How long do fleas live - without food, in an apartment, on the body of a person or animal, favorable and unfavorable conditions

Fleas are parasitic insects that every pet owner has to fight. Moreover, some people think that blood-sucking insects are the prerogative of only animal owners. However, this opinion is erroneous: recently, bloodsuckers have begun to appear in multi-storey buildings, causing great discomfort to their inhabitants with their bites. The importance of the problem can be assessed if you know how long fleas live without an animal in the apartment.

How long do fleas live?

In favorable conditions for life, fleas live up to three months, during which the female lays approximately 500 eggs.
The most comfortable conditions for parasites are a temperature of 21-26 degrees above zero, and a humidity of about 80%. When the temperature increases by 10 degrees, the development of fleas almost doubles. A decrease in temperature, on the contrary, leads to a slowdown in the growth of insects and an increase in life expectancy up to 2 years. The reproduction cycle of insects also depends on the temperature regime. At optimal temperatures, the development period of the larvae is one month, at elevated temperatures - up to 10 days, at very low temperatures - up to 7 months. Then the eggs develop within 14 days; the insect remains at the pupal stage for about 20 days. In general, the full development cycle lasts from 10 days to one year, and life expectancy - from 1.5 months to several years.

General understanding of parasites

Fleas belong to the order of blood-sucking insects. The length of their body reaches 5 mm, it consists of a chitin-covered head and a body flattened on the sides. This shape makes it easy to move around in clothes, wool and feathers.

Characteristics and types

Fleas can be found anywhere, regardless of the time of year. Their main carriers are mammals that live indoors or have a burrow. Certain types of fleas settle in nests that are empty for a long time. Fleas can be constantly present on animals whose fur is not properly treated, breeding offspring. Pests suck blood from one minute to several hours.

Parasites can survive without food for a long time (several months), after which they actively attack the victim. The jump of these bloodsuckers exceeds their body length by approximately 100 times. There are more than 2,500 varieties of fleas in the world, the most common are:

  1. The most common human flea. The insect has a brown body up to 3.2 mm in length. Jump height - up to 30 cm, length - up to 50 cm. It can feed on the blood of not only humans, but also animals. A carrier of plague, it provokes the development of pulicosis.
  2. Cat flea. This family can be seen on the body of all animals, as well as on humans. The pest carries various infectious diseases; its larvae usually develop in pets' bedding or in their fur.
  3. Dog flea. Its habitat is the bodies of dogs, cats and people. The insect carries many parasites, including flatworms. In addition, it is considered the keeper of the pathogens of Marseilles fever, leprosy and plague.
  4. The rat flea is recognized as one of the most dangerous species. Carrier of rat and mouse tapeworm, as well as plague. The brown color of the bloodsucker can have several shades from lighter to darker. Females most often lay eggs in rat nests.
  5. A grass flea that lives in grass, foliage of trees or shrubs. This species differs from others in the presence of wings, but the parasite gets into the room on domestic animals.
  6. Ground flea. As a rule, a colony of insects is found on the first floors, settling in cracks, under baseboards and other secluded corners.

Life cycle

The average lifespan of an average flea is 3 months. During this time, the female makes up to 100 bites and lays up to 500 eggs. Under favorable conditions, the egg develops within 2 days, after which a larva emerges. Subsequently, it goes through the following development phases:

  • chrysalis;
  • adult (imago).

The most suitable temperature for flea breeding varies from 18 to 25 °C with a humidity of 60%; in such conditions they breed all year round. During the cold period, bloodsuckers live without producing offspring. Flea eggs are laid in small portions. After two weeks, they hatch into larvae that look like translucent worms. They penetrate into the middle of the nest and eat rotting organic matter there, blood residues in the excrement of adults, as well as skin epithelium.

After three molts, the larva turns into a pupa, wrapping itself in a cocoon. The duration of this stage ranges from one week to several months depending on climatic conditions. After the pupa turns into a flea, it immediately looks for a host. The lifespan of a flea and its size directly depend on the temperature. The higher the air temperature, the larger the insects and the shorter their lifespan. With the onset of spring, bloodsuckers begin a full life: absorbing a lot of animal blood, they begin to actively reproduce.

