Petersburg to Moscow takes 8 hours by train and 3 hours by plane (including travel time to the airport). The cost of travel by train is 100 thousand rubles, by plane - 250 thousand rubles. Three people go on a trip: Abramov, Borisov and Vengerov. Abramov’s hourly wage rate is 20 thousand rubles per hour, Borisov’s is 30 thousand, Vengerov’s is 50 thousand. What type of transport will these people travel? 100 thousand rubles in this case is an inevitable expense: no matter which of the available vehicles you choose, you will not be able to spend less. Therefore, additional (marginal) costs are 250-100 = 150 thousand rubles. The inevitable loss of time is 3 hours, the additional (marginal) loss is 8-3=5 hours. The subject of the analysis is a comparison of these 150 thousand rubles and 5 hours of time. Abramov will earn only 100 thousand in these 5 hours; his opportunity costs (100 thousand) are less than the additional costs of purchasing air tickets (150 thousand). Therefore, it is more rational (more profitable) for him to travel by train. Borisov's hourly rate is 30 thousand. As a result of flying by plane, he will save 5 hours, during which he can earn 150 thousand rubles. Consequently, saving time makes it possible to return the amount spent on the air ticket. Therefore, from the point of view of rational behavior, it makes no difference to him whether to travel by train and lose 5 hours of time or fly by plane and “work off” the overexpenditure of resources.

As for Vengerov, it is obvious that for him, as B. Fracklin said, “time is money,” since in 5 hours he can earn 250 thousand rubles, which is significantly more than the additional costs of an air ticket. So, from the point of view of rational behavior; Abramov will go by train, Vengerov will fly by plane, but Borisov doesn’t care. This simplest case provides an excellent example of economic decision making: They are made when the additional (marginal) benefits are not less than the additional (marginal) costs:

MB ³ MS,

where MB (marginal benefit) is the marginal benefit,

MC (marginal cost) - marginal costs.

Production capabilities are the capabilities of society to produce economic goods with the full and efficient use of all available resources at a given level of technology development. Possible output is characterized by a production possibilities curve.

Choice becomes necessary when resources are relatively limited. The choice occurs between economic options for the best use of resources. The optimal option will be the one that provides maximum results at minimum costs.

Economics has succeeded in developing a model that represents choice as an economic problem. The model is called a production possibilities schedule.

The ordinate axis shows the possible production values ​​of goods A with a limited amount of resources, the abscissa shows the possible values ​​of production of goods B from the same volume of resources. By connecting the maximum points, we obtain the production possibilities curve (PP).

The PV curve denotes the boundaries of the maximum possible simultaneous production of goods A and B with full use of limited resources.

The choice of the optimal option is limited by the number of options represented by the set of points on this curve.

The PV curve characterizes the negative relationship between paired values ​​of maximum production results. When increasing the production of goods A, we inevitably lose some amount of goods B, and vice versa. The amount of one good lost when the production of another is maximized is called the opportunity price.

Point E is the result of incomplete use of production resources. At point E there is a reserve of resources for simultaneously increasing the production of goods A and B. And again the problem of choosing the optimal option arises.

The amount of goods that must be lost when maximizing production under conditions of underutilization of resources is called opportunity cost.

The optimal option at point E will be the one that ensures maximum efficiency in the use of resources. The efficiency formula is the ratio of maximum results to minimum costs (or income to expenses).

  1. Calculation of efficiency indicators according to OJSC KPZ “Novlyansky”

Enterprise efficiency is efficiency for renewal, when factors influencing the operation of the enterprise and the ability to update are identified, i.e., the ability of the enterprise to develop in the current period new products required by the market in subsequent periods is determined.

To calculate the practical part of the test work, a developed business plan was taken to increase the production of dry corn gluten at JSC Starch-Treacle.

