How to wash boxing gloves and get rid of unpleasant odor

For the manufacture of boxing gloves, natural leather or its artificial substitutes are usually used. The first option is considered the most preferable, since this material allows the skin to breathe. The disadvantage of such products is their high cost. Therefore, most often they buy options made of artificial leather.

For the production of sports equipment, the manual method is most often used. It is very difficult to establish continuous production of this equipment due to the large number of small parts.

The cut leather is stitched using strong lavsan threads, and then the product is filled with several layers of special synthetic filler.

The outer shock-absorbing layer, located on the impact surface, has a relatively low density. More dense materials are used for the interior upholstery, as it is designed to absorb shock.

Washing rules

It is advisable not to expose such items of boxing equipment as gloves to water at all. There are several objective reasons for this:

  • When washed too harshly or after improper drying, natural leather becomes hard, and its artificial counterpart becomes cracked.
  • Getting wet leads to the fact that the low-quality filler clumps together and the product finally becomes unusable, as it loses its shock-absorbing properties.
  • Due to the dense padding, boxing mittens take several days to dry. During this time, bacteria accumulate and actively spread inside, which become a source of unpleasant odor and cause irritation on the skin.

How are boxing gloves made?
If the dirt is very strong and you cannot do without wet treatment, you need to wash the equipment very carefully, taking all precautions. The basic rules are as follows:

  1. To soak equipment, you can use water whose temperature does not exceed +40 degrees.
  2. The soaking time should be no more than four hours.
  3. When washing, you need to take all measures to prevent the inside of your equipment from getting wet.
  4. Dirt from the outside should be wiped off with a soft sponge, and to clean the equipment from the inside, use a soft brush.
  5. Difficult blood stains and heavy dirt should be wiped with a cotton pad soaked in hydrogen peroxide.
  6. The equipment must not be subjected to any kind of deformation.
  7. After each workout, you should wash your boxing bandages separately.
  8. If possible, do not machine wash.

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Dry cleaning

Using this method is noticeably better than the previous two, but also has some risks . This method will not remove complex stains, but is well suited for regular maintenance:

  1. After training, you need to remove your gloves from your bag as quickly as possible.
  2. Using a clean, dry towel, carefully wipe the outside of each of them, removing all moisture.
  3. The same must be done with the inside. To achieve the best effect, you need to wrap your hand in a towel, insert it into the glove and move it well inside. This way, the towel will absorb all the accumulated moisture and sweat.
  4. To eliminate bacteria, gloves can be placed in a cold room overnight.

Temperatures below zero Celsius negatively affect the outer coating of the product.

Ways to get rid of unpleasant odor

Experienced athletes try to avoid washing their boxing gloves. Therefore, to eliminate the stench, all kinds of folk remedies are used. For example, freezing equipment in the freezer is considered a good way.

To do this, the product is wrapped in polyethylene and sent to freeze for 8 hours. This method completely destroys bacteria and therefore the smell also goes away. This treatment is very effective, but it should not be used very often, since negative temperatures damage the structure of the skin.

After freezing, the product is hung to dry for two days on a balcony or other well-ventilated place.

One way is freezing

Another treatment method is to use 6% table vinegar or apple cider vinegar. A cotton swab is moistened in this liquid and placed inside the product. After 2 hours, the cotton wool is removed, and the equipment is air-dried for several days so that the vinegar aroma disappears.

A good and convenient option is to treat the product with a special antibacterial spray. Such products are sold in specialized sports stores.

The spray has a special spout shape, so it is convenient to treat equipment from the outside and inside. Several procedures are required to completely eliminate the unpleasant odor.

It is very important to use an antibacterial spray

You can eliminate the stench from sweat and get rid of all bacteria by treating your equipment in a special sterilizer. A similar device is used to sterilize bottles and jars for baby food. For the same purpose, some use a microwave, setting it to minimum power.

How to get rid of the smell of moonshine at home: re-distillation

The second distillation is necessary to increase the strength, as well as to further purify the drink. Despite multiple purification at the previous stages, crushing into fractions during re-distillation should not be neglected.

The resulting alcohol is diluted with water to 40-45º. In fact, it can already be consumed internally, but to soften the taste and improve the aroma, it is recommended to infuse it for some time. The infusion time depends on the specific recipe.

When producing elite high-strength alcoholic drinks, their further aging under certain conditions is required. In the case of moonshine, aging helps eliminate the fusel smell and has a better effect on its taste. And if you also infuse it with aromatic additives, you can get a product comparable in quality to whiskey or cognac.

Consider one recipe that quickly turns homemade moonshine into a noble drink:

  1. For 3 liters of moonshine 45º, take 50 grams of oak bark (sold in a pharmacy). You will also need 100 grams of raisins and two tablespoons of honey.
  2. First you need to dissolve honey in 100 grams of boiled water. The resulting solution is poured into moonshine. This will reduce its strength by a few degrees, but it will not fall below 40º.
  3. Then oak bark and raisins are added. Everything is thoroughly mixed. The resulting mixture is infused in a glass container in a dark place at room temperature for at least a month. The contents are then passed through a cotton pad or paper filter.

