How to properly care for a mink coat at home

All Russian women are divided into those who have a mink coat and those who dream of it. A fur coat is a welcome gift from a man, an indicator of status, a guarantee of attractiveness. After purchasing winter clothes made from natural fur, the urgent question is how to care for and store a fur coat. And then learn a number of rules:
  • do not wear in sunny and warm weather;
  • do not wear in rain or sleet;
  • protect from abrasion - do not put your hands in your pockets, use a scarf or handkerchief around your neck.

Fur color may change as they age. This is especially noticeable on white specimens, which begin to turn yellow. When choosing a product, carefully inspect the model you like . After purchasing, keep it away from the sun and don’t even think about painting it yourself. With proper care, a mink product will serve its owner for ten years. Just follow simple recommendations to maintain its original appearance and quality.


Proper cleaning and care of a mink coat can be ensured by independently using proven methods. But even the most positive reviews about the use of folk remedies do not guarantee that the fur coat will not be damaged. Therefore, it is better to follow the main operating rules and prevent damage to the product.

It is not advisable to use washing powders to clean mink fur. You cannot wash and dry fur items on heating devices; it is better to use a hair dryer. It is recommended to comb the pile after treatment with a fine-toothed comb.

If your mink coat becomes dusty, you can carefully clean it. To do this, you need to spread a damp sheet on a flat surface and lay a fur coat on top. Then lightly knock out the product from the wrong side. After that, shake and hang on a hanger.

Alcohol removes traces of lipstick and foundation well. You need to soak a cotton pad in the liquid and remove dirt from the fur.

The recommended option for caring for mink fur is professional dry cleaning. Fur experts recommend dry cleaning natural fur coats at least once a year (at the end of the season).

How to clean a mink?

Buy a special brush for combing fur. With its help, the pile is straightened and does not allow it to cake. This can correct the situation with creases - on the sleeves, in the back, if you have to sit down in a fur coat. Do not sprinkle contaminants with semolina or starch. Leftover food will attract insects, which will take root and not want to leave. If dirt gets in, let it dry and it will easily fall off from the lint.

Don’t even think about using folk remedies that you heard about somewhere. This is fraught with irreversible damage to natural fur. The consequences of home experiments can be irreversible.

Brush the mink with a special brush; try removing light dirt with a dry sponge. You can also try a weak five percent hydrogen peroxide solution on a cotton pad for stains. The oil stain is removed using dry sawdust, which will absorb the grease. Sawdust can be removed with a napkin.

Features of caring for a light fur coat

A white mink coat requires special care, because any dirt is always visible against a light background. To prevent white mink from turning yellow, it must be stored in a dark case, for example blue. It will help protect the fur from fading. Before placing the “white beauty” in a case, it is better to check whether the package is painted. To do this, you need to wipe the inside of the case with a white rag and see if the dye remains on it. Yellow tones on a mink product may appear when perfume, powder, or foundation gets on the pile.

Owners of white fur are often at a loss as to how to remove yellowed hair, how to remove the yellowness and return the original look to your favorite clothes. A proven method is to take it to the dry cleaner, but there are several folk methods that can restore the whiteness of fur.

The most gentle treatment for white mink skins is the use of talc or chalk. The product is laid out on a flat surface, previously covered with a white cloth. Then, without applying any effort, talc is applied to the fur. After applying the powder, the pile should be shaken and combed. This method allows you to refresh the color of a mink product and rid it of foreign odors absorbed into the fur.

Starch, flour or semolina are sometimes used for cleaning. These products tend to swell with moisture. And if particles remain between the mink’s fibers, then after snow they can ruin the fur.

What you need to know about mink?

When purchasing, be sure to check the quality of the fur from which the fur coat is made.

