If you washed the meat grinder in the dishwasher and it darkened: why and what to do

It often happens that household items unexpectedly deteriorate for the owners. The reasons for this may be different - corrosion, oxidation, etc. Some items are strictly not recommended to be washed in the dishwasher. For example, a meat grinder, whose alloy does not tolerate heat and contact with special dishwasher powders.

In the case when spare parts are subject to corrosion, you should take the problem seriously, since the performance of the device depends on this.

To begin with, it is recommended to disassemble the meat grinder and check the accessories for damage. Even in the absence of such, it is recommended to keep the accessories in a soapy solution for preventive purposes. It often happens that the blades of the screw or knife of the meat grinder begin to become jagged. This affects the quality of the meat grinder and makes it difficult to scroll the minced meat inside it. This is a sure sign of metal corrosion. In this case, any efforts will be useless, and you will have to purchase new ones.

How to wash a new meat grinder?

The body of the meat grinder is easy to clean, just wipe with a damp cloth and any product, then wipe with a dry towel. A must for all meat grinders

- This means washing it before the first use with any kitchen product, and then rinsing it with hot boiled water.

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Why did the meat grinder turn dark?

After immersion and washing in the dishwasher, 9 out of 10 meat grinders become unsuitable for further use. Shiny parts darken, oxidize, the alloy becomes covered with a dark sticky coating, and the grinded products deteriorate. This is due to the fact that in a dishwasher the water temperature varies from 45 to 90 degrees, and cleaning occurs with the help of special substances.

Aluminum enters into a chemical reaction upon contact with alkali and boiling water. Under this action, the protective oxide film covering the parts is destroyed. Without the film, the meat grinder begins to darken and oxidize upon contact with oxygen and food. A darkened meat grinder quickly corrodes.

Aluminum meat grinders should not be washed in the dishwasher. The stainless steel meat grinder with titanium coating tolerates cleaning well in the dishwasher.

What other items cannot be washed in the dishwasher:

  • dishes containing cupronickel or silver;
  • cast iron frying pans;
  • crystal and porcelain products;
  • wooden boards;
  • plastic dishes.

How to avoid problems

The mystery of a damaged meat grinder is unlocked by two keys: temperature and medium. As many housewives note, if you choose a mode with a temperature of 40° C, the device does not darken. However, this will inevitably happen with regular washing in a PMM. Experts strongly do not recommend cleaning the meat grinder using active alkalis, even at low temperatures.

The main problem is the detergent. In addition, the remains of meat and veins from the meat grinder get into the filters and clog them, making it difficult to clean the dishwasher. Therefore, one of the main techniques is to remove food residues with a sponge well soaked in hand-washing gel.

After this, you can load the meat grinder into the dishwasher and run a program with a low temperature, without PMM - the output will be dry and sparkling parts.

To prevent knives and old cast iron meat grinders from rusting, they need to be run for short, half-hour cycles and immediately removed from the dishwasher, if necessary, wiped dry.

Meat grinders look reliable and can withstand any load, because they grind meat fibers and even sinews. But in reality, they are made of aluminum alloy, which reacts poorly to the alkali in dishwasher detergents, or cast iron, which is prone to rust. Therefore, experts believe that you cannot wash the meat grinder in the dishwasher. If you don’t have the strength to wash the auger and base, you can entrust them to a washing unit, but only at a low temperature and a short program, or better yet, leave the machine only for rinsing.

How to eliminate unpleasant odors at home?

Meat that begins to emit an unpleasant odor should be processed immediately.
If there are clearly damaged areas, it is better to cut them off and remove excess fat. There are two main ways to remove flavor from meat:

  1. Soak.
  2. Pickling.

How to remove odor by soaking?

Soaking involves placing the meat in a solution for at least an hour. For this they traditionally use:

  • wine;
  • a low concentration aqueous solution of vinegar (per liter of water - 1 tbsp.);
  • saline solution (per liter of water - 2 tbsp.);
  • lemon or pomegranate juice.

