How to store nuts at home - 8 reliable ways

Nuts are nutritious and healthy, everyone knows that. Nuts contain a large number of useful substances that have undoubted benefits for humans. But when buying nuts in stores, we can only evaluate the appearance of the shell, while the tasty kernels are inaccessible to the eye. When we bring nuts home, we risk bringing home harmful insects that can get inside through microcracks. To avoid this problem, it is recommended to roast all nuts in a hot frying pan, in the microwave or in the oven. And so that the nuts do not spoil in the future and do not start to taste bitter, you need to know the rules for storing nuts.

Preparatory stage

The freshness and excellent quality of nuts depends entirely on the conditions in which they are stored. It also matters whether the fruits are peeled or not. It is necessary to take into account that in an unrefined form they will be stored longer, since the hard shell protects them from harmful external influences.

To destroy all pests that may live in purchased or collected fruits, it is advisable to freeze the kernels before storage. To do this, they should be placed in any airtight container and placed in the freezer for two days.

In order for such a useful product to be stored as long as possible, it should be selected correctly at the initial stage. Therefore, when purchasing, you need to pay attention to such points as:

  • Smoothness of the shell and absence of cracks;
  • the core should not make a loud sound inside the shell;
  • there should be no white coating on the surface of the nut;
  • the aroma emanating from the kernels should not contain rancidity.

How to choose the right nuts

By choosing a good product and following the rules for storing it, you will be able to enjoy its excellent taste for a long time. Each type of kernel has its own specific shelf life. And this should also be taken into account. It is also important that ripe, thoroughly dried fruits are stored better.

Do I need to wash nuts?

When preparing nuts for long-term storage, many people wonder whether the kernels need to be pre-rinsed with water. If the fruits were collected from an earthen surface and there are residual dirt on them, it is advisable to wash them. This is done in a deep bowl.

After washing, the kernels must be filtered through a sieve and dried. To do this, they are laid out in one row. Drying nuts under the active rays of the sun is not recommended.

Features of purchasing shelled nuts

In general, you should not buy a purified product. Especially if the kernels are crushed, the shelf life of such a product will be shorter, and they will spoil much faster. It is also worth looking at the color of the kernels: if the nut is old, they turn yellow, and the color becomes unnatural.

It is difficult to check the freshness of nuts in markets, so try not to buy this product there (Photo:

Under no circumstances should you purchase nuts with dark spots or an unpleasant odor. The fact is that such products most likely contain aflatoxin fungi, which produce substances hazardous to health. You should also avoid buying roasted and salted nuts. It is unknown what oil the manufacturer used to fry them, what spices were added, or under what conditions they were stored. As a result, such a product may simply be dangerous.

General storage conditions

Despite the fact that certain varieties of nuts require special conditions, there are basic rules for fruits that make it possible to preserve their original structure. Nuts do not tolerate well:

  • dampness and humidity;
  • exposure to the sun;
  • elevated temperature.


Due to increased exposure to a humid environment, the kernels begin to become moldy, and fungus develops inside them. As a result, they will become completely unsuitable for further use. Due to excess heat, they simply dry out gradually.


It is recommended to store the kernels in a dark, dry place. The cooler it is, the longer the fruits will remain fresh. Other conditions include:

  • the temperature is about 20 degrees C, but it is better if it varies from + 10 to - 5;
  • humidity not higher than 40%;
  • Once every two months, the fruits should be checked, removing unsuitable kernels.

These are the conditions that must be met in order for the natural product to meet all the necessary requirements for a long time.

Sun rays

As for the sun hitting their surface, they release oils that give them a bitter taste.

Is it possible to store different nuts together?

Nuts of different types can be stored together if they are packaged in separate containers. You should not put different fruits in one plastic bag. And you should not place them near smelling products, as they have the ability to absorb neighboring aromas.

However, there are some fruits that require individual conditions unlike other kernels. Thus, coconut does not tolerate humidity well, which drops below 50%. Its pulp loses its natural taste and juiciness disappears.