Ideal conditions

For active life, fleas require fresh blood, which they suck from the body of the “host”. If it dies, the insects immediately leave the corpse. At the same time, the usual habitats of parasites in rooms are considered to be corners hidden from prying eyes, where sunlight does not penetrate. Typically these include:

  • skirting boards;
  • carpets;
  • folds of clothing;
  • old things;
  • pet bedding;
  • boxes with children's toys.

Parasites love to live under wooden floorboards. Favorable conditions for the life of fleas are considered to be a combination of high humidity levels and high temperatures. Each type of pest requires a specific climate that is considered optimal for normal existence:

  • for chicken - humidity 75−80%, temperature +19...25 °C;
  • for rats - humidity 60%, temperature +13...15 °C;
  • for dogs and cats - humidity 60%, temperature +25 °C.

How long do fleas live without food?

Fleas can go without food for about 2-3 months; their bodies are adapted to living in unfavorable conditions and the absence of a food source. But fleas cannot go on without food indefinitely, because they need fresh blood to reproduce and lay eggs.

When leaving the apartment with your pet for a long time, you should not expect that the fleas will die without the animal; they will definitely wait for the cat or dog to arrive and bite them. A peculiarity of country fleas and other types of fleas is their ability to sometimes feed on the blood of rats and mice, so they can wait for a long time for the owner with their pet.

Parasites in the house

In general, of all fleas, the largest species live the longest, parasitizing mainly on ungulates.

The so-called “variegated worm” - the Tien Shan flea, reaching a length of 7 mm - lives on sheep for about a year. Some fleas that parasitize northern animals can fall into prolonged torpor during the winter period and generally live for more than 14-16 months. At low temperatures for these species, their lifespan can be several years.

In addition to the fact that insects are desperately hunted - they are poisoned by people, bitten by animals - they can also die from their own infectious and parasitic diseases. Sometimes it even happens that a flea is left without food, for example, if it lives in the litter and the animal is taken to the country.

How long can a flea live without food? Quite a long time: her body is adapted to survive such unfavorable conditions. Insects that live on pets and can bite humans can survive in a cool apartment for several months even in the absence of food. The parasites remain active and do not fall into a “half-asleep” state, but cannot lay eggs. The reproduction process requires replenishment in the form of regularly supplied blood from the host, so there will be no offspring from a starving female.

How long fleas live in an apartment without owners will depend on the air temperature. The lower it is, the greater the insect’s chance of waiting for the arrival of a food source. So, having gone to the country after treating an animal with a special preparation and returning a month later, after some time you can note the return of the problem.

Parasites enter the apartment along with pets or the owners themselves. For example, while walking, a dog comes into contact with other dogs and becomes infected from them. Returning home, she brings the parasites with her.

Getting rid of parasites in an apartment is not an easy process, requiring a long time and considerable effort. Firstly, it is imperative to find the reason for the appearance, since otherwise the situation may repeat itself. Fleas multiply quite quickly, so once you eliminate the outbreak, you can start cleaning the entire room.

So, you have identified the source of occurrence, now you can start cleaning the apartment. Housing is treated with insecticidal preparations. As a rule, spraying action. This form of drug release is more suitable, since it is necessary to cover a large room. Therefore, the spray is the most effective remedy. But there are other means.

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To summarize, we can say that there are a large number of insect control products. They have different directions and methods of influence.

How long do flea larvae live?

The larva, depending on conditions, lives 5-45 days. Humidity and ambient temperature indicators are very important for it. It is very important that she has access to food - the excrement of adults, imagoes.

If you have a flea infestation, there will be a lot of eggs and droppings on the carpets, pet bedding, upholstered furniture, and other areas.

In apartment conditions, the larva develops into a pupa in 7-12 days. If the room is cool, dry, and there is little nutrition, the development process is slowed down for up to a month and a half.