The product that requires processing is completely immersed in the solution and left for an hour to several hours. This should be followed by a rinse to remove excess soaking solution.


You can marinate meat according to several recipes. For these purposes, spices, salt and other ingredients are used. The simplest option is to rub the pulp with a mixture of salt and sugar. The meat remains in this form for 40-60 minutes, after which it is washed in water. If the smell still does not go away, proceed to preparing the marinade.

Most popular recipes:

  1. Coat the pulp with mustard and keep in a cool place for 1-2 hours.
  2. Rub the piece with spices (nutmeg, basil, black pepper, thyme, rosemary, etc.).
  3. Rub the meat with chopped garlic and chopped onion.
  4. Aging in soy sauce with added spices.

Using marinating not only eliminates odor, but also makes the product softer and juicier.

What will happen to the electrical appliance?

Some dishwasher owners use their “home assistants” to the fullest. It’s amazing how they come up with this idea. Washed in the dishwasher:

  • garden tools;
  • rubber boots;
  • raw root vegetables (mainly potatoes and carrots);
  • plastic massage devices;
  • chandelier details;
  • elbow and knee pads;
  • boxing gloves and mouth guards;
  • helmets and leather gloves;
  • umbrellas;
  • flower pots and much more.

If they even think about cooking food in a dishwasher, then why condemn those who think of stuffing electrical appliances into the washing chamber, in this case an electric kettle. From the point of view of experts, this should under no circumstances be done. There is a certain amount of electrics inside the kettle: a switch, an LED, several contacts, wires, a sensor. After washing the kettle in the dishwasher, we get this electric thing very wet.

Supporters of non-standard use of a dishwasher may reasonably note that the kettle can be thoroughly dried before use. That’s true, but when washing dishes, the kettle stays in a humid and warm environment for a long time. When exposed to moisture and detergents, metal contacts become covered with oxides, which can cause the kettle to fail.

Moisture can be removed by drying, but oxides can only be removed by cleaning the contacts. If after washing it is possible to completely disassemble the kettle, clean its contacts and carry out anti-corrosion treatment, then you can wash it. But if you do not intend to disassemble the kettle, then it is better not to put it in the dishwasher.

If the body of the kettle consists of plastic or ceramics, this is one thing, but if the kettle is metal, then corrosion can also affect the body. In this case, there is a high risk of losing the kettle. Don't take risks, clean electric kettles by hand.

What is the best way to clean a kettle?

Many housewives say that the best way to clean a kettle from various internal contaminants, including scale, is to boil with citric acid. This is done very simply. Pour water into the dirty inside of the electric kettle (you need to fill the kettle almost full). Next, pour 25 grams of citric acid into the water and bring to a boil 2-3 times. The dirt will come off immediately, but the scale will become brittle and partially come off. We remove the remaining scale with a cloth, on which you need to sprinkle a little lemon and get a clean kettle.

Is it possible to wash an electric meat grinder in a PMM?

Washing an electric meat grinder is no different from washing the classic version. After work, it is disassembled and washed in the same way as a mechanical machine for preparing minced meat. The housing in which the electrical part is located, of course, is not washed in the PMM. And the removable parts are washed according to the instructions described above. You should not experiment by trying to wash several parts of an electric meat grinder in the dishwasher - you are risking your equipment.

Why do meat grinders turn dark?

The main thing in this matter is to find out the reason for the blackening of the meat grinder. Whether the meat grinder can be cleaned or not depends on the cause of the blackening. To understand, you need to know well the type and quality of the material from which the item is made. Most often, meat grinders are made of aluminum alloy, which can withstand contact with hot water and various chemicals. For example, cleaning powder, cleansing cream, liquid laundry soap or dishwashing detergent do not affect the meat grinder in any way and do not worsen its condition.

However, a dishwasher speeds up chemical reaction processes. A special protective film is glued to the outside of the meat grinder, protecting it from corrosion upon contact with various substances that can cause oxidation and rusting. Actually, the destruction of the metal begins after the protective film is deformed as a result of aggressive external influences.