To assess the effective performance of an enterprise and identify factors influencing its operation, it is advisable to use a formula that reflects the main dependencies of the indicators of interest to us:

How to organize a household from scratch

Where to begin? First of all, you need to put things in order:

  • thoughts. Stop feeling sorry for yourself. Everyone goes to work, runs a household and has a lot of other worries. Why then do some have everything, while others have nothing? Because you need not to be lazy, but to start taking action;
  • own room. A proper rest is impossible in a constant mess. It’s unrealistic to be on time for work when you have to spend 10–15 minutes to find the right thing. It's time to organize your personal space so that everything is in its place;
  • throughout the house. To make you want to return home and gather for quiet family evenings, you simply need the appropriate atmosphere. Cleanliness, coziness and comfort are the three components of an imperishable family hearth.

Concern about how to organize a household should not fall solely on women's shoulders. Each family member must do their part. Distributing family responsibilities will help relieve you and teach others how to plan their time.

Tip No. 1. Set certain days when to do general cleaning and when to go grocery shopping. This will make life much easier and save time.

We have collected the necessary manipulations and the timing of their implementation in a table; this will help you redistribute your time and increase the efficiency of housekeeping.

Table No. 1. How to properly run a household

RegularityCleaningCookingWashPurchasing groceries and other goods
Dailyremove used items and immediately clean any stains that appearpreparing perishable foods that are eaten in one meal (salads, sandwiches). You can cook first and meat courses once every 3 days. not required, with the exception of stains that can ruin the item. They must be eliminated immediately essential products (bread, dairy products, butter)
Weeklywet cleaning of the whole houseIt is recommended to prepare an unusual and interesting dish to pamper your familychanging bed linen, washing clothes accumulated over the weekmeat, fish, salt, vegetables
Monthlycarrying out an audit (disposal of damaged items, removal of shopping boxes), cleaning carpets and can prepare semi-finished products that are convenient to store in the refrigeratorcleaning large blankets, tulles, curtainscereals, sugar, tea, coffee, kitchen goods, restoration of tableware (if old mugs, plates are damaged)

Proper distribution of time guarantees not only a smooth life, but also proper rest.

Tips for keeping things organized

Pantry organizer.

The cheapest household organizer will help increase the capabilities of even the most modest pantry. Attach it to the inside of the door and fill its pockets with food supplies, household chemicals, washcloths, rags and cutlery and any other small items. This storage system will allow you to restore order and free up shelves for larger items.

A house in which order reigns is the dream of any housewife. To ensure that every item is in its place and accessible, you need to use popular life hacks for the home.


A compact way to place outerwear on the bar:

  1. tuck the sleeves and hood inside;
  2. put on hangers;
  3. hang it on the rod.


Shirts are stored folded in the closet. If you fold the item correctly, there will be no creases, folds or dents on it, and it will not take up much space in the closet.

Folding a Shirt:

  • keep the washed and ironed item on a hanger in the room for at least half an hour so that it cools completely;
  • fasten all the buttons (on the sleeves too);
  • put a cardboard rectangle inside, as they do in stores;
  • fold towards the middle of the sleeve;
  • bend the back.

The underwear drawer is rarely in order. A pile of panties and bras takes up a lot of space. If you fold them in the shape of small rectangles, the box will become much more spacious.

You can fold any panties into rectangles: boxers, shorts, thongs. If you fold each rectangle in half, you get rolls. They can be arranged at the bottom of the drawer like pencils in a pencil holder. This is vertical storage that was invented by the famous Kon Marie. If you pull out the closet in which the linen folded in this way is located, you can look at all the toiletries at one glance and remove the one you need without denting the rest.

Most often, the kitchen sink becomes clogged due to grease stuck in the pipes. In this case, salt and soda will come to the rescue:

  1. Dissolve half a glass of salt and a glass of soda in a glass of hot water;
  2. pour into the drain;
  3. Wait 10 minutes;
  4. clean with a plunger;
  5. rinse with a stream of boiling water.

It is convenient to clean wool from carpets and upholstered furniture using a special roller with adhesive tape. If you don’t have such a device in your household, put rubber or latex gloves on your hands, wet them, and rub the upholstery. The wool will stick to the wet rubber or roll into clumps.

Many people have wondered how to remove a label from plastic or metal so that no traces of it remain. If you just try to tear off the sticky paper, a stain will remain. It’s even worse if you only manage to peel off part of the label and start scraping off the rest with your fingernails or a knife.