Then the pupal stage begins. It develops in a cocoon for 7-19 days. Females develop 20% faster. If the temperature drops, the development of the pupa slows down.

The development process is affected by humidity, temperature, and nutrition. The better the larva ate, the longer the pupa develops. In order for her to leave the cocoon, the level of nutrients and fluid in her body must become critical. In some cases, being in a cocoon can take up to 5 months.

The flea leaves the cocoon when it senses the presence of its owner. She learns about it by temperature and pressure. These signals become a call to exit.

What determines the lifespan of fleas?

The duration of a flea's existence is influenced by a number of factors:

  1. Ambient temperature and humidity. At low humidity and temperature, bloodsuckers will live longer than at high temperature.
  2. Constancy of the state of the environment. If the temperature fluctuates frequently, the parasites fall into a state of torpor. Thanks to him, bloodsuckers live longer.
  3. Food. If a flea goes hungry, it will live even longer.

A flea is primarily a parasite. Nature provides that their reproduction depends not so much on timing and speed, but on the number of offspring each female produces. You should not hope that in your home such an important process of reproduction will somehow stop on its own.

It is important to poison these parasites completely. It is necessary to destroy both adults and larvae and egg laying. Only after this can we hope that the parasites will disappear completely.

Climatic conditions

All insects are afraid of low temperatures, including fleas. If the thermometer drops below 0⁰C, then the young animals will die in 3-5 days . The pest will survive up to +5⁰C for at most 10 days. The minimum temperature level when a flea can more or less exist is +10⁰C. The chance of survival in this case is 50/50.

Young animals are more vulnerable to low temperatures than adults. Larvae with laid eggs stop developing already at +13⁰С. At +10⁰С all offspring die.

Like other insects, a flea can hibernate, but provided that the temperature does not drop below +8⁰C. Heat also negatively affects the life of parasites. If the thermometer rises above +35 degrees, the pest will die in a matter of days. Dryness can also be considered a critical factor. Low air humidity has an extremely negative effect on both the offspring of the insect and the adults. The larvae begin to die inside the cocoons. In the summer months, when the heat stays at 30⁰C, the flea population decreases.

Read more ► Linen fleas, what do they look like, why are they dangerous and how to get rid of them?

How long do fleas live in extreme conditions?

The life cycle of a flea is maximally tuned to survival. Some individuals can even survive the animals on which they settled. They are able to withstand environmental challenges, both heat and cold.

If the host animal dies, the fleas immediately leave it. The blood of a dead animal does not suit them.

It is curious that the flea pupa is most adapted to extreme conditions. It can withstand icing, frost, severe drought and even the destructive effects of insecticides. The viability of the pupa, even in unfavorable conditions, can persist for several years.

Without food

Usually, a daily one-time meal is enough to satiate, but if the meal cannot be completed, the flea jumps on the animal again. In this case, insects can starve for a long time.

An individual emerging from a cocoon can search for a host for about two weeks. All this time she goes without food. You should not hope that after leaving the apartment for a while, you will be able to wait for all the fleas to die and return to a clean house. They can go without eating for up to a year and a half, so they will have to travel for a very long time.

Pupae can wait even longer for their future owner. They will feel its approach by the vibration of the floor. The victim can be used to satisfy hunger and move to a more favorable place - where there will be a cat, dog or bird. Cat, dog and chicken fleas cannot constantly feed on human blood.

An insect that is left without a food source does not fall into suspended animation; it is still mobile, but is deprived of the ability to reproduce. It turns out that during the absence of the owners, there will be no more fleas in the apartment, but they will live and patiently wait for the return of people and their pets.

Can they live in an apartment without animals?

To fully answer the question of whether fleas can live in an apartment without animals, it is necessary to consider the features of the insects’ life cycle. The optimal conditions for their full development are the following: constant temperature maintenance within 21 - 23 degrees, humidity - about 80%.