A dishwasher works on a similar principle to a washing machine. Pumping water into the tank, the machine begins heating the water and treating all the loaded dishes with water vapor. A special “tablet” is used as a detergent - hardened alkali, which has specific properties. This reagent is quite aggressive in its formula and can damage dishes made from materials that are not susceptible to such a chemical environment. In the dishwasher, as a result of the interaction of alkalis, hot water and a sharp temperature change, the film may delaminate and the meat grinder will darken.

When darkened, the meat grinder not only looks less aesthetically pleasing, but the metal also corrodes. The material gradually breaks down and particles begin to disintegrate. If you grind minced meat in such a meat grinder and then eat it, many small particles will enter the human body. Aluminum particles have harmful effects on internal organs. For this reason, aluminum cookware should not be washed in the dishwasher. Aluminum is not the only material that undergoes a chemical reaction when exposed to alkali and boiling water. For safety reasons, it is highly recommended that you read about the types of utensils that should not be washed in the dishwasher. This includes not only a manual meat grinder, but also some other types of utensils.

Is there a way out of the situation?

As the famous proverb says, “Even if you are eaten, you have two options.” So in the case when you decide to wash the meat grinder in the dishwasher, and it turns dark: you can buy a new one, or try to save the old one.

Meat grinder parts

Everyone chooses what to do in such a situation for themselves, but for those who decide to save their beloved assistant, the advice of “friends in misfortune” will be useful:

  • Wipe the meat grinder parts with soda. They should be damp and rubbed with a metal scraper. Several procedures will get rid of the dark deposits that stain the products, but will not return the parts to their former shine;
  • Also, greasy deposits can be removed with vinegar. Damaged parts must be boiled in water with vinegar added, or left in this solution overnight;
  • Regular chalk will also help to clean the meat grinder. To do this, sprinkle a damp sponge with crushed chalk, and rub it with great pressure on the plaque-covered areas;
  • Whatever the meat grinder is - manual or electric, you can wash its parts with a special cleaning agent for cleaning aluminum products;
  • Sponges rubbed with ordinary laundry or tar soap will help remove the matte coating from the grates. The main thing is not to forget to pass a piece of bread through the grates before twisting the minced meat.

Preparation of minced meat

What should you do after you have tried all the above methods and none of them helped? Connect heavy artillery in the form of rust converters for cars. Will they help? Yes, but their use is an extreme measure; you should think carefully before cleaning the meat grinder in this way. Improper use of potent chemicals can cause irreparable damage to the body.

Tips from housewives

Many experienced housewives, faced with the problem of a meat grinder darkening after a dishwasher, often share their knowledge on the Internet. One of the most popular means for cleaning a meat grinder from plaque is the “Shining Shine of Metals” product from CENTRALIN. After applying it to the surface, scrub with abrasive brushes. If the plaque is difficult to clean, the whole procedure will take you about twenty minutes, provided that all parts are wiped off from the plaque.

You can also use a metal brush, but it will leave scratches on the surface.

Important! When cleaning the meat grinder, wear rubber gloves to avoid contact of harmful substances with your skin.

  • Among the most popular is also the product “Sanitol Shine of Steel”. After rubbing the meat grinder with it, it is recommended to polish it. Any of the leading cleaning powders will do.
  • Housewives also advise soaking the meat grinder in hot, but not boiling water, first diluting it with tar soap.

It is not recommended to use iron sponges unnecessarily, as they can damage the surface, leaving scratches and thereby accelerating corrosion. Try to use hard sponges that do not scratch the surface, i.e. felt sponges.

Important! When a scratch appears on the surface, there is a high probability of corrosion spots appearing. Try to take this circumstance into account when cleaning meat grinders.

Some housewives even recommend such an unusual cleaning method as toothpaste. Due to its purpose for sensitive and fragile tooth enamel, this substance acts delicately on the surface without damaging the protective film. True, this method does not always work. You may end up wasting your time and toothpaste, so we advise you to practice this option only as a working option.