It is better to use a household hair dryer:

  1. warm the sticker for about a minute;
  2. grab the edge with your nails;
  3. peel off slowly.

Washing with lemon juice to restore brightness to clothes

We suggest you read: How to get rid of the smell of cigarettes in an apartment: ways to quickly remove the smell of tobacco

Lemon juice brightens fabrics. Lemon flavors and removes stains. Just add lemon juice to your laundry detergent.

How to run a household. Efficient cleaning

Before you start cleaning your home, you need to acquire the necessary equipment.

What to keep in the house:

  • mop;
  • rags;
  • brushes;
  • vacuum cleaner;
  • latex gloves;
  • bucket;
  • cleaning and detergents;
  • furniture polishes;
  • glass cleaner.

Tip #2. Organize a special place for cleaning equipment. Boxes or baskets are perfect. This will significantly save cleaning time, because you won’t have to look for the necessary items for a long time.

To start, you will have to carry out a full and very thorough cleaning. Get rid of the junk that has been lying around for months “just in case.” This case will most likely never happen, so there is no point in collecting unnecessary things. Take a large garbage bag and walk through the entire apartment, saying goodbye to unnecessary things.

Next, find a place for each item. Neither clothes, nor books, nor anything else should lie on the sofa or hang on the chair. Put everything in its place and always put things back where they belong. Make this a rule for yourself. It is very important to learn how to organize space and then it will be much easier.

Secrets from professionals in the field of cleaning services on how to learn how to run a household:

  • It's always worth starting from the top. The ceiling, dust on cabinets, chandeliers - all this is wiped first;
  • The bedrooms are cleaned first, then the living room, kitchen and lastly the bathroom;
  • special attention is paid to places that are most exposed;
  • Correct use of special products will reduce the effort required to clean surfaces. Any drug takes time to start working. Apply the product and let it activate its power for 5-7 minutes, after which it will be much easier to remove dirt;
  • there is no escape from the dust. But if you use special polishes, you can significantly reduce its amount.

Tip #3: Buy or make your own organizers for small items. It is very convenient and practical.

If you carry out general cleaning once a week, then the rest of the time you will only need to maintain cleanliness.


The women's site has collected effective tips and advice for its beloved readers on how to organize housework so that it does not consume all your free time.

How to run a household: cooking and buying food

Think over the menu for several days in advance - this will help you rationally make a shopping list before going to the supermarket and not rack your brains after work about what to cook for dinner. If you know in advance what you will have for breakfast, lunch, dinner in the next 2-3 days, this will guarantee that you have all the ingredients for the planned dishes in the refrigerator.

It’s also a good idea to have a list of all the “long-lasting products” that you must have in your home, such as salt, sugar, spices, sunflower oil, cereals, tea. These products are constantly needed and tend to run out unexpectedly, and you don’t always remember about them in the store. A list will help you keep strategic food supplies under control.

How to run a household: cleanliness and maintaining order

Clutter, as we know, is created by things lying around out of place. Make it a rule, when moving around the apartment, to casually put everything that comes along the way: magazines and newspapers - on the coffee table, clothes on hangers and in a closet or drawer, empty dishes - in the kitchen sink.

How to run a household if unnecessary souvenirs, small items, trinkets occupy all the living space, act as dust collectors, and it seems a pity to throw them away? suggests: put it all in a large box and put it out of sight. In six months you can look into it again.

If not a single thing is needed during this time and does not evoke strong feelings, feel free to throw it away! Any Feng Shui will tell you that accumulating unnecessary junk at home is not good for you or your home.

By the way, about children. Who, if not them, adds artistic chaos to our apartment and the feeling that Mamai was here? Involve your children in the process of cleaning and putting things in order - let them learn how to run a household from childhood. You can read our tips on how to teach your child orderliness here.

How to run a household: use time wisely

Any housewife will say that household chores, if allowed, can take 24 hours a day plus another hour or two. But we won’t allow it!