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Chestnuts will quickly spoil on the shelf in the refrigerator, becoming moldy. In an ordinary room, they also do not lie for a long time, gradually drying out. They need to be buried in sand. But pine nuts will retain their properties better if they are placed in a cold environment.

Pine nuts

One of the features of pine nuts is that they contain a large amount of oils. But it is precisely because of them that the product cannot be stored for a long time. It is not recommended to buy shelled pine nuts. Give preference to pine cones, which are best purchased in early autumn - that is when they are collected. The main guarantee of long storage is thorough drying of the nuts.

First of all, it is recommended to slightly heat the cones in a hot frying pan. Having obtained the nuts, they also need to be fried over moderate heat for 10-15 minutes without adding oil. Don't forget to stir the nuts constantly, otherwise they will burn. Then they need to be poured onto a flat surface and left in a dry and warm room for 2-3 days so that the nuts dry. Pour the finished product into fabric bags and store in a dark and dry place. In this form, the nuts will last for about 6 months without loss of quality. Peeled kernels are stored for 2-3 months in the refrigerator.

How best to store

Fruits in a shell are always stored longer than without their shell. In them, oxidative processes proceed much more slowly. This will preserve saturated fatty acids.

In a shell

At the initial stage, the nuts should be roasted in the oven to destroy possible pests that may be hiding under the shell. Moreover, the temperature is set to the minimum, and the time of such processing is about an hour. Then the fruits are packaged. Containers should be chosen from natural materials so that they freely allow oxygen to pass through. This:

  • cardboard box;
  • paper bags;
  • canvas bags;
  • boxes made of wooden boards.

Humidity should not reach 60%, and temperature can vary from -3 to +5 degrees. Make lighting moderate.


The peeled kernels are thoroughly washed and then dried in the oven. Then they are placed in a dark place that will be well ventilated. It is important to choose a sealable container.

To preserve kernels, it is better to choose a glass or metal jar with a lid. Every month they should be sorted out, removing damaged copies.

Ground (ground)

Ground kernels should be placed in a container and frozen. In this case, they will retain their taste and quality for a long time. If crushed fruits are mixed with other additives, then the best place for them will be refrigerated shelves. But they must be placed in glass containers.

Crushed kernels should not be stored for long. They deteriorate quite quickly. The only exceptions are nutmeg and coconut flakes. They can last a long time in a closed container.

With additives

Salted or sweetish fruits should be eaten as soon as they are opened.


But the fried nuts are placed in bags made of special paper, their edges are folded and tied with ribbon.

Is it possible to store different nuts together?

Different varieties should be kept separate from each other. Differences in humidity and oil content can cause some nuts to spoil faster than others.

For storage, it is best to choose nuts in the shell. Peeled kernels should be kept in the kitchen in a closed container if they are consumed soon, and for a longer period of time in the refrigerator in an airtight glass container.

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What to store in

Unpeeled kernels can be kept in a box made of wood or cardboard. But the peeled ones should be placed in containers made of clay or glass. Clay jars with a snap-on lid are a good option. Unpeeled fruits can be placed in bags. It is better to refuse plastic bags. In them, the kernels begin to rot, losing their taste properties.

Glass containers

If you choose a glass or plastic container for storage, it must be clean and dry. The lid should snap or screw tightly. The condition of complete sealing must be achieved.

Plastic containers

You should not choose plastic bags for storage. Despite their good sealing, they allow odors to pass through, which negatively affect the taste of the fruit.

Box, box

Wooden boxes and paper boxes are suitable for storing unpeeled kernels when large quantities are involved. It is better to place them in places where the recommended humidity level is maintained. Before placing the fruit in the selected container, it should be checked for absolute dryness.