If the above conditions are maintained, the life expectancy of fleas is from two to three months.

A particularly important factor for adult parasites and their larvae is the presence of a constant source of food. The absence leads to a slowdown in the development of the nymph and the absence of the ability to reproduce in the adult. In the absence of food, the life expectancy of the parasite increases.

A similar thing happens when the ambient temperature drops. At higher values, the development of the nymph occurs faster, and the life expectancy of an adult insect is reduced, often by more than half. During this time, one female manages to lay from 400 to 600 eggs.

Fleas can live without animals in an apartment for two to three months. Mostly they do not live on the pet’s fur, but, for example, on its bedding. When the need arises, the blood-sucking flea attacks the animal; immediately after saturation, the flea jumps off.

Favorable microclimate for fleas to live in

The above indicators are given for the best living conditions. The flea dies a natural death after about three months. Of course, among the decisive indicators is an optimal microclimate with suitable air temperature and humidity. It all depends on the type of fleas, because parasites on chickens do not leave the body of their victim due to the need to constantly maintain the temperature within 40 degrees.

If a flea lives in an apartment with constant access to food and without exposure to insecticides, it can survive for about three months, but no more. When the room temperature rises to 37 degrees, fleas on dogs or cats can survive for 3 weeks due to their accelerated development cycle. Low temperature conditions have the opposite effect and the life cycle of the parasite is significantly extended.

Domestic fleas live in ideal conditions and are kind of long-lived. In nature, parasites exist much less often, since victims chew out painful bites. The death of fleas is caused by numerous helminths and other parasites, the carriers of which are carried by each insect. That is why the pest strives to get into warm apartments or private houses.

Amazingly, at the pupal stage, fleas can cope with frost and even the effects of various insecticides. The specific biology of the insect helps it survive in the most difficult conditions. When an animal dies in nature, fleas immediately leave its corpse and look for a new habitat and feeding.

Can fleas live in clothes and in the sofa?

At first glance, it may seem that the “flea army” lives on animal hosts, but this is not so. Parasites need a quieter place to live and reproduce. That's why they live on a pet's bedding, under linoleum, behind baseboards, in carpets, upholstered furniture, plush toys, and in bed. People often ask the question: “Can fleas live in a sofa?” - and receive an affirmative answer: “Yes!” They may also get into clothing or clutter.


Parasites can adapt to any conditions. No matter how much you treat the room and pet, there is no guarantee that they will never return.

Animals try to fight them on their own, but are able to comb out and gnaw only a small part of them. Without special treatment, fleas will multiply exponentially, spreading to healthy cats and dogs, filling basements and apartments.

Some species live permanently on the host, others make their way to the body to feed, and in the remaining time they hide in secluded corners not far from the object of their interest.

Dog fleas most often live in the bedding, while cat fleas live on the sofa or in an armchair. Some of them take a liking to the carpet and live quietly in its pile.

There is an exception - chicken fleas. They never leave their owner unless necessary, as they cannot survive without his warmth. In addition to food, they need a certain temperature and the microclimate created by the bird’s feathers.

Fleas are very small. We see only living parasites that crawl over the animal’s body, and we never notice those who die their own death. One gets the mistaken impression that they are practically immortal and are constantly in the owner’s fur.

Types of fleas

The main types of fleas living in the middle zone:

  • Feline.
  • Sandy.
  • Earthy.
  • Homemade.
  • Rat.
  • Chicken.
  • Human.

sand flea

This type of flea lives in sand. They are distinguished from other varieties by their light color. Sand fleas feed on the blood of humans, cats, dogs and other mammals. The main feature of these individuals is the type of feeding of the female: they bite into the surface of the skin, quickly get to the vessel and drink blood.

After a certain time, the eggs ripen in the female, and she significantly increases in size (about the size of a pea). When it is necessary to lay eggs, the female shoots them out of the oviduct, while she remains in the thickness of the skin.

Earth flea

Externally, this type of flea is practically no different from other species. Individuals feed on the blood of mammals. Most often, residents of the first floors, as well as those who have high levels of humidity in the room, suffer from them.