If you haven’t gotten around to the contents of all sorts of drawers, bedside tables, shelves, cabinets for a long time, set aside 10-15 minutes every day (or every two days) for them: look into these “treasuries” of yours - all in turn or two or three , as you like. Even if during this time you managed to tidy up a little, throw something away, sort something - but the progress is obvious and inspiring, isn’t it? Next time just continue what you started.


How to run a proper household: cooking secrets

Feeding the whole family delicious meals is not so easy. But if you time it correctly, your household will always be tasty and satisfyingly fed.

Helpful tips on how to reduce cooking time:

  • maximum automation of the process. Not washing dishes by hand, but in the dishwasher, not a grater, but a blender, not a whisk, but a mixer, not a manual meat grinder, but an electric one;
  • menu planning. In order to always have the right products, and there is no food left over, you need to think in advance about what you are going to feed your family; preparing the first and second courses every day is completely unnecessary. It is enough to cook them once every 2–3 days;
  • preparation of semi-finished products. They should always be in the freezer in case of unexpected guests or a hard day at work, after which you simply don’t have the strength to cook anything;
  • Every experienced housewife always has several simple recipes from the most common products that are always at hand. This will help you get out and feed people in any situation;
  • using the oven. Food prepared in this way is not only healthy, but also very tasty. And it doesn’t take as much time as with traditional methods;
  • You need to wipe the stove immediately after cooking, so the dirt does not have time to dry and can be easily cleaned.

Tip #5: Buy a slow cooker. Just add your groceries and set your routine. With it, you don’t have to stand at the stove and stir your food every 10 minutes to prevent it from running away.

What can your children do? List of household chores by age

At 2–3 years:

  • put away toys;
  • put dirty clothes in a basket;
  • put away books and magazines
  • Place pet food in a bowl (with a little help);
  • wipe up spills;
  • wipe off the dust.

At a certain point, I came to the conclusion that there is no need to give children any responsibilities except one: to clean up after THEMSELVES. If all family members do this, then I am left with a pittance. The eldest son has his own room, allocated with the condition that he will keep it in order. Once a week he vacuums it and wipes off the dust. I do control cleaning about once every 2 months. He irons his school trousers and cleans his shoes (me too).

The middle one has its own closet and table, keeps them in order, and wipes away dust. My husband vacuums the entire apartment once a week (except for the elder’s room) and irons it.

Each person puts the dishes from the table into the sink, and the husband loads them into the washing machine. My husband (sometimes my son) also goes to the store. I have to cook, do laundry, mop the floors.

Dashuk, conference participant at the 7th

At 4–5 years:

  • all of the above;
  • make your bed;
  • take out a rubbish;
  • clear the table;
  • water plants;
  • make breakfast from cereal.

At 6–7 years old:

  • all of the above;
  • sort laundry;
  • sweep;
  • help prepare and pack breakfast;
  • set the table;
  • clean the bedroom;
  • pour drinks;
  • to answer phone calls.

At 8–9 years old:

  • all of the above;
  • load dishes into the dishwasher;
  • sort out purchased products;
  • help prepare dinner;
  • prepare your clothes for washing;
  • peel vegetables;
  • make toast;
  • walk with the dog.

We have problems cleaning the floors. As a child, I was forced to wash the floors - I hated it so much, now my daughters have the same attitude. And then I started thinking - how can I change my son’s attitude? That is, somehow move a job everyone dislikes from a zone of dissatisfaction to a zone of joy?

We talked with our daughter and came up with an idea - when the whole family (except mom) washes the floor, mom bakes a special “cleaning” cake, which then everyone involved in cleaning eats. True, we have this recent introduction, there was only one pie. But that’s what the four-year-old called it—a “cleanup” pie, so maybe it will work out...

Eugenie, conference participant at 7th

At 10–12 years old:

  • all of the above;
  • remove dishes from the dishwasher and put them away;
  • fold washed laundry;
  • clean the bathroom;
  • prepare simple meals;
  • wash;
  • cut the lawn;
  • make your bed and change your bed linen;
  • clean the kitchen;
  • look after younger brothers and sisters.