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The main condition for storing this nut is that the temperature is not higher than room temperature. Do not place supplies in the kitchen near the stove, radiator or heater. If it's too hot, the nuts will become oily and lose flavor. They will last 4-5 weeks in a dark and cool place. Cashews can be frozen or stored in the refrigerator. Cling film or a sealed bag is suitable for this. Do not leave the kernels near foods with a strong odor: the nuts will quickly absorb it. At temperatures from +1 to +5 °C, these kernels last for 1–2 months, and in the freezer at temperatures down to –10 °C – up to six months.

Nuts that have plaque on them should not be eaten.

If you store cashews outside the refrigerator, any container will do: food-grade plastic, glass, clay. The main thing is that the lid closes tightly and is completely dry. Kernels sprinkled with salt cannot be stored for a long time; they are best consumed immediately. Wrinkled fruits are no longer suitable for storage or consumption, so get rid of them immediately. Warm the kernels so they last longer. Place them on a baking sheet in an oven preheated to +50 °C and leave for 20 minutes. If you bought cashews in a package, they should be consumed before the date indicated by the manufacturer. Plaque and the appearance of insects indicate the unsuitability of the product.

Where is the best place to store

You can keep such a product in the refrigerator if it is placed in a glass jar with a lid. Then the fruits will remain fresh for 3-9 months. Containers should be placed on the lowest shelves.

As for the balcony, you can also store kernels on it. But only during frosty periods and if the balcony is not heated by additional devices.


Nuts can also be placed in the freezer. Cold temperatures increase their shelf life. The kernels can be placed in a dry vacuum bag or other container. In this case, they can lie there from 1 to 3 years.

Other storage spaces

A sufficient number of shelled fruits can simply be scattered on the floor in the basement, with straw underneath them. But in such a room it is important to monitor the humidity.

It is not advisable to keep kernels in a closed cabinet. The only exception can be wooden furniture. In this case, the nuts need to be scattered in one layer or first placed in a vacuum bag. It is better not to keep fruits on an open shelf; light will constantly penetrate there, which will negatively affect their properties.

Hazelnut (hazelnut)

Some people grow hazelnuts in their own summer cottage. After harvesting, it cannot be immediately stored for storage. It needs to dry out and ripen. To do this, the hazelnuts are sent to a dry and well-ventilated room for several days. At room temperature in shell, nuts will be stored for quite a long time - up to 2 years.

Gourmets are sure that hazelnuts should be peeled no earlier than an hour before cooking. But if it is not possible to consume the peeled kernels immediately and you have to send them for storage, then try to maintain the air temperature within +3-10 °C, and the humidity no higher than 15%. A cool pantry is best for this purpose. In such conditions, hazelnuts can last up to 3-4 months. If you prefer roasted hazelnuts, do not store them as such, but cook them immediately before use.

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Storage rules depending on the type of nuts

Each type of kernel requires its own specific conditions. And this should be taken into account. Especially if the task is to preserve the unique qualities of such fruits.


They are best stored at above-zero temperatures of 5-13 degrees and in shells. If the kernels are placed in a fabric bag, then in this state they can lie perfectly for up to six months. But in a glass jar their shelf life is extended.

Peeled walnuts can be frozen. This will not affect its taste. But if you want to put whole fruits in the refrigerator, then each nut should be wrapped in foil. They will remain in this state for several months.


Pine nuts have a short shelf life. Unpeeled kernels can last up to 6 months. If the fruits have been exposed to heat or excessive light, then after three months their taste will begin to deteriorate. You should not store them in the refrigerator, they do not like low temperatures.

It is recommended to store peeled pine nuts in a vacuum bag. And after opening they should be eaten.


Macadamia nuts are perfectly preserved in the shell. When the temperature is maintained between 0 and 10 degrees Celsius, the kernels will last up to 2 years. Without the shell, macadamia nuts will remain fresh for up to a year if the fruit is vacuum-sealed.

Brazilian nut

Those Brazil nuts that are fully ripened will last a long time. Once purified, the kernels can last up to two years. Ideal conditions in this case are temperatures from 3 to 10 degrees Celsius.

