Storing lard at home (in the refrigerator, freezer, in brine, in jars)

Lard is a fat of natural origin, in a solid state. Fatty tissue accumulates under the skin of an animal during its life, forming large layers. The body creates this kind of reserve of saturated nutrients (fatty acid residues) just in case. And only with insufficient nutrition does it begin to actively use it. This product is usually eaten not only fresh, but also salted, smoked, fried, boiled or stewed. And if it has streaks of meat, it's bacon, which has more nutritional value than just fat. Based on the frequent use of this product, the questions of how to properly store lard and how to choose a fresh product when purchasing are always relevant.

Which lard is better to choose?

The color of fresh lard is only white. If it is yellowish or has a beige tint, this indicates that the product is old or spoiled. An unpleasant, pungent odor is also an indicator of a low-quality product. The smell should be exclusively meaty and pleasant.

  • Good lard has a height of at least 4 cm.
  • Lard (the layer on the sides or back of the animal) is most suitable for salting. But many housewives also use lard from the abdominal part, since it has meat layers.
  • When purchasing, you should pay attention to the skin. A young animal's skin is thin and soft. Therefore, it can be easily cut or pierced with a knife.
  • High-quality lard must be clean, free of various stains and inclusions.

Useful tips

On a note:

  • Be sure to buy only very fresh lard, which should be white, soft and smell good.
  • Salting should be carried out in compliance with all rules and regulations.
  • If the dish is not stored in the refrigerator, then it must be stored in a cool and always dark room. You can store bacon in the cellar for quite a long time.
  • Lard is perfectly stored in linen bags, but only made from natural material. An excellent solution is linen or cotton.
  • In order not to spoil the taste and aroma of the dish, lard should be stored away from strong-smelling foods. If the bacon absorbs odors, it can be soaked in cold salted water and garlic.
  • If you start storing lard in the light, it will turn yellow and lose its unique taste.
  • After salting, before putting into the chamber, all the pieces need to be dried.



Under what conditions is lard stored?

Long-term storage of any type of lard should occur at a temperature that does not exceed +5°C -+7°C. It follows that it must be kept refrigerated or frozen.

Too low temperatures negatively affect the taste of the product. Therefore, lard should be stored in the freezer in moderate cold.

It is also possible to store lard in the cellar. But then it will be necessary to create good ventilation and the required level of humidity there.

The pieces are wrapped in food paper and placed in such a way that there is at least 5 cm between them. Lard can be stored in the cellar for no more than 6 - 7 months.

Calorie content

People get better from pork fat. That's what people say. If you think that the calorie content of lard is higher than vegetable oil, then you are mistaken.

  • Lard - 800 kcal.
  • Olive oil - 885 kcal.

Salads with olive or sunflower oil do not cause indignation among young girls, but they snort at the thought of bacon. By the way, sunflower oil contains 60 kcal more than salted lard. At the same time, there is no fiber in vegetable oil. The pure fat content in 100 grams of lard is much less than in the same amount of vegetable fat. So think logically: it’s better to eat 30 grams of bacon or a salad with olive oil dressing.

Another thing is that few people will swallow lard without bread. And bread is pure carbohydrates that are not always burned in time. You should eat animal fat in moderation. Fresh bacon contains many useful substances. So don’t be afraid and eat to your health, but remember in moderation.

Storage without refrigeration

You can store fresh lard without refrigeration for a very short time. After just 6 hours it will start to deteriorate. But if the bacon is in paper, it can be kept warm for up to two days.

If the product is smoked, its shelf life in warm parchment paper will be 7 - 10 days. And suspended in a ventilated attic - 2 - 3 months, subject to temperature conditions.


  1. You can prepare delicious dishes at home from raw lard. To do this, it is extremely important to choose a fresh product from the butchers.
  2. It is recommended to start salting, smoking or pickling without prior freezing or long-term storage in the refrigerator. This way the pulp will retain its taste and nutritional qualities, and the skin will not become rough.
  3. Ready-to-eat lard must be stored in the refrigerator at a temperature not exceeding 10 ° C, wrapping the portioned pieces in foil or parchment paper. This way it will be possible to preserve its natural smell, which is important when consumed.
  4. A long stay in a warm room for a ready-to-eat delicacy can completely deprive it of all its taste values, making it unsuitable even for frying.
  5. Dishes with pork lard will perfectly complement the diet, providing satiety and piquancy.

Store correctly and be healthy!

Storing fresh lard

Fresh lard begins to deteriorate at temperatures of +10°C and above within a few hours. Therefore, it is better not to store lard outside the refrigerator for a long time.

This product can remain on the refrigerator shelf without processing for more than five days. After this period, it must be processed or frozen. This will extend the shelf life to 3 – 4 months.

