Culinary workshop. How to store homemade baked goods

Those who have ever dealt with a test know what a labor-intensive process it is. This is why baked goods are most often made in large batches. No matter how tasty the baked goods are, it is rarely possible to eat everything in one go. Therefore, it is worth understanding how and under what conditions to properly store baked goods so that they retain their freshness.

How to store pies after baking?

Opened pies with berries, cherries and strawberries are the worst to store. If you plan to cook open fruit pies, it is best to cover their surface with sour cream and sugar. This coating extends the shelf life of products. Therefore, 10 minutes before cooking, the surface of the product is covered with sour cream and sugar, and baked for another 5-10 minutes.

How to store pies after baking:

  • After cooling completely, it is recommended to cut the pie into portions and place the side covered with the filling facing each other. It is necessary that the fillings touch.
  • Under no circumstances should you put a layer of sour cream with sugar and berry filling on the dough. The dough will get wet, which will significantly shorten its shelf life.
  • After this, the pieces, stacked next to each other, are packed in cling film and placed in the refrigerator. It is allowed to store such pies for 3-4 days.

How to store cupcakes after baking?

The worst storage conditions are for muffins and foods with added large amounts of sugar, condensed milk and butter. Thanks to the very light and soft dough, the product quickly weathers, dries out, and in conditions of high humidity becomes moldy, spoiling its taste.

How to store cupcakes after baking:

  • Therefore, it is advisable to store the cupcakes in foil, placing them in the refrigerator.
  • For these purposes, you can use sealed bags or vacuum seals.
  • Complete removal of air allows the product to be preserved for one week.
  • Baked goods with or without filling can be stored in the freezer. This storage method is used if products need to be stored for more than a week.
  • Therefore, such baked goods are placed in freezer containers or bags, removing the air from them using a vacuum sealer.
  • It must be frozen under fast freezing conditions. Such products are stored for up to 1 month.

Rules for storing yeast dough pies

  • While they are still warm, it is not recommended to stack them on top of each other, as they will lose their even appearance and the surface may wrinkle.
  • After removing from the oven, they should be allowed to cool and “rest.” The top is covered with a cloth.
  • As soon as they are taken out of the oven, they are not placed on a plate, but on a wooden surface, covered with a towel on top.
  • If the pies have open filling, then during storage they are turned with this side to each other.
  • Food containers and regular bags work well for storage. The main thing is that there is no access to oxygen.
  • The refrigerator is the best way to extend the shelf life, but even in this case it is better to wrap the pies in film.

Place the pies in a bag only when they have cooled completely, otherwise moisture will be released as they cool, the products will become damp and lose their original taste.

How to store sponge cake after baking?

The sponge cake can be stored for three to four days in the refrigerator. To do this, it is cooled for 8 hours at room temperature.

How to store sponge cake after baking:

  • Experts recommend not removing the product from the oven immediately after baking, but cooling it inside the oven. Only after this should you take out the biscuit, place it on the grid, cover with a towel for 1-2 hours.
  • After this, the biscuit must be placed in cling film or paper for storage. Thus, the biscuit can be stored for 3-4 days. If it is necessary to extend storage to two months, it is allowed to freeze it.
  • In this case, it is necessary to keep the cake for 12 hours at room temperature, place it in a bag, remove all air from it and freeze. Before use, defrost it at room temperature for 2-3 hours.

How and where to store pies correctly

Regardless of what kind of pies we are talking about, in general they are one thing: fried or baked dough with a filling inside. Unfortunately, such a dish does not remain fresh for long - no more than 2 days. There are few options for where to store pies, especially since it also depends on what dough they are made from.

The most important condition for storing pies after baking is the lack of oxygen access to them.

If the pies are still hot, then just cover them with a clean and dry towel. If they have already cooled down, then cling film will help preserve them as long as possible. So, before storing the pies, it is enough to wrap them in cling film - this will protect the dough from contact with air.

If the pies are already a little stale, you can use this method of “reanimating” them once: cover them with a damp cloth and put them in the oven or microwave.

By the way, contrary to the general belief that an uncut pie lasts longer, it is still worth noting that this is not the case. On the contrary, it is the cut pie that lasts longer.

How to store homemade baked goods?