  1. It should not have a lot of small parts sewn together. The underside of the skin should retain its elasticity and have a natural beige or cream color. Non-compliance with these indicators is a sign that the product was stored in violation of the requirements.
  2. Another sign of quality material is the color of the fur. In really expensive varieties it is brown or black, shimmering in the light.
  3. The quality of the pile can be checked by running your hand over it. It should not be crushed, and after the cessation of exposure it quickly returns to its original form.
  4. Do not forget that mink fur is afraid of water. If you wet it too much, the pile will fall off and the fur coat will quickly become unusable. Therefore, it should only be worn in dry weather.
  5. If getting wet cannot be avoided, then clothes should be dried away from heat sources, in a dry room, hanging on a hanger.
  6. The mink skin itself is quite thin. During wear, this leads to the rubbing of fur on the most loaded parts of clothing - shoulders, pockets and cuffs. You should be especially careful with them.

Why does fur come out?

There can be many reasons for lint loss. An experienced specialist can determine the exact cause of shedding. The most common factors causing lint loss include:

  • poorly processed fur;
  • violation of cutting and sewing technology;
  • improper storage conditions for mink skins;
  • the product is made from old skins or fur of a shed animal;
  • damage caused by moths;
  • fake lint

The quality of the top material is affected by the method and frequency of cleaning. What to do with a shedding mink coat: the process of hair loss cannot be stopped, and if the shedding occurred due to violations of production technology, then you can try to return it to the store.

Checking products before purchasing

When purchasing a mink coat, they examine it not only from the outside, but also from the inside. The product, sewn from small shreds, is of low quality. It is also important to check the condition of the flesh : it should be creamy and elastic to the touch.

When choosing, you need to pay attention to the tone of the mink skins. The most expensive ones are with tourmaline fur. These are skins with brown hair and white undercoat. Black diamond fur is beautiful and valuable. Such skins shimmer in the sun. To determine the quality of fur, you need to run your hand against the fur. In a quality product, the villi quickly return to their original place.

What if the fur coat is wrinkled?

If a fur coat is stored folded or weighed, squeezed among other things, then it may become wrinkled. Crumpled mink fur is quite difficult to restore. It is recommended to contact specialists for help. But there are ways to straighten such outerwear yourself.

A minor jam is corrected as follows:

  • lay the product on a flat surface;
  • lightly dampen a clean sponge in warm water;
  • moisten the fur;
  • comb the pile with a fine-toothed comb;
  • shake the product and hang it on a hanger to dry.

You can also straighten a wrinkled mink coat by steaming. To do this, you need to open hot water in the bath and wait until the room is filled with steam. Then place the coat hanger in the bathroom, but not above the bathtub itself.

Under the influence of steam, the pile will be leveled. The main thing is not to wet the product, but after the procedure, hang it in a dry, well-ventilated area.

How to wear?

If you accidentally get caught in the snow, at home try to remove droplets from the product and dry the fur:

  • shake the product to remove water droplets;
  • if there is too much moisture, blot the fur coat with a cloth, collecting the water;
  • use a hanger of the appropriate size - no more, no less;
  • do not dry in the sun;
  • Do not use a hair dryer or heater or battery. The drying process should be natural.

What should you not do when wearing?

  1. You cannot use the pockets of your fur coat for their intended purpose - do not put anything there and do not warm your hands in them. Bald patches will appear near the pockets, the fur will be dirty and worn.
  2. You cannot carry handbags on the crook of your elbow or on your shoulder - the consequences are similar.
  3. You cannot wear a fur coat in the rain or on a sunny day.

How to update a fur coat yourself?

Renewing mink fur yourself is a responsible undertaking. It is important to prepare thoroughly for it. You can find many different videos on this topic. The main rule is that in order to enjoy your mink coat for a long time, we renew it immediately after damage is noticed. If the fur is jammed, it is better not to wait until the product straightens itself. You can put into practice the recommendation on how to fluff up the pile of a fur coat using steam, or take it out into the cold. Cold is the best remedy for any fur item.

Over the summer, a fur product may fade, but there is an easy way to add shine to a mink coat. To do this, just dilute vinegar and water in equal parts and walk over the pile with a sponge soaked in the solution. A walnut will help you refresh your mink coat at home and give it shine. The kernel must be finely chopped and tied in gauze. Then run the bag of nuts through the fur. The pile will absorb the released oil and acquire shine. This method is only suitable for dark fur. Among the many ways to update a fur coat, it’s easy to choose the right one, but you won’t have to put the product in order if you store it correctly.