How to Run a Household Effectively: Laundry

With the advent of automatic washing machines, women's work became much easier. But, of course, it didn’t completely get rid of worries. Every home should have a collection basket. And all family members should take soiled things there only. This way, there will never be a problem when you have to run around the house looking for something to wash.

It would be more rational to allocate a specific day for washing each category of clothing. For example, on Friday everyone changes bed linen and towels. On Saturday, things are sent for cleaning. This way, there will be no problems with where to dry your clothes, and ironing will be easier.

Useful tips for housekeeping: quality laundry

  1. Small items of clothing are best washed in special bags.
  2. Full compliance with the recommendations on clothing labels.
  3. Items that may fade are best washed by hand in cool water.
  4. Use special conditioners to add softness.

Tip No. 6. Kitchen salt is an effective remedy for removing stains, imparting softness and even preserving color to fabrics.

After each wash, do not forget to wipe the washing machine dry and carefully check whether there are any items left in it.

How to run a household efficiently and effectively: secrets of saving

Every wise housewife should be able to spend wisely. If you follow some simple rules, you can get good savings:

  • make a list and always stick to it. Write down a list of things you need to buy at home and stick to it at the store. Cunning marketers have set up their networks at every step just to get you to buy something. In most cases, such acquisitions simply take up space in closets and are never used;
  • promotions, sales and discounts are just gimmicks. Not a single successful entrepreneur will give away goods below market value.
  • purchase large, economical packages;
  • do not chase advertised brands. Study the composition. Products with less bright wrappers do not mean they are of poor quality;
  • It is better to prefer home-cooked products to store-bought canned products. This is both useful and cheaper;
  • Make large purchases only after careful consideration. Decide at a family council whether you are ready to spend that amount.

Tip No. 7. Every housewife should have her own tricks on how to properly run a household in an apartment. Therefore, it will be very convenient to keep a special notebook where you can add simple tips and ways to maintain your home.

It is very convenient to distribute the budget for the month in advance. Set aside part to pay for utilities, part for groceries, and another part for the family piggy bank. With the remaining funds you can already afford relaxation or entertainment.

Running a household is not as difficult as it might seem at the very beginning. The main thing is not to neglect anything and love your home. Not even the richest interior will give real comfort if it does not have a soul.

When a young family is created, and a novice housewife is trying to figure out how best to manage her household, she has many more questions than answers, and economical housekeeping is far from a simple science.

And, in such a situation, it often seems that you just need to learn how to earn more, and all the questions will disappear on their own. Is this so? Think for yourself. Do you know anyone who, in your opinion, earns a lot? Surely there is, but is their life so cloudless financially? Of course not, because the ability to earn money is just one side of the coin, but it also has another side, the ability to rationally spend what you earn.

Financial issue

In difficult economic conditions, the issue of family budget planning is especially acute. Strange things happen to money: it simply “floats” out of your hands. No matter how much money is brought into the house, they all disappear somewhere at jet speed. What to do? Gather for a family council and, together with your spouse, draw up a balance sheet in which you enter your income and expected expenses. Determine the amount you can spend per month on groceries, household chemicals, and clothes. Prioritize.

So, our first priority is traditionally the purchase of essential goods. This category includes food and household chemicals. We remind you: products are not only candies and seafood, but also sugar, salt, and cereals. The “strategic” reserve should always be at hand. A good housewife never runs out of salt and sugar, because supplies are always replenished. The same applies to powder, bleach, and other household chemicals.

Next in importance is paying off loans (if you have them). Make the necessary payments first

Late payments will lead to loss of reputation among banks. What does loss of reputation mean in modern conditions? And the fact that at the most critical moment you may find yourself without money.

Do you need to spend money on entertainment and recreation? Of course, but only in moderation. Plan your vacation on a budget. If you don’t have money for a “big trip”, go on a “small” one. That is, replace a holiday abroad or at sea with a trip to the nearest sanatorium. The same goes for entertainment. No money for a club? Take your child to the circus. This way you will save money and give your child a lot of fun.