Remember that any baked goods should be stored only after they have cooled completely. If hot products are placed in bags or paper, condensation will appear on the surface of the package, which will contribute to the appearance of mold and the proliferation of pathogens inside the product.

How to store homemade baked goods:

  • If it is not possible to pack the product cold, open the package slightly and allow the moisture to completely escape from the product. Only then close the package. The same must be done with any baked goods, regardless of whether there is filling inside it or not.
  • To maintain freshness, it is recommended to wrap baked goods in cling film or regular plastic bags. However, this must be done after the product has completely cooled.
  • To remove excess moisture, immediately after baking, place the product on a wooden board covered with paper towels and cover the top with cloth or paper. This will extend the shelf life of the product. Only after this is it possible to pack the baked goods.


How to store Easter cakes after baking?

Traditionally, Easter cakes are prepared in advance and stored for several days. To keep them fresh and tasty, they must be stored correctly.

How to store Easter cakes after baking:

  • Before you put the cake away for storage, you need to decide how long you plan to store the product. If you need to maintain freshness for 3-4 days, it is better to cool the cakes immediately after baking for 3-4 hours.
  • If you immediately put the cake in a bag and put it in the refrigerator, it will become moldy. Therefore, it is necessary to keep the product for several hours at room temperature.
  • After this, wrap it in a clean linen towel and place it in an enamel pan.
  • Yes, you can use a method with a natural preservative to preserve Easter cakes. For these purposes, it is necessary to soak gauze in cognac or rum and wrap the cakes in several layers.
  • The products are placed in an enamel pan, covered with a lid, and stored in the refrigerator. Prepared Easter cakes can be stored for 3 weeks. Thanks to cognac, mold does not appear, and the cake remains moist and soft and does not dry out.

Store storage

What affects the shelf life of baked goods

Homemade baked goods have a much shorter shelf life than baked goods purchased at the grocery store. This is due to the fact that preservatives , which extend the shelf life. But the lifespan of purchased products can be shortened, this is influenced by the following factors:

  • Light . Storing in the sun makes the dough products hard, the glaze melts, and such baked goods can no longer be eaten.
  • Moisture _ When water gets on baked goods, it begins to get soggy and mold can form in it, which is dangerous to health.
  • Temperature . It is important to observe the temperature regime, as its discrepancy will lead to damage to the baked goods.

How long can baked goods be stored in the refrigerator?

To eat such products after defrosting, you need to lay out the products 2-3 hours in advance. To restore the freshness and beautiful appearance, as well as the pleasant aroma of baked goods, you can place them in the oven for a few minutes. If you see that despite proper storage, the baked goods have dried out a little, it is recommended to place the products on a baking sheet covered with parchment paper and place a container of water on the bottom of the oven. Thanks to the water vapor, the baked goods will become soft and the crust will brown even more.

How long can you store baked goods in the refrigerator?

  • After 5-7 days, even properly cooled and packaged baked goods begin to deteriorate, absorbing the odors inside the refrigerator.
  • If you plan to store pies, kulebyaki or donuts in the freezer, you should not allow a dark golden brown crust to appear during the baking process. This is done to cook the food for 5 minutes in the oven.
  • If the product is covered with a dense and dark golden brown crust, you can defrost it in the microwave. Set the microwave oven to defrost for one to two minutes, depending on the weight of the product. For every 100 g, 1 minute of defrosting is enough.
  • After this, a jar of boiling water is placed in the microwave, and baked goods without packaging are placed on a saucer. At maximum power, you need to keep the product in the oven for one minute. This manipulation will make the baked goods softer and restore freshness if they have dried out.


What to do with fried pies

After removing from the oven, they are treated in the same way as with the type described above, that is, they are laid out on a wooden board or table and covered with a clean cloth. The best place to store it after cooling is in a food-grade plastic container and refrigerator. In this case, they will last as long as possible.

Remember about the filling. With meat filling the shelf life is 1 day, with potatoes – 2 days. With jam filling, the shelf life of pies is 3 days. In the refrigerator the shelf life is slightly longer, up to a week. If desired, the products can be placed in the freezer and reheated at the right time. You can do this with meat and vegetable fillings. Pies with jam can change their taste.