This alcohol will be pleasant to drink, and by its aroma it will be difficult to determine that it is moonshine. This drink will not be embarrassing to put on the table for guests.

The process is carried out as follows:

  • The “head” separates again. These fusel substances make the smell of the liquid output close to the aroma of mash. When the characteristic basis disappears, it will be possible to begin obtaining the “body”.
  • The drink is distilled until its strength exceeds 45 degrees. This is exactly the product that will be used for consumption.
  • At the end the “tails” come out. This part can be used to make a new mash - just pour the liquid into the new starter.

This completes the secondary distillation. The product is almost ready for use. Additionally, it is advisable to defend the drink.

Be sure to read:

How to get rid of the smell of mold and dampness at home: effective methods

The time depends on the recipe and the desired result. During the settling process, “stray” substances may sink to the bottom, leaving an unpleasant odor.


Many athletes argue that boxing gloves should not be wet cleaned at all. It is highly likely that exposure to water will lead to irreversible deformations of the outer coating and internal filler. After such cleaning, the equipment usually becomes unusable and has to be thrown away.


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How to properly hand wash boxing gloves

If you cannot do without washing, it is recommended to soak the gloves in non-hot water, having first dissolved the washing gel in it. Do not overexpose the product in water to avoid damaging the leatherette.

Another method of wet cleaning is to soak the gloves in warm water with added salt. This method gets rid of dirt and odor, but can cause the natural leather to dry out and become wrinkled.

To refresh the appearance and remove dirt on the outside, it is recommended to wipe the gloves with damp wipes. After this, the surface must be covered with colorless shoe polish.

Care Tips

To extend the shelf life of feather pillows, take proper care of them:

  1. Wash or steam after you have had a cold.
  2. Use fresh pillowcases once a week.
  3. Ventilate your pillow in the fresh air once a month.
  4. Wash your pen thoroughly at least once a year.
  5. Use a steamer and vacuum cleaner.
  6. If the pillowcase is leaky, replace it.
  7. Whip the feather inside the case often to prevent it from caking.

Regular care of natural pillows at home will save the owner from unplanned expenses for dry cleaning. Take care of your bedding to ensure consistently excellent sleep quality.

Machine washable

You should only put this piece of sports equipment into the washing machine as a last resort. In this case, it is necessary to pack each glove in a special washing bag to protect the top coating from damage from the inner surface of the drum. For the machine, you need to select the most gentle washing mode and set the water heating temperature to +30 degrees.

Machine washing is a last resort.

Spin must be turned off. After the cycle is completed, the water should simply be drained. Do not twist the product or squeeze it with your hands. The water should drain naturally. To speed up this process, you can knock your gloves together.

What to wash with?

When washing boxing gloves, do not use dry powders. The granules will definitely get stuck in the padding and pores of the leather, and it will be very difficult to rinse the product thoroughly.

Therefore, for cleaning it is better to use liquid gels for delicate fabrics. It is allowed to use sulfate-free hair shampoos or baby liquid soap.


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After washing, the equipment should be dried for several days. To speed up the process, gloves should be stuffed with old newspapers. They will help maintain their shape and absorb moisture.

The place for drying should be chosen in the shade so that the gloves are not exposed to sunlight. But there must be free access of air. You cannot place equipment on a radiator or near heating devices.

This can cause the top coating to crack or become deformed. When the gloves are completely dry, the leather covering should be lubricated with castor oil, colorless shoe polish or glycerin.


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How to dry gloves correctly

How to dry

Drying your equipment is an equally important step. Boxing equipment is tightly stuffed with newspapers, which absorb excess moisture. The procedure is repeated several times.

A hairdryer or electric shoe dryer will help dry the gloves completely. Do not place leather items on heating appliances or dry them in the sun. When exposed to ultraviolet radiation, materials fade and become brittle.

Finally, you can treat the outside with glycerin, castor oil or special products for treating leather products.

Winding question

How to wrap boxing bandages? In practice, there are many methods for this. But the most popular and simplest are the following:

First. Standard. The loop needs to be put on the thumb (BP), the bandage should be turned along the outside of the hand. The initial turns secure the wrist. Then the product is again thrown through the power supply. The next turn goes slightly below the BP, then above it. This is how the phalanxes are captured. On the back area, the bandage should be criss-crossed, placed on the wrist and fixing the BP. Then the processes are repeated. The canvas ends on the palm under the initial phalanx.

The second is “Cross”. Creates a more effective defense. The loop is also put on the power supply unit. The initial two turns go slightly below the fingers. After this, each finger is bandaged, the little finger being the first. Fixation is carried out through the power supply.

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