Get rid of bad habits. Alcohol and smoking not only undermine health, but also create a huge hole in the budget. Don't let tobacco and alcohol manufacturers exploit you through your addiction.

Read more: Boomerang Children: Adult Children Return Home

What to do

Sometimes a mother or mother-in-law can come to the rescue, but young people are not inclined to trust their parents or loved ones; it seems to them that they are able to figure everything out themselves. So they learn from their own experience, although many people know (according to Chancellor Bismarck) that they only learn from their own experience... That’s why the experience comes with tears in our eyes. But it would be quite possible to do without this, mostly negative experience, if...

Let everyone here who has made similar mistakes remember for themselves what can be substituted for the ellipsis in each case.

So, what does it take to run a frugal household? Let's think together:

  • The desire of the housewife, which can overcome her laziness and inability to force herself to do something.
  • A little knowledge of mathematics and the principles of economics (the very basics, based more on logic).
  • A general notebook (or notepad, or diary). In short, something where you can record information.
  • General strategy for rational management.

Of course, you can write down everything you need on a piece of paper, but... Leaflets have a habit of getting lost, someone might just take it, thinking that no one else will need the written sheet.

In short, it is better to write down the necessary information in something quite solid (voluminous).

For example, you often go on vacation, on a business trip, or just to visit. You need to take things with you and, in order not to forget important things, write a list of what you need.

Most often, for a vacation, business trip or just a trip, many things necessary for a trip are repeated.

Opening and drawing up a business plan

In the early stages of developing your business, you need to consider how much money you will need to start running a household

You should also take into account other factors and issues that the entrepreneur will definitely face in the future

Many people are accustomed to noticing absolutely any product on store shelves, always fresh, tasty and not too overpriced. In such cases, it is worth thinking about where and how such products appear in stores, because someone produces, supplies and sells them, receiving income from households. Quite often this is a very good profit, although it is not easy. As in any type of activity, there are a number of certain difficulties in the household.

It should be noted that when farming, it is necessary to follow a certain procedure, with the help of which you can get rich. Each person, depending on certain factors in which the household economy is formed, has a number of nuances that simply cannot be calculated in advance

First of all, you need to choose the main direction of your agriculture. Currently, there are a huge variety of them, from raising cattle to raising chickens, after which the agricultural company purchases eggs from farmers. You can also succeed in two households, but this will require some experience.

Each type of agriculture is both easy and difficult in its own way, so when choosing an activity it is necessary to focus on the conditions and experience that a person already has.

How to keep records correctly

Therefore, a general list is written down in a notebook (for all cases), and for a business trip or vacation, a specific list of what is needed is simply added. And then you don’t need to spend a lot of time getting ready for the trip. Take the list and prepare things to put in your suitcase. This is more convenient than making a new list over and over again, painfully remembering what is necessary and wasting time on it.

It would seem like a trifle, but very useful. Or you need to buy some things for your home, kitchen utensils, dishes, electronics or clothes for family members. You can also make a list for this, constantly adjusting it as you acquire it, or vice versa, supplementing it with the necessary.

This habit will again teach you to think systematically, help you, along with the list, estimate the amount needed for a purchase and teach you to plan purchases for each month.

After all, you can’t buy everything you need for life right away, but you can break it up over several months, purchasing something you need every month, or, conversely, to purchase expensive things, you can save the required amount for several months.

Some might say that this is tedious and not very pleasant work. What, did someone promise you that family life consists of nothing but pleasures? Remember the families of your friends, relatives or parents. Everyone does the same routine, sometimes tedious, but so necessary work.

Family property

Each family has its own material needs, primarily the need for housing, food, household items, clothing, and equipment. In addition, individual family members also have personal needs that may differ significantly.

Example. While the mother needs a new dress, mixer, cosmetics, the father needs more power tools, sneakers, a new DVR for the car. At the same time, the son dreams of a new phone, roller skates, and a toy radio-controlled helicopter.