Preparing homemade baked goods from yeast dough is a long, labor-intensive process that takes quite a lot of time and takes a lot of effort. And it’s not always possible to prepare as much baked goods as you can eat at one time. There is always a certain amount of buns, pies and pies left, which over time lose their attractiveness and taste.

We have prepared for you an informative and interesting article on how to preserve the freshness of baked goods.

How to store pies step by step instructions with photos:

Step 1

To work, we will need yeast dough pies, a cutting board, foil, a kitchen towel or clean cloth, a plastic container for freezing, and a food bag.

Step 2

Remove the freshly baked pies from the baking sheet, place on a cutting board and cover with a clean, dry towel. Leave until completely cool.

Step 3

Place the remaining pies after the meal in a food bag and tie it. You can only put completely cooled baked goods into the bag, as if placed in the bag hot, it will become damp and the dough will lose its taste. In this form, the pies will be perfectly preserved until the next meal. If you need to store the pies longer, place the bag of pies in the refrigerator. The pies can be stored in a bag in the refrigerator for up to a week.

Step 4

Step 5

Place the wrapped pies in a plastic freezer container, cover with a lid, and place in the freezer for storage. The pies can be stored in the freezer for up to three months. Before serving, reheat them in the oven directly in foil or in the microwave, removing the foil. Warm up as many pies as you need to serve at a time. Repeatedly heating and cooling the pies worsens their taste.

Who doesn’t love delicious, hearty pies with different fillings? Perhaps today, this is the most traditional dish of the national cuisines of the Slavic people. Pies have always been and will remain a symbol of home comfort and warmth, because it is not for nothing that many people associate them with childhood, when grandmother or mother prepared them. By the way, in the old days, the skill of a housewife was assessed precisely by how she knew how to cook pies. And there is nothing strange in the fact that there are incredibly many recipes for pies in the world. Each housewife has her own family recipe for pies, but not everyone, unfortunately, knows how to properly store pies.

Useful tips

Not only cupcakes can be stored for a long time. Other rich treats will also stay fresh for a long time if you know a few storage secrets:

  1. As soon as the pastry is ready, immediately remove it from the hot baking sheet. Place baked goods on wooden cutting boards.
  2. After baking, cover muffins, pies or any other baked goods with a clean, dry cotton towel to prevent dust from getting on the finished product. This technique has several other purposes. It extends the shelf life of homemade baked goods, prevents their premature drying out and loss of taste, and also gives the products greater juiciness. Synthetic fabrics cannot be used - they do not allow air to pass through, and the baked goods will “suffocate”.
  3. Place long-lasting baked goods in food containers and cover tightly with lids. Do this only after the products have cooled completely. It is strictly forbidden to place hot baked goods in plastic containers, as this leads to condensation.
  4. Never place baked goods in a warm or humid environment. This promotes rapid spoilage and mold formation.
  5. If you don’t have suitable size containers at home, you can store pies wrapped in cling film or foil. In the second case, wrap the pies in several layers.
  6. It is better to store large pies cut into pieces. Pack each separately, wrapped in film or foil. This way the pies will stay fresh longer. Do not stack pies on top of each other to prevent them from sticking, deflating or becoming deformed.
  7. Hide baked goods with cottage cheese, meat or any other filling in the refrigerator: even in dryness and darkness, they will spoil within a day.

Basic storage rules

Different types of baked goods have slightly different storage conditions, but there are general storage rules:

  • It is better to cover the fresh product with a dry waffle towel , this allows you to increase the shelf life, and also the baked goods will not lose their taste.
  • It is better to store baked goods in a container with a tight-fitting lid , so the product will retain its taste and integrity much longer.
  • It is better to keep the pies on trays and not stack them on top of each other, as this will cause them to lose their softness and fluffiness.
  • It is recommended to store baked goods in food foil , as it will preserve the freshness of the product.
  • It is better to cut the pie into pieces , so the shelf life will be longer than storing the whole pie.

What is the shelf life of peeled vegetables and potatoes according to Sanpin?

Peeled potatoes

and most other
remain in an acceptable state for cooking for no more than a day, more precisely 18 hours, even if
in the refrigerator. At room temperature, these products retain their properties for no longer than 12 hours.

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