But in the refrigerator, Brazil nuts will remain fresh for 4 weeks. If it is placed in a plastic container that is kept in a warm room, such a fruit will last for one year. In the freezer, such nuts remain fresh only for 3 months.

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In a cool room they can last up to 5 weeks. They can also be frozen by first placing them in a resealable bag or wrapping them in cling film. Cashews can last up to 6 months in the freezer.

Outside the refrigerator, these kernels can be stored in containers made of glass, clay, or high-quality plastic. It is important that the container is equipped with a lid that closes tightly.


Almonds are stored where it is dark and dry. As a suitable container, you need to choose a glass jar. And such fruits can remain in the freezer for 3 years. If you put it in the refrigerator, they will stay fresh for up to 12 months. At room temperature this fruit lasts for 6 months.


Hazelnuts retain their properties better when in the shell and at temperatures from 3 to 15 degrees Celsius. They can stay like this for a year. In cooler conditions, when temperatures range from 0 to 3 degrees, hazelnuts can last up to 4 years.


These nuts can last 2 years in the shell and in a cool place. In normal room conditions they last for 1 year, but without shells they last only 3 months. They will keep for a long time in the freezer.


You can store peanuts in a cool, dark place. Then it will last up to a year. Under warm conditions, the shelf life is reduced by several months. If the goal is to prolong it, then the peanuts can be put on the refrigerator shelf.

Chestnut and pecan

Chestnut will feel great in the sand. The fruits will remain in this state for several months. In the refrigerator they can stay fresh for 2 months, and in the freezer this period increases to 6 months.

Pecans should be kept in their shell. The peeled kernels should be placed in the freezer, packed in sealable containers. Then they will lie for 6 months.


Store whole nutmeg in an airtight container. Then he will be able to lie there for 2 years. This fruit should not be frozen or placed near heating appliances.


Coconut is essentially a plant that also requires certain conditions. It can easily lie for 3 months at a temperature of 4 to 7 degrees Celsius. Subsequently, its pulp will become hard and the milk will begin to evaporate.

Coconut does not tolerate sudden temperature changes. And if it is opened, it will be edible for three days. But coconut flakes can retain their structure for 12 months.

How not to make a mistake when buying nuts

Storage is very important. But it is equally important to purchase the product correctly, otherwise all your efforts may come to nothing. In order not to make a mistake in your choice, you should adhere to a number of rules:

  1. When purchasing nuts in original packaging, be sure to carefully inspect it . And do not forget to examine the quality of the inscription on the bag - if the numbers are easily erased, then the product was produced by an unscrupulous manufacturer. There should be no cracks, dents on the seams - anything that could lead to spoilage of the product even before the expiration date.
  2. Best before date . Remember - nuts can be stored in packaging for no more than 6 months, after which all the beneficial substances disappear from their composition, and the products themselves can even be harmful to health. If the manufacturer has indicated that the shelf life of these nuts is a year or more, it is better to refuse to purchase such a product.
  3. When buying nuts by weight , it is still better to purchase the in-shell versions and clean them at home. The shell itself should not be chipped, damaged, or traces of mold. Also shake the nuts - a high-quality product will make a rattling sound.

Useful tips and possible problems

Peeled nuts are the most susceptible to spoilage. It is not advisable to store them in plastic bags. They sweat in them. Coconut should not be placed next to apples or bananas, as it will rot. But cashews are not allowed to be kept near an electric or gas stove, or near a battery. Otherwise, the fruits will lose their natural taste and begin to secrete excess oil.

Nuts are a valuable and nutritious product. But you need to be able to store them correctly. Knowing the ideal conditions for each type of kernel, they will lie for a long time, remaining fresh, tasty and healthy.

Brazilian nut

Before buying a Brazil nut, you need to take into account one feature: its shell contains aflatoxins that are dangerous to the body, so in our stores the product is sold only in purified form. A good and fresh nut is slightly moist to the touch and produces a characteristic crunch when broken. It is better to store Brazil nuts in the refrigerator or cool pantry at a temperature of +2 to 9 ° C, in an airtight container. If storage conditions are met, the product will last up to 6 months.