To satisfy all the numerous family needs, each family has certain property and monetary savings. It is customary to distinguish several types of property in a family:

  1. Real estate is a house, apartment or any other residential premises, a plot of land, unfinished buildings. Real estate is the most valuable and expensive property of a family; usually family members save money for a long time to purchase it.
  2. Industrial property is family property that generates income, with the help of which family members earn money. While almost everyone has real estate, not every family has industrial property. The family's industrial assets include: a factory, a bakery, a photo workshop, a sewing workshop, and a shoe repair shop.
  3. Vehicles - car, bicycle, motorcycle, moped and others.
  4. Items for use - clothing, shoes, hygiene products, household goods, stationery.
  5. Household appliances and furniture - vacuum cleaner, refrigerator, wardrobe, TV, bed, microwave, toaster.

Periodically, each family renews its property - acquires a new house, car, equipment, furniture, clothes. The quantity, quality of property and family income are directly related. Families with higher incomes can purchase real estate more often and allow themselves to buy expensive things and luxury items. The property of a low-income family (a family with a small income) is not rich; as a rule, poor families are deprived of the opportunity to purchase real estate, vehicles, furniture, and even the proper amount of clothing and food. However, there is a way by which even poor families acquire new property - they save money (they do not spend all the money at once, but save some of it to buy something).

Preparing lists

Lists can be written for different occasions. For example:

  1. List of things a child needs for school.
  2. List of medications for your home medicine cabinet.
  3. List of household chores.

And many more different lists. Completed (purchased) items are marked and what is needed is added. Thus, the notebook turns into an important element and document of the family budget and becomes an indispensable assistant. Of course, keeping all these records takes time, but the time savings from such a home assistant are much greater.

This is just the first in a series of articles on frugal housekeeping, and there will be others to come, which will contain practical advice, tips and suggestions. But what to use from this will have to be decided solely by the readers.

The main thing is not to forget that in life you need to learn every task, and the more complex the task, the longer the study, and a household is an individual enterprise that lives by its own laws, which are very fraught to ignore.

You can read the continuation of the publication on economical housekeeping.

Many of us are faced with the need to save. This is primarily due to the fact that prices are rising, but wages, according to many, are not. It is no secret that the family budget and its distribution mainly depend on the woman, because from time immemorial the man was the breadwinner, and the woman was the keeper of the hearth; she had to manage the entire household.

That is why the task of saving the family budget falls on the fragile shoulders of women, and it is the woman who must be very dexterous and inventive so that everyone in the house is fed and clothed, but at the same time it is possible not only to save, but also to put money aside.

Regular chores

In the process of housekeeping there are daily and one-time hassles. True, these one-time ones can be repeated every other day, and once a week, and once a month...


The process of preparing food is an almost daily event. It takes a lot of effort and time. But with proper planning, you can save energy and spend less time. You just need to apply the principles of NOT - the scientific organization of labor - to this process.

In an ordinary family, it is quite possible to plan a menu for the week. Basically, for this menu on the weekend, you need to purchase products and fill the refrigerator with them. Now, in the absence of a shortage, complete (or complex) purchase of the necessary products is not a problem. Knowing what will be cooked tomorrow, you can make the necessary preparation of food in the evening: defrost something, peel and cut something, wash something and put it in a pan. And the next day, when you come home from work, immediately put the prepared products into the final stage of cooking - frying or heating. To speed up the process of preparing dinner in the evening of a working day, you can prepare semi-finished products in advance - dumplings, pies with meat or cabbage, minced meat for cutlets. Then just heat it up and serve it.

And on weekends you will have to spend more time on cooking - something should be prepared for future use for the week. Usually the woman in the family does the cooking. Although there are also men who love to cook, especially exotic dishes. Of course, if there is a non-working woman in the family, then the main burden falls on her.

In many ways, the process of preparing food is facilitated and accelerated by the presence of small-scale mechanization in the kitchen - electric meat grinders, mixers, coffee grinders. The cooking process itself is significantly faster when using a multicooker pan.

Cleanliness and tidiness

Everyone loves when the house is clean and tidy, but few people like to clean. The most effective way to keep things clean is to not litter. But you still have to clean it up. Now there are many helpers in this matter.