Rules for caring for a manual meat grinder

A mechanical meat grinder is a necessary tool in any kitchen, but you don’t need to use a dishwasher to clean it. After cooking, you will have to take a little time to clean it and prepare it for further use. To do this we proceed as follows:

  1. When finished using the device, it should be immediately disassembled and washed. Otherwise, the surface will be susceptible to oxidation.
  2. We remove food residues from knives and other parts using a stiff brush. The grate can be cleaned with a toothpick.
  3. We wash all parts in warm water.
  4. Apply a little non-aggressive dish soap to a sponge and process all the parts. If necessary, you can wipe the surface with baking soda and a brush.
  5. Rinse everything thoroughly and treat with boiling water.
  6. We wipe clean parts with a cotton towel or napkin and send them to a dry, warm place for final drying. If the meat grinder is not dried, then rust will form on it.
  7. We assemble the device, place it in a fabric bag or wrap it in paper and store it in a dry place.

A meat grinder is usually used to grind raw foods. Some of them may contain harmful microorganisms that, when entering the human body, cause irreparable harm. That is why high demands are placed on the sanitary treatment of the meat grinder and all surfaces in contact with meat.

If you are not sure of the high quality of the meat, then additionally treat the meat grinder with saline solution. It is prepared from water and salt: half a spoon of salt is dissolved in one liter of boiled water. The machine is immersed in a container with the solution in a disassembled, clean form; the processing time is about 15 minutes.

These simple recommendations will help restore a well-groomed appearance to your kitchen unit. At the same time, do not forget that repeated cleaning in the dishwasher may be the last. Therefore, for products that require special care, we prefer manual washing instead of automatic washing.

Quickly cleans the meat grinder from rust, fat, meat, oxides - TOP simple tips

What causes a meat grinder to become clogged and dirty?

Before disassembling and cleaning the meat grinder, you should understand the possible causes of contamination.

Obviously, the main cause is particles of meat, fat and tendons that remain on parts after pork, beef or poultry are processed. At first glance, cleaning your device from residue may not seem like an easy task. It is especially difficult to tidy up the grill of a meat grinder due to the many clogged holes.

In addition, the device may become covered with oxide and rust. Since the parts are made of metal alloy, they are susceptible to acids and alkalis. This impact occurs both when chopping vegetables and fruits and when cleaning them improperly. An aluminum meat grinder should not be washed with aggressive cleaning agents. And hard sponges and metal mesh for washing dishes will most likely deprive the product of its anti-corrosion coating. It is also not recommended to use a dishwasher.

Stainless steel meat grinders, such as the Moulinex combine, are easier to clean. But such models also cost much more than their aluminum counterparts.

How can you effectively clean a meat grinder at home?

Let's move on directly to how to clean the meat grinder until it shines. The first step is to clean the device from large mechanical contaminants. For owners of a meat grinder with a reverse function, the task is simplified. For everyone else, we have prepared a couple of life hacks on how to clean a meat grinder from fat and other meat processing residues:

  • You can use raw potatoes. To do this, cut several potatoes into pieces and pass them through a meat grinder. The vegetable absorbs fat well and also helps push out the veins.
  • For mechanical cleaning, stale loaves or onions are also used. The principle of operation is the same as with potatoes.

After this, the meat grinder is washed under hot running water and dried on a dry towel. To prevent rust, knives and other metal parts can be coated with a thin layer of vegetable oil.

Causes of blackening of meat

There are several explanations for the changes taking place. Let's look at them.

  • When using the meat grinder for the first time, technical oil begins to come off the metal surface of the product. It is applied in a thin layer and is used to protect parts.
  • If the color changes with each subsequent application, this indicates metal oxide fragments are being formed . They appear after exposure to liquid, fat, or meat juice.
  • The production used low-quality material from recycled materials containing zinc, lead and arsenic . Food technologies allow this, but ultimately oxidation .