How to store a mink coat in summer: protection from the sun and moths

How best to store a mink coat at home is an important question for owners of such a luxurious product, and there is an answer to it. It is necessary to follow certain rules in order for the fur beauty to wear longer.

An important condition for the safety of a mink is the presence of space between it and other things. It should be hung on a special trempel designed for fur products. The hangers should be wide; a thin wire hanger should not be used. The fur coat should hang straightened, it is better if the sleeves are stuffed with fabric. Such measures will help the mink not to lose its shape.

Sunlight should not penetrate into the storage area of ​​the product, especially direct rays. If a fur coat is hanging in a closet, you need to periodically check its condition and open the doors so that it “breathes.” If the mink is resting in the hallway, you also need to periodically ventilate the room.

How to properly store a natural mink coat is often a problem for its owners, since this fur likes to be cool, which is difficult to achieve at home. The best option is to maintain the temperature at 5 – 15°C. To create such conditions, the room must have air conditioning and periodically provide an influx of fresh air to the mink. If there is no air conditioning, it is better to take it out onto the balcony for a couple of days and make sure that it is not exposed to the sun. However, you should not remove it from the special case.

You should definitely take care of protection against moths. Today there are many remedies: sachets, tablets, aerosols, oils, but you can also use proven folk remedies. Tangerine peels, lavender, and bergamot can help with how to effectively store fur coats in the summer at home. They also help in the fight against moths, but it is worth considering that they need to be renewed periodically and lavender must be used carefully, as the smell can remain for a long time.

It is imperative to check the fur coat for brooches, coins in pockets, a belt and other accessories, as they can harm the fur

Nothing extraneous should be left for storage and special attention should be paid to this. Minor little things can be imprinted on the fur, stretch it or make holes.

It is important to find out in advance how to store a mink coat from damage by moths, so that preventive measures will help you not to worry about dealing with a problem that has already appeared. An important detail for storing a fur product is a properly selected cover.

To avoid problems with moths, you need to treat it yourself, or purchase an option pre-impregnated with a pest repellent. It is better not to use tobacco and mothballs to protect expensive furs. Although these products are not inferior in effectiveness to others, their smell is very pungent and corrosive, and then it will not be so easy to get rid of it.

By the way, before the question arises, how to properly store a mink fur coat at home, you need to provide it with good conditions while wearing it

If the product is made of white mink, in addition to the fact that you cannot spray eau de toilette on it, you need to pay special attention to caring for the collar. You should not attach brooches to it, especially costume jewelry that can stain the fur.

In addition, it is better to wear a scarf or shawl around your neck so that the collar does not become dirty or stained from the clothes under your fur coat. By the way, if lavender was chosen to fight moths, you can use a scarf soaked in lavender oil; you can hang it on a bracket or put it in your pocket

It is important that the oil does not come into contact with the fur and skin of the fur coat.

If the owner of a fur product was not initially familiar with the material, how to properly store a fur coat in the summer from moths, malignant insects could get in and ruin the thing. In this case, do not despair and throw it away ahead of time. The first step is to inspect the fur coat for signs of pest damage and take it to the dry cleaner. If the moth has already reached the product and thoroughly damaged it, you need to go to the studio. With the help of professional restoration, the desired piece of fur can be replaced. If an item is contaminated, its lifespan is significantly reduced, but at the same time its life can be extended. Fur cannot be steamed or washed, even if it is infected with moths. It is better to take the item to the dry cleaner or thoroughly treat it yourself with a chemical spray. By the way, it is better not to use this option for prevention; it is intended solely to eliminate the consequences.

Storage conditions

Proper storage conditions will ensure a longer period of operation and a beautiful appearance of the fur product. Special workshops provide services not only for cleaning fur coats, but also for storing them in refrigerators designed for fur.

At home, such clothes should not be stored folded. It would be correct to store a mink coat in a spacious closet or dressing room on hangers and in a case so that the product does not come into contact with it.

Mink does not tolerate the sun and dry warm air. In summer, it must be stored in a cool, ventilated, but draft-free room. It is advisable to avoid direct sunlight. Periodically, the fur coat needs to be ventilated and shaken. Place moth protection where it is stored.