Storing lard in the freezer is the best solution. Immediately after purchase, it is frozen by cutting too large pieces into smaller pieces. The optimal storage temperature in the freezer is no more than -18°C.

Remember! Storage at very sub-zero temperatures negatively affects the taste of the product.

When plans include subsequent salting, the pieces of bacon are not cut completely (the skin is not cut) and frozen. Air will flow to the cut areas, which will ensure longer storage of the product.

Lard intended for snacks can be stored in finely chopped form. The pieces are then wrapped in cling film and placed in the freezer.

Re-freezing lard in any form is unacceptable. This will lead to loss of its taste and significantly reduce its shelf life.

  • Long-term storage of lard in the refrigerator is possible if it is in jars. The product must be cut into pieces of the required size, rubbed with salt and spices, and placed in dry jars. Storing lard in jars can last for several months if you place it in a cool place.
  • You can make a brine, which consists of boiled, cooled water, salt and spices (for 5 glasses of water, 1 glass of salt, bay leaf, black pepper, etc.). Storing lard in brine in a closed jar on a refrigerator shelf will last 1 year. You shouldn’t not add garlic to jars, and you should choose lard without any meat layers. With this method of storage they become too hard.

Does smoking help preserve lard?

The smoking method is close to me. It helps not only preserve delicacies, but also improve their taste. Smoked bacon is stored much longer than salted bacon in the refrigerator and even more so in the freezer. The preservation method is good for long exposure times. For high-quality smoking you need at least 8 hours. Do you want to know how long smoked lard lasts? Will keep in excellent condition in the refrigerator for up to a month. I do not recommend storing it longer. There is a high probability of intestinal infection.

In the freezer, smoked bacon can retain its quality for four to six months. It is better not to store more than three months, as the taste still deteriorates.

Storing salted lard

Dry salting is possible in any suitable container. These can be barrels, jars, pans, and when there is too much bacon - even boxes.

The pieces on each side are thoroughly rubbed with salt and various spices as desired. Lard tends to absorb only the amount of salt it needs. Therefore, you will not be able to over-salt this product. Salt can be used in large quantities without fear. This is an excellent natural preservative that significantly increases the shelf life of lard.

  • Long-term storage of salted lard is best done frozen, in cling film. It will keep in the freezer for about 12 months.
  • Salted lard, wrapped in canvas or parchment, can be stored in the cold for up to 3 months.

To prevent lard from “suffocating” (acquiring an unpleasant odor and losing its taste), it should not be kept in plastic bags.

Brine preparation technology

Pour salt with water. Boil the resulting solution with the addition of bay leaves, peas (pepper) and your favorite spices for lard.

Cool the brine. The lard, five to seven centimeters thick, is washed, dried and rubbed with garlic, placed in a container (skin side down). The container for this purpose can be a saucepan, an enamel basin or a simple three-liter jar.

Pour lard to the top with warm brine. When the brine has cooled completely, you need to place the container with lard in the cold. He needs to stay there for three days.

How to store smoked lard

The pieces are wrapped first in paper and then in cling film. Lard packaged in this way will keep in the refrigerator for about 2 months.

In cases where it is necessary to extend the shelf life of smoked lard, it is frozen. You can store smoked meats in the freezer for about a year.

Hot smoked bacon is much tastier than regular bacon, but without refrigeration it can be stored for no more than 2 weeks.

Cold smoked lard can be stored in places with low humidity, cool and with good ventilation. In the refrigerator, such a product will be suitable for consumption for 2 months.

The storage temperature of cold smoked lard should not be higher than -5°C. Subject to temperature conditions, a product salted in compliance with all standards can last up to 3 years.

In places with high levels of humidity, lard cannot be stored for a long time: it will quickly become covered with mold and become sticky.

Transportation of smoked meats

If you need to transport smoked lard over long distances, you can use the following methods:

The easiest way is to wrap each piece in wrapping paper. In such a container, the product will breathe and remain fresh even in hot weather for up to 3 days.

Cooler bag. Ideal for transportation. Thanks to special batteries, the cool temperature in the bag will allow you to deliver the product absolutely fresh.

Sealed metal containers and dry ice. This design makes it possible to transport products over long distances.

Finally about the benefits

Many people consider lard to be a fatty, excessively high-calorie product that should not be eaten. This opinion is erroneous, because pork fat contains a number of nutrients, mineral components, vitamins, including vitamin F, D, tocopherol and retinol. The product is enriched with fatty acids. It is the component composition that is responsible for the enormous benefits of pork fat in any form.

Despite the large amount of fat contained in bacon, the product is extremely beneficial for the cardiovascular system. Experts note an improvement in brain function as a result of consuming lard.

In addition, with the help of lard you can normalize cholesterol levels and prevent the development of atherosclerosis. And if you season such a treat with fresh garlic, the beneficial properties will double.

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