REFERENCE . Old meat grinders were made of cast iron or silumin (aluminum alloy). In modern production, if a high level of quality is maintained, silumin is used. It is protected from the external environment by a special coating (anodized layer) and serves for a long time.

  • Oxides occur regularly if the unit is made of aluminum rather than an alloy .

Similar effects may appear after washing the product in the dishwasher . It uses an alkaline composition - soda ash, which comes into contact with the metal and causes a black coating. It can destroy the varnish coating of parts, after which they turn black.

IMPORTANT! Minced meat that has changed color must be disposed of; do not consume it.

Design of a manual meat grinder

Almost every kitchen has an old, reliable mechanical meat grinder. Based on its analogue, products with an electric drive were created, that is, similar parts are present in both one and the other model. To properly assemble a meat grinder, you need to know its design. So it consists of:

  1. One-piece body . Old copies were made of cast iron; later they began to produce cases made of aluminum alloys. There is a neck in the upper part of the body into which products for grinding are placed.
  2. Auger . A spiral element that moves products towards the exit.
  3. Knife . Performs rotational movements and is put on the end of the auger. It can be with wings or in the form of a disk.
  4. Lattices . Provides grinding of products. When making cookies and other baked goods from dough, special shaped elements are inserted instead of a lattice.
  5. Clamping device . The round element securely fixes all parts of the device. For ease of fastening, special protrusions are made on its surface.
  6. Handles and screws . On the reverse side of the structure there is a handle through which the mechanism rotates. It is secured with a screw.

The meat grinder is installed on a table or other horizontal surface and secured with a threaded element. If necessary, some material is placed under the base to ensure reliable fixation of the machine and prevent its movement during operation.

In order for the device to work perfectly, when assembling the structure, it is important to ensure that all actions are correct.

What else can't be washed in the dishwasher?

In the instructions for the dishwasher, the manufacturer indicates which dishes can be washed in it and which cannot. When loading plates, pans, pots and other kitchen utensils, it is advisable to clarify what material they are made of. In some cases, the back of the cutlery will indicate whether it is dishwasher safe. If there are any doubts about the composition of the material, it is better to prefer the manual method of washing. To ensure that your dishes always remain clean and sparkling, it is advisable to follow all recommendations and not load the following items into the machine compartment:

  1. Wooden rolling pins, boards . The tree cannot withstand the destructive and prolonged effects of high humidity and temperature.
  2. Plastic parts . Plastic may deform at elevated temperatures or change color.
  3. Crystal and porcelain . Sensitive and delicate material will crack when in contact with powerful jets of hot water.
  4. Kitchen utensils containing silver, aluminum or cupronickel . These are garlic presses, spoons or forks. They usually require special care.
  5. Cast iron cookware . It is not advisable to put old frying pans in the dishwasher, since they are also covered with a protective layer that is destroyed under the influence of high temperature and alkali. Subsequently, the dishes are exposed to corrosion.
  6. Products made of tin and copper . Appliances made from these non-ferrous metals may become darkened or stained.
  7. Cracked dishes . When loading such dishes into the compartment, we risk getting a lot of fragments, which are very problematic and dangerous to collect.

How to regain lost shine

What should you do if your meat grinder turns dark or black after washing it in the machine? Whether it can be restored to its former shine depends on the degree of damage to the metal. If the coating has already peeled off, then it is unlikely that anything can be done to help.

Despite this forecast, it is still worth a try. We will tell you how to clean a meat grinder and remove plaque if it was damaged by a car wash:

Baking soda. A classic remedy. Wet the object with water, sprinkle with baking soda and rub for a long time with a metal sponge until the blackness comes off. You won't achieve shine, but you will get rid of plaque.

  • Soap. The same principle as with soda: soap the surface and rub with a sponge.
  • GOI paste is used for polishing. Take a felt cloth, apply the paste and wipe the surface. Dialux paste is suitable for these purposes.