First, critically examine the product, as they say, from head to toe

Carefully brush off the dust and ventilate in fresh air. Shake the pile, but do not comb or wipe it before putting it in the closet, so as not to damage it.

Do not store your fur coat dirty and dusty. Try to get rid of various types of stains immediately after they appear. Inspect the hem especially carefully. Remember that dirty fur is a favorite treat for insidious moths!

If you find serious contamination, it is better to take it to the dry cleaner. Mink fur is very delicate and capricious, so try to clean it thoroughly at least once a year, and not at home, of course.

Think about where you will store your jewelry. Naturally, this should be done away from sunlight if you want to keep the shade and shine of the pile unchanged. The most convenient place is the closet. Just not narrow, because such a product loves a lot of space and air. It also does not tolerate proximity to radiators: its interior can dry out and lose flexibility. But high humidity is also not welcome. It likes cool temperatures – maximum 17° C. That’s how demanding it is!

It’s even better to send this wardrobe item to a special fur storage unit in the summer. Isn't there such a possibility? Then listen to the advice of experts.

Difficulties of maintenance

It is worth noting the fact that it is unlikely that one animal will contain all imaginable shortcomings. So there is no need to perceive minks as terrible monsters. But you will almost certainly encounter some unexpected hiccups. So, the main difficulties that may encounter in the process of raising:

Hyperactivity. As we already mentioned, a mink requires several hours of active walking per day. And what do you think she will do during these hours? The correct answer is: turning your home into chaos. She will move the rug to the center of the living room, hide your socks, create a storage area under the closet and rob your bag. What else? Mink easily climbs up curtains, carpets and your feet. It is strong enough to tear out wires from cable ducts and the seal from a plastic window. And, of course, minks love to dig: carpets, doors, sofas and, of course, flowers.

Mink bathing. What does this mean for the owner? Right. Constant puddles. And probably a wet bed, on which the mink will go to dry itself. And yet, perhaps at one fine moment you will want to take a shower, but sad beady eyes will look at you from the bathtub... As a result, a mink will be left to swim in the bathtub.

Stubbornness. This you have not seen before. Mink is stubborn as... well, in general, there is nothing to compare with. Persuading, distracting, forbidding something to a mink that has set itself a specific goal is a hopeless undertaking. So if, for example, she firmly decided to dig a hole in the sofa, rest assured that a hole will appear there sooner or later. No matter how you save your furniture. You need to build your relationship with mink keeping this feature in mind.

Money question. The mink itself is not very expensive. But setting up her place of residence, preparing the house for her arrival and choosing a diet costs a pretty penny. Good meat is not a cheap product, and you can’t feed a mink with just chicken. And dry food of the required quality cannot be called a cheap product.

Tags. Minks have this feature. They are marking. Both males and females. Some are larger, some are smaller, some leave almost no marks. There are individuals who are capable of drawing a meter-long stripe on your floor with poop. It is impossible to predict this, and it will become clear only as the puppy grows up.

Bites. It is normal for a mink to bite. Sometimes these are simply tangible bites, comparable, for example, to those of a cat. But there are others - in excitement, out of anger or out of fear, a mink digs into your arm or leg with a force that pierces right through the nail. This can be overcome with patience and education, but not everyone has enough patience.

Intolerance. Minks, for the most part, are terrible owners and do not tolerate competitors on their territory. Therefore, it is very difficult for dogs, cats, ferrets and other animals, regardless of size, to get along with a mink. There is a chance for a peaceful existence if the mink grew up surrounded by these animals from infancy.

Forget about rest. With all that said, finding a foolish, selfless person to look after your sweet furry while you're away at sea isn't that easy. This creates a certain discomfort if you like to travel.

On her channel, Julia from Riga spoke clearly and with illustrations about the difficulties of keeping a mink:

Diet of domestic mink

Animals with valuable fur are not picky about food. They need only 200 grams of food per day. This can be special feed and feed mixtures, cereals, meat, fish, seafood. By the way, any meat is suitable, but it is better to choose buckwheat or rice porridge and add minced meat there. Domestic minks enjoy eating fresh vegetables and fruits. It is also important to ensure that there is always clean water in your pet’s cage.