Habitats: basements, baseboards, furniture, soil.

House flea

This flea can be of several species that can live in a warm room. They can be found in animal bedding, on animals, under baseboards, in furniture, carpets, and bedding. As a rule, they feed on the blood of cats and dogs, and in rare cases, human blood.

Human flea

These individuals are dark brown in color and their size does not exceed 4 mm. The length of the jump is up to one and a half meters, the height is up to 30 cm. They prefer to feed on the blood of cats, dogs, pigs and people.

This is due to the lack of hair, which makes it much easier for them to move. This type of flea does not have thoracic teeth, which help them move through the fur.

Dog flea

This species is close to the cat flea. The size of insects does not exceed 5 mm. Dog fleas are carriers of various parasites and infections.

They can parasitize dogs, cats and other mammals. Eggs are laid according to the same principle as cat fleas (on animals), but since they are not fixed, they very quickly end up in the environment.

Rat flea

Fleas of this species range in color from light brown to dark brown. They reach 2 mm in length. Most often they live in basements, so their main diet is the blood of rats and mice.

cat flea

The head of these fleas is flatter than that of other species. The length of the individual is up to 0.5 mm. Cats can become infected with them on the street or from their fellow cats.

It is not always possible to find this parasite on cats. This is due to their active care of their fur.

Chicken flea

Affects domestic and wild birds. Their distinctive feature is the presence of horny forceps in males. Bite areas are areas of the beak and eyes where there are practically no feathers. They can feed on the blood of other animals, as well as humans, but not for long. Chicken fleas do not live in a house where there are no wild or domestic birds, and if they do live, they do not live for long.

Types and size

There are about 2,500 species of fleas in the world that live on animals and birds.

which are more common:

  • feline;
  • canine;
  • human;
  • bird;
  • rat.

The most common cat flea in the city can also bite people and dogs. is less common, which is associated with an improvement in people’s quality of life.

The size of the parasite depends on the species. The length of the largest flea reaches 13 mm. This species can be found in North America and only in the habitats of the mountain beaver.

Flea lifestyle

The flea belongs to the order of blood-sucking arthropods. The insect moves by jumping, which can reach 30 cm in height and 50 cm in length. The body of the parasite is flattened laterally and covered with bristles; this structure allows it to move quickly in the animal’s fur. There is a sensory organ on the abdomen that signals the approach of a potential food source and a change in temperature.

Where live

Most often, fleas can be found on dogs and cats, so it may seem that the animals harbor parasites. In reality, warm-blooded animals and humans serve only as a source of food for fleas.

After feeding on blood, the insect jumps off the cat or dog to find a place to breed. In the apartment, parasites live in animal bedding, long-pile carpeting, and the floor. In nature, fleas choose places close to animal habitats. These could be holes, bird nests, garbage dumps, basements.

Flea life cycle, reproduction and development

Stages of flea development.

The life cycle of an insect consists of the following stages:

  1. Egg.
  2. Larva.
  3. Doll.
  4. An adult, or imago.

The female, after being saturated with blood, which is necessary to reproduce, mates with the male. After fertilization, she lays 4-10 eggs. The eggs are fired over a long distance - this method of laying allows future larvae not to compete for food sources and increases the likelihood of survival.

2 weeks after laying, larvae emerge from the eggs and eat the feces of adult insects, blood residues, and organic matter. At favorable temperature and humidity, the larva can emerge from the egg in 2 days. Before the formation of the pupa, the larva goes through 3 stages of molting. The time it takes for an adult to emerge from a pupa depends on environmental conditions and ranges from 1-2 weeks to 1 year.

Reproduction rate

With good nutrition, fleas multiply quickly: a female can make 2-3 clutches per day, that is, lay up to 30 eggs per day. But more often she has enough strength to make one clutch of eggs. During her life, the female lays up to 500 eggs, after which she dies.

Methods for eliminating fleas in animals

Pets must be treated first. There are many means for these purposes.