The HORS rust converter is a very powerful tool. Use only when all else fails.

What other recommendations do dishwasher users who have encountered a similar problem give:

  • Cleaning with toothpaste and a felt brush. This procedure will require great physical effort.
  • Italian product CENTRALIN “Shining shine of metals”. Apply it to an abrasive sponge, this will help remove dark deposits from parts.

  • JIF powder is loaded with abrasive granules that tackle stubborn stains but leave scratches on the surface.
  • Wash the elements with Sanitol “Steel Shine”, then polish the surface with “Biolan”. Inexpensive and accessible method.
  • Leave the meat grinder to soak in water with the addition of tar soap. According to user experience, the plaque comes off on its own.

Reminder: what not to put in the dishwasher

This list should always be before your eyes so that you don’t have to deal with plaque or stains:

  1. Chipped, cracked dishes.
  2. Wooden cutting boards, bowls, spatulas.
  3. Copper and tin.
  4. Glass and plastic that cannot withstand high temperatures.
  5. Aluminum appliances, cast iron.
  6. Crystal, earthenware and silver - only using a special program and detergents.

Thanks to our recommendations, you will restore the lost shine of the meat grinder if its parts have darkened after the PMM.

Is it possible to wash the meat grinder in the dishwasher?

The process of washing a manual or electric meat grinder is practically the same. First of all, the device is disassembled into parts, then the remaining food is removed and washed with warm water using cleaning products. Naturally, the body of the electrical unit, which contains the elements of the electrical circuit, is prohibited from being immersed in water. The removable parts of the meat grinder require careful cleaning, so in order to save time, many housewives put them in the dishwasher.

The result is very surprising: after several cleaning cycles, the surface of the parts becomes dull and covered with a black coating. This occurs due to oxidation of the metal used to make mechanical and electric meat grinders.

However, the problem is not only that the surface takes on an unsightly appearance. Experts say that continued use of the unit in this condition will lead to rapid food spoilage and food poisoning. Metal particles entering the human body provoke diseases of the upper respiratory tract, damage to the nervous system, and tend to accumulate in the bones. Why does this effect occur and what should the housewife do?


Never wash meat grinders in the dishwasher: neither mechanical nor electric. If you like home-made minced meat, then after cooking you will have to spend a few minutes washing the device to grind it. Stock up:

  • sponge;
  • soap and soda;
  • an old toothbrush;
  • a plastic bowl;
  • cotton towel;
  • canvas bag.

READ MORE: The washing machine does not take in water: reasons, troubleshooting Now start washing:

  1. Immediately after completing the work, disassemble the device, otherwise the oxidation process will start.
  2. Remove any remaining meat or other grinding product from knives and other parts. To do this, use a stiff kitchen brush.
  3. Rinse all elements with warm water. After lathering the sponge with regular soap that does not contain dyes or fragrances, rub the parts. You can sprinkle baking soda on the sponge or use an old toothbrush.
  4. Rinse the washed parts with warm water and then pour boiling water over them.
  5. Place in a plastic container - water should drain from the washed parts.
  6. When the water has drained, wipe all components with a cotton napkin and lay them out to dry. The drying surface must be clean and dry. Such actions prevent the appearance of rust.
  7. After assembling the meat grinder, place it in a canvas bag and place it in a dry place.

Cleaning the meat grinder using laundry soap

For a meat grinder and its accessories, as for any other type of utensil, sometimes soaking in a soapy solution may be enough. Heat regular tap water and sprinkle in a few drops of liquid soap or any cleaning product.

Liquid laundry soap has a universal scope of application. It can be used for hand washing and soaking clothes, and for washing floors. In addition, liquid soap does not corrode the skin and you can work with it without rubber gloves. In addition, the soap does not contain aggressive reagents and interacts well with all fragile surfaces without damaging the meat grinder or leaving scratches on its surface. Its formula does not react chemically with the aluminum body of the meat grinder and does not destroy the protective film.

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