There is nothing difficult about storing nuts. To keep this tasty and nutritious product fresh for as long as possible, do not forget to follow the recommendations described above. And do not forget that violation of at least one of the conditions can lead to rapid spoilage of the nuts.


Stored in a cool, dark place, peanuts in their shells can be stored for up to 1 year. Without it, it sits at room temperature for 2–3 months. If you put it in the refrigerator, it will last up to six months. Store peanuts in the freezer for up to 9 months. Try to keep such kernels in sterilized glass containers, since they cannot be stored in polyethylene, and they are smaller in fabric bags. Do not eat rancid peanuts - they are dangerous for the liver. Crushed kernels will last no more than a month, since oil is actively released from them.

How long and under what conditions can nuts be stored?

Shelf life depends on many factors . The type of nuts is taken into account, whether they are in shell or not, and the conditions in the room.

How to store Brazil nuts

The king of nuts is considered to be Brazillian, or Bertoletia . It is a fruit with a diameter of 15 cm and weighing up to 2 kg. Inside it are from 8 to 24 kernels of nuts.

Brazil nuts are rich in vitamins E, C, D, group B and minerals: phosphorus, iron, copper, potassium, manganese, selenium, zinc. It will be an alternative source of protein for vegetarians: it contains a large amount of amino acids and healthy fats.

Advice. When buying a Bertoletia in a store, shake it and listen to the sound. If the sound is rattling, it means the nuts inside are empty. It is not worth buying such a fruit. A high-quality walnut does not make any sounds.

also find shelled Bertoletia in the store , but it is worth considering that peeled kernels tend to absorb foreign odors.

Place Bertoletia for storage in a room with low humidity, without sources of heat and sunlight. Storage temperature – +2…+8°С.

About storing other products:

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How to store hazelnuts

Hazelnuts are brown fruits in the shell, slightly elongated in shape . It contains vitamins B1, B2, B6, E, as well as micro- and macroelements - iron, sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, zinc.

It is useful to eat to reduce the likelihood of cancer and Alzheimer's disease, as well as for people suffering from diabetes. Eating hazelnuts increases mental activity and reduces the intensity of putrefactive processes in the intestines.

When choosing hazelnuts in a store, pay attention to the shell . It should be free of cracks and chips. The smell should not be musty, and the sound should be clear.

Important! It is better to store hazelnuts in the shell, since unshelled kernels do not last long.

Hazelnuts in shell are placed in a dry place with an air temperature of 0...+3°C.

Peeled hazelnut kernels are stored in glass or ceramic containers that can be tightly closed. Storage temperature is +3…+10°С.

How to store cashew nuts

Cashew consists of two parts . The upper part is a juicy fruit, and the lower part is a nut.

Cashews are always sold shelled because the shells contain oil that can cause burns. The kernels are removed only after this oil has evaporated.

Cashews contain vitamins A, B1 and B2, as well as iron, magnesium, phosphorus, zinc and calcium.

Cashews are placed in a cool, dark place at a temperature of +16...+18°C.

To preserve cashews longer, get rid of the moisture inside the nuts . To do this, they are placed in the oven and heated for 20 minutes.

How to store almonds

Almonds are mistakenly considered a nut . It is located inside a fruit similar to a plum, but all the taste is concentrated not in the pulp, but in the pit.

Almonds are rich in vitamin E. It is useful for people with an increased risk of cardiovascular diseases.

For reference. The smell of almonds stimulates the appetite, so nutritionists do not recommend it.

Unpeeled almonds are placed in a well-ventilated room, protected from sunlight, at a temperature of +16...+18°C. To prevent fungus from appearing in the almonds, the container should not be tightly closed.

But it is better to pack peeled almonds in vacuum packaging or in a tightly closed container and place them in a dark, cool room.

Nutmeg expiration date

Nutmeg can be stored both in kernels and in ground form. At the same time, if you need to preserve the nut in its original form for as long as possible, we recommend storing the fruit whole.