Special shampoos . The product is applied to the pet’s fur while bathing, after 3-5 minutes it is washed off with clean water, then the animal must be thoroughly combed.

Sprays and drops are very effective in controlling fleas. The drops should be applied to the animal's skin along the ridge to prevent the drug from being licked off. The spray is applied to the entire coat by spraying.

Anti-flea collars are used not only to get rid of parasites, but also as a preventive measure. Biological or chemical flea collars for dogs and cats can be purchased at veterinary clinics or pharmacies.

Symptoms indicating a dog infection

In addition to a visual examination of the pet, the presence of “bloodsuckers” is indicated by the following symptoms:

  • The dog itches and does it continuously.
  • The animal suddenly jumps up and tries to bite itself.
  • Red spots of unknown etiology appear on the dog's skin.
  • Bald patches, sores and scratches form on the dog's body.
  • The animal whines pitifully for some unknown reason.
  • The dog begins to shed prematurely.
  • The pet becomes restless and irritable, loses appetite, and suffers from insomnia.
  • A sharp decrease in the animal’s weight with proper feeding.

As soon as the animal shows the above signs, it must be immediately shown to a veterinarian

to make an accurate diagnosis and prescribe treatment. Delay in this matter is unacceptable.

Folk remedies against fleas in animals

  1. Treat your pet's fur with a solution containing essential oils of lavender and cedar (2 drops of oil per 500 ml of water). Spraying should be done daily for two weeks.
  2. Make a compress from a mixture of camphor alcohol, 3% acetic acid and regular cologne. Hold a plastic bag in the area of ​​the cat's neck moistened with this solution. Then comb the coat well over a bowl of water.
  3. Dissolve regular table salt in warm water and keep the cat in it for about 10-15 minutes.
  4. Chop a couple of cloves of garlic and add half a glass of water, let it sit overnight, and rub the resulting solution into your pet’s skin.
  5. Combing the fur using baking soda; after the procedure, the animal must be washed.
  6. Treating the animal with lemon spray. Cut the lemon into several parts and boil in a liter of water. Leave the resulting liquid for 6-8 hours, strain and pour into a spray bottle.

After removing fleas from pets, it is necessary to carry out a general cleaning of all areas where parasites may live.



  1. Wade, SE & Georgi, JR Survival and reproduction of artificially fed cat fleas, Ctenocephalides felis Bouché (Siphonaptera: Pulicidae) // J. Med. Entomol. 25, 186–190 (1988)
  2. Kern, W.H., Koehler, P.G. & Patterson, R.S. Diel Patterns of Cat Flea (Siphonaptera: Pulicidae) Egg and Fecal Deposition // Journal of Medical Entomology 29, 203–206 (1992)
  3. Rust, M. K. Interhost movement of adult cat fleas (Siphonaptera: Pulicidae) // J. Med. Entomol. 31, 486–489 (1994)
  4. Hinkle, NC, Koehler, PG & Patterson, RS Host Grooming Efficiency for Regulation of Cat Flea (Siphonaptera: Pulicidae) Populations // Journal of Medical Entomology 35, 266–269 (1998)
  5. Dryden, M.W. Host association, on-host longevity and egg production of Ctenocephalides felis felis // Veterinary Parasitology 34, 117–122 (1989)
  6. Dryden, M. W. Biology of Fleas of Dogs and Cats // The Compendium on Continuing Education for the Practicing Veterinarian 15, 569–578 (1993)

Dmitry Lipchiu

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Getting rid of fleas

If you use an integrated approach, you can fix the problem quite quickly. You need to act step by step.

Cleaning and tidying up the living space

It is necessary to pay attention to all surfaces and corners, spaces behind furniture. A mop, rags, and especially a powerful vacuum cleaner will help, since flea eggs can be found in cracks in the floor and other places where they cannot be swept out. In addition, you can use a broom to scatter the eggs around the room, rather than collecting them on a scoop. Retaining eggs after harvesting will provoke re-infestation. It would not be superfluous to add essential oil or flea shampoo to the water during wet treatment.