Adults need to be fed 2 times a day, young minks - 3-4 times. Growing pets, pregnant and lactating females need to increase the amount of food. There is no need to strictly limit the food intake of these animals; minks eat as much as they need and do not overeat.


Along with food, the mink should receive a sufficient amount of protein. Veterinarians recommend giving your pet additional vitamin complexes.

It should also be noted that the mink’s smell depends on the quality of its nutrition. Try to choose a diet for your animal that will minimize the smell.

Domestic mink in the home

Issues of aggression

The aggressiveness and savagery of minks is legendary. There are endless debates about whether tame minks exist or not. This is very confusing for potential owners and tiring for those who already keep minks at home. In such a brief review, of course, we cannot discuss all these points in detail. But let's dwell on this for a moment. First, let's be clear. When we say “tame mink”, we mean an animal that is friendly with its owner, enjoys communicating with him and is attached to a person.

So, do tame minks exist? Undoubtedly. Is there any basis for all these horror stories about minks? Of course.

The point is simple. If you took a mink and couldn't tame it, welcome to hell. You won't be able to hold your cute little animal in your hands other than with thick, multi-layer gloves. And she will tear even these gloves with zeal, just to break free. You will learn what bitten nails and bite scars on your hands are. But we must honestly admit that the blame for this aggression lies not with the animal, but with the owner. Is it easy to tame a mink? Well, it's not that simple. Puppies adapt and become attached to the owner quite easily, teenagers are much more difficult, and with an adult mink you will have to work hard. But nothing is impossible if you approach the matter with intelligence and love.

What can you do to avoid aggression from minks or reduce it as much as possible? This is a very large topic, but in short - follow the recommendations for buying, keeping and feeding a mink. And NEVER try to force the mink.

You can learn more about various aspects of American mink behavior here .

Laws for wearing fur coats

The last, but by no means unimportant, rule is that wearing it correctly will help preserve the appearance of your favorite clothes . Natural fur very easily absorbs a wide variety of odors. When putting on a fur coat, you should be careful with perfume. The aroma of perfume, ingrained into the pile, will quickly cease to be pleasant. The same applies to other cosmetics. Avoid unnecessary contact with bare skin as sweat may be absorbed into the fur.

In addition, the fur is easily wiped off with constant mechanical stress . This is easy to notice if you constantly carry a bag on your shoulder or keep your hands in your pockets. When going out or attending an event, it is better to choose other accessories that go with a fur coat. Fortunately, there is no shortage of them now.

Compliance with all these rules and principles will allow you to keep your precious mink in excellent condition for many years and it will delight both the owner and others with its beauty.

Features of life in the wild

The natural habitat of minks is considered to be most of Eastern Europe and North America. There are two varieties of mink: European and American. The second was brought to Europe before the start of World War II, and today the American mink population in Europe significantly exceeds the European population. To a greater extent, this is due to the displacement of the European animal by its larger relative.

This animal lives near rivers, lakes and bays, but very rarely settles further than 200 meters from the reservoir. Minks got their name due to the fact that they spend a large amount of time in burrows, which are built near thickets of bushes, or near the roots of large trees. The main enemy of the mink is considered to be the river otter, which almost always wins the battle for territory, since it is a larger animal.

An animal from the mustelid family leads an active lifestyle all year round; in winter, it begins to roam more and stays near ice-free bodies of water. The animal tries to pull all kinds of prey to the shore: frogs, fish from nets, water rats. Sometimes it feeds on plant foods rich in essential vitamins (lingonberries, rowan berries, seeds of perennial plants). If an animal lives near a village, then with a high degree of probability people will lose chickens or other poultry.

When males are ready to mate, they begin actively searching for females. At this time, they can move far from their burrows. Usually several “admirers” begin to court one female at once, but only one – the most aggressive and strong – always wins. The female's pregnancy lasts one and a half months, after which the mother cares for her cubs for 12-14 weeks. The lactation period in these animals is long, lasting about 10 weeks. When small animals learn to hunt and get their own food on their own, they will leave their mother in search of a place to live.

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