This increases the shelf life to 7 years, despite the fact that the ground version has a shelf life of only 12 months . For storage, metal and glass containers are suitable, in a room with low humidity, away from sunlight.

Chestnuts: cleaning and storage

Storing chestnuts in a bag

After heat treatment, chestnuts should be peeled with a knife, unlike their “brothers”. Preparing chestnuts is impossible without proper cleaning:

  1. Place the dried pan on the stove.
  2. Make an X-shaped cut on each chestnut.
  3. Place the fruits in a frying pan and fry without oil for ten minutes.
  4. After opening the chestnuts, remove them from the stove and peel the kernels. To do this, simply squeeze the chestnut with your hand and wait until the peel bursts.

You can prepare chestnuts in the oven and microwave. To do this, preheat the oven to 200 degrees and place a baking sheet with chestnuts in it. After opening the peel, the chestnuts are pulled out, cooled and peeled by hand.

To prepare chestnuts in the microwave, prepare a glass container filled with water and place the chestnuts in it. Turn on classic mode and bake chestnuts for 20-30 minutes. During this time, the chestnuts will burst and be easily removed from the peel. It is important to note that in each case of processing chestnuts, cuts should be made on the surface of the kernels: otherwise they may burst and stain the oven or microwave.

Once peeled, chestnuts will only last a few days in the refrigerator. The lifespan of chestnuts can be increased by avoiding cleaning; they also prefer ventilated and dry places.

Shelf life of walnuts

Walnut, also known as royal nut, is a storehouse of various microelements and vitamins. However, in order to preserve all the beneficial properties of this fruit, you need to know the storage rules.

So, to preserve all the beneficial properties of the fruit, it is better to store it in a glass, airtight container. Storage location - refrigerator, freezer or pantry. Fruit without a shell must be kept in food containers. When storing the product, avoid humidity and sunlight.


A whole coconut can be stored at a temperature of +4 to +7 °C for 3 months, after which its flesh will be hard and there will be almost no liquid left inside. It is important that it is intact and that when shaken, you can hear the milk splashing inside. Do not store coconut in a hot room or near bananas and apples, otherwise it will soon begin to rot. Also, do not expose the nut to temperature changes. Opened coconut should be stored only in the refrigerator and for no more than three days. Pour the coconut milk into a container with an airtight lid. Sometimes a thick mass may form on it, it is called cream. It is not a sign of spoilage of the product; it can be eaten. It is possible to make shavings from the pulp, which will be stored for up to 12 months. To do this, grind it, dry it in an oven preheated to +50 °C or use an electric dryer.

How to choose good nuts

When you stand in front of a store counter that is replete with different types of nut products, it is important to choose carefully.

It is better to purchase nuts in shells. This way they stay fresh longer.

Nuts must meet the following criteria:

  • have no damage or chips;
  • not be broken (if peeled kernels are purchased) and too dried;
  • the shade of the shell must be uniform, the presence of stains and traces of mold is not allowed on it;
  • The kernels of peeled products should be of a healthy color, not wrinkled and even.

It is important to pay attention to the countries of origin. For example, it is preferable to take French walnuts, Iranian pistachios, cashews from the Middle East, and Chinese peanuts.


  • rich aroma;
  • shade from soft yellow to dark brown;
  • the taste is oily, bitter;
  • The consistency is crispy, hard and slightly moist.


  • light;
  • solid;
  • no rotten smells.


They are chosen solely according to taste preferences; the variety of varieties does not make it possible to determine the characteristic features of a quality product.


  • heaviness;
  • no sounds when shaking;
  • kernels are light brown in color;
  • sweet woody smell.


  • uniform shell color;
  • equal size of slightly moist kernels;
  • presence of a black dot on the shell;
  • no plaque;
  • pleasant aroma.

Brazilian nut

  • no sounds when shaking;
  • presence of weight;
  • Smooth surface;
  • bright color of the core.
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