Washing bed linen

The best option is to wash at temperatures above 60 degrees and dry outdoors in the sun. After drying, the linen should be ironed.

Wardrobe check

The spread of insects in clothing cannot be ruled out. It should be treated with an iron or steam generator, and if possible, dry cleaned. When disinsection, clothes should be hidden in bags.

Pet care

Pet hair must be treated with a special preparation, one of which is BARS® drops for dogs and cats. The product provides maximum results with minimal toxicity. Dishes, tray, toys, bedding, etc. should be washed in very hot water.

Room treatment

Today, the choice of products in stores to combat parasites is very large - you can find drugs in the form of aerosols, concentrated solutions, various powders and pencils.

Concentrates have the greatest effect and are low cost. One bottle of this product is enough to treat the entire apartment. However, the drugs are very toxic and have an unpleasant odor; the procedure must be carried out with gloves and glasses, in the absence of children and animals.

The most famous con, “Taran”, “Dobrokhim”, etc.

Aerosols in cylinders can be used to treat office and residential premises. They are not affordable for everyone, but they are very convenient and easy to use, and sometimes have a pleasant aroma.

The treatment should be carried out with the windows and doors closed; it is possible to ventilate the room 2 hours after the procedure.

The following brands are popular: “Raptor”, “Dichlorvos”, “Reid”, etc.

Powders and pencils : mainly used to remove flea larvae in places where they are most concentrated (basements, attics, cellars). They are low cost and have a good effect in getting rid of parasites.

You can purchase the following names: “Phenaxin”, “Tornado”, “Baygon”, etc.

If you are unable to cope with harmful insects on your own, you can use the services of a special service that will professionally help solve the problem quickly and reliably.

The preparations used by the services are highly toxic, so it is better to leave home for 2-3 days during treatment, and upon return, thoroughly wash the floors and wipe all surfaces with special products.

Pest control

The lifespan of a flea, even under favorable conditions, is about 3 months - during this time it will have time to cause a lot of trouble. Therefore, you need to quickly purchase a special spray against blood-sucking pests. Standard packaging is designed to cover an area of ​​about 10 square meters. You can carry out disinfestation yourself or with the help of a service that processes apartments.

  • It is necessary to spray the product especially carefully in areas where fleas live. These are cracks in the floor, hard-to-reach places behind furniture, areas behind baseboards, etc. After treatment, leave the room for at least 2 hours.
  • The floor should not be washed for at least 5 days. The flea nest, wherever it is, will suffer, but the eggs will be untouched. After a few days, larvae will emerge from them, which will die only after contact with the treated surface. If 3 weeks after disinsection the insects are still jumping, the procedure should be repeated.


When working with toxic substances, you must wear a respirator and gloves.

How can you tell if your pet has fleas?

At the first stages, insects are quite difficult to notice, but after a long time, you will notice clear signs of the presence of fleas in your home.

You will be able to immediately notice insects, if your cat becomes allergic to their bites, then all signs of the disease will begin to appear immediately, and every day the pet will get worse if you do not start removing fleas from your pet’s fur.

Unlike bedbugs, fleas do not inject an anesthetic into the body during a bite, so if your animal often suffers from insomnia, then this is a sure sign that there are fleas in your apartment.

In the later stages of an insect infestation, your pet will begin to vigorously scratch the wounds left by flea bites. Soon ulcers begin to appear on the animal’s body, and there is a risk of introducing a dangerous infection into the blood.

In areas where fleas are concentrated, a dog or cat's hair may begin to fall out. To determine if your pet has fleas, sit him on a white piece of paper and comb him thoroughly. If black dots appear on the paper, then this is nothing more than flea feces, and you should no longer have any doubts about the presence of insects in the house.

The photo shows a flea.

Very often, fleas like to settle in places that are not accessible to your normal gaze. Therefore, start examining your pet from the area near the tail and not far from the stomach. Run your hand over the fur, spreading it slightly to notice the insects parasitizing on the animal's skin.