The army of vacuum cleaners is diverse. Floor-standing on wheels, hand-held wireless, robotic vacuum cleaners. Large floor vacuum cleaners are effective in a large apartment with a lot of upholstered furniture and carpets, especially if the vacuum cleaner is washing. Handheld wireless ones are convenient to use in small rooms with a lot of furniture. And robotic vacuum cleaners themselves do all the work of cleaning the room, but still the legs of the chairs get in the way, and the corners are not always accessible.

Items used in the bathroom - washcloths, brushes, curtains - should be washed from time to time with solutions of soda and vinegar, and then rinsed with water. Wash the bath itself with hydrogen peroxide. The toilet is washed with a mixture of mustard powder, citric acid and corn starch.

There is an interesting brush for washing dishes. There is a replaceable sponge at the working end, and a detergent canister is built into the handle. The sponge is disinfected in ten seconds in a microwave oven.

PHOTO: YouTube.comDishwashing sponge with detergent container

Young children should have a place where they can take their toys after playing.

To keep up with everything, you need to correctly rank the importance of work. If it so happens that you need to do several things in one day, then first of all you need to take on the most labor-intensive ones, and you can do easier things later

But you shouldn’t put it off “for later” all the time, either, otherwise this responsibility will hang around and spoil the mood.

PHOTO: Fragment of the planned housework plan


Gone are the days when the basic equipment for washing was a trough and a washboard. Nowadays there are many washing machines that offer all kinds of washing modes. You just need to carefully study the operating instructions and choose the most suitable mode when washing. If, after using the washing machine, you hang your bed linen on the dryer, and your shirts and blouses on hangers, you can save significant time on ironing. To speed up the ironing process, you should spread a sheet of foil on the ironing board. The item will be ironed on both sides at once.

The basis of savings

The task of saving is very difficult, so women go to all sorts of tricks to save the family budget. Basic steps:

  1. Distribute income and expenses correctly. The second should in no case exceed the first.
  2. Avoid excesses. Buy only what you need and don’t throw money away.
  3. Try to give up loans. Currently, credit is a real debt hole that families cannot get out of for years.
  4. Buy quality products. It’s not for nothing that the French say: “We are not so rich as to buy cheap things.”
  5. Plan your purchases, research the quality of goods on the Internet or ask your friends. To do this, you can keep a diary plan where you write down all upcoming purchases.

The main expenses of each person are: housing, food, clothing, utilities, transportation, health and home improvement. At every point, the thrifty housewife knows how to save money.

If you don’t have your own home, then try to rent a cheaper apartment, not necessarily in the center. And you will see how much money will remain in your pocket.

You might want to think about a mortgage. In the same way, you will have to pay a certain amount monthly, but each payment will bring you closer to getting your own home. Unlike rent.

A very important point for a thrifty housewife is feeding her family. After all, you need to feed deliciously, and at the same time, it should be inexpensive and also healthy. The task is far from easy, but thrifty housewives know how to cope with it.

Here are a few tricks that help women manage their households:

  • You can stop going to a restaurant and cook at home. Find, collect your collection of recipes and cook unforgettable dishes every day.
  • If you keep track of the proteins, fats, and carbohydrates you consume and prepare meals according to a predetermined plan, you can not only provide a varied, healthy diet, but also know what products will be needed in what quantities in the coming week.
  • Products can be bought at the market, which is much cheaper than stores. Experienced housewives do not buy semi-finished products, because they are expensive and harmful to health.
  • You can also save a lot on pickled vegetables and fruits. Do not buy canned food in stores, but seal it yourself. In the summer, when everything is cheap, it will not be difficult to do this in order to enjoy delicious fruits and vegetables in the winter. Buy basic goods (sugar, salt, flour, etc.) in wholesale stores in winter.
  • Do not buy large quantities of foods that quickly spoil.
  • If meat is too expensive for you, then buy chicken, preferably whole - it’s cheaper. Bean coffee is much cheaper than instant coffee and is not as harmful.
  • For food, proper storage is important so that food does not spoil longer. For example, bread can be stored in the refrigerator. Sausage, cheese in cling film.
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