The basement is a favorable environment for parasites

Separately, it is worth mentioning the basements of private houses and high-rise buildings. Parasites can even appear in new buildings.

There is a concept called “basement fleas,” which includes all insects that can live in basements and be carried by animals and people. Most often these are rat or cat fleas. The opinion that there is no need to fight the insects living there is wrong. They are easily carried on the soles of shoes and in the folds of clothing. Plumbers, electricians and other people who must periodically go down to the basement for work, as well as the residents of the house themselves, can also become unwitting carriers. Mice and rats actively spread fleas. The fleas themselves don't sit still either. The need to feed forces them to climb ventilation and plumbing, and climb into housing through cracks in the floor.

To get rid of fleas in the basement, it is necessary to monitor the condition of the premises on the part of the management company (in high-rise buildings) and on the part of the owners and residents (in private houses). This is the elimination of leaks, broken windows and doors, and the extermination of rats. Flea control is also required.

Insect habitats

The flea nest may be located in dark, hidden places where the insects will not be disturbed and it will be easy for them to reach the victim. Parasites can live in pet bedding, carpeting, and in crevices of baseboards and floors. They may also live in a pile of junk collected in the corner. There, bloodsuckers spend most of their lives, giving birth to new offspring.

Therefore, even one spotted flea on a cat or dog is a cause for concern. After all, outside an animal, the parasite can live for several months, and most likely a whole family of bloodsuckers can live somewhere nearby. The situation becomes even more complicated when you consider how quickly pests multiply and transmit serious diseases. That is why drastic measures should be taken urgently to get rid of fleas.

The main factors influencing the lifespan of fleas

The main factors that determine how long fleas live are the following:

  • temperature;
  • humidity;
  • food base;
  • influence of insecticides;
  • diseases and parasites.

How long a flea can live depends on the availability of blood, as well as the temperature and humidity of the environment. Seasonal fluctuations in the number of these insects are associated solely with these factors. Illumination and daylight hours do not have any effect on the size of the flea population.

The lifespan of fleas is also affected by their diseases and parasites. Among them are ants, parasitic mites, as well as various microorganisms - fungi, bacteria and viruses and roundworms - nematodes.

One of the natural enemies of fleas in apartments is red pharaoh ants. They effectively hunt flea larvae and quickly remove them from the premises.

Treatment of habitats with systemic insecticides can destroy larvae and slow down the hatching of eggs. In addition, pupae that are resistant to chemical influences react by slowing down their metabolism, resulting in adults being born 2-6 months later than usual. The larvae quickly die under the influence of toxic substances.

Low temperature has a similar effect on fleas. At -10°C these insects are unable to reproduce, and -15°C kills adult insects. The larvae die already at +10°C.

The upper temperature limit for pot life is +45°C. At higher temperatures these insects die. Therefore, they do not occur in rooms that are treated with steam generators and fan heaters.

How quickly do fleas die when treated with insecticides?

After synchronous treatment of the premises and pets, flea imagoes die within 1-2 days. But the insecticide does not penetrate deep into the carpet, where eggs, larvae and pupae hide. In addition, the cocoon reliably protects the pupa from chemical exposure.

After how many days should I re-treat fleas?

When using long-acting contact preparations, adults emerging from cocoons will die within 3-4 weeks. However, over time, the properties of the chemical weaken. It is recommended to re-treat the premises after 2-3 weeks. As a rule, two or three treatments are enough to remove a colony of domestic fleas.

Prevention of fleas in the apartment

Prevent the proliferation of blood-sucking insects. Frequent wet cleaning, with the addition of special toxic agents. Frequently wash clothes and be sure to iron them with a hot iron. We vacuum carpets and sofas. We treat with a special spray, powder in the corners and behind the baseboard. Treatment of pets at the veterinarian or independently. All this will help get rid of these annoying insects forever. And improve the quality of life for yourself and your pets.




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